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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Nov 1899, p. 3

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t ~ua~ai~ui ~t~tnx~u~ BOWMANELL1,,NOV.15, 1899.b Local and Otherwise. Steerage rate to EnroDe $20 50 bya Beaver Lin-M. A. James, Agent. c ti X Whitbv Collegiete Institute will hold r'c11eadacho' r"te't.'teiia! a conversezione lu the music hall onP dent te a biI u t. a iss,bln-ch an Friday, Nov. 24fR. I 1izziness, Ira.', ..". ai 'tress after 1 asàting. Pain l h1' . ' bi hetr mnts A new butter factmy hRas comnmenced ~emrkbi e.ccast s siew Ss uxug opeaions lu Coîbomue under tise man- ag era nt of Mm. W. T. Hole. r A wafer' mtom as heen placed ln ~eaaeh, y CaS ~n :'C~ LianCambridge St. chureh, Lindsay, for t te3naiiOY 'a sbIn e't M 5,(r lad Othe purpose ofunning tise pipe organ Yenttg thi s ai'0tt - ,witeas Mrs' D. F Burk and daugister, Port eopsrctaidss r-Oo - t ,t,a'mUlatthe rhrbv be uests o! Mr. D. J. ~ a"s ranltbeynlyAdams, Port Perry, and Mme. Aunie, r Wiiy. J. W. Anderson, formerly of Hast- luge, charged with robbing Molsou's ~ehtbewoodbaa;p. cstotasehoBank, Winnipeg, et 862,000, Ras been .enfefretbsdsi- '.Q tIra!hîit; buttortu.1 %stet eirgodns' t'-r t varte,andthosa acq uitted. V1lOoncatrtbLi swOi ir t ÉÀte pillsvali- A eblaonaaiu aytbr. I9CVwiino e aWil eekmeeting was Reid lu Port Hope last An2gtu do Yîtbon t' affIer a atir t 'aishas4 for tise purpese o! ergauszing an Agrieutural Sociely fer tise township o! Hope and town e! Port Hope Present STATEsMAN subseribers whese Istbe bans Of abs.yv~ e e roîs hero subscription for 1899 le paid eau have cVeamake orgr-,tbe1' aat2 .icsr4tlwilie liais journal sent te any !riend te tRe Carter's Laitac' ',r, ae ory stnaal antd century for only i1 .00., Order le day. Wary eay tels9 ta':c e pLi ilsaakea dosa. Mn. Robt. Gillis was presented hy bis 'Ihcy araetrtieLy 'taeti À teî 'raanet grpe or puiisat Huvelock with a vryannre- pur:ge, bt by thoirg sr'oction pilciso au wha ~vr ùse tiens. invti'a2i, !rts; freior$t. sou ietive address and a beautifulf oak hall by rugstae'tryt'e.orsen b miL murackand angiug lamp betore leeving CARTF7 M lC'G GO,,Nw Yorc for Port Hope. ~ ~î~ ~ h~eri action againet the Methodist8 chr bMrr..Arorresustatement and compensatiun for lose o! salanr', etc.. consequerît upon is biug located D~ X OODZ by esolufion o! tise Quinte Conference, thus givin, hlm a standing simitar te' that o! a local preacher lunrhet chuncis, was disrnissed et Cobourg Assizes. Judge Merediths pesided. - IRED 1HoT Fnom THE GUNs-Was fie 5 bail tiat bit G.B. Steadman o! Newark, Micis.. lu tRe Civil War. If caused Rier, rible IJiceme that ne trenttent helped for 20 b ears. Tison Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured Rît Cures Culs, Buises, CURS ~U~I AK COD£1 Bumns, Boite, Felons, Corne, 5km Emrup- tiens. Best Pile cure on earln. 25cts. a Mrs_-, Alon7e Il. Trurher, rroe ort, NIS., box. Cure guaranteod. Sotd by Stot 2cy s: 'I hîrd e sver'saaratvk f Grippe and Jury, dru.-gists. nd bc ctreh, t~ tratdificrli 15 jNewspapere wifh big circulation like1 iDrsatisî$. .týý_rar r& 1n Srirebtaa crHE STATESMAN ieu en nidemed fronti r eal5Kre n 'au rscn rý. isn advertising standpoint. have every ~eai cre."thng in ther ravor They reach tise bouses wt rqe htcommende ethin to ell.Moreoven, suhafaoie eshprcn ob i,ýl -Lpplntedin he eart ofitscoustitu- entsyanyothe sor ofpublication, which insures il a permuineucy et circul- ation fRat cannet ho dupllcafed. Work w1hile you slerp without THiEiR BJSaNsse BOOMlNG.-Probably Si sen one tbiug Ras caused sueR e general a grip or g pciring Sck revival ef trade et Stotand Jumy'si Headache', Dy spepsia and Druz Store as fRein giving away le their rnany cuelemors o! 50 maux' free 'Consîîpatîî&n, 'id make 370U triai bottes o! Dr.King'sNew Discevery féeebutte- ;ii-the rnorning. for Cousuniption. Tieir trcade is siruply en ormmus ln fils very valuable remedy, fro thlie fuelt tRat it always cures and neyer disappelute. CongRe, Colde, Astis- tamu Broncilîls, Croup, and ail tiroat and lung diseases are quickiy cured. TheYen cars test if before buying by getîiug a triai botle froc, large siz 5can Gar~Igan '$1..Evems bolîle wcrranted.. nd TeMontreul Daiiv Ilerald proposes t givo îlereaders Ibe meet comple pcoriel and letter-prese iistomy o!flise OvershA Canadien conting-ent tisaI iili be fur-- - .' ished by auy Canadien journal. 111es FO seuding witis tRe voiunueers te South * At nc c spectal correspondent, Mm. S. C. Simonski, who le liorougiiy versed lu mililary affaire, but te aise a special art icI, will fumnieR Tie Heraid exclus- M sse Sis.'ely with sksetches and photographe o! and th Ie sceeues ou sec and land lu wiih tise Cafiadian ceutingent participetes. Soonor Die Than Sufer. I se Pain-E cked Rheumtatic's Wail Sentis American ithenrpatitCureNimbles theSwol- en Sauff Joints-Glves New Lit e-New Rope -Cures Permrtantiy. J.ý H. Garret, of Liverpool, N. S., 11I was a great sufferer for ycars frent <* ~ acnt e riseusualiens. Was unable te ~ *ii~ ' -wâ1k or put my foot under te' I fried eveything recorneded, and wes _eîreated bv best physiciens, but relief wýae in vain. I was reeontnended le lry Souh Amenican Riseuisafi Cure. I proclimed a bettie; when RaI! e! il was j aRcît 1 hed gros t relief. A !ew botf les The C rian O esh e eured sue. I cdaim le-day illIRethe nix' ta a hea'ey black oven.stocking wiitise SeRf by J, Higgirsbolham & Son. fot vuicanized toto a rubiser sisue. The rneyfe ilcr huais. 6tOcking sgC complete toe tis et tiseTHE LATE L, A. GARSBY. bber ý, anakes tie -wa rmest, id Iseatest rubber in the mark ttous, no buckles. Made to fit ýapes. Sold by ail dealers. Maniufactured by ~sdgnOveraha. Ce., Stratt JE BOOK 0F THE 1 Bow-leggedGhost and Othoi rsketehes, verso, facollous p arc- VI" ai lli net d4appo*nt tise a or e, as it 'culons a nom and heretofomo uan e xpCoreti flld of humer-. A boeok te ho reati aiond and enjoyed among yenx frienda. Contains "Tise Bow-lee *Wion Ezra Sang First Bas, "Tise <odn't Langis,' '"Possible Tilles 33ocoks," "lSeiing Locks of Haiz," "Ne l'ad I "Society Aciresses","etc., etc elion beunti in cils, prilted (os r apr, and absoutoe' tiseisesi isunoroi )4ýCe8d. Worh$21, mailed pesipai laer at once. Senti for etIr new sr f4rated catalogure maileti free. Gives1 eut pices on cli gooti books. Atidress - THSE WERNER COMPI 1*ubiasLen and maaslecta.rers. AI [Tie «W. /ýr Castpe.ay i. tisarougily teitair -o--- cà1 ligistest kt. No ail soe Mn. Lereuza A. Gamsbv was fakr senlouslill 11ou Sunday Oct. 29tR mit] congestion eft fho lunge, and noîmitis ford, Ont. standing aIl tisaI modical ekili anudun retnitting atteudauce conid do deat] camne Nov. 5tit. Deceeseti was 71 yeari o! age anti camne te Carke lownshir wER ilShils parente lu oarly lite and setîled on tise olti Rontstead nom oceupiod b' rStorteS.," 1 Mme. Wîu.Gamsby. For 46 yums Mn. Geînsby cr lisonte dugbusinesi and ne ome kindly-isoarîed man or eue more beuored could behounu II arng us. Out e! respect te hie t su ory lie store.s iere closed and busluesi Suspoosded durnu tle lime oft ho tuner " j ri Hie twe eldest sons, Austin unc Addison W. Gamsby, irore tltographe( for but tRoy emived tee late. Ts u orc menthere o!fie fumily Mrc. C. E~ I enry. Tilsenburg, Mr. S. S. Gemeb.x I 'oaonto, antiMr. Len. Garnsbywieri t is bedside mien ho expired. Th, tantral servie nes conducteti by 11ev JA. 'ceaen. Tic petl-bearers wv I Messrs Jno Waddell, AlsmansaGant! G. Ilouey ced Ezra Hall. ged Gisee," of Future FÉYYAS r Wontan, No OSýrs Wins]w'g htiigympias beûu usedb: TMs 'fire iltn uthesfo ieirtbiidrsn mat an extraf ine aarsg ait'9bdhrrbt arai atn ua bsook pubs- , .UI'rs oa yai- , oit urtnr aid cryta Id fr $IOO. rai tis pran oft euttang t'eathserad at ence ar rcailu - 'Ct às hoi t m. Wiîim SoettîirsgSyra you~~~ ~ ~~~ tsio-ociscinTetug.l It w1.1reiieve tise por rs,iiordm saliufferer a et.os.Vpendiuponrs mtier ir esremistýake abonat. Itcuras DiarrS ANY, c-guietes tise scs a ad boweia, cures Win Irron, 010 rolifsttns tlse gaams, reduces Lrflana.atiol ia.]-Editse. .rr'd glrs tocscdenrvte semole ss'steTr - ri s ttioW5su;oaing Syrup aorc coudra ~, ...$2.85 taetbingtl piaath ie teste and is tisa pn sort9so ee t aiseoldesa and besat emea Fui .50 .byseaats ani ussss lu tbe United Stateý Puis Is abottî.,SIdby ail druggisstisrog1 'hO R. L W'S ORM SY]RUP le a safi p- welal on isîruie oeadle. Ac m o sadrlit eh wormexoraduler. ,B rîto. anceY4-1 getaLws p d y )r Li or ea nd S, M« .l Bt tN' fook about on'e iai! tise bottle and tlb pain disappeared fogether witi ai] aother troubles 1 have had nc mouuO! the pain or otnler sYmptoms ai bel,, d ed ýIsfrong and wel1 I bar - ried etier iuedicinies witheuit an, relief, consequentiy feel like strongi) recomuieuding these tablets te ail whR suffer asl1didi For Fait Planting Mr. Alex. llenry. sixth line, near Or- ono, had an apple llî inches in circum- ferenc", and weighed 1 lb. 4 oz. TuE STATESMAN will be sent te any bona.fide newv subscriber te the en I o! the century for $1Au, ar the balance ef 1899 fer 25c. WoricîNu DPAY AND Nroorr-The busi- est Iýttie thirug ti'at c' orivas made is Dr Rin's ý, Life Pills. Rvery pll is a suîgar ea tod globule of hsatfRt chiaces weal 1ess loti)strceuýb.li91ess- ness luto enerf.o' ,brain-fagite meuntal poweor, he-' 'l'e wouderful lu building np the health. )îsiy 25c. a box. Sold by Sto t a d Jury. , rested at Peu t * pool for threwingZ stoes at C. P. R. trains, was taken te Port Hope, pleaded guilty and was sent up te thse eeunty judge for trial. AW.CHAsE'285 CATARRU CURE is sent direct te ste diseased parts by thte improved BIower. Heals thse ulcemrs,Àeas the air passages, tops orpp'inlatise t iand pranstly tues Catarrit and HayFever. Blower free.All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase M "-d cine Co., Toronto and Buffalo. Mr. Win. McLaugbuin and daughter, Cadmus, spent a few days lu tewn this week visiting ls nephew Mr'. R, J. Me- Laughlin and other friends. lHe was on bis way home frem a short holiday with relatives at Kirkfieid.-Lindsay Watchman. A PIIEAC HEU's KEBV.E Will Break Under the Strain of Indigestion- Heres the Testirnony of thse Preacher sud Ris \VIf e-Backsl'ders froiu Gond Ilealtis Reclaimed by aise Power of the Great Sonth American Nervine. 11ev. W. S. BarRer, et Peterboro, says: -I was greatiy affiicted with indi- Zestion and nerveus prostration, and my wite was ait mun dowu and suffering mach from general debility, and we heartilv jein hands lu givirg testimonly te the great relief and curative powers of South American Nervine. Splendid results foliowed the taking efthtie first bottie, ansd a few bottios Rave cured us befh aud we cheerfuily reeemmend lbte our fellow-sufferers. " Seld by J. Hig- ginbotbamn & Sou. Companion Stories ror 1900. The steries published in THE £OUTH'S COMPANION pertray the m'anly and wo- snanly virtues witb ne sacrifice of in- terest or vitality, and they appeal te the sympathies of old and young alike. During 1900 TriECOMPANION will offer 1pciSl eries of stories-ameug them eigstories et Former Political Cam- paigelf and Adventures of Linemen. Besides these there will bo a score o! steries fer girls by sueh writers as Sarah Orne -iewett, Mary E. Wilkins, Margaret Deland, Elizabeth Stuart Pheips, Edith Wharton, Rate Chopin and Margaret Saugster. There wiillhe four serial '-teries-"'A Prairie Intenta" hy Eva Wilder Brodhead; "'Runuiug a lierry-Go-Rouud, " by Chas. Adams; "The Sehoihouse Fartbest West," by C. A. Steplsens; and l'Cushing Broth- ors" by Ray Siaunard Baker. Iu ad- dition there-will be twe hundred other short steries by tbe most gitted et Amn- enican writers-et fiction. Ail new subseribers will receive TE COMPANION for thle remaiuing weeks e! 1899 free front the lime et subseription and then fer a full year, fifty-two weeks, te Jauuarv 1, 1901; aise the COMPANION'S new- Calendar for 1900, suitable as an ornameut for tise prof- tiest reom in the bouse. lllustrated Anueuncement Number centaiuiug a full prospectus of the vol. urne for 1900 will ho sent free te any ad- dress. THE YOUTII'S COMPANION, 203 Columbus Avenue. BosoS, MASS. 1ROBERT liE TR'S IIACKNEYS. Mm. IRobert Beith. M. P., Bowman- Fville, Ras recentîr purchased fron Mr. F. C. Stevens, Attica, N. Y., the 4 vear oid llackuey stallien Ganymede 2nd, by the Champion Ganymede, and eut o! Modiste o! Fireaway blood. Ho la said te hc a herse e! 'superior style and action, and fuillef quality. Mr. Beitti has aise secured [rotm the-same stud the rbrown 4-year-old stallion, Maplewoed Chie, which ho himsel! bred from tise World's Pair Chamvons, Jnbilee Chie! 1and Wiuuifred, hy Wildfire. Hie is a big--fnamed, pewerfully muscled her se, fand shouid do good werk liipmoducing tnie classe!f herses required hy the trade. -Farmera Advocate. THE STrO'RY TOLD Not Froni Far Away Southi Afrîca, Vanofier, or ilalifax, But Riglit Rere in Bow- S. S. NO. 2, OLALI.KE. Mr. B. Elliott and bis braheriu-lew, Jantes, visited ut nesersool ad took lu IRe enlertainteul Mr. Bruce Paccrk, wife and eldest son visited ut îlot ert 1arries'. Mr Samueli Ilenungs died uffer a iugeriug ills.sss et elgat mnthe., Ho louves a wife anrd six children te meunu hie ýos. Hie res an active workem in thte Sabbats SeRool beissg Bible Ciase te acher for a inusbet et ',cams, Ontario Town Which Considers Itse.If For- tunate in Having Dodd's Kidney Pilis' on Hand. Since Dodd's Kidney Pilis were lnIro- duced Littlije Hord of the Old Complaint-Buckce -Mr. Ge. ,Burgess Expluins His Case. LucKrsow, Nov.13-Our people are e! lie opinioin bRaI they are tise test for- lunaf e lot etfireople in the country. Tiey say they Rave discovemed a rontarkabily easy sccupe froint Bee- ache-fthe enemy o! aclipeopIce et cl tintes. Tiey say Ibat Buekacie le eaiiy Kidne-y ache, and tisaI Dodd's Kidney Pille -iih cure, if. The people o! Lucknow mtut' horiglît, and indeed fiev are igRI, le e certaitn extont. But they are labos4etg under a înislaken impression if tbey imuaginetheisy have mcde a nov,' diseovery in flndiug Dodd's Kiduey Pille mili cure Buekeche. If is a ireil kuemu tact lu ail counfries fiel Dodd's Kiduex' Pille are e specifle not only for Buekacîso, but for ait forma o! Kiduey Disease-Brigtes Diseuse, Diabolos, Rllseusuatissu, fHeart Diseuse, Diabolos, Bladdem and Urinery Comi- plainte, Womeu's Disorders and Blood impurities. Tise peepte e! Lucknow are noue tise bass tortunate, laowever, in havinig c mediclue Ihat wili cure tirose diseuses, evon fisougi cures are, net cofndt thoir own town. Dodd's XidePie comprise lie ouly anedicine abat wîli cure tisent,cnd there wec- a tinte wmn lie meet severe efthlie maladies weme incurable. Mm. George Burgess, et Lucknow, says: "I have been sick for about five menthe. I bcd a terrible Bar;kuehe ail lie tinte, and myv kidueve were very bcd as tise doctor eaid. I wae advised te use Dodd's Kidney Plilla. I got oe box ced teund relie! dlmos1 imuiediate- iy. 1 used fhree boxes attogether and am recovered compleely. 1 cen do my womk botem noir tiscuever lu my iie befom." Tise unnuci meeti ngs oethfe West DurhamntFartera' Institile miii bo held as follows: Be wmanvitte. Dec. 6th, atter- neen; Courfice, evoniug;1- Orono, Nov. 7th. a!toreooe Newenstie, evening; Blaekstoek, Dec. 111h. Speakers,- Major Jantes Shepperd, Queelon, Mr. 1J. (-. Davidson, Celiiugwood. BAD HuART- DIZZY InEAI. Ltfe e as a Livinrg Death, basa Dr Agsîew's Cure rer tise Heart Rliteved inteTiirty Minutes. "I was troubled 'alîRh eurt dicease that 1 coul inet stand on a chair wilS- ouI grewiug dizzy. Goiug up clairs, or heing suddenlv startled, brougit on violent palpitation cund suffocation. Had pains about tie Iseunt. 11ried many rernedies aund physiciens wIsenut relief. 1 totwo fmn hlèrof s!Dr. Aguew's Cure for tis esant and, aithougis lie yeers cge, I have net toIt tiese lightect roîunu ef tise trouble. I think il ftho grocteel e! rmnedies. " Mme W. R. Collx'er,_ 82 Pacifie avenue, 'Toronto. Soid by J. Hiaginotat & Son, Tise Granolithie Paving Company have eompieted fîsoir work 1in town tor tis seasoît. Wuiks are nov laid or B each Avenue, front corner o! Conuces Sien te Welinlgton Ste., su front e! the Bennett lieuse ansd Town Hall Block, SWe hope te cee more e!flisis pavemnent laid ne-xt year ou our principal streets AyAD Wo, lise unclemigueti, do iereby agree te retunti tise noncy on e tweutv five coul botle et Dr. \Vils' Eufiisb Pille, if atter uaiug tre ourtis et conte «nts o! bettie, f ioy do itot retieve constipe- tien autiheaduebe. XV e , og aranteo four bottîce miti peîmnsety cure tise test oietinale case of constipat ion. Sel- Iafaetion or ne pay mien Wills' Pille are useti. Stoft & Jury, &clîiniet, Bemman-vil te. J. Higginbotisaïe& Son,7chernist, Bei- ntanvlite.2 4w s, -Belivered et any l'est-Office. Money refunded if not setisfetory. 8 Onithogualunt, "Star o! Bethehemt," 3 Tuip, ewesi Sorte, Ail Different. beuf iful. 8 Nurcissuis, Fragrnt, Flue for Winfer. 8 Grape Hyceinthe, Exquieiîe Bine Bloc- 83 Sweet Jonquils, Golden Blossoma. sema. 1 Megnificeut Cuban Lily, 3 Iris Fine Mixed, Best Spanish untmed__ sorts. 8 Trifelela, " Spring Star Flower, " Thse coure assortrnent, with cultumal Grand directions, sent CostpaCd for ONLY 25 o. 3 Beanîlful Ixies, Exeedingly Hand--_ 3 CrcusMixd, Bef ame Sors. REETetntroduce cur Bnlbs te New Ca A3iCrocusxdBsme iden eSorts oc> FrEEtomer30 vewe li setîd yen iritisev ery 3 Alium Hadsom GodenYelow û('ý fo 30Bnlbs fer 25c, (postal roete or iver Flewens. Or . ameus Cuban LiCy price 20c)free of eia rg THE "'ECESSARY" MAGAZINEj The best-informed men and women in the world use the AMBRICAN IdONTHLY REVIEW OF REVIEWS te keep wel informed, and cal it the 'k necessary"' and Il indispensable"I magazine. In the busy rush of to-day ambitions men and women muet kncw about the important questions of the month, and net only this, they want te know about them at the right time. When the whole country is puzzled ever the gigantic conibination of trusts, a well-informed article is printed in the A3,JýRICAN MONTHLY, giving the facts, and its editer discusees the tbeory ; wlien the Dreyfus affair is in everyone's mouth, the best story of Dreyfus and the great case comaes eut in this magazine. Every înonth, in Il The Progresof the Wýorld," Dr. Albert Shaw gives a. cornprebensive picture ef the wçýorld's history during thse pre- vosthirty dlays. In the departments, thse valuable articles and books f hat have bEýcn publisited during thse past montis are reviewed and Ijquoted front, so that thse readers of the AMERICAN MONTHLY can get tisa gist oft tbem. In every issue neariy a hundred pictures are printed, in'lu'ding the portraits of the, men and women who are malcing thse history of thse oonth. To bc thoroughly well informed helps any man or woman in his or ber worlk. A subscriptien te the AMERICAN MONTHLY REVIEW OF PREVIEWS represents an investment for thse best 'olnd of profit, as vieIl as entertainment. Onaestcbscriber has just written: IlCount me a lite subscriber, and when yeu send me a number beyend thse lirait of my subsoription and eccure no renewal fro.n me, consîder it a notice of my deatis." FPrice 25 ceuts par number, $2.5o a year. A sample copy will be sent on receipt of ten cents in atamps. 11111 REVIEW 0F REVIEWS COMPA~NY 13 Astor Place NTew Yoirk Brantford le geiug te have ce Old Boys' reunion Dec 28 and 29, The boys et Port Ihope Rad a grnd procession on Gîsy Fawkes night whicis ufforded muets amusement te the fions- ande e! people u'ho mifuesseti il. Tise Fammers' Binder Twine Cern- pany, Brantord, bas decluareti a dlvi- dend et 100 per cent ou ils naiti np cap- iai stocka for Ihe lest b ear, Mr. W. iH. Preston and daugltter, Viola, Mount Plenant, have been visit- ing frieude in Liudeav, Brooklisi and Bo wmanville. -Lindsay' Post. Mr. TRos. liodgsuu, Bumut River, Rilleti a inagnilleent hueR wilhiu c few tules o! bis home meig-iiug 252 iRe., as fat as butter, anti cerried e maguificeut set et hRemu. PALE ]PEOPLE Rave thleir blood enriched, their hieart strengthenod and their ehieekti rosy by using Ellburi's Hea.rt 'and Nervo Pills. About the Ilone. "Blessings on hiiawb,)inivented sleep." But greater blessings fait on her who makes a bed. A ebarm that lulls tb sleep The way to make sleep a foretaste of the heaven tliat is within us, a 1N ing down to pleasant drearns, is fuilv ex- plained in "Homne Tepics" the second of the four Volumes.,"Bits o! Comimon Sense Series." incluçled in tiie offer of The Weekil' Globe, whlicb bas been for over 55 years, and fa owCauada's leading farul.v newspaper, froi nw to January 1, 1901, for one dollar, and Marion i[arlaad's latest works. Sent free; postage prepaid, Wanted:-Farmers'ý sons or other in- dustr'eus persons of fair education towhiom $40.00 a ranth would be an inducement. 1 could aisoen.u gage a few ladies at their own homes. T. H. LINSCOTT, Brantford. Wanted:-Bright miets aud wemen who arecflot tee prend te work and wevuld like to make some incney Insufficient qucnfify or poor quaiity of Z,.gh nx bmemeteband- the blod is ouee oflie evil resuits thet ling tise monder! ul "Ligisî et Lite."' nsucily folloir cny tierangement ofthtie $3.00 a dcv sure; couse make tmice heurt. Ihaf. Experteuce or esïpitai un- If the iseart becemes meakenod lu any necessary. may it cunnet pssmp lia bioed te thselngs BRADLEY-B>ARIIETSON Co.,, Lmited, as it sieuiti, there te ha purified and ira- BRANTFRD'c. pnegnated mit tise life-giving oxygen. As -a resuiftishe Agentex.-Our Clrrr'rîmas books are blood delaniorates. ready. Frein Fafr Cenuts up. FouÎr If fuses its nourish- boolýs exp,'i i' -r'e Prospectus. iug, vltlilzing, Ono e i Ftaais 'etandiGreat healfis-gfiug quel- Et ente f et tcNiîreuatiCentury itias. Tisofacebe- Great Batlles. Great Men, Great contes paie, thin Insvention,,rau r]' soteries, Pro-' and iraxen, fie lips gnose o! iNâ1tî'jis.eely greul oveuit isîeedless, fie isantis ofthle qenlus'oIf s eu have a slow andi feat celti. selîiug bok oreusrgedis other - k Tisene le irci- gonc 9u"' 'i ase nuy te ues, tireduosse conlissiro. 1 at t esI opper- shortness of breefh and palpitation. When r tnit.v foir itlst att!! r<' ou ever these suffering from tRin or wcteny blooti had. 1;' g arci-, tyf ino, nov stcrftekinig Milhurn'e Heert anti Nert-e plan, g',u'. i Pille tisey are îassuneti et c cura. Every BRADLEY-G -' 'aIiLiitd dose acte on tis e ant itseit, caeiug it Ba tod te beat At-rcer stesrdy cuti egniar. Every ti'rr- t00, intreducesmIe otise Agents: r . r I i' of e bloodti tb'O 'aielemeufs noceeeany te Dev i' u ~vo! IRe makeîif dci and reti. Moia 'xT'rial anal Soon lie paie cieek taRes on the rosy sccd r 1 book, moUl hue ofisoti, tisero Is streugli insftet of iitnstr. .rt .lt Snap for" mealanees, emsrgy auti acfavity teke tise caît place Ôe tireduessancuti arsitutie. LRD 1-t ittd Miss- M. Skuiiion, 50 Turner Street,Bsutrd Ottawa, Ont., scys:. ,I mas gnectly treublet i uth my heurt, f olr'efiser mifiigentQ,-- ewo extrente rervousuese for many yeers. iCSIM r a 1 I e Lives These complilufs brougif about greaf cf tile'in ounee. meekuess anti feeling of firedness. My Enaîr r t an Bon- blooti mas et pon quaiify, se itueR se fief I auxn!Agents becente pale anti languiti. Milhuru's tair tat otrurthbý Heent cnd Nenve Pis cunod me after ail c: lrare ira. aise tcad. They built up my eystent, tts ',okitiii, t1 r- enricheti my bloti, stnengien(ed xny ,BRADLE-GIIIT0N., . ted, n arres and estoeetime to ealedI." ±.banbî 9C(, DRAGON CALLA., VA genuset very pictureeque avd orn- antental-piauts. comprieismg seftet R mest teutestie productions' lu the floral ing-dom. The floiera of Ibis variply are brown about eue foot long, tisemn is becutifully marbled, and tise laves are handeome is appecrance, rosent- bliig a emuli pains. Easy te grew and sure te blom. Try ht. Large Bulbe, eech 25c., 5 for $1.00

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