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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Nov 1899, p. 6

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TOm ACE WITH FACIS. Xust received from Simcoe Mils' third large shipment of Wool ilorse Blankets, reg- ular price $2.75, selling at $2.00. And Whieelbarrows with Malleable llub and Spokes Steel iRiin woîth $4.50 for $3.50. Also agent for MIcLau,hin Co. Carniages. JOHN S, RUNDLE'S. 1larnese Emporium, Oîme door East of L. Morris' Furnnture Sture, Buwnm ville. 1ANTiED: 25 Expenieneti anti 25 Inexperieuceti OPERATORS ON WHITEWEAR Blouses anti wrappensou new higli speeti machines, Iighest 'wagcs pait. We guarntee te teace anti offen spot-l in- ducements Vo boginuers. GALE MFG CO.~ Mincing Lane, Týoronto. 39-4w. NEW TAILOR SIlIO?. risc nndersigued wise las bacc carrying on lio talloring business lunî-onnectioc wilh Viaso' Dry Goed Sr afer ainuereof years lias commenceet busiuess f an himself ai hie reomp King St. west, wlnere le le preparedti t make gente anti boys scies ineIlah e latesi styles, anti ai loeet' rices. For ihoe o beeisI te order suifs, heswill carry a fuail une o! sanîphes in ai neweslpattens. Give hlmaa cli J. T. ALL1N, 5'ashioinable Taller, Rovar. MAIL SrzAMSIcnu, LiVERntmOOL ANiSLezý- essOmuINaY , MOiTIssAI ANDS QoasEB SERVICE. Californian f rom Motreal Nov. 9, 6 a. inu. Laurqntila " ,' Il16 I parisien " Prtiacti Dec.2 Haifax,iJec 3 Nu miti ai 4. 9: 10' Cilfernian " ' 16ii "17 Laureation " " "23 24 Steesage, Numidian $225 Pessengers wi le transferredwiih their bag- gage frocs the ralway station» tec wharf f ne. oi charge. RATES 0F PASSAGE. First cabin, $50 anti upe-ards. Ilotnrn $100.00e anti upe-arde. Secend C Lle 95, Steerage $23.50 For tickets anld every in formiation ap- ply to M. A. JAMES, lan Line Arceau. Bowmanvifle. 4NhQook'u Cotton Boot Componnd. I tieceessfuily used rnenthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Scie, effectual. Ladies ask yor dmggist for Cooka Ctton Ret C..- nen . 1TakeneoSIter as &Il MIxtures, pilla snd !nmtâtos are dangerons. Fr1,., Ne. 1, $1iper box; Ne. 9, 10 degrees stronger, $3 per box. No. 1eor 2. maied en receipt o! price.aud two -cent stamupe T The<Cook Companyildsor, Ont. WN-os. 1 sud 2 soid sud recommended b>' a1l respanoible Drugglets lîn ada. Nos. 1 andi 2 solt inluBowmanville I ECens- senmnAIsI & SON, STOTT & JURY; Orone Y J . Gins- FILLAN; Nee-castle by Ils. FRNscomBE. VF/" CURE Wiii Cure arFr FOUR POINTS IN ITS FAýVOR: FIRSTr-QUICKEBT TrO CURE SECOND-SAFEST TO TAKE THIRD-MOST HIGHLY EN'IORSED FOURTH-CHEAPEST T<.BUY Oue bottie centaine ten days' treatraent IN BIG BOTrLES, 50 CENTS. 7ME DR. HALL MEDICINE CO. Canadian Agsncy, - Kingston, Ont. FOR SALE ÂT ALL DRUGGISTS thv a bietisbautifii tr.,(siunT .'. 'lat.d lirin BruScet for sliir oro.dcn fine Lineen DISyllns, ait tn C.0555 Oh ati. st ntsd prettiest desigm;ne uro 'ail.. eo. ausA w wlii ,.d the Dora,,,, "soîpaids;011 the, roimn the mney and ,e t once awrd gqoe raeleCIt..ii emargeas isd. etinen Dco'ieà! CO. G D RELIABEL 1 & ANhinoet men sn every iocaliiy, local or travefl- log, te itrodece and sdvertise Dur gpdlls,12Ir, show-card3 on fences aiong publie roiansd i conspicnees places, i4o expiritnce.neeifinl. Se-Uary or cornmistes 160 per month and expensts 82.60per day. Write aS once for full patticulars. THErEMPIRE MEDICINE CO., Lodon, De- OUR1 'FATER'S 1HOME. IIGE KL AN! Dr. Taimag e Discourses on the Glories of Heaveri. ROOM FOR ALL GOD'S CHILDRENS, Thu Famenis Divine Depie tho Itapture Wiih Wh ich Relatires and Friends Wiii MesS la the Great Roeuption Rou of Meavenn-The Musie of Ticst Laudi efComplete Harmony. Washington, Nov. 5.-la a uni que way tise beavenly n'orlt isladiscours- ed upon hy Dr. Talmage la this ser- mon unath fe figure of a housse; tort, John xlv, 2, 'lu my Father's bouse are nsany noonse." SHere is a bottle of metilcino that le a cure aul. The disciples wero cati,, anti Christ offeret heai co as a n al- ternative, a stiosulant anti a tonse. Ho showis fhis that their sorreîvs are ooly a tiark Lackgrouisi of a briglut pucture of coning f-icîct3. H lots tIso n ~on thaf, thougis uox theyc live on the bit lande, thoy ebal yet bute a isouso oni the uplantis. Jsearly alfisc BiLle descriptions cf1 houx on usay hie figurative. 1 ans noV positive that lu ait beavea Viere le a lit ral cron n or harp or peurîy gate tir throise or chariot. They iay Le only used to illustrato the glorles of thse plaee, Lut hboit w 01 lltusey do it! Thse'faxvorite syînhoul y xxhich the Bible presesîts ceestial Iappi- riess is a bouse. Poul, isho acier oie o a bouse, altîsougis le hiroti coefor te years la Italy, speake of heaxen as a "bouse not matie iith lisoîsts," andt Christ iin our f ext, tise translation of îî hleh ilec.ittlo chaeg ti, SOo 1gie f1h' sare te- ctiente umenisng, says, luIriy Bath- ers bouse iîre mnais rooiiis." 'Mis tiuýis 'iyauthonizeti counaîi- Smii ofihesi entrVo a gnset lonsesteati oi large c ceuiuodtioris I proeu5 te taiïr 01out. lu serie hsculfly acsghherbootia o ane hiihts a iery comnnodîous lsabtain, He snust haie noons for ah! hil chilrea. The roosus conse to ie colti citer the tiilfererit mncabers of thie fansihy. That is nsofber's roosu, tfiat is Georges noons, thuaf le -eunys rooM, that is Floras noces, that ISisary's noons,cutitise ho 'se le aIl occupioti. But timo goos 1)3, anti the sous go out irto the orldtiard builit thein eîxvn homes, andt the daugiste rs are iarrioti or baveftaleutsencugis siu- gly f0 go eut anti do a gooti worht ia tise w onîti. Aistai ton awhle tise futher ant i other are alnsost alonc in tîse big bouse, anti, seteà by tise ex eulng stad, fhcy say, "Well, oun fauily le no langer nov tisan wn'i ive stanftid togethor 40 yeure ugo."' But ticue goes sfilh fanthen by, anti somne of the ebilitrea arc unfonfunate anti returu fis fiscolti ionsesteudti o ivo, andthie graetiltinm come-wstis flous anti perhaps gncat-graudcisil- trou, anti agala thse bouse is full. àtilleuisia ago Ccd huit on tise hills of leaven a groat hoinseu for a famihy inaurnerable, yet te Le. At fins e l iveti atone un that great bouse, Lut alter awh ile it. vas ocon- pied by a i ery large fanslly, ciseruble, seraphie, ahîgelle. The oternitien, passoti on, anud msaay coifishe habitants pascal on. ant i nany of flue inhabit- auts becume xvayn'ard anad bf t, nov- er f0 netUmnu, andinianyof thse apant- monts lies-e vacafeti. I refen'te fise seraphle, angelie. The> eteruitice anc filling np again. There are r rlî ais af fie olti iomeefeat of Got's ebiltin eveny day, asti -tise day wml come -%isea tison iu hono unoccu- pied rooin inlu athfic bouee. As you anti I expeet toencaer i-t anti make tiseno eteruat residenco, I tisonglt you -xx oulti tiSe te get corne more partienlans aiouenthViensasy rooeensei mesteati. "In my Fathen'e houeo anc many noomes." Yen see- tise place mc te le apportioeot off ia- te apartnsonts. XVe chah love ahi icho are lu henven, but tisene are coe very geeti people whisesWc weuld mofn'ant te ive with. in the sanie roomu, 'rley iaeay be btter tissu we arc, but they are et a divergent eni- perameuf. W e woulti liko Vo meet witistemon utic golden sfreets and -arship'wih themu lu the temple sud wl-hth tis n utihe rive bâni, but 1 ii$s glati to say that çve sisal! lire hIdiffenept apartaments. "etIu y Father's housse are iaany reeima/' You sen, heston wii bhe se large tàat If eue wratsan entire rous V'o hlm%- soilf or bercal if can le affortied. Aslq ngIiuS statisticlans, taklag 'thse sbatemmct made uin vJ.t4e. tweanty-4et ciapter, tisat Use hua-. veahy Jesasâlesn wa.s nseaeured andi f iuite le l2,qý0Ofurlongs and VISA ite lengthsand helglst andI lreattisof it sx' oqu4ei, says tisat woulti sislca hearcu in stz« 48 cextillion 386 q uintilion cuiei feet, andi thons, se- erfing a ek4tain portion forn lipe cure iniestion anTi bleptiv, - l.TIey ar e ten as candy ainti give .instant reif. Boxo!60 alt cents. Soiti by J. liigginbotham & Son. Gan Do More Work on the Farm Than His Twenty-Four Year Old Son. ForThree or Four Years at one Time He was Too Weak tcf Work at al- Disabled with Kidney Disease- Dodd's Kidney Pills Gave Hlm Hîs Present Strength. IS',GERSoLL,,Nov. 6.-We'have a man in this district who is a remarkable ex- ample of the adage. -Health and strength go as a pair." ie is amiddle- aged man ln perfect health, and glories in his strength. Yet somey~ears ago he used to be as weak and helpless as a kitten. Mr. W. IL. Bailey lives on lot five on the town line between Derbace and West Oxford lie is a fariner by occu- pation and ivell known threughout the district. For years Mr. Bailey was a victim of Kidnev Disease whicli sapped his strengtb. Hie was flot a bellever in patent mpdicines, but lie tried ail the doctors iu Ingersoll without axail. Then ho took three boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pihls and became a whole, sound man once more. To so great an extent did he gain lu strength that in spite of his years he could overmatch is grown-, p son, a big strapping- man of twe ity-four. Mr, Bailev savs: "l'or vears lt have been troitblefi with Kidney Disease, being so bad at times that I ( ould do nothiing. I bad tried ail the doctors in this town but thev would have put me in my grave. I took three boxes of Dodd's Kidne v Pis and arn now able to do more work than my twenty-four s ear old son." rooins too smafiz..=rrcv mnr a rceRd, the roows ivili be palatial, and those who have Mot L3ad enough roorn in this w erid w il ba e plenty of rooni oIt the last. CarrJ ing out stili further the symn- h)oIisnll of tLe text, Jet uis join hantis arA ,<o Upi o this nmajestic homne st ed anid see for ourseli es. As n e ascend the g-old(en steps an invisible guer&dsmaaiL sw'nrgs open the front door, atid ne arc, ushered to the right loto lhe rec'eption room of the 01(1 homestead. Thu t is the place ivher@ -we first metthie welcome of hoaveni. TLere must bc a place wbcre the dupartked spirit ent-ers and a plade in v.hich it confrcWits lte la- habitants celestiil. The receptioxi roi of the newly arrî'ved fronsi this worl--nbatscesos it imust ha-va n iî,-d since 'thie firsi' guest ai- i cd, the Viettini of the flwst fratri-. cide, pious Abel! In that rooxnu Christ lovingly greets ail new-coaners. H1e rodcýcif teLens, a.nd lie lias te right te tlNe llrst embrace on arrivai. W hat e. iinute ishet the asca-nded spirit finit seeé th.e Lord! Btter thon ail wéeyler moaci about hiiz i r t4ilkiid &Ïbout hlm or sang about hinslnn ail thse churches amd through all nu. earthly lifetime -will it Le, juëst for one second te sco hlm. ;Phe cnost rapturous idea we ever had of hlmi on sacramehntal day s or at the height of some great revival or uoder. the uplifted Laton of an oratorio le a bankruptcy of thouglit c ,%,rd ithi the first flash of lus appearance lu, i that reception roons. At that mo- ment when von cenfroot ecdioter, Christ looking upron y ou and yon ieoking upon Christ, thore will bé ax estatic tbrill and surging of emo- tioni that begger ail description. -ookl Th*eý need ino introduction. lxxseg go Christ chose that repent- ant sinnor, n,1d that repentant si'- mer ehos-. Christ. Mightiest momuent of tas inaortelhstory-the flrst kiffl tf heaicai! Jesus and the soul! 'l'ie seul aind Jaes! 1But new into that reception room pour tise glorifled kinsfolk, onougli ef earthly retention te let yen knew thein, but without their 'wounds or their sickisesses or their treubles- sec what heaven lias donc for then- so radiant, so gleeful, so transport- ingly lovely! They call you by nanie, They greet you ,,vith an ar~dor pro- portieneci te tbe anguish' of yQur parting and fthe ioogth of your sepa-.' ration Fatheri Mether!1 There le yonrr ciild. Sisters.! Brotierst Fricadel 1 wish y*u joy.lFor yeeirs ap&rt, together ago'ainli the recep- tic" roewu of the ocia hermtead. Yoiu sec, they will knew you are coniag. Tkere axe se msany im,rtals flliwg anl tke "&mm ece tween here and hea- 'ves that mws like that ts li1ke Ig'htÏmîng.'hley n-il!l hathere ina»a inst>att. Thugk they -wcre la oeea *tIs.r w*rli en errard from J.d, a signal %vould lie thre'çia that would fctch thons. Though yen migkt at first fedl clazed &nd oicrawed rit tiieïr eperm'al splener, ail tient feel- Mt. will lie gene at their first touch of '»&YAvumy salutation, a3l w. wil say: "Oh, nsy loft bpy."'" Oh, my~ lost @04mpanion!" "Oh, Msy lest, frIend! Are we hcre togeticer?" the sumnier of ia'70, I stood study- ing thse exquiste seulptsiring cf, the gate eit tke Tuilerie., rPatle. Loat ilu ad.airatiea of th. -wond.fuj ait i ~er a%14a& lm$ etciLng Fsuspiciou. Lewerln ycteto onde fpepIfun geverniisau t ofticials, wlie, from m iy cOasplexiou, jutiged ime Vo le a Ger- mien anti that fer sonie belIlgerent pus-posee1 might le examaialng the gates cd thse palace. M7 explanation ia ves-y poor French diti net satlsfy thons, andi tey followcd nme long dis- tances untîl I reached mny liotel and wyere net satisfied unstil frein amy laIqâloS'd they foi.nd tiat I waa euly an lioffenslre American. The gates of, earthiy palaces are carefully guarded, andi, if so, he-w mucis more tihe tirone-room I A dazzllug palace le it f er mirrors and aIl costly art. No one who bas ever saw the thr one- room cf the flrst and oolJy Napoloon will ever f orget the letter N cm- broidered inl purple and golti on the upholstery of chair andi nindow, the letter N gilded on thse Wall, the let- ter N chaseti on thse chalices, the let- ter N ilamiog froce the celing. Wbat a conflagration of brillianco the threne-room 0of Charles Immnanuel of t ardinia, of Ferdioand of Spain, of Elizabeth of Englafnd, of Boniface of Italy! But the tbrone-room. of our Father's bouse bath a glery eclps- ing ail the throne-rooms that ever saw scepter wvl or'crowa glitter or foreiga emibassador hon', for our Father's' throue is a throne of grace, a tbr-oss of mercy, a tbrone of holi- nea;s, a tlsrone of justice, a throne of unitersal doie ion. We need net stand shivering and cowering before it, for our Father says wee may yet one day come u and sit on it be- side hlm. "Te hlin that overeemcth wil 1I grant to sit with me ln my tbrone.- The crewns cof the royal family of this world are tosseti about from, geocratiori to geiseration, and from. family te famlly. There are men comparativeiy yoifng lu Berlin wlio bav e seen the crown on three emper- ors. But n'herevor the coronets of this w orld risc or full tbcy are des- tineýl to meet la one place. And I look aad sce then coming irons north anti south anti east and wxest. the Spanisb crýowu, the Irîlian cron-n, the, Eoglish crono, the Turkisb crowu, the Ilussian crown, thse Per- sian crolyvn--aye, ail the crowns frons under. the great archivoît of boaven-a nt whlc I watcb and w on- der tbey are all flung in rain ef dia:- mouds around the picrced feot. Jesus ýhall reig uvwhere'er the sun Docs bis succe ssive journeys run, His klngtiom stretch irons shore te shore 1111 sua shahl risc and set ne more. Another reonln our Father's keusie im the music roolm. St. John anti otier Bible -N,-riteors tailk-so nsuch about thse music of heaven that there must b. music there, perhaps not s-u" as on earth was tbrummeti fTrm tâ--mcblrg string or evokefi by Vte cf 1',' ry key, but if net that, thle aonsething better. Thicre are se msary Christian harpists anti Christ- laci cempsçrs andi Obristian ergan- letis anud Clirîstiali chor-isters andl ($!-ietlan hynmologis-te f but ax e gene up frein carti, ticre must hie surie place cf uspecial (leIctiiti0fl. Shs.ll ire have music in this n orld of discords and ne music iu the landi aif complote barmony? I cannet give yeu thse notes of the irst bar of the ner sog that le sung ln bouton. I cannetý imagine cither the solo or thoý doxology. But heaven mnans music, amd eau men nothing else. Oce- sionially that nmusic lias escapeti the gate., Dr. Fuiler, dying at Beaufort, S.', saiti, "Do yeuneflt hear?" "il1ear whiat?' exclaimed the Ly- gtanders. -T@ mus le! La t u'me upI Open tise wiutiowsl!' Another ruons in our Father's iscuse wiIh le thse famu.lîy recus. 1-t miay correispond zomcwhat n iti tic famlly reens ou earth. At morning anti evcrng, yen knew, that le tise place we smoýv meet. Thougis every mesuber qcf the householti have a scpa.rate reoom, lu the family reoon tien al aU fhisr.anti îoys and cor- MISERABLE WMEN 110W WOMEN LOSE INTEREST INý TIlEIÙR OUSEROLDS. Thse ls te Which Women are Heir Cause M[uch Sufferisg-The Exper. lence of a Lady who lias JFoad a Speedy Cure. Mrs. Isaie T. Comeau, wiso resities at 88J Arago street, St. Reach, Quebee, ie a teacher cf French, English anti music. For maay years Mrs. Comeau tas s,4ffereti greatly from, internaI troublo.s, peculiar te heer sex. andi aise from continuons weakness the result cf headaclies. neuralgia and nervous pros tration. lier trouble became so bad that she was forceti to give up teaching .At g-t af hsptlbu tc ret .Pille for Pale People. Acting tiirectly on the blooti anti nerves, invigorating the bodiy, reguiating the fupetiens, they restere healtb anti streugth te ex- hausteti women, anti make thens feel that life le again worth living. Solti by all dealers ia medicine or sent post paiti at 50e a box or six boxes for $2.50, by atidressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Refuse ail substitutes. roWs anti eprmcucs C ut 1-s'50 are thorreierst.Suereti rootesilu ahl urdeins vebriV le 1Lm- urlous ýiLt i tomne a ti d ý1i 'o;nS anti bocks lu Russian liti,,sw staig mu nsahogauy casé or tischecya few plain chaire anti a cradie- ile( the familI, roons on lirgb wi 11le tis place 'aber.tUsk*kinsfoîk assemble aud talk oe r the fans ly experienceEs of earth, Use wetitingcs, Vhs birthe,- the 'burils. thse festal days of Chrot*cis anti Thaakegivinig reu.ion. W411 tise cblîdren departeei romtain oie"ren there? WIl tise agoti rcasain meged therc9 Oh, no! EF-i-oytlslng ile pcr- fect there. Thse cîsiti will go ahead to gîoritïod nsaturity, andtihte ageti wiil go back te glerid aiaturity. I-Ion cicr nucisne love cm' ehileren ou earth, wn oulds iconsitier If st, de- miestie disaster if ýthey stayoel chil- dren, anti ac we rejoice utthfein gron tb bore. Anti whea ie meet lu tise faily recai of our I atier's bouse n c w 111L e gladti lat they have graodîy and gîoriousîy matur- eti, xx ile olîr parents, ixho ixere ageti ant inlotrai here, îeshal hoglati to finti restoredti tethe nasefagile anti i igorous ire mortalty there. If 40 or 45 or 50 years be the apex ofi pbJ sîcel anti mental ifie on earth, then the boni cnly chiltihoot i xx111ad- nco to that, andtithse houx cly olçl age rotreat Vo tbat. Woisn île j in thonsi in the fammily ron, evo shahl havo mnucb te tell thons. Wo shall ivant te kuon' of tisema, right an uy, sncb tis as thoe: Bld ion aoc us lu till or that or the other strug- gle? Bld yeý n on' xvbeu we lest our property anti sympathizo wifb us? Wero yoen pleaseti îhen xve starteti for hbovni m? iîtiou celebrate tise bour osf our conversion? Anti thon, îvhether they kuoix if or rot, n e wilh tell thoinsahI. But they wil111hava more te teIl ns than île to tell thcns. Ton yeare oon carfhis ay Le îery ci entfml, Lut xvhat. rnust ho the hi- ograpiy' cf feu Jears lu hestoen? Tbey vi 11haveo to tell us flic stery of corono tiens, story (f riens froos ail jimiisisîts, story ofco Ce rQrs and bieraichs, story cf lereebsti or raosotnerd planets, st( ry of antigelic i ictory axer dilaholse reî 011e, of ex- tingi]slmoti seins, of obliteraIti con- steilatious, of s cxv OuaieCkiridiei anti su osg, of strartioticonsole, cf worîis, cf fine, ammd 5for of Jeîrcv- ab's reigu. Il lu that <anmily roomi of our Pather'r bor'se n e bave se ssuch to tel lieus cif v.bht ive bave Isassodti trougis minceive pqrteti, hoîv much msore tfhrillii g ati areus- lng xvbicli tItey baie te fcîI us of xvlat they haie passeet hrough sdace ne p-srtedf! Sureiy tiret famiîy rooîn 'alîl Le oe eof tise imosu favor- cd romms nss l auoîr Fafhier's bouse. Wittlog lingeriug tisere, fur -ive sah1 usier again Le is a hurry! -Let me open a wintiow," SLlm(l a buasîble Ghnltian servaut Vo Lady lailets, whm, because of the deatis of ber chilt, Lad chut benselfif upinua tierk rootmu amîd refuscdti fsec00 ny eue. "Yen have beto nsmany iay s la this dan necmnu. Are yen net ashamued tVognrieve iluVils raanor- whoa yen cugbit Vo he tlsanking Ced fer baving ris on yen lise mest beau- tif-ul chîlti that evor was seen, anti, imstoad otf leaving bine la this world f111 lie shouiti Le %orn ivitis trouble, luas net Geti taken lienste hieaxeýn lu ail -hie beauty? Leave off weepiug anti let me open a wiiutw.- How isoulti IV do for auy person te louve yen le that fanslly rons to-day? I ans sure then. le ne rons la xxhicis yen weuld natiscr.- tay Vlîan ln tise enraptuneti circle of your ascentict anti glonifict i klufolk, We niight visit «tiser recu$Isnla ur Fathor's bouse. 'Thore may ho pie- ture galîcries peuciheti net with eartly art, but by some precess un- kucîvu lu flue tyrîti, preserviug for the mext world thc lnigstfflt aud mest stîmpeouus sceeues '.1 humais histony, and there inay beofines anti formse e orthIv beauty presmcrved xxhite.r and chaster and nicher titan Venotian sculpture aver wroug]t- recuis besitie noams, recase over neomes, large roams, mai estic roauis, opalescent noonis, aneetiystinc recuis. "lI nsmy atherns bouse are m-a.ay n cm s. I hope noue o! ns wil l e tiisap- peinfeti about gettlag liscre. Tiscro le a' rocm for us if we Nwlll go aud. take it, lut lu eider te roachis k 1 le absolutc'ly nccessarey fiat w. l.ske Vise right way, and , Mitiet lthis waY, andi we must qeter at tàe riglit doer, and CEnrist lS the deor, &ni wu ymust starn ls iae, andti àceuly hour 'ou are suen.of la Vhe heu- 1*1 cieck me'w stnikes, and i tie enhy sec- andth ie ene your watelstgis usw tgjQ1'à Ing. I keld i"n my had a. roelu .Jlot- ers 1l1itlag Yen alilVo stake that yens- home fereven. Tise New T'a.ta- ment ie eely a roll e! lettes-. jsvIt- ing yeu, as Use esirit of Usem Pr-a- tdc«ll5' eaysç "My dying Y'ec iqse- tal ebid in cas-Vil> noigliboniseut, coatimtatî te à Siaikte point ous- t1v'ýv' *.t ib e$vena & aem oei->lme @sgen ,idel .1*41-1.4 rher ta-À To I<ep Baby Froni Mar-ins. Ta Irelanti a stranti of xoman'a isair is put ln a bahb 's cratile. lieumaujursnsotlsers binti ro< rsb- bons about the 1,a'e' ankues. Estisonian usothers fie lugs of herbe Vo their infants' necks. lIn Wales a pair orf touge is tise cradie secure the mite of hiunsanity freibaria. 1 MOnsg thse Vosges pensants, chil- dreburn at tis'e aw esoÎn arsrusp- PecM od ohaetheir f ongues iveui htsig, and those lare utaf the last, quarter te have keenerratnig k> If your baby is delicate and sickly and its food does flot vrs ~it, put fifteen or twenty drops of Scott's Emulsion in its bottle three or four times a day and you will see a rnarked change. We have had abundant proof that -they 'will thriveý on this einulsion when other food fails to nourish them. It is the same witli lar-ger, children tbatL are delicate. Scott's Emul"!sion seerns to be the elîitlacking ii utheir food. Do flot fail to- try iL if your childrern do. flot thrive., It is as useful for them iii summer as in winter. Ask your doct&e s- hsi/ms m~not irae. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto. I çipietit~>twc tieliclixisIlite r~ riM,$lelMtV dtring m-ny stay in j'-7eland. 'Mfe!eilOwlng notice Veas ioedn a4 pîcasure boat bcîouging t.o a Ioto«ahip conspauy on the hur Y5Th@ cà lu tise cabin unsi icrij Ladies,. Qnerm arc roques tednet ,te makc u$e of thonsm 11 ite 1ladcies aI-e sested 'ue tilne I ussinutVe goouetrv aeeFi lsse' sitr Vthe Visft of the Dukle fmdt Butcess -of York. 1 il Ped the foi- bowiug dehcidsf a\e s~emfn 0- Ksft'etewn paper- -"Yameso a he ny, i 1se dspirit mercjeg.ut, ý>y f thse w'i ývby wlna dù Ly -'J1e flUkeocf Y orkcwhile influis-. Tells V'itry. When your head aches, 'i va eefocbillon .coximti- pated, mr.,! at of tune, w1th ymr stemach (dur aud ne app etite, j t And take a dose, frcm 1 te 4 pill. Yon will be surpriseti at irow mr-si1y they wiU do their wérk, cure yýu hekedache aud billoueness, rouqe.ti'e hiver sudmake ycu feel liappy ýal. 25rnsý odb l idcn eTea Th

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