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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Dec 1899, p. 4

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iChristmas PresentsI SDifferent Kind'- - How happily the difficulty is solved when you can ht on something that you have seen nowhere else. You tire Sgorng through the stores, and whilst the display is large, seeing the same class of goods duplicated everywhere. It is ail different in this store. We resolved on a Christmas dis- play worthy of the store and the, business that is regularly done here, and you will find we have measured up to the Sbest expectations in the showing the whole immense store Sgiven over to holiday stocks of an altogether different kind to what is sold by other stores. This does flot mean that Sprices are different to the extent of being extravagent. You Swill be surprised at the many handsome articles you can get with littie money. We can only suggest a few special limes. You can see the goods for yourself. Framed Medal- leons and Pictures in the latest designs, Hand Painted ware, Brass Trays and Stamp Bûxes. Celluloid Cases. Papier Mache __B oxes, Bibles and l-lymn 'Books, full demonstration, very Slarge assortment of presentation Books, Albums, Woric SBaskets, Toys, Games, Doils, Fancy Stationery in Boxes, Calendars and Xmas Cards, Leather Goods, Fifty Cent Fountain Pens. See the special hune of Dolîs in the Window on Thursday at 5c. 3 W. T. ALLEN.: "BIG 2",BOWMANVILLE. Cable News For Laies LONuON, ENG . Dec. 18, 18991 lu the, groat aunual 1)ecemluer sale 0, seaiskin peîts, ini the London Fur Mart the Alaska catch for this season was sold at prices showing an increase off 40.per* cent. No advance on our present prices for Sealskin g arments will be made this week. THE, W. & D. DiNEEN, CO., LIMITIED. 140-142 Vonge St. ,Toronto. Corner Temnperance. Store full off them, and von willj have no trouble to get just the thing you want for your xmas pro- sent.* Special limes in callendars, Xmas cards, -books for ail kinds off1 readers, photo albums, fancy goods, toys, &C. Prices riglit, and iu plain figures.t Peloubet's Sunday Sehool, lesson, notes for 1900, just received. Par, ticular attention given to Sunday Sehool libraries and supplies offai kinds. Bliv at home and get satis- faction. BOWMAN VILLE.t BOWMANVILLE. DEC. 20, 1899. THE BYE-ELECTIONS. Returns were not reported in lime for our last issue, se we present the resuit off the bye-elections off Tuesday 12th inst. now. Hon. John Dryden won a tremendous victory, runuing up his majority off Nov. 1898 ffromi 116 to 21l4. The majorities lu the lase two contests are: Nov. 1898. Dec. 1899. Dryden. Calder. Dryden. Calder. Piclrering 117 01 219 0 Beach 0 60 O 2 East Whitby 124 0 149 0 West Whitby 82 O 26 40 Oshawa 181 O O 27 Whitby'Towu O 90 O 40 Port Perry O 86 0 12 Scugog 0 2 1 0 304 18 95 81 Dryden's maj.116 314 This big majenity should settie this riding for the balance off the term. Ia Southi Brant a like sweeping victony took glace, Editor Preston off the Brant- lord isipositor being elected successor of Hon. A. S. Hardy by the splendid majonity of 489 votes. In West lElgin MeDiarmid, Conserv- ative, was elected by 18 majoiy over Maenish, the unseated Liberal member. Ia East Elgin Brower, Coneercative, was re-elected the third timie y 58 majority. , TO CUBE A COLD INI ONE DAY. Takp, Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Al druggsts refend money if ht fails to cme. 25o JE,IGroval's eetîiture is on eaellbçox, CHOICE NEW FURS. It is always a great pleaure te us te direct attention te the business off the well known. fumrier Mr. Markus Maver wlîo îs the oniy reallv practical furrier lu this part off Canada. People corne f rom mnan- miles arourid 10 -et thoir repairing done by hlm. 1Raving a lrainod knowledge off ail classes off furs hoe knows hett#or how to buv iban meîn wîthout practicai experienco. This is why people who buy e-alutîblo fur goods lîke to deal with lîlîi for îlîev know what ho tells them is riglit. Ris long nesideuce bore andI square metbods off dealing with the public lias givenaIl a 'flrm confidence lu bis word andI ho tliorouzhlv approciaîý-s that confidence. Ho hias beon doing a nice trade this season and bias juet got lu sonne off the nowest andI prettiost sty les lu fur goods Ibis weok. Ladies. yos and mon too, eall soon if you -want fui goods fer Christmas presents. Sec bis advt. FAIR PLAY I)EMÀNDED. TUiE STATESIIAN lias ffeuriessly but always fairly and honestly criticised the actions off the Town Council, ever hav- ing lu view the best interests off the ratepayers. By se doing -ae lucurrod the diaploasure off the -members wbo seemi to control the elbois and a genui lue boycott baî seen carried ou again- st Ibis office. Althougli promisod eveîy year that wo shiah recoive oui share off the printing patronage, wo bave net ne- ceived il. W e sent this letton te the Council which was read at the last moetink'. Te tte 13fayor andI Cou ad cof thte Towtn of Bowmancille. GENTLEMEN-For - several yearsI liave been promised hlf of'the p3rlnting andI advei-tising patronage contrelled by the Counil, but have net received it, and wisli te know the roasen. Wben men elected te public positions givo me their word off honor, 1 ezpect tliem te keep ffaith with me. I may sav bore that I do not think the councillors are whlly nesponsibie ffor the' patronage ho- in- given almost entirely te Mr. Gaia. The blame I ffancy rosts with othen par- ties wlio should ho under the direction off the Council. I beg lu this connec- tien te caîl the attention off the Council te the ffoliewing statements taken ffrem the Troasurer's printed reports for 1895 1896 -7-8 and 9, (the last f rom the clerk's book.) 1895- GALE $154.50, JAMES $52 40 1896- " 151.25 " 55.25 1897- " 131.50 -, 116.20 1898- " 187.76 " 2015 1899 se fan" 121.50 " 36.50 $746.51 $280.50 Mn. Gale lias stili a large acceunt te preseut. Yen wiil see, gentlemen, omit- ting the yean 1897 wlien there was neauis an equabie division, Mn. Gaie lias had for the other four years $615.01 te my $164.30. De yen consider this fair play? Yours Truiy M. A. JAmEs St. John's Church. The annual sale and tea at St. John's church is an annuai event which lis looked fforward te wilh pleasure by many off our tewnspeople. This year was ne exception andI on Wednesday aflennoon the sale off fancy and useful articles prepared by the ladies found an eagor and WiIling company off buyers ready te purchase and long beffore the heur fer serving dinner liad arnived the majonily off the articles lad been soltI. Bey. R. Seaboru, the rodeor, and olliers welcomed the visitors and helDed alI te feel at home. A first-class dinner lad be preparedoff different varieties off ffewl, ham, salads, cakes, pies, etc., and as splendidiy served te the large num b2r wo assembled te do justice te the choice viands. A willing staff ef young ladies and gents were very attentive te their guesîs and tle lively chatting, happy and contented faces of the cern pany bore evidence off the enjoyment off the good lhings provided. In addition te t4e sale off fancy goods several yeung ladies dispensed doudcous home- madIe candy and popeornto thoge de- siring. The mnembers off the Auxiliary and Aid off St. John's are certainly de- serving off credit for the successful ter- mination off their united efforts. Pro- ceeds off sale and tea 890, <~ We wish al Our' Oustomers a Merry Christmas and a Hlappy New Year. EAJL~S Midget Photos at Geo. Freeland's. McLaughlin Carniages and cutters at John Percy 's. Cash for poultry, dressed hogs, butter, etc, at Jas. MeConnachie's Stores will flot close ýat 6.80 p. m. between no* and New Year's., Ail town stores remain open until 8 o'clock every niglit to end off 1899. Trinity S S. is preparing a Xmas service for Sunday evening Dec. 24. Xmas groceries -Raisins, Currants nuts and peels in great.variety ai Hea, Bros 1 Coucli Jolinston &-Cryderman are showing a beautifful stock'off goods suit- able for Christmas presents. Caîl and see what they have., If you are wise voit will take advan- tage of the sale off croekery Rt China Hall. They are giving a cash discount of 10% during Decembe. For particu- lars see Young and Co's new advt on first page. Thesomnmencement exercises lu con- nection wth our High Scliool will take place in the Town Hall Wednesdav Dec. 2th at 8 p. m. The program will consist off an address by Dr, John Hoskin, Q.' C. Toronto. Musie by thte puvils off the Sehool and p)reseutation off certificates. Ail interested lu the' school cordiahv invited. Miss Martin wishes to announeceto the ladies of Bowmanville and viciuity that she lias inoyed bier stock of fancy goods, to the new store two doors east off Nicholîs' variet * store where lu more commodious premises she will ho pre- pared to serve ail lier old customers and as man v new onies as mnay favor lier with thoir patronage. A splendid assortment off fancy goods, borlin wools. stamped linens always lu stock. Cali and see bierlunlier new store Canadian Order Home Circle No. 3, have electod the following offiers:- Past Leader-D. B. Simpson; Leader- A. L. Nichols; Vice Leader-Mrs. G. Maynard; Sec-W. Todgham; Tros.- J. Saunders; Fin.e-. Tait; Chap, G. Maynard; Marshall, Mrs. L. Le le; Warden,-W. Allen; Guard,-C, Don- castor; Sentine,-W. Scott; Medical Examîuner,-Dr. Beith; Trustee,-\V. W. Alleii,i1.)Munday and E. Beilman P'uditors-W. B Coucli, J H. CrYder- inan antI C. A. Johnston. You are looking for Xmas Presents tbesedtaýs. Wehavejustopenedup an immense stock off Fancy Gooas suitable for the îittie folks. Dolis front 1 cent up. Dolis dreFsed and undressed. Nigger Dolis andI White Dolîs. Doîls Beds, Dols Cradles. Dolis Hammocks, Pc ture Boos by the iîundred, ail sizes ayid prices. To ' s ln grcat variet.y., chidren's tishes. Rockiiig horses, air guns for the boys. But thera, we can't go any farther, it would fi1, up the pa- per to go ail over the llst. To lie short about if, if you want the best choice off these goods corne to the Grand Centrai. Considerabie interest was awakened in this town in the missionary work in Thibet when a few montbs ago Rev. Chas. r1. Paul, Toronto, gave a splen- did description off the labors andI later off the death off Dr. Rijnhart who went fromt Toronto thero. This was muani- f estly increased lu the large lattendance at the Town Hall Friday eveuiug when Mrs. Dr. Rijnhart gavýe an interestinig account off the Tibetans, their homes, manner off living andI governient. Ciosest attentioni was givep the speak.1er as she related their exporience ard work witli the natives and gave a tbnîl- liug account off the long journev under- taken b-ý herseif and liusband into the Interior. The.recital off the dea lb off their littie son, loss off their horses and sulîsequently the death offlher husband, and th e long perilous return journey undertaken b^ bersoîf was sympathoti caily listened to. Rer strong faith lu God and Ris wonderfful power off deliv- erance to thoso who trust hlm ffullv imi- ~ esdlier listeners ffavoraolv. Mrs. ýiju 'hart appéared ln Tibetan costume which added much to the interest offlber address. A free-wîll offering off $21.00 was donated to the Baby-Rinlatfd for work lu that large and as yet heath- en country. Major Schoof Coming Again. Major G. Il. Sctsoof,, who lectured to packedhouses lu this towu some timp ago. lias been engaged under the1 auspices off tlie Epworth League off the Methodist chfurcli to lecture lu the town hall on Priday evening, Dec. 29tli, on "The Beors and The Jamieson Raid". From bis exporience lu Southi African affairs thîs lecture shouid prove a most weicome and opportune theme. Ho. serve the date. Tickets 15cý FOR OVER FOT Y YBARLS. Mrs.winslow's SoothingSyrup bas been usedby millions of moibers for their chilfiren wbite teething. If disturbed ai night and broken of yurrest b, a sick child suffering n rin te pa n cf cutting teeth sen Ia ne and e a botile of Mrs. Wlnslows' Soothlng Syrup orCildren Teeting. It will relieve the poor Uitile sufferer aI once. Depeud upon it mothers, there la no mîsiake about it. Il cures tbiarrboea regulates the stomach and bowels, cures Wlnd1 Colie, sofiens the g uns, reduces inflammation, INotice of By- Law, Notice is bereby given that a by aW was passeS "Y the Municipal Councîl of te Town- ship of Daniingtn ou tbe 251h dayo! Nov ember A. D. 1899, aud numbered.563, providîne for the Issu1e o! Debeninres te the amutcf 0aî.00 for the purv.os f erecting a new Slebo,)ole los n Scbool Section No. 20 cf tbe saiS To.nsbipcf Darlion, and that sucli by-lIaw was regis- tereD le s egustrv Office otb est Ridang Of tbe County- cf urbani ou tue 411 day of December A. P1).m Any motion te'qnasb or sel aside the sanie or an y part thereof must be madIe witbin tliree nionths froîn the date o! registration, andI caulnot be madIe tliereafter. 9(&DateS ati lampto n the 15th day of Deceni- ber, 18»9. 51-3w. HENRY ELLIOTT, Jr., Clerk. ORAJ. W. CHASES$o ATARRH CURE...e is~e 'te seunl direct t hies bte !mprered Bloers.. 1 Zaters em lers the ae a s, stops dropplu Iin the 19 and ý,=saanu ~cures âWe. AU deelera. or Dr; A. W. Cbas. N~otices of Births, Marriages and Deaths 50 cents; when marriage, licenses are obtained or fanerai notices printed at this office, insertion free. BORN. AILEN-Near Etiniskilleii, iday,Dec j7, the wife of Mr. Wesley Allen, of a son. Di iOsoN-To Clarke, Dec 12, the wife of Mr Geo Davidson, of a son. 0Kg To Darlirigton, Dec 9, the wife of Mr. W S Oke, of a daughter. MARRIED. STEWART-SýTAIKEn-At the residence of the bride, Clarke, Dec 6, by Rev J A MeKeen, B A, Mr John Stewart and Miss Bella .Stalker, daugliter of the late Capt Stalker. MCKNIGHIT-KENNEY-At Courtice. Dec 13, by Rev Ivison Wilson, B D, William MeKniglit and Esther Keening, ail of Darlington. BABiIITI 11I01O Dec 14, by 11ev J 1- Talbot, Mr R C Babtitt, of the Western Bink, Oshawa, and iss Mamie }ioig, St Louis, Mo. DIED. CUTTELL-In Nottinghamn, Eng, Nov 21, Chas Cutteli, brother of John Cutteil, of the Orouo News, aged 70 years. VANSTOa'x-11nBowmanville. on Tuesday, Dec 18, Samnuel Vanstone, aged 78 years. WEBBER-In Mariposa, Dec 15, Annie Marelta Webber, aged2l years, niece of Messrs Wm and S IlReynolds, Bowmanville. KIRKPATIIICie On Dec 13, ai 215 Simcoe St Toronto, lion Sir George Airey Itirkpatrick, 16e C M G, lu lbis 59th year. O'Baîax ý-At 20 Collega St, Toronto, Dec 13. Lucius R O'Brien, iu lis e8th year. GOULD)-ln Oshîawa, Dec 1, Vena Lilliani Adelaide, only daughter of Mr J T Gould, aged 30 years. WEFLs-In Toronto. Dee 9, Mary R Wells, wife of Stewart Wells and sister of Mr. Geo Rice of Oshiawa, aged 70 yeats. W TAI'CH LÔST. lu Bowmanville, NVDec 12, a Lady's Gold Watch, bunting case. Finder wîil lie suitably rewarded on leaving at J. REiD's Slioe Store. 5t-tf. F OR SALE.-HacIney driving~ horse, 7 yearsoid, also yootîg 001v and edf 3 ees Id. Apply to*J. GI. BENRY, BOX 187, Bowmanville. 51 if. C ATTLE STRAYED-From lot 8, %Ycon. 4, Darlington, yearling red andI white steer with slut in riglit ear, and yearling Iseif- er. gray, with split in riglit ear. Reward for in- formation ieading to recovcry. ROBT. COLLA- Co-ci, Box 49, Bowmanville. 51-2w.: XTIOTICE.- Notice is hereby given ziven thai application lias this day been madIe for the transfer of the 'Tavern License now lield by Thos. Boswell for the Arlington Hotel in theTown of Rnwmanvitie ta Jo~hn Brewer of the said town for the remainder of thie Licenseycar. TuEos. BOSWELL. Bowmanville, Dec. 8, 1899 51-2w DR. J. COLVILIE, GRADUATE Or TORONTO UNIVER- %-SITY, and Triniiy University. Offie. Silver Street. Niglit calis answered fro. resi- dence of Mr. Davis, Beach, Ave. soIf. - A Faf,' Outside k aPoor Substitute For Inward Wort&~ Good iheatth, inwardly, of the kidneys, If ver andbowels, fs sure to corne f I'ood's Sar- saparfîla is prornptly qsed. This secures a fair outuide, and a consequent vigor in the frame, with the glow of health o~n the cheek good appetite, perfect digestion, pure bLood. Los o Apette- " 1 was In poor heal'thtoubled 'ith tdlzzlness, tired feeling and 1085 of appetite. 1 was completely rua down. I took Ilood's Sarsaparllla and after awliloe I felt much better. Rood's $.roapa- rila bujît me up." Lizzsz iL RuenaL, 014 Chelsea, near Ottawa, Que. *illounes-'I have ,been troubleà with headache and bIllousnessanad was ranch run down. TrIed Bood'es arsaparilla and I t gave me relief and bnllt me ap." A. MoRRisoiq, 89 ]Defoe Street, Toroato, Ont, H ood's P ils cure ys 1er i he non ir"sa ~ Notice of ýDissolution ofI Boots and Shoes. Partnership, NTOTICE is heroby given that the £~parinershto heretofore exiatnne betwcen us, tma udrgedlu the business 0f cotracting msons, lu tlie Town of Bowmanviile, under the styie of Trenouth & Brock, has ibis day been dîssolvefi by mutual consent, Ail dehts owing to the said partnership, must lie paid before January 15, 1900.P. ENT, W. BEOCK. Bowmanville, Dec 12.,189. 51-3,w F ARM F01R SALE-150 acres, being pat cf lot 31, con. 5, Ciarks, County of Dur- ha-, on which is a new brick bouse witb al modemn improvemenis. standing on a beautiful elevation commnanding a flue view of Lake Ontario, A barn 40 by 90 feet, atone stables under a straw bouse; 26 by Sft.trlving bouse, 30 by loft. pig peu-lien bouse, silo, al in good repair. One acre oltI orchartI-8 acres new orchard, well watered with canal runnin.g straight arrosa te farm, a pring ne'ar the buildings, twoele antI a cîsteru. 100 acres god level grain landI, balance pasture antI wood8 avina a thousand dollars, wortb of imber. Lcated bal! mile fromn Orono, 5 miles froni Newcastle station; good rmails iail direc- tions. fias been well fanmeS and in gond state of cultivation and wlll be solS right. À ppiy t owner o! premises, A. PoLLÂBOi,or tb R MOMENT, P M, Orono, Ont. 51-2W Ail Hands Agreeable.... Mrs. X.-I say, John, I arn going bo stop baking altogether. We can get at LUTTRELL'S, Bowmanville,such goodBread and Burts, and Pies, and Cakes, and Mr. X.-Al niglit, Sarahi, dou't tell me any more. It will no0 doubt be the best plan for the, wiuter anyway. Alex. Luttreil. Baker and Confectioner,Bowmauville. Tolephone 97. hg~, s ~dua a.dedwds. KANTUP ME Men's four buekie f ît top boots, felt lined, pegged soles, three quarters to knee in length, $1,90;- Men's feit top boots, haif leg felt, heavy pegged soles, all seams pro- tected by leather straps $2.15; Men's rubbersand socks ~in ail varieties and prices from $1.25 to $2.50; Feit and knit socks, 50e. and 75c.; Boys' ýstrong Boston .calf lace boots extra heavy winter stock, strong pegged sole, a good reliable winter boot for sehool boys, $1,2&, Wumen' s stu ong glove grain and pebble lace boots, plain and patent leather toc caps, strong standard serew soles, $1.30., Children's Dongola button shoes, turn soles, 60c; Children's pebble button shoes, strong- soles, 50e. fLittle boys and girls strong lace and outton. boots strong heavy serewed soies, a good strong boot for the ltie fellows, 85e, Men's fancy plush slippers, fancy fiowered front, A pretty useful present for $1.00. Groceries. Corne to us if you want to buy or seli poultry, heave your order for your Xmas Turkey, Goose, -Duck' or Chick- ens and we will fil it to your entire satisfaction. Just in fresh new goods, Malaga Grapes, Jumbo Valencia Oranges, Orcinarv Valencia Oranges, California Oraniges, Jamaîca Oranges, Mexican ýOranges, California Figs, Dehesin Cluster Table Raisins, Jordon Shelled Almonds, Grenob 'le Walnuts, Sieily Pilberts, Roasted Peanuts. CANDIES,-a bi r assortment Pinest Chocolates, Creams, Bon Bons, Conversation Lozenges, mixed,, &c., &c., at bottom prices. China. Don't overlook the big range of fine China Goods we are offering. The prices were neyer so low, the assort- ment neyer so large, Cups and Saucers, Pive O'clock Teas, Porridge Bowls, Jardineres, Candie Sticks, Bread and Butter Plates, &c., &c., also a fine lot of Lamps., Bring us your produce and get highest prices. lligh- eat price paid for Rough Dressed Poultry. John McMurtry WestEnd House BOWMANVI LLE. We wi*sh ail our ~ friends and pat ~ rons a very ~ Merry Xmas. In order to accommodate the rush of Customers at this season of the year', we are keeping our' Stores open in the evenings until January lst, 1900.j Special Sale of Blouse Silks. We are off ering some great inducements to ladies to, buy Silk for Blouses. We have a bigî( range of Silks in Blouse length and we have marked them away down in price. B'ouse lengths for $2.00, $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00. Really worth a good deal more money. Handkerchiefs. We are showingr an immense variety of lovely Hand- kerchiefs. W/bat niçer for a preSeDt than Handkerchiefs. We have a big range at 5c. each and froni that up. S11k Linen or Lawn. flen's Ties. New Ties for Xmas. We have a particularly nice lot made up expressly to our order for this Xmas trado. Ail the new shapes andl patteras. Some special Unes: in fancy Boxes. Furs. We are renewing our Pur Stock this week and ex- peet to have a complete range of 'Grey Lamb Capes, Gauntiets, and Collaret tes in by the time you reacl this ad., We have IPersian Lamb G-auntlets, also Electrie- Seal< and Oppossurn Gauntlets in sfoc-K, also Elec, Oppossum, Collarettes, special value in Ladies' Astrachan' Jackets. Men's Fur Coats and Pur Caps. W/e have had a very large sale of Purs this season so f ar, our values speak for theniselves. enl), cathartic to take with Hood'à S

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