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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Feb 1900, p. 3

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A SAUSAGE TRUST THIS TIME. Cuistmr-What I Twenty-five cents a p oin d f or sausage? Why, I can get themi downi at Schmnidt's for twentY cents. Butcher-Veil, den, vy didn't yer? Customewr-Becanse he was out of them. Butrle,-Vell, und if 1 vas out of lemn' T1 p.1 'em frer twenty cenits, too. Comparative Riskcs of j~lotte in '9,7), and. we fjnd, according to Lord Wolsvlev, thýat thatotal casu- allits in ilied. wouneI, and missîng, amounted tIi only 7.39 of those engag-1 cd, Yet thi atelse o wle hou ro. bsbti atdfrtev W o r 1une n [i t a fcat nearly 'as difficuit as any of the aYove-the building of the BI'ackw-all Tunnel-rost fewer than ten lives. for the reason that the L.C.C.j Notes and Commients. f___________ [n London, the departure of the new Jai.anese battleship Shikishîma, Las ban,, associate d with possible com- plications in ragard to th esituation in China, aspecially as it is announced -------.---U_-- 0---Io speci precautions, and tfle one that. the Shîkishima %vill endeavor to aindt it. _______________O sticle te the" lpie -aut'ons being 'al- traverse the Suez canal by divesting îxvth ils tii criis rnerely tbe sordid one MUSICAL MILKMAIDS. Showing That the'Average Worki tînan ï leOf profit.0 harself of hier armam-nt. Up to the In Switzerl.and a milkmaid gets bat- Som.2 t-rgdes are even more inhurnan- presant no sLip of sucb size Las ter wages if gifted with a good voice, Execution of [lis Daily XVorî is in Greater ]y d, ugerolus than that of iLs rail.way traversedl the canal. Two powerful because it bas benu dcovered that a ikraith iesTh lnhe wrvses bl frJp o te cow will yield"one-fifth more milk if Danger '[han Mariy SoIdierýq. w}kr rtemnr h luhe 1a asbîtfrJpno h soothed during mi:king Ly melody. ýClYde, will soon be ready to sail, wh.le It will corne as a surprise 1tamost prIling the companies to <-.(ont auto others are under course of rapid con- EASY1 people te learn that tii. e are peace- tiai i <ou 1il gý, Tlb r illxvîy'intert t/"\ struction. Thair strength Las nlot Llubig:Ar Ith frs grlfui traites and occupations o'bich lde- in the lIûu-ýe pro- el 1o strong for atttactad much attention, but tiacir klsis:Amd, John rst irl nande not only qute as much lber- hierbowever f-ti i aincm hait~motne a nentoa atr 3ý9u avec kssed John sn as that now being caLled forth the sca'îdi1 vili no, cootinue long.imotneaitrainlfcos lie: Wall, no, darling; but you are front. our grillant sol;jers in the field, One thing i that ia ser iiIxvay f:gý ie~' an beI judged fromn a statament the [aSt. leur that in somna of <baese the rîbk Of lur es'i-pove is thit the 'Unheri-ntr k" ) ,- made ta a ra esentative of the As- Sh: r Irelyt Oh oh, tcasualhies as severe, andiev _ of 0 oy eî e nrs -adAscaa Press by one of Englands niakes me so happy to thîýnk that. daath itseif, is as gieat, and greater, accouyit for thb'aa ca-l1tieca [s u mer'e sca than thosa. our Tommies face in ac- nostrtrn. I 1875 railw.ay direcor3 greatest ,stiËbuildars who declares A IISADVANTAGE. tuai warfare. urged <obereni risk as <n excusp for ~ h esl uligfrJpnwr The automoble is a wondieifut. inven- 0f cshnourt lis uthe suce su-ti abnd gbnor ry magils ths 1'iemost pwerfui in the world and tion, remarkad the man who used tce htsi ot uortop, %U u lvay iVO k "". rire wip.sengî ,s own Lorses. pr<en' <aisegard for daog 'r xx LarO,-I e.. itbe ublite voullI fot accepfils could destroy the best British ships Yes, said the irnessinaker, sadiy. îe<ssO e m t <<c mp bd t'oy enîde, e ff< i~id - n fifteeri minutas. tiireisnt hichin cbaracierisîic of the Ang,'Sao gu il. Tie men have not ycî lîefen race, that eriables our wr rto p1nxvr f ril1ennoutrbIob b 'o. ltui le~The activity in building foar the Jap- rua Ibese industriai risks. JLut tber<' moral is 1hfthîb ri-k is ooly "inher- , [si-is difference, IhtL:whxilae t isks eni-"wben dividaid s are kepi bigla tariese fiaiy is oil interest in viexa of eQook's Cotton loct Compourd. our troopa are calie I upon to face are< tb- c ! f life cnt 1ýmb. uIn h tn oniif th apresten, 3,42ôi-be prescrit condition of feeling in la successfully used menthly by over inavFable, those xich tirirr biofi brs To go bal:ktethe ll< hunters <nil woikrs iavo een ittoad Ô 'It44r fnurel-a Japan, iriregard toi the recent ai>- a,OoLadies, Safe, effpcîual. Ladies asirat home, îvitb aquai fortitu le, con- brak 'amen, Mr. Jchnl't uis, M. P., ç t cl'oOtOS I. .15eth e leBritishi yoar druggist for Cooks Cotton Rout Coin rn r oa ti eoe 'Ls-fr o xc icorc i i îs rsst mMicsi<a thîe Coli). cicatiori oftthe Chînese emperor- There j frntTreketnnd iothares as aes-%Mixtures, plUs an vitCthi rioun allean garo Mxrle, ,pilardislatura to propcrly apprecata ibis îul)j it fiai been ni ,lile ictualýi , amorig the do5'!-ers is terrible, and the seems to Le a îvidely prevalent Le- box; No. 2, 10 degrees «tronger, $3 per box. No. faci- cal ai t ,s <i, in twlxxcIe ycar.-, xii h <vIrd3 ("f W 'st, Popla r, and Lon-1 liaf that Russia is the leadirig Land 1 or 2.mailed on receptof priceeand îwo 8-eiit Latterly there have betn moi-e- a rcn nOf 16,311 men tiyd, lb e dn i spcs are a1xvcys fuîl of these i inthecoup d'ai-at, and a arn e StaNps.l'h-ook ýdanc imndoryOn.aie intepolitiril xvorld in 1îbs bave been 421 kidcl nd 4,465 in- r -mm n b'roes of industry. Eithar P ato e àr*sponsibia Druggists in Canada. iielo. Latibe is stili ai-i CtOr- uo cI Sù <bit the odds are I bat in rop'e gives wiv, or a planla slîps, andl sire ta adopt stringent measures is mous lot ta La donc before industiia- fourteen years every shun':er anid the docker f <Ils [in the bol1, or a craria, exprassed on al aides. Extraordin- 1usa aîd 2 soid li Bewmaîitic leb" -iuybrî't~ wiil ha ailLer kilI'd or in- Owing, te dafectiva gear, kucekahum ary pracaniions hava been taken in ROTi3AN & SON. S;T')T-I& JLay; Orono Iy J 31,jrd be Gî Io v JuraizîNwcatl beDi.loctco. .China in tha, vice-regal capitals tu TiLait Necasle y La. Aitcus.A'nd tbh e ik uofurýuîWay, no «Ira- O'ata, there bis ba'n some sU;ght pro emîl. Ti l 7 23~ surter ad imçrovenent, for the la't Factory Art i-rai-cnt riaings. The goverrimant D EIBEbrakesien wcre k'll-'d, tîxen y-cria in- rîýsspd, thît of 1895, irieliîded bLase rie- bas aven takeri i-b' measure of servi- Good ~~~~ ~~ t ' t-l; in 18 7, 2ü3 wara killcd, twcl .e glectad toiles, and after Sorte trou- igtatop ihbi atigs ,us. te inrdue go. t iTo icave indi luI trades for a noe- ed in lcntting soma of ils provisionslntriihe iriterior thc cxcitemenb is bigb niecr n il ,,mnt, an 10Iocomae o0in(lutriil vice- enferced. and prog~ressive Chinessa ara anxicus eto $0 peioth d epace I4seia>1tc52.i50aii iLerpetincbt, for Japariese or British, intervention dey. wdt to o r ul nr ECIEicr. Ljioi.usmt aaI iL cost soien'brdreds cf i-es aud tha resi-oration cf bbc empire. 'eEPRMEIIEC.Londn nt, to ai-l a great baille, it coats hoin- LORD STiýATHCONA.____ ____________________________dredsialaio to axe-n e a great eign- _________________________ -eering feeat, rhlou4h lhera ",gain, the dif- Why (Ire Boers gave way witbout q f -rence i-espckc cf comasin, s isA De4erlptli)a or mli ~Emglian-uîI, shall knoxv. ms nas efer 4%) EquIp Iofghttilflea lr St)iîilmdisplayiug any very great. opposition II n the makîug cf IBhrry Docks, 180 Airit', t i tCum..îiilia Ntiglitorhooià and aiiowed bbe British teo ocupy lemni-aemerl taonadmny s ar lri1d ei, Spian ap f-or a turne, is a mialter cf 1,86s.OD Uuring !! shed on t ha Greek sida ai- Mtiatho, I\V Lave reason ta kno-w Lord or.ecu. There saem te ha two SM O T IE R N G cLtsha~ wa 6 lai F-'n sld gte Stratb ona as our ea1tbesi- citizen, ir'a,-I ns hythey ad nt ort.fiel b 15e am~ erla, a riti cv-rsc hundelmi ls Lan ha S N A I N wleed h an g t xct h ot rd h rsda foelretbnormr torl n edi taycot. SENSATIIl, 9.o,<d . .coýý %;t i lvs sTl-lKei. High Commiissionr in Great Baitain, Onre stha.tthay, did net onsd i ccri'truct ioniof <Lia bridge was ne ir_ sit,-n --eo'tý' evCà,iiasw A Kngston Lady's Experience witil lisn, is rid of ucedicas deai-banid ai- ly 5,9ý0). anmi tib number kidtad reac- s-.sdoac h a aaiu b sdd h îiib u l usqai Milbrn' Rert nd ervePl:s mst he irstthig is t U a d i-be high figure cf lifty-Six, aqual bave ab-atiedtathei-haorior ofi a seat 5îorining sud reaaçsre, go far i-e de- ineielghi ltrsig o~ comi-lebte statisiLs ou the malter. to rabh-r'mors lhmananepar cent.; on lu bbc Bri-iashloeuse of' Lords, Wefa tstth is aa'gtýL. 2nt. it eivn hsDssigCion nci auh bLasea avec, bcwex'er, va thb" cher hmud, wa bill more iban 'have krioxxn bîm a s anumîlicent witL are aLle to seL bow femmfuilaistbb, 1 000 mnri t iha b itilecf Tai- i-Ne iIr,bimilosu -n psy.nuef boscf lifeand limb irimodemn indus- icftabomsfiùtye wcre kiiad, equesl to i as el'I have sufferad for soma years wibh a triilisin, bow braveiy cur workcrs thari orie-b -f par cent. Agai. i i breatcr Lsaaead5 vie nthtibrbad tl1crtue immotharing sensation aaused by heat face it. andt how great is the riaed af TfIuntli, th- crxvnirig batleIaof the ly ta public spirit as i-iissi--bi, pro- j i-at the Boers merciyretîredLtI gîv Zuin rampiign, xab'ra our uttle fre p lt qý,a ipiaeepue hi uiir ,cpruiv disease. The soi-en-y of bbe pains inLamy refycar. fore oa - ijî,a-Lapu-i xestei oiîreeiecd poînty heat aaused me much suffariug. I wai- ITa k e fi-si- bbe position- bbheminitilldr Lord Chelumsford, bid ta ericcun- I4))mutcjru ncs o evc f sbeling tLa British forces wbî.cb ad- also very uer-cous anid My wbola systain 8ac. No mari bas a more beroc con- ber an -imy cf 23,(X)9 Zulus, ai-ho bc-j10 oaLeiruhrcei o evc 1was ua dwa an dcbhitatd. Itempt tor deai-b than ha-antiL b ea-d witb greit gaIiani-ryanc bol-j- tiSouthb Arica, w-icib as beeu raceiv- ane - cuyib oiin u t ",ýHearig ftlat Milhur's Haart sud ineads t. TIn sixty ye'ars there havelycagdtteBrtb q--,crcsonbuasceyaia-ribem-bcgbtari-hbae a-wb-ts '.ill1 we~ <pcifa fr bebaurias rîny i-bousauj kiiled, and, li raofcrarid rinmemrikill - pire. and xvbtcb bas ju-i-amade Liâti coirisdrad by expert opinion as the tr ,, l thougbi I a, bey fte-se ppuingas the figuras is iL isq au- cd- trol Éb-u1t-coorgr lI i-elmit17 t<nmmaidmadpaujiTo force bbc Mod-iar, une cf bbc most for the times easily îhe f tCariadian key taei-Le pra nt situation ou the got ao ~ aMcLeu s Dîg Stoe. 1Thy ;-'1utea-i'nd iriîm îniîy or i-impor- difficuit feats in bbc arnnela of British-'iriImperial polibica., u. ýsa lo'uga hs alr ai.b cien aifrdd e et elîf Lviug toned np i ariii iabld-more beau al]axho seuis, neacly 400 mar ivxers, aither kili- Istries this fremi-bshestrîpîn;ýg cf aigL-bc-. hcorisiderad aes thee rd cf; opemati-ics my systein sud remcaed the distrassiug hv anwur1c ntt'wr fiL a rwudd.Bti1b dmltin.i symptoms fren wich I sufered. Ioa centucy cf tbe Chicago Exhib ition, 5C13. mari jcr xadfrimeuln er -.~m -isdsr'. Te îibbi heantily receoand bLase woriderful pills The RegistrarGbineralls report bclps wcra kiliad, and the injurad amouitcd i-bhe bleak crasis cf Labrador, an ili- made a galbant effort; but more, of te ail suiferons freinheant trouble. -one, io un-lersi-iri i iis scirujinua *g -boa7C0. j paid claerk ila acompanly, i-o i-bspeer sncb efforts muai- lilow and wc cari (Sigaed) MIfS. A. W. IRISH, lure. Thare aei-n.buif] 728,001 cmin- 'But aveu mere startiing t'aan the o f the reabre î-iî bis millions, ableLae- oniy hope aud-ru-sti-bat reinlorce- Kingston, Out, ars amployed duririg 1897, and cf i-hrse aboya instances is bhat cf bbc Man- bear bbe weigbî of sa prnlcy ,cri of- merits and lime wmilbai-b work ti- 1,1(1 wixre killed arid 118,4,78 injurcd- chester Shpr Carialinirti-e building Of'Igibrfifia nîbvtoy LAXALIVIt ILL cue BliO181083 1 inallier ai 0,-Jasixt-acriper cent cf atl wbicb no feuar i-han 2,1)01 mariwere j leriug as i-oui wbicb riow -giues bina at gre o ia rtsvco LÂA IE Pris ur Biirinsa ta InisLa t abIrdacilîorin aaii udijur once a neputation as ,vide as iba cm- Ocutiatonsu Sik oaace.jury., If we take bbc battie of InkermariIpire, In buie of Lia Lest huai-n books Rus- _____________________An .n usoine district s tbbcprcpcr- 0one of bbe muai- body-cciabcsbcd eu-i aEga1,l a'h ieeîn ak ricibtwri -eIuiair tt. >0 ee au iohec Tli South 'Wales ,1gagmarits in our list Buropean wae, il nlni a i ntrsigt i joe ha a ste aodto fl instanca, 120-25 par eecri- cf mari tht, list ail nuekilieU La sm-il in om note, Lord eheai-beona ivca, ai-ilecutLof ail the arts and i-bat al bbc great TUE BOOK 0F THE IEAR iri bbc or ins o oe aninpaoua marisx ous ,00Brtih f onor aI 1boucsrhOn 8Lie1aton0"0eeBribniaxan epbe I five %veni- down ben"uth the catnubto t,ropawi-sbocd theaettacks of 40,000 i "ufa m -1ticui ouimansions of LIent- i- <'The BOW-Iegged Ghogt and Other StorieS."im mlci f tnut dcc b, alI eat terrible Russiaris, et tie end of whicL iefrdbr, au-ba isuorytaiing Lack l ece"Is onforiifrJh bbcericemy ai-era pulsed wîth the as- as lar as i-beLNorinau conqu,na, -bugb Bull ba Lie asaured Ly the philosopher duto ySonufIlWaeha LaS sarfulSstarieof 6.109French soidicis, wbo r asuth' anccaî;ral bome cf Lor'd.Lyti-on, ' bLet whabisgoirig on let prescrit is Arn ricas. cbr, Yi ra btsaswc o adl jusb arn-ad lon i-ha scane; yat i-haei-heauanor, t ils neti wt-out an ini-ar-' oreo ci-mciee nrata t a,- Ihcnrabces. Seepoa1 loss amorig cur owc' troopa, and those est m-ore modern. =,ies Wbit- 'lfierr noneuy thetd t 180.Trii KeL'îotbsuii-a aSiomv a-n-18- cbtbay. An - I prrcent. or£ the total min-crsca oIur-al ol iiiustnatadvol. t7heccci.cfbcco , *' bctwo liercàse n"cîritars et Bala-i1 si-ion trn a aN orrdan focîrassablidby Ihi-is niw suggaabcd by riiitary ex- Urne ofaorlgL, i' -e ci c atia ~d c aia-bbc lamons battie imade mamor- li'ndn apîfar i-ti-he Conq~uest, lu Le- parts thrt ausCarierai Buliers haumeonsnpcn. abfebtbbebtLotafl, Lbht Bi-1Icoin n o f thbb - " Lueguof sketches, verse, - erhaps yen thir ucirea sa isk ale y te ga of teLgtBi! c ma -ioîqe b turn trie Boer flank bas beau un- facetioum p ara- a tached ba ev-ey Occupatboni, andgada, eand tbbc dasper'itasortie by thei Elizabaîhsan mansions, axhara tueecu suciesfl ternaleaevsi t gphesud 1t hs ncoranwî -trng r ibs-lana IroinSeL stajuol- ,nr lassas -Basa dalîgbred t i-oii i oxadI snban a-yL a-rint les. A~i o norafrthr îtbgaie Bt lIled anid wourided harly raacbad dc Lyti-on about -eilieo -ebb îiiial plan oftcampaigu, sudilta disappoýltut îhi ilsj agreat mistake. compare for 200.Armada. hi- lias o i nad <inca n by i-be fowau-s uow neer bbc aoutb.-wastcrn reas mcmritlthaiaLoi-ogrim girsaii Auj aveu then pence nerasins more1TiasdBrhe-ofh O OEd L-c- fthFce tae resrg cteF r, a ew lji-becai-plyinrg te farinera ce clergy- decadly thtan wac. Thasa inidustriel cas- ,ward I. ;i-be no-ad Sir WcIrer deSIan-. icouhbuuteriad-ceywy and bertofcre gcu i-e aie ciianaeurite; ifac JhnJe, lnlcx p1ored lendu ring tes ine ricîd. 0f 2283 fil saeall-iys going o suad lbig l ;Aura, wf fJonjfliîstîigs nun'avne fteid of ILumcar. Iof <Lelatti-c, cci tweriby-tbree met Latties, fortuinately, une cf rare ceeue-- harcf l-emîbroke; Sir John de Itri - -oBîcif tin. A book to b. thi accidents, as sîcairiat îfroin rance. Duriug bbcetari moriths cf bbc baIl, Tra'asnner of tLe bouserioid cf -_ ead on thau, sanneinumbar of Walsh culiers. prescrt ar 46w kr av enlInry XVI.; Sir Thoumas BLourcbiar, A nionrster meet*ng cf 1itdus sud y1eurfriaends. Centain "The Bowlggd Gheot" T'er-manin [the Siireet, cf course, kiednrd 6<,441 injurcd -a lrger bu- Kniight cf (iLa &anr, aud SicrW- l enjoyd smcg I!-Mobamred-.ns in bbc bcxva bail et Cal- "Wban iEzra 5ariF Fint Bass, "The Man Whi cudoî's uat kmcw Ithase fig ures ; Lui- bbcbal than bbc whoia strerigbb cf oun d3 LyltifoCaernor of iBoulogne. Like Coidn't Laug,' "'Possible 'Tillas of Future! minera do, and bLet tbcyý go unflînch- nf-îry in South Africa. Most bîsîcîric bouses ef t kiud, its cutta p-sscd a resolution exprcasing Boks'ý*"'elliug Locks of Hair," "No WomniaNl i ri'l, foirward witb bLir vrk, And ai-en coiiering bbe proportion. pricipal eparinianis araei-he a Liaut funswcrviîîg y ant sd abtachimeut bu -e,, ctety Adtressas,"l etc., etc. This 'Éinit edlfrm~urd l do pnnta onexta fuasp akis i hy for lb-e rcourage. But, of tiiose iij rail bbthebotal angagad, bail, uak uravirg-cccin, ibca'y, sud tuB~lsîibcn u c-igb f pacradasntelythe best humorobapb liee iue oo bikn o-bcns f inriustrialisin rernains the omîk aemory riouin, ixhere, in îLefein-cvcorofbcB- iladWrrth $2.50, maiied postpaid for $I.00, Itrasi wlîau compared xvth these af- greateaý. I the consrisuction oI bbc dsys aI Charles J. Cy, Eliot sud fer . yens for the itr fteBi Orer a oce. Saud foreur new spacisl.ilUs- îaciing clergyman, they araai-an' Panama Canal sixty pcer cent. of the fiampdcn weree cIien anenaîej Ly tish Lu ail piaces cf worship. The meat- tratedi cataloque mellaed free. Gi-as yon the le -eteta estp r.oail gcd books. Addrssallonderste more rearakehe when wc put tharn. cofamori labourera weca hillcd-a Pro- [Sir William Lybiocil. Thexx lîle man- iug lso snbscnîbad 63.,00 rupees to- THE WERNER COMPANY, sida, by aide wii-b thoseaffelcbing nue portion that ne bablclicid Las ai-en sian is cnoxxdad -aib irapiaes, armars wn b aso ms uc o b ?Ubi.sheT3 .1c VMnUUfactUrel. Akron, Ohilo. breoisa.comae ncar bo sbowing. !and pples casmernrials cf hui-corie wrte aso 1isfn o h [11h*WerIýceompacy s tccuhy eiabie.}-.r.sst,.the bakiug cf Khartoum filea e Compara this figura, for instance,1 days sud deds. irelief ail bbc widoxxa and familles of wre focty-nine killed sud 334avound- xxith otne of bbe worsb babtlas of tLe! But cf more interes-ta n s i-han its thébc iiciLinafalhbbcSouth Afnicari war. e't lun bbc South Wales ccclt fi-elds century, nameiy, bbcebtie cf Grave-,iseien fIa- r uth rir encrig 1897 there i-are 295 kiiled, 19,140 _________________ _fanions music gallcry iielïiccted xx i-b Sewotindadi, an-i many more permanant. lits round i-owar, whcre John Hamp- I IROVERIT liTIYE1AES. iy disabled. G-REAT '"'SS 0F vIuFr dan siepit, ils'the humait intereasi- ai--lr-'WinsloW'veSoothicgSyrnp bas beauen ly Agairi, during October. duing bbthe" 'l5.tscha i-o tLe oald place as thLe borne mtiliione of moribas for' fLaIr eblîdrenswil early abagas cf i Le unîci-tunate war ~from Brieghts Dicfi-e oe-anaalsiies-yis tLord teet-hing. If dtibed at raigL o rknc witb the TransvaaclBoecrsi-Lare were 6" ! Jyi-i0 ni-buor and poci- The Ild you'et by. a alcibldsleuiing and cryini son ,0 odir ild udd ihhpammu cfe.uintetetbsand et once arrâ soin lbuo sojias kiled xxuriedI pace bas ts ghost, an uncanny bouse.. geasbaoula cf Mcsrg.islcw' Soni-biug Syrup and capbumed, ible latter ail xx on, wila, ix-o on occasions is said ta brîng !for (Ibdren Taatbing. It wlll reliai-e the pcar Laiwex'er, are Sound in wind snd l1mb, A dreadfuillftal disease which is pre.venîs îrsinn <elioKcbot neu--esilrna Oc.Dpn ieuuabis 1Beaver Block, Bowmanville. D. DAVI Hampton General Store, We "b.Hld a vaster stock than has been," a~nd are as usual prepared to give bargains in Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries and Hardware. Gents' Clothing. Good Tweed Suits to order $8.00. Good Serge Suits to order $8.00. We have a very large and well assorted stocic'to select from, in Serges. Worsteds and Tweeds, both Foreign and Domestie manufacture, We are bound to SUIT y ou. Groceries and Hardware. lu our Grocery and Hardware Departmnents you will find our sbick well assort3d, bought in the best markets at the closest prices, and wil be sold at the right price. Some people want quanÉaty others qu,>lity, we eau please both. Highest price paid in cash for produce. Give us a cail. "One grade only and that the Best," llaving been appointcd sole representative for above eompany for Bowmanville we, beg to inform the publie that we have bought thus early our snpply of Cutters and Sleighs for the coming sieighing -season. As the McLaughlin Co. have so1d over 2,200 of 2,600 hundred cutters they are making to, meet their ever increasing demand that exists for their goods, we took time by the forelock and made our selections early and our first consignaient will arrive this week. A few special features of their Cutters: WOODWORK.-Paneis are glued and ciaînpedý on and carefully screwed and piugged; Bent Second Growtb Hickory Knees; Second Growth Hickory Beamsa- 'nent fenders mortised on to beamns and braced-the sirongest job, patent liînged dash braced; shafts extra XXX Hickory. IRON WORK.-AIl braces, T's, etc., of steel and forged in our own facteryi [4 in. projecting steel shoes; shil ting shafts (right or lef t) or centre draftù with or ivithout bar. PAINT ING.-Rich warm colors, or dirk, with gearing to match, han4. somely striped and finished; carvings on sides are solid-not transfers; inside panel of dash bur] walnut or rosewood. TRIMM'ING.- -Crimson, olive or gold Mohair plush or green or bine eloth, extra high and easy spring back, sprlng cushion, deep quarterb, carpet in botton! and ail round panels inside: toe rail; handsome nickelý plated arm rails, extra heavy; sûreen, solid brass full plated; shafts full leathered and silver tipped, silver ends on whiffietrees. ,We have decided bargains in 2nd Hand Carts and Buggies. Oall and inepeet, and aleo make your selections Frank A. eole. JOHN PERCY. BOWMANVaws. 't - - ,, i a -i 'lUeBeaer BockSale We have sold piles of Boots the last five or six weeks and have loti to dispose of yet, arnd very eheap-flrst-ciass goods at very smail nDrices. Oui carry a good assortment of Ladies' Oxford,eoîored and black at ,i gl ~en 's Caif and Cordovan Blms, sewed and rivitted, from $1.40 to $2.5f), worth leXX -9~.50, Children's Butt'on and B31i 25c, 50a, 75e, wortl, 50c, 75c, and 10. oys' and Youths' to correspond in priceb. We will tell you what the stock je in eaeh anld ëevr 'vai.Tha reason wc do that is becauso we know, LaLut Spring 8tyi6 10Wl stock in every line, The publie is invited to inspect our s;tockj xýlÏ trouble to showr goods-we do it with pleasure. Trunks, Bags, S-tchele Shawl Straps, fanc,ý and plain , Dreseing, the very best thatea be bought. Cheap trash dressing le dear, it will muin the boots it je appli. ed to. Repairing doue in ail its branches in first-class style. Fine work made to order, sure fit or no sale. Thanking my customers for past favors and hoping for a eoutinuance of the tame. LIAMPTON.

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