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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Nov 1899, p. 1

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TERMS :-$1.50 PEPR ÂNUM. NEw SpeniEs. OUIR TOWN AND> COUNTY FIRST ; TUE WORLD AYTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. BOWMANVJLLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1899. VOLUME XLV. No. 44. Are tnvited to seeï the Big Display of New Goods just opened out at JOHNSTON, CRYDERANS A fine stock of New, Stylish and Perfect Fitting Ladies' and Misses' Coats, both German and Cana- dian made. Ladies' Costume Cloths in ail qualities and colors, also a sp ecially fine range of Fancy Black Dress Goods from the lowest up to the finest goods import- ed, and a big stock off New Wrap Shawls, Travelling Rugs, Flannels, Flannelettes, Wrapperettes, Bla.nk- ets, rurs, Tweeds, Worsteds, Over Coatings,,&c. No better goods and no better value anywhere. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman.ý BowmANViiLLE, September 12th, 1899. ........ ..... ... .. ....MAPLE GROVE. M - . = -- - ----- ----1 ~ flliUAUflNSUR55aU*SRbB*,,~ Miss lia ncock, aur popular eacher, li11 as beau angaged for anoth e .ra lAI ti Vll . an increased salary .. .. The open Dvs iuion Tuesday evening was largely at- 11H1 Iteuded. Satina bretliren furnished a i IIIBL ii slendd program assisted by the Loyal i ~ Crusaers. Lunch ivas served and a "1:1 ý social time enjayed .Ar. and Mrs. Thos. Pascoe, Peterbaro, are visiting I ~at Mr. S. Cola'sý..Mr. Stephen Mun- '11111lA' day is hame from Western Ontario .... "'Mr. Ambrose Allun is home from Man- ~~~itb 111 ? ...... Mrs, (1ev.) J. C. Wilson, _____fliL DL I ve MISSIonary appeal Sunday. 1u ;lialIf1111 Vii! NEW AUCTIONEER. iii IIIIIIIIIL lli5i 10, rates. Apl for termes, dates. etc., at Joîts lii lil ~Ri: uCbIE's farness Shop, King St. E., Bowman - - lItE ville. 1? o get som of l 9~~L1.~ 1w r CONCERT ENGAGEMENTS. in al unes of Furniture. Everybody says this is te ceapst lac tobuyfuritue ad watmi The -Harmony Male Quartette of is tie, heapst pace o bu furitur andwhat Bowmanville. everybody says must be true. Cail and see for F. . RSrsTelfl2 yoref rices are 110ig ndnW h tilt H-. J. KNIGHT, First Bass. yourelf rasin and is he imeT. E. HIGGINBOTHAM, 2nd Bass. for you to buy, before we dispose of our present ~ Address ail correspondence te JAMES SGOARD, Business M anager, Lock Box larue stock, alt the old prices. ,t 61, Bowmanvilla. 89-tf. Full assortment of Writing- Material always kept in stock. Choîce in Colored and Crinkled Tissu e Papel Watchmaker anod Jeweller. -(Eilisoni's Oldt Stand.) Sharp If yau wauld avail yoursclt et the appotnnity te purcliase many et the sîuaps T. N. Riekard,, Bowman- villa, bas tor ye n lutic way of Watches, Clociss, CFains, Rings, aud aIl kinds of Jeu-allry and Tablewara, Wa say "Snaps" we mean this,- Haelias purchased numbars of these tbings, befora the pnica want up wiolesula andis givingyeu a chance te raap the banefit, and ba is axpect- ing Yen ta uppreciateihiseoffcn suffi- ciantly wall ta maise il profitable ta hli. 'But lis stock will net last torex an. ramember that. Oua or twe specialties area Gent's Coin Silven Case and Waltbum Woriss, Sterling Silver Tablewara, snd Silver Plated Kuives, Ferks and Spous. Bast valua in Canada. T. N. RICHARD Jeweller an)d Optician.Bowmianville. 3 doors East etf Standrd Bauký. Groceirs' due bis taken ab casfi. I I couGBI HIAMPTON. Miss Ella Cryderman is visiting friends iu Taronto..., Mr. .1. Avery bas movod ta the residenca connected with bais store .... Miss Ethel Stevens, Ennis-j killen, visited Miss M. Oliver, Sunday., 'Mrs. G. Stevensan, Osbawa, is visit- ing at ber old home bore, Mr. E. Trerouth's .. .. Mr. W C. Frank accu pied the pulpit hara Sundav aveniug, Mr. J. ligginbetham baing iii ... R1eV. R. N. Adams, Tyrone, axclianged pulpits with Pastor T boras Sunday.. .Tha November quarterlv meeting of the Hampton circuit wili bchaobld in Eldad cburch next Sabbath at 10,30 a. m. lu the evaning- services will ba held lu ilampton and Zion at 7 p.m. 11ev. W. Jelliffa at Hiampton and the paster at Zion. TheQuarterly Board will meat'lu the Laagua roam of Hampton churcli the day following at 7.30 p.m. Dr. J. Monifgoery, Oshiawa, wasa Thanksgîiving Day visiter liera ... .Dr. E. 1Jessep, M. P. P , St. Catharines, callad ou aid friands liera last week....i Mrs. Wm' ,Y. Green, Wisconsin, a former resideut of tha th concession ou tha aid Dr Ormiston bomastead, is visiting friand .... MJiss M. Welcb, Chatham, and Mlr.1'. Bambridge, whe lias just returnad fron tbah Yukon, are visitiïng the latter's sistar, Mrs. W. M. Wotten.. .Mrs. Ileaves, Lindsay, bas beau guest et Mr., G. Preston .. . .Miss Maggia Trabilceck, Bowmanvilla, lias beau- guast ot Dr. Mitchell.... .Mr. due. lianton lias raeturned tram Manitoba lcokiug ,grýaatJy improvad by bis trip.. .The Quarterly meeting of this circuit will ba lield lu the Methodist eburcli liera neaxt abbath.. ..11ev. J. Hodges, Oshawa, praaclied au excellent gospel sermoen in Presbyteriau churci liera Oct 22ut1. B LACIISTOCK. Tuesday 21tli Roland Holmas, enly sou of àMr. J . ilolmas was laid te rasb in lu the Presby tarian cemetery. liewas iii only itbree days, frem a virulent attack9of idipbtbarîa.,-. Mýrs. Fred. Bfiers and baby are visting lu aur village. ... Ratepayers lu Cartwriglit seau Vota on a itby-lav,granting a bonus of ý5,ooe0 ta the Lintïsay Boecay. gean and Pouity.poal1. R.M.,iss Mima Milna, who acatlv graduated tram the Toronýto Genaoral Haospital as a protes. sional nwýse, lias geue ta lRegina. Sba helds a s~pso inon ,i b Ida Scheel C u tbat t&'n. r ai Miinaco. co, Tarante street R. R., lias spent a lnontli's vacation-,witb lis parants. fla laft for the city Mondav te resuma b, iis werk .. .. Commercial Hotel propert.y is ta ha seld fer arrears of taxes,.... Mdr. Sam. Beacock bas rant- ed bis fimi and intends te go west. David 1,rwi,ýn, Purpe Hill, is the tenant. .... Mr. Wm. nBarton, wîo is giving up farmiug, mloves into the village shortl.v. Mr. Býingbam aoccupies Mr. Me- Lean's ljýieuse.... Mr. and SMrs. Wm. Lucas paid thair childran in Toronto, a visit Tbanki -viug Day .... Two teach- ers lu eur pnbl1ic scbaal next year.... The Preshytatrian gatheiaii- Tbanks- giving Day; was an unciualited snccess. Messrsvs. Creziar, Asbburn, and Haward, !llacksteclt, gave capital ad- dresses. 0e(-rt Ferry Presbyterian chair gava a splIendid pregram. lihe part takan by tine C and T. Scenes, Mr. J. Balteur anîd the Enute salas bv Mr. Raid deserva spacial mention,.11ev. J. -Iodges, sbawa, preacbed auniversary sernmns Eo arge o-acunagations Suuday 22nd .. . . IZv. P. Hewardis home aguin atter visiting bis braiber. Dr. Howard lu Pennsyvuîa a. ... Beys wba went ta Manitoba fer the barvasc araelieme again,. . .Ir. Robt. Stilîman, cheasa. makar, bad rbaumatism, ... Mr. Rickay lias moved inte ha unew lieuse. Vi1e man i v/bu as lest a leg on the field of battie may find a fairly service- ale substitute in a cruteli jor a wooden leg, but the man whose lungs have been invaded by thc dead- ly gernis of coxsumptiesi miust act promptly or give up &Il hope. There is no substitute for a dc«troyed Iunig, and there is me hope for lieag that are crippleii, aLve ina Dr. Pierce'% Golélea UM'te ai Pic(3very. Aithongli sweet ite ý'ate ït eortains ne syrup or S"qgi, whsch se. efte, i reswiti the dyspeptie stemu- acti. lt eeotaïims ne a1celt1el to iaiebriate or cro0" e *4d c-a"g fier SùUalantýs. It'la t%Èe me»ly luswu uedicine * thacé tkreg~ ee l..d wl hiilà new hoalth yheag tiffuçs It Isuilde up lthe lange beeasit buiilds ap tbe wI&el. body. It 4w a man titis the aptifre of a football pljyer. It ,B stregtu Za ,Muee tate the %towach Ud (1htestines, and oausea the digestive, juic«4 te ew freely. It fius tht hlced with tIse elem culs t at build up ever Riesand tisane of th. ia. l t.,turs Idéz- f 1r,--- PROVINCIAL SABBA1T1I SCH6OLS. NOTES 0_ý TIIE CexvýýE~NTO'q AT GALT. Thc 31th annual convention was held lut tbe Central Presbvtcrian clhurch, Cuit, an Tuesda, Wednesday and Thursdav of last weck. Thera wera 191 delagates lu attend- ance. Dr. W. J. Harrison, Keene, is the nawlv elected Presideut., .Mr. John A. Pattarsan spekeeon "Thc Gospel, Gold andGoiug aun." Mrs. Margaret C. Brown, Buffalo, N. Y., ivas the primar v speaker. Mr. Marlon Lawrance addressad the convention an "Tha Big Boy." Dr. W. E. Tilley, Bowmanvilla. is a mamber et the central executiva. It was recemmanded that twe per- manant secretanies ha ampleyed. Heon.S.H.Blake,O.C., Toronto, con- tributad $150 ta the Association fund. Thara are 5,800 Sundav Schools lu Ontario with a membership cf 425,000. '"The message cf the 20th century ta the Suuday Sebools Advanc,"-B. F. J acobs. Mr. McGillicuddy, dliairman, was witty, humoreus buit the aaruast pre- siding spirit. Mr. P. C. Trebilcocis, Bewmanville, wus ra elactad a membar et the axecut- ive cammittea. 11ev. J. J. Ra, Dr. W. E. Tilley and Mr. P. C. Trebilcock, Bowmauville, at- tended the convention. Treasurar R. J. Score reparted: re- celpts cf -ear $3,465.66; disbursameuts $3,402,87; ,alanca $63 29, AUl wara the deleg-ata's white siik ribboîî, duly inscribad, entitling tlim te "the treedom et the city. " Mr. John A. Patterson, the retining president et the axacutiva committee, has held that office tlirae yaars. A vote et thanks was passed te the ladies atteuding tic convention for re- maviug their bats luitiah churcli. 11ev. J. C. Tibli, Stneatsville, was ap- pointed cerresponding secretary lu placaet Miss Jessie Munro, resiguad. Massrs. B. F. Jacobs, Chicago, and Marlon Lawrence, Toledo, were tic American speakters at thé convention. 'Impress on boys that business men bav-e ne use for yeung mon wha arc net total abstainers. "--Dr. McLaren, Q. C. Cal. W. J. McCra's motion ta bave date ofeciventio)n cagdte suit the' farnîng lasss was ee down. What a saa Mr. John A. Pattersan, Toronto, chairman, reported tbat the executiva cemmittea lield thirteen meetings dur- iug the year. The singing was cengregational and heartv; thc pra.yens were fervent and aparepniate; the addrasses wera timely and inspiriting. Secretary Crcws, ot the Epwertb League, was at is hast and îmnpnessed the great audience w îth bis stalwart, vigorous Christian manhood, \Vhen B. F. Jacobs was iutroduced te the audience tbrae tbausand people rosa te their tact lu a welcomc te the mnan who is rcvrerd wianevar known. "I am lun sympatbs witb the Britisb Empire, but more gladly, aven, do I tallow lu the toetprints lft on tic sliore of Galile.'-Presideut Harrison. Witi Mr. Jacebs' Iast wards was an upheaval et feeling tram tic audience. Ha had captivated every heurt, avery mind, lu bis capacity cf messaugar tram God--Reformer. Misses Beucecis, Carscaddeu and Cawken and Mr. Fred. Hl douass, tba delegatas tram Bowmanvîlla Mtbodist Sabliati Seheol, wlll give their reports on Friday evening, "If the Snndav Sehools of Ontario raisad as inuc'i pan capîta as tbose et New Brunswick, the Association would liave ut its disposai three timas as mudli in oney . "-Secretunv Day. The audience sang " God Save tha Queen" ut the conclusion etfticepatriot le speech made by Hon. Jas. Yaug, Gait, wlio bad wituessad the departure et the troups for the Transvaal. 11ev, Robt. Jobuston, London, said: Thera is ne land like our land, Canada, for me. I have the faitb ta believa that tbis Canada is the country et the twen- tieti century, tiat it will bc the lai eto lands. the country of countries. 11ev. W. R Cruicksliank, M. A., ot Brantford, said: Tbe wbole weapeu ot the teaclier is not merely te imDart tlie trutli but ta apply the truth tauglit practicallv. The Word is net taug lit till it implies and exacts " obey. " Report front Durham West-Steadily pregrassiug. Cauuty lias beau erZan- ed fer great many yaars. County and township ternitory is well covered and excellent wark dlotie The Association promised $35 for the Provincial tund. 11ev. W. H. Hincks, reporting the Atlanta convention said: "Friction had Normal wark was entcrcd upan lu 1893. Iu 1899 there were 22 persans wrate an tic _New Testament, 21 wrota an Training, 22 wrotle on tic Old Test- crnent, and tiare were 1S diploînas is- sued, -Miss Jessie Muni-a wbo was mnarried Oct. 2th te Rev.. Gea. L. Johnston of Nortu Bav, was presentcd witb an en- grossed addness by the Association lu appreciation et past services as cornes pouding sacrctary. Gaît, the Manchester cf Canada, ha- longs te tic Provincial Sabbath School Association se long as tic latter wisb te remain. I give ta you tic fî-eedamr et GlIt. \Ve ara prend cf our tow'n, we valua your preseuce liera -Mayor Rad- lor-d, Tbe Sunday Sebool sbould ha con- ductad on a business basis. sucli as a bauk on ather establishiment et tic kind. And tic superintandent shah ba paid, aud shall give lis entira time te the sehool and its intarasts.-Marion Law- rance. Ail houer to the gedl *y men and wemeu w-base livas are -givet te ra- mating and pet teting tic institution ot thea Sabbat h Sciool-the missions et tic churcli-the safeguard et thc little ciildren-the hope efthte race !-Galt Reformer. Tic Metliodist churcli is thceulY oe whici lias establisbcd a Home Dapart- ment. lu the contenances at Hamilton, Tarante, London, and Bay of Quinte, l-ing witbin Ontarioettea Home Dapart- ment menbership increasad iast yaar frem 4,222 te 6,404. Mn. B. F.Jacobs îs past master ln tha art et appealing to head and heart, without rant or rhetoric but with pnetound thauguh ean logic, impressed witli simple eurncstness, and the most winning parsuasivcuess et lofty, lange- liearted nature and instincts- -?frnii er. General Secretary Day atteuded dur- ing the past yeaur; 57 cemmittea meet- ig;66 ronventions, 9 new onganiza- tians constituted-county 1, towvnship 8; cenuctad 19 Sabbath Sehool annivar- sary services; visitad 9 Subbati Sehools during session; travalled 14,500 miles; wittan about 600 letters. "I could wish that tic ang el af peaca wcre abnoad in Af rica, instead of tha sarrau- makiîîg spirit cf wÀar, but if' battles are te and must ha touglit, it. toilows that men must figit them. I lionor the brave ho -,s wba left home, safety and Caniada, fan a strange land, dtang-er andiSotth Atnicat."- liou S. H. Teewas splndid oratonical talent te draw upen-homc and toreigu.. Blake, Kneowles Cnews, MeLanan, Hamilton, McGillicuddy, Lee, Pater- son, Young, Johnsonî, Day, Dicison,, Cruicksbenk, Moore and otiers-not forgetting "Father" Jacebs, "lincia" Lawrence and "Auntie" Ceaie Brown. Wbat seul stirrinig eloquence and con- sacratcd tervor was each- gatber- ing tavoecd with! Tic caînmunity ut large is in the happiast unison witi tic abjects of the gutherinz, and xmthing tbat Christian sentiment, coupled with thc most off - handed bospitality. eau suggest,lWill ha 1 at t undane te the end liaItiche isiting- doleg-ates shah tfeedperfecly ut berne, ha amply conscicus tiat it is gaad for them ta h be bre, and ha anahlcd te carry au-ny pleasurableanaîdlinsting ne- collections et Ualt, its people, lus titu- tiens, instincts and ganaral' chars cIcr- isties, as eoeetftte prattiest, hast reg- ulatad, mest moral, busiesî and mast progressive among- Canudian lowns.- Reformer. BETU ESDA. 11ev. Gea. Webber et Taranteou-ill lecture banc Wednasdav evening next on "Fittyycars et Bible, Christian tSuccess lu Canada." Perliaps nemanl living is bettar able thau Bro. Wabben ta dis- cuss this subject. Go te bear hlm 8 o'clock sharp. Collection for expenses NE WCASTLE. Miss Lillie Fligg, Bewmanville, visit- ed ut Mn. G. Scots recenly..... Mrs. Pboebe Wright, stnickeuî witli paralysis,, is very illI.... Messrs. W. Fostan and E. H. MeLean u-ere lu Taranto Wadnes- day.... .1ev. W. Jellifte, Bawmanville, nreaclied tu-o excellent sermons here, Sunday .... Mrs. Gao.z P. riekard and dangitars Ethel and Edut. are visiting relatives ut Walcama. . . .iss Ethet Stapictan was recent guast cf Miss M. Clamence ...Additional Newcastle news on inside p-iges aIse Orano news.. HIN OIRLS wahile useing Dni.A. W.Che's lia 5-

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