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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Oct 1899, p. 3

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ýSkl leadacha sumah( e i tetroubles ilad. deut te a bl i:ea e te ff te î yteiu, snc as Vizziuess, i: uc, " à ' 1)istress afler cating. Pain in * 0 I, e.Wblcieir moat 3Iemanlîable sc- ih YUo oxnin curiLg ~eadche yu Cai r' L~tl Li~î,Piiig aro eqllyvlabel Cn aijoringsud pre. Veutug hu'aun~ rxpliutxi ile they aise ,Correct alidisorere Le uouah,timniate the liver ad e",îi a.a , veniftlieyonly cured / Aehethey wonillbcalinoitp-icelessto thas. who ~nfrfrein ibis (i trýýssug Coniiamin; butfants. ~< itithirgooduesjo (suoten(li2re,andtiiose e Sihoonce try thaenam'illfdihese litho pills valti- ?able iu se mauy way, sitlly wili nul be wiI. Ulns ta do wilt1h m Ua aler asickb)ea4 la te Laa a se u-oy I"'it"here!i niiere 'Wamakeor greallica-t. iCsr plUscure iwhila ethers do n i. Cariar's Lhl.o L, PIMf"' "ni-ry mal sud vremyeaytkIeaL. . o-i to îi-sieiaLea dose. ,bhey are stincly v,ectnXi aiddo net gripa or perga, butotlieir "e-'le acion pl e-ae al sha use ther. lu vialsa, 25cna: fl-v o or $I. Sold lydreggiats 'avry'vi hee or saut by mai). CARTER II'ED'C!iE CO, New Veite S,,ave il te Bab"les* Thousands of them die every sum- nier who could bo Saved by the timely use of Dr. Fowler's Ext. of Wiid Strawberry. Thora 'is not a mather .wba loves bar infant but shonid keep ou baud dur- - n g tue bot weatber a S bottle af Dr. Fowler's Extract oi Wild Straw- ' " ~ There is fia rernedy sa safe sud sa effective for ,the diarboea of infants, sud noue bas the cudor- satian of sa rnany Cana- "dian mothers wba have roved its mreits, aud therefore spaak ~vith confidence. One of these is IMrs. Qter Jones, Wark-wortb, Ont., wha esys: 'Icaa give Dr. Fowler's Extract ai Wild - trawbcrry great praise, for it saved my baby's lufe. She 'sas cutîing har tceth and was taken with diarrlîoa very bad. MY siter a dmea t'aget Dr. Fowlcr's Extract of Wild Strawberry. 1 got a bottle and it cured tbe baby almost at ýinde." Farmcrs. Longboursoai ard, neyer. encdiug work makes Kidney Trouble a coruron corn- -plaint ou bbc fammn. Pain- fnl, weak or lame baclcs and Urnary Disordere are oa frequet. MDAT'S KIDNEY HILLS help a fariner ta work sud keepiseat -take the acheau ain ont ai bis back and give hum brngh nd vigar. Mr. Isaiah Willrnot, a retircd*fariner living at 138 Elizabeth St. , Barrie, Ont., -said: i "I1 bave been a sufferer with kidney trouble -ind pain in the smnai of my back, sud Iu bth sides. I also had a great deal af neuraigia pain -in mv temples, aud was subject tu dizzy spelîs. "liait tireil sud woru out mort of the timo. "Since takiug Doan'as idney Pilla, I have lad se pain either lu my back or rides, The bava rmroved the neuralgiapais from rmybead ,a1so the tired feeling. "I1 feel at least ton v sars yuninger and ean aonîy Say that Doau'as idney PUill are the Most remarkabie kidney cure, sud lu addition are 'thse best toula 1 ever Souk." Lai.--LiverP seuru Constipation2. WtHELIEU & ONTARIO NAVIATION 1 G4OfMPANY0Sý SEmi-w-EEKLv SaavicaL-S"teamners lava Hami- ilton noon, Toroîîto .0o0 p. m., Monolsys sud T1hursdays. eaaling at Dalingtau, (Port af Eow- nuanvilie,) 9.30 pm, Leave Momtreal snd Toronto and iHamilton idondays sud Thnsdays, eslEiug t Dalington, 6.00 pur. day following their dr- pantumo but ana. DÂn.v:-Steamers fnom Toronto 2.30 pm. Canuectian je mode at INontreal witb steamers er Quebee sud the fin f mmed Saguenay. Fan tickets sud informa tion. apply ta: J. Me- 'CLELLÂII, Boremaîsi-villa, Omt., C. F. Gîsuse- .sLEEVE, Genral. Manager,, G. A. IlaOWNE, Traffie Mamnager. Genenai offices, 228 St. Paul Street, Montreal, Que.1i BOWMAN VILLE, OCT. 11, 1899. Loc al and Otherwise.ý If yau would ho weil sud stroug take Miller's Comnpouud Iran Pilîs. Steerago'ate ta EuroDe $20 50 by Beaver ino-M. A. James, Agent. Mrs. E. Murtan, Cbicag'o, bas been ~uest af Mra. S. S. Edsall, Concession, Hlood's Pilîs are non-irritaing and the auly cathar tic 50 take wtbh Iood'î Sarsaparilla. ThLe receipts at Newmarket faim bbîs year w-ll exoeed tbc exponditume by unearly $1000. '-Take tirne by the foreiock." If youî bîoad is ont of order, beglu takiug Hood's Sarsaparlîla at once sýud proveni serions ilînesa. Mrs. Crosher sud Mm. Ernest Crosher New York,' bave been visiting Miss Fathergili, Newcastle, That timed, lauguid feeling snd duil beadache la ver-a disagmeeable. Take 5w-o of Carter's Littie Liver Pilla hofore retiinug, sud xvon will flnd relief. Tbey nover faau to do good. -Duing' the montb ai September Mm. A. XV. (manger, the -G. T. R. agent, Mamkburn, sald 2780 pasacug-er tickets. To ges relief froin indigeation,bîlious- nesa, constipation or topid liver iithout distarbing' the stornacb or pnrgiug tee bowels, take a le-w doses of Carter'i Little ILiver Pilla, they xii please sou, - Mr. S. Hunter the papular carboaniat af the Toronto World sud wife returu- ot borne aiter spending 5w-o montbs aI tbeir summer cottage at McCrackin's laudîug, near Millbroak,, Do ual deapair ai curing your sick beadacho w-bon von cen so eaily aobtalu Carter'a Litîle Livem Pills. Tbey w-i effect a prompt sud permanent cure. Their action is nîild sud natumal. SMrs. Sbortt. widow- ol bbe labo Jona- than Shortt, D D., w-ho for tbirty years w-sa rector ai St John's chnrcb, Port lape, died frain the effecta ai a stroke ai paralysis at the resideuce of lber daugbber, Mrs. Willoughby Cummings. "A HEART AS STUIIDY AS AN'OAX. " But w-bat about the blood w-icb the heart mus pump at the rate ai 70 limes a minuate ? Itho beart la la o sturdy aud the noerves stroug this blood muas ho ricb sud pure. Hood a Sarsaparilla mnakes slurdy hearta hecanse it makes goad bîood. It gives ta mou sud w-amen sîreugîb, confidence, courage sud oudurance. Mr. Geo. Pýuherford sund w-île, su aged.couple rosidiug ou the lais con- cession ai Ernily , w-eme stmnck bY a train aI Reaboro the latter beiugý instautly killed, sud the former surviviug but a few minutes. THE OPîICIsAZL.-Tliere la ouly one rernedy knowu thal bas a combined action ou the kiduo vsansd liver sud cures the mast complicated aliments ai those delicate filterîug organs, sud thal la Dr. 'Cbase's Kidney-Liver Pilla, the original kidue "v pill. This world fam ans kiduey sud liver cure bas an onorm- ans sale lu aIl parts ai Canada sud the United States. Thse story ila bofa a colred preacis- or w-ho wauted ta deliver a stating sermon. Ho bad heard af seusaial methoda sund determîned ta give bis cangrogation a surprise. A sasîl boy w-as lakenl into bis confidence as a cau- foderate andl statioued on the roof juat above the pulpit. lu bbe boy'a keeping was entruated a pigeon, whicb w-as ta ho ]lo bse lu tbe cbnrcb froru a canyon- lent bale aI the praper moment. The churci w-as packed, sud tbe preacher baving stormed denauncement, raîsed bia vaice aud criod. And the Haly Gbast desceuded lu the forin ai dove, " but no dove appeared. Ile repeated the sentence. 5h11 no dove, At the Ihird outery a black face appoared at the hale in bbe roof aud bbc query came: Pa'son, a cat's doue eat up the Haly Gbost. But l'se goS the caS shahl I Ira hlm dow-n?. WHNA MAS AND WastAr---Are married, romance cesses sud hisbary begins. WbQn yon gzet Catarisozone sud use il vour Catarir. Branchibis, Asîbrua or IIay Fever disappears, sud healtis begins. Catsrhozoue w-lU cure -absolubely cure-Catarris. There la no danger or isk lnunsing this pleasaus sud effective reuiody. Il curps by bbc inhalatian ai medicabed air, wisich la sent b; bbhe air you breathe t- bbc min- utesl celîs sud passages af bbe lunga sud branchial tuibes. Il cures because lb canat lai) ta reacis bbc right spot. You breathe, it doos bbe reat. 81.0ou t ail dmnggiýabs, or direct by mail. Send 10c. lu stamps for sampIe!oübflt-bo N. C. PaLS0N & CO , Manuuaturiug cbemists, Kingston, Ont. Newspspers wibi big circulation like E STÂTESMAN wben cousidered'from au advemtisiug staudpaint, bave evcry tiinl their favor Tbey reach tbe hanses witb a frequency that cammeuda iiself as a shiniug virtue Sa the man w-ho bas sameýtbing ta seIl. Moreover, sncb a lavante uewspsper canuot ho supplanbed in the hearîs oalita canatitu- enta by' vaux other sort ai publicatiau, wbicb maliures il a iDeminey ai circul- ation Sial caninaI ho dnpliciated. ITCiHNG Pi fEs-Falsc m odesby causes miany people ta endure iu silence bbc greabest misery imaginable main itcb- ing- piles. One application af Dr. -A. W. Cbaae's Olulmenit wiIl soothe sud case tise izcing-. onehaix will complote- ly cure bbc w-oral case ait bliud, ibcing, INY ABLETS A 18 is iy Lr 9 Everymail suds evidence ta tise lad ttisaI Dm. Pîtcbor's Backacbe Kidney LTablais set on diffament liues from other îmedirines, pnoduiug qnick sud per 1manant cures f nom Bsckacbe sud Kidn'ey Troubles. Tbey are a revois- lion tao sufferers from Kiduney complaint sud bring conviction ai menit because ai tise qnick iralifgained ln unexpacted cases. Tise Backscbinz Kiduay sufer- ar nl.y doniss 511cw-aIs hbefare using. for a few- doses imparîs a sensation af relief Shah lortelîs tise storY ai cure, Il did not alie-John S. Rundie, dealer lu carniages sud baruess, Bow-nauville. long 10 fiud tisis ont. Il w-as accorn piisised witb ane bothia ai Dr. Pibcber's Bacisacisa Kidney Tablets, sud Ibis is is lus report,- "I1 bave beau botisered for tise pat tw-entv yaars mare or bass, wils liver sud kidney troubla, bagether with cou- sipabion. I tried mauy otiser prapar- allong w-icis alw-ays upsat my stomacis and did me no good. I pm-cred a, hbIle af Dr. Pitcber's Backacbe Kidneyv Tablels fromu Stot: & Jury, sud eau' tru thfully say tbey bava doue me s greac deal af, good. Tbev do nioS distresa my abotmaclisor lu auv w-aylu- canvonience me. Tisey are gautie, sale aud sure lu action, I bake pleasure lu recammending thein ta atisers. " Dr. Pitcber's Backacise Kiduey TablaIs are put up la woodeu hatîles wils green w-apper heariug the portrait aud sigîliture ai Z Pitcher, M. D. Each baIlle contains 50 Tablais, price ü0 cents per bottie. Manuiactnred by tise Pibeber Tablet Ca,, Toronto. HoW te Stop, Worryisg. Suppose yan -ra ta go Into a crpteydark maous, wishiug it te, ha iigbr. I ow- w-ald yen sot about tise womk? Wonld. yen ry 5cm scoop the darnesa up iu buekets aud carry 15 ont aStishe door? Not at ail. Yeon would just open tise windows- su-d abattons sud lot ilutisa blessed sun- lighst. Yon w-onld replace th1e dark- nos with< 11gbt. ho it la wils war- ry. The onîy passible w-ay ta get nid of it lasut replace 1the w-amy attitudei ai mind with the un-warry attitude. And tiis enau 5lWavs 1e douewba tise persan is simcoro sud patient ru bis desire te, bring -it about. Ail lie bas to, do la tu be passive sud lot nature bave ber w-n perfect w-ay with hins. 1Surî,ris.d T1,i.m SiarmmoLiveol. TImen ils a littie girl who la irapid- ly 'causing ber father's bain 'ta as- sunme 511e colon uf 5the dnivon snaw. Thse0111cr day she, Ioaked up ethilm iran. betwéee bis kucos and asked: "Papa, w-as it a 'visa persan \vbo said 'thse goad die Young?' "Yes," said th1e uusing mani, guless au" "Weil," se xvoul ou, ,,tor tisink- iug it over for same limin not 50 mlueS snrprised aloin ou, but I da' se bow a ama evar mausged ta goS gruwed ur."ý New,, Street Car sysicrn. A uew- streot car systern is pos- sible. l'or three ulosithas reet cama have beau mon fom fourtoon miles an ra road kuasai as tise fiatto surface- contact sî s tonsand il ha givaun no difficuîty. The -car gets au impulse evu,,ry low feet as it strikas,- a contact ,,aint udmeni. Tise cauýnection bet-weeu 5the car sdmator la hy a muguetized br ud SPacial 5w-unis. Tise car carrnes fthint ý -six passengers. Elecîniciaus ure w atLcbîng tise opera- tien of tisis road. Carriage orflihi..a Tea. Mucisai tia ah-iich cames frm Cina ta EJurope cameès semois tise Stof-ppes aof-i Si(,ria 1hy caravane sai slcdgesaififtetaSoveuty. Ba Ch sledgo carrnes Ilva halos ai tea packs- cd in cow- skin, anid la dra-wr by ana isarse, but five or szi x sladges, are tied tagatisan and directe-d by anc driver. Vacis sledge isas bey sud aats for it5e beee. It tissabout a ycýcr tou make. a jourrue.ý eligibility ls uo'w in dispute, but she was, elected bocanse she disgnised bensali as a mn. Fon 86 yosrs this nemnrkable wo-ý mn, wbile irnasqt.orudiug asjaminu-sud acting as laîîdlord ai the White House Inn at Poplar, sorvcd assîdnlýousFly ion 'junries sud iu parh-b offices. lu 1744 sha wa 'bu orongb," lu 1752 oe oe f a tbe poar. VWbeu ber sey w-a a l iy.i cavemed, she retfired tc privat. lu e with bhe Comp11eteuice she had £cquired ai an A GENERAL TON1C PILL. KIl-tBY. Oui Oct, 1gb, frosl iunred bbe appies out wis trocs lu mauy diffaent places.. ..The farmers, are ver.v bnsy preparing thse salI for tle cmop ai 1900. -... Mr. Ravet', Micbk;2an, sud Mr. IRobert Rutherford viied at Mm. A. Ruthen- ford's... Mr, 8 M Billiogs' grain no-w occupies the basouceut af bis graiuery, Saine of thse meion.-ugged et tbresbing bad very uarmow escapes.Mrs. A. E, Cliapcrnm bas imaen si'k ...Mr, John Cbapmnau, sr.,is convalescent.Mo1ltb- odiat Ciurcis Anniversamv sud supper w-ib h bld on on October 15th sud 2rd . ... Visitom'-Misses Eppsansd Dan- caster at J,. L. Powems'; Mr. Sulas Sonch at Jos. Cbaprn's; ?lessrs. Wm. sud Jas. Maormoansd iamily at Mr. A. Mor- row's. Ofd backs, Younlg baocks, Weak baoks, . Few escape, for Baakaclie is Kidlley T'alk, 1 îTo PA&TENT Dood Idea' Our &id. dxas TII! PATEN~T RECORD. Growth of Women's Club. lb s'as at a woman's club, after the meeting and wben the hum and buzz af ferninlune voices w-ere iutermingled with thie clatter of spoons sud temporarily bn!ýbed by the mouthinîs oaieie crearn, that the follow'iug conversation took place betiveen two vornen, one aofivhorn wvas sn ardent cluhwýomau, as conld easily be seeu by the string af medals and insignia w'hich oruameuted tbe front of bar hodice, wbile the other s'as-jnst the ýý,ordinary everyday vornan. "My dear," suld the clu-worn, grab- bing ber corpnpaiou's baud, "I must ha going. I ama due at a meeting of the Daughters af Lafayette Post, sud then I must drop in for a moment aud see Mrs, Blauk about our uoxt meeting aud the topic for discussion." "How do yon fiud tirne for ail these clubs sud w'bat does yonr bnsband say te ail this ruuuiug about?7" "Tan fears ago it w as 1 wbo sat at home anud iaited tilI betiveen 5 aud 6 for hlm to corne home. 'Mais nous avons change tout cela,' he sits home aud waits for me no-w. 1 bave bean ut ntauee9 this moruiug, and 1 arn just looking like a ýtrsrp nois. Weil, he dues uot saorn 50 uinud h. Ho is just as good sud dear as ha èan be. We board, yon kn'oi, sud I nover bad auy children. But goodby. 1 shall s0e you again at tbe Justicia, shail I not ?" Is this the solution of the, abuormal grow th of wornon's clubs, '.We board, you know, sud I nover bad any chil- diýeu?" Is tbe wornutuy happier in bier c1lubs or îs it the lac], of motborhood w hieb bas driven ber iuto the clubs?- Cinclunati Enquiror. 141-s. Oliphant and Mrs. Carlyle. Ml-s. Qlipbant's impressions ofi Mr. sud MNrs. C grlyle bave heon largely qnoted by the papoîs. 1lere is Mrs. Carlyle's opin- ion of Mrs. Oliphant, of wbich she deliv- erod hersoîf ut a imaîl dinuer party glven only a short tirne hef ore ber deatb. '15 is taken f rom soîne ununlished reminis- cencos: "Sbe la the dearest little ç,omnansd a very clever littie won a nd the most lu- dustrions of, buran beings. sud ail bar ivork is 'veracious,' as Mr..Carlyle %vould sny, but ber improvideuce in rnoney' mat-, tors romninds me of Leigb Huat. Mms. Oliphagnt lives by ber ivork, sud if sha was ill the lucorna would stop, sud lif sha dlod thora w'ould ho uothiug for ber sous, sud yet sha recklessly throivs mouey swny iu moat superfinous bospitalities sud slloivs berseîf to ha estan up hy long visita froin ber fionda." Mme. Carlyle ndd sornething about the irnpossibility of hersoîf being able 50 recoucile Mrs. O11liaut's "delightful East Lothian ac- cent" wvith ber recklass prodigality in mny affalîs, asrneî'ely frorn beariug becr voice she would bave beau disposed to regard ber as likely ta ha exceptional- ly careful, not to suy close.-London Trnth. Color of thea Hair. I bava beau looking np the subject ai bhain sud bave mot the statornent, arn- pbatically made, that red hairod people escape baldnoss wi'th better success than those with othen colorod bair, althougb tboy do not bave as rny bains. Dark baid is fiuer, thenefora mole abundaut, aud fair haired persous are evon botter off. 1 was particulanly iuntorested lu a curions calculatian to the affect 5ha5 if the bains ou the baad of a fair hairod vperson could ha plaited, togethen they wonld sustain a *reight ai 80 tous or more, the cornbiued weight of over 500 pr,(isous. WVe ara rather proue to doubt' ,uncbstatements wouarr baba drop ont imom their olvu w'aighit, despite the cane we hostow upon tbern but this laý the re- suIt of xvoaknoss lu the notsansd uotb- inig eau ho axpected of unbealthiuess awhome. Ouly stroug ongans eau do the perfect work intendad 'for tbern by uatune.-Boston Traveler. S,,Iecting Green .V.egetables. As residouts of large citios canuot grow their own vegetables, except lu a smisll way, there are a fewv bluts worth their cousidanation wben selcctiug fnasb vego- tables. Ilerneiner that the s-weetuasq, cmispnass sud flavon aaefooeting; there- fore, wheu boyiug, cboose the ineshest an the manket, those whîicb have not heen gathered longer thani 24 boums ut the rnost. Choose mediumn sized as a ruIe mather than the ovengra-iv.1 SIf green vegetu hIes, hocome wilted, sprinkle witb cold w-star. Do not souk ther n saIt -water, as this bardons thoin. Crîsp, imesb watV r iess la aiways deli- clous aud' sbould hoeseten as aftou as oossible, ou accourt oait155autiscorbutic properties. Mauy prafor the wild cross, ,which eaca egmaovu wltb voly little trou- bla in auy part ai the country wbene there are spriugs of fmesb îuuniug water. Worth Trying. A French physicien, lvho clairs that we aIl migbt ha stmoug sud heautiful if we would, givas the following mules for healtb: Dou't drink tea or coffee. Drink pore wute.. Eut grapes, upples, raisins sud fige. Sentences aud Maxims. Money is nothing te bc prend of. Econoniy for the M-ere sake of money, le na doubt mesu. but'ecouomy for the sake afiIndependence la rigbt and imsnly. If a mnu as an aunual incarne of $1.000, annusi expeuditure of $950, resuit happiness; annual exuendituire, $1,050, resuit miser'y; and yet the difference is only $100. IÉ is not teo Straug te 857 that debt le àlavery. Many business mer have beau ruiued by being too fortunate ît first. We are nat callcd on te renaunce pleas- ure, but ta ludulge in 15 rationally. The euergy some individuals axpend iu vice and folly, would. if properly directed, mun a business successfully and bring up a farnîly lu camforî sud bsppiness. Soccass ini busiueýs dopends bappily much more oucomnan nseuse, Caro sud attention, than on ganus Keen yaur sbop sud your &hep wîll lceep Yeu. In arnail matters as iu great, order and metbodare very 1Irportantý Mnney is, the ESoveraigu of Sovereigus; the great tbing is ta usea 15 wisely. Do nlot put toa rnany eggs lu one basket. Howver wqll you may be ad- vised, boweyer carefuily yGu muy bave looked into the matter, sornerhiug may coccur te upset all calculations. The wisest merchauts sud bunkers malie mis- takes. Ail that any sens1ble man of busi- niesasexpects 15 ta bc ganerally rigbt. D*d you ev-er see one? D ido ever hear of one ? Motcertainly flot. con- sumption is a disease that inivarJlabDly causes loss of fiesh. If you are light I-n weight, even if your cough is only a slight one, you should certainly take of Cod iber oift ihypo- pbospfiites. No remedy is such a perfect prevent- ive 10 consumption. Just the moment your throat begins to weaken and o find you are losing flesh, you should begin to take it. And no other remedy bas cured so many cases of consumption. Unless you are far advanced with fhis disease, Scott's Emul- sion wilI ýhold everyo in- ducemient 10 you fr a perfect cure. Ail Druggists, goc. and Si.' SCOTT & BOWNE. Toronto. A. Quonau'a Ieaon for Marryitir. Thase wbo tbink that the Queen of the Notherlande will marry Prince William ef Wied tell this story af baw 15 came about.- "Princess Pauline ai Wurtern. burg, who je theintinate friand and sole confldusnte of Quesu Wlheîrnlna, mrried the eider brother af Prince William of Wied. Before bepr rrage the Princesy used ta speud's part of the year wlth thes presumptive beir ta the throne of Hli land, and the two friends aIturnmes would dream deams of tbe future, as young girls wili do, be tbay princesses or peas- ans. Egaged in this occupation ane day, tbay tbougbt te theinselves bow pleseant it woiuid bc if tbey wero ta ruarry two brothers, 'and thu nunite tteiný1sele b 'VU oa i knsbip as Weil as afcin'i idea grew an thern, and they daie jtf possible, ta carry it A curionýis1a i tîu bird stary cornes from Bil vstorks sure jed-. ed ln buildin r f'at lu a village letter box, T-U Ir sîark atar~id bar egg tathernl&ieo~ he lattersansd pro- oeeded ta hatel tbem luý i a spirit of de-î voted patience %s-d vicIlance, never stirring aven wben i wored by the pasýtMau wbýa Gcu'-> tr. o e the letters. By snd by 12 htj e L-soaX, p'rsted the friendfly paarnan 'sn lth ai a oksansd clamrau sonde TrC caîeuïE family was lao taO romain lu the home oif!tu> uli01ce, beinig piaosd iunder the pratectiarý cf the postmnaster a;id e cure of thse '1,> lsh '-Ce e Stelîs. If theýc are lu gaad condition thay, siply requimo cleaning, wîrb Iiot -water, and afterwards ta be hearth- stonod -Grouse eau ha remaoved. by, Puuriug very straug sloda sud wateil on the spots, aud thon covering tb.em 7wltb a, pste msade with Iuller's eartb a nd boiling wster, which muai ha left ou ail ngh BE YOND COIPARISON Thorc is Nothiug iu tise World te Compare la Curative Value with Dir. Von Stau's Pîneapple Tablets for Dyspepsia. Ve-e tablepe'psiri is the înost valuable conistituent lu thse pineapple. Barring the digestive juices aifthe burnan sys- tem, îîe othen article or pfladncl bas thie power ta digest aIl kinda ai food, exept vegelanlo n epsin. One's gener- ai healîl w ouid bco amazing-Iy irnproved if lie could est a, pineapple a day, but dIo so beea Pc vof thestroubla dx panse of getting tbem when out ai seasan. Dm. Von Staîi's Pineappie Tableha have ail the virtues of tise ripe fruit- eisey are largely made up of lise preclous pineapple ucid. -Tbey cure dyspepsia snd ail stomuach. troubles. Box of 60 Ta-dots. 3.5 cents. Soid by J. lli-gin- bothai & Sou. Admiral i Furaý&ut used ta reata that a prettygirlon aMissaipli steamej1r isaniui ouh u Vi oing 11malwt ae iegr <aplpli, dIta e c- p'll l t -,Il,, a for adi ice lir, aa brslata He suggested thai. she 1 iap vor- board ftar lie lad made arrange. mni ts tbat uld make iajuny in- possible. She bib as ho saib. Four of ber suitars premptly w-ont after hea-vcnd united n brirag.h.r safeiy, ha ck ta 5the deal- -What shall1 Ido nov,?" she as-ked the cujîtain lu great perplexity. "I don't rigbtly ko.w, Miss, but il seerna 3ta uie tisat 1'd take the day W'ated:-$2,per day sureý, gentioemen or ladies; speciai work ; positian permanent: meliahie firrn, w-itb best reiereuces;experieuceunnecessary. Addmess S. M. FRY, Fîieid Manager, Toronto. Wanted :-ndustmlons men of charactor t travel sud appoint agents. Salary sud expenses paid. JJIIADLEY.G;ARRETSON CO., Limited, BRANTFORD, ONT. Wanted 1-Christian men n d.women. Sa introduc "LigisIofai Lu," bise masS marvellons book since the~ publication ai tbe Bible. A dam- rnentary an tise New 'Tesbament, Sa- gether wibis complete, lives ai thse Aposties. lu poittof art tise w-ork la a gem. Tha finest, masS bouciig, lile-like illustrations es'er desigucd for bbe New Testament Sella ln evcry hanse, sud, everyhody eau sail it. Capital or exooî-ioucc un- uecessary . Freigisî 'îîaid, Books on lirue. Soud for outfiS, giviun' dhiioce ai territory, sud we w-ill show van isaw hamake maney. BRAéDLEY.GARRETSON CO., Limited, Brantford, Ont. Agents :-Our book "Breakfast, Dinuer sud Supîper," ls.a revelabion lu de- ligbtful cookery. It'a tise beal ad- vemtised , Mast patrauized , least eniîicised sud mosl enlogised. A suep for snap lisutoro. BII'iLf.IGÎRRE;C'O., , îited, loffire, dustm prana iaS seînmil engmé ibiswaiS hiers s r n ta exa ie. i a is. las, anso ea&0 v tùe sinwd S s tne ner i-soS ins ploie, m iiS oni thiao n1 a55.ewtîh. 1 ofa S~esssan iveiara. Msy Oie arpre sagent5.0 omSexpress starges assi il l t~~ se-esri-r Waieh CO.., box , omoute, Cas. Mrs. James Constable, Seaf'orth, Ont., writes :-" Ever since I can remnember 1 have sufered fromn weak action of the heart. For some tine past it grew constantly worse. 1 frequeatIyhad sharp pains under my heart that 1 wasfearful if 1 drew a long breath it would cause death. lu going up-stairs 1 had to stop to rest and regain breatb. When my children muade a noise while playing I would be Sao vercome with nervousrsess and wveakuess that I could flot do anytbing and had to sit down to regain conipogure. My lirnbs were unnaturally cold and 1 was subject te nervoush-'-rA.cheS and dizziness. My memory became uncertain and sleep deserted me. "I1 have been taking Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and as a resuit amnvery much better. I have improved in health and strength rapidly. The blessipg of sleep is restored ta me. My heart îs much stronger, and the oppressive sensation'has vauised.@N'ea" no- go up-stairs without stpping and with the greatest of ase, 1 - I? fak er.s.ifer froin dizziness or headache' It seems ta me the circulation of rnh blooàbaséb eco.e normal, tbereby removing the coîdress from rny linibs. I cas truly say that Milburn's Heart and Nerve PuIls.bave donp rnie a world of good."- L.ýAXA-LIVER PILLS CURE LCHROrtl NTlaTeu .e-

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