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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Dec 1899, p. 1

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lEl' MS :-81.50 PER ANNUM. OUR- TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST; TUE W0ORLD AXTERWARDS,M.. JAMES,. Mci-Or and Paroprietor. NR ERE.BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WED-NESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1899. VOLUMR Xý ILV. No. 49. Immà,Pensesalef~ But we are stili showing'c- the finest stock and by ail odds the choie- est lot of Ladies' and Misses' Coats shown by, any bouse in town. S Every lady wanting a styiish Coat should seeour stock b6fore buy- ing. Every garment new and'mo better'value._ anywhere. AWe Also ShowFPurs.. A hoice stock o-f First Class Furs. Ladies' Futr Lined Capes S trimmed weithSable, Thibet and Beaver. Also Caperine(,s in Thibet, Electric Sea.l, Astrakan and Oppossum. Muif sand Gaunitiets of al kinds. R'%uifs in Grey Lamnb, Opossum, Thibet, Astralkan and I Mem' , vercoatsMns Meisand Boys' Overcoats in ail sizes and qualities. M s rK Beaver Coats, well made at $5.00, $7l.00 and $ 10.00. Our Coat at $10 00 is specially good value, nothing better for the money amy. S where. Cuh, J'h n ston"W &Crydermn. e« O It iS only a strike we are making, and a brillant effeet, e surel1., strikes consternation to the hearts of the old style"merchants, but it's a good thing for you and the restO Sof the publie., We believe yon will be interested in ourO f offerings; there is certainly something bore you eau use, O and sawe money on. NEXT PFRIDAY 98e wIll buy a niceG e Table, just the thing for lants, reg-a1ar priee $1.60. :M. -I»Q'W-&ILLUJ[S hSON, BOWMÂANVILLI. Unidertaklng reeveg prompt and Poe" ftt»MOn. NVn teave your repairing at Jaaý Goard's. AU work attended to promptly and guaramteed. Gold Filled Watiches soIld at prices usually asked for silver,, Full assortment of Writing Material always kept in stock. Choice, in Coloredi an I Crimkle d Tissue lFaper., --i BOWMAN\ ILLE Watchmaker andi Jeweller. (Filigonu Old StanciL) SHAW SSClyoOL BOUSE. School report for November. Senior Er agg; Julnior 4th--N_Ailii , iR.lPen- foun; Sno rd oein, R. 1EîcVkard, 11 Knigt,J.Glrth u- M s~Seilor 2dA A1liju, F A. a W. Allîn, G. Allun, 1E.Kigt;SnrI -IÇK Tre'w'in, G. Galbraith1, B. Alun, Oü Biragg M. Gato . . Aluin. EDAE. J, FIELIDING, teacher. Pulcmeetings -,il!1be held iunder th~ ai~pi~ ofthe WEýT URIA FARMRS'INsTTUT as ollws: -,IT, Ton lHall, at i 80p im.,, M1ajor Jame Shepar,WQeei nston], subject WuornGrowing and the Silo" Mr. John shorn, Bomankvilte, to lead discuý-sion. Mr. J. G. Davidsoul, Col- lingooo "Nuritv atio of Foods Grownm and Fed on Farm," Mr. TK; Ba.ker, Conity Co,ýucillor, Solîna, to. lad diuson. Evm~î~a METiNG COUTIeRî, Sons' a, at7 '0i p. m., Major Sheppard. "Foiir Resos hy We Tilt the Soit." Mr. R E. Osîborne, Ebenezer, to iead disusson.Mr J. G. Davidson, ".Soils of Farm and Their Treatment." Mr. L2. M*. Cortie eve oA Darlington, to lead the dsuio.Muisical programn expeted. THuRSDAy, DEC. 7, 189ï Olloxo, Town H011, 1,30cp. mu Major Sheppard will dimscs'COUr Renans Why ive Tili the Sol. " Dsc lèo d by M.A. Tamlyn.Mr. J. G.Dvdsn "Prac- ti V eterinary Treatment of Stock." Dicussion téd by Mr. Ezra Hall. ston,$1 speak on 'Plaingtil and care ofOrhas, Mr. E C. Bemniuito l1ead the dcisîn Mr J.ý G. Davîdson on "*Che-ilstry of the Farm.' Mr. W.ý Pick&rJ,, Countýy Couincilor, to led dis cuissïin, MUsic wili 1eprovidied. MONDAY,, 1899,BAS SOK iTown Hi all,, Major ame Sheppa.rdQuento,"Fouir Reasýons Wh'iy We Titl the Sou.L" Mr. Wesley Monjoy to lead discujssion, 'Mr. J. G., Rýatio oýf Foods FedoOn Far." r. Anso Taloreev, tolea disusson. Starnfo-rd SaiDavid MmJno. Wrig IA Tho eputation areinestg pak exptct . Feed1oin of dscsio vill b'-llW~ and ail per,ýsns ili be J bJo l", . . IIOA,, yrouer O'par cn.. The BEST in things to eat ,s nouie too good. The BEST is the most satisfactory. The BEST is cheapest. WýE 1IIANDLE THE t3EST. We make it a point to procure thri best the market affords in ail materials rqie for cooking, and our stock of Christmas Fruits wlibef d sgo-oc as money can buy. We kniow by the !iberal patronage bestowed on us in the past thatyou appr-c'iate our effort. Nearly ail limes of these good.s have advanced in price. W- purchaied early, and in themtue will give you the benefit of old'prices, which on some ulnes is lees than the present wholesale rates. New Seeded Raisins. New Ca!ýnned Vegetables. New Currants. New Cauned ýish« New Raisins. New CannUed Fruits.- New Peels. New ExtLracts. Ne.w ahelled Nuts. New Fzgs. New Dates. NOTa-We will "Ui 3 cans of beet Vegetables of any kind for 25c. oiknow thc store, eaU and see us. Produce of ail kinds taken. Y-;OJNIG & CO. COI, erockery #Depat-,ilet... OUR SPEGII rOPIZE fzOlî IDCMBEî. On ail cash purchases iu this dcpartmeùnt of eue dollar ($1) and over WC w'111 give a discount of 10 per cent. T his3 means a great saving and prudent buyers wibl net f ail te take advantage of this special offer, coin- ing as it doe iu the nîidst o! the Holiday Season wlicn our stock is full of select new goods. Remember wc are large bnycrs, and hveonielargre weil-lighted store, full to over flowing, devotcd ecuivl etis deIpartuient Cups and Saucers from 5c te $1.25 elcdi. Jriee~l' 0 or Fruit and Salad Dishes from 20e to $2 cadi. Vases from l I týCt Lamps from 20c te $12 ecd. Table Sets frýorn 2âete $3.50. Tea Sets from $3-te $10 cadi. Dinner. Sets fr-om $'5.50 t,,$40 Toilet Sets from $ 1.40 te $8.00 eac-b. And many other lunes which space will net permit us te mention. We will be plcascd te, have y ou iuppect our stock. ,B0wM&N'VILLE. Y U NG & C 0. fIlMS ON APPLE SIPET The next po)cint isasrgdsacng Pack hon2estty. Gradie fruit acodi te ize 'a1(l coIor. Pack tËightl.Pc v7cry 'bi, table vrieties inbos holding abouit 1,haabre. 1TheBitislîmakefs refýer th1 coboredj frulit Useonynwbxsobars for exprtfrde D not leae ppe ou the tree too log, utpick ithem,- when the apple beWgins to g-ct its color. Do nlot pile fruit in orchards, buit cool if anld packi as soonI as possible. A-n auttîority oni apple shipmenit for flcBiihmarkets summiarizes avs fol- thafIncudeIs size',shp and coter,; nd 1-1,avo nr Ship only-ood reliable fruiý,t of; wei konvaIÀeties. Qutality17 is ofi mlore iprtne hn untt. uirý iteoinrnands .-ýthe markeu uait dusthe markýet. LIVE SOKSIPIONOTES. llere are a fecw figuires about live stock shipwents from Montreal to Europe that should infercsf particular- ly Our farmer readers:- Numher of caff le shippc-d from Mnt real amounted te 8'2,889 hcad, 11 of which weýre American. 1,.!il head werc shipped from Queb(ce. Comnpared wiýth 188the ahove figutres shiow a reductioni of 16î,16o e T. 1he total shipme)nt cf sheep for the season amounited to 58,>J1- 89, Seing- an increase of 2:3,198 comnpar- eçi wýith 189 Hoses shippeçi 4,739, a à d',era scf!,G8. Ame-nf cxpended upon cal ý tot take themn to ftie British maiprkcfwa $,44,3 that of sheep was -8 36'3,S98L. Grand total(, 8U87,î716 or 69,86 es tan lasf year. Aver. age es of cattie per head lu country, 6, iakingý a total.J of $,7,4~occeaný freýgt amioutnted te863112, at an average ý,o! $8 per head; r-aiilway carry- in- charges, at ?'3,25 per head, ws29 389. ý ayUsed on oean voyages,1, 000 tons, at $-7 per ton, 8400 ,0 tons mf feed, af $18 per Lt, $3O Ship flitings for thej season cýost 8145,05,5 inuac,$103, G11; keep aîyards, 1 411; iladiug fees $1,44-1- and the atten daiits on sea -,vyag-s,$6,0 Total$6 44,9.Averag-e price for ýsheep, at the ceutrypôlts $,'5 a head. - 095 occ'an freigh, t, at $1I a beald, $819 inuacat 2ea head, 8457 cagspaid te get tle toEgib maktabout $'2>5 eac1(h. Pie eev cld for-Cnadancattie lu London mai- kef from 10c. te 4.aeagn 1c for ,esn pie or Canidian shIeep from 9e. to 13,!averag1 g1 1-13. Sta te S ca;ttle rne fo 1e.f 3c;Agn iitnecattle, 6.te 12,-; -Anenishcep; ';'PJI PIEAE i TES.. -A îiew okpe-igctaismn ba ee pened ,inChta. 2,,500 barrels of apples wreshippIed from Goderieh 5v the- G.'T.1 R1this faîl. Large quantities of poultrýy ae einIg prepared lu Weswern Ontario for British markets. Dillon & Spillett shipped cheeýse f0 the value of $37,700 frorn Charlotteto-wn a few day s ago for the London market. The situation lu cotton goods gener- ally i s very firin, and there 15 1no proba-t bilitv oi the market reccding for soi-Le turne to corne, Again this week eome further'-an- nouaicements et advances lu cetton goods. The Dominion Cotton Milts Ce. bas made almost a general, advance lu ail aines, amounting frorn 5 te 10 per cent. The trial court has susfaincd the con- tentions olflhc Governent of Onuario in the fimber licerse case, iu whîch the Governiment insistcd on the condiîtion that the f imber Se manufactured in the, country- Jluror says a factorY for coudensing milk, is te be esfablished lu Ingersol, at a cesf of $I00,000. The factoîy ill have a capacify for liandling about 30, 000 pounds of mnilli per day, and the promoe rs expeet te employ 50 te 75 bands. Ontario us oeeof the great nickel producing regieus, il net the greatesf, as it probably is. At preseuf the pro- vince is net bencfiting fe anything ike flic citent if should fromn this indubt s- A change in this respect canuot C01l113a moment foo soon. Ceusiderable devolopmeuf !S going on in the pulp and paper trade i Cana- da, and the fact is gcnerally recogntz- cd thaf flie American pulp wood forests are practîcally dcpleted. Ln futuire the] supply for the enormous demrads of1 the Arnerican paper market must Se drawu frern Canada. The heavy falling off in experts cf Unîited States cheese is due largely te the shipmeut Of poor grades and im-ita- tin Srands, which have given States ILY 7 ANDBUE-1H11 HME, in this part of Caniada wvas uactcd last Suindai, ulgîüt afthe farm rsd oc f Mr. J.,ru OSore crthe feowu lint o Setween 11ClarLie and ' a1-rigtou lu the 3rd cocesiu- ites east of Bownianville. Wiie 31r. iOsborne and ifo were a t tha koferngservices in Boùwmanville, four yun en wear- fing maks tered fheïr residenlco wrea yuggrnarned rda Kuiglit was blelf in care cf th cbldcnan to destroy the furniture, crïpefs, pic- tures, etc. - Tlree cak of cream werc siltedLi erthe cres bcîwereCucnt witîh oteerkives, vlabepiefures were smashied on the floor, f1101 was maelu f he,, parlor, doors smiaslied. ccliug desýtroved, f alei (t open iiiinthc eider barrel, audl other depredatieus doue. Worse than tial tas, hýowever, was flic affempt fe poison al Éthe familV, with Paris Green whicil was mixcd l in11C. fleur, the oatmeal, spread (1over the bof-. tom cif pies ald baked apples, mixed -with fthef%, sug7ar, curranits, etc. Featring fli th inilgîht prove ineffc. tuaI, afree-tIc lamily hld-gne f0 bcd, -outrance wa.s made into ftheiîteleni and sfraw, old pxpers, etc., g-athered iu a leap weyre, set an lire for fhe îpur- pose of buuighli lieuse and ifs occýu- pants. Fortuinatcly flicsur Vant girl smelled fle icoke and gave the alarm lu time t' Save the building. i-,Suspicion based on almiost positivje evid!euc(e rests ou a yo-ung man for hoearrest a wairrant lias becuisue aud wïbo w-.iil ver-,,,so eaunSe luflictei1g.- The whole fleig'hborhood is iunami over the affair and there iVs a pessibility of file !ellow beiug 1,lvnchd if cauglit by others than the constallry. Mri. Osh)ornpe is a daughtep o! Mr. and MNs. Jamý-es Kigît, Lake Shore, Bomau- ville. DISTICT DIVISION. Tho, quarterly meeting of Durhiam Distric-t Division aet MpeGrove ,Nov.ý 21. was a mostenoae foreg-athiering, offhe members. TIhm-, ig esio opCnied witli Mr. A. L. Paseoc, D. W, P., illuehochaijr. A prorlaîn For affer- B.E ugon G. W, P-. ona, In- hum and 'A. W ot mi e. At fIe alternoon(1 sessin, the- repo-rts of of differrit Divisions ýiwoe prsne i y delegaf1es and stcps mIen to e1lp iOOvotrs ta piedge temnsevesto vot e forsich candidiates who wil]l vote fior temnperance principles Brïo. W. B. Burgoynue gave a nice address. The- public meeting lu the cvening was a fine snccess. The foltowing prog-ram was given: Choruses by Solina o-le-o Club; recitations by S8. Mundy , Mis M Argue, Robt. Stevens, Miss Elva Pow.- er, Comrade EvaPascoe,'Chas,. Shtort- ridge, Miss Esteila Reynolds: mouth or- gan solo, Mr. Barrett, Speech, -,,r. XV. B. Burgoyne, G. W. P.; mouth oirg-an organ duet. Messrs Witheridge and Power; instrumental, Ellis Pascoe; speech, Rev. 11. Thomas ciub-swinging by Miss Berta Hancock. THE CROWN 0P LOVE. e love 1mean and does it brinig fth averag-e woa? To, -4 heart, a wife, a mother -,tlis is called the crown of Twomauhood; yet there are crow#ns whieh brng only ý,mis- eTy and 1pain f0to hÀ weai'ors. Cana a-y wvjm wh, enfecrs with cor-~ gtant dra , wauyiu lf-sap ailment, u eif sap'n cd mai7trdeu r&tkaoet1wm ofcihappinesse1 Ifomenn realized how surely Dr. Pierc. s wonderful " Favorite eé scription 11c1d rmatore them ta cm- Plet heli ai&* thea perfection of queeulîneus, tier. w*Ulid Se i=or& coronets of joy et Upon brows iow crowned with =àçiry. 1had f&male troub'le 1br eltvears" 1writee Mrs. IL. J. Pannis, of eUS Xast College Si., Jack- sonville, ni. -per 1hz.. 7years I aoffered coutin- ,ialy. Wor4cla aot u:gpres. what I sufferei. 11 sought relief smoing 1ke medfoeiprofession snct foulld nontil ia be y kiud frieu ds totry Dr. Pierce,%sPavo,ite lraenption. When I corn- rnenced taking lb is madiefa. 1 wei4hed niaety- five pouada. After taklag 'Pavorite Pre&crip-ý tion'1 I was bulit up until now I -weigh one huha. dred and efty-sre poisads-more thian 1 erer weighed befor*. " was so bad I would lie from, day todaly and long for death to cone andreliese my su cegi. 1 bad internatinlfiammation, a disagreeb c- *drain, bearingý-dowx a~ ets lower pr of My boweis. n se d ýr.severy monith, but aow I never havt a psui-d1o ail ry own wo,-k and amn a strog and heitLsy wnaan. Thanks ;t your Medicine. IXQau r ret to recommeiinh - itetimonal eoftthe beneâùs of your ,ia-. Any -womran may write to Dr. R. V. Pierce, od ufao N. Y., with the uit-. mnost confidence. He will bieler case careful zconaide!ratioa and seud lier a letter of coinonzsense, professional ad.- vkrfree of chare If your beadtache, the trouble us pretty- a ure to bc constipations. Dr. Pierce'& Plezt-. apt Pellets will cuft YOn. theltyAys rnakEs a comee cugtfref biiosness and eonstlpsstloft. 'hat le- lauet 2 5 cente to be cured. In YOUNG & ~le~ -,.w qwlqw,

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