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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Feb 1900, p. 6

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ONTARIO BANK continues io de a Gexirai i-anklng Business at BousmanvilliaÂges ey. DEPOSITS 1 ecetvPd lu Saviiige -Bankr i-lpai-imeut aud btai-est allowed et ecrent raies. Notice af ritliiicawah net ineceasary. Al deposuts payable in demauf EXOHIANGE idought snd eld sadDrafts fssued upon Erp Uciteé i States sud Can ada as eaqle %niud States Greenbacks 'hougbt sud olai COLLECTIONS Eromptly made ai coi-iet ratas upen ail parts if Great ti ha l i tsfeaiSiaies aud tbe Do-- inlulon of Canaa Telegrapli. Transfers Made for large orn alainam on ail parts of Canada. This is sýecially advax tageous to par- so-as lving lu Manitoba or iha NonS Weet, l makes i-be fundsaasilable at once ai tisa place nf pay ment. For other Dari-lulars caîl attise bank. A. J. MCCLEscANr, «BO. MeGILI., Accnuntassi Manager Alli ands Agreeuable.... Mrs. X.-I say, John, I arn going to shahi yet ceme tai abir tiracs, stop baking altogether. We 'fiera ara f amatly nanans abat stand can get at LUTTRELL'S,!fruehh or in uallîgeuca. The naine Bowmanvile,suchgood Bread 1-of VWaslAnin e ns pucnieaisia, al-I and hnand Pies, and' tiuaugh saune ,oh the bil oh fhat lrace Cakes, and Ib iiu ma vaY 1th1n IL icbsagu. Mi. X.-AI1 right, Sarahi, don't i-eil! er:aticu. Tîhe a tmly ni. iSicil sood me any more. It wihI no las thi e )reenËat[aue cf laccara. The doubt be i-be best plan for, fauaaaiy oh aiie Rotlicbiii ls ignsi u the winter anyway. oh usaialà, aha bs cf aoray nMillon -Of 11i-Siai aaiug nuc an- Alex. Luttreil. 1 ceuvanienca; an iraiuvaad a feus yeans Baker anai Confectioner,Bowinauvill he aby lbasa beuneai hussia auselse rail- Teleplione 97. Ilieras ch dollars, Napi-asa txveny-fave, millions, Austria han5y millions, sud En ad uve bundrar i mllious; anal Il Il 1111 I Il csaroke oh ahir pan on chu couna. IIIIILJIIN C NTIN ENT g bouse deek siakes evrytning hfrom aheirïsais Ses tote aDaiiube., neay op 'naheir bandandui cerc la s ar; [boy shuýt il au-ai ch-nre is paace, îLhe Huse of l-la?è,sburg, in Au-ýtria, the 1nousaeh lead bot inprice and quality lu Buta i conta an proaci- of a famiiy ornickel trimmed. Also i-eam a xtoansiv-the icysi Houa oüfJasas, Ilarnesa, ilorse Blankets, wool, ker- ,of hümushe [ha usici anily in heasen se rjute, lined or unlinCd; Red 1 andionu aurîh ilanamed. Wearaî bioal river Robes, rubber interiined or reuin1yaenaaunbpc i without auD lasi- but flot least our'cro-s, ail cf us ana tLe chlîdreu eh [ha Palmerst-on Gui-ters second, i-o nene King. for style and quahi-y. Finsa, I speak oh cor fanaly nama. Everybody welcome at WbsU' wo ce aadeLsceudaint sor im uaegrcaail Clehra Lu Lie bula-t cul- JOHN S. RUNDLE'S. 1 ury, we look at harn uici, preheuudý , 1 nteest. 'fo bave conquerrs, Harcess Emporium. One door East oh inserest. Ta have o'nauaered L. Morris' Furniture Store, Bousînan- kinga, or princes iu ahea u- ville castaaiune gîves lustre ta aie harnly nime. 1u our lana usas a Khîîg anal a Conqueror; The Star lu aie Fats t ih aton oh rLight wojimea»li te S S eLcrnahorchestra [bat madea musio ah GRATEFUL COMFORTING ïotrîL l conquer ail nations, net by ararnpling [hlemn dorîsu, bat cy 1if ting Disiinguished everywhere 1 i-hem up. ist. John saus Hl!nM on a 1 white horse. WinH ea, 6u *15 Heul for delicacy of flavor SUp- 1 not brng lie capties ehain-eaite bis erior qualii-y and nu- wbeel, on lu ircueaag but 1i heur aie strekae o hliehohaeoft ha snous-w'Le tritive properties. Spec- cavalcade tbut bring [beau[o ah-o gas iaily grai-eful and cornfor- inj imh Our family name takes lustre f romn tly5g tothe ne rvous and the star [bat ienaldadI'aiHa, anal abe dyspeptic. Sold only In spear i-bat. pierc'-al H ru,iad the creusa j [at usas g'aven FHl-.Ila gatiers fnag-. Ilb. tins, labelled JAMES rau--- f rom tLe rankineense bmougit EPPS & CO., Ltd., Hom- jto IH a craille, said tb- lufi-as tal uug thýîrsuseetuasa ici-o H s .sarmons, sud oeopai-hic Ghemnists, Lon- ih boxs ofh astar abhat moIre ut don, Engiand. H l s feel. Tic Conforter ut Bethsuy. 1iua Resurritcî ut Nain. Tic super- BREAKFAST SUPPER natanail Oculist ai- Banhsauda. Thie Sasieur oh eue usoniai, sud [ha ciief i A y oh unotha . Tho si-rm Hls frowu.ý u bThesuih i[Hlasrnîile. lihe spriug E ý OO orning H-s t;2ah herhuk ____________th___ le staip o 1 fo.Tephrd4 lie ushispair ofuIliî volce. Tlie ocean arop on lie tip o, 1H1asingan. Heasen ý,iaspankle on lia bosom cf Ris love. AILAIlEEternity tbe[sinkiiugoiHIls ye. The lot we beto ealaheurt-break or husi s tampest, or arous sa isoniai Fi-na Portland From Halifax!anrhfloai imnasnsity sii-h Hs glory. Noon. 5Ï i h at ai-ber farily nama Goulai user Parisian ....Jan SJu os- hac6niîntiu asn içumidlan ........ 17 t0 Liverpool direct osofucaniltrnsieo- Calfruisu Jan,. 21 Iagel, Laurenian-'...Si te Liverpool direct. I1H -ucehori-l swing ont tlie coat-of- Ps-ruai c.Feb S-l iaras 1 Great famnilles 'isur'thein ceai-- RATES OF PASSAGE. Iof arme en tie dress, or on i-be aier First eabiîî, $50 andi upusards. Rtura $100.00 of the coach, or ou [ha, helmet ishen and upwards8 Seconai Cablu $85, Steeraga $2.'5[bey go oui- [o iai-aie, or n oui-e flags by Nemidian $2250. adesgs.Tehrli ini i.aurentiou carrnes flrai cabîn oay. sa niu. Tebrli iu l Stata of Nebraska, frea New York te Glas.- sometimes a lion, or a dragon, or au gows, Dec 2st, 9 a a., Jas 25th nana, Mar la> eagie. Our coai--e-arms, w'on righi- ricoo. oven lhe heurt, bereaf 1er shah hbeaa For ticket@ ani avsry information ap. cross, s amb standing under i- sud ply tO s dosa fhying oser i-. Grandesi- of ail M. A. JAMES, escai-cheona 1 Most- significant oh ail Illan Lina ALent. Bowmacville. f amiiy " Ceai-eh arms." lun eseny betihe __________________________ -1 must- bava, it biazing ou my flag; W AIKNlTED - SEVERAL BRIGHT thie dosa, tie cross, [ha am; sud ad hoîîest pacsons ta rapresant us a~ silen I hall, xsrqp Me li-btat gond eld Managers ai-is said alose by coontias. Saisi-y Christian fhag, se i-bat tic fumily cont- $900 asyeîr and expenses, Sh-aight, boushie oh-arims shah bc. ighi- over My breasi, ne more. n hasesalai-y. Position permaneot. Qor calai-acces, aîiy baîîk lu auy teusu. It l [bai- alL e worhd may sas [bat I look- maiulyo011 ework conducteda aiome, i-tefer- ed [o [ha Deve ehflbaSpirit, anticiung eoca. Enclose self address3ed siaîped envebopa i-o i-be Cross, said depsudeai on tLe Tue DomiIore ComAN'ÂY, lapi 3, Cicago. Lamb oh God, 'ihich taketh ausuy [he __________________ 9__ 4m.___ ana of hle usoTbd5 "Ashaîneaiof Jesus !-lbat dean Friand 1 6POPULAR SONOS l- On whîomr. my hoplas ed heaven de- iiWIt uufli SandSICMusiepteped gkeatiy pnieSadsod in n esvoiuuee. pend îjundiieeulneof muleli ems, enlimental.pth NolI wben I blusi ba i-is my sisme-- sccmic; ersitabieitrsasuof t oril ed' Tptu a or rsraHs 4Ia so b .tiralfi sgs prite, 1s c-,o. pispaId. ?.1Sa mr. rvtuR arna," JîaîracruaàzisngstTornto, Ca Nexi-, I speak of hehamuihy sonrasa. Mftrouble coma te osa meraben of tLe haîiraîy, al l t. lu IPhladalpbia, anal liý e rglan anooîîd, if. is [Le custaoah- ten [ha body lisareal inte i-ha grave, hfor ailti-ha relatives i-o comne tthe se1rgeI oh tie gr-uaesud look dousu lu- [o i. Finat those neareai [n i-be de- ,p -rtedi corne, tien [hosa next of kin, - unîtli[bey hava ail lookeal into i-be grave. Sc, ushen [rouble sud grief ga use Cie ihebeautifl Reazvy d o r sidousu tireugi h he iarti on ee merm- pla ied liiu rac ei for oIing oniy oes ozen Ans Sinenneylileo. ai oncents soc.LoLasolandS îoteîst benofahi-e f amily, [bey go aiown desigs; neolice ahie. WrIte sand v Wiii Sand theo nones i-ro)ugh [hem all. The sud-cestofonue pospi; one-, tuolra the manoy. and vo ai once tee.17 Lor 33recletl at hZgarspaiS. 3I4q.4haO eZ.0 is i-be adnass oh ahi. A cornpauy of WX Z 4ýýpensons join banda aroundau a elactrio 111E ROYAL HO10 We May Rejoice.Tl Christ's, Our Heritage îs Very Large, I the Sorrows of the Mighty « tensive FamiIy Estate and Mansions, the Joyuus Fa; Have Ail Been Bequeathed A despalahu frona Washington says: -Tb-- Beye. Dr. Talmiaga presobsil frena [h' heouing [ext. "Each oua ne- Judges viii., 18. Zebah anal Zaimunua hati beau off te, battIs, anal uhen [biey turne haok iiuy uera askad ushit kinai ah peopbe cnay bs-J seau. ,They unsered tia[ha people h-s-a a royal appearanme; 'ea-ci out resemhiied i-ha eiirea ah a bing." 1 stand ta-day heora mauny whe hava [bis appearauce. Indecai, chey are lis senï snd daughiLars oh tie Lord, AI- maigb-ay. Fieugli ow lu exila i bey hareigu ilaid. Bat My Father hi xcii- forma if SemxiaiWaaRuness, al aeffects of abuse leamu tha hesa usay oh carng for lber -Noi ebila is t ha ivensa-or ils mether W~ht 5h0DOOhI'. ng for me te- coma home. I bave bor aesMna orEcsiueo o- .giassusara; for if she trusts il to Lie 'picking up [haeeais cf lier t[measnua If yoo do cal obtain il t'he bùefits saitaestir.l [eD'ebacco Opium or Stimulants. Maied onrecalpa vrg il ll hc elca e aoig[e ecny obsaa V è' w.e >te fomthi - fte I hqave le5trs fouheraInth t neifpnioacnapacksage$l,six,$5. Osewifgple=averaegr,, sotnrdcdt dvtn hmt td.N ùýýn lu1 av lftrs fon ter, el'in e Sezix Ucure. Pamphlets frea ta cy addresa. I'irark. 1I bave fouinai ccl bng battar ionr a es apy[at bis uvife. laaach- r- 1 1 Addresu, D5i. J, O.. Kw£ 'sat a fine placoie lf matte I The Wood LCompany, Windsor, Ont. rnuding glass [han aie cherry gurn foi studeut as 'ivai as a bousel, fepeýr. ns. mui c m wa lerI c sîli 'i5o5i Poihodesscii l lowiiaiuuief~yusieh use final ou cherry arees. The Tiare is mnuch [cuthinlu ha ah i-ory tor poor, or ssbehe;r ahe'"- ,, iosSoi Jry. fl-iggiotOam & Ssii; iroie by gum la juibbai on thia mokas adges, ithaat oe 1?Pnils Lime honr athe;1'inga a>lie or luves me, onrmhether I go by laid J Giifil121ii; Newscastle bvD.Frcmb, [a h arsaacnlulby uniteai1 really loess [o do. 2 j- Jr J - - r ----./-os I Cosipton r Sea, If o4Ily 1. -may 11f t my eyes ________________________________ Consipaton,&t lasul on the famnily mansioîn. Il ts lI E 0 E U . Headache, Biliou sness, salon a ccubobtan id anson, sk Vour Friend whichi is as Iira as ùhe day IL ivas Heartburn, bui7t. Its walls are grow~n wit-h theu about Rýzng Quality Shoes,ý 'hat \Ve Belong to Indigestion, Dizziness, iV3'Ioof ages, aud tlieiý1 ZDway arel abloom wLh t'ia ecentury e o_:.he1 ay"hx Indicate that your liver pa1> f ceiniy.The queen of She- t re none- better." bbah waýke4 its halls, and, Esth fvrtswt Fa il .Ioto re.~and Mira Antionette, and Lady Tliey are fvrtswt _________bes medici1ne t rouse -luntingdlon, and W'ilberforoce, and Ce-god resrb auete the liver and cure ail ci, and Jeircuany Taiylr, and Samiuel ar9 o~ra1 n e ho' We Alre Ail Partakers inI these jus, is foiind inl Rucheiiord,,and Jo-4n, ilton, and the areylish-sotle and yet o Famîly of Je sus, Yet the Ex- Fo poc min rainthie hospital. ' [h oenmial à Pi operty, the Many Fiimily 25i cents. Sold by ail medicinie dealers. iwoiln tou0,hningai hekig A famiJly mansion means reillniens. Ask an epr their pie and \\. ,y mily Reunion andi Banqu,.ts, ___ _______ __S-mneai youir' familles3 are very mauch say "1$5"-he'd be Nvrong-for wbile ocatter- d. The chLidren married, and to Us. panting upon the Leach, mingllng, as* wart off to St. Louis or Chicago, or thley are worth it, our price is $3. -DLMR il were, foama anl ire. ,Tiiý, 1.o(or: Charlen, but, perh'aps, once a year That's one secret of theýr success. battery; the twe persans at the end maat b.esses ,AOI for tnroýving snob a yiou DOMO togother at the oid place. of the liue to.uch athe battery, and ail cii aA i 1gb , hougn the backcn ~-i-osyou wake up the o'd piano that Ask to see King QualitY Shoes." lUIT the, cire;e fdmls the shock. Se, by rea- .ou%-j;aijlu, o is cablu; an 40't the bas Lecrn sient for years. (Father and- son of the filial, material aud pater- a idk-it saems a -ihflt from abhe otherir mther do flot play on it.) How you nal relations of life, we stand so close ý ixftl, bou.s ibis great detait Lr ing out the old ralios, anct ruina ge tog-'ther that when trouble sets its ao tuman pali iut 1woe. 1É the Sun ii ariadoe dsca-ok, aeb .D IGC. iieTrno battery, al heec the tiarili of distress. l seeaa iike a soi,-, full, snd Poured Iagreadoa d oa-nkMaeb .D IGC. iieTrno Sa, in the great Christian family, the frota brazen ili;s.rumen:s that f nibot ndiuli n cy n saDrrorý of onue ougbt to bi the sorrow beaven and uarta xlgreat harnmon- ialk ver old times, aud, though you ... - n h ril e wyt r o of ail. Is eue parsecuted ? Ail are per-.!les, the mnoi i is yauieaun m, may be fcnîty-fivE5 years of age, sc W ' and the articl set wy adr o socutad. Dees oeesuffer loss ? Wc al s snding GLcu-aial tb he honc of i as, hough ycu wera shxteen. Yet i svrlhus suifer loss. Is ene bereaved I We are seudîug u'j ier Sofu SWeac veice of:s uhisgndbe tth arwn-TlATn cl u~ eanPot aato esaretthe let adl aiybnevoi proe. wiil b'h_ sosrs -lit n, an i the dow, asnd g-eod--hye at the steamboat f IsUL > lasigaraes, otrues.omaeinain "Thir streainiug eyes together flow! sexs. Nuo me n-ir ea/-r more swee ýy wubat. h ut h'aw will we ajet at th th eimlar aorties. Let thm rmalaout From huinan guilt and mottai wose." gurds Jahe sick era-Le, ibm alilrenîl in ibsiold) îsmiiy mnansion oh thWMMI a lass ergtAnd th e n iheout ltyurjieat anetber'S misfentuna inigutioag this uatca-'r ef the aky heavcti ?Itlais a good, while ,inca you TEB 'SBDIEwath wan r ae Arcouthet nehot yon are net oee ah the shaep, but one bandks oet c.-haw, ary, hi--art-s-cX ait the. door of the grave. Thene ..Of a bottia will remove tha glass stop. of the goats; and the vultuna eof Smsin umbaaiiug ear, h. Xi liose ils Lis wLhl ha Grae4 and, Mary and, Martha, This is the littie one's bedaime, par, but sometimes it needa more, vig- liath alîghted ou your seul, and net the b a(k-. ,aoad b ack- a sýeel i.,turo 'C'bar.?ýe, and Lizzic., and ail Lha Dimpla-ehin climbs, on my knee, orans trestinent, whan you may i-ake a Dove, eh the Saiint, <of the, n .jht ?It h the heir-ora oh 'darlàngs ot your housebold, flot pale Witb "Muzzer, l'a dest as s'eepy twina string and tie once around the Naxt, I notic the famiiy property Ou£ faut-. J- iu.s, tud grân,8eur Of ,' ck, adn grsi.P:ng for breatb, as An' tired as I tan be." neck of the hottle and begin ta draw, Ahtqen a man oh large estata dies, the te i ,iig, th- crystais ai± the siiow, wben you saw (homiat, but tbe-r Sa I take Up the, dear lîttie darliug it haekw>ands -and forwvards; li a faw relations assemble to hear the wil tacr h abah haoer feyai bn'gh with[the :ustre of heaven, Ad urssteryee, minutes tha neck oh tha bottie wili get read. S.,)mrach of the property is ywii- _tha gardon, thuh- rm 13 .f ho 'iir. and si:ck,,and gasiping for breaa, as Thathave benmaking sinced'Yliîght very hot and the stopper imsy bu essi-. ed to his sous, aud se mai-b to bis 100->ti iino t ea aai ge asiate iluoe nluh of celai-, lai summner. A music buyay s weet. ly removed. The hirdest, work ab)out d,aughtcars, sud so muob to benevolen)t mo-uning. Y.'u mu-t tak- seveial Wa lsig of hauds. What emi- "Foui me a p'aty 'tory," wsigtedse agtigte societias. iOnr Lord Jeass ath dîadj; atk,, ar-ou-.iu i. , The 1roperi y oh hra-'g. Wbat ec.iing together of lup Sho pieads in a sleepy way; raady. Thon if you have thenLsy aind w' aa ,-'are ledt-dyto bean tais roya. 0', &JOmui1S sa great, I ;.Wa er fjy o a,- a sa udeadks .r cesre ods-ahnti îr the wili nead. H says, "My peaee j th5.t wc maut takac "rai walks teto -Up. bttaso jy o a, " Âat akas 1 ellc ua ias ilacsries ta dish-washiug, ta orkh gie un[o yOu. Tlogh flieogeL auy luea oc-i is rxtenot. Lat tbe thougb thabre were ne tearý ir( boas- hasa itîyura' lqucydoe Gase cnntb sa sti nesay; "îi re eur. 'fist ak u arou ui catb.Ailen." There mu t ha, for the Bible "Fell me"-aud thon she pauses wiped SO that they wil] glisten unlass Wapot eleayhing 1ae ya 'frytinl t we aÀuYo-,aroub' a ars [Atal "GY ,al iaten wy' To rub aach sleepy cye- there are planty of towels. Thare must Tis wonh sund the naxt. lu distin-, wav4o i l hemn, aud the caL Ul [bat -las- anA i-f tbea7elwere nOt teane tChera,ho"r"I-lois the big pid doas te martet, iwsys ha tuvo lu use, oe to wipeanad guished familles there ana old lÂe- tura in thna.a; ai thosa mouutaîns,, 'rold iHe wipe thhrm away? Ubay aa- An' ze 'ittie pid ailhcry." thae than ta polisb, and thay must h. tucsbngcgo ta ialsaneysd these c.rucieuï thiings hîiCtn ha- infbe aas of gripf, or tears of dis- Then I tell, as I smnoeth [ha tangias paerhctly dry sud cdean toi begîn with. aureý halad onth th wbcrloom,0fthe nsl bratathcu hgairapitct byLu- a[as h ever at war wit [bu comh, To wash glssproperiy, pour warm eatate. Thay are very nid, aud have [boey cas. ut tfa-, , t o-the ç e-adreî ýs. Clis- isil coma audt say, Iboisthe big pig wanate market, water iota the tubaud, make a good coa ow fo gnaatont g~ uriane; aýI abeso Iak S s , ab s- ~"What! '-hild of heaven. î ifi- tou rmach Aisd the veae ues stayad at berne, suds. Wash [ha [abla-glassea, whicb don. Adi b eerto o e-hurc1 lo ave hald milk lu cold water hahore eraiion, Se- I look upion ah [haebeau- lands, tahese cnicusaauu.s. în r tme? Dott honbreak dow'in unrAnd I cOunt Off the pigs 1t hy r u it h sbs rics oh the usturai. worid as [ha hein- ta,, 5Cc a_Àjd t jamo.,; h' ,ýstr.ot 1the g1adnes cf this reucion? Then 1 On ber rosy tees once more. ey war a pjue te us , r tel oavhait loom aofoh unroyal fhsmily. The arenu- ampiý. cOçÉba.o, au i sa 5 leching' xiii heip thee.', A md, with Hil onea1Anid she laughs at the "pitty 'tory,'twahehpacsprtlyaaoi ing breaks froin bu iEast. The mists Off on every sida, a wildýruoss of arr> an-uid us, sudý the other am Aii e eard. beere. hotugwatdersTeyquckly tboughp [naval up ihl, abo-va hill, mnuntaiu, wonius. lor us 'huoy Sný1na. or ns 'crounad Our loscd Oua,, a shah hnold Then 1 fold baer bauds tegether ed easily, or well wben cohd, and nins- above meuntain, until sky-lost. ( Tha iiiey banà - .,iii a.., iativsLy. u- up lu tha etarual 'Juhilea. Lipon han bresst, sud, sha, ing gots ri of ail suds and leaves forests anc full eh ehirp, sud bnzz, sud ti F touu ey w4wbaoî Uic olai,and While 1 spaak, coeefehyou wihb1a In rlispîug, sieepy fashion, [hem bot forxiping, You should soug. Trac s leuf sud birds wîug wi.lich,ir ,ainiiag torches ado ttr[ie 1bnkeabheants tan handiy hold yc.nn lepeats lban prayer with me. net slight auy dishas, but certainiy Lu tar witb ghadue"s, Honey mak- esJueni'UIcai. ~OUI'ruinp n ohe a i p eaca. 'iou feel, a,;if yo nusuatspeak Bafere iùis heuded, the blessoms don't slight [ha glassware, for notbing ans in tba Iogq, sud ho'sk sgainst [ha for wOIi-a c'Àaruays' %vone maie, out sud say, "Oh We.3sad day. spcad Ofhlhan eyas le slombar close, imakas [ha table an attractive and bark; aud a4uirrea schattaning on [he In thet hird wak, go srcjuna the' o. T îwi,-v tfo- J re s uith bliFter- fluL thae ords that are left unuttarad ie tscanirorfnmn s n a iaît d tha- cai of1 ' ie hawk out oh b erasi iiy. ;As we ceinoie ar at, ad feet aven [ha dasent way.", My eycs Lie usho loes the ebjîdrea kuows. s. ggivs tsc nar hrfnaeta cleean sky, rmakc you fha'i giad. The hark taoLiie, ruiiofits cenanioLs, sud faii Uto itr iclig.Ifaint hrom Fhau. I lay the brigbc head ou its pil- sua, ýwbîch kindilas conflagration t, üuiïJ-,,a. Us sgruat animers. iriug fur heat [bat. wiih not leoma, luis, SM ELH ESRS amaong ai laacastles oh ciond, sud Ina bai 0, o- n u.oai'as Saiu,ýk twtlIýe. la-nd the cud oh vol-es abat sihi net Wiab a liugerng good-night kiss, SM ELHU ESRS sais minaret suddome aaa, stotsi-s t 1 bigun ioon. ,We Ooàcoff u.,eu peak. Spead ln, oh day oh runuions. -Fhîcikig be-w ranch Ced lovad me Bakad Applas sud Craam-Para and 10, puuit [ha lily xwhite, sud tha butter- thaebaj,ýîets wbleb neyer i-a,, be Ad tbei, Lord Jeus, hanotiangny Te gîca me a ehild ike ahis, cane large apples, f111 tha cavities with eup yeiiow, and [ha fonget-ma- not' eyes that 1leour wea, the tempa-s i th me if, aftan I hava :ust once kiss- Ansd 1 pray, as I t-arn frnm[ha lied- sugar sud bake lu a moderato aven. binue Wbat ea u resist tha Sun? tuat ney et c odej, tha mIIIe.1nues that ad Tby hiassed feet, 1 turu snouud [o sida, Light for [ha voyager ovan the deep1 ocraei purs , 'grJsicia tcaver, gatber up [ha, Loîg-oti [reasure-s Oh Ha wihh belpme guide aight Srec1 ih sipdcam Light for tic absý hcnd guardng the haits, t[netras i L neyýer taan ha rny heurt. Oh bha mot aninIy -usiti m in The feet of hehadean littie dnigDates sud Crepam-Ru.move [he f locks a a ýid ,1! Ligha for tha pooar wbo uasla ue a ecvuaasOne look at Tha eeehearan. Buti 1leasse ilis cane to-igLit. ratnes fineadtes,. -[anem.[a atii baveý no lanps [o humn! Ligiht for!s vhcn..rscs- liiucaunoneail the-e e iu tacs wil ha heaviuen- -nte iesu u hmi l asý1 h8 a oast and [bu lnxly 1 Ligit lad aa5aî iOnu saa irliîng heavan, beaven ihroyn[e,'vt hppedra foracin ees ad urin baïn e aii; iiLhno r, arNUJRSERY NOTES,.sud stand aside ln a cold 1)1wa for for acbing eyesoardnaiibunning braîn exiam.'bedm5bua euinto 'hea ven cemmning.iug wiah beavoin. sud wsstad captive!1 Ligb[ for [be Lad.ui1- ua t1tea nt athirty minutes hefore serring it. You smoeth brois oh chihdhood, snd for thearenni oitnma, tua tnngs [bat Gel I w'iaS at M-jat Vernon, sud; usent Colle often anakus nigh[ Lîideous for uili bavea a dsuy sud shoiesome tamvisonoh beoctgeanin.~ biL i para oc hoe tatlov li-to [ha di ing-rom lunwhi ,h oun first many a father aud mothen, sud makes, dessert, [bat can h aen by tha ci- for queau's ennonet, sud for sexing- Hum!', ti S cossaides oi gînry , pa aenteuertaine-d [ha prcminent looftecidwhouttabtedrnftefmiy gin's neadia. Let [Lnher igit! 1ve have to reaneat, an, hjc ifast lest! macfoh [is sud othaIr lands. It usas ssof[aciauh ui oh h mno h iy Wbsemouin l [lsJMy imenu- ue, ha s'ira».off aspd dreî'di'n tluanc Isa ry litera. irg spot. But, ohi ,the jeyo eh busî-e, a trouble and a cane, Baked Quinces-Six quinces prapar- îu. o ur, m eng. Or atnemborts inguuusssud[hsksav-banqueting-hail oc hehafamily mnnion wnites Dr. Ju'ia Ulnes SiLh. Wen ed lu thia usay usil make sufficient for gave us thalctui~e sud bang it on ing ana triui,0n. of h ibih I peak. Spcead the fable, a baby apparently lu perfect heaitb, six persons, Wipa the qulucea until [ha ky l hope o fin. I la ha f ba tbak vn oh[ha amh pro Ipresadi la ida; for a great muti[ude rm he hein-7ho'om oh our famiiy. ! And aie hapercy ? t ils co5si.ared an hntoer te are te sétt at it. From ti-e( Trea [ha uiskthouhtof [h uil cieth1 . aeoutshiaeose [wih anbhoalorear, Ilils full-moen. Thue mists uîarry inso a ramli-y -ahane ahurois te iegalber tha twelves manuer hrtthuh-aoh mehr la, suel eing carchul [bhat[ha coran doas net fnom shore [o shore gleasm like abat- great weas an. 'mebora, the cniue- of fruits for thnt;t[ahe. Take tha buby is Luungry, said ber finat impulsa piarce tha stemr suds, as thhaies muet tared rmirrons; ahdJ [haocean unden g- o-m Us oi an, Ji.avun, o.,f,-nsyý,u lchu [ara from, the beaveiy avînayards, is to supply neadeai nourishmen[. Be- net ha made antirely [hreugh [he ber glance, cames up with great [ides os.u.u..sui.,hýiu, su n uu I su. and pra a a han n he hgoden tank- cause a baby crias, [bat baby ils not qlaces.F111 [ha cavitias uiti sugur, woýi-( r s> ail- Lu i ,illu adsfor t table. O aktcarry csaiyIugy n riayiplaeabit eh butter onutop ohf eh lare, My ra-r u-a ria 'inaway, baofwhifat u aets, ,quinca, and haka hon a hfullhour ln aud once naVî ig pus on yourLad ie:d ha bllcaser hanigar. Tahrei al îha uisderu uouldai the [amother [n lu- a modenste ovan, addîug a cuphul oh abs guaï rag i-is luaynu abt-ten flaga oh' earthly eouqlles[ quira 'ibat indications thereusera in uswatar [o the pan, basting tha fruit ;ý ha c1ndowed wsu al.î ic Ioý,yu ii enauvua îbem arung haarrhes, tLe mevemenas eh [ha chiud te suggest mr stri h ri eoa c heaan bnnnsOsLet Dsvid oma ith bis bsrp, aud the cause oh [bis cry. Baby may ha usitb Itoeainhyfud peounintocn o z S ~,x pko h aa - Gîibriai xv;'h hi-i trumupat, sud'Mirnim tbirsty; tharefore, give hbon s drink, dry. Wheu tha quincesare quite iNx 1s. D f h am'yin a-c. usth mme tanmbri;for [ha prodigahm are Baby may haenlai; usarm bhis feat snd tender, ramove [hem oeeby eue te [ho thi S ilIus- hmgî,hv .niu i-t.unden iobo aihtome idtacatva r fe, hu ousl But if [buse simple nemadias I arviug disaL, add anotien cuphul ofhbot hass eadcal. ia nt uhtsitO iha airer bath ihuvitei'fihe rmfghty do ncal avaîl, [bau unhutton bis cbo[h- usatrsd hasm un[y o ooe. Le is no-Wsenatiis of yo heaven sud tfi nadeaea oh o ear5h îug aud look at bis abdomen, and if Isgr[ h ahî ni h ua - e xp e r i- abat it Ès a sica.. cutIstiun usiatimanty tucomeansd dine, yen.Lhave a case ofeh oue yenuswili sea is autirely dissoiseai, stinning ail [he e n c e et yc>u 'heIX4 yuu kahv.i Lue,,y,îti Im,5 - --- a susellian d somelimes knetted con- time, sud pour [ha syrup oer the Lave to inacra auto a iou.a abhat ,îv Luu gj, ioronboh tha intestines underneati the fruit, Serve usltLcraam. «- And are noa suit you, au a striait yeu tde net C den fr ibdomiusl usails. This kuettadcon- Good Braa Pudding-Tska six bal! w r ike. But dao net usenry, aud 1I i diaien is due to [ha accumulatioenofahlsèces oh brasi.adt [us eggs with ricu o te[al y u&oehantat twnI cmodr ..Pgas, causdigsio,-[ualva abeooh: f s:gr, 'A Cd you. up; w us ae anms[ha a l ,l cL i ,csontw:bda- Baby(ns- a i thtie Sait andonue quar't eh miik; shalinev ý ho 1mua tie van iý ei en l pan -peu r oVar [ha breaa; grate saittie ar ont eblimnosa every [amîhly looks hsck te a The fu'nd naisei by British resideuis *,len, hecause [bis giveg hlm ncoin- hnurngornoe. ud et n'a sld or su Then cease worry- k' homcestolad-some country place 'ivire lu Be]gium lu aid ofl [ha widouss sai othdtik heIgintu s isnceatrbooreli Il ry 'ý1 ~~~~kicksaendi [brous hinoseîfabout andaieete hto od infor help is at y ou grew u.p. i ouSaaj ui ithi.,oori? uU. onphans oh British treeps lu [haernits short, sharpý, piarcing seresmas, Wbohe Wheat Pudding-Takaeue eý up in _ïeoukerd aie 4eotsta» or tbe ram on Transvaah înew'ameunts le 6,372 f rancs. aud- [haeate face indiestas extrema raisins seededainsd chop-ped, roue amp 1V h t ii ~ ~ rumeud[eban, ~un Amnoag [Le- app,iuuu[s for enrol. -nilasses, ona-haif levai >easpoyai soda hand Y u n e hagar Yra os caîîtheuîg ou i sometîing th uswadeailoto L[ha creok. ItOu abre,,bed ment lu [hae\West Australia coulis.. lissolvea inluhot usater sud stirreai inte put new lite into the t:he orchanci for app1cîsý, sud1 tha negh-I gent usera sevarai memnbers oh Paîuia- hae molasses, one-Laif teaspoon sait; hi ub.buigw coda fur nut-s; aud evaiy- mcîii. elua e hcapiug teaspoonful oh baking h air ulbs.bouciidg [bi odnIiootead sai o; 1The Boer Volksstem believesabt ewden siftcai uith[use eops ohfushole Y OU Luincaet to yeu. 1 tall yuou athe nii d 1i. aiLurchîll aea,'r I disguised as a ivicat flour; steam [bhrea ous bcracmstead et eernaLy. lunamy fai uornaî. It reports abat [ha hast bock Frui[ Pudding-Put [bree cupa nf ben ag siai ane su onib iae a bateor oitne nai e-hal p

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