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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Feb 1900, p. 5

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That's wbymany a man feels "ceross" and "cranky" and "Ont of sorts."' A few doses of our, Little Liver Pilus do wonders for those who sufer fron sick headache, bilio-usness, &c, &C. They arc absoluteiy guaran- teed to be better than any other pis on the market. 2 boxes 25e, and your money, bkifyou ask for it. '~Stott &J ury. The Drugggists. Why run the risk of rtîining your eyes and sufering long hours of misery ,from eyestrain etc. Both.these dangers can be easily avoided. We inake a specialty of cor- recting eye -tr -' -,s. The spectacles we fit are guaranteed to gîve satisfaction. No charge for testing and no charge for the g1asses if they do Dot fit. Give us a trial if others have S TTT & J URY. The Druggists and Opticianss. GRAND [RUNK RAJLWAY. BowmAN VILLE STATION. GOIrNG EAST. (1OING WST E res ...8 31 a. m. 1 Express... 5 17 a. m ý>Expres.... 101 7 a.m. Local. 8 15 Passenger... 3 26 .n.Passenger.. i135 p. m, Local . m. Express... 7 39" *Expres..ilO Daily. STOTT & JuRy. Towrn Agents The Canadiail Statesman, BOWMANVILLE. FER. 7, 1900. Local and Otherwise. Ail work guaranteed by Jas. Goard. Try Tod's home-made Maple Creuin Miss Brown, Berlin, la guest of Miss Prower, .MissEthel Fosterilavisiting frienda in Cobourg. Mr. William Gila visitingo frieudsaut Port Hope. McLaughlii C(-airnages uni, cutte-rs at John Percy 's. Ahnond Taffy-Suturday mîl 10 per lb ai Tod's. A conntyhistoricul seciety% is about te be fonmed lu Lindsay. Fura of ail kinda reducci. in pnices at Conch, Jobtiston & Crydermau's. Mr.Arthur Humber aitended the Whit- by-Pont Hope match ut, the latter town. Sturday Mareh 8, Directors of West Durham Agrieniturul Society will moot. Cbeap enuogh te burmi, 8 doz. ciothea pins for 10 cia. Saturduy ut Nicholîs' Some linos of dress gooda selling off veny cheap ut Couch, Johuston & Cry- dem'man's. 1Ladies, bave yen scen them ? Spring styles lu 8eilt Buekies uni. Back Comba ut Nieholîs'. Mr. Sam, Wiiîams representing the Dr. Wund Medicine Company, wvus ln town Friduy. .Mr. D.B. Simpson, Q.C,.attended the opening cf the Dominion Parliament ut Ottawa lat week. Ladies, new la your lime te secure a cent ut a great hargain ut Couch, ,Iobnstoi) & Cryderman's. Mns. D Heddon, Mount Vernon, la visiting Mrs. Arthur Hardy, who has been auffering frein tonsimimtm. Ladies and Misses coats are being sold, off ai greatly reduced prices ut Coueh, Jehinaton & Cr3 dermun., Mrs. J. S. Hamnilton, Milbreok, bas returuci. frein a visit with ber f uther, Mr. Richard Oshorne, Tewn Lino. Rev. J. C. Broughall, incumbent ef Ail Saluts' chnncb, Whitby, preucbed ut St. Siephen's chunch, Toronto, Sunday. .Bowmanville Lodge, A. O. U. W. NO. 99 bas deuated $5 te the Siek Chlidreni's Hospital, -Toronto, ani. Mr. Jos. Jeffery $2. Teckly ilfail and Empire and. STATESMAN for 81.90;witbi $1.00 At'us et Canada and the Worli. fer only 25 cia, extra. Mrs, A. Asher of 97 Close Ave., Ton- ente, bas been spending a few duys with lier niece Mrs. A. Niehelas, Con- cession St. Other eltizeus of Ibis town whe have receivedEeniun Raid Modulsarue Messrs. P. C. Trebileock, W. H. Williams and Robert Adair. Rev. and Mns. J. W. Rue, Toronto Junction, were guest s et bis brother, Rev. J. J. Rue, ut the Met hodist Purson- ugo, whilo lu 'town. We buwý condemsed ail luto-ni iving correapondence, ewing te pressure ou our space. Seme articles heid over, more reoi nuext week. Rev. Melvilleo-A. Shuver, Cobourg, preached te the 111h Toronto Company cf the Boys' Brigade iu Broadview Ave. cburcb, Toronto, Sunni.y moruing. ,M.A.Jumes, Bowmuuviile, la Goveru- nient Iasuer of Marriage Licensos for the Conntv of Durham, during business heurs at office, ut bis residence Centre- aI,, atiimight. The second of the course et High Sebool lectures will ho given ln the Town Hall on FridaY evening, Feb. 9, ut 8 b ' Rev. Canon MeNab, Ton- ente Subjeet. "Switzerlund uni. North- cru Italy," with lantern views. Silver collectiomn. Among the muny goed thinga coming ibis wuy la the plane recitul by Mr. J.D A. Tripp, pupil of Moszkowski, Stepun- off and Lesehetizky, piano virtuose and toucher, assisted by the doyven yenng tenon singer, Mr. A. F. Mann. Tw Hall, Fýeb. 27. Reserved.seats 50e; gen- oral admission 85c. Misses Luttrl uni. '1'illey une giving tiis concert and as thev are lwuys se wiliing te assiat ut local ontertaiumeut tbov shouid ho loy. ally sutained lu Ibis effort. From lied Deer, N. W. T., Jan. 29, 1900, Mr. J os. Colo, writes: We are huv. ng remankubly pleusant wouther this wiutor, lmost ne snow, the days wunm à nd E tiil witu ne nain . Gnops thîs yvea r We were fuvored' with a eall onu ere almoat a failureoewing te the wet Monday from the Misses Aruot, Zion, summer but -we hope for btter luck uni. fieni. Misa Lander, Oshawa. liext yeur. Cttle are well Ibis Tue Màson Cornpanv aneunces a winslr, requiring littie Cane and. cem- verp speclul punchase cf CoIung uni.or paritivelyti litto feci.. Roi. Deer mude exceptionai cincumtauces. Roui. thein gooi. progreas lat year uni. we oxpect a ai.v. largo number of new settiers nout A J1e frein Bradwontby, Deon, spig Engianudj, Jan. 24, 1900, suys: The wiu- ten bas been.very mil. 50 fan, auy sanow and ouiy a little frôst. Bowmuuville No. 99. A. 0. U. W., give a musical uni. literary enter- taiument lun their lodge room ou Frii.ay eéveniig Feb. 28ri. te whicb every meinherndi his lady are invitei.. Regular meeting of Homo Circle No. 3 lu Royal Templans' Hall, ou Meuduy7 evening Feb. 121hut 7.80 oclock. Af 1er the business mneeting a choico prograin wili ho nendened ani. nef reshints seryed. Ail members are expectei. te o otoebr tteCtcue *tte~.. .clasa et the Mothodiat chut-ch wero ou The date for the Grand Concert in tertainci. te cake uni. coffeo ut, t4e aid ef the Canudian Patriotie Pundi m home of thoir leader, Mrs M. Cryder- fixed for Thursdav eve.iug, Pcb. 15. man, Beceh Ave,. lat after G ireat prepa rations une being made by whichli Mn, S. H. Reynold.s who bai. 0ibocommttee. Keep the eveniugedean vounuteerci. thein a sieigh ride, c)f any othen engagement. drove np with bis fine spun of herses M igs Charlotte E. Wiggins, Dominion uni. siigh uni. gave Ihein a joliy gooi. Organizer, wili bol.- a public meeting sleigli ride tbrongh uni. about the toMn. tinder tho auspices et the W. C. T. U., Justath ie sleigbhultei uni. ere the iu this towu on Wei.uesi.ay. Feb. 2M. good byca wcre spoken, might ho seen Misa Wiggins cernes bighly recommeni.- ani.houri. the wave et bandkenceheifs ei. as a public speaker. The subjeet uni. hearty cheering for Mn. Reynolds will be "The New Patniotisin." She la which ho se ichly deseryci. for bis a consecraîci. woman uni. bus -Iven hon oxtreme kindussa. llfe's wonk te moral reforma, Punther One et the beat ail-round concerts ,)aficulars later. affordiig upprepniate uni. onjoyable "Il -he Boari. et Management ef the entertaiument was given lu the Town lifme the toliowng doua- Hall Tnursduy nighit by the Park Sistera tiens reeelvei. since lat report: Previs uni. Mn. C. Edmuni. Neil, roader.1 Ions, Xirs. Jury, Mrs. King, Maple There wus plenty of vanioty ahi. evory GrovQ4 'cbunch, Miss MeCleluan, Misa tbing was proseuted lu a way thut was lie, Mrs. Meatb, Mrs. MeClelan, prOeoted in a way that wus repeatei.lyj Epwerfh League, Bowmanville, Metho- eni.orsei. uni. pprecialci. by the audi- diat churcb, Mns, (Dr ) HuIler, Mrs once. The Park Sistors f urnishei.a a Dunu, Mrs. Fisher, Mr. W. F. Allen, choice musical prognuin on cornet,e Young People Disciple church, Mrs. M. trombone, maudoilu, zither uni. guitar( Burk, Mns. Young, Mrs.(Dr.)McLaugli- with piano accempanimont uni. wbether1 lin, Miss MeMurtry, Mrs. T. Toi., MrS they piuyei. ingly or as a quartette J. W. Aexander, Mrs. J. BriilIum; wou deseryci. acknowiedgment. Mn. Cithing, oie: -Mrs J K.. Galbraith. Neilia pieces wee ew uni. ho grew lu Mrs. Aui.rewsý, Mrs. Tole, Mmq. Wm,' favor ut oery appearunce. Ris troug1 Cryderman, Missionary Auxiiiary et power et imitation was fineiy expresci. Blackateck' Methodîsi churcb, Misa lu sevenal humorous recitatieus wilbe1 White; Cash donation et $15 frein Poor the deeper uni. haraher emetiens werei Relief Fuud et Bowmanville Meîh6dist dispîayed lu the soiections frein "Quoe church. Vadi." Miss E. Braden visited friends in Tor- onto last week. Send your work to Jas.Goard,Watch maker and Jeweiler. Keep the children weii by uging Mil ler's Worm Powders, M. A. James is Government issuer of Marriage Licenses. Get your school supplies at Jas.Goard, Stationer and Jeweller. Burgains in wrap shawis, just the thing for the eoid weather, at Coueh, Johnston & Crydermau's Don't buy vonr furniture from me if y ou can buy cheaper at any othet place -but you can't. L. Morris-.. The latest songs. .10e. Send for cat- alogue. Instrumentai and vocal music ulwuys lu scock-Jas. Gourd. The prices on rubber beiting, pack- ing, hose, and meehanical ruber goods advanced 5 per cent on Feb Ist Mrs. R. Young and Miss .Poily Young have returned from xvisiting ber son, Mr. Albert Young, (ristown, Que A new Methodist ehurcli eesting is $4000 shortly to ho, ereeted at Daven- port, 1ev,.11. S. Mtthews, pastor. -Mr. E. C. Beman, Newcastle, contrib- uted $10 to the Sick Young Woman Fund for Gravenhurst Sanitarîum. Men'saund Boy's suts and Men and Boys over coats selling' off at reduced prices ut Coucli, Johuston & ryder- man 's. TUE STATESMAN has just received a supply of the iatest Wedding stationary Cal and sec samples of our work, an-d get prîces. "-Adversitv flattereth no ma," but the pains of d yspepsia turn his attention te llood's Sarsaparilla and in ias use hoe finds a cure. The Bay of Quinte Conference Epworth League convention wil bc heil in Port Ilope Methodbt Church Feb. 21st and 22nd. Ladies driving te town on a cold day eaun get nice and warmi at Nieholîs' Y. e do net usk yeu te buy goods. Corne and sit beside the "Qttcen." The Mail and Empire says: Miss Eileen Thorne, who bas been visiting her aunt Mrs. W. H. Thorne, T)oente, bas returnod to lber home ln Neweastle. Pain from mindigestion, dyspepsia and tee hearty eating, is relieved ut once by takiag ene of Carter's Little Liver Pilla immediutely after dinner. Dont forget this. Miss Perry, Toronto, who presided se effiiently at the opening of the. new pipe organ la St. Paul's ehurch, was gueat of hier aunt, Mrs. E. S. Meath, while in town. 1If you are tired taking the large oid- fashiened griping pilla, -try Carter's Little Liver Pilla and take seme coni- fort. A ma cant stand everything. One pilI a dose. Try themi. Among the Presbyterian Century Fund subscriptions aeknowýledged la Saturday's Mail and Empi-e appears the namne of Rev. R. M. Phiaien,, B. A,, Blackstoek, $80, .Heur Rev. Canon A. W Maekn.ib on Switzeriand and Ilorthern Ituly, Town Hall, Friday next ut at 8. He is a Bowmanvi!ie bey; give hM a waem Weiecone homne. Silveir collection. ,Wîll positiveiy cure sick headace and prexent its return Carter's Little Liver Pills. This la net tulk, but truth. One qili a dose. Sec advertisement. Smail pili. Smail dose. Small price. -Mr, and. Mrs. R. R. Stevens, Mr. Wm. and Miss Beitie Munday and Mr. F. N. Tamblinson, were recent guests of Mr, and Mrs. T. H. Clayton, Whiitby. Mir. Tamblinsonbought Mr, R Alexander's colt. Miss Luttreil and Miss Tîlley havet succeeded lu securing Mr. J. D. A, Tppof Toronto for a piano recital on Tfuesday Feb 27,who will bc assiated by Mr. A. F. Manun, tenor. Il will bc a grand ùpportunitv fer citizens te heur ibis talented piunist, MeClure's Magazine for Februaryt opens with a second instuiment ef ~Thet Life of the Miaster" by L.ev. John Wat-f son (Ian Maclaren) illustra ted witb four of Mr. Linson's brilliant paintings ru- produced in the colora as the originala, and a number of beautiful druwings lu black and white. The S. S., McClure i Ce.,141-155 East 2th Street, New York City. Mr. Norman Crago, Peterboro, is home. Walnut Taify-Saturday only 10e per lb ut Tod's. War news and notes wili be Io-und ont an inside page. Nut Taffys-10c, per lb.-Suturduy only ut Tod's. Remuant sale tbis wee'k ut the Mason Ce. Sec their adv. Mrs. D. T. Morris recently visited ber mother at Gaît. Dr. J. C. Devitt spent Surnday witb friends in Port Hope. Dariington Township officers wili be appeinied next Suturday. Ask M. A. James fer bis price, for uny papier or magazine y ou wunt. The D. O. & P. Ce. bave been buving eue of their boilera repaired. Misa Bertha Morris, toucher took honorsaut rocont Normal exams. Mr. Norman Noribeote, Toronto, was guest of bis uncle Mr. J. C.Yanaione. Wcnderf ai value en men's suits and evercoates ut the Mlasou Ce. Se ý thoir ne w aiv. Mr. and Mrs. S. T Lockhrt, Ash- birn, were guesis of Mrs. W. Knight Thursday. *1 Chic photos made ut Tait & Ce's gai- lery every day; they are fine; try tlmem ut 25c. a dozen. "'Wny, bew cheap Furniture bas got" ithe cemmon talk after soeing our geeoda. L. Morris. Mr. Geo. C. Haines bas installed a bot water heating system throughouî his Carniage \Vorks. The employeca of the D. 0. & P. Company, BOwýmanville, have contribu- ted over S100 te the Patà:iotie Fund. Mr, W. H. Greenwoed, eity editor of The Toronto \Vorld, is in Ottawa, re- porting time dehates fer that journal. The first bar of steel ever madle lu Ontario waa roilec ialsi Wednesday ut the Abboti-Mitehell works, Belleville. C. P. R employeca over the svstemn will subseribe haîf a da'y 's puy te the Putriotie Fund, ug-gregating about $2c- 000. Farmers, dont fail te read "Wbut eau ho raised on a 50 acre farm when worked weil and welli managed" on au inside page. Tait & Ce. muke large Chic photos ut 25e. every day the Galier-Y is open; aise ail ether kinds, incl 'udiag Crayon por- traits ut low prices. Subserîbers eau do us a kindness at this season by speaking te neig-hbors and frienda a bout the, geed qualities of TUE STATESAMAN. Wei want 500 new subseribers. lleavy whipcord spr'ng and "aJl over- coua oniy $0,75 ut the Mason Ce,, part the speciai purchase frein the R. Greene Co. bankiupz stock. Sec the adv lu anotiber columu. Order Ludifs' Homne Journal, $1,00; Saturduy Eveuin.- Post, $2.50; Christian Guardiani,$1; Duily and Wookly Toron- te an.] Montreal pap-a, frein M. A, James. Lowest club rutoý.s, Mr Jos. Gould, Alîstonit Mass,, hua purehused a number of verv fine cattle in Eust Whitby. township among them being 20 frein Wm. Bain, Taunton, averaging frein1200 te 1800 ibs; il from Win. Batty, Foley, weîgbing 1400 lbs. ecd; 10 fromn Fletcher Werry, Kedron, wveigbing 1100 'eueb. Good prices wero paid.. Try Tait & Ce. wheu yen wisb your residence photogruphod, cither large or amali, and yen will be deligbîed. Tbey umake their photos te ho durable, und. they are artistie aIse. Yenu will sec preof of thatinl theéir every-duy work. Tuke a look inte their window opposite the Town Hall entrunce and be con- vinced, elh f.a Rmns SA serles ? outffianRmns cenees by Sir John Robinson. formerly g ever-nor of Natal, ila egun lu the LivIng Age for Jan, 27. Natal frem a womuu s point of view wvill ho prosen- ted in a papeî caiied "Natal Momonios" by Lady Broorne, la The Living Age for Feb. 10.c Many parents consuit us about what papers or magazines are heat for their boys and nrial. Having un intimute knowledgeolo mot of the leading pnb- licalieus, we are ulways pleased te give auyone the benofit, simply for the usk- 1 in.We bave pricelista of over 8000 A WONDERFUL PREPARATION, "hlokco" cereal coffee. Pure whole- some, nourshiug, highly recemmended by leaiig physicians. Rokeo la equai te 40e coffee, buè, only costs eue feurth the pnice and la used ut your meuls ln- steaa of poisonen ous u ni. coffoe. Rokco la sold lu 10e packages 15e on 2 lbs for 25c. For sauebin Bowmanville by the followiug gro ors, ~Young & Ce, Cawker & Tait, Roui & Ce., MWasou & Ce, John MeMnrtry. J. B. Martyn uni. A. L. NZicholîs. I sk for it. 0-lyr LONDJON &LEE SINGERS. The second populur 'entertainment tukos place lu the Town Hall, Friduy Feb. 16th wheu the fumons London Gîce Singera will appear lu eue of their Grand Coemmtns. Plan of Hall opens, te subacnibers ut big 20 Feb. 9 ut noon, te the, genorul pubflic Saiurduy. This Ce. appearci. befoem oan audience ef 3,0O people ut Musseov Hall Toronto, uni. the Globe said efthtem: The London'Glee Singera bave a fiel. of their own, se fan ut iat, as Amenlea la coucerned, lu the folk song ef oh. Engianul. Songa that but for the loving pains cf a few collectons weuld have dici. witb the old pensant singersare mevived by the Gcee Singers with excellent effeet. The cli. ballud mukera et Engluni. woeemerry feliows uni. tuneful withai. We. arc uccustomed te bcuning many standard ballada that nex-er bac itheir chanin, but the Gîce Singera adi. te these other bass gemîenaily knowu, but almoat us pleusant. The singera appeur il- the costumes of the peniodas. That the audience encorea. A progruin ef twenty- four numbens should satiafy ulmoat un.yoe, but '25 per cent ef the numbers w ene enconci. MILATS ÀAM) LAiî>CHFAFI. Ji. E. L. Cole, Hampton, wmll adi for next 80 i.ays 20-1lb tub Park, i-lackweli & Ce's eelebrnied lard, A. 1, for$i. 65 or 10-lb tis 88c. medium size smokei. bains an dbreak faqt bacon 13c per lb by the hani or huIt hum; roilci. smoked penk, by roll 91-c, -1 roll 10e; siiedi.lic per lb; sait peuh lu 5 or 10 lb. lots, 9e. per lb; Bologonasausuge 8 Iba ton 25e. Ail these gooda are retunnable if net A. 1. Cookei. sousci. piga foot and bonad cheese on baud. Paze's Pouitry Foci. Se per lb.- It pays te- have biens laving uow. Eggs taken as cash ut 18c per dozen 110W. Yen muy louve your order ln Bewîuîîville for any of these ut Nieholls' or drop me a c ari.. 1!, yds. of Perk [4foot]for 10e. Pei.dlpiluBow- manville Wednesi.ani. Sutunduy; ln Hampton, Ennistillen uni. Bunketon, on Fridav. We puy 8 te 81c for, trim- meal beefbmdes; $2.25 te $2.50 for herse- bides; 60e te 95e for shoopskins; deacona 31)e te 40e; veuis 9e per lb. Veai caives, yearlings, spring lambsauni. nooi. butcher cattlo wvanted for whieb bigbest pnico vill ho p iid. Catie kiile.1 t the slaughter bouse ut (0e eaeh. FOR SALE -Goo0d Single cuiter $10; white sheeDakin robe $7.50. WViII take huy, wood, grain ani. bai. stnaw lu exehange 'or cuiter or robe, Sheep- 59zins. dlogskins, eaîveskina tanned wîtb, bain on.j Notices cf IiiiAtrigsand Deatls 50 cents, when marriagoiîconses arc obtained or funerai notices printod ut this Office. Insertion free. BORN. flmohLcw EnCiaih11111. 27, the R'ife ofMr Chas. Bigelo, a son. W'IaSON-In Oshawa, Jan. 10, the wifc cf An)drew Wilson, cf a daughter. BRINELL-In Cedar Dale, Jan.- 31, the xvife of ienry Binell, cf a son. FARIIELL-Near Bradley's Schoci Dnlor ton, Feb. 1, the wife cf Mr. Michael rric a dacghter. BENIiiÂm-Near Unîion sciioci.Dalgo Tel,. 8; the wife cf Mi-, Rd. Bentham, cfa dacghter. MARRIED.ý BR,WN EuazxMAI-At Dawson, i he Yukon Territorv, on Rew v ear's Day, lu St. Paucis Church, by Rev. H. A. Nayior, Dr. j. N. Rlliott BrOWI, Territorial Seceary ad Cierk cf the Y kon Cocncll,tc Aice reemaî(Ual h e ton) both cf Toronto, TUTTLE-HALL.-At nie residence cf the brides' l'are"îts Oaiiawa, Jan. 31, by Rev. J. P. WViso 13 . A., Fiorence L.R., second daughter of Mr. Tiho. Rail, and Chares B. 'fumîle, ail cf Oshawa. ALLWOuRn RuHMmIymO-cAt 69 St. ýMary's St., Torote, Jan- 31, bY Rev. Dr. Geim-.n, Mr. Walter Ailworth, Montreal, and Miss Lillian M.aud, daughter cf R. C. Halltcn, Esq., boruni- hsn't that a lovely photo et Misa -? publmcations. Ask M, A. James for il- Isu't that fine et Mn. ---? hauit that a formation about any journal et whmch DIED. (» youknow.EDICa-Elizabeth Jane Edick, wife cf Dr. beautitul picture efthIbt lutIle girl H oEyen uow., ai her residence, Bowmanvilîe, Pcb. course, I think tbev are ail mat boveiy, At the concert unden the auspices et î5, igoo. 'The fulneral to-day, Weduesday, Pcb. uni. s, beautifuily fluishei., I ike bis5 the Sons et Scolland, ovoniug, 7, at 2-p. m. styleoie motints, too, se much i.ou't yen? lu the Tewn Hall, Miss Tessu MeCailuin Detroit, Mich., and Dnndas, ont., papers This la whut peepbe saY wbou thoy boek a bright uni.doene yonng lady g ave a please copy. in r. reeands wndo, oposte henumer f radigsthat ds db e CaOATE- At Warsaw, jan. 26, Thomas la M. Pnelai.'swiniowoppoite be umbe et eadngathd i.s leor Choate, in his 31st year. BennetRouse. And. why net ? Mn. eicutmouary powers uni. made a pieus- Iuterred at Port Hope. Freelani. bas bai. expenienco ln two ot ing' ententaiumout for lhon bearers. 'Rer NIARPE-AI starkiviiîe, Feb 1luchent Sharpe, the beat studios in Toronto uni. shouli. rendition et Kipling-'s "Absout-minded aged 89 years.1 ho able te lake photos that pIeuse. Bgg-an" received hearty upplause. Miss OKF-i:'ear Solila, Darlingicu, Pcb. 4, Harold Gloýver auni.Cupt. W. C. King sang solos William, ouly Sou cf Mr. and Mns. Wm, Oke. Local Moîhedists bave dene a pruc- un.IeD . .C.bu tiue. aged 2years. tica1 troke et business, the Trustees a numben et pepulun airs. Miss Luttreli Alber-tbis fathrrsDrvideoni, cJa uit, 'having e epted. bans frein members et veny efficiently prosii.ei ut the piano. aged 16 eas, on cf M. DdAus croo the cengrogatien te the ameunaiet up -______ Lor f$"00a e nnE ndAs FARNI FOR 1SALE -Excellent 73- aid off th, mortgage bel. by the Star n cefarm,,lotO, cou. 5, EatWbitby, 5 Iito Assurance Societv oet onEg- o uueflA Jdge.. miles norîli of Oslawa; sei ebeap, Serins easy. Ild, le which was pal. 5 per cent 13% Appiy to JoIua YEO CofE, Tanner* Hampton.. thia change the Board, net enly effecla 6-2w a suvug ln intereat et ever $50, a ytun, As (.'olor Critics They T-OS T Fo lot 7, con. but the wbole amoutnt et the iateneat mouigEPb.4 gees inte the pockets of members et the Say Diamond Dyes Are email souci horse with white stripe iu face. congregation. The cemmitîe buving Aay person giviug information as to bis wbere- thismaler u chrgewascomesei et theBes In he ~ToId. abou.ts will confer a greal favor on the owuer. thi mttr n hagewascopoedofth B st n he Wold MSSVÂmL, Pickering. 6-tf. Mossns. C. M. Cwken, P. Trebileock, Secnetunx-, uni .M A. James, Treusunen r,,,~~ ui. the; are of thse opinion thai ibey As arule women are by fan the beat WUOULU IUU LIri lU IFER coul. oasly have ramaei. as lunch more jui.geso eolora. Their vatexpenience la the ceugregution if il wene wantcd. lu the innumenablo shades uni. tinta EFCLsEL brongi oui by European pro fossionul At the recent session oi the Counties' i.yers in1 dresa tabries, ibisons, ilîka "OP'O Counucl Dr. W. E. TIlhlcy, M. A., Bow- in colora mauvilie, Public School Inspecter ton thut tew men possos. ,g Durhamn county, proseulci. bisunnul report Ho reports 110 achoola, thnee As colon enlties uni. iudgea the wo ABLETS, efthIese liad been built during theyvar eunofetal civilizei. lands have long ugo IE ene ut Seina, Durlinglen, oee t tMade D)iamoni. Dses the pepular home NRERV WVesevvilie, lu Hope, uni. ee t S. S., favorites for thse. olnig t iltae No 16 Maux-ors, twol et these bai. base- and ii.y lookingl ganînonts und. fabrica monts uni. furnacosaîîi the three wene et wool, silk or- etietn, WL AEYUS a credit te thse sections ou wbieb tisev Everywbere, iniollegeai and. ecenoin- WI AEYUS were situted. The achool sureuncu- icai women, ufler thîonough tests uni. Once you have fe t the great bless- luga lu înany et the ottiers ecelions weno In.iaitu, have founi. Diamoni. Dyca te îng of good healtis you wihl neyer greatly improvei. during the ;eUr. uni. nve thse ichest, fullest uni. most lat- trusîes uni. parents lu mauy acîn ing colos-colora Ibai for brilliancy bo witliout TINY TABLETS. appour te ho taking un increase1l tEn and i.nnability aurpasa tise offerts et pro. 'BD SPM est lu sehool muttons. Sevea d;«,ipllInQ fessionul dyera. EE bai. beau given i.nning tlie yeî-..1 To secure ouse, coiotentani. perfect eucb te the felowiug- sehools, Bowtn;îu success mn heme di.3ig, the Diamoni. BETTER THAN A TRIP TO EMRPE ville, Newcastle, Millbrook, TYmexie O. os shouli. ho usei. ut alillimeq tIrggs. Y auto Enniakilien,1 Blackstock uni. Ne 1(3 Wrking ou the reputalien et Dia-.tDtussB alta Manvers. To ouch sebool receiviug a imoud Dyca, some nOnscrupulous people Or,.Stope Med1qbie CoVy, Limbtd, Toronto depioma, a grant of $5 is malle by the ai e putting' up imitation iyes iu pack - soc. pEN P"A«O Educational Department. Empire Day ots Suchi i.yea are a source et danger was obsenvedinl moat et the sehools, te the dyer uni. the matenluls te be INSTANT RELIEF znarantoed by ns-. uni. upprepriate singiug and necitatious' coioroi.. See tisaI euch packet of dy've MIBU NIS 'mll.iING IEEAD)- rendered. ,purëhasëd bas the naine "Diamoni.." freet.eslgate. Il RJCK HROUSE FOR SALE OR WRScno xs B reut-That conefortable brick bouse on l'ieu or aduIts ivlien DE 'brh St, witb6 rooms and back kitcbeu,good SRPiuc.2e garden, bard and scft water. TerMs very reas -__________ onable. Appty le D. TAYLOR, Hampton. 49-If. DU. J. COLV!, B30AR FOR SALE-A Yorkshire G--jRADUATE [OF ýTOî white boar eue year and ten meuths eid, a ý,SITV, and Tnlnity 1 splendid pig cf the J. E. Bretheur brceding, Slven Street. Ni ghi calma Yery ,geutle disposition and bas done gond jdune cf Mr. Davis, Beach. serYlce lu the past. Pnice kucu n. on application. A slap te gel a gond ndg. A bigh class Young Pig bas been secured te take bis place. Tbhauk- ing my numerons patrons for paît fuyons anti NEWT T.AILC solicitiug a eall te sec wbat stock I bavc. W WVzuux,UeselandvaIe Tarm. Sollua P. 0. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. Corrected by J.1Wolirtry each Tuesday FLOUEI, P 100 Ibs........81 80 to 82 1C W FAMall, bush...O QO00 0O63 o Sprîn ..0 00 0 65 o ledlfe .0 00 ()070 GOOSE .... 000 "0 67 BÂRLEY, VI bush, No. i1..0O39 'i 0 40 fi 2 .0 26 0 35 3I t ...0 25 '0830 fTwo rowed 0 25 ' 0 40 OA'rs, white fi.......O0 21 t0 25 RYE fi ...... 00.1 o0 50 BuczwEnAT fi ......O0 00 0 O45 PEAS, Blackeye, iP bush.. O 69 fi O 75 fi Canadian Beauties., 71 il O 75 ifMummey "f 0 0 il O 60 fSmall, i 0 00 ;' 060 'i Bluei, " 06) fi O 65 BUrrER, best table, 41 1b.. O0 0 fi O18 EGGs, ýPdoz ............. 000 if 0 20 PoTATm»S8bush.......... 000" 020 Ray periton......... 5'(x),ý7 00 rhe nndersmgned wbe ha- the taiioring business fa.asn's Dry Gonds Stona fý lias cemmenced business fa, King St. wesl, where he is gents and boys suits bu alit itloweKt prices. For thos' tnits, be wiii carry a full lin the newest patterns. Give J. T. 018. DENTIS XViii ho ut Bluekat Moai.ay et eacb month 10Oa. M. te 2P. M. a, from 2.30 ~te 5 Pim Menday ou euch mentlI Orrico-Temperane mauvilie, rear ef Hi-,ýý stone_ "'-f BWB AR ~ We are Headquarters for ail kinds Sof Fresh and Sait Fish. We have: W T Fresh White Fish 0e ailb. Fes h Pike, 8c a lb. ~ i Fre",sh Codfish, 7c a lb. I~N ~ Fresh lerring, 30e a doz. ' Fresh Tommy Cod, 5c a lb, Fes!, Smei ts, 10e a lb. Sait White Fish, 8c a lb. S Sait Trout. 8c a lb. Sat'Jih.7 b Sait Labrador Ilerring, 25e doz, ~ A Smoked Iladdy, 10e a lb. Oysters arrive daily and you may rely ongetg the best. CASHR PAID FOReALL FARM PRODU CE. ~ Ca c"r&ait. E B BOWMANVILLE. '0 z, a- c AL TISMOTH Cao- 01 - Fanc a-a-an - a c n hn Plte a- a- Prce a-L AND Sa- a- a- a- -a No. 57 12e TryOu BackT-atocn-sve -un i 1 zi

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