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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Nov 1899, p. 6

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SEIILED L H1VN ---tit il graLnrntea Divine Interposition in Humnal Cure iii re!lc les 1m: fai bago, acatica andi ail rheumatie peil s in two or three hours, and cure in a feW dy.MUNYON. Atall druggise, 25e. a vwa. Guide te 1ea, 4h and medi- rC al advk-e free. 755Âc t.. Phila. TO0 WIIH FACISI Just received from Simeoe Milis third large shipment of Wool Horse Blankets, reg- ular price $2.75, selling at $2.00. And Wlieelbarrows with Malleable Hub and Spokes SteelIRini worth $4. 50 for $3.5>0. Also agent for McLau,ûhlin Co. Carrnages. JOHN S. RUNDLES. Harness Emporium:, One door East of L. Morris' Furniture Store, Bowman ville. 2WANTED: 25Experienced and 25 Inexperienced OPERATORS ON WHITEWEAR Blouses and wrappers on new high speod machines, fighest wages paid. We uaatee to teace and offer special in- ducemena,1 ts to beginners. GALEi MPG CO. Mincing Lane, Toronto. 39-4w. NEW TAILOR 2110?. rhe undersigiied who lois been carry].ing 0on lie tailoring business In cooneetion with 1Mason's.Dry Goods StrE, for a number of years liscmeced ou , aLf r hlmsf at bis roomu. King St. west, where he is preparefi 10 ifake gente and boys suits lut ail the latest styles, and ai lowe,,' riees. For tbee who wlsh to order suits, he veilI1 arry a fu lne of samples in al newestpatterns, Give hlma cati J. T. ALLEN, FaShionable Taior. ROYAL MA.61STEMsir1pLivERIPOOL AND LON- DONDERRY, iMO.REAL'AND QUnoisc SERVICE.- Galifor niait fron Montreal Nov. 9, 6 a. m. Laurentian l l16 I Parisian- Portland Dec.2,H-alifax,Dec 2 wnmid ait ' 9, 10 C3alfornian 16 17 Laureniion 23 24 Steerage, Nunmidian $2250 Passeeri wlllbe transferred with their bag- ga geom e railway satiou 10 the wharf free of charge. RATE S 0F PASSAGE. First eabin, $50 and npwards. Reurn $10000 and upwards. Second Cabîn $35, Stceriage $2350 For tickets and every Information ap. ply te M. A. JAMES, ~1,lan Line Agent,. Bowmianville. Oook'B Cotton Root Compoêund Isle sueeessfnlly used monthly by aver 10,000Ladies. Safe, effetuaL. Ladies ask yonr drugglst for coks C4ohn Rosi Con,- M d. no.ther as ail Mxtures, pillea n Itlons are dangerous. ]Priee, Ne. 1, $1 er 'box-, No. 9, 10 degrees stronger, $8 per box. N~o. 2 or 2, mailed en recelpt of price and two 3-eent 6taMpS. The Cook CompanyýWindsor, Ont. fflNos. 1 and 2 sold and reeammended by ail regpansible Drugglots in Cafndé. Nos. 1 and 2 sold in 3owmianville hy IG- BOtTIAM & SON, SrOrr & JuRx; Orono hy J. Gi- VILLANx; Newcastle hy Du. FARNcomB.E. Wil Cure an y Portn of Riumatisin ChEagieistenfi N' H 1eavy oid or SSu-ar PýLatad Cixin Sracelet fer se'.Iing euly one d ae fine Liiasa uiyiies, au ton cents each. Latesi and prettiesi desi;n0e o eaikla Wrl c. andi wî wiii Bond lthe flies gcapaid; sothora, relwnn île neesd w I n mfîw Draceu.l au elargîs pudd. lnnDn'-Co. ~ T RELIABLE m en ine ery leca iiy, local ortravell- Ing, te introduce and ativertise aur gouds tackdug up show-cards on fences aioug public roatis snd ail coustiCuMa places. 4e expeS ence needtil. Salary or connd»5bu $60 per month snd expeuses $2.50 per day. Wrié ai once for ful actieniare., 1ME EMPIRE MEDICINE CO., tendon. Ost, FATE 0F NATIONS IN GOD'S HAN DS Doos Net Qavera thé WorM t. ab Nap- haaard Mauué?e-Natiens Whleh De WretW111 suroly Feriah. Washington, Nov. 12.-The Ides that thiniga iu this merîti ara at loosa antis anti gelng athbaphazirti le in thia discounse cenihateti by Dr. Taimage. The toxt is P1saume, cxlx, 89, "Foras en, O Lord, thy word te settledtinlaheaven." This moniti bas bhean ipn' asc change ci or mince t -w as creatat- meuintains hemn, mountains dying, anti they have beth cnadie anti grave. Once Ibis planet vîs ail fluiti, anti ne beinig sncb ae yen er I bave eos or ceea coulti bave livoti on il a miate. Our hemispheroe turne its face te tha sun anti thon tenus ifs back. The axis of the eartit'si revolutien bas shiltoti. "Phe aartb's conter of grav- ity is chaugeti. Once fiemers grem ln thearactie anti there mas snom lu the tnepic. Thene bas beon a redis- tribution of landi anti son, the lanti cnunîbiing inte tbe sei, the sea swaiieming tlhe landi. Ice anti fine ha-se feught for the possession of Ibis plane'. The chenîlcai composition of if s tilleront nom rmna w at it ence mas. Veicanees onîce tecrihly alivse anaeticati,nfloeathrbneof fieny Pulse, net one bnoathh cil ,per-the occan cbangîug ils aimourit ef saline qualities. The internai fines of the earth ara gradualix eaarng their way te the surfa ces -uphoîs ai anti subsi- douce of vast reania of continent. Iuorivians lu Greeniantihaene-- mes cd thtir boit poies bocause the adva nt-ing sona ubaniergeti thoni. Lin-- ns euw recerdla that la 87 cars s grcat altonle mas 1,00 feet nearer the mater than vihen lia mnvrtqt. Foneats hava heen buniotiê by the set , anti lanti that mas cultunet hy lari-ers hoc ea ha toncheti onl' hi sailor's an-- cher. Loch Nevis of Scellant anti Dingla Bay of Inelant andtihle fiords of .Nonmay, where pleasune heats nom fleat, mena once valcys anti giens. Mlany of the isiants of the sea are the topa of sunken mountains. Six thousanti miles of the Pacific Ocean are sinking. The diamieter of the eantb, accontiing ta scientific an- notmiccment, la 189 nules less titan it mas. The entire configuration of the oarth i laitcrcti. 1-illa are de-- nutiet of their farests. The frosts andt the waters anti the air hem-- bard thoenrtb f111 it surrenders ta the issauit. The se-calieti "everat- ing hills" do net at. Many rail-- rend cempînues clisse te huilti ires bridges because the inon bas a 111e of ils omn, net a vogotahie Ilfe or an, animal 1f e, but a motallic 111e, apnd vien that dues the bridge goos devin. Oxitiatien of minorais le only aneotha terra fer tdescribing their tiosth. Messes anti seameede help do- atroy. the rocks they deconato. The changes oI the luanimate eantb ouly symhehize the menai changea. Society aven heconies tilleront fer botter or mtv-se. Beendnry linos be-- tween nations ara sottioti until the next mar unsettieu thein. Uncertainty strikes tbrougb lame anti custemas anti legislation. The cbanracteriatia of titis mentàisl that nothing la it is settiati. At a time mhen wo bopati that thearanitratuon piannoti isat summar at The Hague, Ilolianti, ,Wduiti braver sheattie tiheesvend anti spiko the gen and dismantia the fortrese tha enti bdas on baud t1o mars wbich arectiggiug gravas lo the flomer ai Engiish anti Amenican soidiery. Froin the pnasence of sncb geoiegiceal anti social anti national anti international unreet me turu mith thînksgiving anti exultation to My teixtanditi finti that thora are things boraver settieti, but in higber latiteudes than me have ever troti. "Fonever, 0 o Ird, thy mord le set-- lied la heaven." 1High up la the palace af the Sun at loa five thiîîgs are sttet-thît nations mhicb go centinueusly anti posietentîr- mnong penlsh; that hnp- pinese le the resuit oa i siritual con- dition anti net of eartly environ.- ment; thît this worldtisl a schaol-- housa for splendid or dueýgraLeel graduation; that mith or w îthontune tha entdisleto haenmade aven into oa scone of arborescence anti purity; that iii mho ara adjoinedti b bbcun- paraiialed One af Bethlehemn anti Nazareth and Golgotha miliiha the aubjects oI a supernîl fellclty witb- out any taking off. Do you deuht m7. firet proposition -that nations wblch go wrong par-- ish? We hai-'In Ibis Amaicîn na- tion aIl thoe eememints of permanence anti destruction. 'Se neeti uat bar-- rom froin othons any trowels for up- building on torches for tiemolitlon. Elemients of rein-nihiiism, lnfitielity, îgnosticismi, 0ab1 alti dsecrîtien, lu- 1 more happine.s ia nane enth than No other mediclueecn do such mar- 'my -have lna .a whole lifetîme. voilons work for those afflictod with WouldIti ta d I hati the capacity te rheumatism anti sciatica. Paiue's Cel- explain te yen on bow littla a man ory Compoundi is truiy your friend anti can be happy andi en how much ha 111e renewor; it is the medicine recom- may be wretcbatil - G-t your haart meudeti by the ablest physicians for the- rtght Owd IIi tar4iht. Meep' your banishment anti cure cf a siisease that ktart '*Taong, anti ail te wrong. Irhat bas such fatal reagîts la the variable Îsprincipla satl.led lai heýaven. autumu mouths. VjNý Some, have wondered why gradua- Th«Ie Claim is a tion day in colege, ncle on day Of collage exercises, but gradua- F «aise Un e. tion dayis are properly cle on mencenent day. Te ail the -radu- a.ted it la the commencement Of act-. iv uad our graduation day from Cru de Materials Can fziwl .te un commencement Of N eyer .Produce Perfect Our chief lfe, our larger 111e,su more tremendousai11e, Our etarnai W ork.- 11e. But -hat a day commencement daY on oarth la! The student neYer --sees any day lik* it. At any rate, 1 Theclam i rudebv he anuactr-nover difi. Old Nihle's Theatre in Theof rdim is mae tepanfactur- sNewv York cornes back to nme. The arsno cdyelopreped ofpkge dses gowned and tassel baLtod professer,% anxd dyes acomposedou of o rease behind us, and our kindred and mixd wth smll mouit f clorngfriends bofore and aboya us, and the matter that these dyes will color cotton air redolent Wlth garlands to h and wool goods with the saine dye. thontbs htacm e- Sncha dim i bue an deeptie. ient day it was for ail of us about Animal and vegetable fibres, suoli as ta graduato! But Migbtier day willî wool and eotton, must each have a it ha When wve graduate front thig special coloring agent. -In order to World. Will it be hissesf of condom- meet this difficulty the manufactures of nation or handclapping of approval? Diainonci Dyes have prepared special1 Will there be flung to us netties or dyos for ail wool goods and speeial dy os w-reaths? Will it be a resounding for all cotton and cottoni and wool or "Coma!" or 'a revcrberating ',Jie- mixed materialP. Eacti of these Dia- pat? mond Dyeszives handsome and artistie 1hng&pardt?"le ig Diamond Dves are the only dyes la woild, With or without us, will ha the world that f ullv meet the demantis1 made over into a scene of abores- of home dveing. Thoiy color ail kiocis couRe and purity. DeOflot think that' of materials aud givo colors and shaclos sich a consumamation depends upcen oqual te those produced by European Our personal fidelity. It Wçill be dono professional dyers, and la the majoriîy anyhow. God's cause does flot go of cases the Diamond Dyes are faster a-begging. If ail the soldiers of and more lasting. Cheiaical expertsj Jesus Christ flow living should bo- who have made repeatel tests are of cone desertera and go *over t, the opinion that eue package of Diamond îOiiemy, that would flot dafeat the ,ves wilI equal lu coloring power three cause. A large part of the iblei of a ny other make. taken up with telling us %vhat the adworld \vill ho. There ila a large Avoid imitation package dyes a armny, human aud angelic, flow in the sosp grosse mixtures; they ruin good field, but God's reserve forces are materials and are dangoerous to hanidie. more nuinerous andi more rnigîhîy than those now at the front, andi if fraufi; they ane ;_F ,e, ricments ho could in Gideon',s tie rout the of safety -Ced v with a crash of crockery, womcn by t1r e & s s f nmillions, and if ho could la Shamigars tone honcsty, i lxtk. .înhunsovercoine a host Withi an ex gond, seif sacrifice, id~î~s ýbrety, and ,and if ln Samson's time he coulfi de- more religion ths'î 1',s ciaracterized iîea, an armny with a hleached jaw-V any nation th3tas ev ~er existed; bone, andi if the wails of Jericho they are al liere. The only quelstion %ment doma undar a blast of perfor- Js as to w bld, cf the forces w iii gain attod rain's haru, and if lu Chrisqt'» dominancy-tbe one class ascendant, day blind Oyos were cured by oint- and this ljnlted itgtes Go- ernunieet, mient of sbpittie, then God can do I thil'~, miii continue as long as thea nything ha enYs ha miii do, As yet wvorid- exists; the o'her ciasa ascend- 'bt bas taken enly one smord eut of ant, and the 1Uited States gees into 3, whole armory of Weapons.e Do net ou-h srmali piocos tbat othor govera- get nervous, as if the Lord were go--, moents would harcily think tbom n in to bc defeated. Wvorth pickîng op. Oh, that conîing dlay of the world's Waik on in the cemetery of nations perfection! Thoe erth wii be s0 and se the long linos of toms- cbanged that the sermonology wiîî Thebes andi Tyre and Egypt nad be changed. Thora will ha no more Býabylon and Medo-Persian and Mlacle- calls te repentance, for ail miii have donýIan and Romian anid Saxon hept.. repentefi; ne moe gathering of aime archy, gCreat nations, rnaîl nations for the poor, for the poor wili hn,ý that lived 500 Yaars. bemn enriclucd; no hospitai Sunday, Our own nation wiii ha judged by for disjointed bonem wili have heéa the zame moral laws hy which ail set and the moundm &Il heaoed, and other nattons have boon judged. The the incurable diseseeg of other tims jedgment day for individuals mi, illifihave heen os arconie hy a mater- probahly coma far on in the future. la meodica and a Pharrmacy and a den- Judgrnint day for nations is every tietry and a therapeetics that have day, every day weighed, every day conquered avarything that afIfIcted aperoved or eî ery day candemned. narva or lung or teoth 'or eyo or lilm-haalthoory. cormpliete andilidl- Nover hefora la the history of -this versai. The poultico, andi the oint- country has the Arrcan nation in.ont and the panacea and the catbe- boon more sureiy in the balances than licon and the surgeon'm knife and the it is this minuta. Do right, and WR dentist's forceps and the scientist's go up. Do wrong, and vie go devin. X ray mil bave fullilloti their ails- Another thing decided in the saine sien. The sot-alai 1e of tbe world higb placo 15 that happineas is the miii ho perfectcd. In that reillonnial resoît ef spiritu 'al condition andi nOt age I imagine oursel\ os standing in of earthly environnment. If vie svho front of a bouse lighted for insee. may somotimes have a thousanti dol- Wu enter among groupa -filled w\ith lars to lnvest finti it sncb oc perplex- giatinees andi talking good sense and ity te knov mhat te do mith it and >rallyin-geach othor in ploasantries soon after find that we investeti it andi in overy possible way forxvard- svbere principal and interest have ing goti neighborbood: ne looklng gene doAsrn tbrougliî rguery or pantic, asknnce, ne whispered hackhitings, ,wbat must ha the worrim.ent of thùse ne strut of pretension, neo bli\ ion havlng millions ta invest and whoeof some oae's presence hecause yen basses correspond ln magnitude %vith do flot want te knom hlmn; each oe their raseurcos! People viho have happy, deternuined on making soine their threo or four dollars a day oe else happy; words of heneat ap- mages are just as hîappy as thoe prociatien insteati of bellow flattery; "Allo have an incoine of $500,000 a sauvities and genialities insteati of yoar. Semetime.4 happineas is soated inflations andi pemposities; equipage on a footstool mni somoctimes misery andi upholstery and sculpture and on a throuo. Ahl the golti of aarth painting paiti for; tw o he'urs of mon- in ona chuuk cannot purchase five tal and m.oral improvemient; ail the minutes of complets satisfaction. guests able te -ralk as steatiuly Worldly success la an atnîesphere tiown the stops of that mansion ne that breetis the maggots of envy and ' hen thoy ascendedti tem; ne awak- jealousy and hutoe. Thara ara thuse i;ag nxt'moaeug mth aching head Who -will neyer forgiva yen if yen have more, amoluments or honor or oase than they hav e. To taka you down la the dominant îvish of most of t.bose wbo are net as high as you are. Thay Wlll openti heurs anti days [ and tears ta entrap Yeou. They wiiiN YIlB R hever arounti nomapapar offices ta get oe mean lina printeti depreciat- ing You. Your boa-s n is their bell T o 6.,A r A dying presîdent of the United T o s n i r States gaid many yens-s ago ln re- gard te hie lifatime of axperienca, S fé i g "It doasn't py ."- The leading statamme'n of Anierica la lattera 0f advice mara young- mpn to kecpeout PIE 0f politics. Many of the mOst suc- PflEsCEEYCMPOflND cessful bave triet inl vain te drown their trouble ln strong drink. Ont Cives Prompt Relief and DI~tCorn e 5re te.Coal Up. -Don't yen finti comr laka breezas rafresbing)" "O, yes," nepiieti the s isitor Ironi the iat, looking sorromfuliy at the epocks, oI soat ou hie frashiy laun- ulared enffe. "I like your air &ver- a, mucha botter than yeur 'mi"Il' anti hloocashet, (, eanti]'ol uc~n for the day'e duies;ý the socia-l luilr as perfet as reF,;incnnu n ti commua11Q. scuse ranticultuire ani rope-iu nt religion caun make it; tha oarth mati botterthan it vie atnthLie sanandi &Il through gorpelizing ilLdfIeaoe, di- ractiy or iadiracti.v. Another tbing decidet ix that 14kI place la that aill who are adjoinedti t thenparalleleti Oaaeof Bethlehenm and N~aiaretb anti Golgotha will bc th&a ubjecte 0f a supernal fellelty wiliont any takiag off. The olti adage say s that - - eggars must net ha choosers," andtihe humnan race la ita. dapieted tete51 hati better net bc 'criticai e f the mode bv whlch Goti meuld eenupalaca ail of us. I caulti easily tbiîîkoI a plan more compli- mentarY ho nur fali"n huma nity tham that wshich le calleti the 'eplan 0f cal- vatiaia." If God hati alioweti« ne de p.ûrt 0f tbe mork of recovary and ha do the rast, if ma couiti de threE- quàïrcere of it anti ha do the ladt quarter, if me coulti accomiplish niost 0f ut anti he just put on thue finisbung touches, many coulti look -w-itb more coaîpiscency upon the proiected rein- statelooent of the bumnan faraily,. No, ne! 'Se must bave eur pritia sub- jugatee, our rtuhhturn. vill mati. flex- ible anti a suparnîtural power de- monstratet inl us at os ary step. A pretty plan 0f sais allen that wouiti ho, of buman cirafting anti manfact- uring! It wouiti be a ,dexology mung ta ourseives. Goti must have ail the glory, net one stop oI our beavenly throae matie by aarthly car- pentry; net one string ceuld -vme tawist of the harp of our etarnai ne- joicing. Accept ail as an nnmaritati donation frem the skies, or me -mli naser lisse it at ail. "'s ow," says soeae, "if Christ is the oniy may what about the beatben, viho have nos or hearti of hlm?" But i ou ara net heathen, anti mbydis ert us from the, question tof our personal sais ation? Satan la ni-1 mçays intu otucing somotbing irreio- vant. Fle w ents ta take il eut of a personaiity ite an abstraction. G-et 0cr ema saisation setteti, anti thon me miii disnuss the saIhation of othar people. "But,"says eaee "w bat perceufage of the buinan race mtli ha saveti? What wmli ha the comn- parativ'e number aaved anti lest?" There satan thrusta in the niatheoma- tics of redeînptien. 1-le auggests th&t you nd aiout the imathematical pro- portion osf the rtdcPinet. But ha net decelsatid. I am nov tiiscusslng the eternai mvýelfare of only tw o pt'rson8, you1-si.lf anti mysef. C-et ourseives rigtIbefora we botbt-rrbout getting others rigbt. O Christ, coma hither ant imaster our casa! 1-lare are our s1ne--pardon thoni; our mounts- heal them; our hurtienr--lii t them; aur sorroms-comîort thein. We want the Christ of Bartimeus te open cur bili eyes, the Christ oI Martha te h-eip us in our domcstic cares, the Christ of Olivet to heip us preacb our sermons, the Christ ef Lake G-all- les te stili our tempests, the Christ of LazaruA to raisa our doati. Net tee tiret isleha te coule, though lhe -bas on bis whippcti abtîniters se long carrieti tha entids vice anti en bis la 'cerateti feet maiketi this may te ac- copt aur salutation. By thb iotiy throes of the moun- tain on which Jesus dueti, anti by the sepuicher mhera hie rautfliatati body vas incioset inl darkeaoti crypt anti by the Olivet frein wich hoe crcse, vi ile astenisheti discip les clutcheti for bis robes to edts a hlm la their cempanieaiship, anti hy the radiant andi omnipotent tbrone on uvhich he site maiting for tha comiagaffnîll those mhorne nî-ic-iuîî ts aettled la heaven, I imiplore you hem your beat inlaimmetilate anti final euh- mission. Once exercise sorrem for mbat yen have clone anti exorcisa trust la hlm for what ha le mliing te do, anti all is mou foer both monlde. Thon yen can swýing cut de- fiance ta ailloppositicn, human anti tiaboio. Ia conquoring bis focs lha cenquerati yeurs. Anti havae ou ne- ticoti that passage la Colossians that represent bim "having despoileti pria- cipalitias anti poers, hae matie a shom oI thara, oponiy triumphing," se hbnging beforra us tbat over- wbaling spectacle of a Roman triumph? But, oh, the difference in thoe triumphs! The Roman triumph representeti arrogance, cruelty,- op- pression anti ureng, but Christ's trIumph meaut eman"ipaticn, anti heliness anti joy. Tho> former wam a procession of groins accempaniati by a clank of chains, the other a proces- sion of hosannas hy millions set for- evcr free. The only sbîckleti anas ef Chnls t's triumph milI ha satan anti lais cohorte tiedti teOur Lord'. char- lot wheel, mith aIl the abomiinationa» of ail the earth bounti for a ateral captivlty. Than wili comae & feast la wklck the chahices milI ha fillet - with the new -mine af the kingtiom." 'Uater arches. commemorative ofaIl the hittias Inuvmàich the hannereti q-alet 2: ' 1' C Io' paue ci -i 'dcen- SUMVi ci ct caz Awk Writ ~ h Dccrz A'dd' caniSDR.nj. 5Tn7 ex Iu the Dececîber umoer of THE Dus - iGNER many facliioxus ant i ilitary de - sigris are shema, sIx iish, refineti, sud jusI mhat are noodeci for'the outil tting of adulîs sud jîî'oniles. Evening m-aits lu particular are-rnoba attra ctiyc- ly. aiso ýparts costuimes for bo,,s ana ,girls. The di-essmaker ih nrimebered n a nom iusîilîceîîî of 'Points on Fat- tonna,." As for fines work, kiltiug-, crochetin.--aud tîtîug,-tkhere are àdo. j signa galore, aIl ac~aît by ex- plicit directions. Svutîartd Fashion Company, 32 West 14th St., e Vork. «Your doctor knows ail about foods and madiehies.ý The next tume y ou seEý hlm, just asia hlm 'wbat ho thîaks of of Cod-Llver 0!1 wlth !Iý,o ~hophlea. Weare wflling to, trust n lu h ans-w-r. For twenty-five yearm doo- tom haveopreecrIied oui, Emuansîon for paleoe, weaic- ness, uer-eous exhaumstion, and for ail diseases tatczuse long ln flash. Its ereasy color aiuc its pleaBsat taste 2p55ke !it e8- peotftliy useful ferthiri and dellooLt6 ohltiro5?Xu' No other preparatIon of ço4,- ri-ver eff in 11k. It. Do"t lose tirne &ad ri9k your haalthà by taking somatbing unknowen &ad untried. XKeep lnminai î]9at SOOTT'S E US han stood the 'ba' for ail Squarter of a, century. 5 SICT&WNEC hait5,Toreio.f A woman who looke pretty at brcak fast le pretty without donht. illa is n thing te ha charming at a bal in h daintiesi aI draperiem, mith "touchig up" ofal al sorte andientier the gasligt but quite amathar thing ta ha pre tty i cotton blouse, with tha merning sua ftuli in the room andi &i the homely aèl~ ries of daily 111e by way (0f backigrou -j Thora are planty of girls who are pret ,on the seashore, iu big 7ehade hâte; o harseack, lu a habit, Fbut the amly breakfast tabla is the test. Yas. It lu the test, ual only fer heauty, but for et- tan thinge. If the emiles are brigbt and the speech coft, the maternante gantie sud the lamper sweet, thon yoln may .ylyý Upon the disposition under ahunost r è1reumstances. STells thae tory. Wlieu yonr Laitd aches, anti yon feei bilions, con$ti- patei, ac ut ot f un, with yclny- eti mcI souaurtud noappatite', just huy a package of Antidaea dosa, Iran 1 ta 4 pilla. Yen will ha suIrpniSeti ut liow eacily they m% lI do their work, cure yor headaclie ant i hliounss, ranse thea liver anti make you feel happy agalu. 25 cents. Solti by ail medicine dealers. se ret ii im ';ir Ce-w feariw pewet t r hebp ta d.,>tû. a d j4ti wfl Ilnd it il,

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