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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Feb 1900, p. 3

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ONE GAVE RELIEF. fi aa au LlglIU "the ,jeîsney of a C,,tihDrpO Acrees 1 I e ia. i steà n iî Ilsee. ht o 'ds 1t Tise claver Russian violinist wbo THE SERVICES CANADA RAS REN- crarsdail bis bearors ai. a Balti- DERED FULLY APPRECIATED. and reital, wes net ta brama, for tisa incident, Altisougis his name be, A Proenalnrut Stror.4vllie 1ualere Mau gins; wih bometig tisai. saunies i Se 1rays a Trîbute te thse Goail We.k ef a a snaeze, and einds lu a "Sa>li,' ye. ' assadian Insatitution lu Encland. tise out break caunot bu tracad ta tiuat source. It was ainiply tise nesuit o- From tisa Brocisvilie Recorder. tise cold ýweatiser, and, prababiy, e Oua of tisa most sirceessful busines djraught, Wneu tise caugis started, mien in Brocissilie, is Ms. Tisomas lady wino round herbe,£ the, un- Nappy, tise wel] isnown Pertis sts'eet for 1urate sîctian ot it was as mortîicid grocer. Mn. Nappy is au Englishmen as could ha. Sise isuew it, was disturb- by birtis and tno success ha bas t Lug tisa audicrnce snd faarad risat iL aeisieved lu business haro, bas anabi- givepai 10 isepanaien Sie d him for seame ys'ars past te make an nsigbt .amnuel bel day tr ip ta tise Motiseniand, 'fwauid basa gisen voilds ta tbssa il, stop, but tise cougis wenî au witis air Iu a ensual conversation with boule thareglarty i eplae a cltisfriands in the Bank of Montrael, se- thereulait ofa lac 0 cl(,- eeutly, Dr. XVlim~Pink Lil a bp-1 work. .pened ta ho mentjoned and Ms. Nap-' tut tisera was ane Good Samari- ysi htfteplsef8edmn tan n te auiene, nd tis oodcures as marvelloui as ana that ised. 8a.maritan isappanud ta L.ave a. box- of coma uxsder bis natice, ha was net sur- cougis draps in bier pocksl. iSba iad prised tisat tbey were se frequently r beau ta a concert bafaro, sud, knew tise thome of conversation. Asied lai- wisat e gaod, strang, bealtby os by a reporter of tisa Record 'r ta cen do toe asoata bui C minas. Rler tise stesy, Ms.,Naplýpy ses di y con- f»alow womeu witb tisa irnitatad tan- sented ta 4o se, and wc give il praic- sils sat far frei bier, aýmost: at tise îîeaîîy lu bis owuýy words. " Don't hoe otheîr side of tise large roini-trut tisat dîsappoiuted wban 1 tll you tisat tise made no diifcsrencei. Sise must haie e cure did uet occur lu tisis country," cougis drap, aud must bave il' rigist said Ms. Nappy. "As a malter of faut away. Tisat noise must hae stopped. it oceuwrsed iu Eugiaud, aud cama un- Sise could uat gel UP aud carry tise des my observation on lise occasion af drap ta tise caugisar, Tliat would two, visits inm uda ta that country. Dur- maSo tise distushenca wonso tissu it iug tise suamear of 1198 1 paid a vis- was. Tisera was but ana way ta doý il ta may oid home in Eugiand, and Tise cougis drap must ha seut dawu tise wiiile tisera visited Williavm Ledger. 'a lino. Sa sise wrapped il, op iu a paece 'selation af mina, living at 45 Fitzwii-1 of papes, asked bier naigihas ta peso heam street, Doncester. lu Ledger"s lt on, and tises started iti ou its mis- famiy was a uitIle ggîrl, Lilly, about ~ano peace. Tiseawsaesu3i ,iIl, (>fSXyera aga wisa wa ablutoy was avuc iuiutr of prccei.ible ltI islpes its ,visat tise doctaors seid tetrsý as il macle its8 way slowiy £rom wtso 81L. VitUs' dauce1V, but really scetn-I eue lady ta anotiser. eomer- cat tbam cd te me more IrSO paralysis. Tisi'cil ,u~o oný unx pugtalttehu wî.s oua af tise maost p.tifal sigbts I dieasud making a specisi study Ot tise oe a;mr slis ie e drop_ ad moe tan oe cme, earboiru baise. Silo could net mao a sÏngla dapn su mor mtisngn cae nea 11&mb and if tisa bad weae turned ta ana leugng wat idn metn weu isay sidaý an tisa otises il remaiued in tisat Iaun wbt budentise wae isanig. osition until someono eixen.ed. il. But, lu spiteo aal obstacles, tise coughi Tise poar cisild isad ta bo fed sud ,drap reaebed ils goal, and et once did lookisa afte la iiie an infant, and as (ts work. tise, doatars had ual beau able ta do A more grateful wonau tissu tisa auyliig 1e reilova br, recavony ws ue ta wham it was sont 'did ual sit net i hougist possibla. la Jead, 1 said lu tisa hall, aud no ane enjoyed tise ta tise cisild's graudmotisar tiset 1 recital mare tissu tisa Good Samaien tisougist ils eariy doatis wauld ho a tan. setiaf not auly la tisa chili, but la its parants. Ihis wes tise condition FAMAGOSTA'S IMPENDING DE- of tis, cbild wisen j 1.1 I for Canada. S'll<UCTILJN. Again in tise. seammeo L 99 I mado e holiday tripla Eugiaud sud ta my Pamagosta and Rhodes ara proab emazameut w heu I visiled my frieud ly tise most wonderfuily presorvod of Ladger 1 found Li:ly as br;gist sud ac' ive, a cbiid as ana wauid fiud auy- smeaîval cities. Nothing lu Eurep, wvhere, witb absoiuteiy no trace of eaun ho compared wilh tisem. Bath tisa trouble tisat lad muade iser e coutalu oxamplas ai tise vaury finest heipioss burden tb' year bof ose. 1 Go .hic ascihcture uinai aher d calisa- tld bier paents I isad nover ex- e ospectad 10 se'ý ber alivo agein sud drals, chuiobes, palso .s, fioit!,ins esied whal isad effecled banr cure. Uis a pit. -be are unet mare kuawu "'Dr. WXilliams' Piuk flJlls," said lise ta tisa travelling public; pesbeps àr fetises. ,Ho furtises said tisaI ne- the Wee smn ffrt igh hae bauturuing from woris ana nigist, he tisy wsesaue efot mgbtbaa benfound lu lise house a lithoe book dos- macle for tistas praservetion. Famai critaiug tisoîl is, lefI during tise day, gaysta la faast disappe-ring, thanks t, sud af las rediug il decid'd te use tia nlrpîsoi tisa tew natives. wbo ient in Lly's case. Aiter supper sýtîl iinbat t its ruins. 1 ast Saîd RaY tia firsiýt l tisa aiid biset nigist. Iu h- aard ta ha buîil aut of its stones, a fem- days tiy sawtliey were iselpa. ra,'t5stad across ta Egypt lun uittie îwa iug han, and iu boss tissu two, montis masted liîgiiers et a sery prÀaý tinte tisera ws nat a cisid lu tise rate. Tue priceless oid carsings a. neigbborisaad, brigister, healtisier on augels, saints, lions, sud wbat not ar mare se isa. 1 bave h',ard a great roughly Suaeised off ta soudas tisa deal conaarniug wbat Dr. Williams' stones square, and perbeps ta asauü Pinis PLis hava doua in tisis country, alarmiug tise ifood peopla of Port. but Ibis casa comiug under my awn Said. observation is as near a miracle as Temare camplote destruction af we eau loaS for in tisese dsys, sud liseshowfs wbhy Dr. Williams' PluS Pils tisa eity uow coxitempbatod ia anotsei ara so muais talked about avery- malter. lv is prsape.d ta bud a wiare. amail barbonr tas caasting steamers Dr. Wiliaims' Plik PilL( ara just as WýiLiin tisa sballaw, roLky port a t an valu hie iu, tisa case of eisildreu as Cent limas. t'a etiact titis tisa gre wii.h aduits, and puny littie ones wslis oi tise cii.y, wieicb stibi, stand in wouid scion bhisis aud grawv fat un- lise moat peteot praLerartiau, as il der Ibis treatment, which' isos na ebeudouod but yostrday by tisa mas- e,,qua] for building up tisa blaatl and tyrad Bragadîno sud bis brave comý gising reoed strangtis te brain, panions ai. ât years ega, ara ta ho bod,, and norves. Sald isy ail dealers uti ized. TisaI is ta sey, lhisai mates- a saut, poil, paidi aI 50c.i a bar. or six lais are ta ho teisen for tisa purpose boxe s for $2.50, by sddsessing tise Dr. of fosming a uew quay wall for tise Williams' Medicine Co., Brocksilie, trramway la sun upon sud cannetiug Ont. Do net ho' pessuaded ta bry tise landing stage bayond tisa nanthiso~metising aise said te ho "jusl as exru exîremity-ol tisa city witis tisa vil- gaod."" lege af Vaxasisa, wbicis lies abaut a tuileand a balf ta tist sautis. Froru A PARENTAL REPROOF. this latter a tramway le Niciosia is ta eeiisî Fre auosl be suin. eeih adFre onosl Il sems a terrible evidence af pas- lemmýa sea thal spelli'1o boaa' yaur'n. eýrty, bath material undietietl, Ts boy bisandd il ovor and his fa'hb tisaI a ýouiutry like Cypsus sisOuld ha, as tusned tise pages 1111 ie hed gallon unebla, e a aIord ta rota«n su-b a mas- elti astsogsts oS io vallans mediaesai manuement as -tis a ltl astruhtebo.T old eiby of Fumnagosta, a possession ho resled tise, volume on bis, kiss, sud wbicis in tisa future msust castaiuly said: eittracb lise art-iosîug tausist sud tise Tis book coul ius 'bout ail tise ý,j4,ist. Tise beeutilul aid sea castie wosds tisaI amaunit ta muais, dosn't a~oitdwith tise stary oh Otisolo it? a.nd Desdeona, with ils four round eBout all, was lise answes. towers, an wbicis tise lion oU St. Maris Weil, lemme tast yau. Le'mme ses if olili stands sentinei, wilis tisa proud you've beau studylu' proper. Wisal inscýriptibon of tisa Fascarini giving e dosIerpel date wbicis seems almost incradiblee I don't iseliove tisere is no secis consideriug tise aissaluîely intact cou- word. d-ioin oh lise buildings, must ha, l)al Pass ou ta tise next question, said ed awsy as ballast for a dock tram- tise father, gsavely. ,Wiset daes y-a-n Arines ans 1lbis. af grain' as 2Olbs. af s.poni.tot ta wîen alacrity,b011 savoral oat say, wiîis halt an ounce af rock bretissea complied, literaliy spuruiug Sait; tisaI, hawevas, is w hon times ar ie mcIoney witb liseis feel. e gaod, anrd if ho bas la wcrk a long on Suddonly tise deacon wisispced ta sort setionss ha- is as cisoorlul and cone cf tise liretissesi' Br'er Willliams, conteuted aisout 't as plossilble, Put diars a siuver dollar in dat pile, en yau bu Sers an hlm, and bavea swhsite is a-defa,ýin' es de eaglae on il. Ef ycu barse la bcad lise procession, sud ho bit-, it tne mc' lit'k Jas'9 gwine ter ho wili go aaîywisere. .trouble in dis meohin'-bouaal NO LOVE FOR THE BOERS. Ais Amesican Teilia aiTheir Tre;nlnee1it le FarrIgesers. In tisa course of au interview, Chas. W. Glîtieman, au Ameriean marchant of Joisanne,-burg, who bas just re- turued from Souths Africa, saîd: 'Tbo Boers insisted that ail for- iguers sisouid join tiseir forces et Laing's Nais or immodieay loasa tise Transvaal. To tisis ru:ing tise Ameri- eau resijeuis and marchants oijected. 'Wo were et a loss te kuow wisat ta do. We isatod ta gise up aur bornes, wo heted ta gise up aur husinesses. XVa fineiiy came ta tise conclusion tisat tise hast course ta pursus would ho ta lease et once, se wa barrieadad aur stores sud homos, and af ter ieiug made ta gise upisaîf of aur stocks as e war tex, we bft Johannuesbsurg for Durban. From tise latter place wa telegrapised ta Ca anal Stowe, tise Ameriean Consul et Cape Towu, for advîee. Ha advised us ta returu ta Jobeunes burg wtbout fear, and, as Ive were American ci azns, we wauld ha protectad.. We did se. "Wisen w rot uruad we received tisa sams 5nu ico wiiebéther foneiguers received, ta bease tise city sud ha acrass tise harder witii forty-eigist isours. Tise place wes lu au uproar, sud oxei; ameut wss et its beigist. Men, w amen sud eblîdren, intiseir mad race ta reais tise railroad ste- tion, lait beind ail that tbay possess- od-jewellery, eiotbing, aud aveu tisa food ýwiieh they hadl but a f ew mo- ments hsefore caýretu,1y pacisad for use vuriug tise long journay wijh was beforo. tiem. This fatal mistaise ceused muais misary. Not oue of tise two uiunâ Lad perýons tisat wera crawd- ed tagetisar use catti lun tisa coal car wiia was provi'Jad for us isad auythiug ta eat duriug tisa twanty- four isours' ride in a iliuding rein- s an mi. us e wanoroom for womeu Nwiii babas lu their arma ta sit down and rest, uat aveu a coat ta sisal- ter tisei from tis a rging tempest. "Tise train was beid up sud stoppod mauy times. As we passad Ibrougis to,vne sud isamiets we woro groetad w h isses and joars. At Eiandsfau- tein wa wera tisreateued witi tise sjambok, sud et fBoksburg we re- ceie I it. Tise fight wiiciseusued oves its use provad ta ha seriaus. A Corn- isman, wisase nae was Wilson, was smoking et ana of thse windows when ha receivod e biow oves tisa head tisat laid hlm upon tise flooan souseless. 1 meuaged ta gras tiesaembak f rom (ise heud -af tise 13cr civilieu wisa uoui il aud prevented hlm frora daiug tus- tiser damage. Tisa train wasallowed ta go on, b.ut noturt il aftor tise pas- songera ware assaul e5d eud roisied. Wa sonreahèd Lorenzo Marquez, et Delagoa, lateaet nigbt. WVe vre sent eboard a vessai huund for Cape Town. Afier a voyage of tisrae days wva reacbed aur destination. Tisa bard- shilps wo ou 1urad wese frigiful. Dur- iug tisa tise a dys au tise wator wa lived on cracksers sud coffea, beiug unebla ta get auything aise." AINIMALS, AND bIRRORS. ilaiv the Former Regrjad ThAr sî tpffretlîas, lu ile I.tlses. 1 saw a perfosming monisey tise otse- day, says a writer in London Newvs. le went tissougis many trickss very suceessfully. Toward tise end of tise performance ha was osdered ta put an bis caeised bat hefose a baud mirros-whicbh h did. Ha was next taid ta set it-straigist, sud ha tried ou bit generai's iseadgeaasrepeastedly, aLdifferent angles. aausing mueis langister. WVieu ail was oves, anti vise orgen rua, bis belpers. and tise two maniseys ware propasiug ta de- part, 1 saw tise tne, l0gouarai" hed possessed imseif of tise littho mis- ror, and was studyiug bis owu count- enance witis great deiigist. Haeisad piaeed tise glass ou tisa top af tis a br- sel argan, sud ha haut oser it again and agin-griasacing energeticelly. Heaefterward pieked up bis mimasr, and çonteimplatadimseif earuestly aud cantentadly at differaut angles. Ris face isad been prafouudiy sad-like tise faces of mast moniseys 1 hava acan -but uow tisa wrikies smoatised tisemsalves out, and ha ueariy smiledl Whis1 it tiset dogs isardiy eses re- gard apialura as auytiing but a flat surface tatcessof cotasdotted osri- lual-y g aineq ac11--- .Cabby, ta gent who bas beau1 diuing out-Ere y'aro, sir. This is your louse-get out-be careful, ir---'aro's tise stop. Gen t-Yesis Tisasis alîri, but wersb mjy feet V HAVE YOU' TASTED) ÇEY LON GREE~N TEA? 1t& tar more delicious th, n Japan. Sold oaly in Lead Packot,. PICTURES FROM TUE BATTLE- FIELD. A superstition, wich bas a touch of revorence in it, is very common in the Army. No soldier wili, if ho eau help it, wear anythiug ini the shape of uni- formn or accoutrements whîc bhas bc- longed ta a dead oomrade. In the Ti- rab Campaign a Gordon Hlighlander who had lost his helmet in one fight weut bareheaded' rathAr than wear the helmet of a dead comrade, which had been picked up undamaged. Mis captain at last insisted that he should weoer the heimet, and the lad obeyed, prote.sting that the aet woudd get him, kill'ed in the next engagement. It 80 happened that In a little brush with the tribesmen on the following day, ho was the ouiy man of the Gardons to ho bit, and ho wgpi shot fatally in the right lung, just asthe wearer of the helmet had beeau. Af ter that the superstition was strengtbened iu the minds of the mon tenfold, and no et- tenapt was madle, where a similar loss occurred, to insist upon the sufferer making good bis loss at the expense of. the dead. In thse fîrst Nile nampaign many of thse nattalions were provided wtb the most villhinous shoe leather, and, long before tbey reacbed Abu Kica hun- dreds of meu in the Dsert Columu had ta titi their boot soles on to their feet. lu oue case, where a young solder was almast nahng haro foot, the ser- goant' gave him a pair of boots wbich w'e'r only sligbtly worn. The young soldier protestad, almost with tears iu his eyes, that bis own boots were gond enougis; but the sergeant was obdur- ate, aud iusistod on his wearing thoa. Ha did, but uext morniug ho told the sergeaut. witb a great show of indig- nation, tbat bis now boots had been stolen during the nigbt,,and ho had ta f'uish the campaigu ou bis owu fra gmietary boot soles. Thse fact was, tise boots whicis had beeu given bim had belonged to a com- rade who bad been kilied, andtoa Void wearing tbem, ho had dug a hole lu the desert sind sud buried them. Hoe had a comfortless march, for the] rest of tisa campaigu, and suffers from tender feat to-day in consequenca; but ho came back aliva, wbich ho alleges would not bave been tise case if ho hýd gone ¶Into action at Abu Klea or Metamneh lu the other follow's boots. D"iRAP]rER'S 'CASE. Sensation In the e)ttawa Valley District Caused býy Dodd's Kidue y Pis. i. i WAR SlIPS ON GREAT LAKES. A rasolution has been adopted et Washsington isy the Rouse calliug upon the Secreary of State for information relative to the status of theaegreement betwaau Greit Britain and tise United States, wisicb psevautad the United States from building, arming or main- tainiug more tisan oua wer vassei upon tise great lakes.. Tise "SALADA"1 Tes Company aro now introducing to the Canadien sud Am'erican publics a Ceylou Green Tea wisich is mepeting with great faver from Japiu Tee drinkar,. It is simi- 1er in fisvor ta Japan TPeV, but ismore deliciamis and is.altbful, being eutîrely free from coioring, sud aithougis a eit4 tie) deerer in prie is more economicel ta use, as oua pound ot Ceylon Green ten wiii go a&, fer as oua. aud tbrae quarteýs pounds of Japen Tee. "SAL.' ADA" Green Ceylon teel is soid oniy lu islf-pouud lead pecisats at 20e per ipacisat. An, yos 1 ho sigised, a man cen f or- get meny things lu five years. Yes, sise -replied, but it wouid ha disastrous. if you were ta do it. Icleal Troatment for Catarrh Ms. Robert F. Gray, of 25O'Ciarente street, London, Ont.. says:. "I haliave Cetarrisozone will produce a positive cura for Ceterris. After usin~g it a few times relief wes eau assured fact. Tise disegreeiihlo dropping lu tisa tisroat, soon iassenadaund, tise nasal Passages beceme talerahly freeaend tise breaah became les6 disegreeable. Cet- srrhozoneî is au ideai. treatment end 1 hope il will find its wey' inoa the hands of rmany affected eues." Cet- arris-o.-zoneis a guaranteed cura tor Catarris and Astisma. Sold. avesy- whera. Trial outtit 's-ent for 10c; in sjamps by N. C. POLSON & CO., King- ston, Ont., Proprietors. Experience keeps a dearscseool, yet fools will learu in no otiser, as many a man eau testify. La T osoana, iMon JIELANcE CIGAR To God wo owo fear'and lova; to our brotisors justice and cherity ; ta aur- salves prudence and sobriety. "Pharaoh Harold, said tisa dear girl, am I tise oniy girl? Rarold groaned involun- terily. Amn I the oniy girl you oves told she was tise only girl you losedl f4> CURE A (101,1>INWONE l>AY Tae. Laxative Broma Quininue TablaIs. Ali tiruggiata refend the monoy if iii talla te cure. Pec. &.le. Qrova'e ctignature leon oacb box. Dasberiy-Row's tisat youug doo- tor getting aiong lu is profession ? ,Flasiserly-Spiendidly i1l{e's discov- ered tissea new disoases already. Please taise tise note, thse dabtor wrota,, FOR OVER FPTY YHARS MES. WINSLCIW>S SOOT5IltO 5R UP bas been need by seaihr, foi their cbldren tething. It ennuies the cbiîd. aafteea thse gante, ailaye pain. cures wind relia, andtinlathe best reedy for diarrhoec 25o, a bot- U. ttt.. an dnioi.nt tha-hub vue w-irm. n <'uredItebenDraer ea Clrenlee, O Bse and a'k fer " Mme. Winaiov sg Soothing flyrup, Griavol - l'rîaeflpe lOpne hYlelele 1dI'â Itlgànpy Iaî î Act--WIy <raveila Ho11-Ais, that Miss Racisingisai bas Cueable by Deîid's fltleney 1 illa, s face tisaIloSs as if il migisl have Clarendon, P.Q., Jasn. 29-Quite a bea ut ul ofa marble. She-Yes; I sensations wes ceused lu Ibis place aud bave ai tan uaticad ber stauy stase. tissougisout tise Oi.tawa Valley, hy lise publtcationof Reuhain Draperas casae in OI<EES LI4UiD ML bie nelwspspers lest weis. Mn. Drap-1 tas ateand tiirngtbe.ea. dr a velt knowu about boand in lL.OTD heOOflToronto. GËNERAL AGENT. 'Bristol sud bes had miany enquirlea as ta bis cure. Tisere soamis ta be a Harduppo-You advertiso biset youi universal surprise tise Dodd'a Kiduey huy books. Wbel'bi you gise me las i-'iibs sbpjuid ie ablîita cure a trouble Ibis anal1 Deaies-We do'I wanl liSe Greveil, wblcb bel situated in lise auy tbiug iess tissu a whole librery. Blieddeýr. Tisosaf-ore tise cllowtng ex- Harduppe-Weli, tisis l my whoie planation is lu order. ' iirary. Gravel is direcîby tise resuit ah Sid- ney diearder. Il is caused by tis a fit- STATE OF OHIa, CTr tcF TOLEDO.,l~ ura Ou tisa part ahftise kidueys ta do LucAs CO", rv. f F'5ANR J. CiEsNEtsmakes astis uhat ho jr thisex duîy. lbey hall te dissolve tise s--nias parteier of the' fIrm of F. J. CHFNrsxv& gsLttîy pastiches lissI coma, ta theru Co.,g doing bu ee's inth ie City of Totedo, ssom tisa ilaad. Tisesa gsitty pas-' Couty and Scateafreftii. and tba >aaid flrae tiels pea t tis bladerad ing l! psy [lise min af ONE HUNDREiC) DOL- Lices asste ho lader nd lin LRS for eich ari evey case of C-ATareIv othe lie vlls of hta cavily, aceumulat- 1tiret cannot la cured lay the use of' Hve.'s tng, fiually, in littho isuotr "tns"CATAR CR uu. IÂKJCHNY Dodd's Kidnay Pills, by restaoring lise Swcru ta betore me suis ubacribed tin y :dneys ta praîer isoaltia, eut off tise preeence. thie fIla day ah Decembai'. AD. 1986. s;upply oI Ibis sedImenlt and tise blad- A. A . :LESN coýr and urinary orgaris, secovaring : EL a7/Pbi atrengtis an tisa remocalaI liste cause Halls Catarrh C(ure la laken internally, and oh irritation, lhraw ao£4 the graveil ai- acre direc lyen tise blood, and mueanes ufaces aftisa ytema. Fend fort sestnala. frera. redy deposited. F. J. CIIE-NRTY & CO., Toledo, O. Ms. Draper bad only been usîng lise Sold by Dnîiggimts, 75c. pis a week when hae was ridAof a lRallb'iFamily Pilla are the beet. sicue whicb, lho ;,ays, la as large as a beau. Iu a Ions days hae passed an- Ms. Smiths do you waut rme ta adopt otiser stuios arne. Ha lias ralained retional dreso? No, my deer, but I'd bath, sud many peop# ah the neigis- liSe you ta wear irratianal dreÈsoet ra- borisod bave sean tisem. lisera is, tbonal, pricas. tisereihosa, no room ta doubl it -- Do'dd's Kidney Pilla do actually cura MNONTIlEAL MOTEL DIRUOTORY. Gravel as welli as lis etaIesidney dis-p eases for whicis îiey ara famos.TiaTheoIlBalmoral," Free BUS Àla. 'a case bas aro'used wide, interst sud ~RrpPa.tum finsfor Dadd's Kidney Pisa are otl asik%,tfrem '$1'a day-up.ftOPp. discovered on ail sides. ' QT.Rt._tattoe Motnirai. Ge. caraiake &CO., prop's. AVEUIS HU OgMeGiii Courege Avenue. AVENUE BOUS"-FamIiy Hatlirates 81.50 A (sSMsNERITTuT552D R pr ay cv Jep Limpýy TeggAMES'h! two lecks tram C. P. Lepy Leget-b! Cen it hbe tala. ie-laaCmmril oc.Modem int. It is 1 provenenta-Ratee moderato. Mss VraPlneWbt s the mat--' O'Loane-You cau get aveu with me ter, my poor man? Are you ilii 4 by pityiug that V you owa me. Bor- Limpy-Ii is tisa Iovely vision I se'w rows,-Even ? Rai1 that wauld ha lu my dream 1 The ange] face of my o.p.c.d, ~ bauefectress shines dowu upon me1n.P.a.10«) You gava me food witis tiose snawy isands in tisat precious dream, youOA R" S know1 CfrboilC Dieinfectan'te. Soape, Oint. Mrs. Plane-Weii, J'm very sorry, ment, Tootl- powders, etc., have beeu but al 1 bava in tise house4 is a cold awa.rded 100 moedale and diplormes for auperlor po1 ato.: excellence. Théir regniar uâeo PrTO6t nttfecti. L*impy-A cold potato 1 Heavens 1 Ou" disease. .&gk your dealer lia abtalua We]l. madam, I will hc generoug witheupply. Lista mailed frec on application. you. Tise vision of tisa dream can F. C. CALVERT & C0., sta;ad. Bring ou Yeur cold patato. MAO8T~ .EIOND UNLIKB ANY OTHER Lte 9N is T I'r o - hi ak sL e a ci p a c k a,g e s . W E E IR couId read this advertisement, Fortune knocks a 1t every man't door at seine time. New it is knocking at yours. W ESHW OUhow you may live in easy circumstances, earning big 1without leaving borne. The first applicant frois each town or country district wIll get this unparalleled chance. Capital flot nece»- sary, for start. For full particulars address enclosing two cent stamp. EASTERN DISTRIBUTIN COC., Bollevllo, OntarIod NURALCIA, SCIATICA. MUSCULAR, INFLAMMATORY, GOUT, LUIMBAGO: RHEUMATIO -PARALY8IS. hSTHMA 0 -r g4 ýhod Is sure and has cuo-cd thousands-some pronouneed A .. incurable. Write at once. Booklet and Proot on request A4dms T'heSWISSAMîERIeGAN CO., WIndsor, Ont., Canada Ud PBTOLE~I mULSION A most efficient substitute for cod-liver ail, pleasant ta, the- faste, tJ andl agreeing with the most sensi tive stomnach. Used by physicians in the treatmen of all throat and »Ma Md lung troublest and - if resuits _ count f or anythng-almost no lirait ta the good It can do. Sànièle bottie iailed tà any address on roeelpt of go centsato cover postage. Angier Chemnical CO. m i. à.Toronto Say, 1 nover beard two mou bold sucb exactiy opposite viaws on tisa saine point. Who are they? Pro- fessional medical experts. Te~chers ~Wnnted Te send fer eufr lom lote SIiEET MUM OCATALO0IJ9 and SPECIAI. RATE OF DISCOUNT. We are equlpped ta a CcO., 1 Be Yesee St.. TORONTO, ONT. Carters SOLS OURE lu .Cresllna ilSp. P. me Carmac A &Ca.. Agents, Montreal. TH DE MONES INOUATR-Bet and oieapast etamp fer catalegu.. 313 St. Paul street. Moitreai BookseRosarles, Cru- Cathollo Prayer cfiS Scapulare. rjeilgieut Plctura, S=anurad Churcle Oraeantet, Eee naal w a. Mildeïserecoive prenpt attea.- lin.. 0. & J. SABLIER & CO., Montreal. W-3NTED-Fom e Pattern Malter, ciae geed Me- chnica.Draughtsfllel-permanent pwitÎi ~wtb a good company. Apply, Manager, 66 Bruce Avenue, 'rlARIS LE AI). COPPER. BRAS WbaI.aleonrlp, Long Diatance Telephoel7â0. WILLIAM ST., TORONTO. MImlle, MOille Haine. Barrlstors, etc., removed tWesieV~les~., Rich. Farmers Itnigto Sootc Corn Note This. 1 la the cheepest and Mincr l Ex ractbeet ingredient for M 1l~1dIcoloring corn ta preventcrowe frein picking op corn wben plantedl. 1 bcd 14 acres of cern lat year an cml 135-are tarim and bcdt the seed ail colore, and bad net one saiak deeçroyed by creva. 1 aise clain it a6 gond ce a beay cnet et meure fer making crn grrich w, fee'ling eo weil Vleazed wit it thaï; 1 have taken the agency for it. amera.vlan wieh te bey only eamati box ebould seeil ie their ordere net lator than Feb. lst. Small bex colers 20 busliecls, pricer 2.50; large box colors go btiebel,l prire 85.00- viii be sedlCr 8450 if ordered 13y 5db llth. Temcel itla eder',-l'o dera"eenn ettr M""ed Apilla ircctly et G T., nd0FR .sfor saippiagý Tveyia e re er eedete o ivreatita one ANDREW KAUFMAN, Fargue P.C., Ont. Odorless Closete ThseAbove Cut RoPresOnts GOet01tIi. Most Useful Inventions ofthtie Age ln thea Way et an Indoor lsêt Aflaxho have used Ibis Cioset pro- nounco il absolutely adorless ana medical mon dlaim ilta isbe perfectly oaaitary. Hoadreds bave been sold daring tise pasi Sausage Csn s NwiPotn-fna orc. cins g e ,l e p at riaSt ries. PARK. BLAOK WJILL&0à..Tore to. « MMON SENSE KILLS &eaclaon, 8e Bugg, Rate gnd Mie. Sold by aoil Druggiutâ, or 881 Q nent W. Tara nto. POULTRY, BuTTE'R, Eccs, APPLES, and OthOr PRODUCE, te ensore best r*ý e eý. ocgîa t4 The. Daw-soq commission Ce., Lù4ptod, Sar. W&*t.-Market & Soiboe as t.. Toronto, Spernently aurai mies:beL atarria 01 ue$a "BRITISH AMERICAN DYEINU 00e Look tai agent il e pur tee, oai esd direct. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Cluebec. WE ARE OFFERINO TO INVESTORS special stock, guerenteeing large dividends; &aaIsn . etalment stoek pcyebie le mentbiy instalments, druwn cash diYideed , hait yearly. Partie vntlng safe anà Vftale invenaieent sheuld correapond vitb heSnSavlngs and Loan Ge., Toreonto. Mene ionerd one favorable terme; agents waiited le unrepre«ented dietricts; write ue. W ANTED. 4ý1-,,, Men or vamen ie ail parte et Canada ta bandie Our trade. Liberai eons. mis ion er ealary and exclueive ter. rjtory te rigbt parties. Gee*i,etrst. ly Up _Odate ced geat sellera. Poe' tîculare free. AUtomnatlo Steumn Cooker no. 295 Collage Street, Mhgan Land for sale. 8000 ACRES 0000 FARMINC LANS-ARENAO -1 eoco, Ogemaw cnd ravt nid Cuntie. Titie par. lert. On Michigian Centrai, Detroit & Mackinc anti j mon Lake Rairoude, et price aengilio- trou $2 te Vi acre. Theme Lande are Close ta Enterpiin New ..». , Curcleea, eeels, etc., and will beeoid on oa ieaeenabie termes.Appy ta R. M. PIERCE, Aýent, West Bey Ciy, Micb. Or J.W. CURI i8. Wbitteznnie, Mica. MAIL Jmilon Lino, sT*AmS1IIPS Partland, Me.. ta Liverpool, via Hlalifax. Large and fast Steamers Vancouver, Dominion, Cambroman. Ratea et pet.agc:-Fuelt Cabie, $50 up waida; Second rcm $5 OSerage, $22.50 aed $23 50, For furier. fomtion appiy te local agents, ni DAVID TORRAN CE& 00., Ornerai Agents, 17 St. Secrameet St. Motetreal. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. GRATEFUL-COFOTNG. BR EAKFA ST-S U PPE R. JA6. IR. ANNETT, Manager. JOHN J. MAIN, Supt. and Trea, Hom,'lre Sfety i1 Esplanade, To ronto Opp. $Sherbourne St., For Catalogue and price list write ta Hligh Clasa Watem' Tube Steani The Odorless Crematory Closet Sollers, for Ail Pressures, Co«, Hamilton, Ont. Duties and Fuel. D) o antt byorsl afrmo thrprpry lt SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. V tenOnaro "heGrdn fCaad, o x. Toronto Siecîriefigbt Coe, Liniitcii, changet, Tevu wnor o ber property 'C an"'?r "tanThe i'fli FBaton ('e.,Liniteti. piecvii vxe ur ed oey b ,eitig t acer otet lflflIflfflfQJThe Mary Barrie l10., Limited. Y.rop"rT e e and taed eî liatnia 11uej ~ jlj~IThe flatta Percha Riibier & Mf. Ce. nîrces MaagefetTha rtnRe l Ec ^tate. x-Thse Wiwoe Publielil.g Ce.. Limitei chage,78 uiiaîtret. no. TAraneher. trouera uap be eemii curing 'l

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