low D-oYou Do? Many a man when asked this question lias to say "Well, flot just un Ao the marK," That's why so many people feel tired and lackaibiin They lack "vim." Without Ivim" its liard mak- ingthlings go. Dr. D)ian's Nerve and Blood Pis have changed many a vim- less, bloodless, ambitionless, listiess person into a briglit, healthy, vigorous and active man or woman. We recommend them beeause we know they -are good. 50 in a box, 25c., 5 boxes $1.OO. S TOIT & ,Ju , ~AROUGH 115INON HANDS or FACfl It is flot pleasing to look at, is it? Tt is flot nice to have, is it?9 Neither isit necessary. A few applications of ,our Cream of Violets w-i11 make the skin srnooth and velvity. Large bottles 25c. Moneu< back if not sat- isf actory. First tirne you, are > buying anything at oui store ask for a tiee sam- pie. None for children. STOIT & JURY. The Drug sa nd Opticians. GRAND [RUNK RAILWAY. BOWTMANVI LLE STATION, GOoîiee EAST. GOîNti WEST. £yr ý,recs...8 31 a. m. 1 *bxpress ... 5 17 a. m *5rxprc-ss.... 10 17a..m..Lcal.811 I'assengr .... 12 pý.. Passnger.. 1 85 p. m Local,. 651p. m.1 Express.. . 7 39 103Xtfl. hP STOTT & JURY. Town Agents BOWMANVILL, NOV15, 1899. Local and Otherwise, ~80 bulbs for 25c. SeRennie's ad. Addition,-! Jocals on last page and inside pages., lAttend Geo. A. Stephens' big stock sale next Monday. Attend Mr. H. Short's big sale near ffiupton next Tuesday. - J iine eomprises ansthing made in the -way of'furniture. L. Morris. Snow fe11 nearly ail day Saturday in light flurries, melting as it came. Several farmers advertising stock in TnE STATESMAN. Read the advts. "What pretty Furnitnre" la the every day remark of our customers. L. Mor- ris. Camipare THE STATESMAX with other local papers. It is worth any two for- honme news. I try to do my dutF conscientiously, then praise or blame counts just the same .-Greeniwood. Brin.- liiyour furs for altering and repairing-, to M. Mayer, The Practical Furrier, Bowmanvifle. .Mr. Archie UcDoug&ll, G. T. R. sec- tionman, died last week froni injuries received by a faîl cn the track.' Now is the time for Alarm Clock S. As the moring,,s are dark, Rickard has the Clock to suit you in prie and quai. ity bobli. Bey. J. J. -Rae, Secretary of Confer- ~ence, was at .1Jampbellford Tuesday at- tending uleullongs of the Conference Special Conmittee and the Missionary Cmitee. Chief J arvis returned last week from bis ernuai deer hu nt away out north ,of Minden. Mr. E..llawkin and Jas. ,Jirvis, Jr , accompanied hlm. They broug-ht- homne two fiCe deer. Seud your address on a post card to M. A. flavs, Southera Railway Coin- ý any, 228 Washington St., Boston, &¾as. for a free copy of "Southeru ield" which tells many things about th outhern States. The Wesît End blacksmith shop, Ty- rone, la now prepared to turn out work te the satisfaction of ail. A, full stock of everything la the departmnents of woo4 and iron work invite your inspec- tion. Prices zight. Jrorseshoeing. a speefalty. Mr. John Spry attended thé funeral of bis daughter-în-law, Mrs. James L,, pr, whichi took place from the family residýence, 49 Palace St., London, on Wednesday last to Mount Pleasant ,cmetery, service being conducted by BZey. W. J. Clark. Mr. Thos. McDonald dîed Wednes., day evening Nov. th. at his home 85 Blecker St., Toronto, after a 1ingerin" kliue8sa. He leaves two sons, of whom Mr. Chas. Bennett la aiek. Don't <ail to read inside pages. Gel your iaaterns,candles,eîc. of Jas. Goard. fiood's Pilla are noa-iîriîatiag. mild, eff etive. Send your work 10 Jas.Goard,Watcb- maker and Jeweiiem. Hope township bas no Fanmera' la. titute, Wake np, ilopeites ! Direct fon Baltimore-our oysters are reliable. Cawker & Tait. Il you waat some enoice buiba for wîater flowering read Reanie's offer on page 8. Ladies' Flannelette Nightgowns, speciai value at Coucb, Johaston & Cry- dermaa's. The speca advertised lasI week in TE-E STATESMAN were claimed by the owner next day. Eys sigbt sted free of charge, spec- tacles fitted (properly at lowest prices at Th'e Mason Co. Meu's and Boys' Overcoats la ail sizea speeially good value at Couch, Jobns- t on & Cryaerm-an's. The lateal longs. 10e. Sead for cat- alogue. Instrumental and vocal music always la stock-Jas. Goard. Have you tried our Haddies ? Tbey wcre specially cuned for our trade, Cawkser & Tait, The Ladies of St. John's church la- tend holding their annual sale and lea on Wedncsday Dec. lBnh. Parliculars Ilater. "Adversity flattereth no man," but the pains of dyspepsta tura bis attention 10 llood's Sarsaparilla and la ils use hie fanda a curn. 've noti-ed that its the man wbo does bis best That gels more kicks than ail the ret. " Coîlon goods have advanced la price. The Mason Co bave a big stock bou.-bt at oid prices; you may benefit by purcbasing nw A large stock of <cl bats Christies and Fedoras, muaI be sold, s0 come and get a bargain. I am selliig theni an greatly reduced pricea. M. Mayer, Tait & Co. make photos for 25e. per dozen and aI ail other prices nsualiy paîd for the beal finishcd photos aI their studio, Market Square, Bowmanvîlle. 39-If. Dr. Wood's Norwav'Pins Syrup was the firat and original Ipins" prepara- lion for cougbs and coida. Ail others baving the namne &'ine" are simply im- itations, somq, of Ibeni worthless. A Lady'a \Vaîch, Gold Piiled and guaranleed by the manufacturera 10 wcar tea ysars, sold la Toronto for $12. 50. Now yours an Rickards for $7,00, Al itas keepers and oniy a limited number on band. VICTrORIA HARBOR, ONT.-Mr. Joseph Currier, a respected citizen of Ibis place ws as so bad with rbeumaîism Ibat be couid not attend 10 bis work. Two boxes of Milbura's Rheumnatîc Pis have effscted a complets cure. Mr. D. J. Gibson bas sold bis aged Berkshire boar wbich won laI prize aI West Durham air Ibis year 10 Mr. Alex. Smith, Enfilid, for wbich be e- csivsd a good figure. Mr. Smith la 10 be congratulatsd on securiag a good pig. The foliowiag nsw members have e- centiy bssn added 10 the Metbodist churcli choir: Messrs. John Rice, Chas, an 1 Norman Allia, Mra. John Ries, Misses Kate Ellot. Millie Glover, Edith Goard, Jennie MeLsan, Aggie Lyle. Excursion te Toronto on Fiday, Nov. 24 bv G. r. R., good 10 go on ail p. mi. trains Tbumsday aad ail trains on the 21tb, good to retuma sainie day. Tickets $1.15, cildren 60 cents, haif pries. Excursion tickets are issucd romn Bowmanville station oniy. That old fovorite SS. 'Vancouver salis romn Portland Dec, 9 for Liver- pool. Thost, who want to reacli Eag- land for Christmas should book wîth M. A JAmis, steamship a g nt, Bowman- ville, by Ibis fines sip. Leave Bowman- ville on Friday Dec. 8aI 10.17 a.mn. Several youag men are going from Ibis district. Arrange with M. A. James 10 go ail together. "ExPERIENCE is =iiBEar TEACHR" We muaI be williug 10 leamu romn the expenisace of other peopls. Every' testimonial la favor of fiood's Sarsapar. illa is the voies of expeience 10 you, and il la your duîy, if your blood la' impure and yonm hsalth faiiing, 10 take Ibis medicine. You have svsmy reason 10 expeet that il wili do for you wbat il ba,, dons for others. It la tbe best medicine mouey eau buy. Miss Marlin wisbea bo annouace 10 the ladies of Bowmanvills and vicinity that asebas înoyed hem stock of faacy gooda 10 the new store two doors esa of Nicholla' variely store wbere la more commodioua premises asewiii be pre- ýparedtteqserea "lh.hemo.dcuatmem I I Notwithstanding the big sale which Couch, Johnston & Cryderman have bad for Ladies' Coats they are stili showînga fine stock la ail sizes and qualities. Ail work guaranteed by Jas. Goard. Resnd our elubbing offers in another colunin. M. A. James is Governinent issuer of Marriage Licenses. Get your sechool supplies aI ,J as.oard, Stationer and J ewelior - Purse fouiîd.-Enquire of Rov Rich- ards, South Ward, Bowmanville. Rosy cheeks, good bealth and good spirits-Miller's Compound Iroi Pis. Dont fail t's hear Ramscv's patriotie longs in the Town Hall TuÏesday next. Watches, dlocks, jewelery, spectacles, rings, etc., repatireci by Jas.Goard,Jew- elier. Reserve your seat early for the Ramaey military concert fin Tuesday nigbt. THE STATESMAN office is the authoriz- ed agency la this district for The West- minster. Read the Mason Co's large ad. la this week's issue. it wili pay xyou to read every word. Potatoes just as' good as ever grew out doors at 25e bu. at the Mason Co., delivered la 10 bu. lots. Are you a Preshyterian ? If so, don't fail to read the Westminster clubbing offer on ani inside page. Men's Ready-made Tweed Pants for $1.25 worth from1,50 to $1.75 at Couch, Johaston & Cryderman's. Ladies' Fur Liaed Capes eiegantly trimmed with Bear, Sable and Thibet at Couch, Johaston & Cryderman's. New watches, new jeweilery, new silverwa-re, lower prices than ever, at The Mason Co., Jeweliery Dept. For the biggest assortment, the'most stylish and best value i Ladies' Coats cail at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman s. Mr. W. Armstrong of tbe Sheriock Maie Quartette Toronto, will sing a solo in the Methodist Church Sunday even- ing St. Paui«s Ladies Aid wiil rua their annuai excursion froni Bowmanville oniy to Toronto next Tbursday afler- aoon and Fî'iday. $1,15 for retura ticket. Nicholis la doiag business in the same oid stand. He bas had hie store painted which gives it a ncw briglit appearance. Cail and bave a look around. M. Mayer bas the stock la Purs, Gents' furniahings. hats and caps. The prices are right. No, trouble to show gooda. 1Higbest price paid for raw furs. Owing to the numerous requesta Mr. Freeiaud bas received to continue to make bis Mîdgct photos, be will do so everv Saturday until Xmas at 25c. per dozen. M.A.James, Bowmanville; la Govera- ment Issuer of Marriage Licenses for the County of Durham, durinig business hours at office, at bis residence Centre- st., at niglit. Farmers bave their apples and' rools ail ho;îsed and Fali plowing well ad. vanced. Land ia in capital condition for working. Preqnent raina have kept the pasturea fresh and green. Reader, if you know of any one la Canada who intenda crosaing tbe Atlan- tic, recommcnd them to inquire of M.A. James for rates. HIe dons the steamsbili business of Ibis district and represeats the best lunes. Coarsos Comhc, Fine Comba, Smal Comba, Large Comba, Rubber Comba, Hobn Combs, SýeeI Comba, Back Coraba, Side Comba. Pompadour Comba, Nich- olls sella them ail cheap. Cail and in- spect his stock. Pins Small, Pins Large, White Fins, Black Pins, Safety Pins, Toilet Pins, Hiat Pins Fancy Hat Pins, Steel flair Pins, SheIl flair Pins-but yon wil have to ses them. aad A. Nichoils will be Dleased to show theni. Fanmera as a clasa do flot advertise eaough la local papers. One farmer spent several days fruitlsssly ia a busy season hunting for a stray aýnimal. An advt. one week la Tim STATESMAN found il at hus asigbbor's. 0f course ws expectsd Mr. Fred D, Cbsrry wouid be siscted Commissiioner of Scbienecýedy. N.Y.ýwhen we beard be was a candidate, fie bad a pluralty of nearlv 800 to buck azaînst too. Shake Fred! We're proud ofyou Excursion 10 Toronto by G. T.R. from Bowmanville station oniy by ail p. m. trains Tbursday Nov 23, and ail trains 24th good 10 returu up to Friday nigbt. Return tickets $1.15, chiidren 60 cents. Excursion tickets are iaaned from Bow- manville onlv. The Allan Line steamers taking pas- sengers home for Christmas are the Parisian Dec. 2 and Numidian Dec. 13 from Portland. M. A. JAmES, steam- ship, agent, Bowmaaville, will give ail particulara. Ses advt - on inside page. Both are popular steamers. ative Members-D. B, Simpson, Dr. Beith; Cbaplain-Rev. J. J. R as; Sec- retary Teasurer-J. S. Mooncraft; Council of Management-A. J. Bsn- net, W. C. King, Duncan Beith, J. B. Mitchel; Skip--W. C. King, D. B. Simipson, Dr. Beiîb, A. J. Benaett, J. B. Mitchel, Jas. Beith, J. A. Mclelaa. With a newly equipped rink and an influxi 01 Young niembers, a 2good Win- ter 's sport las epected. DR. L. POTTER. Office andi residence.Church St. .oppo8ite Trinity Congregational churcb, Bowmanville. 25-Sm* 31ISS EVA LUTTRELL Is rpared to give lessons on organ and piano at ber residence, 1Xing St. MISS ETHEL MORRIS, ARTIST. Instructions given in PAINTING in 011, Water Color and China. Sketching and painting fromt nature. KILN on premises, tir. ing at usual priees. 51.6m. NEW AUCTIONEER. JAMES Bissîoi, licensed auctioneer, will con- dct sales in West.Dnrbami this sesson atlowest rates. Apply for terrus. dates, ec.u, St JOHN RUNDLE'S Harness blisop, Kinîg St. E., Bowmain- ville. C OWS WANTED.-IRenewed cw %,or springers and ail other stock wanted. S. H. REYNOLDS, Bowmar 111le. 44-tf. MjAN WANTED-To buy stock. Muse be temperate, reilable and have fair education. S. 11. REYNOLDS, l5owmanville, 44-tf W ANTED. -At the SaDitorium, y Gravenhurst, capable housemaids 01,00 Der mouili. Apply to Mus. HAwKiNs, the Sani- torium, Gravenhurst. 45-tf. T EACHIER WANTED.-For junior Ldopartmnent Tyrone Public Sebool. Applica- tions receiveci on or before Nov. 18. W. H. CLEmENs, Secretary, Tyrone P. 0. 45-2w TAMBS STRAYED.-Came on lot 32, L-con. 8, Darlington, two lambs. Owner can have samne by proving property and paying ex- penses. JOHN VRTUE, Enfi1elci. 44-3ww' lITORSE BLANKET LOST-Between .LHampton and Bowmanvjile on Suuday,Oct 15,a new all-wool horse blanket. Findeir will be re war ded by leaving ai THSE STATESMAN Office. 4.tf B ULL CALVES FOR SALE.-Two Thorobreci Durhams. il and 12montbs old Registered. Apply ta JunN HOSKIN, lot 11lcon. 5, Darlington, Box 2o, Bowmanvîlie P.O. 43 3W* T0 TR-E DEAF.--A rich lady, eured Tofbier Deafues anîd Noises iu the Headi by Dr. Nicbolson's Artifieial Ear Drums, has sent £1,000 to bis Institute, sa thatdeaf people unable to procure the Ear Drums may have t cm free. Apply to 780 Elghtb Avenue, New York, U.S.A. 27 lyr, F"OR SALE BY TENDER.-Tenders Xlwill be received up to Sàtuî-day Nov. 18, for two brick cottages on corner of George andi Wellington streets. Bowmanville. The bighcst or any tender 001 necessar-ily accepted, Apply to J. K. GALBRAITH, barrister, or to Mas. CHAS. WELCH, Bowmanv1llc P. 0 44 3evl B OARS FOR SALE-An Improved vorkshire boar, one year oh!, "Oak Lodge Cheerful St, "bred by J E nrcthonr. Burford, is offered for sale with pedigree. Also youne, thoro-brcd pigs for sale. Apply to A J PowEà. Ca d m us.4 6-4W BOARS FOR SERVICE-One Thor- Loughbrcd lBerkshire boar purchased fromt Snell and Lyons at Toronto Fair, won lst at Bowmanville and Orono Fairs, also a thorough- breci Tamworth, a model of tle breed. Terms 81.00 cash. D. J. GiBso,-, lot 34, con. 3. Clarke; box 38, iSowmanville P, O. 44-4w* TORE, HOUSE AND 2ý ACRES kJland for sale or rent-fleing the store and dwclliniglat Asbton's Corners, Oý mile nortb of Hampton, witb stable and driviig shed. Haro and sofi water. Will be rentei if not sold. Pos- session Ct. 1. For furtberparticulars apply to M. A. -JAMES, STATESMAN Office or 10 A.J. CouR- TICE Courtîce. 12-tf. FA~TO SELL OR LIENT-150 acres ,iug soutb-wcst quar-ter and north- wcst haîf of lot 22, ton. 7, Clarke, on whicb are, good dwelling bouse and commodions farma buildings lu good repair. Large stone stables and root cellars, excellent orchard, well fcnecd, plcenty of water. Ahlu Ofrsi class order. Hall miefrom K!rby P. O. Inquire on the premises or to WILLIAM COONEY, Kirby. 22 if. BOAR FOR SALE-A Yorkshire .Lwbitecboar one year andi ten mentbe olci, a splcndidpig of tbe J- E. nretbour brecding vcry gentle disposition and bas donc good service iin the past. Price kno w 0no application. A snap 10 get a gooci pig. A bigli class young pihas beersecureci 10take bis place. Tbank- fing 9My numerous Datrons for, past fayots and soliciling a cali 10 sce wbai stock I have. W. WEnnvRoslandvale Farm, Solina P. 0. WANTED - SEVERAL BRIGHlT Wanci bonesi persons to repre sent us as Managers in titis andi close b1r counnues. Salary $900 ayear andi expenses, Straigbt, bona Sie, no more, no less salary. Position permanent. Our references, any batik in any town. hIs l mainly office work conductei ai home. Refer- ence. Enclose self-addre3sed stamped envelope THE DomIiIoN COMPANY, Depi 3, Chicago. 39-4n. lTOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE-A H e. omfortablc rame blouse with 5 rooms, summer kitchen wood shed ancd good wcli drain ed sione cell ar, Plenty of bard and soft wateribe ycar round. Good garden, fuol one quarter lot with choie fnil bearing fruit of apples, pears, plnms, etc. Will bc sold« cheap for cash. App y on bbe premîses, 6 Prospect St, or ta the West Entd Smiihy, W, H. WILLIAMS, bing St., Bowman ville. 45-tf. BOWMANV ILLE MARKETS. Corrected by J.lOnIrtry each Tnesday FeOUP 100 lbs........ 81 80 to 82 1C WInAT, Fail, bush . o0 () ilo067 't Spring ..0 00 i 0 67 Red Flif, , Q0 0 n 70 n GOOSE .... 000 n0 65 BARLnT, e bush, No. 1 0. O89 t0 40 t, t t2 .0 26 0 35 S' t ....,025 '0 30 iTwo rowed 0 25 '0 40 OATs, White if.............O0 21 '0 25 RYE '...... 01100'0 50 BucKwEAT "...........O0 00t'0O45 and complete ontidt printeti ln .j..a. orlb odox fashion bv your obllging'humble 5cr v aut M. A. J AMES,Issncr of Marri age Liceuse ai bis rcsidence27 Centre St., or atIIE STATES MAN office Bowmanville. ~ To PATENT Good Iha: rnay b, seeured by .rid.Se idresE, THE PATENT RECORD0] Ca er Tai ,are I-ead quarters. for the very F-inest Groceries, Fruits-, toan P. . ï. t. Bring us your Produce and get the highest prices., F0R YU ego We Invite You ton To Inspeet Our Display of *LADIES' COATS., The largest and most select assortmnent ever shown in Bowmanville, ail new. No old Coats in stock. DR ESS GOODS, A choice display of high-class materials, better values foi quality cannot lie procured. W, m SIJQC0 S BOWMANVILLE. Next door to Standard Bank. IVA.BE 1NGA NITEiiWORKS, BO0W M AN V1L LE. E.R. BOUNSALL, .,cnufîetreTof and beale±r ij Fine Monumental Work, In best Gr~ades o~ f ate±riad. Caîl and get my prices. I arn sure..my Work -will please you. Fou know a good thing when you see it, cali, and take a look. A large quantity of WALL PAPER bought very cheap., You will get the benefit. Pretty patterns for ail rooms, frorn 5per roll. The best and most taking designs iSchool Supplies of ail kinds. Snaps in Scrib- blers, Exercise Books, Etc. New andl full Une of Stationery. See my Queen box at 15c. Fine Floral at 15e. Note paper, per quire, 5c.ý Envelopes, 5e per package. Better quality at 10c and 15c. Complete stockoéf Fancy Goods, Books, Novelties, &c. BOWMANVILLE . The Stamp 'of Security. On every "'Siater Shoe ", put there by the inakers as a guarantee of wear vaine - a p rotec- tinagainst extortionate profits. Maay imen would readily pay more for a Siater Shoe " were flot the price stamped on ~tihe sole - this stamp givei thCý L"tUal t value of the shoe d-termined by Uc- * . Made itwelve -0 foot-model shape-sal' sizes, widths, leathers, colors and styles. Every pair Good- year welted.4 $3.50oand $5.oo. JOHN HEIXVARý Sole Local Agen.t.