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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1899, p. 7

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f -------- CIIILDREN' S COLIMIN. P O L I I C I N S U IT E ear Iers and Fritz decided that ON THEToe i îht up te date ON T E - A hbrei-clos crriago shey sheuld hise 'le ride abutala. i: te. They ho iglt bue et tht latetSstyle And started eut eue day, With etanging bell and etly smelt *That quickly cleared the w ay. j "r'il teer," saud Fritz, "while yeu, deai Shah ring thteboit te e arn Eu-h decl old gentleman, lest we Should ride on bis pet crn." They camne unto a steop, stcep bill, Aud quiîzkly doua they flew, It is not often politi- BrgtbeoeSo aaisgt _ ~~~~~~~cal parties find coun- ,îhnalycretonhO, mon ground on w hicli __ta meet. Their dif _____ferences are mostly __ __ -rîcl in discord. But wehave an exception 1n the case af the cele-- brated Souei Kitchen Range. Laurier and Tupper, Hardy and Whiitney,-are of one mind on this subject. "Aduow Hardy, Tupper, and Laurier feo, Use tie Souvenir Range for pel1iticai stew; Ail gases escape firough its fiue seration, And good whoesomle food new blesses fhe nation." The strong point af the Souvenir stove is its aerated oven, ,~~ which makes cooking a success under any circuinstances; and the good nature of the politician-as well as the cook-îs « soon. restored when a Souvenir stove is installed i. the kitchen., A neaf Booklet eifled " IKitchen Wisdom," witls illustrations iy J. W. Benouggansd ..S. ..di ~eyeurs for the askiug, sud if tells yeu a geed deai about the Aerated  monefi-ane bull t ced lu the road, Oven. With red, expetant oye. Sold Everywhere. One will Last a Lifetimie. .Oh, dear!I" cied Fritz. "Deir1 mel" cried "oh, how shahl we goS byh'- The Gurney-Tilden Go'., Limnited, Ei won oce ) rud STOVE, FURNACE AND RADIATOR MANUFACTURER$ sAnd toward him sped tht carniage wlfli Ham ilton e, Ont. -A uighty bonne sud bound., Alnd thon eecurred the strarlgost thing. As tlîough upon a rack Tht carrnage wheela ioed up flts horne d'h Oto the buti's broad backL r t And dowu hi, stiff old tait they rode W o rt Onto tht ground once more. The huit was et surnelsed that lho Agent, B3owmanville. Couid eaty stand a nd rose. Just thon they struek as'sleeping dog. ____________________________________________________________________ Wiho had ne time Se wake Beotes ttey flattoood him right out, A s (L af a s n y c a k e . Hampton Gen &ý1eralà1Sto re.- We "H1oli a vaster «stock tban bas been," and are as usual prepared te give bargains în Clathing, Dry Goods, Groceries and Hlardw-are. -, Gents, Clothing.9-fl (iood Tweed Suits te order $8.00. Gtsed Serge Sif.'sta order $8.00. We have a very large and well assarted stock ta select frain, in Serge s,_ Worsteds and Tweeds, bath Foreign and Damestie muanufacture We are baund 1 b SUIT ý ou. "î'm sari te think we kilted thaf pupl" t cried Hans, met tearfutty, Groc riesand ardw re.But Fritz reptied, 'Just think luefead Hlow giad th.e t, will bel" aur Grocerv and Hard ware Departmnents yau will find aur stock Thon camte o great catastrophe- V, tn otber word,, a emashî. wîassrbd, baug-ht'in the best mikets at the closest prices, anidw'll The criage ian ite a %valli be sold at the riglit prico. Saine people wn quantity others quality, And thon, ker plunk, ker spasohi wc eau please bath. Tht tweo weme sont a-flyiug o'er Highest price paid ni casii for praduce. Give us a eaul. The -aht inthema bruiak dtru n Tt salions heg uttruh u Hcw funuy ttîey did teck! L Alà u nd how the littie Si-eut did aquiens HIAMPTON. V, len Fritz said, with a gril,t "Doe fish, wt thought yeu'd lie at boe, ________________________________________________________________ And ce wo just drepped lin" -New York Beriad. h The War 1is tise Play~reozns. . "I am a solflier," said Walter, and liet mai-chef up and down l the playroem with ils gun over hus shoulfer. thebig ootsbskeaanidae Shoes s hig oUl, Julia, w-as sitting. "XVatchi eut!"s adte Julia. '"You arni-ei S ti i G in O n * * Spaniai-de, sud 1Iaam geig te shoot bigt cannons et yen." Thon Alice began te _____________________________________growl deep down n liem tii-est, te seunu like tie noise et a caunon, but Julia nov- We have sold p)iles of Boots the last five or 'six weeks and have lots er blinked lier eyes uer looked scared a ta dispose qf yet, arid very eheap-first-class gaods at very small nriees. bi.Watcli ont!" said Walter. "I'm geing 1 My qpring stock is in-nlùmo o it-and w'e find'aur shielves erowdecî. toeuct your liead off w-ti my sword." f W e, want more roonu and are baund to have if. if low prices have any- Tien fie figitiug became loufer aud 'thing t dowithit.loufer, sud Walter sud Alice came dloser thi~~~~~n ngt o ihif u oser te peer Julia, tIll at lasi Wal- Oui carry a good assortment of Ladies' Oxford,coîored and black at, tom get tee close aud dif au aw-ful thing, t $1,00. Men's Caif and Cardovan BInus, sewed and rivitted, froinu$1.40 He nover meant te do if. but lac gave oee ta $2.50, worth $2.00 ta $3.50. Childreu's But ton and Binand5, 0 ofgi-utcntme-ith hieliffl ett eu, w-d 75,worth 50c, 75e., and $1.00. Misses', Boys' and Youths' ta correspond uofcaeooJîi'prtyiui- J lllihlttiîî; iýew-astle Cv i. Famuconle. BxBsTRNOe asadbrs - r T~ JOUPR N L CL an- - esolr G l . .$ 5 T ic easoa ot w ater cakes a sm m r- - JURALand ' st - B3tGoid Fil1.-50 in,- nojse is a very simple euie. As tic - SCIENCE of IIEALTI4. wtrhasltl ube fse r Kuswa ovory'enoro ,js, 5 'rs Gold Fîll1. 00w-trlnslileillisetsasac -. n eer%%nreBeet Glusses_... ) fte md ut thie bettom etf tic keffle. Tiese la in its Sxty-first year. rush npw-ard, auJ, hcihga ttractef te theï WioFOWLER & WELLS rA j i'- a..n500 perfect satisfactiou.zsdse iektitc ae a como- -~ 27 E2 21 t St., N'w ont, or Me ofthe-, le, heymal c specunen fl ope t1i0nosa vas' j - CO.9tion, whidi sets fie metal in. vibration, to new subscriberie includiîne ni h otl * ~~short summary ôiCIearacte&, j Ynge S3t reet, Toronto. sî i efe"ig. Battonhdole Parties. A0 bqtehl aty may be slipped into0 theý ist of possýibilities for entertaginiiiit. Eni Lgnest is asled to bring needýie, tlÀ;ia and thimble, strips of c]otb beiing prvddby the hostess or promoters of tlt u entrtinmeut. These strips are is- bitdanid at a signal every miember 0)f tue coipaniy sets to workupon the prodhction of a buttouhole in his piece 0f clith. At a second signal the competi- tienl- closes. Rach piece of cloth is pin -______________ ued to a strip Of pnpDer beariug the workï -'H_ er's nime, and ail are coiiected to eli- submjttedi to a emmittee of three or five__ selecied from the coinpnny to make the awards. The list of prizes may be a ________ long one if desired and may include one___ for the best buttonhole in the company, ~rtofrA I N T R one for that made in the shortest time, SI N T R orle for the best and second best respec- smiaîgtQOdfRela tively amoug the ladies and the gentle- bigtheSo charÈ;1BoxeLsof0 men, with consolation prizes for the peor- est and that whicli rool, the longcst tîme te produce. A furtlier variation cf the entertainimeut is that' the gnests shahl corne in some sort of fancy costume. oeDgsoIer'1 This may be indiscriminete faney dress nsadeLonaar~te or the costume of a distinctive period, like the colonial, empire, 'etc. rior a ( -pud orpine nor MSnrra1. IS ON TH-3E chuien's Party wliere, the chidrenarle IN T NAU C 0 TI1C. net t-) Young this form ef entertainment lias been nsed with great snccess.-NewT York Post. joeoolgDrATJi,=ÀM=t i 'pk jl eJ The Glazing or Bread. Vienna rolis and bread have a glazed Red k er g surface, which is oeeof the feati-res of- that delicious hreadff A sinilar "fin- ish" te the homemlade bread ruay bce had. )îr Se An autbority on breadmaking states that jur- O T D the admission ef steam tu an oven when proPerly managd las the effeet ef pro- Arerfect Remc for Constipa-1 ducilng aL glazed surface on the outside of finS rSo&haroe the cruist. lu order that the operation 1CnvI~nsFveih shal lie effective the hread or rolîs . slionld be ns cool as possible. Tlie steam mess and Loss 0F SLEELR slionld be at atmospherie pressure and là saturated with moisture. This can hc Tac Sinile Signatare o suppiied'by placing au open pan of wa- ter la an 'oven and heating the lvatorI long enongli for it te givè off sufficieut I'WETî YO7li.Castoria fla put up in one-akze bottIes oaiy. It steam te saturate tlie air lu the oven. At la o d la bulk, Doat allow aycne tj soll the instant tlie cool lent enters th sem ï anything e1se on the plies or promise that it atmospbere etfflic oven a momentary le "just as goed" suoe. 0wiii aulswer elerF='m condensation of the steam occurs over pose." î- Seo that you gelo-AST0RI tlie whole surface, which-is tlins covered with n film of water at the boiliug point. EXACT c P1 7;,WR A pPR, il~ a This renders flicstarcli ounflie outie lotu surface soluble and as tlie water dries off 'vapr leaves a soluble starcli, part of which lias been converted into, dextrin. The injec- tion et steam into the oven net only helps te dextrinize and glaze the crnst, but aIse serves the pnrpose of keepiug> tlie interior et the loaf meist by prevet -__________________________________________ ing f00 rapîd evaperation. Saved Flfty Twins. Miss Slessor, a Scotch missieuary, who lias heen 24 years lu Africa, lias herself <Th s ho saved lih lives of over 50 twins. WhenT is S o twins are, hemi, they are at once tnlzgn ils for the ricli and poor alike. from tlie mother, and, if ne eue inter- cedes, tliey are taken by the feet and What is the uise of paying more, liead and have their hacks broken acrosa huyucns a native womau's knee lu the sanie ce manner as onie .would break- a stick. The satisfaction forý $3 ? That is bodies are flien placed lu au earthenwa e receptacle and talken te the bush, where îý what you gtwe o u they are devoured by the files, insects or King fluality. When a shoe animais, Somietimes tlie little 'victims are put jute these receptacles alive andan co- are thon enten' nilve lu the samne way. wear well, when it is stylish adcm The mother hecomes au outcast. If she f ortable, what more can be desired.? docs net at once take bier own life, she ' TRAVL ~MAlRK lias te fiee te the bush. If she ventures Try King Quality once, and you will neam the townl or village, she mustý sec that she dees net emain ou the path alwayS wear thern. wlien auiy ther native is comiug. 11crR NoQ A I presne, ac(cording te their superstition, $3, and the appeara 1nce of $5. would defile the place fer others. She muet net drink from the samne spring, 1 must nef foucli anything even belonging. Made by the J. D. KING CO., Limited, Toronto. te lier 0w-n relations.-Missionary Re- view, lVhen liabsen Cry. i riir While littie babies are sometimes liard i 1111 te understand, a great deal eau lie told /1111/ by the way tliey cry. Thote is ne ci-y BIY L SU P se unappeasabie as that caused by ear-* ache. A paroxysmal cry, cs-peciqliy whlen thie legs are drawn up and the abdomen -bP[ QR_ûîL distended, usually denotes colle. A sn- lvn adecsirbenw gle, shlill scrcama uttered at sudden ln- 1 terrals is Otten heard if theme ik infiam- machinets,l ar n ow preparedodoALL nation 0f the brain. A persistent cry. CLA5ý-ES ofilCcie and Geri iRepair es usually Imager orthirst, or au irri- - %work. brazing and Tire Vulcaiizing tation et thce kin. If baby cries whleu- l doue here-n ed te send sucli work ever lie is taken up theme is a possiiity , to tt.e ilt'V W ls are built te erder. Lhiat fie ciest is some. A sleepy chif d Sec THÉ FISIHLEIGII 'SPECIAL"> cries frettully and usuaily rubs tiche ~ ' btr u~ig eye and nose, Thie peevish, whiny, weak ci-y is fiat et a ciild inrcuiue icotr.AAnl Up-to date Bicycle Liyery. .oud, violent cry neamly always shows - -Wel lasi - ear that little bahykine came possessed of a 8-f ' F I H L B IG H temper. Iu lung troubles tie cry leW é f B 1 JR short, because it fakes air te make screams. Fortune ]En a Wornaan's Garb. AEttEsnetsdS end it touse wlth the name of Vroue- 2, e texrels oficie andl we will ship you Cls cin A noted costumer etf London says lie - tIl ut by exlss subleet t. ê siae. . X lias designed $200,000 ùworfh et costumes 4_ ami a w.adI yuldC eatys fer eue wemuan, w-ile a pair ef steckings - gen eue perix lie provided for a noted belle ceet $500 reg ut .à&tadlvarlue modet iolies. sud ates gwa $8500.rie iy elored.bighly plihed.powref Tic designiug aund aryig ont of bew. tofstln aaad resin. à ge25uine tiese costumes are doue by mca. lu the &genatbe & ce adrt usaa809 B. S. olron,Peat large tailers' estahblshments only fithe hnto MfalneZlt .S.Tooto=Ot kIlt linds are womeu, and fie principal _____________________________________ dressmukiug lieuses lu Paris are presid- pairs go on.hfo, the r ai enemont Rememnber Mllbtzrr's Heart andiI ~aicrs Somnn perd pant he ieue erve Pills cure the worst ccr.,-es anu haetehntsccndun c - ter other remechies fail, u-tertrdi w at n u eda noelatertumniturefmtilehod wiosketch and descrip-tion of iany invention wili arnor hik e upimng tfli othr.- £..exaLîvoaPIlls cure 0nfpsIe. premptty ,recoive our opiuion free cecerin LnialepiiaL5eo.the patentabiiity ot saine. " How te Obtain a IPatent'l sent upen reqnei-t. Patente secured. Fior 1Weali:ansd Aciug Eyes. AI N TED - iFVERAL BIGHT through us arivemtised for sale at our expense. cand hon est p osns te repre' eut us as Patente faken ont through us receive 8ecooal Au old fime lotion fer wenk and aclijng aaer fhssdclehyonfs.Sais-y anotce, withou charge, in TicsPArTE1eCRD, eyes is a w euk decoction et sage louves. efflo avoir sud' exp sso taih hn- ide n iflnstrated aud widety cicuiated journal, Pe)ur a quart etflioiliug waer ever a ne oe ebsslr.Position permanent. censulted by Mýlanufacturers sud Investors. handfl. offresly piked eaves c Our rofereneos, a"uv bask in a-,nv tovw-u. Tt lo.Seuf forcompte copy FREE. Addrees, saffl t meliy icedlove, over m Uîiyofiewerk ce iutedathome. Roter- VICTOR J. EVANS &,CO. elosely and aile-or ifte steop gently o lo nce.e'Encl ose si-de sse tamped enveoepe (Patent Att orn cys,) lack efthfe ranlb. Strain and bottie. TEEr DomiNseal CeMPAY, flopt 3, Chicago, 39-4m. Evanz Building, WASNINCTON, OD. Ca

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