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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Feb 1900, p. 2

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'-F orn, Testîmony V loii ofi.a ada. l' tbe mttar of cr ..n'vi "of Olrf, l'y Ek ECT Er ý;7y ' of %\ e tworth KONYBAN 'Yr WtT: if Patre'kJ. - o ýtîami5,o)fDundaa. Ont. I. PATRICKt JAMES WTLLIAtls,,,l beTown eýit Du as, in tse Couiity of W ent'aorlh, shve-- maker, do solernnly de- cti 're and swear ihat the stateme'ît I bave made v th s day latruca and cor- P. J. WILLIAMS, Boot ai d S5h, aieulao- t rir. Age 62 years. *I bave been troubled witf, kicnPy ,a'id bisider 'y digeas for fian yeara, Sgrowieg w rosi, cdl- e c4ues failing 10 relfeve i )4e o Eu.u K dney Bo':ns wacs 1ft nt ly plac of bu tueff. 1Ito.k ibain. Thea hncng, scatîfigFisation wlaels 'aseî opaifel wlie' I mnade water là ga'î to ba rpni ved, altI, ort1 lad suf-nid i-, 171at w9Y for a yar ansd the pain In my ba ktite c nd atl timoisceai reiy tiarn v'r Ilulad I b un i) f, u boxes of ha K fi ey Bcans ir,,m thie Duo- fi sflrugOCmpaný, en 1 nw fi el that I amn tu id-no' actiache. eilv8awb en I or nnte. 1 cheerfulterconeu ie eKidiiey B.,-sn9 to ai1 zuflerýers .4 kiduey anfi badfer di5 o"e vbich Pr vafHe among mpen f MY cge. Your remedy lea aure, a n ri irreât cure. o' Ared before meet the T- iDundaa, le lýqie Oil t'tiili ay cf N ov., À D. £998. A. M. WARDELL. Elpetine idi ey Ji ans for sale ait ail drscg- fai. ic.pir x.If y,,r druiagst t cint g . ieus _(u l', ke n. o11er. Seî,d as ýdirect, 05e. lier Ib Xi 'rl Cve boxes ona dollar. The EIecinoi Medicine conmpany 186 Adelaide Street Wdet, Toronto. To cure a coldin tu Ireealà u s9use Nicotinn IPt ,iBrncio Tableta. .Drgair EctniKirlnev Beins sold hx Si' t 1 & JURY, druggists, Bowînat ville. DRZ. L. POTTEII. Office and residencee.Chuqreýh St.Oppostte Trinit, COngregatiOn al eblurcli, Bow uan ville. 25.,6m' MISS EVA LUTTRELL la prepared tb give leaonia on -organ and piano at ber restdcîuzo, Ktng St. 7 MISS ETHEL MORRIS, AIlTIST. Intruetinia rIves, lu PA INTING Is it, Water Cotor andi China. Sle hilingeue 1pamtugni froni nature. KIJN on preinisea. cti. tag at nana] prbes, 51.6m. MISS REGINA PEIRCY, Pupili of Pr-of. A. S. Vogt, T,,ionto, 's preparel to give l-sFos m-o Pianoî or Organ, il. ti ' e ,' on cdne,'Stlvi-r St., Bon maivilte, or ai thse borne I ber pupils. 50 Cm" NEW AUITIONEER. JIÀAsEiqBISOIu les',ticed auctioneer willi con durl saleasu West 1),,î hm tlls sesson ait owe ci rales Aliply for terme, caies. ec., at joli, PILEa's Ilarrness Siiot, King St. E., Bowrnaîi ville. OR. J. C. MITCHELL, SfEM BER 0F COLTýEGEOF PHYSICIANS M and Surgeons, OustarioCorouer, etc, Residence. Enuieki tien. 74 A. B. MeLA UGFILIN, Barrister. 8, ictlr andi Conveyancer. Offie':- Bleakley liloct in tg Street, Bowusenviffi Money te an et reasoneable rates. 48-lyr, D. BURKE SIMPSON, rb AnREisTER, SOLICITOft, etc. MOIIRIS' JDBLOCK, up-Btafrs, Efuig Street, Bowiis- villIe. Solcitor for the Ontario Bankt. Pa'lvate imoneva loali e t towealrates. ROBERT YOUNG, V.S. O I.FICE IN WEST DURHAM NEWS VBlocti, wbere himaeif or bis .asisaiintfi 1 befouidfrom8a. i. to9 p. M. Nght celte, ai resldenee, dlreetly opposite Dri Shedi. CaIlteý talefraph or tetepbone wilt recel-ce prompt ai tenton.171 - yr. ARWORK.--Ladies wising hail Ildone over. ciat iMus DcKsieaýÎs, Lii.' East and Cor of Ontario St Bowmanvilte. 24-ti ~ARRIAGE LICENSES,--M. A 'Y 1JAMEs, Issuer el Marîiage Licenoes. Rtesidence:1.Cetra Street. 0() TOLENI) $ ~ ~~o 5000.0 ood mort ce enrt e oderote ratesfci îsteie8t, E CAGLNRletr ouavleO 16 - 6m. R. PEATE, TIO Gentlemen's lothes made to Order. T O THE DEAF..--A ricis lady, cured nI bf er Deafueýi aîd Notiseln tiseucd by Di Niceiaos'a sArliieial lEar Drums, b s sent £1,000 tc bis Instituie, 80 tidcaf people uuabtî± te procure tihe Nar Drums may bave theiis free. Apply 10 7k.')Eigbib Avensue, Newa York, U.S.A. 27-lyr, FOURTH-CHEAPEST 7<. 9UY One bottle contains tee days' treatine2nt IN BIG BOTTLES, 650 CENTS. ~'EDR. HALL MEDICINE CO. Carsadian A.4enc, - Kingaton, Ont. FOR SALE AT PLI DRUGOISTS BULLER -SJILL SANGUINE* flow the Reverses of Spîon Kop Are Tiken-Ladysmîth Well Supplîed and in Good Cheer-More Boer Treachery-T0 Try and Flood Ladysmth-Big Army. at the Front._ BULLER'S SANGUINE IALK. From Observation bill Many af the A depatc fro Lonon sys: fen.Boer movements are visible, as A depatis roi Ladonsay :-en.sometimes thse doings of Buller's men. iluller read tise followîog froan the After our men evacuated Spion Queen te Gen. Warren's force- kop the enemy quickly brought Up "I must expre-ss my admiration of' guns and fortified thc position. My toopsdurig ýTh(, Boer leagers on tise plains bes my tropa urn thei pasat tryieg yon'd Ladyeaith are agaie ful of men, \veek, esiecîaily tise regimuenitayen wbo returned after thse retreat of tise spîeif y, and.tise accasnphisment of Britis. YouY ', irduijus mircis." i".A new inager was forme-itissmorn- uer,. Baller addressed tise mon, say- itig 1ontise heiglits near Coleeso. Thse ing ttaey ougi L eau to tisinhs because Boers have a great f ore an tise plains they bcd ne. tred tisat ail tiser work tiscre 'ho ts. Renforcements are ai par- was of nu avail. e.tly coming from tise Transveal. Tbey, lu bis opinion, bcd' gaieed " The B3ritisis guns are stili on Mouant tbhe key of the road ta Lsdyssnitis, in Alice. whicis bc ispel to tse wihin a we.ek. There is a strong rumosir in camp (,en. Bfller enliaI for cheers for tise tisat Gen. Buller is advancing aiong Quoand tisey were giveu. entis- anotiser lino." iastically. --NFRANAVNE BOER TREACHERY., JOI FO ANABVNCE ,A despatuh fr,>m London scys: A dop'atch fions London ýsays-Tise' «Col. Tisorneycroft hcd a narrow es- .'iýI.sY important new feature of tise cape last week. Ho went to meet a oeratitnsie Soucis Africa i.'. Gen. Bou:r flag of truce, whtch asked c par- 1iseîlY-KernY's occupation of Tiebus' îey, but isavîng biscornu suspicions, ho ,taîsoiii. The arînoncement, isowavar, tolf tise Boer commander tisat ho c-s ~ ~ Tp ed)f-aI.Tcsrangtl4 ef tise would not parley. Botis retired, and Oiuma jsb. fot îstated, but it u is assum- tise. Boucrs fireti a volley; tise colonel cd uretist isewb'iiestengh a tseonly ecamping le consequence of tiseir ed ltretha thewhuestengt otthebcd hsoting."1 0Ixth divi>Jon was employed. Tise pre..umpcbon is, tiat tiseteo.urmn ie de-. W1LL TRY TO FLOOD LADYSMITH. igneni to co-operace with4' (le. Gat- Adepci frnLreoMaue ai:re agabnet thse Bcers' at Siormhorg siac rïmLrno aqe iSU.sis a rpcîisin would aaem rQ im.p1 aays:--liî.orm'îtion has boe received isaItishe camrniga tein,ctal les ta hc froi tise Transvaal that tise Boers are ýe1Lto1 cre fo r it 'elf, for if thse sîxtis eonvinced ofthtie usdeessness of again division is et Thobus, tisere is ne otiser attemp'tieg ta sterin Ladysmaitis, ced force available ta turn tise scle in af cur iue hiriefeinbm -Natal. ýniun heriefciebm Lai addition ho Gen. Kelly-Kenny',9 bardritent. They bave resolved ta movemcfïlt,Ls, on. Brabant, tisief of, tise dam ths u îlp river corine miles below Cape colonials, bats aîrived at Stores- tise te-evn, iseping ta floo0d tise Place, btroom. and drive tiesa oldiers ced inisabitants svrSiries'-Wikinison, rx:we ont cf tise burnh-ýpioof caves, sa as ta tise ni-itary situation in tise Mos-ning exposb tfens tatiese ho firo. Hnnd- L'et, uays :-"The.ocommen undtir Gen. reds cf Refuira and linge quantities of Nellf -Kenny bas occupied Tisebua, timber and sand-bags have been sont abo'u. nunety mtles by railway fram fro'm Johannesburg and Pretoria ta Cülesburg, witcre Gen, Frenchis la per- pserm ratise work. ating, aed about 45 miles frons Storm- berg Jonction, wisexetise Boers o.p- BADEN-!?OWELL AT WORK. posed ta G-cm. Gatacre are believed ta ho. Tiese trengtis of Gen. Relly-Ken- .A de.dpate-h frein lVafekeg sasy s: nY's, coamn is flot told, but as tisat "Ail weli during tise paci fortnigisi efficer comomanda tise sixtis division, Have boe pusbing ouitishe trencise tise wvioZe, of wstsiri ha& reacbed Cape toward's tise enemy's big gunis, an-I on Towan, aed as thora je no word of an yJaur part af il isaving gone ta Natal, tise a y16 tiseïr 94-poueder and higis p'roiab'lIity la that tise columuis iden- e>veliecity Krupp evacuate-d tiseir posi- tical witi tise division. fions and retireîd eastw-ard of tise town, whnce tbey are capable of lit- RETIED I ORIER. tic damagei. RETIRE IN ODER "Have tisus pusised tise euemy on A desPateis from Spearman's Camp, thre aides vell ouftaof rifle abat. says5:-Tee-Britishs troopa took tise, "Have opmied a new grazing greiund boigisaof Spion kap, but tise position for otule. seaucaniderd utenaleand ise "Tise e'eemy stili have twa strong wa osdee nenbe ndtýpositin ontscîfaiewichw troalle were witisdrawn under caver of issonp hft hies damite.." darkness. There svcs mucis surprise Petshfwi dnme. in tise marning wvien il, was discovere d 1R UE INMT ESCAP t'bat tisera wera no troopa an tise bill EUE NMEHE' AP The various rumors af defeat are A despateis from Modder River says: qui, e notie. Tac v, itbdrawal .acscon- -7Tw ýrafugees, Mesars. Norton and oi ed ile an ordor.'ymaniner, teCutr ii hi ails nee troî.s.bcng sithdrawn ta SpoarmaneC s e'wt herfmlés nee camp, 1us.' lanle maomeet b-ing an'sr-tise camp' haro. Thse parfy isadfour- tive. Tise Britiis bosswvas iseavy. Tise toon herses and twenty rùiules, 'al le ccia uninumber-ssarecnitknow'n, Tise-gaod condition. greatesi lacs was awing ta a cross- Mesars. Norton ced Caulter describ- tire af shrapnel aed lyddiie. ed the conditions in tise Transvaal and Free Siate. '-H, LLING THE HOSPITALS j Tbey said tisat tise Republican Rimi erloy la ree'civiiig severe front-' met f rom tise'eeesuy, who, cccording to beliogmamai ras tise garnison, are firieg iediscrimieciuiy. The report tisaitishe Bopcs are siselleg tisa hospi- ici on scnitiariuml, iftune, eau parbaps bu explained hy tise fau-t tisaiCaci Rsades wl55 necentiy eidieg there. CANADIANS AGAIN IN ACTION. A de-spatizis rons l3lmant, Cape Col- euîy. says:-The tolonial treopse mnow hig gîvan au important searnl tise eperatione whiehisLard Roberta ta sueuguating. for tise invasion ai tise Oranîge Free Suate. Baths tisa Canadians ced tise Ans- traliens, seiso bn-c besi eployed upan tise linos ehf communication, lare being tised te aid Ibis Imporici. authemities in clearing the northcrn<part of Cape Colony etftisa rebisi- evisarana 50 m- peding tise progras siof tise Britis t> eaPS. A strong party of tisa Australiens and- Cessdians Ici Boîrnet' a weak cga.' 50,Ï) strassg, for a nuýcannaîssance un tise Tredoar district. Tise enemxy woeetouîsd se farce et Baedanhorsi, on tise Riat river. .Aiter a smnart fighinlewisich none ai aur me werse iejured, tisarobai-s were cleared. aut, a.asd Colonel Boyd, tise commandant et Belmont, ordered the einhabiuhmrent oit a permaentu fureci RRchsmond, twelva miles wes, af Beint-f A ceimpuny of tise Canadiani withs c mounied force, wili ho lait ta garnison the post, frein wbih an advance will! ha made to edean ouftisaherebelsaM tisa district. If may bu tisef we are ini fexrquie a-mant %work. Ail are weJl. GOOD NI EWS FROM LADYSMITH. A deepaich from Ladyvsmiti sasys:i :-W litle drame whinwo nocetvcd1 ;a message, cl Jcncny 25 thaf 'cli f well, wisaftise n-g9t wouid hing forth. We know na-ev that Genenal Bulier bas failod. Tisere la a natunai diseppoiufmen t, but litile despond- ency. .We eau isold an bere. Tise garnis'on neceived tisa news with forfit sute. Tise priv atiensof tisa siege witl fait moine leayîly on tise sick, The garmison 'bas arivad cf a bealthier phase ced diseasa bas eean woeded out. Tis acltb of tise garnison wae bess nobust during fthe first pincis then eow. Thora is na hanse siokeese, aed tise raies have given c suppiy of grase \Ve cae haear BuIlegulls sf111 workins. i You may have hearci about SCOTT'S EMULSION and have a vague notion that it is cod-liver oil with its bad taste and smell and ail its other >repulsive fea- turcs. It is coci-liver oil, the purest and the best in the world, but macle so palata- bit that almost everybody cari take it. Nearly ail children lie it ancd ask for more. looks like cream; it four- ishes the wasted body of tht baby, child or aduit better than cream or an y other food in existence. It bears about the same rela- tion to other emulsions that creamn docs to milR. If you have had any experience with other so-called 1 just as good-" preparations, you will find that this is a tact. Tehypophos hites that amt cembîed wih tucod-Iiver oUl give addltlonal value to It beeawe they tone up the nervous system and impart strength to the whole body.. ansi $10..d al drugfflàls. iONChemisis, Torono, forcea lbaid put tha-ir ]ast ounceoafi strengtb in tise field, Tise p'arty was not stopped hy tisa Boers. Tisoughs tissy lied a pasa früm B.rkly Wesf, whicis permitted tbem te go te Kopjes dam, wiohislatise Mag- ersiontuin isead icager, they did nof report tisere, becuse it wcs certain tiset, on accoue t af tisîir gond condi- tion, tise horses and mules would ha seized. Nerton and Caultier state positiveiy that avery availahbe man uon tise west- ere front lers of tise two Republics, anid in Becisuaealand ced Griquaiand bas been corma.ndeered ced sent to tise Boer positions betwoen bore and Rim- berley. 1i SHORT 0F SUPPLIES. A despaiteis f-oem Sterksirffom, Cape Calony, scys :-A menner wIpa bas ar- rived boera brougist a letter from 1Ali- wci Norths, in ,wbicis it is cenounced tisaitisa3Boerasisave reapenied Ufia lina ta Burg-sersdarp,, as _,their supplies were short et Starmherg. Tise plains haieg haro, tise camp af tise burgisers, 117 la added, bis been soviet back of Stormberg heigisus, wbicb are stili beld. - ,MRS. JOUBERT AT THE FRONT. A despatris 4ýrom Lmidon scys- General Joubert's aife o.jccompanies hlm everywisere, and masis-ta one prson- ciiy providing for bis tale. 145,700 MEN AT TH1E FRONT. A despateis' fram Landau scys: Tise firat autisentie stafemant of theo total Britishs troopsancd gues eow le off, on tise, way ta Soutis Afrîca was given in tise Huse of Commons by Mr. George Wyndhianî, Parlism.'ntery Sortary ta tise Foreign Office, in tise deisafe on tise afidresa. Mr. Wyndisam ead tise ioliawing liai, meetioning that if nas exclusive of tise th division, now bcing mobilized, and the fourtis cavalry brigade, undor orders ta pror.eetlto tise iront.- Foitit and crtillery . . , 42l00 Cavalry . . 3,0 Total iroap .........145,710 Siege guna . . .. .., 36 Naval guna............8 Hciwitzeire ... ., .36 -jclrce artiileîry . , . ,51 Field gens . . . . . . 231 Total guns . . , . W8 Mr. Wyndbcm added tisai c 1898, lhe combine, dfeirces, of the iwo Re- publics were. esfi.mcted at 5,0'mon. NEW YORK 11ILLIONAIRES Ouly c few people rccding cdverttsemeîîte bankers andi bristere, .'eyfng tilat msoîscy couPs be sarde lhrougb spetS'lftiOn, realizetilie Ifuw istelist mon iîs Americe bh-ce îoumenced lIfe i a humble way ani bave made their fortune tbîougb stock-excbauge specultioiia. Men like Jey Goulfi who n'a kefi cs e dry good18eclerk in c emait towu et '$Io11Wta a eek up wiuletweîîs'eth year, and e ommeî,cedlto Olîerite n'itbhies salmaving of $200-00 iu Watt Rirecet, loft et his e ta 70 eillions of dollars; Russell Sage niso worked aseaegvrocery boy et 's4 0Oa eveek, anîd nsose present iwealth fa etiined ai t00 mtllitoefi lIais is suitIoperating tise mai- ket, alih, ~ yeare of age, aud se aie ihrea- ande of otilsrsi nvho are eîjoying ailthte luxurles ife cen of, , isîicis is due ta their sanceeses i speculations. To ths arowd' speculator thse saine opportunîi- tics are open to-day as te otisera initise past. Tise sumallest lot sasîis en ie bozst andi sold ite siseres ou 5% inîrgin, making 50 dallase. ^An=bdyiuterested as to bon, specuictiauis are .ildet ilisget tuf esesuti "n andina'rket lbIter free of charge upon application isy tether 10 GEORGE SKALLER & Co., B.eNKEIlS& BIIOKERS, CseSOLIATaD nSi-.CK EXCHsAGE 1 Bumnec E 0.W. 6 RAWYNWYR.44-6m. ON A CHARGE 0F IVURDER. Danhol Troinbley, or Env (Ai,Ili Cîatdy- iS lia asiltClalit Vleitssss. A despateis trou iToronto saiys: -Detertive Cuddy crrocfed Daniel Týrombley, of Bey City, Micis., le a Yonge stroet restaurant hast aven ng oe a charge of murder. Tise arst ws amde on accoue t of a tiegram mecuuived, ecrlier in tise day fm osi Sier- iff Gunuassuniane, who wiIl cornebore for tise prisanar te-day. Trombluy teasa bis arreat very coolly, ced expreu-sod isa wiiiegnoss ta go batck te Bey City eitheut extradit in papers, for, ace las aaid, I' neo tuse rtying toi figst tise state of Miciigani."1 Trùmbley wvinscrrested soeatimo ago in. Bey City for'tise alleged -miur- der' of bis vwfe aed ciild. Ho -,vas in- dicted fer, the crime, bat as tisere cees- ad deubts of bis scnîty, ha twaa cons- mstted te an asylus cwaiiing bus trial. Ha escapa'd an Noveniber l9tis. It taek hlm about-ca montis ta mako his wcy. la Toronto, but wisen he, came bore be, seemed ta hc in- ne immediate ivant ut mossy. Tise priconer sates tisaitise bas boen lookin.g for work, but was graatfy haimp'ered by an ais- was ntieiyunainec. t a-ci o Mys fterrer, I imagined tisai the tigar bcd net heen sisfied witb tise mcsult ef bis provieus eigbu's prawi cnd so bcd camne dowe fatiste wafer le tise hope ai seeylcyieg eddiliaeal _pmey. "Prosently 1 mev iisndrap bis beautiful tsoad. ced hegin ta iap ftho waor. Aes lne naîsea eue ei'ad agate I -- knew tiset one cingle falce meovement A1 ReS1sit or lthe PIre Cares for Isle Magec on My part musti. ex.iîaily attraci lI 113111111H.bis notice. Feliexving cvery move- A despafch iroins San Francisco, mient ai tiselinge meestar witis ter- sayis,:-Aoceording ta advices mcevedi rible aexiefy I wes ai length neiiev- od te secOhim appanenily abeut ta ne- isera ires IHonolulu, le' aucifotanto10tume ie othe jungle evienca lie bcd ctamp. eut tise plagno,' if was decided came; but, aa t same litile bird mov- ta hum one ai tise blocks le China- ud le tise huases aneued seied tise town Tis fum wa ctetedaed i oed was lestantaneous. Tise figer town. The tire was staread' tsopped cuddeely and wheelad round gaine! issucisbecdwcy that tiseftire de- like ligliteieg, his grisai eyes fixad in- pertInent could nef contralILif Soon tentiy on tisa yomy spot avisea I iay. lise whiola Cise quarter wîec5 in Ho pauad foran emom nt, edthon, ta f lanes.Harly alieue ws let my iedesonibàble barrer, cosmenoed ta fiates Hedly e hnsewesbitcreepi slewly in my direction As ftho standinglunfise district. Api c resuit dreadful crecture, advanced I eaw him ai tise destruction ai tise Cisanse quar- carefully îespecitîng evory brancb ced tans six om seven thausaed people wera leef in bis svay, uow ced ibee stop- randered bonseloais, ced tbeyi araeaw pieg cîtogetiser ced aquatting like a living le tenta. Thie fire desfroyed gigentic caf. Probably bu isad by favelva 'blocks, beueeled by Kukuî, tisis tise sceeted sne. At eny ate, Que on-, River ced Nuanu stroats. _________ Tise mSt notalble buuidiieg bureed D.A ,CIS' iaentim.rk, aed tisé nmoiatcamiortabla R .l edif Lce otite led lenHnolulu. uî con~- sTe CATARU2CURE 0~,000. parte by the Improvefi Etower. --------Hocasthe uheeri, cdear tise ait I ~ passage, stops droppinga ili the ,No man who bias once beartiiy and Itismoat andi permanasstly cures wbolby iaugised can bc altogetheit and k. All dealer's, or DIr. A. W. Ch'as@ brreclaimably depraved.-:Carlyieeb Ctars uf epFoe. ioa If not, Why not? If yen Ihave risetuîîatism cend refuse fri teke tise proper cure for it, how eau yaeý expect relief ? Dr. Hcll's .Rlieuaîtie Cure reciiy cures. Try if and cee for yoursetf. Mn. S. Donaldsen, Pittsburg, Pl. M. at Duiherie Post Office, asas lin,,' witis Muscular Riseaniatis for lava years. One bottbe ai Dr. Hcll's Rheumatic Cure cured hisi couspletely. This preperatiori is faken internaily. 5o cents a botte, contaiîsîng tee days' treatiment. Far sale at all drag stores. NATIVE PISING FEARED, A dospatris ires Kingston, Jamaice, was:-a;Tis 2ed Battalton ai tise Westý India Reginsent, Lieut.-Coloei B.M.i Allen cornmandieg, wbieis is -,tation-1 ed le Kingsten, hIes been ardaned Loi piroceed ta West Afiia, te eid un sup- pressing un axpacted nialeL i native tr'ibes. Tise ici Boattelion afihtise-me rogirnant, und,.r Lieut.-Col. A. ýL. Bp"y- ley, wisicb la garrisaeied ile ersude, huas szceived airiler orders, ced bath biattallous will leave mnmediately. Children Dry for affer ceother short pause hae continu- THRILINUBICYLE RDEIed ta advanco u on my iiding place SAVED ONLY BY A GOOD MACHINE «'reseuîly lho gelse close tisat 1 AND A STEEP HILL was anly chie tua isieguisis hismove- monts by tise cracklieg ai tise leaves Restlit er aun Renta pliâNeaîr ue Junjg1e.s and tiaigaas bu crepi claeg. Tise ofl' nala-A Fi'seî,cà lo be,.Ti-4iler i' agelY whicis i 10w educed gnew la Parfis Altesr a 'aIk Às'aunssd bie quite intolerable. Net enty was sy Globe ltel;ltes Hic Experlice. hcart bentinsg as iii aieuid bursi, but 1my brain toit as tisoug i i were on A bicycle ride againaf c figer, wiib fine. 1 now, feiftishat my case was bis alve lue as tise stakes, waa tise uni- quite ieluesa. 'Nothieig,' 1 sai te que Christmas day experienceofaiiM. myseif despîaingly, ' sava me f rom a dmîadful dcci h.' And yet-sa qui ýk- Henri Gilbart, wiso bas jusi arrived le iy doos- the brain work in su'-b cases Paris. France, citer c savon years' -onlý a more frac.ioe of urne citer walking tour of tisa globe. these t'esp.hing hisu 'hi ý, I1ci et Ha wes eecamped near tise village fise desperate idea aifm-eking a dlasis of Aing inInda, her li me aifortsi' bicycle t 1IInoticed tha fisc at Aing leInde, wser hometa eeping tiger evas at h iilamomeet toumiat aifiswbom hoe wcs seanon enincl abut 'î5 yards iras me. friendiy fermas, and whose bicycle lia "toc.izîg te may feet, I hirly isurled borowed for ceuisour's spin, tise first Imysetlin asho diroc' ion ai tise bicycle. incde t lre w mysaîf upon it, ced witi tise ie fwo yeers. Tiseugi this ientimpelua 50 gcined begae fa gilde bcppeeed on December 25, 1896, ibis Is-e-itl along-evee tsefore my foot la uts firat publication, ced tise thilhl- touched tise pedals-iferally racing ing narrative je givan le M. Giiberisthe fiscg~er for doar lufe. Tise vary sn- slaint1Iget fairly under wey I1iseard owe words: tiseisuge beesiz makshiis firet leap le "I bfitishe camp about 1 o'ciock le my direicien. Notwitlîataeding tise isigis glee," hoe scys, "'the machine run- dreadini esotiee whichis uffered in ningbeauifialytisai aufui moment. My contrai aver eie heuifuly. Afiar "gaieg '050tisemachine wcc complote ced my litie disance 1 suddenly ioued my- mevements sure. At one. tim-3 1h soifi e dligisîful open giada, wisici sesemid ta mo as thougis I weee trevel- wcs ana mass ai verdure ced îîowers. îeg as fait as thevery se md iseif; aanincd ce tise moments sçsed by aed1 Haro 1 dismoneed iras tise mc ie und myvjeli ssii intact, c littie atm- end, plccieg ih againat a bush, se-J fideece svas restored te me, ced i ilectled a nice spot on svhîcista masi. pltlddisd on with boae. Tise Tison. tckîeg off my bat, 1 acf down race wes quise ternîi." for a time. Neediesa fo eay, 1 was driving the, aed bcd came reiresisseet. The opon bicycle franiically ced rcckiessly. Spoco I speak of was surrounded on ",Suddeniy the frightui tI!sugisi oc- all ides by tisick jungle. As tisa cf- cucreCto tmee-Wisat if soe part ai fernoo n umwanow stmeaming dowe tiesa ecsabism give way ? I dl-J not, Ithoismy ac, Ieislteadmysîf ioivever, relax my efforts, tbieking UVI11 y fce,1 seltredmyslf n-that if I succeedc'd in puttissg 501 yards dem h fs iadeof ai wild banane free bLuwee mysoîf and my dreadtul pur- Straigisi in front ai me tisera was a, suer li e would bava uitile chance of amel waercurs, inwhîis 01750 vorta ring me. iu erden ta show tise smal waercurs, i whch omeimmineui peril1 was le, 1 mcy say paols ai maie water stili remcined. As ihat ibis fourtis leap ai the tiger 1 sat tisera canfomplcting tise beaufi- breugbî is ta within ebout six yards fui sceeues on evary isand I was gradu.- off My back whisel, ced, altisougb 1 eil ovrcoe wtb lee, cd erefch-eus going as fat as c firat-clasa bi- allyovecom wit slepand trech-cycle can travel, e sixtis lecp almost ieg miysoîf out fu ll beegtis, I pro- brought tbe clexes ai the menster pameti for a little uap. Suddeuly 1 wsehin strikiug distance oi my baek iseard a curious Soued in tisalied af l ire. But euhl I putlalod away des- perately, my isoart neorly bui'sfieg tise wctercourse, ce tbaugb samea nb- and My legs working like fury. mai werema meieg. A DESPERATE RACE. IT WAS A TIGER. "As I hegan ta reclize tisat I wes "My ried, te einet Scentstgaining a liuile my exentians ware ne- "Myfrindtis Omnen acenfauedd, 1 ke.owing wei tisat aey Dr. Birasky, ai Essec, Sclevonia, thon sleckonieg ai paca or an extra leap pusUieg came investigations lenfise or two on the part ai my terrible te Himnicya, bcd warned me tisai my woultl put an end fa tise race aed my api wc ialmdy asfigrabcdbee ginaimt simultaneeusly. Bavieg Spinwas oolardy astiges hd ben ginedalhtte, I glauced aronnd, aed seen ai laie in tise viciniiy ai tise vil-,. sax tise tigor wsc stili coming an, and lage, ced now I wîsh I bcd feken bis at a great face. ativice ta stay in campl, for 1 fetait cI'J us. et tis moment 1 aew le front ai Mo anather straigisi raad opeeing once tief tisa predicîed ftiger wasatcf efore, me. Yen may judge af my hiand. terror, isowever, when I1itell you tisaf "'Wien tise dry, crackisng Sound a s coou as I i urnod jeta tisis new road reached my ecra I liffed my bead and 1I hield, lyisîg rigist across my peth, . a iuge irisatisat hed fallen Ibraugis boo,. îoward tise spot. Ex.ideetly decay. 1 cbamged tis o bstacle isead- Saol large animal was makieg ifs way' long, ced, jus' 'auriore cracsng inta out of tise jungle, cnd prescntîy à iL, I lisaped tram the machsines and came inta sigis citisae waters brink. scrambied over recklessly, feeling cer- 1 ea asure ou hatmy bartai-tain tisai tisefiger secs gaieieg. If i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ge cawsueyutsim em i aseithout aaying fiset 1 litomaliy mst cea'sed ta huai., and a dulil, eavy tissew, myseif iafishe saddle agale paraly,dng pain appeared fa seize tise citi fmande energy, cn ed alod away wnolc et my body wbien my gaze et- from tise inexorable maîscier. 1 beerti ed upon tise tierce and seicked isead tise figer lecp tbe talien free, and long, litho, sinipcd body af an and, eick et heurt, I reililioil thet if immense liger-I sbeuld juoge tisatie h-.tsechaso lnsted sncb longer I should esas aboent iWi>yards tram me.i have ta give up. "Whetei b deîectad my presene "Greculy te My relief, boever, a 1 caeeoi. scy, but lie romaine-i matione- short distance in front on my lefi I bass for some tise, bis majestic isead aaw yot ceoiber rond, cnd a ray of raisod, and isegreai ayea îiteighope came, ta me ce I no iced n steep lîke phosphorescent halls.- I îhink desceel. Briv.ieg tiseUi cie xiitb ahî tisai chaicamle toard me aitishai possibl- spee.'i,.I isniered upun tise de- moment I ceulti ual bave effered tise scout like an rraw, aed a minute or slgistesi nosistance, heieg quita un- se later put 50) or &J yards hetweee cbIe ta soya. Groeieg a littlemore my pursuer ced mysoli. I waa pretty cellected as tise moments sped by, weii dona fer, boiver-sa muci sos, however, I cttompfed to efssile bu un-- tisai cf one tise I foît I muet fali ont dem tise sisade ai tise bush te orden tauIoaitisesaddle. iide myseif-naven, of course, takieg "A lb-fIe furtiser along 1 looked my eyes ires thealisuge heat bera' round, ced tise tiger was nowbeme te me. [t seamed ahaoiutely impossible be seen; evidently hie bcd gi-cen up for me te fhiek ai escaping hy sueas tise ebase. Aed yet 1 was by no ai tise hicycle, for it was cf laast 201sues iilled witi tise jay wisicb you yards from me; ced isow could 1 paos- migisi imaginetise fart heieg ibat 1 sibly eachis i and maka my way ta 1evas fao nctorly axhau'sied fa barbas' the isigis rocd wiibout aftracting thse] aey decided emot ion. '[hen another naticeofaitise terribte animal, wbo in fearfult tiougaiu struck me. Evislantly fwo or tismee bounds would bha upon I bcdrtlmy wny ciiogefiser, ced I me? r elected beiplesaly upan my condition A TERRIBLE QUANDARY, in tbee-cent ai my heieg benigbted, "M1 lnd vas arewiîbagon assituated as I thon svas lenfiat figer- "Mý ird as tru itliagon asinfestad wilderneos. ta wbefher 1 engbit or' ought not fa "But, luckity, jusi wbeu I bcd ci- make a dacs for tise bicycle ced lufe. msat give up ci hope of soeing my I knuw that once csf ride tise machine opnnsaiaHnd wmn ie saioty I cauld onidisiance the copaniontheLaiec Hedu wmean tiger. Te enobr hughtoccur- ie anawen tu my inquiries iedicaied med la me-1 faecied ibat if 1 nemcined tise road fa Aring. Following bier penfecfly atill tise ligen would directions for about t-eo boums I sud- drink cend tison gG cwcy infe tise denîy beiseid Dr. Birasky sud a sm'stt jungle again. At one tima 1 icauder- Icm intvsh sddumdu eti f hecoud biai tse iuming oitt seancis for me, feeling sure tisai 1 my becri-beafs, and MY meufis was a d fallon ie some trouble or ofisor. s0 parcised ced MY tangua e ssif thaf That was tisa eed ai my excitiug ride I was ie montai dread lest I sisuld ion lfe cnd I don'f synet anofisar like make same incautieus Sound. And 1 it 1 casa assure ycu.", was entirev unrmed.Tc n d m. Tise tisree great vital factureý of thia body of ours are tise heart tie rres andthe bleod It is beeause of tise triple ËOcaer pcssersed by Milburn s eart and NervePilis of makin:g aveais, lrrejular beating beartfe stron; aed teady, toning U m, rn down, shattered nervýsf systems and rftpplyleg those elemneeto necessary te malt thin, wctery blood rIbis d îzred, that Be many wenderfui cures ha4 bae accredited te tbis rensedy. Here is tisa cage cf Mrs. B. J. Arnold, *Woodstoek, N.B., wvio says: 1 I aas trouisled for somo î time viis nervous prostratien ced general wealtness, feeling Irritable, debiiitafed arnd sieep- les nearly ail tise time. My' entire system heeame rue dewn. As soon as 1 began taking Milburn's Heart aed Nerre Pilla. I realized that they hcd a ceiming, sootising influence upon tise narves. )E'ery dose saemed ta iselp tise cure. They restoredary sleep strergthened my nervesan myentire Svsiter; ens av onderful."I Pi Sick Readache and reli ave ail tho troubles Iie!. dont te a bilious eate of Ithe aystem. aucb as Ilizzinesse' Nausea, Drowsluess. bistreas after enting. Pain in the Si-le,&o. Whf le their moist remartiable Obecess bas ben aown lu owsjag teaclacbe. yet C.arter's Little Liver Pils ai irenting thisasno37ingeornplaintwliile iheyalsot Y correct ail disordlers otheetmctmlt h~ iver and regutate the bowels. Even if tbey only ourçd âgeletheywo., 7 neprclesobsv ~a.tely theirgooduesadoca noteudhere,.audthos. 3 waionce trý thera will find these tlilo pilla vain. 1 ble Iu somany waysthalt they wil lnot bowl. ling te do witbout t.hein. lBut after alleick h"a SB thé bane of se imauy lives tisa t here la vrhôm ~'e matie oirgreat boca. Our pilla cure il while othera doeflot. Carter's Littho Liver Pilla ara very %malil Tory eamy 10 aizo. oneor two pillaniakea dose. They arc saicily vegotabn andi dû not grpe or purge but by tiseir geutie action pleaee all wha Vao them In 'riaient 25 cenus-, five for $1. Uol4 bl~ drnggizts averywhere. or sent by maiL CARTER, MEDICINE CO., New Yorkr. N,1t raI, Dil ~ ina!! I'f This dangerous Blood Disease always cured by Burdock Blood Bitters, Most people are aware how serious a disease Erysipelas is. Can't rout it out of the systemn with ordinary remedies. Like other dangerous blood diseases, though, B. BB. can cure it every time. Read what Rachel Patton, Cape Chin, Bruce Co.., Ont., says: "I wish to state that 1 used Bur- 1dock Blood Bitters for Erysipelas in mny face and general run down stat e of my health. 1 tried manry rem- edies but ail failed fo -cure. 1 then tried B.B.B. Two bottles nearly cured mue and four bottles completely cured me. _TINY TIWý11 I!ow metny et u3 hava spent a de- Tlm. liHe plensed us because ho was for ever helplng, or ready teý belp some un lortu naie. Dr. t'ope's TINN TABLETS are dol ng exactly the sanie thing., Theyr are belpîig tholisands of unft.rtvnate nervous, brokeîî- dc,-wî people tO gae sLrotig.' one littie TINV TABLIET after each nieal 'nd before retlrlng wll 1ive you new life. Hyon foel tlrod -T'S NERVLS. TAKE NEES &UlItro falts. BDy Mail frein Dr. Hope Medlclne Co., Llmlted, Toronto.

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