f The Canadian Statesnianl. un uA * T is beyond intelligent dîispute that ilnote lnoney and BýOWMIANV'ILLE, DEC.6 8.$ ~kl sexpencle on the construction of the ____________Lr ~ L l UFffhtTfR IIlI lîlIo EN TER PUISE. Tis dangerous Blo)od Disease ? rrrr,î,î~îî ~~A fI11,4**Ià ~~ Mr, Geo. Grccnwood visited friends alyscrdyBudkIIL III IJIL IU W its roceiilnessl. M Blood Bitters, ho~systemg out wîth large euphatsis i h ~~~~~~~~~~~~Mr. Geo. Bigelow is recovering from poiY wr fbsns dcto agti Mr rthur Ailn.. B stmousinenstenation ginti Mr. Chas. Harri.s wasrecent guest of srosadsaeEyiea college. ssemoacre Mr e.Taylor and famll isie a trut out ofthe system th MrAlbert Wright, wîhodnary remnedies. pnde ep-upils are made acquainted wit thn nan thr Ms . Maley, ently. iLrke other dhegerous bloo d day experience that will Miss C.nMailey vsited hkr brothe the actualbever line of 'stoves iun -tMrougu, can> corne to them 'iiithe activities tbsns rBert Nortlîcott. visited the 1. O. stôgB. .B.cn uins *Anierica, It fol- . O. F. Lodge at Peterboro. cue t1vryuWe *ee lows as a logical thn gin Cren ra5g Read what Rachel Patton, P- Our large calendar that tells about:tis * sequeuce that a * Skin Diseases relieved in a few min-Cp Chin,-Bruce Co., Ont., rntoisfe for the asking. * ___ - _____ higlier standard o utes b Agnew's Ointmeut. Dr. Ag- *% ~~~- ~perfection isat- * e intretrlees instantlv and as:ft "and lmnM çcrsTter atRemSad1la, I wish to state that 1 used Bur- If1lIff lhat _ ta n d A un nu i Ecz,ýma, WýcersBlotches,adaal] Erup dock Uood Bitters for Erysipela 1 ,II I LI I liied tions of the km It is soothing and m ueig n csik ai i ay y face and general run dowý,n state ana0 umrors, Irration of the Scalp or Rashes of my health. 1 tried many rm-YXMC.A. IgCr c during teething time. 35 cents. Soid edies but ail failed to cure. 1 thon BdCr Yonge &MG1 Sts., Toronto, A e rate d O vens i by J. îîig'gnbothamnand Son, tried BB.B. Two bottles nearly DAVID HOSKINS Prcpa >Oare so inuLch, superior to the ordinary oven as to be beyond C UEUINc ured me4"dfu bue omltl comparison. For Fifty-six Vears our stoves have 'CÎK'U11 ue n hree conat rnia Xe been very largely used, not a hailet iu this broad Do-0 Mr. H-enry Kelh, is recovering. OOO * minion but traffies in Souvenirs. Unequalled experience, - Mr. AlredMrinJhn hetarTornt visited.Ohw e *large facilities, and special opportunities niake great re- 6 centlyJ Mr. John Allun bas newly sided the' Mr- . 11 oskin. *suits possible. We dlaim for SouiVenipRanges that e east end of bis house. Thoge nbappy people who sufer *thtey have reached' perfection, that is, so far as perfection . Dr Jantis Colvilie bas staîted prac- from nervousness and dyspepsia should *is known in the science and art of stove buildingof to- . ticing medicine in Bowmanville, use Carters' Little Nerve Pis, which Miss L'a1 C. Souch bas1 now returned ave made expressy for sieepless. ner *day. The Aeratedi Oven is only one of their niany 0 îrom visiting Newcastle friends. vous, dyspeptie suferers. Price25c S IT U I J ONlu i S speia fatres Sldbyleain dalrs veywer. 0 Mr. CoMin Colville has procured a British Columbia. In the Business Field are constantly'opening to those win mii fr reciononhi. ban, There is one article in the uine of who are qualified to fil theni, The THE GU NE III '..,'EwCO. Miss Irene Jeweli's pupils are train- medicine that gives so large'a return E GURNr a enLDENnmntDec. 2s frthe-mon' asagood prosstreng-th Ton lO OrELAOIIE ~ MI "DN O T HoodsPis are non-rvriiating- and ening plaster, snch as Carter's, Smart ý2;11-M-ONIIREL AD WINIPG H MILT N, NT. the only cathartic to take Hood'i Sars- Weed and, Beiladonna Backacbe aparilla ~~~~~Piasters. CnrlB sns olg Mr. John Sandercock bas sol1d bis oid Mr. Robtý Cow'ni tedn on etrlBlÎesClee R d . W 0 'rt h 1 1conrt M.G: :~: Cougis that stick to you that other A etBwmnil.what Hoods Sarqaparilla bas done for prorpptly cured by Dr. Wood's NorwayTO NOrcve hscalfclipwthntrc ogntthersiv.le and must believe it-will dotePn Srp r iadyull- hercn days from Oct. Sth,-l3radstreet's Agency, lady, steno- samne for vout. vincedf by being cured. grapher; H. H. Williams, Real Estate o n an, er Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Allin,, Provi- Mr. and Mrs Wm. Wakley, Newton- 'tuid stenographer; J. ýD. King,& Co., lady, stenograplier; dence, were guests of Mr., Jno. Parker ville visited friènds here." Gowans, Kent & Co., lady; bookkeeper; King, Darrel rece ntly. ______TOLEDO, ON.-Mr. Lewis, Jobnston Produce CO., young man, bookkeeping and stenography. ni t n e e a S o eFro Drad atarh r. gne'sof thîis place was taken down with Our students secure such places as soon'as they be- pto , en r'a S o O SUFFERING IN CAMP, rheumatism, had two doctors ini attend- Pow red tr th Dr.isea s r r1u"aceàa etignobterTreconequalified for then. it will'pay to prepare for them. the Diseased Parts-Relieves e i-dy ftelr heostarei akniiiunsCorrespondence invited. ~~ ies. Rheî maticPsbe was ont of b)ed a'nd Ait. Leblanc, of St., Jerome Iuebec. iiioiie week, was wýeli and abie to go We 1111ld a vaster stock than bas been," and are as usual prepared says lhe used Dr., Agnew's Catarrhal about. W. H. SHAW, Principal. to give bargains in Clothing, Dry Goods, Groeeries and Hardware. Powder for an acut case of catarrb in Mr. and Mrs. John FowlIer, Mount the bead and it; cured bim He bas 125 Horeb, Manvers visited 'bis sîster Mrs& ________________________________ (je ts'r *men working under hlm lu the lumber- .F al en C oLhiIng. ing caps and wbat it bas donc for BisMARK'5 mON NuEvE - WVas the ________________________________ many of tlem. ebuysit for canp use result of bis splendid bealth.Indomit Good Tweed Suits to order $8.00. Good Serge Suits to order $8.00 and pins bis faith to it as the quickest able wiul and tremendous energy are e We have a very large and well assorted stock to sellect froni, in Serges. su est cur for cas thb. Sod, an tfun heThtmcbeivr End ofteCentury ey for the End of" the etrDii sreiecuer for cds iii the bd J. nd 0f the flemedy Century Disease. Worsteds and Tweeds, 'ooth Foreign and Domestie manufacture. WeIlgibtan&S. Kidne-,, s and Bqwels are out of order. are oundto SIT ou._______ If you want those quialitie.4 and the vBh ~ 9 hsGetRmd has until now aeoudtSUT3o.success they brino'- use Dr. 1Kig"s New ' ?I beei obtaiedony by the wealthy (jro eie nd Had ar.ANTIOCH, CLARKE Life âlisYNiev everyv'power of patients oftan eminent Nerve Speciab. Miss Aggie Sommervilie, visited bier Jury's drug' store.is. clnfltea enfoNrv well~~~~~~~~ asotd ogti h etmresa h lss rceadwî rdai omrili pnia I l Muit b aretrnd meJoI us .xhaustJei and lits alied evils, In our Grocery and liard ware Departments you will flnd our s tock uncle, Orono. Mr.rmsron an Ieadache, Dizziness, Wearîness, Seep. be sold at the rigbt price., Some people want quantity otiiers quâiity, few days in Lindsay.' from Wiarton, A I T Iessness, Indigestion, Mental Depress- we eau please both. Miss May Coatbam Las heen viîsting VOLCANIC El IUPTIONS-Are grand, but !àin, Irrita2biity, etc. Tiny Tabhiets Higesprie ai incah or rouce Gveus eu.Mr. David Mofatt. Skm EFruptions rob life of jov. Bucklen's FOR wiii positi vely cure NER VO US PROS- Highest- prceMr.iWmin Bshneort-basusecuGreduthe e6th.Arnica Salve cures them; also Oldu Mr m Bnetng e ue te6h anid Foyer Sores, Ulcers. Boils, u OI TRATION and loss of'-Physical and 1.. 7~ £~b iLine school for 1900. Felonis, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises,I l5 Mental vigor. At Druggist for Se~ r ii.. j-i ~~~~ () i e MýNrs. John Chester, Toronto, visited Burnsý, Scalds, Chappà IHands, Chul- E ' 5cns rb alfo h r I 11IP N.Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walkey visited ont Pains ani Aches. 'ny25 c. a box. MeiieCmayNdTrna frîends in the section îak,,,. Cure guaranteed. Sold hv Stott-and Contracter IRobert Cowan i s erecting Jury, Druggists. A& TIny ]Dose-Pogit1ve ResuUte. a new building for Miss Best and Mrs. 1ev, H., Brougball, of Tîinit'y College__________________________________ T. Waddell, School, Port Hope, conducted services f% t the cheese factory meetino' theinS.SvurscrbSua. ~flApatrons re-elected Mr. G. L. Waddel1 THiN WATERY BLooD.-When the UuI Iia Scetr.blood ils thin arnd watery, the nerves are il 51 11ý Miss Annie L, Waddell, accompanied actually starved and nervous exhaustion by ber friend, Miss Ellie Rogers, Oslîa- and prostration soon follow. Feed the ___________________wa, werebhome, recentîy. nerves 1wîtbi Dr A. W. Cbase's Nerve A T THE CORNER MILLINERY. Foo d and you will impart to themr the \Vomen witb pale colorless faces, wbo 110w life and vigor of perféect ealth.' We have sold piles ofr Boots the last five or six weeks and have lots feel weak and discouraged, will receive Fac eut and facsle signiture of Dr. to dispose of yct, ard very eaip-first.class goods at very small nrices. botb mental and bodily vigor by usîng A. W. Chase on every box of teWe thiigo orMlier ed o aual Carter's iron Pilîs, wbicb are made fer gnfe Oui carry a good assoî-îtuent of Ladies' Oxford,coiored and black at the blood nerves and complexion. genuin e rl n .uhe.Ms w l nt es at s n otef ci et eh d h n $1.00. Men's Caîf anîd Cordovan Bums, sewod and rivittod, from $1.40 Mr. Jesse Woodward and son have Mrellael Cand d uhtr ised elontesattadmotfetieobehd Weu to $2.50, worth $2.00 to 83-50- Chiidren's Button and Bhns 25c, 50c, been husy doing extensive uraining on at, Mr, J. G. Honey's recently. you want the best it is wise to place your' order w'vhere 75c, worth 50c, 75c, and $1.00. Misses', Boys' and Youths' to correspond the Waddell bomestead farm.MrAutnJFod smaeFr- in pricb. Mis MattieColvilej Mr. uddockesque, is visiting bis brother-in-law you are likely to get the correct thing o'trltu e We will tell you what. the soc is in Ile and every pai r. The Wad deil, and Mr. Thos. Cowan were MrJohn Gifford and other friends. sg yourhat this fali, We promise you ail the 'satisfac- reasn w do h'a is ocase w kn'w. atet Spingstyls nw ~recent guosts ef Mr. T. G. Waddeii. sig reaci w dotlýt s bcaue e kow Laes______styes___ i A IIEART AS, STIJRDY AS AN OAK,-But wba aou te lod hih the beart tion you eau possibly get from bLavingý a hat with the ait' stock lu every lino. The, public is iuvited to, inspeet our stock ; no PLUNGED TO 1111 DEATH. must, pbuattreat the ratdwh e o 0o aNwYr1o ai reto. ?"tati f rc v trouble to show goods-we do it with pleasure. Trunks, Bags, Satchels; Insidiou Disease Lurks Everywhere. mtimes a inte raIf the eate f7 faNe okoais to ho.lniate o riew Shiawl Straps, fanc,. and.plain; Dresbing, the very best that eau be A hright younz man in Grey County, sturdy and the nerves strong this blood can set you at case. We invite you to cail anctin ec bouglit. Chearp trash'dressing is dear, it willI min -the boots1 it is appli. Ont., thoughtlessly plunged into the must'ho rich and pure., Hood's 'Sarsa- npc edto dneluai ls rachs u irtcas stye a surovee oalhe tThe bshock uarilmakes sturd.y bearts because ia Our Stock. It is a pesefor' us toý show bur goods. ed ws aovethenoral bat.Theshok mkesgood blood. It gives to mon Repairing dn nalis rnhsi is-ls sye iewr stopoed the kidneys working. Poisonsan womn enghcofdnecur made ta orde-r, sure fit or no sale. Thanking xny eustor for pnast which sold have en arido fwere 'anedrntcnfdne or Ail1 Departmentsare no w replete with f ull stocks .anmrail ieT atre nedo inrw . p'e as folhase i eToronto.i ore.WinegJ 1I arrn 7'_er faem aebe of Seasonable Goods of the UTsual High Grade, and BUNE oLYCC Bobe 8o anmbreoya wtipn boxES TORONna acrous my bc.We woXld stoo JMcUTRoeAgnBwavle eusomes cn dpen ongetino Noelt, Vri-y (Ver h gawe aemiinpa# to st'raghten ~cutoer eu dped n ettngNoely, aret a fo u. ~s seba thaLt I eould scarcely THE PHRENOLOGICAL lbâq !.1 andGoo Vaue II NU~OfiSwalk. I bave takeu i uany k-iads cÉ mcdi- JOUJRNAL and IreL This'flouiok cenin, une huntr,t sfi& Ones> but got nothin.g te lelp me. Being SCIENCE ef HEALTF.II etSsoju homneen .1thebrecitung, recom mrended te ry D oan's K idlley Pille Kn wn ve y,ýfiere dH nd 1, q it~d~it'I &tfit% o bri.gauh'nemnuioYpnofn Héiliotgetropeeorh bttr Ros e a eeev,-;, loote mpI gu a box Kffertaii'ng trodoses 1 Ï11i'sMsSixlyfst-r IJMS cents.SbJCC mel 1py1-, ) O every S a nd ,I aamoier Seni pest- _î rocetre rte5 't.' ,a tvnii ue r uuea amoge oS and I eau now get around as smant as a 27 E 21 itt ., S - i- -ble uotsaiaov '& eu'oulvte un 'Cricket. I eau split my own Wood and amn,- îuens~î-~,, OESPa e BO M~VILLEF4htn inMlînr îYnS ufact, just rike a ine'vw a."srtjniaîe t -H T,,,iobt 1