j i t ,~ î ~- -- t' 'j- -' .hb '"t c ~ ' .~ j-i-i i .' g i "1' fl~r bt-' ~t ~ d' ..~f r- .-.j' r hrt)e~iw.., i i-i. 10 ro~.-r- g.~f h. C~7.'.i. -~ -i- iri~t i ~ ki b r-i s.ii'i'i---.-..-.... n i t .laslwirt, ar~-,.oa-,.,-........ - r w~m~rn enroa rnrx O ~tthn ni.. r i'I WOrd -~ r.rr~r.~.-.-. - i..-..~ .-.. r- ~ '. -~ - il il 4'- .~ t' -'-r . !..-'iro'r '"er rit~e an..4- -i i ,,f~ - UnI ,JeeU Stnuivntd WrtU bOutai rInu I ~ f j-' '-r À ,.~ . . ~ . . ~O... d. .., o. f0~t errot 'j-a~.rit. UaL a bettie or 1h-. lIa~l~~ O0Ii~21 ~IIOI WIiO ~ B ARIRISTE, SOLICITOR, etc. MORRIS' BLOCK, up-stalrs, King Street, Bowman vIrlie. Solitor for the Ontario Bank, PrIvate monevBa ioaned at lowest rates. ROBERT YOUNG, V.S. O FFE IN WEST. DURHAM NEWS VBlock, where himself or bis assistant will ire found front8 a. m. to 9 p. m. Night catie at1 resitience, directly opposite Dril Shed. Callsb an epb..a ali ~eiveeimnpzah. tantion.171 - yr. iNatal Duteli. Cape Colony Dutcli, about. TotalJ......... s300 64,000 A despratch from Spearman's, Camp, says:-The British made a scas frontal demonstration while a real advance en the right was made, by the ui--'uaîrr .-iý'.h l r-antry, vihci atu'rred 1ward. 1They failed, howeveBr, ta move thel i I * U~ IL ~ i~ ~--~ W ~ sE ().W. 44-6m. SO'ME LUC'KY DOGS. The largest sum ever raid for a dog coilar was £550, which large sum was in 180 paid by a wealthy noble- man for a gold band te ancircle the neack of a valuable dog, upon which ha is said'to have spent aitogether be- txteen £3,e09 and £4.000. A dnr..collar 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ à "n- -n rwr In.i n r, Ofe i-.! IThe quaiity of the toast dependsi iargely upon the care with which this is doue. Next, crop the meat rather fine and place in the frying pan with a littie stocK ot gravy. Add kwater and season with butter, pepper and sait. When t-he whole is wel! heated, thicken, and pour over the >slices of toast. LIA delicious rigg toast has the hreaA prepareu as just described fut ineat! tostthe egg ae îk~hudh made 5o cents a bottie contaînîng ten days' treatment. For sale ai' aldrug stores. OTIIER SIDE 0F THE (QUESTION. There was a big complimentary din- ner given toSir Thomas Iripto-n at t-ha Carlton Club somae time ago, and w heu the con\ersad-ou was vveli under vvi can guesi. of Lord Charles fierr-sford is Dr. I-e4 1 V iABLETS are e ng exactly the same thing. They are helping thousands of unfortunate iiervous, broken.'down people tû get s' rong. Onme littie TINV TABLIET after ench meal and before retlrlnig wilI give you new lite. If you fee1 tired IPIS NEaRVESý,. TAKEE * ami h irair~~.i.s,,r~sa rrirraa.i.rrrrl - - - ---- .- -. -. --- .- --~ ~ -' e i r ~ r i.'i I 'r.-' t r.i ~'4 ~ r - e r ~ 4~r;c wr~ç -.ir ~. . 5trriti±rra~ ~ .. ~ ______________________________________ r t i' i t 'c-' 4,p ~ 4-. lii' I I i 1: