EbonyITTtT HoldayPas ReordA meeting of the patrons of1 COURTICE. Darling- Miss McGowan, Oakville, is visiting __ 'Bf. .att. 'Bf. ..~ .0'f. Vf. ..0~f. 03t .i~t .0~1 0'5' '0"~ i5 'Bf. el--uu,éb U, . 1 . - jL"- u -I "'"' atuçisr. jas.- aO tflitU1* fl ; it. t 110. power0, May Stigins, Bownanville; Misses Kirby, at Mrs. J. Parlier's. -,Miss Lilian 1îîýi- ,ertie and Pearl Rickard are welcome; R. W. Dowsg a, wife and familv, have Gamsliv fi our new teacher and Mr. A. ________-Mr. Il J. Ilutchinson, Lethbridge, returned after visiting frîends -in and Samis is trustee... .Austirt 1MLDonald mômient,-and Vanstone's millf pond is-a capital place for it, as of yore .... Mrs. J. Saunders continues verv i. ...Mr. Arthur Stock loit one of liii valuable team Mondaly; the horse feil on the frozon ground and died shortly after. ... Miss Cookwell, teacher junior de- partment. lias alteady become quite a favorite with ont young people. fier prelecessor, Miss Couch, has flot talken the position at Bu'.rkton Sehool, but is for the present g'uest of lier sister , M rs. T. Sccatt, A CIARD3. We, the undersigned, do hereby agre to rofund the money on a twenty-five cent bottie of Dr. Wills' Enzlisl Pis, if after using three-fonrths of contents of bottle, tboy do not reliove constipa- tion anfiheadaehe. We aiso guarantee four botties will permanently cure tlie niost obstinato case of constipation. Sat- isfaction or no pay whe.n Wills' Pilîs are used. Stott & Jury, chemist, Bowmanville. J. Hi.-ginbotliam,&4Son, chemist, Bow - mn.nviile. 2-4w Peo pie wbo have weak lungs or are subject to coughs. colds or sore throat, sbonld take a few bottles of Dr. Wood's Norway Fine SYrup, which would heal and strengthen tltvr lungs wonderfully. coligregation Stu auiuiit of r rs - byterraan churcis New Year-s Day. Rev W. J. Weatberill, Enniskillen, and Rev. D. Rog-ers, Bluevale, gave addresses, tlie latter particularly deliglited bis old friends, by bis pieasing reminiseences and practical advice. Mr. Cyrus W. Siemnon, Oshawa, gave two capital re. citations, Mrs. Eddy, Brookiin, in ber own charming manner deligbtedlier audience with lier eiocutionary efforts. Mr. W. Armstrong, Oshawa, captivated lis audience f rom the first nu mber witli wonderful good nature, responding ho ail encores and sang in splendid voice Scotch, Irish and Englili songs, pahrio tic and othrwise .... A social was given Friday night, wbon the Darlinghon- Wbitbv orchestral combination gave a fine program. A THOUSAND TONGUEs-Could not ex press the rapture of Annie E. Springer, of 1125 Howard st., Philadeiphia, Fa, when she found that Dr. King's New Diseovery for Consumption had com plehely cured ber of a backing congh that for many yearî lad made life a burden. AIl other remedies and doctors could give lier no belp, but she says of this Royal Cure -"it soon renioved the pain in the chest andi I ean now sieep soundiv, sometbing I can scarceiy re- member doing before. 1 feel like sonnd- ing its praises throughouh the Uni verse." So will ever yono who tries Dr. King's New Discovery for anv trouble of the Throat, Cheit or Lungs. Price ,50c. andi$1,01)l. Trial botties free at Shott and Jury's Dru- Store; every bot tie guarantocd. mings. Mr. and M~rs. Mark Munday, jr., attended- the happy-couple as bides7 maid and groc msman ln return for a similar favor. Af ter congratu~lations a splendidly prepared wedding supper was served to the guests. The bride received a large collection of useful presents from her numerous friends. We voice the sentiments of this com- mmnity in wishing Mr. and Mrs Stevens a very happy and prosperous married lîfe. Good jAA. fo r SItching a ttBacks M TIPS1Mothers! o bath with CUTI- CUIRA SoAP, when followed by a sin.gle application of Cuîcuvak jLOm niment, lte great 81kin cure and puresi of emomencts, will afford therrostgratefulandcomaforting relief in the severest forms of itcbing, burningr,and ý.cDly slcin and scalp huimors, rashes, and Irila tiens, and point 10 a sj)eedy, permanent, .aC economnical cure when ail other remnedies and even tihe best physicians faau. Se.'rougbout the-14l. FOTTzr Doua ND atr Cone.. lropî Beeo 1w to Cure ItchingHumori, fre. Treas.,~ R.-Langmaid; Convenler Look - out, F.TruIl; Convener praycr meeting Coin., Mrs. T Power; Convener Social Coin., F. Chaplini; Con. Flower Com., Mrs. W. Oke; Organists, Misses Winnie Power aui Maud 1 Witherage; Cor, Sec., Miss M. Ote .. . .Schools bave re- openeti with Miss Sybil Jeweil in chiarge at No. 3 andi Miss Ethel Trebil- cocli at No. 2 - ..-. Mr, Clare Langmaid bas returneti to liii studies at Albert Cellege, Belleville. Expnunicni S TME BEST TEACHE- We must be wiling ho learu from the experience of other people. Everf testimonial is the voice of oxperience to you, and it is your duty, if vour blood i't impure and your bealth *failing-, to take this mediélue. You have every reason to expect that it will do for you what it bas done for others. It fithse best meducine money cati buy. Hood's Pis are non-irritating, mild and effective. AN TlIOcUa. Mr. Wm. Bennett is teachier at Sixtli Line sebool.... Mr. Henry Hon-e is trus- tee ln u ccesson to Mr. Jas. Hunter .... -. ... Mn. James Waddell andi wife andi IMr David Waddeil were guests of Mr. John Waddell recontiy ....- Mr. J. L. Rowe anti faînily spent Snnday weok at Mr. G. L, Waddell'i-...Mr. Dav-id Sommer ille is, at Peter.horo in a dental office ... IMr T . Sommet-ville spent New Years at Milîbrooli.. .-. Miss Kato Wad- deii recently, visited Mr. S. Ilaliday s. olci trienris,.. MisI\ellle tocklns, -Toronto, is-visiting--her -father- Mr R llockin .... Master Arthur Beamish, I 'eMte fteEtt f EIA Port Hope. is visiting his grandfather, BETH BROWE, aote of the town- Mr. Wm. Ballagh... Mvr. Cecil 9îutton h * of Darlington, in thte County Coîborne, i8 spending a few days with of.Dur/tam, wvidow deceased. his friend Master Fred Honey .... Mas-. Notice is hereby given purnnant to the Re- ter Fred & Miss Evelyn Honey enter- ""ed Statutes of Ontario, 1897, Chapter 129, Section 38, tisai ail perso)ns iaving claimis tained a number of friends on Friday agaist the Estate of thse said ELIZABETH evening ..Clarence and Miss May rOWýiiE. deceased, who died on or about the Vinson enteitained a number o red NINTII DAY 0F OCTOBER, A. D. 1899. are of fiens heebyrequired to deliver> at bis office, Kinà on Thursdav evening, ... Capt. James St., Bowmanville, Ont., or send by post prepi Gidley, Victoria, B. C., visited Mr. A. J. to the odersigned who is Solicistor for Elias Leiih... Mrs Wm. Armstrong enter- Greenway of the Township ofDarlington afore- said Farmer,tise adinisirator of the property tained anumberotflher nephews and of tise .id ELIZABETH EOWE, deceased on- nieces on Friday evening- week, on the or befot e SATUEDAY, THE TENTH DAY 0F occasion of Master John Armstrono- FEBRUARY, A. D. 1900, their names, address- leavno-for onteal. i~ da e -sd descriptions aod fu particulars of their leavng or Mntr-al ...MigsIdaBeer claîms duly verttied and tise natore of tise soeur- bas gone to Seattle, Wash , where Fshe !tites (if any) held by themn. expects to remain with lier brother'S AnS Iniser take notice tisai after the said family during the latter's absence in the TENTH- DAY 0F FEBRUARY A. D. 1900, the sId admioist.nator wilI proeeed to distribute bhe Klondike. . .. Mr. & Mrs. Miller s., bad sassets of tise said deceased among tbe parties a family gathering on New Year's day. entiiled tisereto baviug regard only to the d1caims of whucb hi tben shall have notice and llow ONE GETS Bitîous-A slugo-ish the said administrator will flot be, responsible liver fails to filter the bile fron the t~foi-the assets of tise said estate or any part thereof to any person or persons of wbese blood, and when the poisonous rnatter élaims hie shallflot have received notice at tise goes through the body in the circulation time of sucb distrib)ution. the wbole sYstemn is tainted and de- Daied at Bowmnanville, ibis Tweniy-eigisth ranged. This is ealled bîlioiisness and Day of December A. D). 1899 can be completely cured by Dr. A. W. Joux K. il'.c.nnATIf, Chase's Kidnev' yLiver Puiis, wbich aet1-% Solicitor for taie Administrator. inrectl.v on the liver, making- it bealthy "What's in a naine?- Evestlting, and active. One pil1 a dose, 25 cents a when you come to medicine. -XWVlen box. -fTe cheapest medicine in the vou get llood's Sarsaparilla yau gît woî-ld. tog best money can buÎ, Mr, John R. Smith, Lake Stream, All disorders caused by a bilions state Kent Co., N. B., says: "From personal of the svstem can ho cured by ulsing-1 expenience I willingiv tqstif.y 10 the Carter's- Littole1ivor Pis. No pain, good effects of Laxa-Liver Puis for sick gripingl or discomfort attending their tieidache and constipationî." use. 'l l-y îhem. J- of nations; every great evýent of tàie Century. If you have a slow selling book or engageti in other agency business, yçsu lose monev to con-' tinue. Here is the best opportun- ity for making money you ever had. Big commission; big profit; easy time; new plan; get our offer sure. B RADLEY-GARLETSON CO., Limited, BRANSTFORD, Agents,:-Christian Endeavor, Epworth Longue and B.Y.P.U. Members, "Liglit of Life" is a treasure bouse of imformation. We neeti Chris- tian mon andi women anti others Who desire to dIo gooti anti nade to cireulate Ibis wonderful money. BRADLEY-G &RRETSON CO., Lisniteéi, Brantford. Agents :-Dreyfus; the prisoner iî Devil's Islandi. Full sf9 v of i moGst remarkable Miihary Trial andi Scandai of thue age. Big br,okzs,we1l illustrateti, sells oitsigbt. 'Iap for canvatiers.i A, t, If A P, i,îfl'r - ON O.,Lùhted -, Brantford. Wauted:- --2 per cltv suegenitl emen or ladies; specis wrk position per- manent; reliable, fini. witbi best ne- ferences; expecinc unnecessa rv. Address: S. X. Fry, Fieldi M4anag-er. Hamilton. U N