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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Nov 1899, Supplement, p. 15

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Toronito Supplying the Needs of a Oontimually Growing Nation. lut, Manufacturer-s Enlargînq Th-eir' Premises to Meet the Deynand Fromi Canada and Abroad7i-A MarI,.uvellous Tale1 of Devýelc)pnent i n National Ente-rprise-F7actories Work-. ingr Overtlmie to Meet the 1 Nnecis of Their Customners. la te implenient business in Torolo and'aîîtougb lbeli- eperatiens do int approacit in mantd lts flite Malýssey-Haris-opay evriela ttýey -are dobiga verysatiffaclory trade. During ltepast year ImpiJe-l aient manufacturers, on'Ig e it splenidIb arvesîs, lhave ben ard puhedt t keep up n't ohi rders. fgooti crop-s-sitonld taývor te farmes- ne'xlt yessltenu t urera 10k for- waird te au- even botterc demaut for1 tIteIs implomen its. .5-omne idea eoft the extotoîlewblit mouey basbeenlvetetlu inte manu-, factuire et imriplein-enîs many be galbered1 - ci, fi r i -m,,t fi. + ,..,,b nimn' & Tomate isý fast eatiablisiting iLe dlaimn 11,-"~ in + ie st,,emcent~+r.~s.r-"" s iheir fitacory ao, Banfor at eiir tbe cestaeioneý of lte g-a inu- fmrn ag-enc(ies iruio thbie triai cen-trýes fits, continent. Ils; iii- 111rit,, Maaaey-Hsrris; Cea)i-papy bas r usties areIý etlts miost diversitit (1 n5eu 760,0 antid ,0,0 locked iiracer,'ani teisnumor a binge plu inte, business. 'rThe 'tactory ot lthe. 'Ln counpouy bftt in Ibis city is an immensen *r1ded le yearI by ý yerý'). Dusing lthe st st-uctur, anti titey eaipoy ne leas titan1 Im yetsliteclyia beauý tavometi 1,500 men. 'ith a comeri tevlepaient almost AIl rte implemeul maniutaciturers I Uprce;ene [ in il hie try. Ail the report ai great revival -etf trade anti1 a atomisa hav e1 nks bsiyeploy- nores conýflCidet toue amonglt poole. t. ainti in caeaiae t rei-aseti They are iiuui ocentitnsh' 6maids eti tratit biave necessitateti lteo over li- tvne l ý lie Urese ail rIutne large, additions to ltsý kindq cf, raxvmlra priual Iron l0lltng Inldns.l otites instances anti steel-nid, te, dIfiicnity oif getling thje buiestsfer outgroxvn lthe tac- suapplies. lotiets, rendmin lite ci;on cf entirely MseyHriCc.Liie. w'E.% atr1clueimpeatve Titis indus- Mtsýy1rr C.Lrned abexpnini patiiirl notice Il la tlngý lthaI ltse couitt'y wbIirit Is 'wler'e for a1 long !iei mn xelentprtceetteunvreioiiaseh A1leck hav bea nreau'eti vtleohm C'anadla stands lu itecm'ealnl hbaud cotgsfor lite unieou per-tcitr doo lee cylnSiigo to11e Vac n' it ut employaen inttma-Briniti1'rs xckn.l.v torle areraplAy ging p. rse lte,ý1 me mnio n eý,t lt]ndsr Aditon leicois n auîy prette -riisuggsatzs lthe wa ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~È titIe eh i iema alîc ~lit iseyetlt filrm of Maastxy-ý Impl canient, feh' ex me,lp u flit 1> agi ui4,nisnct allMs BiOSI ipi oruinelislliect.prcaeautlfeidy 1Bo- 1fagoi trafic,0 is a1nollues, iuorîsu ils t 1il lie laI Ha t A aa eelpt IhIs baaiho steay growin, ac ieo-Isyec Toe auacrilg Ceai Iinuei uhlit aggmegale te $1000c-ebraît tisai or Hiarr1is Ofe A nen' lnutr iasý teen esshîlisitei,- Braniferd ai wti atesn rs 1mrs in bite shape of tisati meats for for anti Wvler ý Son avuti lte way fer cIgu xet lu, conneetien witit titis athe e'clensiou et' litlntustsy le lte moernm at2i, hosugitîy-equippeti abat- semoteal parts et lte( glo,)be. To-dary toir, cosling abeý,ut $50,000, itas been lte Massey-H;1lt'is Ccapany's impie- érecteti. uIreuts are ilise, oui evemy continent. 'rThe aggmegate amuraitOf ltse building 'rite extent et lthe coian' orks aI mea-laiily tom foctory puspeses, 'roulet, Braultosti, anti1 Woodsîock wvblci were ilsima tronu June 30, 1898, le îîîay te jigetiï fraith OcIltIo Jue3 f the present yeam nas airer 3,000 bauds airempyt, antiegle 0.For tite, lasI titree unonlts oft iiggregattn 2,01tlspnemae-é tt1e present yerie value et pe--mils rînimeCi te sun lte ahleyanrtp IsEeet ainourtel te $68f,260, makiiîg a niticit is eof t ;ienlos inautacture total et $1,216,260 for lthe fittasu umýntlis, anti cannot beý ltpj)icteae elsewieO. i nding s01h. SepI ie jas'. !l t"-i-iklsuPegtCmay qriitieu7 le lreeeuitures 'î1 tits tl li, lug additons te eilig s 'muse agricul,ilipe nt isie eu t-rt Sim1psoîCmay -t aeua 187 lte buiess n'ailS Usta-e ilu len Mantaeerlg Crupny,$10- 100trafi: ncaseis repldl1y ,lit il Itu ii200 frbitig anti !rwr-nae uvulaý are, aI pr t olulOi rog. 0., 40,00 ite ',)ronlo T1ype anti sîan cItera1,, rkeot plea te Foundry,$00000 it [l-ley Kent es- lanti anti ian-n roilersý, -veiary ltl, $2.0 iion atesm, $15000o ; hart-on-a. anti soniesaiermpeel- ttc oppuers -asCc.,3200 ;G-erge 'rTe Presitisul cf lt illsnPoîi WeslonLUý 31,00.Oter nufoctusers Compauy la Mu'. ClronJonc Sf 'r li-veeetie il lthe uay frei $1.000 route, -anti Mr. E. G. E. F'olles us Mati- leý $10,00ý0, vtile lite iia tactory non- ilger. To, titi-s gentlemel(n Je dus lhit belng e('te-1 by Lever &ý Ce., it is, estj- Irema.rkable succeas of lthe business,1 liKeld,. n-irosr cý,onsiteraitly over jfor euricîg the paI fous yeaS lthe, $100,000. works bav b(eau luinrg conllnuiuffiy,1 Imprtaleapleiugoves. a' bntimeti haufis, anti1 aniExport s. 'lt-rft aeicest aout 501 A glnsa h utnsrelumus me- ps rl,.onetgniitfa'tt' latlvs Ici itecommrc et Toronto iiimn iaseudi.'ieIa y1elts cause foi- stfaio.Ini 1894, I aunfm i-'Oi aITÎlax. tef acu'e (-e'rs, lite i-ýmorta I titis port amon- îiiganu, the no"titeru part Of 1lan' -------------------- 7 -s,!', and- even far--cff Noew Zealanti. P 4462 'Tsee ,years Later, nor iin 1897, the, iipu'l aoni] te ý19.775,856, studtaeperts tw 5,87,186, an lu- ceafeet 32043,5inluimporta anti $1,- S92704 lin peîsas omart nlv ite fiS ilen et yearl. LaIye te tprsauxtoitîe1tl ,244,0, andti lt and iaitaît unieu is in ipraat er the ratocf increase tas"beu Wei maiuttndturing rhe tussecnt y eer. Fs h af-ared'gJune 30tl-1 îlaite alaof illite Iportain'as Seins p a tcyearosfuiîmaee ciimyeT-paîg dh-ite tirIstait 'oft 1898 Whli te vaIlueetlieO xprt1nas$W IL uma y be e.panti 1h51 a porIoPncon- stt-a-lIy L ttaSiug in i mpostaîcce. IL isinlrest e Idyte yearly renaGrd 0f taýnk ri! r in Tlu'reonte. If j";as ollons fon lie peefei froni189., 11898, inrhuslva -- .............. ..........56.6,2 89........... ............ 30,7,~ 11............. ......... 27,2037ï9 19............ .......0,604 11............... ...... .. 34,5, 117.......... .........3145,6 18........... _...... ..... 43,6,4 lhtus -e indthlitaMelia hau cearugs - c. lu 1exciigesddtts et892,n-h 204,787, er 15 ps ernlt.- TheCaia ofa Ag ulra Are Mr oaetRwM-si nl is Rsit nPriýes. le-ke~a fereoat plre amng lite !il- d ugtîl' ieîetTernlob rsuetlt targe umou tf aill ncasin i-i, teebtedly( ojylit ,laga proprionuý et -Ime usies, anti. iol, a ui u Thle Manuf'atctUirers Exceptionally. BUSY Filîng Orders. Dolmussîle riade Takes AI T Teir At- tention and ExPert Bussinsas Neg, Iscted-Tlse 2%'OrtiseSt skt NeScller luti(li of the abate of LllaI iportýanjt 1branit cf Irada. ltae manuactra t seve, cuit -ha given tijtanliestleet liti m afatnrerS aese bus suppyiug lte icaestir Isade taI itIly1bave n limete attend te te expo)rl busin, -:altiteugithlie latter is a prftbefield fer enlter- 1 prise.'te conditioni cf te lotuslry te- day la la .nîarket couti-at te titatPrticit prevaileti turing te ysarstif lte greatj depreasion. Soon aftlas1192 tae steve business, lu fart tae iren founders' tratie generslly, hegan le decline, anti fer a liais had an exýceetiuugiy pre- j rions existence. Ti-te manufac,(turera aioîusly considere t îlitý,a I atiisillty Oe. 1',dnr-iuug nages, ant(i coa thIem se- tully 3-dHitrutdon ita psiy cftheir enpio s. T'oe- ,a y hbon',vd i) tn liste stateet ffir. Taioiatifer Ibis lasa 0f !f i ashres egreal ltaI pprtyin tn exIfn oits lie aretnl h, etisl tenti iuleoneS flite reast lais l l be la uusuail puiei, ci gel alier torede wha aasilnF .athui on"ý thfcî stcf itis ki t -ultybn-s bi-nh snpc i edul inlie slcktlijs litIbvegon. in t mnuetuser lua se be1yatlaîdi le is ý eî1( jwn trad I~a osni N 1 ýtVte liîýmUeduer inle--, lionte rsponi telitea.ppathetay ceietis ' n't-ýo 0 t re DsîcreSSItem 1 lia t igurIC- e i c c j by a higit standardi et benor. In vieWv of lte enerrons deaiuti for manutfac- turoti goodo, there se srs et fa short- age llthe pig iron marLikst, as,-wû1ii as an temarket fer oetheýr aidais, Tiis feeling is net confinedti l trade jour- tais, but is sitareti by manufacîdirers vito bave lookedti oe',ti couil- Ions for tiemsîlves. rThe ceaI t o af mtiaeriais bas adivancedi, but titero ba nt ben a-crreiponding perceuitge et o iceselii te ,pricaetffini!sheti gootia. flTsis probbiy de lethe ar1 lta tW, maufacut-r bas scsrcsiy ecO liitionis. 'rital oe'eenemnt to ty ashoanliby iteir oniakinig lr itiditions ýlote Iteir bidnssdpat Among ,tIiese aenite,>adGute itmay ho hae jst aea u permit for ltse eectien etor an addHitIin ;e titeir factory atpa ntict V illi enable tiem e nrastee ,ir out by 30 par cent. 'rilete laloutayfor buiJling su ad plant v. 111b& $0.00asd ;te new structure wiil bu oaeisni of Adeliiti strecl. 'Wrougitt Iron Range ,Ce. 'rTeoperatîonsetriis co1a-11auY are of con-siderablemantdtergs of theýir manufacture ýJinlse- oyiug ailarege raieaaul'etpouartyl ail parts etCanaa sd ltheUnst Htales. rTe(, toizticapital Oft lt lires at xesv taclriesaItPoo to anti Sl-t. Loulis, Moj. Tt opn aisillonw, CIigo ,,u189;nix ot e lais atte ClfrisMdinEx - postnaloa, xoiin,~84 ipea als litSaeFistAlaaantN- rs;at d4ipl( tliaWser as lusria Exibiion CtToontmo. rThe ,qipany are liiiite olsmauacnsr sudý pailelfluls , ette eow Hm ?'oaforlS el'anges or prle rosi-1,an ililullou o oSllalfL1 p ostdnn-as ta- ire mani~taclird lmoecisveye Ae titeiatalogun eopmngtcei- Book Publishing. Native Autisors' Works Do Better Than E-ver Now-CaadIiim' Edi- tions oft For~eign Wos'ks Poîsular. Tonoliste- Centre eoflthe book- pulsigtradle ef Canad,I anmdtihIe tact et te ýpepul-aien u Qubse In tracî,ts i li markel eofthle'ICaii;!ianiipnb- lishr~, utleverthteless ttevha co ntîluien c2y W ho are ke , sead rs e bocks anti look eagerly for ltsaees nvoîka.'ie book-readiug population etLi Canada is probabiy only lthe 'nelf lth of ltaItoltse Uniteti States, but in pro- pcrtiou le their numbeta lte Caî'atiin purchase mois bocks titan lte Ameni- can, afat nble seak nsu er it- miesproviens efrsoe .nIe brigttueas nîlintelligence et ens p 'o -(ras. I he1ile vet aI iegnrlso pie. 'Te feltôdislBock ieuse sekeoprs Of CJaýaa rcie ably condarlet by Rex'. Dr. Brmggs, V p5roo, ant in Jwalîurn t ttidu a t lit pieuses hoolpublsiting hous if02 pany publiaidtet'iteCaainMr Twoo ol, tavinig hen aiabstedIn lu ctats1 R-ven. ike 'loiterou' U sIlla printetion tigt-ciass ralenti 825. Oties housesa accu nlewar s oelapr nti, I;ka ite ,itatau sprug imb existence, but nonset tftUne ysfai psm rtA uiaio tpi- ht5 srieto-dIay. Deriuig the ensuîng h niei i ssyas ixeiI- itai1f self eut-_relybte itesti seinonien io csulry itebusna~ n'a co- iforatIn uitiin ts an inisieý durletion an eemely imite0sai, valueleAi tevarieus trad-e, nieit ara and ti l as net until 1884 taI bock pub- ar-rauget-e1 -mualy 'iaila isting in Tornbe gr n eany nouer- - ùamllooflitsic tslts !iosla di- aie exbent. During tse lasI bye tor fauean-t atditi maîerîaîîy ,Lue itel- six years ilt evelopet sapldly, andtu10-dteaiy oeThie Mucitnîs axi day ferma a nt important Indusbsy. G-e. . flrg é& 1)0. 0f receul ysarl ay aslnaultora rt m tGs.N.leag& have enterdeti t feMifil leRatre, antissscblit u'roraito abuctutn ysat- tteiroksaiae in gootltiunnt. 'therems go,ant il 8i-vscnvpeilrea mis us toîvaa, n-hbeu native lai- IaI t.itibliy e , au.For c ý one eunt Was toit alnosr luetet pî ni ;epoi seson- qi e-s[salit rce li t L titIte .vot'ks of aaia 0 etquar"tenosmeumetion Welling- IliusivUe r piuetlup ani'nunr-u-o tire,tin'estAnti tty have beet nol tu ]od 1ibadw aleattes lte style ettite telu ut tracîve cevers it heuc letîq Ul î;ilng bosestf Boston Jai Nnok that feln. uiespepe r mc 'ie fiti ot"ope(aîlns ce-vers lTe',- appi-sciaive t-a nt gadyscouetis oiio, Atiltetiaiitve huAi ltae appearance cf l' ir!',olou Candieni-nesa onctosinoey motn --"' 'ty,. 'ierpoutioýns icuen ss n'eta A eagutfrni ubicLibraris beles ettres, educalOnal antisentitir iin ttc coupmtes orsur1it plicationsn-crsanti, frorol aibook-mnaklng pJoint bas iteen a mlaret sand glmaiiinge d-etvuenwlte-an'erls have rce tuUni- lere e thlita Iade.'Te silgs etCam- vsa rmmndti .'rtepeu st yla adiea,1 utitora bav ýe istIi 1- ydc loi-,i inntlg pps iluýstr-aî ln ati t p I et 10 a lgit e artI et moul jt, atigmpt l vr fifernttraiIat lu i >l, c~i nlItliteitact(-Litat Ibeir ogem qa ofretacetragni bountibas groatly imîfuesietlis op- ue aa.Mus& Ce.A gaset las lasle. Se lrgeis thv.pesentde- l tai saou enitslitItIbs fit-a bock productionWetWbta'rmnt boses G iIn SaliDikUsC (PULLn 01 'rt 'ck f ppjrathr m Ier maba0n,G-esMrdit,'takay couîrea I nlimertie tii, ho m- M .EaiGatAln os potti n'tg til ite nryon il rteDya nhoyHp nil;any otiltî-a ben nbon t ta Cnaia pblc C. realo oiere'e'ittis irtim ion e ap ie diinae i~~~~o liittïnek e Lfcion tavo1fr% rat ica eîaracîlon for inmî-ett t ieAelirPeoy eb dedtiTl re-oS. As aga i sie, ovr, rn' - une1i tate-nd miese n-\olLIs are ean ti 'at iieea odtn o Lor ainti etfa inciboîter toueliaF tr riTae sicîîy, senîimental sîery î j 'tems are fou;i.'boit anti tti tetolo seuet lu --hinvogiue to;-daýy as il uatte u inTmonte, -ouneio 'wu ofetn'ic il, tion-- le. Thirk n-tUit areapi rtilu e atiliermaumarîerng- riteunovl e contcain rie-ver lcitamater aaee.Ak et e nnîIlice bîool ,feroiti. ' teB i ng & Cestaloy mom Pointl 1usd beeýn lt greLaimatone pet- Liis 1titsciynili mean an atitiomi li+ier romply uenienet_,I 1Davý iic e-e(.iictrcio litsrnI T 'o htai . [il iemanhosib- hu 2,1,o irliaia lcat tVifVny ucl nti pcsia.ia 'r Jnt imin. 'te expressin gox- plant. T'rutimil ue~aI rsolo ingime -,seemaaipid aerelpeI a1f ron 7 1 te20 pur cenl. ofthtie sitIre-de. non', zanti yet I pl isrhslte stuaLtion l inteeîiatiug rade lu 'To i te tulllcuty lunlte way etflte tex-en- ret iite p-Oen Ime, 'ment o e is iduaTry tara l-ea U"1ht 'Te xtenl et the opesalio f lits labos colti te-,ubat more ceaiyl pýlmn(leltois otlRuanih la but3felmel atiQuhr Tiis-, ton--ve, euOen xem'ighoss, iteCip, ahigovemeome "by fle intr(oducqion,, Carkapi W.. Gag Copn-n bi'etmde' mrinry biciu'lieai also largo hcksubliiters -lu astapa lte maufctrurin 'ronue t uc lite a~ e--utîie Teonr lo.Ltact i leociglbeo-eat no 1 bileî 1 uei ml- o b- ;wonsgrs-rtu 291.1. -ityus beL't tr situatot C5 5 islior- tieusauts oet coia ar luereeis1-. Rti-entiy titere bas bten un amiltnee 0f thie A bociks luttis year' s I 21 -tfrein 10 le 8'0 per ceub. in lte cot. e arbe C-of i iautitorsitip, aggrpgqt- -u'e- materiailo, wlia s- eest. ilng 7.10volumnes lu ail. In ithese lnai, acorrespcinul increase lurile pu-le BLACKWELL ~D I P CID J. W. FLAVELLE, Managing Director. ELY\ 'ARD ADIE, Sec'y andi Treasuirer. Ï7p,7 ad8 F11 4 STRJM T EAST1 70&72 Front Street cazt TORONTO P4INTS AND OILS. AGRICULTURAL I IPLE IEN'rS. 1% JJ n 1 ý 0 pý r ýýlUnr M LA RU U 0 M L ÜL l ýl La easthe numubeiir of thecylnd'r3ress te tilt, I th nume eSonc ploy-ed ou! tilemilias rmore Oiandube. About $40,00la in edl tehuai11,- ceas 0f til, ouse Mtitoisl B1ook oos the Canaa Cnferuceoitthe, aboie ('hurr'h 1Wr, 'y rson set1 or ltl C11ali-I -itarcte i tCene oy, ee tf t it s r unde-rta uri,.ing ttiu ooiRoai rm Ilite pubAic!atiýýo f 'rieCiristian d(;Iuar- dian, whichcomecei ith a ir cu- A0. Dr. Resociaoitcitr0 the iae ndj itonk sewrd oi i blis (ci jleiCi ý\urk. Stcli ' thej begiin)g, et anl estalisha]ienri to-day , Ilds epoyelfori25bads lite I',lisliting inceresîs et o ithouas 'ave rno blreprprins ,pt liepettipi injýt( btta l numbes cf oosissued itbts yaraggregate,00 it tgilratnlrý- H iito rica iorab a, sinti, rliinsud bghl--class ictin.Tberiaise an xtensiveot put t jurrils nci "Iailids et prt modm l ndr, ouramlle cyindl' anti )veGrdon1presss a nell 'a comlot eqipmntfor stere'otypiiig anti lecrtpn.Tl inderm iiS appontmnt~is probaibly nt uraset inCaadand titeIxhole eýstablishl- mlenit at 295-33Rihaetistet 'et udrte aaemn tDr. FBIgg ciltie fr Ie uccessumlicondutlet an xtnsvepublishiug bCiesl adiIo teils pullisln intretst Bock ]oom cnducs i a n etensive n'vheoe sud re 11'1tli bu>siness- , e ly ing a nuihet)i-;' etravel]erS, î)o vIeil every part ,et the ominIn.'Ileco- i sigumenta et boo1ka from dlasI year aggregated me,300 css W.J. Gae roC., ite. rTe pti - e 1!i et c f t 1ie fil ini ar sitlualed at[ .4, 5mant ->Fiet, srIe n'st. Tieyhav afroutaLige et 30 test ný 1h a dptit t 00tetth- ulig are useti for- showreos, fieswar- bueainti soae uIsehllte two ppereuscetInhe marutaict- urig dparaieîs.Altgeter bo ýut elnagutiI in 1 lts va ýr iins dprmu the nîput JeIj jt Ih bouse bing cf a ve ceairrebeive1citirac1er, ompriaiu hliank bebks, vritingtaetpe- descrption n'ersiof ictrion, euca tinl l rss, aps, gobsanti scitoc suple, fd awiranlge t rof ee su,.pplies". Someidearcftbeusns doue majhogleUs'JtI from the tct tat litetiaiy siipaints t aerprduta amliut1 tLtIo en tos' astck et 500ii, t-us e rso maeia i lcrieiat :ail ime-rs for, cul'reul use"L, he tilrm aing1 tIte entputi et the R11oyal Paper Mille 0of Uas AnesQueecas 'e;,as byn Iv geynlutheAiriangi Soc tIbousant enelPareturlCnu 1 lY frea i- be envelp alr, 'iilike ever cIer dpormen, is1equippeti niti the vty latel t i cary. The Iltiîn Is alolint stock cmpuy:lte prin'lpSs postinpa Mng l n Cive manal;lgemenlt bipig -Mr. W,. J. Gage. detani . . tiy, SecretI.a ry- J aesAceaPuLiiii C,,Liitti Te bhave moe agennine1ly SucceO- ces wters 0 f prnorietary junisi1 tun;buit 3r. James Actýý,on. Pr i',t el tlie ucempuany baigbsnmm lias fal u tur i, fte'iet oCa ops Gazette anti e he 'Cana-dianMech1Y 'S eve atrdamp j)le idence et bis tooî f rctiai utormaiodfe- Cualvteil tada eurna, is. Ah thesud fi manufacturefigodsThis le -ýattri- bitte the-,l'iestim1ulaition follo ýw lng theI " iras 1 inucd more pec.ple to,, embark in hebetý aasd she'tae scunl t ~ ~ ~ ~ ý te"r emna ne Imanufac- Ilurer put it,.bas risenï,for raw ima- ;eralswhch hos c.ntollngthe sup- ily~ ~~~' arùltprprdt meiet at the oid fgrS. 1.rade b las been bette,ýr dur- ing ltbe laýsitto and a, haîf years than ma any provIens peried. Not enly iS teea <good demnand foi' goods, but 1,aiymenpits are more regularly made. The hoDIesale boot and shoe tratie asundergone gieat changes in the lasýt ten yea:rs. People are becoming More fastidieus iu the matter of foot wear, d gQods which tbey bouight witheut ýhesIitation a few ye.ars ago tbey Vill net, 1,lok at to-day. Wietbe pb île. dmýind a sup~er rtl" they 'Il not preparýed te pay a bigber ric fo t. Theu m- iiargin cfpof i heeoe very imucb reduced. 'Ms lern ahîe hoeeperrnits oft1t-he manuLfacýture fc-foetear ef sup1erier style, at less (ýnst than ten years, age. J. D. King Cempany, ,111m4ted. The, J. -P. Krin emayLmelis the euily bouse in tieiit,(îý-y-~hicb cen- tllues itF prtes nieyte th'e t'.aptsfa,ýctuire of 1boots and ,lshees,eer ocil tfeewersc)l bytire cempany einil mnu lF actILu-,et i 'ou tits ewn TEr mie.Tefirm lbalon 1 -Tg een fav- crably knwn in Terente. General re- grçt wasfelt wheîs a decision aas eabda f ew years ago te mccc the vw "rîks te the Province of Quebec. The cemrpany bas, bowever, î'ctuî'ned tethe sce,,ne ef iLs earlier efforts ant iare uvr eouentatîg neir business, in To- renite. The Tewn Council 0-'Lcvs bav- iiig filied te carry eut-the und-ra g ertrdinte when the firm waIsinud tec lecaite there Was the cuse et hei j t ..ovali1fxem Levis. Mr.Rin ant ,1i bis ÏUnrtners'. were nct serry ferthippr tunttiofeedtbem te retnrn te Te- rnetbeli premises at 122Wliig tonsteetwet arerecup',at the ddiion f to reoms, ec 0x0 Wifcbmeansthat permanentempojI tuEntwlll e giv ,,tefour Cor iv- ilbun- dred bafis. Te presenitanilet ut la evr 100l00 pi, rs 0!'f.ail1 kustis" cf boot an[ shesaIlth ol lethr i à leaherle usedS1hema 111e-1 tits vlum cfbine ea eetia in zetmen cf j 501.t pr iet the gooa ae ce hn lcolmei but ve I eicae acltesnwl 0frJ Ibeirteti enaie Dogel1isth the hui hess itýii booti % î,tswlh b "ie t firmanwd sa lfyersnavei 7fer abcnercouecicu eetin fhe ritlsh lumbia tehe tevartimePf rov-. inces aiiomrisaae oer thee thou- fadstiri hs. Thooemany, cf wmaiuh coîpoed e nembere tbe tme by bc the original anra thwasresta- pi scer a wcndeftul i ý "Atoeent in A. Hamilton, . hoanag ri0f theabhe fiin t bolsae ico and isu(iee î'iandi factuers, ,heuakd egadin:)g the cnitions pf te1rentand -'ote pros- prût ferthe utue "At utbe pl r-1 et rt:!me u l dont knoiri ho- teli ith e"ders qily oneugbt e U stisf, o hostie hich prvaile hrough te fîrm' 1,anti 7 Frot s, te mangesr ivaef r be a griýion suc t hae u bnomaiy eayh e 1ln- n.ud fr y ur goode 'ritetirai ,des lie confin lIait tison mnf tulesbut des aan exteit ob~ bt'C,- mtiess emfft0 f he tiaforwbil-con- idemietonr. t.tBreeare dev. otedMte WA.torydpr.sesBtuear reniard fons sof ck,.an. Bth baeethe suse oi tory gifesempiyit te from 15 te ta0bais, tlie uutiu cf tis aodethen sthile t-itfltcfmaufctreIngoths Thst fmanagemeýtb if hefcthyla ou-e bet iec% Mr.W.B.Hail 5to,5t0epr cent. si n s e gies lnCsV" Vortcl aisi Hoi 'rite; i lll.rfA ie l à oF% erct ro.or t co8h c,i' t, TTorcLido, . Tho . L WiIIiams- , aoinr G. TiH1E JAS. ROBERTSON CO., Limited, 70TRONTO, . -ONT. 0Manufactur0l'8 of' SDealers in PLUMBERS' SUPPLIES, S IRON ImPE, Etc. PLOIJONS ENSILAQE CUTTERS. ROTPULPERS TORo 05TO c ANAD 9A. ML SICAL INSTRUMENTS. I and MUSICALISRUET We are MANU:FAýCTU-RERS, Publisher ing to a $First-Ciasssieand Musical In- stumntSuPPIy flouse. RECORDSZ and SUPPLIE-S. Catalogues freec on application (menition. gooda interestcd lu.) W LEROYOE & cc., x58 Yonge Stc, TORONTO. GORLY L EE MUNG Dealers in SOE AGENTS FOP STELLA andi Ideal InýterchangaIble and the VrglPract ce Clavier. 189 Yonige St., TORZONTO. 15 Kiný; StroýEt ast, Toronto. 'tJ~ StadardPiao f the Worid. Th--AaiePin of Canada. ESTET ORrOANS. Muuica at 'ruMnente andl MecaniO Gof Every Description. A.L.Dvîs, President M, SALa.Vice-pmes. CFIARLS TANLEY, Gen. Managej ' Waeroons s, ichnudSt. \V., Toronte Wýaeho.,:Factoryý: and.1 ~Micn Lane. St. Lawrenace St imb pcradMau'cte VARNISULES, &c. ,2jay Street, Toronto. COMPANY, L4mIted, Suecessors ta J. H.f. Prr &O. Fine Varnishes, japan,419Enaines3 Etc. 6 t 16MORSýE STREET, TORONTO, 0Ont. MA 4ECHINEUy AND SIT? flULIrI-, THE.. WORKS CO# Eýngineers and Shiphuilder-s, -e -- TORONTO Enin ee z zars -an d Manufacturers of Corliss Enginles, fihe "lCase' System of Rc!lkr iiUiiMç~e General Mill Furrishino's, StatioparyV andi Marine Eng CI od Houer, Icc "aCI Re- frigeraticgMalîrg b Co <Limiteci) MANZUFACTURERS AND OPFSTgS0 dîAtS B"nLON Wvarerooe,s- 64- ling t We st 517n~ T4 0ki0Ng-l St.Wet TC Q Tiep i -s c 1. P ýý 0 Façtery & We-rom'citims: 6510721 lllhurboumne Stgc TORYONTO. THE OPULI~ $TRiCTLy tliOH GRADi., - UiXp5Ll.HI~ FOR TOrIS, - TOUOI'i ASID WOimlcMAr~isî-iup. EN/Elîx- ib21Trr.ur+i~svr FUt.m.v CUAngîI'~u............... TUE PRIlNCE PIANO & Son ILS.rN lim. D MANUFIAMTURerS 0 AndStrsgd Istumetsofevr ecrpin Sol CaianAet c dsnPoorp PAINTS AND OMS. DL0 F i C.. A. S. RoGrai~, Treasurer. Oi s, UGreaes *.ARE .1.6=Z By FM lARM!I IR cCKOL BROSO & Cotg T O RO0N TO0. i n L ii Evry Province. Th

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