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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Nov 1899, p. 2

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DIAMAND DYES are Home Protectors Imitation Dyes Are Vile 1Deceptions. BOWMÀNVILLE. NOV.15, 1899. $50A TO LEND ~aEaItycAu tsL.NoldertrBwatesoilnt. sMs .R ÂMÂ.E.have been indisposed. 16 -6n, great mass of its business, and when the Mrs. Carscadden, sister of Mr. John v2-y cc red'Ptbe efi429t Pitt2'- Giýfford is fl ou aaLacy itirr dfinm VMr.inn -andSurgonsOntaîoC roîir, ec, 11 i ",.- :ru JY adsurgee~. nOnar-iooetei4 tact with the keenest business n""n!Lu t"e Mr- and Mrs. Wm. Pope and famly Reicie nikle, ~City, and were shie net able te mccit the- " ezol uT rui, upon equa termsansnd negotiateth t The Methodist churcli choir sang at eual business sagaeity ber positiou Clarke churchilast Sunday and Mondas. wudat once become untenable, for in Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Honev have reo- Gentlemien's--Clotlies made-toOe r[ R~P . Orer, t a ingld~i repesen nealy $0,00 i jborne Li1iâU anuy aseeOuen ag-1 ne rms~ 1~s-1ev nu'Chda od constantly by her sideansd eau depend on, beans et the simup-isiy sud rellability ofe aery cecipe. S 1ata ~ huudrrtpagas aR over t re ate ha fauraumore thran 1,0 with an excellent ehaptar ou sic rura o akc-y.- Follavn tc re -taiia he-, e jas â-dn narmnt nli are eraaeecte f ram aimnent anthorities, sud which will ha fonud lus-aluabla where thes doctor 15 net readily are nunhered throughout the book, and aach ta pcefaced wth a lis t the in redisuta called furc he sreciva. ce -To-rthe hedsjtitintte ead through the entira cacipe sud imaka esîculation ef what is wauted. Siceo ae t5lai lu haudaacneiicloth envers. It weuld ba a naltaka ta confuse thim book with auy paper-bound rook book that w( tîjue. Thce Ideal Coek Book cannt ha had lu thes bock stores, baing publised specialiy fer oursele. present date toJan.'1, 1901 An OC~locl PC~ Farm Îingg an Ideal Paper f or1 S TarrE IDEAL Co&it Boeic, os er 3( iiWhite oilcloth, - - - - veek, from the the farm and 3W pages iand waih a chapter on coups, ID J --Fo, wfung up availahle, The eia aches by I luchas. boond vou go c places lune The Wfoc -- 011... ~ n... L y-............................................ OFPICE.-ÔOOite Express Office. VITALIZED AIR ONTARIO BANK continiuas te do a General Banking Business at Bowmauvi]le Agency« DEPOSITS reeivîed lu Savinge IBank Department aud interest allowed at entrent rates. Notice of witbdrawal net necessary. Alil depesîts payable en demnand EXCHANGE Roeught and sold ed Drafts issued u nEurope UInltea States and Canada ais Gld, Silvur,%ud 1United States Greenliacks'bougbt and sold COLLECTIONS Promptly made ai current rates upen ai parts of Great Britalu, the Uited States and the Do- gnlnien ef Canada. Telegrapli Transfers Made fer large or sursil sums on ail parts of Canada. This is specially advar tageeus te per- sons living in Maniteba or tbe Nortb-West, il mares the funds avs.lable at once at the place o! paymfeut ' For thar perticulars cal l tbe bank. A. J. MCCLELLAN, GEO. MscGILL, Acconntap5 Manager Xrs. X.-Now Johnny I want yen te hurry home frosu school this afternoon. Johnny-What for, I was wanting te- Mns. X.-I want you to corne right home for I want you te go te LUTTRELL'S for some buns and cakes for tea., Johnny- l'Il cerne home on the rua,' for I like geing there,' for his buns and cakes are just fine A ful stock ofCofectionery is always kept on band, Alex. Luttrel Clarlke's Old Stand, J3owmanville ax'e few wbo would dare malte the ut- tempt and still fewer who would make the auccess wbiclc las rmtrked the career of Miss Baumgarten. lu spite of the dis- tinction wbicb cames witb ber no-gel pesi- tien s-be is withal very modest and is iu- clined te give most of the ceedit for .her sacceas to ber tutor, Joseph Joseph, un- der whoni sha learned thse businzzs.- Plttshurg Cor. Cincinnati Enquirer. Wh... imluioaBeis In a parler of a hotel recently the cous- versation turnad upon 111 assorted Mar- riages and eppecially upeni the illusions ot thse days e cc.ustip, and eue gentle- man related bis experieuca. He had beeu cbarmed by a young, beautiful crea- tare, whowe attractivaucas, as be atter- w2Adfiend, lay lacgely lunlier ability te &et- off hec fiue points througb tasteful dressu a 1#-ylittie arts eo thse toilet.fIler muslIcaIlce "s.emed lke a bicd's notes. Que uaorning lie coceîsvad the idea, of surprisiug lber in lier boenu a suburb of the city. He wondered if bie sbould giid lber out among thea lower lieds aud was %omewhat disappomnted on arriving &,t ber home and looking arouud the at- tractive luwn that he caugit rne glimpse of thse on» biein.g who made is werld. Hie stepped upon the veranda. and as lie waited lie heard a veice. Could it ha possible, for tisese wgre the harali, ibrill tones of a scold.Plie rang again, ,and the servant appeared. fie asked fer thes youag lady, and thea, tbrough the hait open deor, lie saw a flyiug figure with liir in cari ps-pers aad disocdered gown and heard an exclamation thut lbe could net have itncgiuied as coming frem the delicate lips ef the yeunig creature. He lasitated. Rhould lie retreet? He decid- ed that it was impossible fer hlm te do se lii good order, se lie waited lu tbe par- lor. Ije coatessed that lie neyer could have told just bow bie met tbeelieauty wbena sb.e appeared ilulber levely nagligeo gewu, her4sott laiî w aviug above the falcrlirow - tee fir te ha utural lhe found now lu the sober light of the mern- iug and et reason. The toues were swent and low. trained with marvelons skËIff, hon decidad. as lie conaparad theno witl tise veice that wight have beau that of a vi- rago, tili seemin.- toeache througb tise open 'doorway of the wide hall, That was bis Ist at cl i poa the oeate whona ha bad axpecîted e effetbis hoaci, baud sud ail l hat lie possessed. -Mary I. Bpldwiss in uVomani's Home Cemipanion. successful ever held. The program j-7Bit dDwuow end' was exceptioaallv attractive. Bow- manville Quartette, Messrs. Kniglit, Goard, Frost sad Higgiubetham ,ren- ' dered se veral sumbers and met -with a mest enthusiastic reception st each ap- pearance and they were repeatedly an- / coed as thev were fn their individus-f solos. Mr. H 1h11 aise received a most S- flatteriug reception ini bis org-aniphone selections. SLert speeches were deliv- ored liy hevs. Leggett and Turnbull., yx - A1OU 11ev. J. A. McKeen eccupied the chair. Proceeds 1- E Olu lsf wrt leterenclsu otntand eeryhcng wh a-ýenu e aul t n. MüttLhe NQuay, Ur. Leim e, as euredof Kidney Diseue in two months by Dr. Chases Kidney- Liver Pills. Most Wdl Attended It le oniy wben thoroughly coniviuced of the superior neit of a remcdy ibat public mess in America, 31 st 'Year. w-il gve tlir sanction. 1Cmi. E. 17. Lamine, Nolacy Publicr7.692 - Noire Dame Street,tIlonîneal, tells of "isra- markablc necovary tronc a cavereaictack et kid- ED FRCTLG . aey discase. Whan doclors had failad, Dr. SNO FR C ALG E Chasa's Kideay-LÀer Fills savafi hic lite. Ha DRS writes: - I gîve thîs .1aament, frt bacause it ADR5 la enly just tIsaI the menit et Dr. Cliases Kid- n2y-Liver Pilla abouldi le made knowri, aud li s-gain iu order that cîliers may profit liY my II experience, For years 1 suifai-ad with kidney el & O NS N diacace which doctora pronouncefi incurable. 5 Thanks te Dr. Chases Kiduey-Liver Pills, -s-ich I bave usefi for two nîontbs, 1Iaas con-BET' T Tr n' plctely curefi. Tb v lelp fi me frons tht firSt, B LLE.VIL.LE~, ONT. anad the cura perecet."_________________________ Dr. Chases Kidney Lavýer Pillsa cc dicecîly uân the kîineys, aud tbrough ibeir combined iniflouce on th ic ecs and liver, cure the moat Bôt fe. ~ fo po! çoillcateddiseasca of thes,_ dlicate urgana. Rva~ee ~su~ ieesj.- Oua pi11 a dose. . ~cnts a box ut al! deaeri1 Sold au reomended by a31 er Ednmauscuý, Bates C~ o.,r Toronto.drgitluana.Oyri. able medicine discoveced. t ~~~~~c T-a,->,valckta neiiges guerasateed te cure ail F KEEV Cry ~rhfi forms o. Sexuai Waakness, al affects of abuse scen da.e or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use ot To- 10ncfetsicdea .e ieie bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Malled on recelPt M eteh tac ellng 2 alz. Latest lienpoaeisx$.Oeil Noi &ota iteqstrc .mpysiu te cure. Pmplets free to any ddess,ý wrtednssdDyie petrid Th Wod Comnpanky, Wnsr eri tIln, ceerr.e eny, arn mnal yeac wtch l s.eceisod naylie Weods Ebespho lina seld lu Bewmanvilla by rainenbi. Stott & jury. B igginlietlam & Son; Ofrono by LIN EN OOYLEY CO. J. Glifillan; NeWc cille liv Dr. Farucomba. liox 13S oor GOA THJE GREAT GRATEFUL CorMFOR1ING Ie Distîngulshed7ýeverywhere for delicacy of flavor sup- linscoI~eIo1R o anri qualîty and nu- Chicago, Omaha, Denver,' St. Lou,~is, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco And peiints le Calitornia, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and other Pacifie Coast Peints. If you are centemplating a trip focrliecltb, Pleas- ure, or Business, te the land of Sunshine, Fruits, and Flowers. Throeh tickets te al Foreign Points. Fer descriptive Guida, Tima Tables, etc., appiy te A gents G. T. R. sy sLein. Tickets sud full information, etc., at Stoit & Jury's Deug Store. J. H,. H. JURY, W. WOOD, C. P. & T. A. Depet Agt M. C. DICKSON, District Pass. Agent, Toi-ente. J.M.BR1MACOMBE DENTIST. Offie,-Rear of Messrs. Higgin- bor.hàm & Son's Drug Store, (Pown stairs), 8OWMANVI LLE. 4neLAXA- LIVER PILLeverv niglior thirty disys makes a complote aura oI billousnass anal onstipation. That lB- J ust 2 5 cen ts te be cured. tritive jproperties, Spec- ially gratefuî-and com-for- tlng to the nervous and dyspeptie. Sold oil-y lu llb. tins, îabe]lled IJAMES EPPS &CO., Ltd., Hom- oeopathic Chernists, Lon- don, England., SUPPEF BREAKFAST Our tee returnad if wafail. Any oua senidir sketch and description et auy invention wif promiptly raceive oui- opinion free concernur the pctentability et saea. "How te ObtainE Patent" sent upon requcat. Patents sacurea thi-engb us advertiscd for cale et oui- expeuse. Patents taken ont thi-ougli us receive specir nsotice, without charge, fiTras FATEN- RBcOUD an iilustrated and widely circulatê!,'r uia consulted by Manufacturai-s and Ivsr~. Send foc sampla cepy FREE. Addi-esa, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. (Patent Aftôrrncys,5) - Evans BuldingweINTND T9Pbe s Ra lNs 1u ad rio

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