A WoN?.IDEA DYSPEýpsIa Throws ail the BMaine on the Stomah-The Real Seat of Trouble is the Intestines- The Permanent Cur is Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver PRIS. It is an old id ea long since exploded that digestion is confined to the stomach. Na mnodern scientist denies tint by far the greater part of digestion and the more difficut part take place in the intestines. This explains why dyspepsia s neyer really cured b>' pre. parations which merely aid stomnach digestion and act only ont the stomach. This fact also explains why Dr. Chase's Kid. ney-Liver Pills bave been s0 remnarkably suc- cessfül as a cure fortlsc worst formis of dyspep- sia and indigestion. Dr. Chases KidneyLivýer Pis act directly on the kidneys, liver and bowels, and give new tone andi vigor to the intestines, and make them ableto, performa their work of digesting the substances on which the somach has no effect. Stomnacli treatment mna> do wel enough for slighit indigestion, but if you have chronic in- digestion or dyspepsia of a serions nature you >can profit by the expel ience of scores of thon- sanfis who have been permanently curefi b> using Dr. Chases Kidney-Liver Pills. One Illa dose, 25c. a box, at al dealers, or dmaanson, Bates & Co.. Toronto. The Calladian Statesîlail, BOWMAINVILLE, OCT. 2-5, 1899. TIIE lAýURIER MEETINGS. ECHiOES PROM \i nRious SOUitCES. At Bowmanville the entrusiasni of the electors show cd that tliey Ï1iiderstood the diference betw een p,,triotism andi party trickery, betweeni reality and sham.-Globe, The grea cro x (s at Bewmaqnvf le was untiring ýini the expression of appreciation for the work accomplished by the Premier and his colleagues, and the tribute was doubly vainable as proceed- ing froin an intelligent understancding of ,lhc limitations as -well as the powers of Goverumnent. -Globe. At the Bownîaiv ille meeting Sir Wilfrid w as at his bes.t and his reception was ail that a popular leader and snc- ,ccssful statesman conld desiro Ris ad- dress was a re-ý-iew of the politîcal and fiscal history of the xvhole Dominion during the Liberal regime, and the abundant materiai. which he so ably handled shows how rapidly w e have been mnaking history -Globe. The enthusiastic reception of Sir Wil- frid Larer and his collcagues by the people of this Province is specially grati- fying;a a irebuke to those wlio vold by rdngteDominion w ý'ith rai4alI eclipsed by Paisley with a_.t open- air meeting. Nest camle Wingham With1 an audience -which muist have approaci- « ed nearly 5000 persons.-Wingham De- spatch. A tiberal is a man -who looks forwardI with hope to the future, \vhile a Cohser- vative cings to the present.-Sîr Wilfrid Laurier. A contrast: Sir WilfridLaurier, theJ Lîberal leader, was greeted at the flrst meetinginhis tour last wek by n pwards of 3,000 people at Bowmanville Sir Charle Tupper, Conservative leader, at the first meeting of his tour at Owen Sound, had baref y 300 pereonis (and the chairman apologized for the me agre at- tendance.) Both were afternoon meet- ings and weather fine. The editor of the West Durham New's asirs: "IWhy xvas not the Mayor and Town Council asked to takçe part in the recep tion (to the Premier) and ait ad- dress of Welcomie presented on behaîf off the Corporation?" It wonld have been a very graceful act had the Miýayorand Council asked the privilege of assisting in the welcomc, as bas since been donc in other towns. Just as well, Mr. News, to place thse onus where it belongs. When it is a question of rhetoric Sir Wilfrid Laurier may ho regarded with pride by the Dominion. Upon the plat- f orm the Prime Minister le beantifnlly right. Be snre that ho wil say the cx- quisite thing - ho -Nill have a happy inspiration; ho will draw the hearts off his audience. Hce is what v, e csdl a magnetic persoiiality. The charm of thic man is wonderf ni. Ee will offcr an appreciation whidi ail mnst concînde le i erfcct ; and with mus ical voico -andi cordial sînile and graceful gesture and ornate language, ho will assuage the acerbities of two peoples-even thongh he fail to settle the Alaskau bonndary question.-Bystander. So far as w-e can reinember the Liber- ais of West Durharai have neyer pro- snmed to dictate how- or to what exteut Conservatives should receive or entertain their political friends w-hon they favored the riding w ith their presence. The remarks therefore in Thei\New-s are, t o say the lcast, cheeky and officions. The Premier and .the other Ministers were delighted with their reception liere and were quite, profuse in expressing their appreciation off what w-as donc. Furthcr, tlîat the News is not sincere in wishing that greater respect had been show-n Sr Wilfridl and his colicagues is very evident from the desperate ýefforts made by th e editor to belittle the Ju11', 1896. Mn. Ross, w-ho becamne Minister of Edulcation lun Nov-embei(r, 1883, hadi a distînguished Parlîiamientalry career aýt Ottawa bof ore eniterig the Provincial arenai. IBe w-as flrst elected to the Glommons in 18712, and sat there until 1883. Blis strength as a debater w-as acknowledged by ahl in a Chamber which dnring that period contained the most brilliant mon ln Canadian Parlia- mentary history. The presenLt Cabinet is as follow-s: Premier and Provincial Treasurer,-G. W. Ross; Attorney-Gen- eral, J. M. Gibson; Education,-Pich. Harcourt; Agriculture, -John Dryden; Crown Lanids,-E. J. Davis; Public Works-F. R. Latchford; Provincýial Secretary,-J. R. Stratton; Withont portfolio, -Williama llarty, J. T. Garrow\. A Vtrl' ras ïTTACKED WITHI KIDNEY TROUBlLE IN AN AGOR-A VATEJJ FORM. Ris Digestion Became Iiipaired and Bis Case Was Looke dUpon as Hope iess-1)r. W illiains' Pink l'ils Restored Bhlm When Other'3ledi- ciue Failed. From ithe TelLgram. ,welland, Ont. Among the rosidents off Port Robin- son there are few btter known than Mr, Samuel Richards, wbvo bas rcsided in that vicinity for seine twenty-soven yoars. Mr. RIichards came te Canada frour Illinois, and is one off the veteran's off the American câliiwar, having been a niember of the 7th Illinois regimient. Mr. Richards le also oneoff the vast army w-ho bear willing and cheerful testhnoniy to the value off Dr. Wiliams' Piisk Pis fo)r Pale People. To a ne- p)orter worccentiy interviewed hlm lie said: -I very gladîv testif y to the great mienit off Dr. ý\\illiarns' Pink Pis, A few %.ears ago 1 feiU a victim 10o one off the worst fforirs off kidnev trouble. I was tortured with terrilde pains across the baclm I couki neither sit up or lie down with anY dfgree off case. 1 cou- sulted a doctor, aiid ho gave me mnedi cine whieh 1 Look fromnirhie to tirno, but instead off lîiepug me I was grow. înig worse. M%. digtestion became im- liaired eîsd 1 suffesed ffsoin dd:tional laiisiln tac.tomach. I would feelcold alonir, the spitte and i n the region off tihe kidiieys; spsrks would aîiparentiy flo1,at heffore mv eves. and 1 xvouid have frequcut lheadaches. I thon ega usissg a mediine advertised to cure kidney trouble, but to no avail; il bf4t me pooror in pockhet w-bile Igrow woe it heaith. I fellçtway in flestiuntil rny neighbors scarcoly knexv me. la myl day I have undorgone many hard shýipïs and a groat deal off pain, having beo through the Americaîs war; but lil tîsis I nover e-eriencod the dýruead t hat I now have wvlon I recail thissckss not even the hour wPeu I wasepu and dragged witbin tw-omie fLby prison.i ýMy uf ng ùeeinteitidc; !)v the stom1aclitrube.Icouïluit M. A. James is Goverumnent issuer ofMarriage Licenses. Get y our school supplies at Ja s.t4oard, Stationer and Jewelier. Our Ml indow displays a smail sample off w-at we have iniside. L, Morris. Cashi paid for good sound pears anid apples, ýe. at Mrohs Express Office. Watches, clocks, jewelery, spectacles, rinIgs, etc., repaired by Jas.Goardjew- eler. Ladies' Costume Cloths lu several qualities and lu ail colore just openod ont at Couch, Johuston & Cryderman's. You can purchase at present, Sterling Silvor Tea spoonos from T, N. Riekard for what some off you paid per dozen for youn Piated onos. A lovely assortment off now black dress goods from the chcapest up to the finest goods imported, just received at Couch, Jotinston & Cryderman's. M. Mayer bas the stock lu Purs, Gents' ffurnishussgs. hats and caps. The pricos are right. No trouble to sh9w goods. llighest price paid fo<r raw furs. M.A.James, Bow-manviile, le Govern- ment Issuer off Mariage Licenses for the Countv off Durhamo, during business hours.at office, at hie rosidence Contre- st., at night. Coucb, Johuston & Cryderman are sbowing a fine stock off new- tweeds, surges, worsteds and o,7ercoatings. Now le the timo to leave your order ton a wintor suit or ovrcoat. Reader, if yout know off an-v one lu Canada who intends crossing the Atlan- tic, recosnmesîd them to inquireo of M.A. James for rates. Hie doos the steamship business off tis district and reprosents the best linos. It le expcctod that the new Sunday School and organ at St. Paui's chureti will ho completed about the cuni of Nov- esober. Special services on Sunday and au oponing on Monday night wiiimarki the occasion. Our streets anti iawns would look mucti botter if the failen leaves w-ere racked together and burneti Some off our more enterprising - cktizens bave donc this, and w-enotice a dccided iii- provement in the appearauce off their Pm erh noteti hair drosser and SPecilit of Tgoiito, whosc atirertise- muent appears lu our issue this, week, wîll ho lu Bowmanviibe at the Bennette Flotel with the largeet and finest stock off Ilar Goods ever shown isn Canada. Those lu neeti of gootis off this kiud shoult i fot miss the opportunity off cali- ing to see hlm. 01- LocAL 1ISTEREST.-To ail w-ho have feit the ovil effecte off derangod kidneys is tise assurance that Dr. A.W. Chase's Kidnev. Liver Pitis are meeting with enormous sale anti unpanallelled success lu this district. Backacbes and achiug kiducys are ffast becoming a tbing off the past w-home Dr. A. W. Chase Kiduev-Liver Pille are Known. One cent a dose., 25c. a box, at al dealers. The statistical yoar book off Canadla for 1898, the foutecutti year off issue, compiled nneer the direction off Mn. George Johnson, Dominion statistician, bas juet been issued. It is a comnpendim off in!formation on sncb mattere as cau be arranged lu statistical form -wbich reni)dors it invaluable for refference, and snbas could not ho obtained without mlauvolurino(s off bile o k.The-rA West EndHus BOWMAN VILLE. To Intetiest Ineen 1.uyers. Silks and Dress Fabrics. Thr isîeî rie department in our store that de3serves more attention thian our Dress G-oods and Siis. WT have the nobbiestthings te Uc had and a lot of new -goods at very speciai puiCes. Neir a 1I arge asso rtment of siiks for Waistsor Trinirrin s. t) r roinge of Trimmings is very strua .It will (X rD It, yeur 'advantage to, see our ttssoürtieiït befere Kîg A F~w~p~C1 iS'Ckeï at Radoni. -A Fia3îin î'uphl Gù ut)iilBe, -rnPrpe ani Bak. t el kthi 15 i \VOuI i.. ver.,'-*i1ý,e at 50c per yar, I îc Blatek t11woolî Di'ss I\aterial ini large rai-i(e cýÀ a ' (1Cis tr value at our price $1 per ,yard,. exi'aklti wuoi, . luant new designs 65e psard tIIa t ici eiicu new patterns just cïi enied vupr o' p L'i pri x , .ý-swhile they last the price wiii De 15 7e 1cr 1 ,a -î. -A larLQe raige cf Wrapperettes prices i le, 12.1(:ac- id15c er l'yard. F1anneIettes. Yen will aiways find us with a very l arge assertment cf Flannelette and env prices are away dJown. 50 pieces Fianne lette in Pink, -Bine and G-rey stripes, fast coiers, 31 te 32 luches wide, good streng cieth, speciai 5c a yard. llosieryi Gloves, and Ladies j Yests. This 18 one cf our best departments. Exýtra ~eeial, 30 doz. Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose, fine and broad nib- bed, seaîniess feet, good heavy quaiity, regular 35c, special 25c per Men's IJnderwear in ail qualities, H q ý