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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Nov 1899, Supplement, p. 9

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Supplement. NEw SEarI The Story of Ti is Que of Stez Incidents in Its Career-Th Days of the French Regirne -Col. Sncoe as Governor -Reeresin 1812 -Scene i'Etnf E vents in 1837-1 F-ir n Pesýtilence Visit lt- Thlas fEZvolvinga Greati Cîty Has one Const.antlyl On FeaturcS of the Civic jInstitUt0ons. ootoisý a city of modemr i.eation aud can y l aimn to noue cf Itisie van- (ra zFicssciations whîr ingto thse ol atie su towns oh Europe. Tisa pags f t, iistoi'y do neýt treal. of 50 FER Â NNUIL. OUTR TOWN ANI) oOUIMrv ru,,T; TUE WORLD ÂFTERtWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. s, Qronto's Growth ady ?rogress. taken, sud tise wisole of tthe Provincel cf Canada hall ie oEnglisis baud5. Tise Frencis tisen witisdrew from Fort Rouille, afier first destroyiug it. Wisen IMajor Rogers touciscd tbere iu Septem'. bar, 1760, on bis -vay te Dererit, ise en- couutered a party ofMisisaa ndau wuo welcomed tise ritisis lag with ovory symptoin f deligisi. Tho red--oubi- able Major spolie cf'Torouto as7 a mnsýt rouveulent place for a fartory, and saýid1 tisat by its meass tisenortis soreo çf Lalîe Ontario nigtbt htorougbly st Thse F'ounding c f Trao In 1791 the roinecfQubethe ada, ws divldedintelpprsd oe Ca iaad Joh-n (Graves Smrewas usdievlppasd pageatry-"tise :or oh!' Upper Canada:. Mo arrived at trosedlithtie embroidercd boue- Niaik oviigaa th a staff cf i.,tise acveevonts of euasored oficiIs e dîin1Sitrrtise affaira ef htie l~ iisn'bu, lreur sud vigerons nw roinaou Suýis Julv, 1792. Haro lagae is e story wnritten cf tise ho oiee ts ie Parliameut oh, simple livues sud ierculean labo-s ohftise Upper Cana,î sud mflausere passed atc~cly ion orso Upper Canada. Oh iuirodnrciug is Eglsi civil lau, os- "cts h ie brigbt pisanoms e oh is- iabilhing trialNb jury", suad providIng cr;iaI rmance" tisaie ar'e few, if any. hfcr tis iý-acinfo l, court-bouses, TQutsse-cdlasbenou f tadand oicr uligs siere dee-meti pa Cutrty-buldinig; of rcnssrkabt'- ueresariy, But Num was tee, near progrelýs ins commercial, municijpal snd thse freniier, under tise guns oh a *hostile odusilse 'scctc-un'il te day it ha fort in fact, and so Govemnor Simuo.c çc-rn'- te le reroï-gnized os oeeof tise abaudouning bis ides oh sakiug it tisa fi emost ccilesontisa American con- capitail, chose Torenie as thse site for huenttheise setroois cf 1Upper Cnd.At A-1i et iesre ne roinn in tise tisaitise twnl ndi igwamswer te liy',iieoy: Barely abudya rso ily bou hbiaios utie iun go fi, plaegnîîy îisiug 5estise Tisetit ctlsohieprsciv ovna eret i ts a de sud townu ertiecpaoQun'Rng j oua b-sa\ats riong io-d tthne fii' rs u~5M musr, --es hf a ohfisenineteentis d-ufry.0f lrrig tciduttoc, tisera b. sbe~ such. ise c lentBroc-k, arci l i1 -îouIlitis sbrave Yen, vol- outeae, oly temneea oIdiers deatis rn Qsseenst- Hriglhs, andthie splen- did ,i ,tan :mae by tise yeenanry irNvhe tise ina lor derdeil ou tiseinfant/ef capial o tJper Cnada-are tissea net V / slas ls f'mni Terontouians are jiiilypr-uit .Xd rnuing cown te a [str orio, 1d net tisa city uugrudg-- ingi seni fois is gallant sous te, play r thir prtij the tienelous yoars of 18t6 ud 187? itilb. îot aise býut a few n coR ,:ag sentveu moe-tisanisi ti~0î t fsc tnoragicuent Canada bas th~atie e tsaTransva-al? i O A croîre ias ht 'tr tii-siîun-ar î ouebt h s te tise latter tisai Pk-atitication. sp ia APreusci Tratinug Post. Tis eclesiniutonmarte ef Toronto i Fracs etsrsLOCIes îs as lu 6, ireyea-,bfore tisa breakiug ont tis 5svoutouw'isrisfo'-ceti James fros Itise ibirone oh Englauti. iiras e~s iraiugjost sud ric deabi a, laeo ail fer voyageurs sud ludiaus he m~cyrade tisa Portage ou tise' 10yte tise eorgian Bay. ln course Df ïime tisanostiras cosverted loto a terade totasd piaceti in charge a' emi garr -ln. lisa iti cfFort Vtull -as liscu beton'edueit lu ~~nr e tie ~-icirlMiiicr of hta itare.Mat tia rcri usketeer iris cuddteani r vtiin tisa stocisade caseie, t1i n-istise oye of hesaseer -iii ae cPied iimselh w us iii trssga 'aipsats niiritise fus- tt-maln-as te no iin tisaivicinity e'-o iluy daades bati pased. But ha iank- si, tieP-wOI to, peor ieotise future, antieauouîy tise feu, acres cf cleareti [sudarund i hm, antibeonti tistai dane goin etof a, ihickory,mae sud po-ii%'; o tiubt as hoertie ýte sudfr onbi inely tramD ha crseci ib~nurugeialnature cf bis taI sund 1( ugeti ,!for tise lday cf ise eturu te la Compotiion th ie Englisis. Tiseuchie of tise Prencisin astablisis- pg Frt orote r Rouille iras te trade lli isetdians on tisa nons sshore oh LakeOutalo.But even ai ibis s'arly pri c ti-,he htibagunute cuiter trois fi, isc-craimeut ofhtie EniIs]iscolon- scct is soutis. Englisi tradrs cross- etI :iItrOtaiesu prîuetratedti t Lal~e uro ic osdemteobisin valua- ble - &ticalubarter nilitise Indisus, bisd~uayd bytiseprcIm'Iýty ohfis traCeheanbanwautie uentional- 11-st ri0Ecgi il-)reaItitisa Indiaîis ai ieceiier - faJrnuseu -e-n----ne -a-peet te cîelune e -nrly, - tisclini Thietis2,E gisu nI)da-i- Icupuý!!, l t-,ms -hw-oig e nt - tryi icpr eh LCisueguen. Bu lai, isan ,-ai Niagara mr apini'- eti Tie fllc-in ver Montroal iwras BOWMANVIJILE, ONTARJO, WVEDNBFSDA'Y. INOVEMBET 15'89 ant-Goveruor Simcoc lu 1796 aud tise arrIvai cf Lieutensut-Govorner Peter Hunter in 17~99, thse administration, of public affaire was carrioti on by Mr. Peter Russell, senior member of tlise Exacutive Council, wbo isad coma ont te Canada'iwith tise laie Govarnor. Ha couveno'd tise Legisiature ut York oný June &,, 1797, prorogation talîIng place on july3. TisLgewugimportance cf Yorki was mn insedlu1803, wiseu Geveruor Hunttirapou a weakly niarliet te bc beI ali ana tie arsof lanti weraî set, sprthQhis ppî-pose Tise present1 St. awruceMarItot le built on a! porti)non ch-sesiesd tise city stifl jbolda tisje luf oswiicis it derives a larg reenu. A tiisisetise area oh) Tijse opltin unieaiu6 nt 6 the epadlutxelutieyer183 EARLY TROUBLES.~ VOLUME XLV. No. 4 tise greater part o f this, ameunt was Tise deatis rate tram ibis visitation n-as raised by subscription, so tisat tise of- eue ln every twentv of hieîlisabitants. feniders really suffered ne piqn!sismO,,nt Tise Uprising of 18.17. Towarde tise eud cf July, 1829, tise aie- ration of tise Attorney-General, Hou. Jobn- Beverley Robinson, te tise posi- tion ohfCisief Justice csused a vacancY lu, tise rapresentatien cf York. Robert Baldwin, tisen a youtb cf 25, offered himgelf te thse eecters sud carriedth ie e lectlon. He was au exceedlugly able' champion, of reformn, but moderate'in isviesvs. ,Ho was liked by ail parties, sud to-day bis naine Is beld in great veneration. Anotiser notable incident of ties amne year was tise establishsment and eudoewmeuetby Provincial erdinance of Upper Caiîada Collage. .Fremi 1831jte 1833 tise case of William Lycon Mcsui occupiad tise attention, cf the Legîsîsture. On tise charge cf liiselling tise, Assemisly by articles lu Tise Advocate ise was expeliled ne less tisan six tinies frein the Csas bEr. Mis constituants lu York, isow' ever, stooti loyally isy'hlm, and ha was r e-electod four times, once durîug bis absence lu Eugland, v 'ùr lihiad gosse tc. lay bis griovauces efoetise li- periliGoverument., ,On theistwe Last occasions of bis expuflsfion the rlt fer, a fresis electien was witisield, so tis at tise CuycfYerk waS deprived of tise sevce f eue 0fits memnbers for- near- wounded 'n theenagmetwhile the Ainricn asultis ere mnucis more severe, ameunin E neasl:y 350. Tise iuvadssg forc2e rememn-ed in occupation about six diays, Tisey res,,pected private property, but seized tise pbl stores and burned tise Parlianient bildings. I ToTvards tise end of Juliy, Commodoreý Cissuncey's hast aan a ppeared on, the scene. A laidinug ,for, tis seond timl xvas effected ksnd. meeFtig wýitisno op - position, the nvdes ptjl!ed thse torch te) tise isrracks_ý and public storeisouses, ill-treated thse inlisbitants., and leoted, at tiseir pleasure. Toronto Gýrowvs lIm -poýrtance. 'Tiie Tretty cf Gisent in Ilcember, 1813, put an end to tisetar isich ai ciseckedtiseproresof tise Toýwn off York, destroyed its ýpublic bidnsand impoverlsised imaniy 0f itsinhabitant.s. Fortunate]y the cthecitwsol a tam- porary oue, zand tise towu sonb,,gan to go aaied aanat aU. eatisfactory rate. Iii 18ý4 14 l enrlHoptwas originsted, aud wh8u omleed was for sorne Ltime eiadeti as tise mnc)st im- portent buildý!ng in tile Pl-ovinc.Tise lLegisiature mwet in 116ina emaoar jbuildlng, and drigtise essin ! act 'wae passd sin roitlfor, tbýýe s- Itabl~sisent aud nifenance of cern- jMon Mscis s iefollowiig year rdpntitl- wn by anl act n lluvicf proisin ws mcleforioiceregLa- tic Teyeî11 a asonotabl eetablsisedbetwen York sud 1C-ng tention Of ti oinr. As 1>11e i tow NEW CITY HALL AND COURT NO1USE. Iu 1837, wiseu Sir Francis Bond 1-ead, wirs Governor, tise Mackienzie rising took place. It was tise culmination of a long agitation te obtain a- r' forin cf tise axisting method of gov- erumeut, aud -,as not put dlown witis- ont blootisiset. Tise Insurgents conteni- plated au attacit upeon Toronto and fre- ùuently met ai Montgomery's Tavrn.-, on Youge street, to perfect tiseir plane. It a haro tisat Lieut.-Col. M.Noodie, a retirati ariny efficer, s as snortallv wounded lu au atteinpt to eurs To- mente, tise Queeu's Own andtihie lOth Rloyal Grenadiers, to tise front. Tisa Queen's Own formed part or tise force wisicis eucouutered tise invaders at Ridgeway, aud hisad seýveral men ukillOil and wouuded. Iu 1867 tise Provinces wereý unitad by Lise act cf Confederationi, q11donce sund for ail Tofroute again becauac ,--tise capi-. tai cf Outario. Prince Artiur visitadc Toronto in October, 1869. and was reo- ce'ix ed wicis aven greater damioustra- tions of welcome tissu his distinguisis- ed brother, tise cîtyhiaving 110w grown lai-gean sd nealtisier. ou' October 5 ef etat year tise Prince at Westeu cut t1he ru MA [OR SHAW r t ci luorni tsaa.hrii f ttise tirst sc'd of hesaTolonto, Grey & Bruice conpires' plas. 1lareaise )was Railvay, tisainaugîîrutýiî,î o h ir- ismogiLitise iso%!ciAuerson, rentributed luneo ligisi d'gre t i ad beýn aatded y an e-scap- prosperiiy of Toreo, Laie le ing lOya!ist. TilaI-alL11nt1rb.3 rilayirs epoui te eaug i'ores 'Outrdecseieoued ditneo49nlsE nm ad14 irdU1ndet. îAttertii enagmntsntia comm-ýunica-tion isy raflway-I Montoser's Tvounirasburueti byJ,,- au tisecapital sd tise rosi tise tiseeuraed mlita Melieuie. us Pr'ovince iras rapidly boiugasbiis bati bea posnen aleder, vn-us- eA. Prom ibis urne forwardth ie cl- tirirte is cuersid 'hfotselin. A, greir rapitily, uoteuortisy adt- lare nmnierof prisonors ucre captur- vauros boing matie Iu population, cons-' ed. tu oe wjisem1 MarsLou'it marre aud public institutions. Thisn- antiMathow -iere execuZtd One' I eption cf tise Industrial Exhibition ii of tise recuite ohf tise rebeihion 1878 iras an avent wisici c-ails for spa-1 Wàs te expedile tisa tnion cf cial notice in rie- ohftthe premninence Upper anti Louer Canada, unici Iof hta institution to-day. Tise lament- bad beau recemamendeti by Lorul able deatis oh Hon, George roumr lu Dlurham. This us eoffactetInlu1841, and E188 areetdbyhecizi! the., seat of Govemnseut nas tison me- erally. Tise lai' Mr. Birown -%iuassisot usoveti frens Toronto te Kingston. Tise iy a disapeintied eploee anti diati1 populatio 'n of h etis iy 'a now 15,000, Ef rom tise off erts ofhbis wound, Mis as-1 and duriug tisa noxt four years it cou- eailaut expiaiti bhis crime ou tise scaf- tinuedti t increase ait te raie oh about I helti.Tise umuniug by Edîvurti Manlaný 1,000 a yosr. Early in 1844 Tise Globe mpatie is tirs appearanra In tise foi-m oh a weekly neuspaper. Pire aud Pestilence. Tise year 1849 wues sigualîzoti by a smaof disasters. Tu April occurreti tisa gat lire, isy ubicî tise isoues o elason, King an2 BuIs trotand St. Jamcs' Cisumoi weu- dasroy thtie total loss boiug as- ilmtat a $50.00.Tue înentbs later tise riywss bSfeisyanotiser api- deLmie Cohf atr choiera, irnicis wrcubt rj&liuul aver, h r a,%,d fe naarly ibra mnuis, turing irniistime 800) persous n'era strircennliitise dis- easo, te suea ian 510 of h ions h nmusve d fatal. Bishon Poweu' of tise oh tise rewing rissmpieusisip of hetis wcrid inlatiis ycar sarveti te tiiau ai- tention te Toronto as 'a centre of aquatice, anti a large public domouostra,,- tiou w as given lu houer hf tise sa nwneti oarsman. Iu 1884 tise ,t'ycela bratietls semni-contennial, tise citizeuns uuitiug mis htise Council lunsmaldrng tisej demnonstrution wortisy cf tisa eccaswin. CRY ï'SPRORSA The Evolutîon From a Town to ïa I IRomn ausurChurris, irise Sude-- Metropolis. Augusi, 1791, tIisa 1rtii .a siteirsor' Gare bati lefiYork tise year prav- ativauat in a rsatanai seuse tisa spirit- WlliîamiLyon Mackenzie anti Jamesvoeymisîrdteiesrlraeu tiredti oio raets hneof icus on a iemporary visit te Englaiuti, ualneeisof;lis people aise gren'. Tish le, Ceuncileors. Frankln Jarkos o ievcu.lsadto etiaat ttub. and tisa ir ýection oh affairas v.ýeai 1817 miti-ie55Od ise ýere-cticu of a j su.d Colin Dmummeuti. St. George's- ofstiîeure lns. veradditon tsu' iroer ad Govrro SiîreTnt, thîsssuDreme he'Îlur oet'triel ieu M-'etbetisst Ciurcli ou Kiuig street n'est, Aildermen, Tisomas Cachrae, jun., antip ceinti seue ftss fct e ls lt-nefcetFr u Ii o in Whiie barmans fer fis' troopesud 1vlvt pa nma rck .w-hile St. Janies' Cisurris ias greaiiy Fdn-siti Wrighst Counecillome, 1John cti'ndsote scop u ts efef eugp un-In ud hTxto isuss onhi slfsu saf iem h-brave anti akiltul rossandeor. enliargeti. Eiiesiterrrei ytsaCaganiGoreGmnt.S. a-byuîti'sa isîout'telatrn g in tTh rsects frdisfuxtre, ic~ rccedGovrue Sicoelirti ur e getisereti together sltise troops irersisippers ofheiSon oominatlons Se- rence-Altiermeu George Munire andirco a' ingtheensingfal an1 writr i aho coulti musier anti proceaeti te Nia- fore - long. Tisa tirat Roman Causeurfv George Duggaun, son,- Couaclllors, 'Vil- Ts ic-i iiscisisti eautie peprîyehgara. Ou 13th Ortoiser teok place tisa cia pel iras bulit on PFoirer Street, unie IlisArhusanti Larduer Besuct. Thepopulation insr'aeed -tiset 50 per tet vhchhd ee, _n oprt o'battie cf Queeuetou Mleights. Virtory tise Pr'esbyte ianmeeting buse iras iParathus ArmeDr ,iuRopS.cent. ii tise dorade frein 1841 te 1851, CapaisLoh, is faion vid cr eardth , tsaBritis,but tisa galiant erectet in tmsa msthon ise a uburbsansd George T. Deuison, sec. ; Coucul- anti lu tise latter yaar numrnhed 30,775 Municipal gaveccînent us Toronto lm Thsis nus ptcheti ouniigli gronution jBrerk. sud 1bis faiithui ide-de-caip, cf tise tom ,but la noinlu tise vemy ilors, Jepis Tuionanti Jae sTrotter, seuis. Thora m ea 121 bouses ,lu tise retisera curions umixture oe hie Auner » tis nesam bnkcf is Mre D [.Colonel l\aceoell hlllutise figisi. heurt o et iaiy !ieste c htie pro- Dr. Rlpsresignet bis seat freinS î t ,ct ts ol rpstvnu-ess-ra -dEglietbods. but bitisert Tise tant iras Soomet iuthstouet tins- on 26tb Apmrl, 18, l,,York wias aitackoîi sent IKnox Chirris. Pstrlck'so VWad, anti Dm. John E. Tims eiatnearly$15000,000. Duriug tisatise city usas escupeti îacgeîy tro tise ber, anti from rent'nnponary accounts jbi- a cosiiet imiîitamýLy anti naval force wa i e nhsplcPplrfe-Prefeseienniisns thiaipreails in AmeinL. seoms te have be-n axceediugiy (15 nterib jin draiin h en ].a- is Ema WterSppyfirsTlotei u(isplcelopuaefl-metiovDaebe ITo. eoge la-ins ac isigi oming tote sarcent ex- Bos oue fTs lbna irs Ian municipal poiltirs. T[ho enus fertabla. Upou asite afiermartis oc- houn ati CmmooreCsanes.TiselA goti mater snppîy ihaoeeOfI h us- -Pulsion oh Mr. Mackienzie frmrntiseLeg- eevlte tiseCanadian iParlisent as of Coucusil ha-,,, for tis muet Part rupet bytia ltijuln-a tsecer rr.msand cf ts tsstheopadtide-;hm.eraiive neetis ch any communuity, isltuandtihtsaReformerasscuredTi hepee- aiv htieC-Uv fKnijsucr esful usechauts, P bery-we eh Berkeley anti Front streets, tise volveti upon Major-General Ssaf tant inlu1823 Yock n-as previeti n'itisa imaJority in the Ceuncil. Wieu, tisera- Tie hird Panliausauto n soh Unit- IIn the arly damno areccien of Parihameu_,t bui'1iingýs mas tacr îîrock'seti, Lbut htisaicf- iraeli anti3a puhir pump tai Scosi Ohfoi-e, tise firsi meeting teak Place oan AP- deti Canaa mtfctietrt'tie tise cliv, pîcessional men took mu hi censmenceti. Tfs rn rcis u ircer, histoi-ians Say, iat a tie£38, e d ii oubeaeacur ii 1, 1834, William Lyon Msck,-en mas luilis heurth session lu Toronto ilu more itrestl>irafar isua woniola srrtns.crsltigofh utile or fne preparatieus for cl foI' ise toiuspeepla ta cen gegae. ai I erectd by a vote of 10 te 8. Dr-.1R-1pis1j1Mai-, 80 îsgt is etuto htise present unir. Tisus ve tint in tise tue lagjal hscornetofcsfonce. Tise attacklug force consistetic nita vrpulcafiansd himuan-a'_s netprespnt. anti Mr. McezeIts alaetbidnstrn iaforiies ant i Stcestisai auong tbe uiens- fortio acomodtin e tse egsia furteen ermati vessais sud sixteen n leeO plaras apaefsàulcisl l raLýineti fres votiug. e cluHnMotelat f rsaret Nbr-fCasln-r:Si onMaat- inc a titseCourts oh 'Justýic,lu tise i tiousanci îrocps.To oppose tisese Siseaffe acioaiOvisIanee toume intcl- bIse firsi Mayor oh Torcnto, but 1htiiToto _anti Quebac shouiti al- Ton. JohnscHilvart anrn n n nenieParliameut cconthne]ti taas- isati nly six isundrati regulars anti cf riiai era publ')ey b whenip- aovrnen tfe f1irst esoste belti aucis-Lpoalicutmail-hatsisa h oeumu.Sir Oliver) Moirai, tise Mou. Matiben' ema i rNenamk, ani t asnet utsla tia, iriile tisa deusnes of htie teun pati. Hoe, tee etn ecir stage in iin tsaPrviceaUpper Caniadia.Acrgyl 1852, tise Legîliainre Crooke Camemon, Sic Adam Wilsons, S 1797 Ilsi ut iel t lisfirSý ime'.tiug i~~n-e in a n-roîchedticondition. Iitise tise histry. hib o tsIradngo vrneFnlAssesamiieni rsrueoia ubr u gi e ae oisn in .W l.a Yok. Len au-orrunSica ha tuhcurascuc fos ia l rs I ta isauti sati bCt ut QpnbiicibutagTisereîmes macisîuery cf tise. nîrso I m ara -of . .botoreistacl tei ThecroItoh inu 1816.1 s nauy othc-c1 j'le tmon i^.riseothrn-enawo are ecgn ira-s rrlt-l 79, hi,,mi, t1ie ha British, n strcng tbody eotse ciny Uý-jt y 9 itiuaeubiaiaprg'sn-ltielendeti ndstri'General Pike. antiativanr- parformi_. 1Tise stocka mareu cie101,un- hi e obýcntutf V' ' new %V Ynu tre stibesled tb cake the -Britisis pesition I, lu ank Ituoru lui nIt.Try ý-sitjo.d ipfrosî eeunu st alb acutuit is er15 iusaitieaoto se -sietl pe aaa buii nt eîctiti e aIe -wha uile Cisauurey'ls fSeau overpoeeued tlsý cf tish er osat scya h u e nmto.Ts is eeeteh C Cua i OtaeO, Sisncoe & tise icreasý-,- h Altersanir cutiet tisadiougteIbirene isa car-fonder iraýs ocouiti (Jby iafat sat htiaci a ntieluJune 183, ani HuonRifl-sens, theics o- iowng upeth lie apiti dentipn - .gc h tsasuplie o tie Nnls thbtteie oualler, st amethiein Ai lses baba- £8682 as tisa amount ofeh t .tisernu.cuci o iecuie m ietl lectts edî hsul For oman, iiic'h iat oreryBluUp tise Magazine, u uioamn, oIvf ,aeiiec i arsWr laig Atxo oun cr ayEgii f e iePishicoit in ti take a pai beuSentli t* ýise Otn-. Duti Astise iuvatiing 1force tiroir neari, eaitt I ieinoprainoh tlý ise mt. 3 ntise peui irný' ii yetid e- Geeno-eurl tmat3stirisoi. ie- its uiia eni siee, s is ai paurotinas cal- ritisis t'ire sc ke . 1Deemins 0- eneoh2,3 s. 6.,w-sU(vit bt ui185 tislextnsio cftisecGrnd1I iuniafey ecaued lcssfmrked, at cd,~~~~~ SuLasbau0ialihviis ar ilitl1ie i an ani t h ise Aerirass led - WlimL-nhaItnî, IIi ci netsmdsati h M.shrin'r kR-imL av otiàýe con ltme ifapere eti a poessin orerSice, iusglip cnlîsuelus by Generl Pikensiaiforward. II12 claiL-n Mcezi )vni meigclet i mcismf'satinnli enr nitiesu ro verne keyte gin roývus- Iatr e-V ineani, as in Amnerican nitus, un Prvic. uout ts Gvrueua gat Mnsbull cf tise artillecy ireti ist ataksupn xiaincausiani ps h enur o tseMayr.a abaa - PrnceohWaesrVsi. i ciciigroin up tlise ucleuoh a I noir or mesa4zins-O, iess 'ms uu.u rauntaragmat t ie disi- a-enu atlisipuîeltieccc-I - -- 1ccrutiu uh-iiet s1rv offciissd 'tiseclrso traders. Tise arestraton tisa souih, Oct ino ara on taeeansti lDucsesiýeat ou the Duigtialtemrcngus uhicis lp- iug~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i!otsbneots:umyniI r in. -aarcui mcetePunits Conathe ou]er'stal slirato f ~ hgn iePic foiit Ot skng aOY furtienreai-é eissPes inl misî course cniie h tiamalngcabisocus a etihm i w(oa umn i ta htr caats GnaiSiseaffe ný-libdw w ton U, q,; tise Aihirtoant sinSe hot-isea"i-die!iNfren uSaio nuris, veri mrePark anijtbc hemuclua ate Kiietn ts iereua- moala- Iprtisans entereti i aMc. MezeS cripplet 111, for lS-anifeymena Iera lu Intise laitý-r ho p)Iluteti eoung mpb icg tic ltantorLetc-oee l tunw-iuiug ioiffice sud dgs lagý,,ed 1t0istype r Iess caea-y cjuneti. A seconml' amenrl e i.rit.u Cisuli t uskatenra ut ise invai- I nti cr.Fer tiitisAe 50101wme mr mi-followeti iis accident lu tise June, 1866, tise P 1:i 1 'ritnecsi es-s Tise BritiaS Ai 130kihlîtàandt condmte-ued te Puy £6251cjarageu, but chapse et auneutbrahkoetAslalc c-hoiera. fati tha sýentii.u ohte omnt ugi Oic irasricceti he-aec, sy tý inretigtios cf io, anti IL Tyharaelrciti hy ýctI chatiui anti bava iseiteet htiecT sý -J i i,,c.,,ainçy Post Tise ncororaleu f Teoltn -"oTia). Dr> lrlisiteimte- tnto, ii13, i ' Iras5 erected nto au linï-pp reqtldy'tdr tise lname o vT-cil Dto. Dr. ScadcLng i umrlty for tisar o tamuttairtis e rd Torilort l ohi Huuo eTogintospdinanerlrcwe o mheetig."ie os,ait inurst ofd iadtreorenete sapla ell a tena, and1ic wsai ictee o te rgodl.vAt otie ndinir. Torontoirasiontiseý place ohaIlptistio n oer10,00u:difor ti-ee rre rds ad luiiour, tws fniecf ,oroj+nooaion asa ed l Feru-ry,13ansd wnt mie af fcon Matc flotn.Udsat crovisoostbcity ias diiI ito five anad , ts nas o hi '-t -t -t 1 1 1 1

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