The Canadan StatoSnia An Eight Page, Forty-igt ColumlNewspaper, is publishefi EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING, AT THE OFFICE 26 STATESMAN BLOCK, KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONT.. BY A.JAvES, Editor & PrýPrietor, Subscriptiou$1.50 per auuum, or $1.00 if paid strictiy lu advance. ADVERTISING RATES Trausleut Advertising. Ten Cents per Lins, first insertioni Five Ceurs per Linse ach sub- sequent insertion. CONTRACT RATES. TIMES INSEETED. SIZE0F ADVERTISEMEZT 1 Mtb lteths 6sths 1 Fr. OeColumu......$20 0$40 $60 100 MaiColomo.....1 02 40 60 Quarter Columu.. 8 00 16 26 40 Eightb olm5.....00 10 16 26 Twenty-fie Linie.. 4 50 9 12 18 Twenty Ltnes.......... 4 00 6 8 13 Vifteen Lines.......... 3 50 5 7 50 12 'n Liues. ............ 2501 4501 650 Il Five Lines............. 125 i 50 6 10 Tihe abeve are contract rates, and apply only to regutar business afivertisers. Changes of contract advertisements mnusi bc mriedi not tater that nue oclock on Saturday -ibis raie witl be strirtly enforcefi. Paragraph advertisements among uews itemns 10e a line eacb insertion. Births, 25c; Marriages and fleatbs,SOc. Displayed advertisemeuts are measured by a anals of solifi noopareil and so chargefi. Orders for discontinutng afivertisements must be lu writing, otberwise t he publisher will n be resvonsibie. No paper will ne stopped until ail arrearages arepaîi, exce tat the option of the publisher. A post office notice to discontinue is not sufficient* Double regutar rates are charged during Ms!r-e, Apriliand May and Otober, November Esd Tie"ember for display advertising Dlot con- tracted for by the year, Business notices lu local or news c&.umns frst usertion 10 cents per lisse Nouparil * 5 cents per lins eacb subsequent insertion. Notices0f meet- icoes nf auy kiud ai wich an admission fee îs chargsd or a collection is taken mus bc paifi for. Ail communications should be addressed, M. A. JAMES, Bowmnanville, Ont. IAIR WORK.-Ladies wishine hair Idneover, cal t iMES DiciNeseN s,Kin~ Eanad Cor ni Ontario St Bowmanvitle. 34-1t MARRIAGE LICENSES,-M. A. mJAmEs, Issuer of Marriage Lîcenses. REsideucs: Centre sirset. A. B. MoLAUGHLIN, EaIrlster, Solicitor and Conve1auer Office:- Blakley Block, King atreBownsanville. Xoney to ban ai reasonable rates. 48-lyr, $5 000 TO LEND a 0 J.'-".'Jou gond mort- gage sscurity ai Inoderate rates nf interest, A. E.McLAUGHaLIN ,Soliitor,BowmanvilleOnt. 16 -6m. OR. J. C. MITCHELL, M EMISER 0F OLTEGE 0F F11SICIANS Mandi Surgeons, OntarioCorouer, etc, Itesideuce. Enniskilleu. 74 Gentlemen's Clothes made to Order. 1). BURKE SI3MpSOiX, B RIRISTER, SOLICITOR, etý. MORRIS' BILOCK, np-stairs, iîng-Street, Bowman ville. Solcitor for the Ontario Hank, rvaisa moneys loaneti et lowest rates. ROBERT FOU1%7U, V,S. O FF1CE IN WEST DURHA&M NEWS "Block, wbere bîmscîf or bis assitant wiii lie foud fr6m 8a. m. te 9 p. m. Nght calîs ai resideoe, directly opposite DrillîShed. Calis by tslegraplior telepbone wilreceli e prompt ai teution, 171 - yr. C. HARNDEN, L.D.S. (Iraduate of the Royal Colege off Dental Sui geons, Ontario OFFICE.-Opposite Express Office. VITALIZED AIR ONTSARIO BANK continues to do a General Beukiug Business et Bowmanvllle Ageucy. DEPOSITS s eceivet inl Savings Bank Daparimani and listeresi atiowed ai uirest ratas. Notice of 3 iibdrawat unI necessamy. Ahl deposits payable zn demanti. EXCHANGE -dougbt astisolfi anti Drafts issuefi ceeu Europe, nSta ites andf Canada aise Gol isSlver and I,nlted States Greenbacks boogit anti sot CJOLL ECTIONS Premptiy made aicotr-eut rates upon atl parts .-i Great Britain, tise Unitedi States andthie Do- sinlon of Canada. Telegraph Transfers Mae for targe or smai soints on ait parts of Canada. This ts specialhy ndvantageoos to par- sens living la Manitoba or the North-West, il makes tise fonds aveieble et once ai tbe place n psy ment. For niber penticniars eauall he bar k, A. J. MCCLELLAui, GEO. McGILL, AccountartiMauager M.X.-Now Joinny 1 want you f0 hum-y borne fi-cm sebooi fils aft ernotsn, Johnny-What for, I was wantiug te- Mns. X.-I warsf yeu te cerne rigiht home fer I want yen te go te LUTTRELL'S fer seme huas andi caltes for ton. Johnny-hl'Il coineberne on the mun, for I like geing fiere, for bis buns andi cakes are justfifle. A full stock Of Confecfionery is al ways kept on haut, Alex. Luttreli larke,'È AOidStand, Bowmanvilie 1 rt a l-at tn tmn BOWMANVILLE. NOV. 22, 1899. YOUR COU NTY PAPER MOENT REASONM 'WHY EVERY FAMLIYSHOULI RIEAD 4"THE STATESMAN."! We respectfully request the head of every family in West Durham to be- corne a subscriber to THE STATESUA7Ç for 1900 for these reasons: It is the best connty paper. It keeps its readers informed on county affairs. It teaches the children and young folks to take interest in public affairs. It tells ai the famiiy what is going on in the couulty and the big busy world around, It telis thousands of things in the course of a year that ail should know- the time and place of public meetings, lectures, entertaiuments, fairs, political gatherings, sales, etc. It keeps farmers posted in the local markets,gives occasional market jottings and hiuts niost valuable. It tells who has lost animais, where lest animais May be found, who, has farms te, rent or seli and who wants to xrent or buy a f armn t It tells u-ho bas stock to sell, sires for tservice, purchases and sales of stock, wheu stock sales wiil be held, *ho has seed grain, and where s;ervants are wanted or May be engaged. r It keeps you iu touch with your ueighborhood, tells what your neiglibors Éare doing, who goes from or cornes to your localîty,, how crops are progress- iug or turuing out, who will buy your apples, wooi, wood, grain and ail kinds of produce. It tolls when and where great bargains may be secured in the various stores. This alone in a family is worth many dollars a year. Ail leading merehants make their announcements in the best local paper and everybody agrees that this paper is the best by very long odds. It tells whn gets married, who has died, who has an increase in the famaily, and gives particulars that you want to know about snch events. It gives more West Durham news than ail other papers, gives coundil news, election nlevs, court news, legai news, agricultural. news, municipal news, re- ligions news, indeed, ALL THE NEWS fit to print. It is the spokesman for the riding, telliug the wsorid what is to be found iu West Durhain, corrects misrepresenta- tions anîd attracts capital, helps to de- veiop couuity entermrises and jealously, guards ils in'terests and good naine, It briugs credit te the county-a local- ity is often judged by its local paper. If a paper is slov euly priuted, shows iack of enterprise and culture it reacts against the district. TUiE STATES.IAN is the Olest paper in, the district, it bas reliable correspondents iu principal ceutres, and keeps its read- ers inforîned of all important public, social and politicai h4xppenings iii the riding. It i, ueatly priuted, its advertisements are attractiveiy seý up and arranged, it keeps up w ith the times, alwa ' s having the best interests of West Durham and its people at heart. It is a large 48-coiumn paper and seils for eue dollar a year, in advance; $1. 50 w heunet se paid. No other papers iu the couuty approanhes THE STATES1UA-N, iu value as a local uewspaper. If is our desire f0 double our circula- tion before the end of the century. It can ho easily doue if every prosent sub- scriber wl obtain oue new subscriber. We respect fully ask ail friouds of this journal te help ns., We wiii reward yen weil. Say a good word for THE STATES- lvAN at every oppertunity from now ,rte New Years. Pay your own subscripfîon te, the end of the century (Dec. 31, 1900,) and pro- cure eue nexv subseriber and we will make yen a preseut of the WEERLY GLOBE frein now te Doc. 31, 1900. Or we will aeeept $2 for two new subseriptions te the THE STATES1UAN and one renewal for 1900. Thus it will be seen that we are willing te pay liberally for the favori we ask. Rush in the new subseriptions. Wo have ne agents, Pay at Tur, VIOLENT C lE Accompanied by Indigestion and Constipation cured by Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver PiIs3 Fro-nt Bath, 0snt., cornesu the particulars of P recnarkable cre cffected Ly Dr. Ch,î.,&a Kido'y-Lîver Pils. Nfir. lot. Gardiner uas fer forty ycaru the vie-tini of indigestion, con- sition, anti violcut he,îdch"ýs. Notbisig gstetned.'ohave P'theds"rs'd effort întliho ho- gin tne use of Dr. Çhaisess Ksclncy-Lh cm Pils aned they effecteti a complete cure. Mr. Glardiner utîtes: "Ihve been trouhied. for over foriy years o-it ndi.ges'on and lconstipaion, wuol go for w te xe'ki at a titre. At iii er,sh1 won! d ho taks'.i yul' viit hadihou. i spont doulars a-iddtoilais' ini x'or-and.iw xxi Vad- visr cte use Dr. Chses Kîdney-77vcr Plis, an ustirt say thsat tbey are the enly resnety ila avîerme peranenît relief. 1 woult no t he.wstLhouit thsc for oi sîp Dr. Cbît&is Kilneu- Liver Fills, onue put a dlouse. ca box. Ati d1 ealers, cm Ednsson, Laies & Co., Toronto. Varieus mens wore tried te Ob- tain more reont nnd air; every one S trlppeti Of bis clot es; csy bat Pes pt lin motin, but tiese me- thc,ds cihoirded c c.srelief; tlxeu it ives propos(51 tht tthe'sysîlt aill sot doxxn on te 'oni- t the st tîso tic-e, arto, ,,leorreli .a, l1ttIe whtie lun this posture, cis, l l ogether. This a ý1w exý.pc-lent xxas blrice me- pontecJ 1eclore tl& tu'ati heen cconftined in tbat Place one bouc, uand ex 'ry tinte sou cral, unabît te rîst again, 0FP CALCUTTA. The story of tho nwfui niglitG of the torture anti denîli spont by 146 Eng- lisis prisoners in the Bl1a-k Hlb cf Calcutta oin June 1.8, 1756, lias been rond xvith a feelingocf horror for nearly a centuryanti a bail. In an eld paper recently resurrcýct- ed in a garrot in titis cîty thero was founti a short anti graphie, acceunt cf the night of soflerlug -and denth as tolt inluthe w ords of ode 0f the aur- vivors. It woulti se(-'m frein this tale that the conftning of the prisceners lu this sinuli dungeoit ouna hot and torrid night was au accident rather than design , ns the priseners -woe r nfer- ed inlto the Black Ilole, near wbich they wep bing guactied, after sonne attompt te fluîd a mnore'sultable loca- tien, an,,d tha t they sulloreti anti died chiefly berause noc 0n0 wouldi order thoîr reusoval when it wns discovereti that the dungcon -%was literally a place cf dtiî, w ithoyut ortiers frein the Nabob, who M'as asleep, his at- tendants fearing the consequences of aw akenirg hini. Iu an heur after thceticor closeti on the victinîs of bis merciless order a number xxere deati, and raost ef the rost Moere raxing niunlacs, clamoring for air anti xxater. In four hours neariy 100 cf the 146 prisoners w cre dead, an aw fui mer- talîty whd probably sax ed those wvhe survived frein a sintilar fate. When the erder 6f release was is- sueti twelx e heurs had Isot expireti aince the fatal ticor ivas clec, 'but oniy twenty-three half denti victm suri ived, and marchetioutcntuthe mc.rning light and air. Most of the survix ers xxere iimedianteiy released, andti tldtit go xvhore they pleaseti. The atery cf a aurviver is as foni- iows: Mr. Holweil, the. chief mian amoug the prisoners, ou roturning from. ils interv iew -witb the Nabob, Suraiza Doxxlar, feunti bis unfertunate CoSa- panions assemableti and surreundeti by, a strong guard. Several buildings on the north andi south aides cf the fort were already lu flunica, wbich appreacho i wth 50 thick a smolie ou eitber hand that the prisoners imiagineti their onemies had catised this conflagration lu ýor- der te sullecate thena betiveen the two firos. On eaCi side of the eoaterai gate of the fort, extenicti a range of chaux- b~ers, adjeining te the curtain; andi before the chatnbers a verauda, or openi gailory; it was of arched ma- sosirî, and intonti t t sheiter the soldiers frein tie sitn and main, but heing 1 iv, ulinost -totally obstructeti the chanbQrs betîind frein the light andi-air; and vvhilst seme 0of the guard wccee leekiug lu ether parts of tie factory for preper places te cou- fineth ie prisoners turing -the nigit, the rest c.rderoti them. te assemble la ranlis under the verauda ou the rîgit hand ef theŽ nateway, w-here they re- nïainod fer seine tinte with se littîn suspicion ef ticir inspcnting fate, tint they 1, ugîxeti among thon)solvos at the seeining oddity ofi tus tispc- sillon, and ansused theînselves -xvith conjecturing w but they sheulti uext heoerdeîod te do. About 8 e'clock tint3e who had h'cn sent to examine tbe ceenta re- pors cd that thcy bad feunti noue fit -foi- the purprise, on w bich the prin- cipal o'tîcoer comn anded tie priseciers te go loto oneoef tbe oris xvici steoti behind thoox nleng the vernui- da. It was the couimon dungoon of the gurr-isoît,' and xvas calledtihte Blaci, Ilele. Many cf the prisoners, knowiug the place, began te oxpestulate, upen wiicb tbe officer rorere bis nion te cul tiown tioeoxhe hesitated, ou whiciî tie-prisoners oeyet, but ho- fore ail xvorc xitbin, the recin was 30 threnged tbat tbe at enteroti with difliculty. The gurd immedi- ateiy clüesed und l6ched tbe door, cenfiniug 146 persens lu a roont rot twenty feot square, xvlth ouly txve sutaîl window s, and these were oh- structed by the x erantia. It xas the holtest seasen of the ycar and the, night uncemfortably sultry, evcn ut this period. The ex- cessive pressure of their bodies againat eue anothor andtihie intoler- able bout which preva-iled ns aoon as the door was shut, cenvinceti the prisoners that it xvas impossible te live, tbmuugh the îiight in this horri- bie confinement, and viclent at- temPts xvere immectiatoiy matie te force the door, but without edeect, for it epeeied 'înward, at which mauy bride savs: C",Nearl-v six years ago Paine's Celery Compounti cureti me-lu faet, savot m'y 111e. At this fmie I arn stili feeling well anti have net been i11 a single day since I usetiyour lamous Compounti. Itruly owe my present health anti strenZfh to Paine's Celery Cornoound; it saveti me frern insanity anti the grave. I shall nover forgethfe state I was lu before I useti your grand Îife restorer. Now I eau sieep anti et well, for wiich I thauk Geti and veur wontirous curiug medicine. I bave answered over two handreti anti fifty letton witten te me bv other sufferors aft er mv firît testi- monial letter -was publisheti. Those letters have corne from ail parts cf Canada anti the Unitedi States, wxere franipleti te tieti by thoîr cent- panions. Allcnxpts were again nmade te force the door, ivlici failing as bel ore, re- doubeot their ragc, titeir thiraf in- creaing, nething but -'wnter, -wa- toc" hecanie seon after tic general ci-y. The gooti Jemnuidar inntetiately ortioreti seute akins of water te ho brought te the windows, but insteati cf relief bis beuevcueuce hecame a more dreatiful cause of destruction, for the sigit cf Mater firexv every esie inte sncb excessive agitations anti mavings that, unabte te resist tîuis violent imîpulse cf nature, noue coniti xait te ho reguiurly serx et, but oncit, with the utineat forocity, hattieti against tiose who were ike.- ly te get if bef ome it, ant inl these ersuflicts many xvere etier prosseti te deatl by the efforts of others, or suffocafed by thoir oxvn. Tis scesie, insfeat 0f protiucing comtpassion on the goard wifbeut, only excitet their mirti, and tbey helti np îglits te the bars in ortier te ha-ve fie diabolicai satisfaction of vlowing fhe depiorabie contentions of tihe sulterera within, nIe, iindiug it impossible te get ý.ny xvatom, whilst t xvas fins foriously disputeti, at iengtb anflemedti tbne wbe xee uai-- est te the windows te ceuvey it lu txcii- bats te fbose behinti thein. If proveti ne relief either te thoir fuirst or etier sufferings, for tie le- ver increaseti evemy mcment wifi the iucreasiug depravity, cf the air lu the dungeon, xvbicb bat beon se off on re- spiret ani was saiscatoti witl thfe bot and deleturieus otluvia of putrc- fyiug bcdies, tihellfect cf whicb was tittle bss tian inertal. Bcre muiulcbt ah wieo were aux e anti lad net pacînken cf the air ut tho wintioxv wcre eitier in a lethar- gic stopefaction, or raving xiti te-. lirisu. Every kinti cf Invective anti abuse xvas utteroti in bopes 0f proveking the guarsi te put an endtot thoiraii- sories, hy firiug lote. the tinugoîn, anti xvilst conte .ivero hlasphemsug tueur Creator us iti the fruntie execra- tiens of torment in dospair, houx on wias impleeti y chers xifls wý,llt anti incoierent payers, until fie wenker, oxhaustet hy fiese agita- tienis, ut hngti lay dexvn qniotly, sud expicet on the bodies of thoir dent or ugou.izing fionda. Tioso n-be still aurvivot inluthe fuwarti part of the dusîgeon fintiug tintthfe xater had aflordeti thein no relief, madt f- forts te obtain air by cntieavoring i,0 acraunhie over the bouts of those xxio stoot botîveen fleutu andl the win- doxys, xx bre the utinoat strengtb of evory c-ne was omrployeti for twe heurs, Pither in nuintaining ha oxwn grenat or in enteavoring to goet tat cf which otherswere iu possession. AlI regards ef comapassion wero lest, anti ne eue weulti ecete or give way for the relief of anetîxer, fnintness semetimes giving short pauses of quiet, bot the fîrst motion Of anY one renewedthfe strugg-le, throngh ail, under whih ex or anti anon someonee suk te ruse ne more. At 2 e'clock ni more than fifiy meipaineto alive, but even fils nom- ber were tee m.any f0 parta ke of ftic aaving air, fie contest for xvhiie centineti fu fie mriî,long implereti, boganute tbreak, and witi dis hope cf relief gave fie fcw sur- vives-s a view offistond The sumxivors tien at the wlntew, finting tisaitichir ontrenties, coulti nef prevalu upon fhe quardtoteopen fhe door, if occrret te M-r. Ceoke, tise secreta-ry of tbe conodcil, tint 31r. hIolWOli, if ative, migit bave mocr@ influence f0e btain termuanti f xo of fiecmpnny u nterfaýking fie searci discoves-et hlm iaving stil seine aigns 0f lufe, but xvien fhey. brougît lima fexvrd the wiudoxx ee-onrQu efusedtief0quit bis place, ex- cepfing taptn -Mis, wbn. with are generseity, effereti te reaigu his, xvhoa the eat llkewise agreed te maie rooni. 1-le tînt scarcely begun to ecox-or bis souses beocre an officer sont hy fhe Nabob ru-mne anti inquiret ili the Engilîlchif surviveti, anti seon ni- fer the sane ma retornet Mith au erdoir te openu the pisoisn. The tend ivore se firongeti andtihfe surx luors bat se uitile streugil remaini'sg thaf fiey word einpioyeti nearly lsntf an hour lu remnoving tIe iodles whici lay against fie toor before they colti donc a passage te go out euee ut a fine, xvhen, of 146-who went la alixe, tise ghastliesî forma fihat oves- xvere secun. The Nnbob's troo'ps boie]lt lii, anuittIhehaxcs'of detoaisfront wbici theey hd oscapodvth ii ntifference, xx hicdidltnet p'-ox nt tiom friccut e- inîcxin- te a tisuanoce,buit xvere m nîetiaýtÏeiyebtiget hy the intoler-nule sleuîclite dclrthe tungoon, xx hile others tiog a tutch on lie oen±cite cf tise fort, iuto xviici ail tfi etout li- J R M.RIMAO 70ENTIST. Imiportanit Statoment frolm a Postmaistor. Paîne's Gelory ùCofpouand Saved, His Life 'Years Ago. Has Not Been 111 A Single Day Since He Was Cured. rer. iToimeir, unabDlï3te saa, was accu after carried te the Naboh, who 'nas se far foin shox-ing aaxy coul- pass!4e'n for bis condition or remerse for the deati cf the other prisouers that he ouly talketi cf the treasumres which the Engisi lad buried. The kfficers te whcse charge l-e was delîvereti ordered lina put irîf o fettors, togetier xvith Mesmrs. colw~t and Walcot, Wsho -Word Iikowise sur- poseti te kuow sometiing cf the troasureq.' The mst of the surx-ivoma, amiong xçviOm -were Messrs. Court uti Mutas, wore tolti they might go whvme tbey pleaseti. Màkinc the Berne Aitractlye. William Martin Johnson, aîîthor of -Inside etf a Hundred Heomes," con- trihutes the firat articleocf bis ncw serjes on "The House Practicail" te The Ladies' Honte Journal. In tiese articles Mr. Johnscn will expiain how tihex ariens rcoms, hallxvays, etc., Of a bouse may be artisticnlly furnaished and deeýorated at Compare- tively amali ceat. The ixpianation la so clearly detailed thaf, witb the &id 0f the accompaniying traxvings, almest auy one xxith taste may fol- low the instructions given. The ar- ticles witi show ho- the luteier el a. "eeu".may bc tranaformeti frein the commouplace into a tbing cf an- tistic boauty anti coziness. Tieme la ro subject 0f sncb vital interesf to Americana as fhe improement of the home, and -Mr. Jolnsou's articles wiil deubtiess prove as pepular and useful as bis, "Iuside of a lund-qd THE TEST THAT TELLS THE TALE 0F IVERIT 15 THE TEST 0F FRIENDS AND NEIGIIB0RSI ý You Cen Get AIl1The Convi nci ng Proof Yeu Want By Reading Bowmanville Paper. If mixet up in a law suit yen weuld serve yonr best interests hy eugaging fihe besi lawx or in towmanville. If geing inte business, thse ativice cf fie best business frient yeu know is worti consulting If is a short time since Dr. Pitchetr's Backacbe Kitine Tableis finît, came te Bowrnanviile. It was saiti tbey would cure Backace anti Kiduey complaints, anti now ycut eau consuit scores ef Bowrnvilie people te voîify the stalement. Long distance reports are flot given yen to edponti updn, but convinciug stateusonts like fiat of Jne. S. Rundie, dealer lu carniages anti harness, Bow- manville;-' 1 have been botiereti for twonf y years more or less with liver an kidney trouble, togotier wîtis con- s'tipation. I trieti many other remedies which always upsot my stomaci anti did me nogeeti. I precureti a botile of Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidnev Tabiets frem'Stott & Jury, anti cani truthfully say they have done me a great deai cf gooti. Tiey do net distres my storneçh or in any way inconvsen- ience, me, They are gonle, safe an sure lu action.I take pleasune lu recommenti- ing tiern te others Rapiti acting anti easy acting, Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kitiney Tablets are surprising fie people bore. A few doses accomplisi more than boxes anti bottles of slow acting kitiney metilcines. They are put up in wooden bottles with g'reen wrapper boaring tise portrait anti sig- nature of Z. Pitcher,M. D Each bof fle contains 50 tablets, price 50 cents per hottle Manufactureti bv Tise Pîtcher Tablet Ce , Toronto, Ont. WESTERN ADVERTISER, Londoî4,= i3righ test weekly lu fie west. Reliable Market Reports. Al fie homo news. Lateit genenal cabto news. Bright, short anti continueti tories. A dlean family newspapr-twelve anti sixteen pages. '75 cents per year. Daily Ativertiser, great clubbing offer. Daily Ativertîser Ent STATESMAN. One vear eaci, for $1 50* Eibher call at THE STATESMAN office or address ortier te Ativortiser PrintingCo.,Lontion,Ont. A Dismal Iiowl. Tkc man with hcumatism miuai howl nligit anti day 'with pain. But whai is the neeti of if when Dr. Hali's Rheumatic Cure will make hlm weii agein? 'The nieumatie anferer cen gef it for 5o cents et eny drmg store. Why dolay longer?'s Mr. Chas. Sutda, fermer, Simcoe hlant, suffereda wif h Muscuier Rieumnatism for eight years. Hlall a bottie of Dr. Hali'a Rheunmetic Cure cured hlm cempletely. 'This prepamatien is taken internaily. If there are doubters who in tie past have questioneti the efficacy cf Paine's Celery Compoundtinl saving,- life, thev must after carefully reading Mr. Kil- bride's second letter, coine to the con- clusion thaft the great mediciteie worthv of dloser'thougit anti attention tian fhey wero tiisposed te give if weeks or mentis age. Mr. P. J. Kilbride, postmasfer cf Ilu veruess, P, E- I., is neÔ idie thearisi or speculator, noisher is important testi- meny becîs undulv obtainoti. This se- cond leiter, vouching for a permanent anti lasting cure, is aliowedti te madie public for fie ativautage anti weal cf thousantis of sufferers who are auxieus 1Y looking fer uow life and freedom fi-cm the power cf disease. MAr. KII- Office.-Rear of Messrs. Higgiti. botham & Son's ")îug Store, (Down st airs), BOWMANVI LLE. T14E FIWOUS Most Widely Attended ini America, 3 1 st Year. 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