bTTSM Niec for o-it yt-.--.'---' u -Il reruay -tne -oera oep-i _(a p-Bl _i - -Lbtwu - -. a Moewi Mordoure4tu WimlUr-o fouUr- Urstgliil t9OflUU UT you a son, daughter, or other relatives .West Griqualand. oupc mpBlinOf Ottawa citizens last niglit it flrsts this fali. Also a promising Young Tam- Latest Fiuom Ladysmith. w-as decided to gi-ve a bnutto Worth sired by lst prize Boar at Toronto, 1 have or friends at a distance wlio would en- Ldyrth iudaO. .-Bru-o.L'anIathrdbnut for sale a choice lot of Yorkshires and Tarn- Ladymit, Tluxsay, ov.16ItByis -to boworths, both sexes, ready to mate. Tiiose oigs cop eiewn il two of them arn b-olr aty Etourldot.)-infoaion- Hor Frn k eecedto p ored. ant w s iuprfrrd.T J CL, alroe-" B a g i s 1 , jo~~ readting TEE ST TES ANoBar n nt to u rt. i eport. here, with Of a non- artisan character. pP. . wilI bc sold eea as I arn determined to re one midthnoih motn orpr.We are amply Ra !teE eigJunlWsyu toc Writeof n o erooprioes. ersoa mm hnthat $2 will pa> for three suppliefi with alomunîtion aud confident o osofteEein ora f .t o pake ro fo othe Outside is xerY scarce, but it Is believed take place at the Russell flous, on Bowmanville P 0. 47-5w, scribers.litre that the Boers 110w investlng the towii)Dec. 12. Afwhlso esnbeBosadSosa rd TEIE STATESMAN office lias special "re "'y a soal îforce. The heavy weathezJan j'elya teAszsys continues aud the ramin ahamperlng teJ 'il ttheAs zs es Afe*lnemo1 's11 eBotsandre e t r agency in this district for several poDul- Boer operations severely. terday was awarded $23 damage 'l stiring prices. -The îoiiowing prices aegenuine reln~ ar journals, including Toronto Weekly aintPtrk ievfobai eI 6,00 BERSAR STRVIG. of romse ions and wilI only last tili the endof November. GlbTrnoWestminster, Ladies' 6OmBp R TRVIU _O poie In HoeJunl Piaepi, hita hyAre Nlow Busy Foraging Toward Serleais Eloods lu Grooce. Men's Feit Top, two Buekie, Heavy Pege oos Hlerald(Ne'w York,) Farmin-gTornto Gretow M -Nov. -21-The lower parts-sizs 7 and -&- only, regular- pi ce $2-0&,- special at $1.50. Farmers' .ddvocate, Christian Guar- Pietermaritzburg, Nov. 20.-A Party of ofAth MensaBoot, i m<lua, the- prrtîof Fai4 ertd Motraï~ Wel~ NwHa& r=n iij G Ti)n Ln,-aIlD î01t~ fh . vrl oss andye f aIl-ýr rie Uspi riv be - aday. 1Tliy reprt th11" 1I11at 6000, av fll .. an~idie oeEe,-ne-~sa- !rÙg~a limtod-n-aj --e--hia- 1ust -Yeceîved Men's -l'est Engcrlih il Qx _Log oosNo. 1 have been srno. w y hr. , 7 stocli: hanc[ sewed seamns, and hand Ipeggcecl soles, an ab- - l i I l i r u t - 1 L i i l - -th , - r D 21 c k ee o ne - s o ie, a a cf r i lw a y,. l i e o JouropreToron S 1 red, we lnto ibird e ow. l nis ei t :p wy.T. bs ~ue~solutely-waterpro-of boot guaraniteed equal to any customu -ive them oiw sarm onditions- -as tlhe -_aile___tcrmmunication$-.0n iaterrta $3.00 publishers, Aniy of these papers thlat lRTFQTINSG AT LADYSITH. Benth ýTLady Sal lsbuy . F IN A N D.-F~ m4'ot eua rc 3.O pca t$.O yo at ho1-eode-dfomL.A zr 4V i~ - --- -65C - Xt ft onIoN-- l - Fdy0Sa aburyI PENk InWonen's Glove Grn nLace Boots, standard screw jAýjEb. W hve 10 l, É-ohss. ývwOinf he-ri5lhiar ,soes g bo o~t for muddy oads,, reg. $1,25, special $1. - --~ur~ ~tedov ~5~y re~s-~Yh as~~~ M ynte~~ ~- ~~--E-~ t ltc -ýide, FIKianl lLined1 -Single 'uatiZ ie-he- a tern;iatiaysf a ctio n-____- a n - !- f î_r--l-- LL ï . c ...- * F I S lil rs f eIt soles, firM ly bàm7v esaYffYyEPl . U The British losses are reported to be machWitl, ;iiïaiFl trains Tbursday Nov 23, and ail trainsles sewed, fancy edges in black, e, and red, regula 24tli good to retUrn up to Ida night. Anlothier battie lis said to have occuri-ed England Regrets Bis Death. Retura tickets $1.15, chidren 60 cents. Tharsday. It is described as the heaviest London, Nov. 21.-The death of pie3cad5c pca t2'cad3c Ex-crs-ontoket ar isuedronho - Yet fought. The Boer dead numberhn-5rWlim aso s-cueiapie35 md Oseiaat2 nd5c manville. paratively amali. i e, cor arespresameeliroofortio 'Vi-ou eda,00 vlled5e0Ei ptii assre.c riihspcdfelingo!hegretamong ..S everal ouiierlines ar rîe u -,edin sm rprin sails fromn Portlandi Dec. 9 for Liver- Estcourt, Nov. 20.-A despatch frIjm that by Sir William Diawson s death 3 5 cur as.T~~TiE poo. Tos~ wo anttoreach Eng- Ladysrnth tells o! brilliant British victories Canada loacs a distinguished geol potol.ompai-ativel slihtbos onoui-acd land for Christmas should book With M. nshev segte ! oh nmOuradys gist and naturaliat. ec>Ci nc e hm A JAmEs, steamship agent, Bowman- r amith is fali-o!-Wouded amicGrtries vile, y hisfie sip. eae Bwmn loe - . a eotedt htin the fighting Burglars Stole Chorch Monoy. ville on Friday Dec. 8 at 10.17 a. m. incpuei ueSt.Jont.. or v.ijt C2 rc1. a Severai Young mon are going from 21.-Expetre TintyCh rat w . Raisins. Extra Four Crown Malaga Raisins. Extra Sel- this district. Arrange with M. A. B30RES MAT FALL BACH. niglit, hlew open an old i-on safieW .T AImetdVlniRass.F cy otz urnÉ Cp James to go ail together. and stole the Sunday contributions, Ctd Valecia s vr in. an V semoGur Eta Miss Martin wislies to announce to Transvaal Goveremelot Siippiar up- amounting to $50. A valuable silver *BIG 20.,CdCrneris'vr in.Oane, eorEc the ladies of Bowmanville and vicinity lilles te Pietermaritzburg-. communion service, presenteil to the W aejs pndu'oefn-ag kne o that shehlas inoyed lier stock O! fancy Cape Town, Nov. 20.-lt la believed e ,chus-ch by George- II, was not disWae-utoeedu oefielreSkne o goods to the new store two doors ils that the Boes-, afier loiug a decisiye bat- turbeci. _________ 1 0~Fish at 8c perlb of Nichýolis' variety store where in more tic In Natal, ç011 abandon the invasion ad 10for u10s lb comm<diouis promises she will be pro- fiee with ail hiaste to the Zoutpanabei-g .AccidentsNumbler 270. ~, Bear in mind we pay the isame price CASH or TRADE3 reglon, northtsýt of Pretori ,whence, owlngTootOtNvme '1.fnýth ,turusri&ofrayqatt f g . pared to serve ail lier old customers to the' rocky woded and aime-t inaccess- Trom oOt. ovmer2.--- esc C, ls=4fr n andas anynewone8 a mâ faoribiS nature ;i tise peumes, lt will be extrema- Many more accidents as-e happen- Dl s mbth in era, d «S and as mthe an trewonoasmA ipfavor ldiff icuit to disiocige fiera.-Information ing in Onteriofactories ,this year D-3 ietim, baI ll lier w ei er thfimitheirie. hpatronage.d 20 avebeA itsplendidtmmdoaaloueetei assortmnent o! fancy goods, berlin woolsla -enIcet aisece ands txrew iola. ieci 70hv be vejltied forbstel.Stn con- f ,latis earne6d ihtthe Transvaal Goveru-- sa aviiifr eytscst.m" stme iln las nsok, alment l transporting vast gtores o!'pro. reporteci, as against 180 last year. Y u~.~iea~a~ and see lier in lier- new store.- o"o oJh