a A Reliable Truss. Before a Truss ecau give satisfaction it rnust be. ,pioperly made and clarefully fitted. We seli the best Truss that eau be found any where and have a priv- ate room for fittiug. For some years we have made a, specialty of Truss fittiug and we guarantee satisfaction. STOTT & JURY. i a 0 TfAT For over 20 years our Cough S3 rup has been used by the citizens of Bowrnuville and vicin- ity. Duriug that time doz- ens of different kinds have 'started up al around us but have dropped out af ter a shor-t Struggle., To-day, there is not a more popular Cough Rernedy to b e found any -where in Canada. It is pleasant to take. It is -put up in large botties. It sols, for onuly 25c. It cures. STOTI & J URY. GRpNý VRUNK RAJLWAY. BOWMAS1VILLE STATIOS. (joINO EÂST. GOING WEST. Ey jress .... 831 a. m. 1 *Express ... 5-28 a. in *Jxrs..10 17ea. m. 1 Local ...8 18 >Bq~snger... 3 32 p.m. 1 Passenger- 1 35 p. m, j161..... 651 P.M. Express.. . 7 39 .- sIl. 103 STOTT & JuRx. Town Agents BOWMÂNVILLE, OCT. 4, 1899. Nicholîs selîs cheap. Nichoîls selîs Stove Mica 2c a sheet. Ail work guaranbeed'by Jas. Goard. Dr. J. S. Somers, Toronto, is vsiting Lis father. Miss INellie 1 ohnston is guest of Mrs. Wm. Giddy, Port Hope. Ail unies of Furniture will be sold ut cost for next blrce weeks at L. Morris'. Miss Ada Lingard, Port Hope, has reburned home ufber visitiltg friends liere. Mr. Normun Jennings bas returned] to Oshawa baving recovcred from typhcid fever. A fine r ce f new wrup shuwls and traivelingIijï-uÏs at Couch, Johnston & Mr. Garnet Trewiu and ,Mr. Geo. Gilfi Ilan have gone to the Dental Col- legne at Toronto. Bring lu your furs for ultering and rprbg, to M. Muy&'i, The Practical FureBowmunvilie. MUr. W. 11.llorse.y, ex-chef of Police, Kingston, was guest of his brother Mr. W. M4, Hlorsey, iust week. Nom, is the time for aurra Ciocks. As theimorings are dark, Rickard lias the Cloek to suit yon lu prîce and quai- ity boili. Ti STÂ&TESMAN wtll be sent'to uny &onafide >uew suoscriber to the en] of th p Sntury for$LQ hle balan.ce of 188ýf9 for 25C. Messrs. Brooks and Lungmaid brought home 6 red -and 4 hlue tickets as a resuit cf their vlsit to Lindsay Fuir with their Cotswold ebeep A Lady's Watch, Gold Filled and guarunteed by the manufacturers to' wear ben vears, sold ln Toronto for $12. W0. Now xours ut Rickards for $7,00. A 1 ime keepers and only a limited ulumber on baud. Self Culture, Magazine for October coutaime illustrated articles on"Twenty- lve Years of Johiis Hopkins Univers- lty;" "lu Love's Dear Tbral;-" "«The Oid Missions of California; "and "'Chat- tanooga and Chickamauga." Send for eample copy to Akron. Ohio, M r.C.11 Riches, Solicitor for Patents, ïYIoronto, in bis list of inventors te irw~hom patents bas been granbed, gives "Mcssrs. Maynard and Fredrick, Camp- beliford, for cYcle p)ropelling mechun Ssm.Il Mr. Cecil Mavnard is the ldest Zon ef Mj. John Muvuard, jeweller, forîi.srly of Boýwmanviile, and bis maux' iriends luin town cengratulate hlm on the ucs acbieved afber faibbful persev erance iu perfecting sncb an ex-. cecdingiy usefuil invention for bicycles. Don't fuil te rond insi de p ages. Nicholis selîs Steve pipe Varnieli ut Nicholîs wîll seli Quickshine 7c. on, Saturday. It's a winncr, Nicholîs' big 5c. bar cf Soap. Get ycur lanterns,cuudles,etc. of Jas. Gourd. Send your werk to Jas.Goard,Watcb- maker and Jewelier. Mus. W. J. Todgbam is visiting friends ut Lcamingbon. Mrs. W. Dingman is visiting bier brcotber lu Detroit, Midi. Mrs. Thos. Binglium is visiing relut- ives ut Mrslialltown, Iowa. Miss Idu Weod, Exeter, 15 guest cf ber cousin Mrs . A. W. Foley. RevD.P.Oswald, Janebvîlle, preacli- cd in St. Puul's churci, Sunduy. Mr. Bort Joblin, Oshuwa, was guest cf Mr. Fred Maubyn over Suuday. Spring and Sbuffcd Mubresses very cheup before moving, ut L. Morris'. -Miss Lawes, Cobourg', is ussisting Mr. Geo. P. Freeiand, Pliobographer. -Miss Florence Tilles' was gucst cf Mrs. J. D. McKay, Peterboro, lasb weok. Rev. J. H. Turnulnl. M. A: preacbed anniversarv sermons ut Bllyduif, Sun- day. Mr. Albert Tait is spendiuz b is vaca- tion lu Detroit, aud cîber cibles lu bbc West.- Mr. Pbilip Murbyn and son cf Prince Albert are vlsiting bis brother Mr.J. Marbyn.f Miss Addie McDowcll rccibed ut bbc annivcrsary services ut Builyduif, Mon-1 day evcn!ing_.1 Miss Murray bas nturned frem-T isit- ing frieuds ut Owen Sound und othier Western Points. - .11 Save your money by buving Furni- lune now ut L, Morris' before movin-gi across bbc street. Mr. W. H. Davis and wife,' London, Ont , are guests cf bis sister, Mrs.Gcor. H. Bickcll, Duke St. Mu.r and Mus. J.- C. Vunstone and Miss May Vaustcue are -isiting, relat- ives in Detroit, Midi. Ifunr pnices suit vou,tell vour fricnds, If ~ ~ 1 _ie oiyt el s u mcucy buc if ycu wanb lb ut Nicholîs'. The Mchodist Ladies Aid social was withdrawn lasb Tuesduy'eveniug on ac- count cf bbc hcavy rain. Mr. W. R. Kuigbb broniglt beme 18 first pize tickets and 7 seconds on bis poultry ut Lindsay Fuir. Mrs. John Osborne and Mus. F. A. Rotin and bwe chidren are visitiug Mn. 1Iuunk Osborne, Chicago, 111. .The lubest songs. 10c. Send for cat- alogue. Instrumental and vocal music alwuvs lu scock.-Jas. Gourd. Mus. D. B. Simpson wus in Toonto lusI wcek atcudiug aces uttbbcWood- bine, guest cf Mrs. W9. R. Riddell. Ladies and Misses Coats in bbc vers' latest styles bobli German and Canudian' jnst recccvcd ut Ccucb, Johuston & Crydeumun 's - Mr. und Mrs. J. H. Crydermun and Masters Lawry and Fred aic visiiug is brother, Dr. Fred W. Crydermun, Detroit, Midi. Tic Gem Wirc Pence is bbc besb Funm fonce known. Before putting np feuce culou Peter Murdoci (Express Office) and get prices-., SA large stock cf feit bats Christios and Fedoras, must he sold, 50 comne and get a bargaîn. I aun selling bbem ut gncutly reduced prices. Tait & Co make photos for 25c. peu dczen and ut al cuber prices nsuully paid for bbc besb finisbed photos ut their studio, Market Square, Bowmanville. 89-tf. Allen Brcs.. Newcastle, curried off 5 firsts, 4 seconds and 1 third on Leicester sheep, 2nd cn long wcoled sheep ami a second on Plymouth rocks ut Lindsay Fuir. M.A.James, Bowmaniville, Is Goveun- mieut Issuer cf Marriage Licenses for bbc Couutv cf Durham, during business heurs ut office, ut bis residence Centre- st., ut night. Mr. H1. T. Smale, cf Sac. City, Iowa, who bas been visiting bis parents and other fiends ut Providence and viiuity for some wecks bas rebnrned to bis home in bbc Wcsb Coucli, Jobuston & Crydermun are showng a fine isteck of new ýtweeds, serges, worsbeds and ovcrcouings. Now is bbc lime te leave your erder for a winter suit on overcoat. A hy-law to nise bbc sum cof $7000, for bbc purpose cof extcnding and, comn- pleting bbe incandescent electric liglit system cf bbc vill'ige cf Campbellford, wiil be voted upon Oct. 18th. Riekurdi's is heudquarters for Rogers 1847 knives, forks and spocus. A large consigment purebase for cash befca-p e cprices-..wcre raised. Yen have tbc chance te reap bbe henefit if cock, secrctarT and Mr. Fred. M, Dickinson>,'eacher, wie arc ieaving bbc scbool wenc pucsenbed by Mu- L. T. Courbice, supenlubeudeut, 'thc fourner wibb a crystai fruit dish set lu silver and bbc laten wiîb a silver handled pearl paper kuife us a slight necegnitien cf faiful seuvi n connectiýon wibb bbc seu.The nemuuridencf bbieceniiig was pieasantly speut lu music and social WILLIAM.-In BowmanvilîeI Sept. 29, tbe wif e uf Mr. Levi Williams, uf a daughier. PiPER.-Iu Bowmanville, Sept. 2lsi, the wlf e of Mr. Nelsui' Piper, ut a son. KN'îee'.-Iu Cedar Bale, Sept. 16. thec wife cf Palmer Kuighl, ut a son. Taîcx.-In Haydon, Oct. 1sf, the wlfe of Mr. Jas. Trick, of a sun. WALTER.-Iu Orono, Sept, 25, the wife uf Mr., Wmn. Walter, of a dangliter. MARRIEO. BRIa'ACOMBE-HAL'L.-At the Firsl M. E. Church, Marion, Ind., S-ept. 27, by Rex. H. A. Davis, Dr. John W. Brimacombe, and Miss Mariç,H. Hall, botb of that cily. OWEN s-MCLA7O HLIN ý-At the residence of tbe bride's f ather, Oshawa, by 11ev. James Hodges,1 B. A, oit Sept. 27, Mr. John Pumeroy Owens outhbecWestern tBank and ýElizabetL, youngest daugliler ut Mr. Ro'hert McLauglin, t'resideul of the MeLaughliu Carniage Co. SH1ARtP POTTeIt.-At the pareonage, Oshawa, on Sept. 27, by 11ev. J. P. Wilson,1 Olis Allen Sbarp, Coiborne, aud Leta Estella, unly daught- er ut Dr. L. Potter ut Bowmauville. CoR'ZISIIAap.NIUS.-Iul Oronq, Sept. 21, by 11ev.- J A. McKeeu, B. A., Mfr, Geo. Curnieli, Manitobia, and Ethel, yuugest daughter of Mr. F. L. Audrue. ALLEN-MOOHE.-At Peterboro, dept. 27, by 11ev. Dr. Torranca, Sîr. W. L. Allen, Cobourg, and ses Ethel C. Mtoore, daughier uf W. H. Mioore, Esq., barrisier, Peter boroy. Moora ilEAcociý-t. t he residence ofthbe brides tber, by 11ev. E. E. Hue 'ard, Sept. >27, Mfr. Johnx Moore of Opa and Miss E1. M., eider daughber uf W.J. Beacock, Rsq., ot Cartwright. DI ED. MAitxiNAt'the- Geucral Hlospitail, Guelph, ut pnemoieRoer 51 rteec.,aged Ilyu-ars, n ative ut Penpont. Dunilii eshîireý, Seoiand. Hoy-In Keud a., Septý 24, MryAlicee wal, beloved. wife utf5Mr. Thos. Hoy, aged 24 yuai 8 and 6 munîliS. HIALL-Tul Oshawa, Oct. 2nd, William F-alls aged 80 years. .luîerred ai Hampon. Ia'cr.aS-Iu Oarlingbon, Sept. 24, Kaiberîne Ingles, ilulber 841h year. Follow the crowd, go to Nichlohs'. Nichoils will sell Pearline at 4c. Saturday. Nicholîs will seli Giilet's Lyp at 9c. Saburdav. Everyone made heartily weicome at Nicholis'. M. A. Jam es is Governiment issuer of Marriage Licenses. Get your scliocl supplies at Jas.Gourd, Stablouer and Jeweller. Great rcduction in prices of al hues of chairs at L. Morris' before moving. Cash paid for good sound pears and apples, etc. at Murdocb's, Express Office. Watches, dlocks, jcweiery, spectacles, rings, etc., rcpaired by Jas.Goard,Jew- eller. Mr. Richard Westuway, Port Hope, was guest of Mr. J. Westaway last week. Miss Ida Cairns, Ontario Ladies Col- log-e, Whilby. was guest of Miss Ena Trebilcock over Sunday. Mrs. Dîngman is selling the labest bat-Rongli Rider. Be up-to-date and buy this.pretty and sbylishbat. Ladies' Costume Ciotbs in.several qualities and lu aIl colors just opened ont at Coucb, Johnstou & Cryderman'ý.. One more chance, Mr. Geo. Freeland wiil ag-ain make his Midget Photos for 25e a dozen, Satnrday, Oct. 13h. Dou't Miss ilb You can purcbase at present, Sterling Silver Tea spoonq from T N. Rîckard for what some of y ou paid per dozen for y unr Plabed unes, A loveiy assertment cf new black dress goods frcointhc cheapest up bo bbc dut-st goods imuported, unýt received ai Coîîch Johuston & (Cryderman's. M. Mayer bas the stock in, Furs, Gents' furnishiags. bats and caps. The prices are' right. No trouble te show goods. Higliest price pald f or ruw furs. Mr. W. F. Allen, Mis s Allen, Mrs.' R. Cruickshank,, Misses Mara-arebe Allen, Miss Carrne Allen attcnded bbc wedding of Mr. W. L. Allen and Miss Moore at Peberboro last weelt. Reader, if y ou know cf anyone lu Canada who intcnds crossing the Atlan- tic, recommeud bhcmn to inquire of M.A. James for rates. 1e dues the stczîmsbip9 business cf this district and represents bbc best linoes. Mr. Frank Trebilcock bas resumcd sbudy at Trinity Medicul College, To- ronto. 11e spent Sunduy ut home. Vacation hlas been spent utthbe Sanitar- ium, Gravenbnrst, as assistant Medical superintendeut. A union service cf bbc Presbvterian, Congregabional, Disciples and Mcthod ist conguegations was beld in the schô- ol room cf bbc Mebbcdist churcli on Thursday evening wbon Rev. Thois. Galloway, Uxbaidge, gave an addrcss ou n"Individualism." The speaker quot- cd a number of bbc leadinig inventors cf the worid witb a short sketch cf their lives showing bbc individualism cof ecd that bud bronght thcm 50 prominently before bbc wcrld. Revs. Turubuil, Harding, Jolliffe and Rae took part in devotional service:. A ToRoNno CONRACrOP.-'Mr. J.J. Markie, 1257 Lansdowne Ave., bbc wýell knc wn bridge contractor, was curcd by Milbnrn's Rhenmatic Pilîs cf a sevene abback cf Rbcumabism., whicb laid bim up te bcd for wecks. The Late Robert martîn. One cf bbc oldesb residents cf Guelphi, lu t-be perscn cf Mr. Robb. Martin, su., passed awuv Sept. 27bh ut bhe Gencral Hospital. The cld gentleman was in bis 91st year. and was spparently hale and heartyA riglt un te, wlthin a day cf bis deabli. On Sùndny lie went te cbnrch bwice, a itlbwas tbougbt caunglt a bad ccd then, as lb wus nain- îng. 11e was uround cn Monday as usual, however, but cn Tuesdav' ywas taken 111 and wus rcmoved te bbc bos- pital,wbcre ho died on the foliowing day. Tbe lute Mr Martin bad residcd continucusly lu Guelphi since J une, 1837. H1e was borît lu Peupout, Dum- frieshire,' Scctlund, on Deccmber 18. 1808, and came frcm tbat place te Guelph, wbere ho engaged lu business as a merchaîîî tuiler. Some yeurs ugo lie reired and recentiv lie bas been liv- ing with bis son, David, ut bbc Weiling- ted ilotel, Guelphi. lu religion Mr. Martin wasu Preshyterian, and a mcm- ber cf Knox churcli, Guelphi. He was present ut and ussisted lu bbc laying cf the corner stene cf thut cburcb in 1844, and liad lu bis possession bbc bottle and contents thut werc deposibcd thenein ut tblat ime- H1e leaves five sons and one, daugliter, Mrs. Geo. Laing of Bowman- ville wbo witb bier daugliber, Miss J essie Luing, uttended bbc fnnerul on Friday. Notices of Births, -marriage's and Deathe 50 cents:* whea murriage licen ses are obtained or funerai notices prlnted ut, thls office, insertion free. of Higyh an4 Publie Sehool Tfext Books. AUCTION SALE. TrH-URSDAY, Oct. 12,-Mr. Wm. T. 9ke, lot 134, con 4, Darliggton, wiil selr by auction ail of his farmn stock, impli. inents, etc. Sale at 1 o'clock sharp. JA3sEs Bîsnioi, auctioneer. TuESDAY, Oct. i 7,-Mr James Bellamy, lot 20, con 1, Darlington, will seil a valuable lot of farmi stock, impliments etc., bv auction. Sale at 1 o'clock. L. A.W. ToLE, auctioneer. THuI1sDÂY, Oct. 26,-Mr. Chas. Rose, lot 14, con 4, Darlington' will seli by auction ail of his farm stock, impli- menîs, etc. Sale at 1 o'clock. L. A. W. ToLs, auctioneer. NEW AUC¶'1ONEEP. JAMES BISauOP, licelised auctioneer, will con- duel sales in West Dlurbam tbis ses.son at lowest rates. Appiy for terms, dates, etc., at JoHN RUaNtE '5-arness Shop, King St. E., Bowmnan- ville. WT ANTED - Immediatelv, general VYservant to go to Torénto. Small f amily. ApplYý to MaIs. JAmES REID, Ontario St., Bow- Manville., TTOUSE TO RENT,-On Wellington L..Lt, four bedrooms. Stable attached to dwelling. Cheap rent. Apply at once to THos. V.ALE, Liberty St., Bowmauviile, 38 tf, 3ELT LOST.-On Friday evening in ...ging lu or at or retlring from Towri 1Hall, &aredribbon belt. witb.. enamel cout of arms buekle. Fluder please return,10 Mais. D. B. SIMPSON'. Hl OUSE FOR SALE OR TO REN T- Brick bouse on Liberty street, containing 8 roome. Rard and soit water. Good stabliiîg, large orebard ivith 2 or 6 acres of, land lu suit purchaser. APply at once t Lava MORRISbox IRST CLASS FARM TO RENT OR 12on shares. -A fte ass farmi about S0 acres, lot 18, cou. 7, Damangton, On easy termas. for 5 or 10 yecars. good soil, gooui buildingsover 100 fruit bearing trees; teualit to live ou farma. Aply, at once . ALBERtT HâiqiA , Traveller, Belle vi ie 37 tf. Pi ARM FOR SALE OR RENT.-81 AL acres being S. W. corner lot 17, con. 1, Dar- litogton, mile west of Bowmanvilie on Kings ion road. Plowiog possessiou immediately , f ull possessi.)n April 1, 1900. For furtber p&rticul- ars aPPlY tb JOHN -WORDEN Or CoOREIUSe OS- BORNE, Executors, 13owmanville. 38 If, 25 Experienced and 25 Inexoerienced OPEHATORS ON WHITEWEAR Blouses and wrappers on new high speed machines, fligheht wages paid. We -Uarantee to teftce and offer spacial in- ~ucements to beeinners. CALE MPG CO, Mincing Lane, lorontlo. 8-w F. AIJGR L. D S, D. D S. BOWMANVILLE. Dental Office in the, Rooms aboyt, ii. D. WILLIAMS3 SO~N'S FtrfiIure 810re ,20 WiiI he at Orono from 9 a. m. to 2 p mr., and at Newcastle front 2.30 un- tii 7 p).nm., on the second and fourth Mondays or each Month. Gold plates, Crown and Bridge work anid Painless extraction aresecats CON'CERT ENGAGEMENTS. Tioe Rarmony Maie Quartette of Bownanile JAMES GýOARD. Skwo114Tior LH. J. NIGE-T, Fi ï st Bass. T. E. 111GGINBOTHAM, 2nd Bass. Add('ress al (orreqPondence to JAImEas GORBusiness Manager, Lockz Box Notice to Creditors. Re Est ate of THOMAS JEWELL, deceased. EAl partie,h avingedaims against tbe above Reateae requasted te, mail or deliver samie to to the undersigned or lu T. C. Jewell, on or before Nov. let , 1899. aud any pereon or persous wbo may be iudebted to the Estata are request. cd lu caIl aud settlb' ou or before the datca above meutioucîlafter whjcb unsettled accounts will be placeed in Court for collection, -WM. CANN, Executor. Bomauvillc, Sept. 25tb, 1899. 19.w. GRATEFUL ÇOMFORTING Distinguished everywhere for delicacy of flavor sup-. eri or quality and'nu-. tritive properties. Spec- lally grateful and comfor- tiîng to the- nervous and We Invite You To Inspeet Our Displa'y of The Iargest and nost select assort-ment ever showniu Bowrnanville, ail new. No old Coats in stock. A choice display of high-class materials, été better values foi quality caunot be Co# procured. ~ BOW~ANVILE. Nxt door to Staindard Baýnk. IYARBLE ÀAND GRANITE WORK,5 BO0W M AN V 1LL E. in best oracles of matetrial. Cali and getlrny prices. I amn sûrerny work -will please you. You know a good thiug wheu you see it, call, and take a look. A large quautity of WALL PAPEPL bought very cheap. You will get the beniefit. Pretty patterns- for ail rooms, from .5c per roll. The best aundrnost takiugp designs lu School Supplies of ail kinds. Suaps in'Scrib- blers, Exercise B3ooks, Etc. New and funllue of Stationery. See rny Queen box at 15c. Fine Floral at 15c. Note paper, per quire, 5c. Envelopes, 5c per package. Better quality at 10c an-c 15c. Complete stockof Fancy Goods, Books, Novelties, &c. POTre bil îCo0Ck. BowmANviLLE, JOHN HELLYAR, Sale Local Agen t. This, Store's, 0, Poplarty..0 to tevrion a have so :any people responded 0 ýe iviatin sntthem.' Last week we asked al Svisiting the fair t make ustrthi home and judging from the number of people who favored us Swith their presence we feel that cur request w as Sgranted. Al day our China Departmnent was throng-, ed and g'reatly admired _by ail. Thtis is a new de- Spartment and like ail other branches of our ever gain-, Sing trade, we mean to have it Up to date. New goods are arriving daily, the prices will surprise you.. See our fancy Toilet Sets at $1.50. Bring us your Butter, Eggs, and ahl farm produce, - Swe pay cash for same. The Popular Grocers. Telephone No. 65.