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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Nov 1899, p. 7

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PlTI lIC Y lireab _ aeratdC've a ils util- c lt yila the art o et npoed ,jo:jg, will lie eodtasily seenwvhen t TO ,-~ s unersood hatfood la the ovea is aiways surrou nde dby efr es sweet air. Neoburnlg rou dor, can exist te Spoil its êelicate flavors. The simple inean ng etaerated laî -air-to cenipel its free action wlthin any prescrilbed liit. It infuses andi contînualiy forcesa ra id ircula- tion offesh air lu exact y tdesae manner as we aerify our lunga. Se ':ý- we say aerated ovena ovnir -,Steves actualiy breath raiar Aerated avens are Lined wîth dollar, tbey neyer tarniali, jd ae aiways (jean ani Swect. Agent, Bowmanville. Ham ptlon General Store. We "b11ld a vaster stock than bas been," and are as usual prepared to give bargains ln Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries and Hardware. Gents' Clothing. Good Tweed Suits to order $8.00. Good Serge Suits to order $8.00. Wehave a very large and well assorted stock to seleet f romn, ln Serges, WorstedF and Tweeds, both Foreign and Domestic manufacture, We are bouidc" to SUIT L' ou. Groceries andHad re SIrI. our Grocery1 and liard ware Departments you will find Our stock 'ei gssort2Ct, buglit in the best markets at the closest prices, and will be sold at the riglit prîce. Sonie people want quantity others quality, we can please both. llighest pnieu paid ia cash for produce. Give us a eaul. HIAMPTON. THE CROCODILE. 1'u-nn; and -r4~. At ieast ten species of the crocodile are koov. n to science, one spiecies be- ing inclgenous to Florida. The Glif- ferencu botweeil the crocodile and the alligator is very marked, tbe head of the crocodile is longer and narrower, the teeth fewer and w biter, the two lower front tusks itting loto holes in th*s upper jaw-a feature absent in the alligator. TIhe crocodile is aiso more flexibiy built, is more fe- rucious and fer mîore pugnaciou. It is aise more crafty and dunaing and keener eî cd ia the pursuit of its prey. Florida waters abouncllng ta fQod, the crocodile bas the ferocity of its nature excited by hunger, but when alarnied it plonges into the ri- ver or bay and hastens seaward at full speed until eut of ail daii4ger of a possibile fee. Its great speed ia the water la owing te its powerful tail, wliich propels it after the manner of a amari sculing a boat. It prefors flight to flght, yet if cempelled te defend itseif becemes a foemani wuEtiy 0f the buldest limiter. The feet are webbed aad it can aise pad- die gentiy aleng w ith them. The teeth are, net made for masticating, for when possible it swallosssfis prey entire. They are hoiiow at the base and contain the crowns of new ai-d larger ones, se as the saurian iacreases la size he continues te drop the cld teeth and new ones take their places. The ugly and ferecious crocodile la provided with a tbroat valve which effectuaiiy prevents the water frein running down it, and aise en- ables it to secure nnd druwn its prey under water. The nostrils, piaced at. thec extremity ef its long nese, per- mit it te breathe at its ease, whfie the unI ortunate animal eaptured drowns beneath the surface co fthe water. Moreover, it cau aexist a con,- siderable lengtlh of turne without breathing. In this way the reptile 15 able to, conceal itsel when M sua- peets danger. The nest of the crocodle differs from that of hMs cousin, the alligav- tor, and shows a great sinilarity to the turtie's. The eggare aie 1l la a liole anîd thon saîuutlly cevtred w1tli sand, thse precaution mxaking thons difficuit te llnd. A year ago a cr0- cedilo nest was discovered by a hunt- or and the eggs prosented to the Smilthsonian Institution anàth e Philadelphia Academy of Natwnl Science. A f ew ef the eggs were lies- ed la sand by the hunte-, wlth thse result of hatchlng one baby CGrooo- diluaf AmeFicanus." The littie wyig- gier te very valuable, as it ja said te be one of three captive specimans anywliere. To thse "Concis," or wreckors, who live on thli coral keys, tku stght ül thse cri>codile excites but littieloiter- est, for, ugly and dangerous as lie looks, 'holias been taught by thora that mian is te be feared. These nia- tIve s caimi that they have Sm cro- codiles eighteea foot long ta thse low- er end of the Biscayne ýBay. The crocodile, belag an expert swlmmer, lives largely o ilsk MhiFb- rida waters, but tie testimony of old huntera proves that its cunnfng- nature is the saine, whether it bliete Anmericanus or the mucli dreaded re>-. tile of the Nueé. It doos not attack oeniî, acither xiii it go ashore four its prey, but wlll watch for heurs for animais or birds toý corne te the water te drink,: thon, diving rapidly, it appoars under its victim aod drags it beneath the surfeace. Should the intenided prey bo tee far frem the water te bo reàched by the huge meouth it strikes a biow wlth the tail When it cornes ta healing up cld running sores of long standing there is no remnedy equal to Burdock Blood Bitters. Bathe the sore with the B.B.B.- thýat relieves the local irritation. Take the B.B.B. iaternally-that clears the blood of aîl impunities on which sores thnive. Miss D. Melissa Burke, Grind- atone, Magdalen Islands, P. Q., says: "1la with pleasure I speak la favor of 1B.B.B. ivbich cured me of a running sore on mny leg. I consulted three doctors and tiey gave me salve te put on, but it did no good. Finaliy my leg became a solid running sere. In d'act for nearly a monili I ceut'd net put my foot te the floor. "I was advised te use B. B. B. and did se. Tiree hotties beaied up my ieg en- lireiy se that 1 have never beau troubied with it sînce." COU RAGE. Good lieflinee eently Elloited in a RaM'I flortt rize Coumpetiti.,n. OCurago-IY sublime fath la hercc action, wharein fear and selfishness are iost in godly, censecrated seul- purpose andi effort from thý cauïe of tru4th and righteousness. Indaunad by obstacles, oerene amldst alarme, sc.oraful of policy, patient la tribula- tion. Duty's divinely lnspired me- Power. An essentiai of true thiaracter groetness.-Mrs. W. M. ~Lckers. Girage-The innate farlessnes 0£ tke manaly nian (or tee wonianiy wornan) which enables hlm te meet. lif@'s' vicissitudes caimly, unflinching- ly; whicl uplifts the seul, fires the hesxt, nerves the arm and senda linu forth te battie for his standard ef riglt-to do, to dare, if need b% ~to Mi.MrI. C. sankey. 1 Courage le the spinal colun» of the »OUI. It gives symimetry to charac- tier. It enables it.a possessor to face eçerY tee li camnaiand' tpiritual warfare. Consistency is its riglit hand. It lives tirougli adversfty; and hope andfidlity are its ceai- paralons.-1-Ii*.C- Johinson. Courage in that quaiity &Bd quan. t7 eyf mind which enabier a4mn» t "tand firm te lits duty-though hae sto.Rd alie. It ie that degreu of in,- trej>ldlty whlsh says: "I ain going té' discha.rg-. =y duty te myr,@îf, to Mny neighbor, te the state, to tes liWurtà ad te GOod, thougli ths heuv- ans fali whie 1 arn deing it.- 14ehard lRobbs. Courage fithat Ccd-givmn strerigth et mfid and heart which enabies a person te stand unmoved la the face o-f danger, ridicule, contempt, loss eft frlends1, property and id fe; princ.iploýs wliih hali knows tealit riglit and just. --C. Il. Myers. Courage - Strength Umeasiired y neither Incesa, aga ner sex, tiat scorns an exil action, whether moral or physicai; tint. dares te do right despite opposition. Eniergy that val- iantiy overcomes each obstacle and fee, andi deemas urreader andi dis-1 grace synonymous. Conîcinoti fath and frankness. A moral heroisin tint tricaîpis ever every weakness..- Clifford E. Davis. l Courage is that wl-euh prompts oe e t-o lose siglit of self, ail corsotquences and surroundings, andi move for- ward, It may be either on the fieldi of 'battie or te rescue belpess ne "HIE W-RITES A W900ooo HANO"ma This is a compliment ta youngma may be proud of for it will bringy himn busi- ness. Good penmen arelud ad in busi- ness and profesiional cireles. A course of penmýenship under our Mvr. Connor O'Dea *Ill make you a good penman. J-1andsorne Calendiar Frree. Y.M.C.A. BIdg, Cor, Yonge & McGiIi Sts,, Tor onto. DAVID HOSKINS, Charteredl Accounitant, Principal. PýLL 1FLOW 25ý5-, increase on, our last year's attendance. 'A maxim daily roll eall of 216. That's where the tide of competency bas carried into this year and it means the largest business sciiool in Canada to-day. The demand for the competent book-keeper,, steno- grapher or telegrapher, is steadily on the increase. We hýnow it--our experience proves it That demand will be greater than ever in 1900.-Will you join us 110W and be abl e to do something then ? A uine to us will secure you more information. Send for it. W. H. SHAW, Principal. AT THE CORNER MILLINERY. When thinking' of your Millinery needs you naturally dwell on the smartest and most eff ective to be had. When, you wânt the best it is -wise to place yo-ur order where you are likely to get the correct thing. Better let us de- sign your hat this fali. We promise you ail the satisfac- tion you can possibly get fromn having a hat with the air- of a New York or Paris creation. In matter of price we can set you at ease. We invite vou to call a~nud inseet' Ilk-u w-In rrinrilk, A. eole,,

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