Are you engagod? said a gentleman to a yeung lady at a cooutry dauce. .1 wais, che rpledwith fiasbing eyesyý Lur, iL that Pete Thosepson thiinks g'rig -îne -,oait here andi cee hlm t bird cupfni of rice. Loftti ell one * ~ ~ ~ ~ heur, thon add a pie-ee utr h 0* size et an egg, worked well witb One 0 Abuth u c ablesPeonful flour, sud a teacuptuief Abu h 1Ue crms. Season witb sait sud pepper, equ eze t hat freckl-f a cedi Wilkins* giri's baud al eveîing, be'Ilibe mis- taken, diamond, or ne diamond. A WOMAN'S PROBLEMS. Maud Wintergrcen, said the asten.. hubekattig r lae Lsbed sud mertified youag sman, are hnbekathig ar lrd you geing te tbrowv me ovor for tbat away oî rbe' iig duil, prqsy oid Soraý,ggs? Mr. Spous,. hesm odprolms iig more, f iescngly replied the yeun g wo For she again sits dlown te tbiuk mean, rising te signify that tbe inter.. 0f comething appetizing. view was over, Mr. Scraegs imay notTh inrsem tso ppa, lie as pochesa] as, 1yen ara, but he Or'give the cook directions, rhmswith mue, a n- you don't! And great is the relief she feois rbyseeaWben she bas made selectiene - When dinuer tbiuge are cioared away Cooks Cotton Root CompoInct The preblese t bat is supper Te succeesfl ly used monthly liy over le mest the came, witb one word 0,OOLadiee. Safe, effectuai. Ladies ask cbanged- you., druggiit fer Coites Cttea Rout CoU- "What eau I got for supper?" cd. Take no other as al Mvixtures pills andSewattogv ths mcbn mttnsare daugerouis PrIce, No. 1, $1 per hwattogv ter mtig f~-x No. 2, 10degrees stronger, $S.per box. No. new, 2, mailed ou recipt of price and twe -cent A neg is meditation _Àmps The Cook Compnny Windsor, Ont. Tilt eh 00e is made, and thon begins LfflNos. tland 2 soid ana recemmeuded byl responoile Drugglsts ini Canada. The work of preparatien. Nos. 1 and 2 sold !i l owirnîviil e by TÙOGciN B0THAM & SON, drOiT & Jultv; Oro no by J. Gi.t FILs LA; Nos castie by L)R. FAitN COMB'. Gýood hooee menin ieveiy Iecalit y, local or traveli- Ing 'te lutoduce a d advertise ontçgods tecki u alioa,-cardî on fences îlong public rouda sd eoUepcuecaplaccea. i4o expenence needfui. Salat)> er comrataon $60 pet emomî and exPensez 82.50 Par dey. Write at ,ce for ft pIrtIculars. ?TE MPIRE MEDICINE CO., London. Cet. T eft ieS Fine ue tl J I. 3 do..dOge iJ1a ofgt 0 e toneyReoicd imply / 'i,vrtoa s eîeduYliesapotpsidC llthemretruîny at Seaiyour oachtea. nseoi 0 usi L.1N5't'4DOYL yCO ^ x TuaeT Whcn sepper tbings are clcared away Agaiii ber mind is worried, Foi' thon see tiuks ef breakfast time, Wben meais are otten bnrried. She pouders e'er it leng until The question le decided, Thssn bustiies 'round tili ebe makes cure That cverything's provîded. Three limes ech day, week iu, wcek ont, This probiem cshe is meeting, Anîd etten she is sore perplexed le making plane fer eating, For eue likes this, sud oee ikes that, And wbat le appetiziug Te soe is by the other cpured As food that tbey're decpising. l'baî "womeaui s w ork is neyer doue" Hec otten been disputed, But that sbe'c worried is a tact, And cannot be reiuted. The warry ever 'shat toecal *June, 1 have water at the barn; also h ot and ceid water through the house. Oh We bave an iron tank, connected with 01 the FAarL rrne olig81alos n l our range, holdi g0glosanai ways bava, pieuty of hot water. We * ~ hava, a bath tub and ail the conven- FARMIG A USINSS. lences of the eity, and our water le FARIN ABUSNES. fine and clear as erystai. The four How strauge it is tbat farmers look or five months that ýnone runs in it upon storekeepers, manufacturers and stiii gives us over 2003 barreis a montb others as beiug lu business, but nover and wse use *ail the watcr we want, iseese te tbilk tÉbat tbey are in bnci-. nostheseeves. Evory f armer admits SUCH IS SOUTH AFRICA. that it la rigbt aud proper for a sto re- keeper or manufacturer te be pusbing Vlvtd Flitre tue1i!iilatéire orthie Iower and keeniy alive te tbe best side of a Pr rh akCniet bargain t tuybs uinsteue Yen land ini Soutb Africa at tbe every means at bis cemmand, te make foot of a meuntain 3,600 feet bigb. it 9uccessful aud te size np every op- Tehy <ail it Table Meuntain, and the' pertunity offered te profit by the flue- vei of mist that, excepting on very tuation of market values. But wbon clear days, ovcrbangs it, Soutb Afri- one tries te point eut that a farmer cans are please d te terse tbe "Table- is aso abusiessman nd mnu ci otb." Presenting a front of soiid turer, the farmer inavriably exeýlaims: roc k, 1,000 feest lu beigbt, perpeudicu- aud serve as ceeu as it bas boiied upý 0again- Petate Soup with Meat-Te tbe above receipt, add a smaii piece of bacon wvben the coup is first put ou, deuble the quantity of enien. sud omit the cream. Green Boa Soup-Ponr boiling wa- ter ever a quart ef green peas, aud one cbopped enion, unril the peas mach easi:y. Pros hreugb a coarse cievo, aed add a plut of wator. Rub two tabierpoenfnis of butter witb oe of flour ovor the fire, but do net brown . S,,ason the~ peas, add t he flour and butter, andI last of ail a plut of milk and cr"ýam in t quai portions. As ceeu as it bele up, again it je ready te serve. BE OTLING. Broilin.g la tbe most nutritions me- Ibod ef ceeking mutten sud park cbeps. or beef sud remp ste:rks, kid- neye, wbicb sheeld nover be eut open befere coeking, etc. Hlave the grid- trou clean, and put ovor a clear tire; Put the mea t on it ; "keop it turued etten." This lest is a cemmeni direc- tien lu books, but the roacon wby les never ctated; it is te k'ep the gravy Lu the meat. By letting the eue side of a steak bocxveii doue before tutu- ing, yen 'sili 500 the ted gravyysettled ou the top of the, steak, aud se the reLat Le bard snd speiled. Tbis is cooking thae gravy oui of, instead of keeping it lu, the mneau te nouricb the consumer. Nover stick tbe ferk in the meaty part; yeu i lose gravy if you do. Be cure te turc often, and generally the, cbop or steak is doue if it feels firse te the fork ; if not doue t wt'b e sft ct tihv f 1er as a wali, sud for baif selle on top level,, this muntain fforsibeth naturel siguboard on eartb. Time aud agein bave Britisb firme attesePt- ed te secure it for edvertisiug pur- poses, but, as yet, tbere bas been no sucb defacemeut, says a writer lu Aincleo's Magazine. ý Table Mountain marks the tip end ef tbe IDark Continent. Bellow it nos- ties tbe eity of Cape Towu, a beauti- fuI bey stretcbing eut lu the fore- greund. On tbe wost the meuntain breaks off abruptly and tbe raiiroad j about it te the luterier. Ou tbe oast it clopes off inte a billy, piotur- eïque fermaition, known as tbe "Lieu'c Baek,' sud then gradually riscs into tbe Drakensburg Mountains. Tbis is tbe oniy great mountatu range south et the Zasebesi, sud b.y notîug its Io-, esCLItion uon-, sn daereutcud -in tri"] B THAT THE FAC-SIMILE A egetablePreparationforAs- sîliatlng tiieooci andRegi.ita- 14i the Sîoaachs anlBow1s of SIGNATURE -Op- Proinotes Piýes(ionCheerfI'- ness and Rest.ContaIns nefther udorhifclnoNmea1$I ON THIE juuSeed - Aperfect Rern.edy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stoumçïth,Diarrhôea, Worms ,Convulsions ,Feverîsht iiess and Loss OF SLEEP. ?acSinile Signature of NEW -YORK. 0F EYERLY BO==LE 0F Oautorla la pnt iup lu oueacie botties olijý à nit oila nbuik. Do't aiiov anyo.o ou avtdi~ aesen us ,ia e ,rnmisa that Lt -and -l 5.s-. -4R--sa.ýr gdn inalisb ace i-frt ree suentntolasfrocosdmuobellears£otsuci e ifortoscosue zn l hemuuie  r,-s-l,.une 'ajr -ds--' -ITe~iT~dru-.~ ~'t~t '""m ,~' u-- uutuJi-'~t' Ora'<T'a'eu-~f' ~-m- Mr _ _ _v _L _ _ ýDsuimi in (v nsae m am- àî-i- .o a Ž rm " r e eat gi n! neý ,.Il Ii LIULUIU2 -cold. Nearly ail iigbt bilue-grays, stee calot, lilao, pale beliotrope sud telk arc, fugitive; it takes threeorfu H-eadache, D yspepsi.a and Constipation, anîd make you [eel better in the norning. pore-, milk, butter, pouitry' sud eggs. IPORANC B-PRDUT more br,5ine, more encrgy su-ki. CThis le the day sud date of the by- On hundreds of Our tarses the yearly oour'si otnse i ue arrive. - 1'ecalaof Ibisgreat kiduiey redcytse noruîeitîîla ten feet square sud twelveft vrpatetesedlne ead We have dccided bargains in 2nd lland Carts andBgge.81 Potato Soup-To prepare Ibis with- threug-hout ibis conitinesi suad Europe. li1w long, fîllaed with fine gravel sud chiar.* except a fcw chemticai elements etthuggiespct.adalo ak yu sletin mes-t is preclaiîned by scores cf titeusande et ceai 1 bave hbcd it lu eperaticin for outt bull.11thut pase auay in emo adispread;lomkeyu elcin otmeat, chop four large potatocs aeuei-doe.Oepl oe 3Cnsaîev ycsTeaae usl in fact, 'se do nearly as well ns the!- tine aud put !nieoene gaUcun of wvater, ox, ai ailidealers, or Es- MAiSON, DATE &CO., about se,-%en loeLegbt menthe lu tht' proseinent packors, 'sho uil lize al ef J M RY AdId an antian aisea copped, aud Oua- Toronto., 7 yeai, frose November 1 te May or ýtho Pig excepi bis squesi." BowMANVILLE. ýOh 1 1 ame ouly a farmer." Meanîing that these tbings bave nothiug te de wth bise or be with tbese. Because bs faiher sud graudifather plowed, cowod sud rcajîed in certain ways ho muet do ce too. Ho bhas been compeli- cd te use improved macbinery beesuse the advantagee et deiug so were made se patent te hsm that he roeuld net bolp ceeiug these. Tbe application of busi- ness principles, bowever, te farm work,, moLliedsansdlilfe cses te ceme slowiy. The manufacturer bas te buy bis icaw materiels the best hoe au, thon by the aid of macbîuery sud toi.e ef varieus kinds couvert ht into marketabie pro- duets atz tle least possible cost. The geeds wbeu plaeed on the market muet bc up-tw-date lu style sud finish and wbaùthte people want. H 's suecees wiii