Sworll Testî-mony Intl off u linnu )fDunadua. Ont. L PAËrIZCXÇJAMES WTLLIAMSfîhTow maker, do milemniy e elare and swear tliat thq È,im ement I bave malo hthisday is trueand cor- .eüet. JJ\ k P. J. WILLIAMS Boot and 8h e Manuiac- tirr. rA o. 6(2 ya ýEARTHLY RE SIDENCE FO R CHRIST. The Origin and Pu. pose of the Piles of Stones' Called Churches. The Rev. Dr., Talmage Dîscourses on the Fîrst Sacred Edifice ýand on the (lrowth and Aims oif thes Chiîrch <if Chit. The witrning cougli is the faith- fui sentinel. lIttells of the approach of consumption, which has killed mr people ilian war and- 1 have leen i'oubed --- À deskidney aed bbWashrngron says :- 1ectati by your prayers andti mahis \ îoingw re, ardi Th Re. Dr Tamaga praclt foinanti sacrifi ces, anti cry ouf in tha wortis me grhg~ hpeofre ficfolo'ig exoùWhtMeayy te "i' lung es we nafiato re- he o! my taxtx. 'WhWhfameenn ya by theseS Au in, ~~b y thase stones."'-Joshua iv. 6. i ItI is an ooltaoge fo builti a bouse throas, bron- cna was lI tai a1 'Yen are wisar than most people if Uik this, occupying sa machl room in thoma. The burnlnr, ecaltîng Fenzation which yen haveý not, mixEtdinl your mind the a crcrwted tboroughfare, anti nitb chlis, and pneu- was 5 an, fo'liieb1adea 8water b,,gan tube ,, su.ch vast foilanti outlay, unless theremoa.o- ea d theghpan ffIeybt h at I. psage t e e ~aadu the Pas-ilbe soeatremendous reasons for doing suifer aDote feraeaaandîopinimy e kh t eo'd agao~fthe Jorda. The scenery is. if ;and se, my friends, 1 pursua Youaohe et timI e creely tutin ver ia bed. 1 b-Dag t jest'- boxes of the Kidnay Bôaas fromi the DrI ica lfarect, anti thealassons to ha leara- fo-nigbr n'ith_ the question of- my day. It's useiess, daz Drug Company, adt îwfeelta I ama r ra r ifrn. Tetx, anti 1 damant etftliesa trustees, fr tee ga -obackacfie, n thswlieo ta aSte. d o hmae ifr .Teanti of these altiers, anti ut ailtn'ho foIljer' tcieerfuiiy rcmintEe ln EoB"as J ordan, lika the Mississippi, bas bluffs haerosmtptiatlanbilin osfbi - te ail suftoerrs of' kirtaoy aitl diter e hae itie i te bilin"Ofthsa wbl h pr-veils among in~ n y aa.YQ On the oaa sidand flats on the ofth- srcuaibtmenyno s'oeey a asuea n ' atigret nt. r. Rare anti thara a sycamere stones ?11 ,,~ ~b~ç, ~ Shadews if; lare anti thora a n'illow In fhe first place, n'a meaIn that Sdips into it. luIntbe moafb of Apl thfley, shal h anaarrbly resideaice fotr, Christ. Foot Jesus !Ha t itinof bave and May the snows on Mount Lebanon much oft a homEýe nb anas liera. ~~ t ban'anti tlen' towa into fhe valay, Who, anti n'bre lhs fIef chilti cryirrg ? anti than Jordan overflon's ifs banks. If ls Jeans, bora la an outhonse. Wbara Veoared before me st the Tou ,i of Danatgni s~'iiergnantii that liard breatbing ? t ta Jesus, tunthe Oea y of Wentwe tisl aslee, on a rock. Who is thaf in the ai tevÀ Dtos À MwÂïUeptL Linos. Af aisseaon f fa yarback part ot the fishîag-smack, n'ifh teotlne 1< tey n ant fs fale etaial d-W 1bear the tramp et torty thousand ai sîîlor's roitiovercoaf thron'n ovar1 in s25 a e If yuur. l m ie, -'Wyd hye gT h eu si e ieaSok "truig li as ani gesarmeri men comiag'donn to cross ftho hîm hI1sJas hanonofvy which cures fresh colds ~bema stck, ake Yehor.Seui casl.ileet SSe. per bx, or ive boxe@ one dollr. rvrluo e,"b d bynfear 1 jasIi fnttm e p acerte rie ft rve t flou batat a bouse ? We giva thea ndcoghs in a single Eje lacine adiineCompny ll eare th rie oftheJ 1this. Thon didts give ifteo us :irst, ,ght ,d m asters chroniec The Electino ed) thCmpny Oe oit camai tort ?'1 Ah! My but we give iii heck f0 thee., 31 is cogsndbnhisii 186 Adelade Stieet West, Terent., friands, if is bacausa if is nef safe f0fo goot for us, but net hbal! liooti an- a sortfim. onsump- ri Touracodluibc k~ ueEtetIrA !gui arounti-wben the Lord fells lus teoug or tbae. Oh, coma in ent iIika Âh luggits, r kgthe best seat lare ! W4 p'at tion, is surely and cer- rn'nea» Tablehs.go. aheati. The Israelitas lad beluio'aail these aisies. Spaak tlrough 1 tainl revented, and Elactine Kidnev Baans solti by going ittounat orty years, andti tby tIsse o'-gen.pýipas., Tîron' rimne erm cured, too, if taken in BTOI'T & JURY, tdruggists, Bownîan- batl enougb o! if. 1 do not knon' hon' over us ha Ebese arrlies. Ia the flamn- tme ville. - i snihyn n rtrn u ing ofthebse chandaliers speak to us, îe lav al'ay ge ito roula 'ba ~seyîng, "I arn fIe ight o! the, n'ont" A 25c. boufle for a freshi DII L. POTTER navtae ut u al n'ays got into trulohn1 King! make f bis thine audience- cod 5csz frode DiiaDrit.eL.ChOTTEh . weieriîy n'heron I n'ut abeat. o itchanber IRare proclaim ightaousaass, cod; 0c.sze for choder fics roalnaeieeChuch B oposuio. 25 6m' safety we en ba.anti make Itroaries. 'Va clap (ifi Fonreatina curc, oWmnvll. 2, m« There spreati eut fIa Jordlan, a lents, we uncovar eut beetis, n'a lift t coughsand consumption. ont casigns, n'a cry with multirudii- "1 always kaep a bottle of Àî-er's ~ V UT~Lraging torrent, much of it saow-n'a- 1ou-, aclamation, until the place rings, Cherry Pectoral'on hand ti. Tho % MIS VALTTef er jusË cerne tionn rorn fIa moun- anti the'heavens iistend'« O King, liva every rimai1 gar colt i tale a liltte JIspprttogvleesonoanatpin tain top; anti I sae soma of fIe Israe- foraver "0 JAXxs 0 BIJQOoa, aibrresitionco, King St. 7 _______________________ itas sbivering af flie idea, et pînagia I Is ir nor rime Ithanle n'bo nas4 aýra i Oci. 19,1898. EiPaso, Texas. in, antioeasoltiier says f0 lis corn in asrac'sbuettLuiaiWrite tht Pocher. If ou have erIý MISS, ETHEL MORRIS, srn~-sgaeaoi aaan aarth. enllî~aee n ar C ARTST Istuetoss ivninPANTNGrada,"Jà es a u cnyou sw'ima ?'And îy bonise Cmai? OJass nt hellnedic.i adylce, write the Doett&i Five in AINfte oy. Adress la 0i1, Water Color and China. Sktehing ando another says, ".11! n'agar across this corra ýo! a luiled Christ, but a radiant Dr.J. C. AYRe, Lowoii, mas. pani gfro natiatre . KIL N fon prenîlses, it- strenm n'a nill geft Iabre n'tl n'ai an tri um planz Jasas, coaquaror o! Y gagatuuai pas. eles anti nith damageci atm-erbntbanatihl -*a- MISRGIAPeCY ut, anti the Canaanitas "lie livas, ail glotyý to Hlis namne MISS REGINA PEIICY, ll H' lives, rMy Jeas,! lstili the sea;___________ upli of Prof. A.S. Vogt, Toronto, ta prepat-at slasb, us te places n'îfl thair sn'ords Oh, the, sn'aat joy ibis sentence - logive lescoot oo, Piano or Orgao, etl'er et her1 befoire n'e gar uPi the otîer bank."l But gives: fnbtimnseî a s oaie se-n rooldence, Suret StlBowmaie' oorth adamr ivst~--btlmnsadecu.Srt hae hume tfflber popils. - 50ic1oraS:if is n ni ir)o liait. The great bost Ikowtatrny Rd- ta vs.1 nont prayer-meetinga I bave beard marches on. The priests, oarrying fhe lessi la bcis glorieus naine for- hretbren use phrasas of a lit urgy, and NEW AUIJONEER. ark, go aheati; the pesople foilon' î var!wu knon' wletti fleyî'came trorn 1 anti AmaS Bter iceeosed aucîioncer, wll con-1 hear fhe tramp ofthfle grear multitude ý Again, if youi ask fthe question of the in the aise prayer-meing- I have nlet salas iii W est nurham thîis season atiowast taxt, "Wbat men p by these beard Irai bran maka audible ejecule- raieSý Aptiiy for tarras, datas, etc, et joxNýýTle priasts bave noua corne n'lfin a stonesiI' repîy that n'a mean rie tior, '«Amen !" Fraise ya the Lord' PhUsiiL's Hatoess Shop, Klug St. E., Bowrnan- stone's fbrow o!fIen'atar. Ynt still communion of saints. Do you koon':antdn'a ii not bave ro ýguesa tn'ica ville. _________________________ lie a isne abatarnant of the floodi. that tIi-te is not a single tianomina- n'bhere fliay came from, .Wt-n an man DR.'. C MITHEL, Nlw: heyhaveenie wthinfou ortien of Lhrîstians la W ashington bas knocks et ont churchl door, iflha cornes DB, j, . MIUREL, n' 4airhavecom n'thinfou ornof contributetl somathing ton'ard, the frorn a secr n'bsre i bey will not giva ~EMBER OFCOLTEGE OFPHYSICIANS1 five test ot the streaar; but fIera 15 building of ibis bouse?, Anti if avar, hirn a certificats, n'a aay, "Comae la by .MU Rn..iltSurgeons, Ontario,Coroneî-, etc, ne abafernant o! the flood. Bat pros- stanting. la thle place, I hera shah be confession of - alrh " While AtIi Itesidence. Enntîkillen. 74 pe f easasi l sa relites a man wlu shah ,try by aay rhing lie ram Jutison, the Baptist,aniJh --who have crosaeth le dasert-ara non' says f0 5t up bitfarnassa- batn'an Wesley, the Meihodlist, anti John Knox, .B. MeItAUG fiLIN, diffarant tienominations of Chrisfians,"!tIe glorioua oitý Scotch Presbyratrian, Orrlter,Solicitor anti Coovey'ancer. Office-_ eigtoh drbNvnedi in sigît f et(,n- may bis tongu' falter, anti bis cbaek ara shakicg liants in heevea, al Blakley Block, Kng Stret, Bowmanviile. aua. But "Foriwarti I' la the cry. !ibe blanol, anti bis be-ari stop. lly fi icas, cburclies 'o' eartb aa eaffort îo coma onetooaateaonhb rte. 5-yr commandt rings ail aiong the fine of if tIare is any churcb on earth w bore int e close communion. "Oaa, Loti, oaa D.BUK SIfINte liost. " Foriwarti 1" Non'te res thera !,? a mingling o! ail rlanomiia- taith, one Baptisai." Oh, my braîli- the URErSIMSON, ions, itl i our cliurch. I. just wish ran, n'a have ald aougb of Big BBtb- have coea n:ria oaîastep of therny- thr t John '-ivin iiiid Arminius, if tîny ai figlts--Fourrnantb ,N'w York Regi- ARRSTE, SLIITOt, tc MORIS iet. This fime tbay lift thair feat from araeflot roo busy, woulti corna ont on mont tîghrang the Fitfeeiîtb Mass- 3BL K PsarKing Street, Bowmaii the sld runantipiuthemd .cuatsugcins OW5 i ville, oHiotao heOtaioBnt hosetsRgmn. o le ai PrIate enev lonotiai owes raes.feeÉt thara then Jordian flics. On_________ on fln saea ida, go sboulter to sboul- th-rgh and, GdPiles pa great f ~-'~det, anti the churcli, insLeati o!flaving RIOBERT YOUNG, V. S. inaunurain of flootis; on the laft, the r e prinkling of the divine blessing, go FFlC INWES DUI'I N wS'nafar flen's off towarti the sea. Tha I lear cadert te 'aave, in oaa glorl'ous Block, wherc hfimsecf or bis assistant will great river, for houas, hlts anti taats.1 immersion,ina the naime o! the Faiber,- be foun fros a.m. to 9p. m. Nîghcelis ah The backn'ers, net baing able to flon I a iiaoltofe in its tiying ressitence, dlrocfiy opposite DrilSheti. Calis b Iverte isigIreies iewv hour, pur onear atm%-toundtiLsiratarls tliearph or teteph one will receive prom pi a,, e h rssn sehtspl 'v tentdon. 171 - va. ant iwave, unfîl perbapa a sea-bint arkandi thI olbeî- artantiioiV wonld tint sometifficuîty in scalingia s neck anti bring f hem clone IYARW'ORK.-Ladies ihn hair lthte water cItf. Now the ps-hsts andtiIt i yn is'nigv iiiw dne over, cai at Mas DicKNsSoz s,iingi ail île people bave gone over on dry h atio1r' proswl Eat and Cor Of Ontario St BOwmanrille. 344If lent. The avatar on fhe laff-hland it i stanti very neartef eacb orber always by, this fima lias reachedthfI sea; andt i 1 effet sncb an inrarlockicag. The ny- _MARRIAGE LICENSES,-M. A. i non'1 thaf fhe imiracualona passage has f îU aaeue i 'I ng Christ purs oaa atm aroundtisl JAmpS, Issuer of Marriage Lieusdes. 1 been mate, stand beck and sec the Ia Ideriominarlea of Cliistians, andtihfe Resldenco: Ceatre Streoet, stupaentocus pila of n'aters. leap. God srtsof cough erI otilen atm crorldati rb rinominirtion -- ~takas lis lent froni that wn 'al ! 1otsrie- jof Chuisiins, anti la brings tbcai TO LEND flots, anti, like a huatreti cararacts, Idîes but it does not 1d tio 0is dyiagi lips, n'hile hae gives V V 0 oct good mort- thay plunga anti roala thuntiarous j" jtham ibis parring kiss: "My peace I geeeuit t odrterlc; fineestriumiph to thea sea. la, wt i ;m pae is ut E.McLÀUGELrNs,qOtleitor,BOWMan'Vill,Ont Haîn',Preftbey fo clabrafe this pas-, el;it i too dgaeeep pury ene îv ut sa-em. Shal if hac'irh musicn I Isup- Hwsi11. haelycus pse fIe ftrmpets anticymbals n'are s '>" . It au ear fhey ruai, n'ern ouf hefora this. Sýhal1 if be Wbsliarfa antfi tin'anti lepes RI EATE, TL O îcna1'- tsel ut n ime bî etaBaismnirrocsy e bonnets vaviag 1 O, no e, fIa uti tme ut ara none Il' Gentlemen's lo thes made t0 Order, 1 ot, "î1n'iîî fehl'yon in'oow eclraf e Utismor labl t f a Bugt l I millaer naem if OTUE~ DEAF.-A rien ladv, carat this; builti a monument lare teo om InoîlhaoagetBera uc ~of ber DeafteaaseutNtîises inthedu - ibynie mos-a the ,îvanf ; ai every pries t' i laanti 1 bearti a àMthotist minîsier snp PrNiebolsona Artitiel Pet-Drumns,has sentI puts a la.rvy tone on bhis shoulir,î OuUe a grippe, hbathouh nte ra ilna a V'r,000 te obistituts, se tbat alf eef îtle oosbîe!anti mrches ont, anti drops fliat stoaî Ii ogh nfegra ileilre * o procure the Par Drumîs uay have attu faire te i , a pnppite'plc. e un'2or if aoulti ha oaa great Mtbodist Appip to 780 Eighih Avenrue, New York, U.S.A.'a in tiviel apoitat plceIosraasseri- dri u ihvinrv rsy ciîî in i a ia entce ndia ftabrsent Ci' iteran miaisiar wio itoghf that la an igifiane; nt i aferpeas e ous tnroat affection. ifIe mîilnial day it w oulti bcalal ona a a pfIfsttat a'fl zouf*fgreai Presbytajian cburr-b 1,0 w I aient, ant idoet o tOf0anot ber, in' a -a ee sm thn mk rbey are ail miii iken. hn fulfilmentoft fils prophecy o!fIe' s mehîg 1I heMilanral Churdl i îll bha acnps t'xl "WIaf neana pabupfliese I Ve yl,0Îlite chuich, andi just as pou map .H.A.RNDEN, L.D.S3 tnsf .1 tL ~"' 0it ake the be-4 IuTl'orf itfte o i Blesseti ha GOt, he dit not leave ou n-r; orimusani n tlS'lixI rhurcI-I mean thîs putticulat churci istZilunesn, hIand l a nir te Etlui ans of giradute of the Royal Collage of DenSal Sutihafhstilta-aas th ,,, nd a'.sass a a îiai, sa rlzet, on Breibovair, an- gens Otaiaet about for a n'hie, endt nme people p th o y.f laierutt oagan ni .sr OFFIt5i.-Oppoaite Expretsi;Ofice. sad wî bat baffer take ilis rot-et;;iipwao yphah ip~,l antil,oefers, thaf route. Souma said n'a ahe lattis-days eoftbre irnt, Cot vIl VITALIZED AIR ldbfe obc niam at~~ftaka the/ hast parts oi alil tenrmina- flieren'srasons et Anak ia the avay ttiîna eOfC rias, anti wveare thama f f 'etrti nt uup;antibottne he f ~ ~LTito0mie greut eacca -rstical barmonyj s meke lad learet awap fro th a ky broatias, the enrfi ant i hgh rs the ~ afas-octTabrnale ied bean con- beaveas, anti titn ili a ba ChlorcI ~~ aurneti,peo'ple stooti on tfI e rt ieetfaftue r a nsIN aie t thepilaa, ea] sat. ~'Tus buvchi, uof hesptr atiOragate q many a wldl~ rorcoror au eýducationaj institution, or as a pie rtorni on whîch Notes andJ Commenta. to read essas and philosophical dis __________________ quisitioss; but a p ace fur thectre 'T, menou workor ousavng Oh ~ The world is certainly growing bet-,Tï flad rather betemasl this church ter. Hapre are the Boers and British oit having one soul preipered, for a joy- in deadly grapple, and neither side basI ful eteenity than five thiiusand souls shown any inclination to aveul itselfPI LS ýýrparrd ormers woridly success1 fthhepofteorialsvgs Ail c'liurches are in wo classes,' aillo~tehl ftefrial aaa communiEies in tw o ejasses, ail othewho swarm over the thcatre of war, races in two classes-bel evers, and Un- and )wh-o, by their numbers, and fight- beieivers, Thoae go-ing iaro liýe, and iag qualifies, might be made to exert thos, goLng into da.rkneias. To aug a decýisive influence upon thle resuit.:2V ment the number of Oie one and sub- Thir.ty fhiousand Basutos, accustomed IglekHeladache and relieveail the troubles lactS tiract from the 'numbeir of the other, dent to a bilioos state of the syitem, sucli ai we buit ibisý chureri, end toward chat tr aGf in discilined armies, are long- flizzines, Nausea, flrowainess, Distress at sffrmeadnenliea edeiaein oponeupo h Bes adte eatiog. Pain in the Bid, &o. Whiie thdr rmoi4 suarenai ad tanatide wedeicae ig t punc upn te oer, ad te Mgrlable succeass las been shown inlu u4 a', 0cr serinons, ail our songs, ail our oaly fear of the British is that it may ings. We want to throw deetion inotbosbet 01 bn ~.O to enernies' ranks. We want t11 their side, the Boers, aýlthough they are mnake theus eiher surrander uncondi, fighting a desperaf e baffle for thýeir Èeaclache, y'ct Carter'a Litho, Liver Pîilasr' *quiiy valuabli aContitipatil i. uring andpr -1 tionaily to Christ, or1 e]seý ly in( rout, very existence, refuse to, encourage the ventlngthieeunnyînqcomnpiainî,wiiaeîeyalog tha ay ithcaneen, ZlusandMatabee t tae rvea e oliec taildisorde2s of tlie a omaeb.eiimuiate the s'cnttering awywt ates uu adMtbl otk eeg iver and reguiie the bowel. Evenlf tey oui$ blankets and knap-sacks. We want n1tecnurr fCtiaoad1ý to popularize Christ. We would like on0 ecnurr fCtwy n ue to tell the. stoiry of bis love bere, ciotil Lýobeagula. This is a white man's fight men would feel that' they had irather and bofh sides are determýiaed that dia than live, anotherhio-ur withouti. bs savages shah nof mnix in if. ethywidenoprceaothsix sympathy and love and meirey. We __________ mti higc i~da .deainbtf i waint te ronse ue an eint-husiasm for Who once try temwiler dod ibese ilaiivalj1 biagreatir than was fait for Nathan- adanyrmsetaoprurty Blnoaywebîhyminoh W iel Lyon whein he roda along tha raaks, of showing baer loyalty and devotion itoO touhe.fiatrlsce4 -greatair then was7 exhibited for Wel- to the mother-oountry.i Her gener- lington whan ha cama back from Wat- arioo-grentar than wasî axpressadi for oua offar of services in the tragedy of Nepoleon whmn he stel ped ashora front the, Sudan andi in the present war in Igthebaneof sornanylves that heroîaMbîq Vemnake aurgreat boast. Oua pub cureit whiî Eîba. Wa really beliave in th.is place South Africa bas lost lier meny of bar Others do not.2 Christ will anact the saime scenas tliî sons. ln thiis latter uapleasantaess Carter's Little Liver Pilla are very sminl &n4 wetre enactarl by hinll whenhalelandedi with the Boar, Canadian womea have 7Theryý"areystrictly vegetailand dû not gripeô, lin the Cirkiit; anffi thera ,vL4(be suohi purge, but by their gonfle action pleame a-Il wli an oipening of bli eyes and unstop- corne f0 the front -%ith a spoatanaity Usthni In vialsat 55cents; fiveror$l. U1 pling of de-af eurs, and ca.Fting cout of whicL is admirable., Two avents of bY dr ggstz everywere. orenatby maiL ujnclean s-piri-s-suc' i suac*ng ha- inferasf in the social circies o!f tha Do- CARTER MEDIýCINE CO., New Yorkt. stirmeti Geunaarets, as shai make minion were the appointm'at of Miss ~al~1~ nlee~ef f bis, ho'usa menorable fiva hundreti Forbes, sister of fthaHon. William Ii i hMa&lltii Ainill No,~ years. afteir you aud 1 are deati and Forbes utc fth or fNv fewrgotten. Oh, my friands, we wenf !teCor fNv but one ravivai in this church; that Scotie, and Miss Georgina POPe beginning non' and ruaning oh fia fhei daughter o! Judga Pope o! 'Prince ak r ý'1 a day when th, dcasl of 'Tima, that Edward Isaend, and a sister of theBa briags do.wa aven St. Paul's ani th' Under-Saoretary of State, Canada, as Pyramiis, shahl bring f bis bouse int o 1 h-, dnt. Wei want the host of ne'_ 1 nurses. i ly-coaverteid eoul wb s'ail next B c s Sabbath morning pasns in Éreý,i i oy iThere neyer n'as a time whaa so this sarement al tahle-ve wanf fbem mucb useful scientfi information was only ith irst raîgiment of l greaf army that will fake this placai onf heir spîread bafore the publie, day afier day, We lttie know the tol and way to glory. as is spwead nowadays, andtheib main hardsbîp thef fbose who make, But siace tare are, so, manyi uncer- ag ntin disseminatiag tbis knoýwl -dge the " Staff of Life undergo. tainties abead, pýerbaps we bat hetter se fer as t ha great mass ot rieders is Long hours la superhaated begn anow t118 WOT4 Of slvtonO orsev-nd poorly ventilae etiwrk- -alvtion Onconcaýrned, is t ha newspapcr.Frs that flua day of dadication m'ghf lie ea esn, smc asier, now rooms is hard on the system, the day o& elmancipaticn f0 ail imi- ea raos ti ah- gives the kidneys more work thea thay prisoned souls 1 AMy friands, do not~ then formperly for thie aerwspýapar f0 cen properly do, throws poison into the. make the bluinder ot the shlp-carpen- make accurata reports of scientitic system that shouid ha carried off by these tara la Noiab s trios, wlho helpet. to nialters. The workars in scientfic: delicate filters. Then thie back gets bat- God florbiti that you wbo have, been fields, for exemple, have largelyet o uiueapyn iiet n buili th aîk, bt dd no getynfoiff- pleste"s. Yon must rasai the Kidnoys te geneirous ia buUding tir, Churtlh livedtih le prejudice against ijopulariz- cure the bDwk. DOAN'S Kldney Pilla shiouni get ntait is saving int lu- ing ftha resuiti cf their labrs. May cure ail kintis Df Badi Backs by aestoalag ence I "Coma, thon and al th; hou-a, o0f îhemn are engageti by news'papers f0 the Kîdaeys f0 hr.alfhy action. Lnto the ai-k." .Duo you tbiak * ean ie.1 uaracuaso Mr. Walter Buchanan, who lias con- is safa out of Christ h Not onq c 1day,i rlepup.acunso discoverien dncted a bakery in Sarnia, Ont., for the flot oae minut, nof oaa secoud. Thlr,ýe hey -have mxade or sunimaries of work pastl5 years, says: or four years ago, you rememiber, a dcne in their fiîltis of investigation.1Par a number of years prevlousie taking Doan's Kidn@Y Fills 1 e~red & great doal froix train broke down a bridiaon~tawa Rprso the beat papersereati' t u pains acrose the simall of xny bac, paine 1 the bbe of my head, dizza, weary fooln og a the Albany antkïigarouthcfe p uesient ific meetings are often prapar- nridebillty. prome the rstfew doses ofth wrraslkig arondf le t;mlzers preldn oena Xrgnealre idney Pilleai comxnrued te improve, and of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h tersbdbrgeadfafailea aet aadjcafrgeealraing 1 have eontlnued nfl 1 amn to-day awell mn trin an faund ibîl coaductor, «1He and supplieti to nan'spapexs thaf n'ish 1ihae netgota pain or ache about me. Myhemad ie anrilied onl sfrngt f0 0 prai fam.ear ; the urinhtry diffeuhies all gens; my 1 opee> Waý9dying3 nd hadonlystregthto t prnt tem.refresblng and may heialth iz botter now than fo* say oaa fhiîng, ani-idthet n'as, "HotisfThems narsigativlal eaca. t ha flag foir tbeî nexf trafin,' So there Th otiersifgadvlbe> coa u ous o-ib viesfo featres of science corne to public, no- TI Y T I. : tbe elternal cans of dirkoess, anti tica t!lrongb the newspepers and areT1M sin, and tieatb, teflling us, "Xcu cen reati hy hucndrads of thousantis nho flot cave me4 but save thase who coma, could: neyer see the scient ifîc reports. Ylew many of us have spent ades afrer mai.Lift flicwailniaig. Bioav------ liclous heur with Dickents' little "Tiny the trumpelt. Giva the aiarm. Hjist T ' "~>~ ri or He pleased us because lie wao fthe fleg for the: nexf train." !_. h i Mre n O y orfo ever helplng, or ready to, heuy r NEW YOIeK 1ILLIONAIRES a f13e w peopleie îaaiîg adrertisaments a h un'ble way anud bayeande their forune throug shock-exchenga apec ulaihouîs. Me Mai ika JJîy Gouit who woket as e dry gootts cierk in a manil owui ah 'ES 55 .ivwek up ro bis fwaî' lth year, andt commenuîc a oopeat a mIth bis mmtoc iavtug of eiltia iin Watl '-tîrcit, beate tus O'uatb 70 millions of dollars ; Pasiali Sage who worket as a g rocry boy ai 4$4 00a uveek. ant whoce present wath l estirmatet i tee Mitlions of doîlalaeuSijloocraliiig tdiara kaf, alttîoîîgh8-aya rs of a gi' ud so saetiuc- atts i slîr, wiîo are snoy Iuxgaltk teloxures Ille can odTer, wbieh lestdue to thal a cuire cas in Spacobatioua. To thesbrecal apcottto- the saineoppartuuîi- tirs ara open to-day as tu etiiers in the past. The siroalleat; lot which ci ha bina-hpt anîd soitiÈ5aIf, Abutres oui5%.inxargia, tiý.i taiii 5odollars. Anybody lafarested as te hua-aow8pelatoons are coîuttcati'a-et iuuiori iii sud market latter frac of charge ripou epplicatioii ey lutter ha GEORGE SKALLEP & CO., BANKEfS & BRîKERS, CoNSOLIDAran ST-OCK FxCIAaae s BnIJIrNu 6s BRoAo)wÀr NinvYoaît. R O..44-6in. COCOA'S TAIL. Dit pou evar sec a rabbit' Climab a trea i Dit pou evea sce alobater Ride a flea f Dit pou aver? No, pou navet!1 For tbay sinply couidn'f te it, Don'r pou see V hildren Ocryfo LOOKINtI TOI THE FUTURE. Sillicîîa--Thare's ona goodtirait about a n'an. If she saY's a, mean rhizig abse eun usually ha pravaîln upin to lalce if bat-k. Cynicýu,s-Yas,; su she dan use ii over again. Thlat Twing."e. Whe pu gef fthe fst twingc ol rlaeumatisrn, gtabti !Dr.IHall's RicurnaticeCura. If wîll saeaou awnont of trouble, pain anti sapense. Do not tal. If wili cure the aauosf obstinate case. Mn. William Cobura (carter), 14S Pime Sf., Kingston, anffered with Mus- culer Rheumtisi- for f wo peers. Twr, beoules o! Dr. Hll's Rheumale Cura Furet kim comqpiataly. Tis preparation le fsken internally. 5o cents abottia, containing fan tops' traetment. For sale et ail drtug stores, A PRACTICAL. MOTIVE, Aunt Gertrude-And 'wat %f vili pou do when pou are a man, Tommy ?, Tornmy-'Jta goiug fo gnon' abecard Aunt Gerfru-dea-Wby ? TYommy-Bacc use ilion Iavon'f hava nearly as mucl tarie fo wasb. CAS-O[---Mi4 EXTRAORDINARY MVARCH-ING FEAT. A US9riata boîtierî Graatly Itisiaguisla Tîkiiselves, Soine remakabla marches n'era par- formdath fle Austran manoeuvres by the Thirti anti Fourteenfb Army Corps. Thie Thirti Armp Corps n'astieteating Corinthia againsf fIa Fouafactl, avilcî, atter bas ing conquerati the Tyrol, anti marcheti eastn'artis, flireat- enidthe tatentiiag province. Some o! rIe regimears angaged bave performet marvallous feats. The 59f I Iatantap Ragîment, togather n'ifI fha lirI, tn'o Linatn'ar Itgimanfa, anti the loti Classeur Battalion, manchet over the haigîfs ot Tunocb, over a' mile- in heigît, n'hile a laavp snon'- astorm n'as nagrig, the n'aafhar being eO coîd fiat 'iluroci taeswas frozen The troups en'ra obligeti to speant1 nigîr la ia heopen bafoue daaccndiog bp mounanin pafîs fo the Btam-peralm. The aearlerwnas su ýiateasaiy coldthtî fIe mcn aat icicles haagiag from rbair hait The saowstorm continuet tînoughout the whle o!fIe match,1 but not e single man faîl ouf. Tîrea! mounrain batteries avare f aken utih e,ý ,sreapest haighfs withiu an exftor-j dinatdly short fime. Oaaeaman lost lis lite. Ha nas on tIe point o! lîang catp- furet, but jumpeti into fIa River Dran anti aas cariet away'by tIe sfrong çutrant. The Enaperor Franci.s Joseph ex-j piessi hinasaîf higIIy set lafieti nitI the rna'rchîag ccpîcity o!fIahefroopa,I anti comilimentati thern on flairi smart appearauca on rrairing et fhe ba ls te sey about b[JXURIFS FOR TROOPS. themt: "I bave Bacaars urligb v irs f Nanhlid sÉerions heart trouble York:-.-On huhait ot the Daily Tala- excessive se t tbao. 7At tmsm gî'aph, mtk pý wgo odbatwouldbtat vrtprapidiy anti thon of litriale uixoian for frea nhsîibufion srsne te stop beafiag enly te commence arnotît troops taLatipimili The % geanwltk unatural rapidlfy. arils raclutie liquors for îhe ti- " 9 nisI-pacino m e vais, 20000 cîgarelues ndxt ulp hait eeusedshortass o C fi, enos ad as matty ciarogether wvith Jams debIlify I trie nu iies an4 anti fruits.i pen . ada C oybuculnt Po-z sihly pou ray t ot lient troinme pa re eio!mnpbtcu e tua ing the naxt fe i'-vapibut oe- e,, ef n e aie, al il vig-o w-ail Lest N vember', however, I reeti O! a The wctier conlae ry APil Cae, afflefed lika urysoîf, baing enreti by q ui t e C o a n o a niqu d s m ti .1i - m 's ile at a n d i N ar e F uI s . t1 ne u t ___________________________ t Ropor's drug store andi bouglit e box. Whên I1lied fiaishedti akiug itIf wnas ýo mnual botter I bouglit aeather box anti th i OR. A. -W'mmCIA$E'S coap ft e entue. MY baaat 11as n14 Sb' hered n inee, andi I stnongly ueeo- on - '0 menti ail a ifse's from bheai'fant iorve 15scent direct to the direasaàti rouble,, eaiieedI by ,exsassivae o!ý t parta by the linrproved Ëlower1ba-ec, te gîve Iliilbutn's Heast anti Ners' flicat the ulcara, eteargth ie air passages, stops dropplngs In he1 ePillsa afair anti fairîful trial - tbroat and aartaantiycuresa1Mlbura'sHeaf and NrePusae5013. C.earrh anti lay Parer. Eluwet 1, ib'. ur 3for $ a25 t &Hi druggit, fren Ail dealers, ot Dr. A W ChasaeitS Ma1d!cIine Caý.,Toronto antihdl~ T. Milluru & Ce., Toronto. Sonie unfortnae Dr. Ilope's TINV TABLETS arc doing exactly the saine tblng. They are helpîiig thousands ef unfortunate nervous, brokeu-down people to gel strong.- One littie TINY TABLET after each mi and before retlrlng wlII giVe you new 11f e. if you feel tIredý ~-IT'S NERVES. TAKE oaoz ABLETS AUl Drugilsts. B[ Mail from Dr. Hope ,W.dî neCo, iatted, Toronto. Have y u beau deal lately and S ,.twinge of pain onyourheart. Are you short et breath, xf>ves a ~ ruhne, e- Q tion of pins and f neediles golng throngh eoua arms and algers? eter teke abox or Stwo of Mj1hn 's Hleart and Nerve Pis and get cured -befoïe things be- corne too serious. -'1ý I H e r e ' s w h a t M . J o h n i l ames, 01 Caledonia, Ont.,