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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Nov 1899, p. 3

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Miss Eleanor Moore, B. A.,Ilslington, Miss Bickie, teacher cf Mt. Carswell CAW ERSn~U~U~ttt~IZ~I eacerin Alma College, St. Thomnas, school,, bas purchased an organ for carniage and instantly killed Nov. 22. The township of Manvers 'iii be I LEBOWMANVILLE. NOV. 29, 1899. Mrs. Leland L. Suminers (uec Miss called upon at the Jannary Municipal -UV R _________________________Exa Brodfique), Chsicago, was recent elections to vote On a By-law g-rantîng guest cf Miss Aimes, Whitby. 85000 te the Ponts pool, Lindsay and ' PULSSLoalan O hewie South Ontario bve-elcctionis wilbe Bobcaygeon riwy D7 e. 12. SICsc HEADAcrEp-that bane cf many a Present STATESMAN snbscribers whose woman's life is quickly cuired by Laxa- llood's Pilla cure sick headache, lu- subsenîption for 1899 la paid (,ai Liver Pis. They are adapted to thse digestion. this journal sent to ativ fric o t- the moat delicate and nover cause any _tAimnsc cide ue end of tise centitry for only 21.00. Order griping-, weakening or sickening. ek Ifeadache nud rnee ail the troubles Sncfihhr' WomPwes oa.Ts rn essv Reeve Love- ident to a bilions stote of the systen sncb as Vizainess, IÇausea, Drowsiness, Dlires. after Steerage rate te Europe $20 50 bv Reader, if.vou know cf any cite in kin will again bo a candidate for the- eaigPii hatwe o huetero~BevrLn-.A.Jms gn. Canada who ixîtends crossing t heAtlan- reeveship cf Clarke, aud it is generally Îemarliable success Lias ly'en r hown ju çUriiig ~.tic, recommenil them te inquire cf M.A. understood, ait cf the members cf thse ~J ~1n,' Mr. ier ~enîng, Necasie, ~asJames for rates. H1e does the steamship present couincil will seek re-electioîî. .LJ4 II.Q a situation with Mr. Jos. Conison, business cf titis district and represents Mn. Chas. Johu'ston, Bear River, U. Co'onunMr. HRenlsasprhedathe best ines. S., writes: "I v as troubled with hoarse- Tise, beet-informed men and wome tefa. ,e. ..onr~ i Liver Pis arie jesycwfo DrFanme ThYngPop'saerpnisd ness and sore tht cal, and after taking MONTHLY REVIEW OF REVIEWS eqaiy vaiuabio îou' ptîucuriuigandpre- ' yT.e J.oShnk Cc.l's Pate Pinihe e bottles cf Dr. WYood's Nonwayithe"cesr d"ndpea eorc i diýodcr o intwL~ahsiae theaie Nwatefo$5.bT.J hns&Ca Kinîgston, PieSynup I was compictely cured." if to-dayeesa I ambition ine nd woe 9corectsnrdeteho el stirauenithey 6l 1v .M apeh apelod contains a selection (f short atonies,oftdaamionmead mi lâer reuatthb Eeifliy prehe eduMCatabll sermns lod itaecdotes, accounts cf travet ania McClnre's Magazine for December questions of the mouth, and flot oni ___hdeuctoa emosi ht venture, glimpses cf natural science, wili contain tho iîîtrodîîctor.v cisapters them at the right time. Whon them by Tabenacle Sunday. bits cf useful inf3nrmation, and ottior of "The Lire cf Tilie MaIster," bv Dr. gigantic combination of trusts, a wehi L ~Ail otiser publications at proportion- matter especially snitod te the ý outhiu onWto ("I-in Macharen"), wih AMERICAN MONTHLY, giving thse Ache they wouid be alinstepriceless to tosewho ate rate. Ail orders must be sont to mind. is te be a toading faature cf tise Maga- theory; when the Dreyfus affair is in anuffer fron tlnsO. aistesiconiîaiit; butfort- M. A. JAMES. Bowmanville, Ont. zine for some montits to comle. Elwin cf Dreyfus and the great case comeso saielcty heous neutn lreaudii ieena cso lutao o Markham, the author of "Tise Man Every month, ilu "The Progress whocireeaii il ind hesp litle Pintsvalu- 11ev. Dr. Shaw, Principal cf the Wes- 1900 promises to be botter than ever. *bleneo.snyaî'ihathcïwiiiunibe lhyau Theological Colhege, Montreal, Mrs. Abbie, C. Morrow,tiso editor, with Wt h e"wl otiueanwg~sacmrhaiepcuec i Iintooxitouihm.~3uaferiiiehe b as resigned c ,ving te ill-health. an excellent staff cf assistants, will fnr- poem te MicChnre's Magazine for De- viens thirty days. In the departmnen Mn.Geo O.Foher Colecer0f us-nias ommntaon is baonstht wihh cemnber, "Song oif thei Muse cf Labrir. thagt have beeu pubIished dnnîng th Mr. eo.0. Fwle, Colecor o Cu- nsh cmmets o th lesonsthaqucted front, se that the readers cf ti toms at Port Coiborne, died Nov. 22nd hovony hehpfnl to ail engaged lu Sun- -the giet of theni. [n every issue neai lu isa 62nd year fnem apophexy. day Scisool work. Send for satuple A (A jj.icuigts otat fts e 'ISthsebane of se înryl'vos a -t borenwhêre AAR J isncf the montris o h e 'Vemaakeeurgreatbnast. Our piaencre itwhile Rev, J. 11. Oliver of Chinton Street copy to Fleming Il1. Reveil Company, hsoyo h otl eibers do not. Methodiat chunch, Toronto, bas been 154 Jýoage St., Toronto. 60c. per year. To be thoronghly weiI informed1 Carier's Litte tiver Pillo are xery srnall aud hnvited te roimain a scn erWthudrigd, do horoby agree brwr.Asbcito ets very easy to lb.c- < issakads.scn er THAT THROBBîNG IIEADACHEP,-WOUId Wo, tise. Anesiee dusrpint h Tbey are stric.iy vegetablo andi du nit gripe or Principal Granît cf Queon's College, quîckhy leave vcui, if you usod Dr.King's to refnnd the money on a twenty-five OF' REVIEWS represents au investir purge, but by Useir gentie action please ail who i oteo r els n-ihPls Useihem.ui, ia2crC fivofor$l. SOU Kngaton. bas retuîned from a trip te New Lifre Pilla. Thousanda cf suiferons ectbtecfD. ih'EnissPl, well as entertabumnent. &ne subscribi by druggis3ts everyýv'Lere, or sent by mail. Setland mucis improvod lu isealtis. have provod their mateistiss menit for if after using three-fourtbis cf contents alf uerbr u hnynsn CARERMEICNECO, ewYok, Mn. A. N. Skill, toiler oftie Traders' Sick and Nervous Headaches. ThoŽv of bottle, thoy do net relievo constipa- my subecription and secure no renewe Ban, Nwcatl, as ccpte aluca-make pure blood and stnong nerves and tion andiseadache. We ahse gnara.ntee my deatis." Ban, ewasle hs ccete alura bil upyor oath Esyte take. Try four betties wll pernanontiy cure tise Price 25 cents per number, $2.5o "àtive pstoinBiihClma, tisent Only 25C. Mcney back if net rnost obstinate case cf constipation. Sat- A sample copy xNill be sent on re Bay cf Quinte confenence convention cuired. Sold by Stott and J ury,DI)uggoiats. iafaction on no pay wisen Wills' Pilla are cf tise Epwcrth Loague will bs. ield l used. Pl tHp h hr eki eray Viekas Magazine for November bas a D~ BWOOD's 19 is1hi)(). uFenaîy beautifniiv cohored plate cf Burbank, Stott & Jury, chemist, Bowmanville. THE REVIEW 0F RI "Hophays wellwxins." Jlood'sSarsa- Monarcisand Grand Duke Pluma. It j. Hi-ginbotsam & Son, cisemist, Bow 13 Astor Place 77! panilhiaý wins Itiso victcrv over disease also centaine some splendid articles and manv le 2-4w because it pesseases genuine curative isints on the care of plants and veget- pcwon. ~~~~able$ which illiI bc rnuch v.slued te ma Central Business College. _______________ touplan teswoae neetdi About 50 gentlemen enjoyed a pleas- patculture. Pnico 50c. per yoan' KIRBY. sut evening celebrsting tise 47tis bointi- Pbshdby Vick Publihn en Tise Central Business College cf To-- Naof Math r psnyson ,hy on nonto la enjoying unisai proapenity M * ~~ Nv da fMao edesn Wibon Rcsetn titis term aînd w-hile it is conatantl7 , agl I, k THE STATESMAN wiil ho sent te sny, ROBBED THlE GRAvE-A startling in- sending ont capable yonng mou and Mr. and Mns. Cooney have netnrnied CRSCOUBHS AND COLOS& bonaftde now subacniben te tise en,Î cf cident, ef which Mn. John Oliver cf women jute business positions, it is homo. tise century for $1.00, on tise balance cf Pisiladelphis,waa tise subjectis narsted been fonnd nocosary to enlarge its Mr. J. Cisapman isl erecting a new Mns. Alouzo H1. Thurher, Freeport, N.B., 1899 fer 25d. by ir as follows: 'Il wss lu a moa0t eremises and increase its equipment te stablhe, 3rsays 111 isd a severe aitack cf Grippe Tieiolkonarnteigpo-dneadful condition. My skin was shmoat accomodats the stisadily increaaînu t- MedmsTranndPwrhan suýd a bad cougis, with great dimfculty bu orties cf Iren, comAbined with otisen yelhow, Ileyes sunken, tongue coated, tendance wiic ha,,t week brougst bts been sick ecd'sn Notra Pýins Syru botwas cofs tn andsa meat perfect nriea pain contiually lu backansuaides, ne represontativos froîn Theasabon, Liste- MTssHnesn a a nte Dr. fdd' luwa 'ii Syon 1ervînecoin., appetite- gradually grcwing weake wel, Delhsi, I81ington, Georgetown, valuable horse. ___________________________ st n, Catiernns anOd bod, ,..nd given y day. Tisreo physicians isad Brampton, Guelpis, Sundridge, New- imro tise iood anbdy and coplxin. ved me up. Fortunstely 1a friend ad- csstle, Fenelon Fallsand St. Johns, Mra. Josepb Cisapman intouds mev- vsdtnying 'Eiectric Bittons' and te my Nfhd. This la truly a representative n n ievlae 'the Cisnistfan Guandian isas comn- great jov and surprise, tise first botthe Business Scisool, Mrs. Alex. Ruthterford isas been visit- ploted its seventietis yean and tise last made a -declded improvement. I contili- iug nean Mitîbrooti. issue was su snniveraary numben lu uedtiseir use for tiree weeks, andarn SUFIIERED IJNI'OLD MISERY Mn. and Mrs. A. MoIrrow visited lu isonon of tise client, now a weli mnan. I kncw they saved My Southi American Rhenmaiic Cure Tiswaniec Bowmanvihe necently. SCIATICA-Ja eue cf tise rnest painful life, sud robbed tise grave cf anotiser Disease and CureS iIim Oniriglit. Ms .Ln a enn naet and tonturing diseasos. No one need victim." No one sisould fail to try thom.r ontE.MGbomrianPu-taiss1 E ngt hsisoo fre 19o0 t endure torments any longer. Milburn's Only 50c., gnarantced, at Stott and broke, says tisat ton yeans ago hoe con- ehEnrpi solfr190 Work while yôu sleep without Riseumatie Pilla have cured someocf tise .Jury's Dnug Store. tractedi riseumatism bu a veny sovere Mn. James Mornow, Bowmanvil1e, a. grip or gripe, curing Sick worst cases, sud nover fail to give Newspapers wîtis big circulation like type suffened untold misery-resortod was arecent gnest cf is brother. prompt relief from tise pain. 50e. s box £H rEî STATESMAN -ivisen conaidered frnt te fiy-blisters sud otiser severo treat- Mn. F. M. Bninsacombe, bas had a lot 1-leadache, D yspepsÎa and at ail dnuz-gîats. su sdvortlsing atandpoint, have overy monta witi basting gcod or relief. of drain tule laid ucar bis residencît. C onistipatioii, and malce yoU As tise result of tise munificence cf a tising lu tisein faver, They nescis tise Wheni hope cf necovory was whl nigis A largo numben of v cuîg people th mrin. friend, a new chair, krîown as tise Daw- bouses witis a frequency tisat comlmeuda gone he wsvs induced te try Souths Arn- gatisered at tise home cf Mn. T. Patter- eel better inte onig son chair, will bceostablisisod lu McGiil itseif as s asining virtue te tise man en7can' Rieumatie Cure. Tisefiratdose son Frihay week, in houer cf Mrs. University, Montreal. who bas sometising to sei. Moreover, gave hlma instant relief, isaîf a bolote Pstterson's birtisday. A F.RIGHTFUL Br.uNDEP.,-Will often sncb a favorite îtewspsper cannot hoé cuned hiim ngit bis own words cause a horrible Burn, Scald, Cnt on slippianted bu tise hearta of its constitu- wcc' "i, is tieb riseumatiecur NO CENSORSHIP. Brui-ae. -Buekien's Arnica Sahve.tlo beet -ents by- any -otiser -sort- -of- -publication, On ean1 "' -Sold b)y J. lggnoIn uGvo h ow fi e Grl dC' resEei The lu tise world, wili kill tise pain sud wbich' maures it a pormanency cf cincul- So. _______ nyoiSfees ri t Paed e promptly iseah it. Cures Old Sores,Feven ation that cannot be duplicated. Tu opno' e aedr ndigeýtin anS Nerve Troubles. Sons.Uler, ou. olns Crn, Il A THoUSAND TONzGuJs-Could. net ex L. M. llolmes, of Parrabero. N. S., irdigan £~~~~,-&,.ti Emupions. Best Pile cure on eartis. watknsvnh buaya g 5km ~~~~press tise rasptuneocf Annie E. Springen, TIEYuwu'aOPN Cbnas9 ithke n eersea sud abdioti en, sud OvrheOnly 25cts. a box Cure guarauteed. of 1125 Howard st., Phibadebpia, Pa. 190 isune in fT' COMPN I subautiful forsmim wat evo es andmpdietypstiatd Soldby tottsudJur. Drggita. when ase found tîtat Dr. King's New ln desigu. Tise oval touterpiece, suinocnutdbatdcoa utte t Tise officiai board cf George St. Metis- Discoveny for Consumption had cern- hii ocasdocoe uabre ffed tecoise hlm. A newspapen ad edia cisrci, Peenhoo, as etendd p eticured hien of a isacking cougit ficwens. nepresouts A Dreant of Summner vnieotbogs etsAeia sO unanimous invitation to 11ev. J. P. tisat for many years bcd made lifer sdi upne utsrae ba vertiset botice. Sot tAer eat wit Wilson, B. A., cf Oshawa. isunden. Ail othen remedios sud doctons adiaîNeeuo igr ic b e v ie ut tist hotie wa e grie beit wt WOfllO "SELF PRESER.VER ba tise finat law cf could give honr ne iselp, but ase says cf este tinta. Tise wisole la deligistfuh su frein tise firsi hottbe, sud six isoîthes Nature." For tbis reason evervcue tbis Roy5l Cure-"'it accu nemoved tise sentiment sud bu gsneral. effect. Langer complotely cured hlm, sud hoe woubd ho whisi lIdeabres tebecomnewel. Tisese pain intise cist sud I can Iîow sloop tissu any cf TuHE COMPANIOýNs previons pleased te give ail tise details cf iss Misswio have impure or intpcverislsd blcod soundhv" , aometiig I eau seancely ne- Calenidars, it la oqualiy adeptsbhe aas pesnasighlS and tunt oo' asaail, eas memben don beo6 I ca ieSon-Se te n esnakn iSl turute oods Srsaanilabecuse în~cr0 I eehlik sond-a wcnk of art. As su ornement te the by J. Higginbotsam & Son. tisey kncw ht wihb enricis sud purifv ing its praises titrougisout tise Uni- home it wiii take s pro-eminent place. their b, ccd sud give tiset good iseabti. verse." So will evonycue wiso tries Dr. TeaednsulssdecuieyA xlnto Te take this medicine on tise first a, King's New Disccvery for auy trouble by Tîne Condris pseN. I cannot el ho ch-aato peanance cf impure biood is an impon. 50c. sud 1i.00 Trial botties free at tsined ebsewisere. It wiii be given te Tise explanation cf tise wonda "Tiuy tan sop cwndssef pesns-tbn, Stott sud Jurv's Dnug Store; every:bot- ail new subscnibens for 1900, who wiil Tablets" appearbng bu our advertising Mn. Wm. Rankin, Cobourg, bas been tleguanantood. aise receive, in addition te tise fifty-two chmal ie uts nenetu . ~ appcinted cisief cf poelice or Napance, issues cf tise new volume, ail tise issues cf tise Dr. Hope Modicine onsv succeeding Samuel Adents wbo bas Tise Living Age For 1900. Durbng for tise remaining weeks lu 1899, freoLmc ed apero elewsr n titis been appointed cheft cf Bnockville. tise fifty-six yoars cf its existence this front tise tîme of subacniption. Illustrat- issue. Tise genthemen wiso are ýisare- Moyn Bcs. maufaturns f tsesterling weekly magazine bas ateadily ed Announcement Number, cntaining boîders lu tise eompauy sern to have a Quene T o . Draft SveToutof unde maintained bts isigis standard. It is a a fuit pros pectus cf tise volume fonîl 900, geod deal cf confidence lu tise efficscy date cf Nov.ý 8, 1899, say : "THE ST TES ouh s-ifatr copltoofwh osntfe eayadesf Dr Hope'a nemedv for norvous MAN gave us sl ndi eturus STArEa- tise most vabuable litoratune of tise day, TUE YOUTH'S COMPAN ION, troubles if we are judge from tise barge tisetwoaeac~¶ curcandu nd as sucis aunrivsh]ed. As perlcdi- 203 Columbhus Avenue, BOsTON, MASS. arnount cf money tisey have iuvested the wo smonsthatouradvertising caila cf ail kinda continue te multiply, was inits colmua." Wecnretun tisis magazine continues te increase in in___________________ C dian Overshoe, tise ccompliment sud say tisai tise value; and it bas heconto a uccesaitv te E CATE "Queon" (sud be ave two) gives us tise Amýerican neaden. By its aid ahone1 I l a heavY black over-stocising with the splendid satisfaction botis ai bouse sud ho eau, wlth an economy cf time, lahon, Mn. T. Alhin, Wisitby, visited busTOBRC O HEAR . fôot vulcanjzed itt a rubiser s oe. Th ie e wani auciber for tise iscuse. sud money otisenwise mpacticable, motter. T B C O H - stocking la comtplete to the toe of thse kepwl bes itimieltnr u nTss iir otHpwsi -rubiser and makes the warmest, ligistest Lk5TO yenl been ihth itrr ad M h MlePr Hpwsi and neatest ruisher in thse market. No FO OVER FIfT Y YEARS. scieutifie progneas cf tise 'age sud witb tcwn recentby. i ~ soigsgc buttons, nel bcls aidettrs. sso Mrs.Wînslow's SoothingSyrnp bas been ued by tise wcrk cf tise abbest living writens. Mr. Wihh Poster sud Mn. Wm, Green smoin -dalay suod ehaes.Sod b ai dales.millions cf utethers for their eldren while It is tise mosi compreisensîve of maga- have iseeny anck Mauufacinred by ieething. If disiorbed ai ni hi and broken. of insudlspoecsfr190w hic e M n. sikar a eoee rn elacesca youn nesi by a siek chUSd suferlng anS cryinq ieadisponcu o 90 heh M.Js ikr a eoee rmfe awn of ain Tii; CardiganO Over&hOo Co., Straiford, Ont. wth the pain of euting teeib5send ai once ana appears lu anctsen columu, la eobbsciia lusa~rudyn sat Co +1 8e n 'eucel mie a c 8 9 r e t g a is be r i ca moth en, M asP w. ti e of p ain u "TeBo-ege Gotan thrStre .+ . etîgSrpfrciirnTs iin g cBsoaets î.ba Crsie- Toouo vii e reed nd oiu rtiso 2ublishers asni Maaufact,,rers. Akronl, Ohio. cùtr kuiea Rblond, "thtg sttre anad ofgn ais vox.r.Otemtsrcfts osnil ~ ans~5*i LTl5e Wee.,çe coMPanY is thoniughly reiiabie.]-Editor. euter_______ bwor te tlqin"osheW.M laen mohe of th ton Whe-n 1 îtd fnished IWki'ng it I was se An ansc ibi l grke s quickclyrecogtse the reeflts artist, cl augerously il the o', lnneh better I bousgbt another bcx sud this OP f hisgre fodcue, and aften a fcw d--~ MIr. John Otten, Darliugton. coemphoted tise cure. My iseart bas net "-n &Slid Gosu... $285 ..A.W. CjfftLW fl enter es their work wltis uew ergy and ambi- - Bet Gld ui i50 a DM ftIDoI L Mosans Lewis Bennett sud A. J. koisered mes aince, and 1 strongly necont- ~~.4es Gol Elln 150l.e Bt-utaAgR CUREuknw senoihseit~n Woodbouse, Port Hope, sud Blake moud ah stufferers front iearV aind nerve 5 yrs Gold Full 1. 00 la sent diec te th ie and nerve bave bien i avigorated by the use of Crawford, Cohourg, were in town me trouble, eaused by exessive use cf te- Best Glassem... 100 bpos lw. Dr.W.CaiNevFo, hl afrcnty.baccc, te give Mtlbunn's Haeat aud Nonne Wog .»iteperfect stisfacion rnaat sale by aIl dealer aie Ill. afbex. DB* LOiV'8 WORM ISYRUP je s saf il fien fihn tii, droai and yDue r. Chassa-' New Bock, Tie1e fLesure ispliîabte worm sîxpeîler. Act Mîlburn's lsarV sud Notvo Pila are 50e. Caiaei.-bind cyPaL er. Bioweian aMs NsTe Theni," sent free ie yeur aquaj reio llde rautB .bxo 3 fco ai dungis, 6LO~~ ~P ICAL fre. lD Tou D.A W.I C a sddress. Ednîý.. . Baies & Co., Toronto. csure you get Low's. 93 Yonge Street, Terof, àMede CT.Trnssutii~i.. Milburn &C .1 RY"IlMAGAZINE en in the world use the AXERICAN 'S to keep vvell informed, and caîl able I magazine. In the busy rush Leu must know about the important .ly this, t7ney want to know about whole country te puzzled over the .1-informed article is printed in the e facts, and its editor discusses the in everyonels mouth, the best story ont in this magazine. sof the World," Dr. Albert Shaw ea *orld's history during the pre- its, the vaînabte articles and books the past month are revlewed and ie ADIERICAN MONTHLY can get Lrly a hundred pictures are printed, iand women who are making the helps any man or woman in his or AMIERICAN MONTHLY REVIEW nmentfifor the best kind of profit, as ier has juet written - I"Count me dme a number beyond the limit of 'ai from me, consider it a notice cf oa year. tceipt of ten cents in stamps., ZEVIEWS COMPANY New York Wauted:--Farmers' sous or other in- dtistrious proin$f of fair odilçýtion towhom $10.00 a inonili wonld bu an inducement. I conld aise en- gage a few ladies at their own homes., - T. H. LINSCOTT, Brantford. Wanted:-Bright men and women who are flot toc proud to work and would like te make some încney dnring the next three months hand- ling tCleowonderfui 'Light of Life." -;8.00 a day sure; some miake twice that. Experleace or cîipital un- neceasary. liRà IILEY-GARRETSODN Co », Ltmited4 BRANTFORD, Ageuits:-Our Christmas books are roady. Froin Pif ty Cents up. Four books explainel in one Prospectus. One is "Fanions Men and Great Events of the Ninpteenth Century" Great I3attles, Great Mon, Great~ Itivention3 and Discoveries, Pro- gress of Nations, every great event oftecntury. If voii have a slow seiin bok r enagd u othe contlinule. i ieelathe test opr tuniity for making moiney you ee had. Big profit, easy time, new plan, get our offer sure. BRADLE Y-GÂAR RETS ON CO., ùmited, Brantford. Ageuits:-Dreýyf us; the Priscner of Devil's Island. Fuit story of #ie most remarkable Military Trial and scandai of the age. Big book, welf illustrated, seilaon sight. Snap for canvassers. BRADLEY.CG UIRETSOýN CO., Limited. Brantford, Agencits: "Light of Life." The New Testamien t explained and the Liveg of the Aposties; two books in oue. Endorsed by ahl clergyman. Bon- anza for canvassers. Agents toking orders front threo fourtthq cails made. If you want a share in this gold mine,' hustie. I3RÂDLEY.GÂRIRETSON CO., L!nmte4. Bîantfori Our fee returned if we fa il Any one sendiýiït sketch and description of any invention xii promptiy receive Our opinion free concerning the patenta Oility of same. "H-ow to Obtain ,a Patent" sent upon request. Patents securétd through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive sjpecat notice, without charge, in THE PATENT RECORD an illustrated and widely circulated journà, cousulted by Manufacturers sud Investors. Send for saipie copy FREE. Addresc; VICTOR J. EVANS & 00. (Patent Attorne~ys,) Evans Building, - WASHIINGTON, 0. Q. ?laie hain Ba.ctei frr selitng 0.1y oee e a.eIlsOyi, et tacents sh. istesi adpreitîs ,,es as n w al0ke. Write. sud w. wiii send the usyo y.tpatd ; ssii tiasm, retira te msey, sud we atoesce , r racolet, iii charges paid. Linet ujt- ¶s iQiB S Toronto, ont*' MARRIIED PEOPLE LIVE LONGEST ! Try ut 8somoîlme. Boy the Marriage License front M. A. JAMES, apPointeS by the Gov- orument, siuer fer the Ceunîy of furbaansd wiîh proer care xviii tasi a ie-timesand give yen happiness. MOISAL-Den't romnain n- marrieS. Von eau aIse arrange te have the Weddueîg Cards sud complote ontt tprinied in oribodox fashion liv yenr obliging humble sor vant M. A. JAISES,issuer of Marriage Licence ai hie resideuce27 Centre Si., or ai TnE STATI3 MAN office.,itewmanviile. un RELIABLE Gwodoa Ijest eni every tccality, local or traveit.. ing, te imnrduce and advertiecor goods tackluf i1 show-carde on fences âdeug publie roada and ri * csspçuoe l~cs.iltaexporieuce ueedful. Salasy or ce4%,seSN petu'inzh and expenses 82.50 bler

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