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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Nov 1899, Supplement, p. 11

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1~ 1< AD.JJ -l 0 8enAeAts Justrid niIts~uLeeu, ~1djwcre few'er social anti other rival in Çivic Necessities. ana d.LU Lib W.1.>u. UJ.Uf.. Tht' city is weli equippeti for- the Pro- te'ct'on off preperty from tire, It bas __________________a.___lire :brigade numberil:g aboutL 176 j ci rned en andi five potî'er-ful en-1 teenî brancb firt' stations, some of wih Its Sh aded Avenues and EU i- j' Vhile on ifs way oufto Canada the' are hanfdsornte andi aubstantilibuilti- i In 1898 the' total expeadittire un-1 ri sToruarsAeMd shp containmuE the' iron fence sauk ila on the was $107,8550. ss horughare Ar Mo- te S. Lwrence, but ir Hownvrd re-i The police systerniwbile perhaps 11'uf- els of Cleanliness-A Systemn coveredi tbe relic witbh t, ï-t id off divers forn lgtyfontt eîec o 1anti hati 15brought to Toronto, xbr'it wrd iri lighta re icinth e i unueto- of Parks Dots the Wh-ole Area Irno- serves the purpose for wih lie warlefeive. iscil inistuqeretiobya bati intendetiit. l-Tig7h Parkt bas been Bardoeffece. Itirs cosisfiug off at Convenient Intervals -kept, as far aus O l, ua ia oarfof the ilscosstngo nature, but tht' roatis are> mantaittci In aor, the' Senior County Jucige Howard Park thse I-andsome geed condition, anti, well gratiet, se that andi the Police Magistrate. The force~ Gift of a Private Citizen. n oe i'r tl'sotfrwheeti- ci, tnumrrbers 2G0 dimcipPui et, Ilunder thte tirivlng ceulti Se foujot. At the foot of command off a chief constable, assisteti Ifigh Park fheivaver, '5off Lake Ontarie by a tinputy chief anti ix Inspectens, break- lapon a long stretch of sRridy One In charge of cach police precinct. beaeb: andi furtbet te the wpsf 12 the "h,-- citizerls are of the meNt law',-abicl- TorntoIl,ýoOt onvret, urib(r jIttuer, av1l nie r hoatlug or ilu; 015p0itt0i, ai-idtht'records()ff TerntoLis*uet cnveietlysiut-cnoeelua.andi a favorite resort Ici- pic-: crîmîniiology give the city a Ieplenditi eti for i 1rcbig nmees umer re- andi SOIs atý d'iteestin ntaio NeXt ln Importance anti beauty Is Laite Ontario la the' source fromî sorsd nt pas o leest lu Otei ,Qneenis Park. Il is aPpreachiet i 0tbe whch the 'lty obta-Lus ifs wister, tvhîcb ant tittfaS bs e,îtlqs at il e--sOutn by ("Ollege avenue, ene off the 19 cf excellenit qual'ty. Tht' intake ffct ilu idu,:eug any people to elîo li I avent-ues on the' OQotnent. Nearly la far otut in lb-' laite'- anti'the water ont mle ]n leogth, anti 120 feet ln width. is spentrug a steel conduit SI beresh~r ati nfot'tig vsieteý, 'g.rwas laid eut about 1830, by the' Uni- engînes ba\ iug a puampiug capacitî' off ma ,eiL ty their hea.dquarters foriversif-y off Kings 'ollege, new Toronto 40,000,000 gallons tiaily 11150 the Rose- tht'te e cig Scattereti along tht I jniversitY, anti plauteti with flue revis bihlniEeservoir situateti at tht' northerni shon ý, - " ief chesînut ainmi maplo trees, xvicb bav e Ilm1its off the city. Thie reFcervo1r bas1 -re of Lue Oncario are several fine jattaineci vigoreus growtb w 11h eut- a ý bottoîu area of 40,000 square yards,1 ciltiEI ui ictrequ little tovns, Rt- spî'eadiug feliage. The. Sboule'vardis are1 one-third of wlich is Iîneti with con- ceFssible Ilc by t .,,.boat or rail. ýkeptinlu fine condition, andidistributeti crete and ils5surroundeti by charmiug Perh- pint f a-' here, andt Shr(t'boueaîbth Chetreos Ore Erolintis. Tht' cost offthe -ater suppîy9 PorSips ht' ccl opulr pontiof att1 for tht' public. Tht' avenuie 1.3i averages front $2600000to $265,000, vihil'- tracion ho ~-0ris llgra F'Ils. 'îvd,1 titli a ce'Ttdive, a bicycle! tht' revenue fro-nt this source amnounta tWCeheurs' sali uII a ixrlusly itt'd > a, a g ave anç a cernent eotPa nntht'average off $454,NO. Off tht' tii ant toomd'os sesners cos th' ititaeif for leavy trafb'c. The park »f1 fet'nct' betu et'o hese aiotîtuacpart is laie ati p tt' ive Nigar brngsI ~ilcs t-e nssts of s ice. fifty acres, anti, applieci. te sinking funti, wbîlt' tht' bal- 1 at itseuthern nd0is -a crt'scnt, upi unOCe gaecs jute the gene-ral revenue off the travle,7ýr cte Qucnte, hr E'vh îmany flne villas abut. Tht' Most'Ithe corporation.4 p'orilnent featîre «n th.,e park is the] mayextoroth' bstolobattigutl(ýc-li Parlîainent buIldings, wbere are lccatt'd MncrlStatistics. off Qesoulchtor coutit ut' bis ýthe' L-illtix'e Cha.rr-i)er offOntario anti tht' vaios ie rital ofi I '0b Te follewlng statistjcs wiîi be founti (ý4 cr o ýi, am 1Queer's T t7rie aIseco nta-in8 statues off Iintert'sting ani nsrutie: ousffais Aobrfavorite trip by B inGo-eIrow'n atnd Sir JohnuA Tht' area wvithiu Toronto, net lucluti- ter istatt Murl uring iflcicesti nimonumeonts ta the inig tht' perfilus off tht' cify covereti hi totrseof wbchthe' tourst is afford- ncmry -.,off tht' vohuutters tvbo fel du atr, 1l 7.7suaemieant u i îg tlu efltan Eaid ef 1866. sud in th4-Icltv extentts fer eight miles along the' w,, ,ci 1aItals-ev off tht' Tho usantl-1 Nrhw cmaît-of11 w ý J lal. lnianilthc mauf either charms off Quepn's Parkt are tht' Untve-ýrsItyî Direc pupceuh'o, accrdin2 tetht'0.t ý,vr h aegrountdis anti buildirigs, andi tO t~norifOicesl i 1000 ils McMaster Ujniversiy anti tTt,,ia t6ýal gross asssîwent off tIre- Mustok dR~rcf1, yeerly becemiug TUnversity. Te tht'eat Is St.Mchc'siptrty lu thse ity la $149612,523, but pro- bctte',,uou n aII-appreciateti by thou- iC(olle.-P, a Romanl Cathellc institutio,- p'ert),-ote 10arîunttof 4$n,839,387 îs ex- aancs of looîstaffrm tu Staes, 'he uvtr ffrnm taxation, leaving tht' net fro te taes wo Central Breathing Places. assE-isrteut $10,27Ï1 136. tuittt(latin aimosphere an ex) 'The estimat'"e value of PtopertY ewtt- celent'toicant th' ~omatîcsceery Tht'riame cf Hcril-ral ardt'ns et hI'tht' city is ovcr $12,000t000. c, 'e rmane scne bths bren g -n tu an ar"a off feu acres, IThei value off tht' buildings crectet inl ant uatl,: ll-g sourceoff del;,gýht. The laid _eut in adm'Iirable tas-te wîith a fouît-itht' dlty ,uuriug 1898wa$106. GadTiuLrsayhs a fat train tain, betis utftinters, seeai int' ebade 1 WiVthin thet' îylnîtthe are 257 sericeteCraonh-,, ati ht ne 't santdi a strttch oiff heacciful green, miles coffruat 1îways, 82 1-4 es off iant5, serv,,ýt arl ý,-.ere-sward,. Tht' gard,,ta are lecateti De- 230 mile,, et setvors, 430 miles off sidet- nîailet p tt'Journoy is r -rfermeci on tweun Carlton anti terrard streefs, walks, 255 miles off water maius, 231 w'el-apcitedsteamboats. Trtios on v'ith Slîerbourne t3treet as the easteru mî,i s off gas mains, 130 miles' off ni 55'uperhate Oeuts are yýearly be- beundary. Tht' groundis cntt greunti rectrIc condt', 4,300 milesof ecrniý clplar an týepaltie commodt sus hall or pavillon, erecteti Off, overrh d t'îoctric vw ires, 80 Miles off co'rîi:5 ~rer ppv'reuttht pintelw'ooci anti glass with an J rou reof. At- steau' railway tra cl, anti 84 miles off sý;-eare las ,'n en Sunt, Clllng- tacheédtoceif is a censcrvatory, cenfain- single street railway tracit. w-ootl ianGti, i rai-ely have vacant -ig mînr rare plants and flou c s. The, r evenue frein tht' vi- torwerka in' is t iu eigc. Reset-voir Park 1e situatoti on hirh IS9 was $466,013 arnd 7,000,0C0,000 gallons h rths whc - î ý casI aP hih.gnou. i u inte noend ctioff tht'city. Off water are suppflieti annuslily. lu tht'1,-i: ":ing anti Ten-iîscarul igU0 Liko a huge sheeS off glass tht' reser -___ districts, 'x t Sti lu'f ea anti vïIr re' -vihin its barlc'. Ail areunti chisOff laites, tht'- hunter, lbe angler it tht"t' is bSt't'lt5sl gretn swiarci, anti X ant th' sortmanaremor efen ftht' grounti stopes en tht' east into aA D iiu an heforr , tiiiei ra vay anicur g ne avin'e. A fiue vl'w hof1' BEe Ncil N1 B R than r-ýl,,v-iyand srrouning cuntry ls affordedfý, st-iauboat falite wili increase tht' th-e brow off tht' blîl. -av t oivatis ý,-est' gieat or Exhr r ibitionPark, -u'ht'rt'tht' great To- - ,.iernronto F it' syearly h'ld. s a pîctur-1 trca ni tUfuferio a V'p-sclie spot wîîtmany hantiseo uiJsiednhoe a eod tiv(e off Or talOit h a prpe sn' o _:,Tt'grountis n-e kr-pt il u e-Jsiciih A at Ogc tht'atasîtscet h'yiagt w ichthee cileuf astm. o'2repair, ant iltht' vlv "5Y thestteol~t ti" iiWa u iuc ei t' "î al Just bt'ond tht'eest'r anUf-tu"eoff ht'hes-owa: of etant aS-e Rivertsît' arp.t sfa chrmîng st onfaDeleatiMa> ri- ats Paaektgtrs fe marîymilesovtr asituaetinonte" xcet bait of ci e ot', charmlg coaury ani rotanti throet_1Ildh atL, fftrc,±sa splendid vieuz off th" e. tesA GngWs. muni a îctuescut' ant"t. erfoaatsutvallt'y. Thicitly c-sngrega-tt't areunt off ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r b-'cta-lte oealra'îit t'tht' tiu'ellinga off tanas anti ofth cý, ,u trý[tseae , -f tory oeaieanti for theot' tell- attactveut ilsonîs, but more ts- c'rs.sud ibtîr famitles(lie park makes s tho capital andi legai centre off per'ali lutht utusti uhn tt' ai-n exr.cllent b -cattirtg spot. 05h 'r Ontatrio, Toronto la tho t'osA offtht' Rligh age n thîr hîch, v-octcti sloPs j v wiaci, eed net bc mer ioned in lu mrtJudiciary anti the'resideuce off tintch(er-Cil are ivrsiit' Pic C-Parktam huntir"is cf practisillg barrîsters. Tht' glewswltîtgorgeus tIt5. IPa-rk, Stanleyy'Park, DufferînPrtatiIilnk u hc jste peiis Sttinanti (limat'. B luzotis Park,:. bidn nvilijsie4eie Torer'oi,, Ins few îeîîuas as a, lace of! Toronto tslantd. R1, f îen fttt555, c.JLkU55 Si -i1-~tduU TI zsilenceO, anIL has ean corcttiyde- Te-utte rutt'xcedingly tortuate Inf w sIgnaSeti a titi'y off bois t'5 Ttc adi- tht'posseiono f tht' Isianfi, itich ex-I ofleis wrn'uy off the'iportanîce îwlabe itatonanti charmiug ctitt'aste ecnts inpit,o-.ut -fcti-citY anti forma cao if holtsinlatht' Province. lu hti vierk "Ici' b" cy' Yeans he ,asto ibr, Durnthe b'suîrtn"rir montha on Norlh Americq. tht' laie Anthony tho attactIon vuhich il bas been there is efia -l te aar.loat servicef Trollope rt'narks that Osgootie Rail is endo' t Tn' di' fans c getty t ci sîcutiandthîe te-cry hoats ut unîcU iai ng lut' eatir -g treîn the shor' irvaitbly tîitonge~d uupe asc'U- to Tpper Canada îvhat tht' Four Courts et T'_1ç o On lul t ht snttOff .t se'urs. The' Islandi servetht',Su o- off Dublinart' teIrelant, aidEt' ives rig ,juabout t 0fei h, ant isla oaf- fo)itpu';e lesîres'ort forlte tht' palm lu tht' maSter off infenior de- cd 'n 4E ......e.t3 mnuues ne--fb la- lfmassCesanaîîiaplate off suLnmer cesiaenct' titute. tît 70 tgree 21 min-fci o acîl.ant atiicîl ct~s cic:cns onation te our colonial halls off justice. uSes w at longit ude. Tht'e ll-aThe w t'tara aîi,callitd Haulan's Point, EI Rpiaises luneoafinted laîîguage tht leffrret Su e(vs te break teicao-i-s cor tht'crwt, asing bec", beauti'off tht' libraryvestibule aund -tar- fore of stcm frth te nor'-E, w'llcprovidet i'c,.TeryCotcpaay iithe forthoe p'ronsiniiging 1in outdoor !extensive grounds for, sports anti a fine cae, ni bs lsTeuilderisnfortht' ettendsos ,t'I,;,ds a satttary c'iîub, ýpromenade. Eand concerts are given at courtsthmevs T'buligats Th' itm -pee l pure anti transpac-iniglitf ant inl tht' ufternoti on special ifs naime front tht' Hon. Wmi. Osgoode, en . ani tht' clîrinate sir.g'larly mlnî dca-s anti there une nuntereîls ethe - first Chief Justice off Tpper "ntn ani qahl. here ar-e oui' a ffew 'ultra -tons, Sumîner cottages dot te rCnaa oecstns u he sumroer uheîî tht' bsn'i whele short,, jacing on thse laite, Iluw-ho wats appelutet in lu 92. Tht' Law' la ut ýIl opressive, anti ut nights the f frent off chese'are parallel btoard pafhs, Society dates its 'incorporatien lhitfy ai1r is col anti ncffresiug. Thele aree'tne for prdestrians and tht' ofhî'r for yedrs lafer. If has a tel-'ntowvtd Ili- no~~~ (,ret Idf cl, tht' titge off tht' ctclists. In 1ia' centre off tht' Islant is ne' b ttaprîlg wntsfren tchu' finte park, whes-e muni' piciits are bran', anti naintaius lectunreshlos in ~uart'r. hIi. Mccc, too, cerne mani' parentsa cerimron la-w', t'quty ant irol property. 1ntthCr chilcicen, in seurch eOfrt'st Osgoote IHaýll laeniecýýIIinta sIX acres Cleu, Wei-pa cdStrets. Gt feshair. At tht' eastera eut t.fofgrut.Treaeictdteeh' istn-t oeS ar uivray S s apuhltc hacha knriwvn as tht' rud hr r7, Idtir h Imprssel w th ls ieur w h p veti Wn rbathaq, wene estabhiabeti 5ome 'great lau' courts Orf tlVe i-ovlucein- h--'e rspets 1,,bazaueu-]7ai go ati a nur-ber off dtagt at-e cluding tht' Court off Appeal, tht' bighest vibe eutsto. Ah1 itîte les c- aise locateti thene. court in Ont ario, comprisiug ive Jutiges; tuR -th-reghaîe ani esieufalPlaces offAue nt Divisienial Court, cemprising three streets re avei îith ashaIt i ugs igeCutoý ug;Mse au'i ticisa of avemient i s With tht' gnewth offpoplto l uiesDige nrut uie;Mse ser~1nl1vcomnoeilin general use Teroîsto turing tht'lastthit' y ears If, Ondinari'at atrl hmes thro~uot te cii'.TEeresiltieces off tEie ccoinr todutien ut placesoff ause-There is aIse the ibrari', convocation Toeîeexii reat varieti' of1rentl bas a-ýlite gnou-n. Fr, e 'mpe, la hall La-îv Societi' ef Upper Canada, anti sfyîe-s off am"ice-uebut ou tht' whoie 1870 there uzas but euetheure, he ott av'scoi the ae a gndcate Mansions off Lyceumo. It bcd a seatiag; capaciti' for Tt olwu opiett ebr ston ani prasei brck ienoe aeut900. Thee uere fur,',iet' halls off tht' Provincial Judiciari at preseut: tht' homes f tht wealfhy, u hile wbich were useti for concý_erts anti minitir Court off Appeal-Chiet Justice Sir lia_ boues f i't rnlt7itit" tass ' i ranattproductions-the Musie Ral George Burton, Justices Hou. F. Osier. aîtheugh Ua oliIoiR are IprOPer, now tht' rcadiuneecu ofn f tht' Hop. James Maclenuan, Hon. Chles Inlting ta1-1 slnc' The resi-lfret' ibrari', the St. La-rende IRail M iss, Mon. J. F. Lister. (ttafiai st-e, wtth hor trniubou1i'- 1anti a ntstic open structure e of oti 0n111ltt1ltCourt of Justice-Cbantt'Ulor, yards anti btcly-olaget ohade freet'heb site off tht' preseut Pavillon off tht'SI John Aexantier Boyd; Chie-£- Jîts- givo these quarera off tht' city al, RorticuItural Gart"ns.$ These three, Si Cnmn lu'Dvsin 7 VI ciamn i f f7,resiesat re 1 hlsvitliprobably i' acceunra ivsinSr ýVI chrIgý; n re- hll wli,.îamoat 1hn Meredith; ('bief Justice Qu"en's liesa. Tansore case the business thon- t'enc.y-tu'oý hundneti people. Autigecuer Bea'-h Division, Hon. J. D).Amo;I eoghffares ai rsitiutarstreeta are chere uzua accomnodation lu the city Justices. B.on. T. Ferguson, Hon. J. E. 1n close juxtapsitinandtIis nfrt'sh-1 for aotitr touatpnsn uRose, Hep. T. Robrtson, Hu .G lnig te pasfr i,,th' ar antibstt -qct off htatic')i ormusical entertain- FPalcoubritige, 1Hou. RîîghMa aon off thtcierclalbwy in to a ceelr Asntlt'population off Toronxto R o. W P R. Stet, R NI st'chiud ttt wbr tht'homes are al- tat that ti nte,-, a s npresetdt'ttebe 60,- Moni. .. .~te i.R meosStihi h t',' fliage in front ýoff i000, St' uaseatiug capacit inlutheat er'ilb iIitm. 'J7'uto15js ;proudc n o me fpao e n-wnit f hm hn' An Honorable Judicuai'. '*If icasicet" t'stn'îp re uow six theýafres on places devoteti Tt umesofth'OfnoJdcai ~arls fhecoutt',Bloor at 0 t htlicai tertainmenfs, nameli' - tii-at,o ir, uitdniciart' Geoie. O thtse aenues thesmo'X ioP -Rit use, aeatidigcpct' rw rn u nioftt rvnet -iOf »f1,200; ornte Opera House, capacify' nw rmoeedo h rvnet aetîttsttcc"sfo hi is yts PiceaTear,1,0 at's tht' other, Au important elemeuf. makirig anti lu s'tmmer rîghta la Ibronget - YonW-eSrtet Theitre 1,700 B ijou (Au-frtt uelbig off ~'cutil h iith c), ',J spetiîg u, uatidevao I -sunivensai confidence in tht' integîlti off t0w r. e- eyriis fciitusant 'oim.1,200 ; Emnpire, 800 ; u total tht' courts, a coufidience Whic,uC othiîîg mapla fr ws rturl schîa ao-ier ff ,70 here anc Ibhret' large ýconcert bsocneit hk ntt es.T halls. lb' Massetylaiw'ith a seating hsi' tu ht reoshentiJute a u-oy the sitic] lk, nt ioî itbersite - ht offeci ude rewrh th sret uemal > Iisoft apacify off 4,500 ,PvinMusitcTa1, o0fthtir illustrieus pretiecessons is tb ive tih' teet sant h t' maieur f tej1,201f; Associ ti all, 1,000, anti se- Tlch eah w th a gî Aoff green j P .-r , ,- 1- TTn tl I -a comiplimen.t whiclî aIl wil ap- TEe ark efTorutj i titi all et., hic, rughy eti- Tu ddition te those locaiteti at os- Tenoce a wel ft cnt l tht Intte rot rIg ma acommoaIt ont -tous goucit Hall, thene are tht' counti' courts, Tmits àhW0 Womd in ell , ttihtr.StLwec nt t i-situâatet i iptht' ('ut Rouse ou Atielaîte o-ffparts, p-osEOSles thîtI'AtO re-s Halls, benfou- -eStini useti1street, anti seon to be movedtctetht' asti' don. Tht' ares tMess h Plc Waiff!Pfr amuen:ents, arcnW incudetilu he uilding ou Queeu street. Thre ý,a1re is g Pr.whc A pmbobjl, îonîhSwL W total=nrher o'f pensons whe Ec uiebsRnrJtg c coittinent,~~~~~~ ~~~~ -f -s -'i ate nol-h.dg'b .oo'-îoittstbsnsiuiogl, is e o o JudgeMogu anti proerylth-sehalsuzuli, ccrtln ! hil' "Dbioueril uiti Monson Undge ora andi atîtwae uesetet10 tt' dti'hi' ht' luut. ruch .000 or in oundnn - uervision corne tht, 'nCurt off Genrai 1 aLsMnt.e. oiint n it s-be ro ffif ieu h Cnn v, cut oSe ssions, Counti' Court anti Divisi on de nt.ThL prk hict 5s ttu', tet le iante iciNeu w î-htmt h ' t ea-Cîuq,.j utig, McDcgEl, altetendu Qs tht'est:n iat1f tl'tii at s esanti oncrt baUls togehau .Taking i Admiî-altyCourt thvbeeer a Case is te hevl renu'at nt -toeihnt gad. Pfr oue-flfeenth off tht' tai ,ambeuia "tfo ht'ai anti i-ntegt' off vme' ,oyfUmmlctOuanlo fftuunt' off i" a cha vhic ht'pouaton bis iiat- tht' CW marce tanlhree huntret lrmg bihot uaIil naguient. Therpid Wnc 1870 yht nU,,e off ch,, 'rciigUw opusrguw ff f solunt.neurCothone Ltige tht'rtîsic tt' acommoatlo for enuee, ae onettiihtl ar,, antiil i resiencau'hch Mn. ro ward cprectet fer seekeS. These ,fnt'tR 5t'tint jsffynli eesai emention SmOive hine in. Tt'inen alllng e-0-0lth' tht ueeno tattht' cMbtlo f Te- Mouzat, tht' Ate DAlýton c toatb anti oumeL nt vs for abo4t m t outeWAare jmun sUfnd off mus&c andton-iaty, Mitn' Crpe ae brunmiani sixt' i'ers Part Off au t'n-nica"l ePptefineius atley uw rrefi-n,4etrCmnuA-a rosD. ~soareof itSt au'aIl euio.the earîy "eventies, whe ebo'thWeýcMcae .R.(u ChIef utc J _________________________________________________________________________________ 1~~~~~~~ Sir William) Meroith. HIon. John Sni- field Macdionald,.()f Ibe past,. and su,.n men as tldwar id PBk, B.i B. Osier, Cîltpe eisn .H Blake, Z. A. -NasE, A. B.'yIR Worth, 3E F. B. Johr, Walter Barw'ick, Dr.Hokn J. J.Maaru MolberFson, Clark , e. so, Co.- thra & -Barker:Cut.acold&o. Kerr~, Macdoniald & ('o.; C-urry, Gunther & Eyre; Duncan, Sean &Mille r, ati others, as represenitatives, of tht pesnt to show the' types of ouir lgi minis. Litigation osi the' Dec'inle. There is ne doubt but that the occupa- tion of the harrister is undergoing a change. Osxig enadterviews are supported by sta;!titis, readut'Jly adi- mit that liigation i s setlydCiil ia this Province,. TIefeleiu table compiled from ttt' reprt 0fctEeItiapt'C ter 0f Legai Offices wv ýI lieîW hcnumn ber of actjcis eteri fo tin luTo-!i rou,'te for tEe yearsmutoe- jIUrY. ury. 1S890..............10 240 18951... ................27 353 1897 ..................... 15 208 One reason asgei FtEecomPlex natuîre of the cursand heucertaIn- ty ns to teaut .ýo1Fcot asa to wbere the acio wleni.Many- bar- risters favor mreden-ulgCedule for ceets, ont'- hc -fi pac et lirnit ou whaýt the'I'osýing it-igat as ,to pay. A ntrebefetýure l3-tuePro- fession witbiu tht' aNyer or two lhas been thie dcine lu theatteudace t thbe Law ShowbcIa le ffr fully one-thir*d. Oerrieunc fte tullness has henth,, eprtueif scores off tte youinge-r britr oth- er places. cbit'tly lu fi ' 1 esternCan- ada, whpre tbey wvill giow up -with the rew toWus audille u outesdo better than they wul hvedoee. Wlthiu the last ten yýear is there baiýs been an increaselant4b feesof loca barris- ters. This 15s ýaidi te o lu ',part owlng to the high feeschre by members off the profession lutE U.iedStates, S )0 tcgreata rurgiu. THE~ H-ead Offlice: x8- St1. Jaes S. Temple B ilding, MO'NTRE'AL' TA CLVWALLACE, Dp. iWestern Ontaro, Gî Aec 0F NEW YORK» Assets 125787 For encies in th, . nu pyt. ýhc Head O c Caada, a, ornt S., Tcr. JAM-S fD'OME7R.,'MNGR THE SOURhICCOMPAMY. Capia . fz,- --oooo Canadian Branch id ffcei'ROT JA S OOIII .AýGR S V. McRLNNON, PR,'SIDEET I. ,J. LONG, AUTI-ORIZED CAi-TAL $ 1, c on% OOc l. Hiead Office, TORONTO. A. D FA N, MANAGER. VBqC a L G OR G tRHI3ALDO. CoPE, -,Prsie J.Kz.q-Vc-r esIA CA FR. adM.P. Vcc-rectdst. f«o. . CEEWOOD BERWN enai Mnaer 5-6 O.MANNRINO A. RODE, TO. . 0,ONTO HONï-_ E . G. . C . -- rsie t..AU po1icVicePrates.d Mah Lngirdone& or. JOHN. R. E. OreUR,%H.LN.EB URIGTSc . K. OEORNE LARRAI W. 1411, DCL. HION. G. W. ROSS, LL.D., Minister of Edue-ition., _jNS.IVWE-PRESIENTS: HO _S HBLAKE, Q.C., H. M. PELLATT, Stock Broker. ZMANAGING DIRECTOR: H. SIHERL-AN'ID. WM NATTRESS, M. D., C.Mj., M.R.Ç.S,, EEG. ~L UILl-I4tL TEFR4TO, OjG. HEAD OFFICE- TC~N0 ?reT-GEO. GOODERHAMý,, Prý sidCnt Bank of Toronto. VICF-PrESIrnPNTS ROBEEZT, AFFRAY, Toronto; C.,ED. WA~RILEN, President Traders' Bank, Toronto. MEINCAL DIREC-I*oR$ JAS. F. W. ROSS, Ml)., C.M. , Lý R.C.P., Eaig,; P. J. STRATHY, M. D, C.M,'M.R.C.S., En&. CONSULTNÇ. ACTUARZY E. PARNS FACICLER of~ New 'York. MANAGING DiRzc-roit-J. F, JUNKIN. SECRFTANT CR0. A. STERLING. SI; EcîcoTE~Nua'î-G. F. JOIINSTOIN. I..4jjýýIW COMPANY. Assefs, over - - 82,00,00 j Asuracesin force, over $7 l,00,O Pre~ient, . O.RLMSAY1FA. K. HLus, lW. T. MZAli, FA . sANDlRs00T, LIL. Css.Aray TIER F h ACI Fnj- , ,: LfAW>ffe A has Larest- Relative Surplus, A.ffords best Seçurif y at WiilYVCUNYEARB' RECORD, t0e ,nUary,1 12ë.. .. .. .. Insurance ia t- rcee...............$29677,418.c Ne,,' lusurance (srilten and taknaup , 3 8........ >. 1.................. , n ,5 a o Ca-sh surpl.s shere al liabîll ics, Gos.. c.,rament standarid... ... -........4I6,z06 H5 fotaisurplss ouurity for poFic hold. ers, inluding capital stocki. ...1,416,206.05 Rateand fi i înfcrnat:ot i ii b'c nt on appic- Ïon t. the ,-la Oflse, Tara, , or to any ftihe 1kssc,aions Agents. OF 0O NTARIO, LIMITEU. PRR8JjOLNT: SIR RICHAIRD CART WRIGHT. V1CE-PRESIOENTS.ý S. F. McKINNON. AMSSCOTT. A. W.VI', OUCALD. CAýPITAL STOCK: ONýE LLION DOLLARS. SIR RICHARD CARTW RIGHIT, C C.M.G. VICE-PaaaîIsarsÇ: S. r. McKINiNON, Esï!, .-,,DoJA.IîS SCOTT', Fsý,. MIAN AER: ANDREW RUTIHVERFORD, Up-i. Offices ansd Zsfe DorOnsUt Vaîults T H0,PE TO IO NYOC CAPITAL, . .. 0,0 0 RESER%7L FUNL, --.- 2E,0 - DlR19TCU8: X Cr.i.SoN1 HON. ..WOD 1w. H. BEATT£Y, LsQ, 7MAý;i,NAOUDIREOTOîc, --J. W iANCMtJýIUI 5ST ASEn-. TAMýNr MNGR -,A.*E. PLUDMýLR V', S, TcaiaOt t' JL.tulti Oppîcas ANO SAPE Dcs'0îT \'AGLT BQAJTM-EABT CORNER TONGO Alto COLOORNE OTREETS, TOItONTO, I pe~iaI T,~iis~!s ~ 0F CANADA, TORONTO Capini Subscî-ih d , 4000iiino ('nîpisai Paiti Up . 9i,~At Oc AGENCIES Sm.John. New llruasîvick; Loadon, Englanti; Edbnisungli. Scotianti. DI.5tEtlTCItS, Putsî-uîcrr-}l. S. 110 WL INE), Presideat Inspenhi Bank cf Cao cia - Vics-Parsnos', r J E). CILIPIMAN, Vice-Presitica' St. Steptiens Bt'iîk. ~c. Sucoiscas, Nu. SIR flAN FO5D FLIUi7N.) RCMC Ottaîva. IIUGIT SCO PV', L'adcrwritcr, Toronso. ANE)REWS, IEVINII.Dir. Ontsiellaik Teroalo C. J. CAMPIIELL, laie Assistant Receiver-Cenerai. 'forosito, THOMAS WALMSLEY, VLce-Presidenî Qucea Cii7 Insuranie Cc.. Toronto. - H. M, f-ALLAIT, Peesident be-entes Electnic Lighî - Cempani', boronie. OWEN JONES, C, E, London, Eaglaed. WOl-:Eý,SALE DRYIr (OODS. WOOLLEN and COHNERAL DRf GO0GOS MERCHANYS.* Corner Bay arnd Wellîngt on Streets, Toronto. F;REDERIOR WYLD. PPRaInENT. AYNDREW DIiÂIEG. VICE-PRESIEsNTi. A. W. GRASErT, DnnuCTOP. R. D. MALCOLM, oiScRTieir. TORONTO. ~ioI~aeDry Coocis, Woollets, Mnn, Jlti I, uIJurrs Eo ani ZBay streets, Staple Dry Goods. Mens Furnishings, Dress Gods, ýWoolrnaad Taitors' Trimmiags. f Varas Pait n 'derwear, Hosiery anti Cloven, Ribisons anti Laces IlanaeLiniors, Liriens, etc. Me, s Foirr.î%,înge, Haberdashery, Woollebg. Carpets aad tî-.efurnishings. PîiLisg Letter Orders a Specialty, Tihe Great Assorting House of the Domlcior. Wellington & Frontt Streets Eank, TORONTO LATIIER GO0DS. POOKET BOCKS, TRUNKS AND TRAVELLUNG BAGS. M5 King stra.ot West, Tor0nt0, LE AL ESTATE. Real Estate 3 TLPONIA S4LRRT Tor'onto. MERCANTIEOGPCIS Coo 'tlo iMle .ry lee CHAS. . ýCLARE MrESIDEN F. lune CIet sE1 cittl'l. CAA. L AOSURPLUSL THEERASTRET OMPANYt,l cor, JcrrIns &lleiidaStreete. EXPRESS. o Ti-AIll PCint lat E Word Thecir JNToiney Orders are piaable aaileins i Caa5ani tise UnittiStte-sfet nt md CO zin cen ofreitii l mil TREASRER. 1 4-P,% e-eca r% -w% A Tmm% -44-4 4- -a -14-4 r4 1 THE BANK 14s PtupCapital ...82,00p,00,1 Ilest ... .......... -....1,000 DIRECTORS G-EORGE COODEHAM, iaresideot. WLLIAM HENRY BEATTfY, vicer-Presdcart. CAPRITA '11EA EORaLJ. OO REdER l )D CIRE SUR WiITAMCEo ssAE GoOD 3 RLIM DOALD t'FICC: TROSlýNO »NCN .COUL 'SO1Ný, GeS.rnlMeaxer Di MRRCIS, DON LD XCAY, V1MICA.RSOC W.O. C. II, .SIIVN FR, E).'-Yf-RsE. L Y T J.. LILLOD, CLR . MCCLI,GeNrEat.MNGR C.A E.ORRIS-o, TSET Cai al rad up............l0 Rereure............ $0 URdlscled o s .... ......... .1 W . F OWni ~. THOALSEN, ' ui EKING,, '- WttLnPi .. .............82000,00 Q 'cr Tt IO............. PreT.ntIsident- CAPITAL 1lfff.lll RESERVE PUND - DPCIS JO3R0-LNPRnmaT JOHIN YY ZANT, 1a-aoF,'T JAlEtUSHIT E.BSL. CI'l RLESARHAL. Il. C. McLEOD, CGeeuîAs.. DANIEL WATIERS. INs,&ECToR. NV. CALE)WL CSIL cos DIRECTORS: JOHN BREAI<EY, PRESUDEN. JOHN T. ROSS, VIcE-PRESlE) fi 'r" PARE) LEMOINE, VEASEY Bos A. Maucati, F. BLLLING' T h-l'O-MA-S MCIXTUGALI GEIIERAI. y v -rutaTio -f-eesý tT, -t -h 7t, ý 1 1 r-8 - .-- - CAPITAL (AIDUP) L>, 00 0,000 H. S. HoWLANDýL, PRNIiENeT. T. R. MERPI LT. VicEý-PRESmzxnT Wm. RAMEAT. T'!. SuCTHFRLA-ZD STAYNES., RÏO13rr.JAF-FRAY, EISROGERS, HEAD OFFIC,-- TORONTO, D). R. WILKIE, GENERAL MANAGER E. HAY, INSPECTOR. INCORPCRATLO .S6it7. Ilead Office: oetOt Capital Pald Up,- -$O000U -8t, .. 1,000,000 B. E. XVALXýER, Geerl anagcr. J. H. PLu-4,MER, Asst Generai Manager, A. Il. 1'.ELAND, InSpectOer., M. Ai4ssistant inspector. CAPITAL (PAID Lur), $,0,0 1-ON. SIR FRANK SMVITH, RsE. E. B. ùSLER. -M L.VCE-PUEIDN IL MTE.MATn S HEAD OFFIËCr, - -î ORCNTéo. R. . J EH' Capital (alil aid r)- $200OOO Reserve Fcad 600,000 UesdlvidedFoits-- ,0,727 NCad OfC1fiZCeMNRA Rt. Hon. Lo taioaad on oaCC 1 ï

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