A Rel iable Tru.,ss, Before a Truss eau give satisfaction it must bolproperly made and carefully fitted. We soul the best Truss that eau be found any where.and have a priv- ate room for fitting., For some years we have madoe a specialty of TPruss fitting and wo guarantoo satisfaction. > STOTT & JURY. COUG14 ýcuREs a 0 0 For over 20 years our Cough S3 rup has been used by the citizens of Bowmanville and vicin- ity. DurÎng, that time doz- ens of diff erent kinds have started up al around us but have d ropped o'ut af ter a short To-day there is not a more popular Cough Remedy to be found any where in Canada. It is pleas ant to take. It is put up in large botties. It souls for only 25c.. It cures, $1011 & J U RY. /RAND [RUNK RAILWAY, BOWMANVILLE STATION. Goures EAST. GOursO WEST. Er press ...8I 31 .. "Exps... 5 17 a *Express ..1 8a.m ocl 518 2aengr..83 ..IPsennge. 1 35 P.' Local. 5pm xrs..7 3 STOTT & JURy. Town Agents BOWMANVILLE. OCT. 25, 1899. 80 buibs for 25c. Sce Rennie's ad. Ail work guaranteed by Jas. Goârd. Mrs. J. C. Weeks.Spenu Thanksgiving in Toronto. Miss Lena Jarvis, Toronto, spent the .holidays at home. Rey. A. J. G. Carscadden, Scarboro, la vsting lis nmother. .Mr. Thompsori, Toronto, spent Sun-- day at Capt. XW, C. King's. Misa Addie McDoweii was at Bthany Friday evening takîng part ln a concert. A fine range af new wrap shawis and traveling ruga at Coucjh, Johnston & Cryderman'-s, Remember arter next Saturday Greorge P. Freeiand will makenio more Midget Photos. Mrs.Ja s. and MissMaryCoiyiile andD)r. Jas. Colvilie, are visiting friends in Buffalo, N. Y. Bring in your furs for atering and reparing,to M. Mayer, The Practicai Furrier Bowmnanville. Miss Amnanda E. Bond, Oshawýa, was guost of her cousins, the Misses James -at borneý Villa last week.' Now is the time for Alarm Clock S. As the.morings are dark, Rickard bas the Clock to suit youin price and quai. oth J'H STATESMAN will be sent tà any ,b-a/Oz.de new subscriber to the end of 'te entury for $100, or the balance cf for 25c. Bev. J. H-. Turnbuil M. A., preached tefrst of a series of sermons- on the ord's Frayer lu St. Paul's church Sun dvmorfig. The anniversary services at Orono Pebyterian church will be candîîcted nnNov 5th by Rev. J. H. Turnbuli, MA. An entertainment will be held eu te foliowing Monday eveninZ. ALady's Watch, Gold Fiiied and aed by the manufaceturers to :War- yNears, soid ln Toronto for $12. b.Now fyours at Rickards for $7,00. A 1time keepers and only a imited 4jmber on hand.' Pr. J, 11. Elict, residing physician afthe Gravenhurst sanitorium, lias hon granted leave of absence ta speitd P, year ini Germany, studying the best sanatorium methods upon the continent. Rlckarc's is headquarters for Rogers 1847 kuives, forks aud spoane. A lrge consigjnent purchase for cash ocfre the prices were raised. ,Yùu b& vo the chance to reap the benefit if you look sharp. Leather Mittâ at Nicholîs. Asie Sifters at Nichoils 15ets. See Nieholis stock of Gloves. Dnn't faau to re ad insitie pages. Horse Brushes at Nicholis 1lOds. Whips, weIl see thenu at Nichails. Miss Idia Hoskin is visiting frientis in Oshawa. Get your lanterna, cautiles, etc. a1 Jas. Goard. Se aur Window every week. Levi Morris. Mr. Tiens. F. Goard, spont Thanks- givinglu Toronto. Miss Etina Muir, Toronto, was hnme for Thanksgiving. , Senti your work ta Jas.Goarti,Watch- maker anti Joweller. Miss F.llen Dods, New York City, la visitinig Mrs.C. Keith. Mr. Albert Black, Toronto', spont Thanksgiving lu town. Mr, Perey Feilds, Listowel, visiteti1 frienda lun town last week. Mr. Jas. Brittain, Ingersoîl, is guest' of his aunt, Miss MeCellan. Direct from Baltirnore-our aysters are reliable. Cawker & Tait. 1Mr. Gen. BaIl, Toronîto, spent Thanksgiving with frientis Cote. Mr. R. Orlandon Jalliffe, B.A., Owen Sounti, was lu tawa over Snnday. If van want the newest Furnituro at the lowest prices go to L Marris'. Mr. anti Mrs. W. F. Dale visiteti bis mother at Brookilu, Tbanksgiving day. Mrs. H. C. Tait is visiting bier tiaugh- ton Miss Mabel Tait who is iii in Toron- to. Miss Bertha Morris of tho Normai Seban], Toronto, was haome over Sun- day. If you want some choîce buibs for winter flawering reati Rennie's offer on pa&re 8. Mrs. Tilley anti son George, Port Hope, visiteti at Mr. J. J. Masou's last week. Mr. H.H. MeKague, representing W. J. Gage Cn, Torontn, gave -us a eali Friday. Mr.Byron Vanstone,-Central Business College, Toronto, spent Thanksgîving at haine. LAST CziANCe-Freelanti's Midget Photos 25cts, per tioz., Satuntiay Oct 28. Dnn't miss ut. An immense stock ai ladies' coats ia styiish linos anti at popular prices at The Mason Ca. Mr. Garnet Trewin anti Mr. Shaver, Toronto, were gueits of Mr W. Trewin Thanksgîivung. Wantierful value la Mits, Ginves anti underîvear at The Mason Co's. Sec what they seli at 50c. Mr. Neit McDonaiti, Richemonti Hill, anti Mr, MeDenalti, Autily, spent Thanksgiving ai home. The Ladies' Aid ai St. Faul's churce will run an excurisian ta Toronto Nov. 23-24. Farticulars later. We congratulate Mr. R. B, Andirews oui being electeti Frositient of The Listowel Choral Society. The late8t sangs. 10c. Senti for cat- alogue. Instrumental anti vocal music alwvs la stock-Jas. Goarti, Potatoos Wanted:-We are shipping a car next week. Seo us at oneif ynu want ta soul. The Masan Ca. Mr. anti Mrs. John Hellyar were guests af thoir son, Mr,\ W. H. Reilir, Cobourg, turing the holitiays. Mrs, H. Gootiman anti Miss Jessie anti Master Russell, Toronto, visited Coer mouher Mrs. Thos. Hoar. Mis. M. B. Williams anti Miss Cora Williams, Cobourg, have been guests nf lier sister Mrs. M. Mayer. Have you trieti aur Hatities ? They vere specially cureti for aur trade. Cawker & Tait, The Ladies of St. John's church inl- tend holding their annual sale anti tea on Wetinestiay Dec. 18th. Particulari later. Mrs. C. Hooper, Toronto, anti Mr. anti Mrs. W. Jackson,. Oshawa, were guests of Mr. J. B. Martyn Thauks- giving. Misses Jonnie anti May Small, Miss Carson anti Miss McKowan, Fort Hope, were guests oI Mis. W. McKowan over Suntiay. Mr. Robert Dow anti Miss Virgie Barclay, Whitby, weîe guests aI Miss Victoria anti Mr. Charles Tamblyn recently. Have you seen L. Morris' New Store? Everytbing 18 new anti up-to-date and hoe will ho pleaseti to have you cali anti examInee. The Mason Ca are having an im- mense sale af suits anti aveîcaats.Never befare have they saidso many so earlly lu the season. Ladies anti Misses Coats in the very iatest styles bath German anti Canadian just receiveti aI Coucie, Johuston & he sermon was preacheti by, Rev. A.ý E. Harding, pastar of the Cougregational church. Ris subjeet waa "The earth is the Lorti's anti the fuiness thereoi"' çPsa. 24, 1.) anti his remarks were very practicai anti shawed tieptie o! thouglit lu preparation, calculated ta inspire fthankfulness Irom1 the hearts of aIl for tbe abundant merdies af the pat. Fire Shovels 5ts., at Nichoils. Curray Combs at Nicholîs Sets. Gond Purses cheap at Nicholis. Mrq. Wm. Ev'ans and son, Port Hope, visited fri-enis hce. Miss MvVntn bas returneti fromn a vîsi tet Detroit. Pair spectncles fouî'ti. Enquire at THUE STATES2NtiNoffice Dr. W. T. F. Tambslvn, M.A., Whit- by, spent Satuîîrday at hîinf, Mrs. R. Cherry af Cherri Cottage speuit Thanksgiîing lu Toronto Mrs. Williani Kerr, bas îeturnedfrom Tornto alter vi,,itiuoe lier sans. Mr. Herdinetî, Toronto, was guest of Mrs. W. R. Ilansan Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. WV. A. Hanes, Toronto, spent Thanksg-iving at Mr. John Bab- cock's. Mrs. W. Rankin and daugliter Mar- jory, Toronto, speut Thanksgivinig at Mrs. C. Toti's Mrs. Henry Wade anti son, Kingston, are guests of Mr. J. K. Galbraith, Vic- toria Cottage. Mr.Everet Henry af the Britishi Amer- ican Business Colege, Toronto, spent tee boiidays at home. Mr. H. J, andi Misses Emma anti MNauti Kaigiet speuit Sunday week wilh frien Ss in Fort Hlope., Misses May James anti Susie Bollunan of tise Model Schoal, Toronto, wcre home for 1'hanksgiving., Mrs. Ed. Wilkins, anti daughter Miss Ida, Bethesda, are visitiag relatives at Peterboro andi Hastings. Mr. W. H. 1111, Toronto, spent Thanksgiving with his frienti Miss Nelloe Hlancock at Mr. R. M. Cale's. Miss Lillian MeLean anti Mr. L. Williatnson, i9ontypool, were gucsts of Mr. James McLean last week. KRys Lost:- Two Fost Office keys. The finder wili be rowarded by leaving tbem at, Higginbo tla n s Dru g Store. Mr. Clare Williams, teacher, Fartage la Prairie, Man., is a member af the eux- ectttiv of tee Central Manitoba Teacie- ors' Association. Miss Victoria anti Mr.Charlio Tamblyn gave a very enjos able crokinole party Friday evening for their guests anti a feu o ther friends. Rev. anti Mrs. Chas. T. Paul, 'Toron- ta, have returneti fram attending the jubileo convention of 'the Christian church at Cincinnatti. The Gem Wire Fonce is the best, Farm fonce known. Bof ore putting up fesuce eau on Peter Murdocie(Express Office) anti get prices. A large stock afI bit bats Christies anti Fetioras, must be soiti, so came anti get a bargaîn. I am selling them at greatly reduceti prices. Misses Ethel Sparling, Mabel Rick- ard, Flora Galbraith, Susie Hutchison, Stella Blackburn, of the Motiel Sehoal Port Hope, were homne aver Suntiay. Tait & Ca. make photos for 25e. per tiazen anti at ail other prices usually paiti for the bost finisheti photos at their studio, Market Square, Bowmanville. 89-tf. Dr. Neil Colville saileti last woek by the Lake Ontario of theoElter Dempster Lino for Eng-lanti where he wili spenti some tîme lu the hospitals of Landau. The regularmeting ai tho W.C.T.U.' was helti last Tuestiay lu the Methoti- ist clurch, the Presidtit rs. Tiens. Hoar,ilathe chair. After devotional exorcises and-business transactions, Miss Neads, the local delogate ta county couventina at Orono, gave a very in- teresting report of the conventions for wbich she receiveti a very hearty vote nI thaniks. Those wha attendeti the 1cnuvention frani bore were Mrs. Tiens. 3Hoar, Rev. J. H-. anti Mrs. Barnett, Mrs P. Trebilcock, Mr. anti Mrs, M. Crydrman, Mrs. L. Quick, Mrs. J. M. Joness anti Miss Neatis, Thoy report aivery ploasant terne anti cannot sptlak too highly nI the ladies of the Orano Union for the royal manuer iu whlch they welcomed, anti entertaineti the de logates anti visitors. The fliowing are the newly electeti officers of the Literary Society of Bow- manville Higie Scho:-Hon. Pros, Principal Gilfillan; Pros. Mr. Hl. Stepie- ens; ist Vice Pros., Mr. D. W. Carke; 2nti Vice Pros., Miss E. Coulter; Sec., Miss N. Fattinsan; Trea., Miss E. T,. Couch; Ist Cnmmittee undor the leader- ship af Mr. R. W. Clarke, Misses E. *King, F'. Edsali, E Coulter, anti Mr. E. Barnett; 2nti Coînmittee under the -leadership of Mr. D W. Clarke; Messes N. Hall J. McLean, F. Jewoll anti Mr. ? A. Morris. Musical Director, Mr. F. 1H. Frost. Critic, Messrs W. W. Tamiblyn anti'T. C. Bragg. Cerres- pondents. The SrATESMAN, Miss B. famblyn; West Durhan News, Mr. W. J,' Inch; Orono News, Miss A. F. Osborne. Notices of Births, lfarriages andi Deathe 50 cents; when merriaFe llcen ses are obtained or fumerai notices printedl at this office. insertion free. BORN. fIteIcs-In Clarke, Oct. 17, the wif S of Mn. Eli Htcks, of a daughter. ALLMA-On Ot 15, at Mitchel's Camres, the wiis of James Aliman, ai a son. STEWAkRT-In East Witby, Oct 15, the wife of Hlenry Stewart, of e daugbter. MARRIED. WEST-GORDNoE-III Witby. Oct 11, by 1ev. John Abrabam, 'assisted by 1ev W T Mall, brother-in-law ai tbe briSe, Miss Victoria Pentlandyongcst daugiter of M J K £,ofin o, berise,,î solicitor, Witby, and Mev W J West, M A, Buevale. ALrRED-SCOTT-I01 Oshawa, Oct 19, by Rev J p Wilson, B A, Adian Richard Margrave Alfred, of Nevy Yard, Brookly n, N Y,' medical officer U S uevy, and Esiefis. Mande, daugter ai Gea J Scott, Esq, Oshawa. WuîtTE-BOSWELL-Ai the Methadist Persan. age, tlowmanvilie, Oet,by% ev J J Ras, Mn oarmaniM Whte and Miss Debora M Baswell, ail of Bownan'vlile. Gte5aN-ESSARY-At Oshawa, Ct 18, by 1ev J Modgcs, B A, Mr James Gibsan, andS Miss Martba Essary, li of Oshawa. CIYORMAI-Loui5Y-In Mampton, Ot 18, hy 1ev BE EHoward, Biackstock, Mr Frank M Cryderman, Sline,ý anS Antie Beatrice, anly daugter oi Mn, John Lord, Hampton., DIED. SiuITU-IO Osbawa, Ot ith, Fanny, reliet ai the late Abrabam SmIth, aged 79 yeears. MacLai-bn Oshawa, Ot 18, John Thomas Mallan, eged 28 years, 4 months. TitowBRIWGR Lu1 Kingston, Ot 15, Jane Trowbridge, reliet ai the laie Joseph Trow- bridge, ioriiirly ai Part Granby. MARt-lu Clarke, Oct 16, Jessie Thompson, rele t of the late Alex Marr, aged 88 years. GiLLEs'E-At Pont Hope, on Monday, Oct 6, in ber 77]i ysai Cecelia Ana BoIanS, wife of Mr Nthaniel GilleisPle. Uîlr.r.spE-At Part Hope, on Wseday, Oct1, in bis79th year, NatiuanieiGiliespiýe. OsiAreui-In Bawmanvllle, Ot 20. 1899,. Davey, only son ai MarryV. andEthci CLapÏËn, Kolona, B 0, aged à montils* DU. L. POTTIE. Office cu residence,Ohnrch St.,opposite Trinity Coýngregational sburch, Bawmaniville. 28 -6m" miss EVA LUTTRELL Is rparý togive lessons on organ anS piano] at Uer resideuuce, King St. 7 MISS5 ETHEL MORmIS, ARITIST. Instructions given lu PAINTING in Oil, Weter Color euS Chine. Sktcbing andS painting from nature. IfILN an premnises, tir- inget usuel prises. ,81.6m. II ORSE BLANKET LOST-Between Hlamptonind-Bowmaiiville on SundayOct as, new all-wool horse blaîîket. Finder will bc rewarded by leaving et THE~ STArEs-AN office. 41 tf oir a t or retiring fromi Town Hall, a reToribo belt, withýý enamnel coat of arms buckle. Finder pî.Ise reî'turu to Mies. D. B. SIMPSON. fiTUS TO RENT,-On Wellingtont -JJ ifour bedrooms., Stable attached ta dwelling. Obe-,inrent. Apply at once ta Tlios. VEALE, Liberty St, B ,wmrariville, 38 if, _OST.-A pair of horse Ilankets between Bowmarnville and Hampton on Sept 30th. Findier will reesive a suitable reward for retaro of saine ta TiiE STATES8MAN office. 42-2w, Y' UL CALVES FOR SALE.-TWO ID Thorobred Durbams, Il and 12 montbs aid Rczistered. Apply to JOHN HosieN, lot licou. 5, Darlington, Box 20, Bowmanvilie P.O. 43-3w S H{EEP FOR SALE.-I have a nomber of gootl Shropshire Shearling rares for sale. Parties rqniring saine wouid do well ta cali and sec them. Also a few ramn laimbs, Apply ta T J T CaLE, lot 4, con 5. Darhungton, Tyrorie P O. 42 if F"IES? GLASS FARM TO RENT OR -V on s ares. -A first class farin about 80 acres, lot 18, con. 7, Darligton, on easy terms. for 5 or 10 yeaýrs.; good saoi, good buildingover 100 fruit bearing trees; tenant ta live on farm. Appiy et oc.ALBERT HANXŽA, Trieveller, Peterbara. 1ee37 if. T O THlE DEAF.--A rich lady. cured oaflber Deafîîess and Noises in the Head by Dr. Nîcholsonis Artificial Ear Drums, bas sent £1,000ottaliis nstitute, 50 thei deaf people unable ta procure the Ear Drums mnay bave thern free. Apply ta 780 Eighth Aveite,: New York, U.S.A. 27-lyr. j[jARM FOR SALE OR RENT.-81 12acres being S. W. corner lot 17, cois. 1, Der- liîîgtaîî, mile wsst of Bowmenviile an Kingston roed. Plawing possession immediately , ful posspssi-in Aprîl 1, 1900. For fortber p&erlicul- crs , cppy ta J oHN WoRDEN or CORNELIîUS OS- BORNEý Executors, Bowmeanvilie. 38 if TRÏAYED.-Two dry cows, Young d anin gaod condition. One cow bas bth haros si ed. and the ther 1 lionst off. Lest seeni uer Gutide Board nortb «almpton. Informa- tion iseîdins -ta thieir recovery wjll be suitebly radd.W. W. CieÂWaOsen, Bowtoauvtlle P, .433w* 1~ RSALE.-Pure bred Leicesters. 22Sbropsbires and Yorkshire swine. 1 aller for sal 20 ilergs, yigaraus, ram lcnsbs of. ebave breedts, splendidly waaled anS cerefnlly bred. Alsoae few choice Leicester ewe lambs. My larleshires are af ibe best bacons typelher sex. Write ar sali anS ses SA31UEL A ,LiNa, lai 14 Broken Front, Darlingion. Box 142, Baw- manv ilie. 43-2w" F RM TO SELL OR LENT.-15o aes fring sonib-wesi quarter and niortb West half of lot 22, con. 7, Clerke, an wbicb are gaa delling bouse anS cammodious i atmi buildcings in good repair. Large stalle stebles endý root01cellers, excellent archerS, well fenced plentËy ofrwater. All in J!ist-cl&,s o rtlr. Hialï mnile front Kir7byP. O. inquire onths premnises arto WILIMm CoONEY, Ktrby. 221tf. _1TORE, HOUSE AND 2ý ACRES i Slind for saisý or ret-Being the starseand dwelin etAshan' Conerl tmils uortb af flamtpp wlb stbleanSSriing shed. H-ara anSsof wter Wllbe reniteSif uitsald. Pas- session Oc(t. i. For further perticolars apply ta M. A. JAME, TATESMAN Office Or ta A.J.-COUR- TICE C'ortice. 32-tf. 11AVING BEEN APPOINTED- 1ýL ale agent for Bowmenville for tbe Mc- LagfuCarniage Ca anS in ordei ta make lram ifa'r the-oaming seasaîs susnply of Cutters, willj di he balance of 2nd baud buggies taken in exebenige! for ncw MeLeugblin Buggies ai de- ciScS bargains. (l-'dnS Snd aud buggies fram 120 uipwardsý. JoHN PERCY, llawmanviilc. 42.tf XyANTED - SEVERAL BRIGHT WanS boniest persans ta represent us as Managersrin thîs and close by cotinties. Slr $90 ye and expenses, Straigbt, bana-fide, ne more, na less salary. Position pem nent: Our references, any bank lu any town.» It is mainly office work cauîducted et baims. ]efer- ces. Enclose self-addressed stemped envelope TutE DOMINI1ON CaMPANY, Depi 8,Chicago. i 30-1mn. 25 Experienced and 25 Inexperienced OPERATORS ON WHITEWEAR Blouses and wrappers on new high speed machinies, ,highest wages paid. We efuarantee to teace and offer special in- aucernents to beginners. GALE MFG CO. Mincing Lane, Toronto. 89-4w. BOWMANV ILLE MARKETS Corrected by J.MolMurtry each Tuesday Fo e 100 lbs........$81 80 to 82 IC WHlAFali, bush .... 000 lO067 n Sprin ..0 00 fi0 67 RedlnýiOeOU00 IlO070 t, GOOSE ::0 00il 0 70 BARLET, e bush, No. i1..0O40 t0 O48 ni ni fi2 .0 26 0 35 il 'f fi8....0 25 ()080 il fiTwo rowed O 25 'e O 40 OÂTS, White il.............O 23 il O 25 RYE Il.............000 n057 BUCKWEAT Il............. 0 n0 50 PEAS, Black-eye, P bush.. O 69 fn O 75 fiCauaadian Beauties.. 69 19 O 81 nMutmmey n 00If06 Smlali, , ' 0 0o,11 O60 nBlue, il 0 47 il o 6o BUTTER, best table, Vli.. O0GO0n0O17 EaoS, Pdoz ............. 000 0 15 POTATOES, bush ......... 0 0 O 20 llay-per ton............ 5 00 i6 (00 Cawker & Tait Are.I-edquarters for the very Finest Groceries- Frits and Poultry in. the Bring us your Proéduce and get the highest prices., *ô^ We Invite You 000 To Inspeet Our *0 m4Display of -oJ>é>LAD E'C A S *eu The largest and'most select assortment ever shown in Bowrnanville, ail new. No old Coats in stock. D ESS OODS'. a A choice display of high-class materials, a better values foi quality cannot be a procured., BOWMANVILLE. Next door ta Standard Bank. iYARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS, BOWMAN VILLE. oeanuyaeturrerf o and fDealetf in Fin e onA e ti ala r k, in best Gilades o f flaerfial. Call and get my prices. I amn suremy work will please you. F ou know a good thing when you see it, cali, and take a look. A large quantity of WALL PAPER> bought very cheap. You will get the' 5enefit. Pretty patterns for ail rooms, from 5per roll.. The best and most taking designs in School Supplies of ail kinds. Snaps in Scrib- blers, Exorcise Books, Etc. New and fulll une of Stationery. See my Queon box at 15c. Fine Floral at 15c.. Note papor, per quire, 5c. Envolopes, 5c per package. Better quality at 10e and 15c. Complote stockof Fancy Goods, Books, Novolties, &e, PTlie bilcouÊý,tek. BoWMANVILLE. WMien thie human foot was first introdUced to shoes it was exactlv ias nature had made it, h 'tbeen revolutionized froni wluat it was ta the foot of to-da3r by sixteen centuries of distorting tightness and freakish style-s. "Siate., oes" -7re made to lit feet as they are to-- ty, comfort first, ...... but good appear-aniu. lx ,ver forgotten. ~ '~~' Tnelve shapes, six Widtlls, ail îzes leathers andi colors, Goodyear welted, rame a-2d price stamped en the soies, $3'50 and e$,.oo. JO0HIN HELLYAR, Sole Local Agent.