".BIG20" BOOKSTORE. We can supply you with any magaziîne or newýs- paper puJbl'shed at the lowest rates. We also have extra copfies of ail the daily newspo)pe s with full account of the war. The 5 p m. edition of the Star and News reaches here at 7.15 wjth the latest îîews of the day. ~TAIIin-1 BOWMA ViiiE FEB. 14, 1900ý GENERAL HIJTTON RESIGNS. Ge.Hutton has resigned as -ommijander of Canadi's Militia anid sails tomnorrow for Englaîîd going thcnc- to South Africa Vo becomea Colonel ifl the lrnperial army. VCry little saduess of fare- weii marks bis recail to England. This liew turn ini affairs is supposed to be a compromrisecmade necCcsary by the trouble \ith Col. Sam. Hughes ande others against whom the -doughty Major ran in hic official capacity. Cannot good men be fouud in the Canadian ranks to succced Major-General Hutton ? POST OFFICE MATTERS. It is expected that the revenue from the postal note business in the <COL HUGHES HEARD FROM. Lieut.-Coi. Sam. Hughes, M. P., in writing from Cape Town, Jan.17- Vo Mrs. Hughes who is visiting her sister Mrs. S. J. Hall, states that Major General Hlutton "lias been turned down by Lord Lansdowne anîd Mr Chamberlain, that alibis leV- ers here against me are ordered toj be destroyed., I wil corne out al right and receive fair play yet. I feel certain that Lord Roberts will sece justice done me. General Lord' Kitchener is re-organizing every- thing." So it will be no surprise ln South Africa Vo hear of General llutVon's recaîl. Col. Hughes has been active in the Intelligence and rTransport service and lias been Vo the fronît with the Canadians. NexV week we hope Vo publish corne cx- tracts from bis interesting letter. QUICK WORK AT OTTAWA. The Parliaîntary session is once more under way and the debate on the Address has been got ricl of with a celcrity which is in delight- ful contrast to the dreary wastc. of four weeks occupied in the came performance lact year. Iu addition Vo the mover and seconder there were only two speakers on cither side anîd two sessions of the -ouse Ivas aIl the time needed Vo dispose of the matter. There was little new in Sir Charles Tuppérs re- mark~s. Hle baud charged that thîe Goveîîîîncent lhad not movccd mAil thte unmistakable expression of publie opinion warrauted them in cloinig so. "Will the honiorable gentleman say," asked Premier Laurier *that we ought Vto bave done otherwise ? Does lîe conternd that we would bave bce'î justified in speudiug large sur'is of moucy for which rio provision hatve had been made by Parliament,with- out thie most unmistakable demand hy the people that this should be doue? If he does, it anly shows how incongruous are his ideas of respon- sible goverument. Ours is a gov- erument by thîe people, ai-d \ve bave no power Vo actin auy matter cave hy the authority of the people, Local and Otherwise. Mr. W C Tole, Peterb'oro, is home. Mr. Frank Goard visited f riénds in Toronto Sunday. ,Jud g Benson is chairman cf Port Hopo Hgh Sehool Board. Miss MoDo weli bas retuirned frorn visiting friends in Ottawa. Miss Keynon, Toronto, is guest off ber sister, Mrs, J B Taylor. Great improvement is noticeable lu lasV week's Port Hope Times. Miss Mande Short, Hampton, le visit- ing ber aunt Mrs. J. Wickett. Rev. John Garbutt, Smitliîfold, bas been invited Vo remain a 4th ycar., bleT. L Pbelps, Oakwood, formerly of Courtice, bas accepted an invitation, to Madoc. 1ev. J. H. Turnbull, M1. A. wl preacri in Columbus Presbyterîan church next Sunday. Ladies and Misses coats are being sold off at greatly reduced prices aI Coucri, Jorinston & Cm3 derman. 1ev. Wm. Jolliffe peacbed in St. Paul's chureri Sunday evening for 1ev. J H Turabuil, M. A., wuîo was ill. Miss Ethel Trebilcock f eh ThturJay morueng and spraiuied ber ankie and will be unable to teacri at, S S No. 2 for a wbile. A load off jolly -,oung foýks froua Whitbv xisiletl .Xiss5»Victoria Tamblyn on Safuirday alternoon andi spent a pleasant lune Mr. MI T Fairbaimu bas gone Vo Montreal Vo take a position as traveller for trie W R Brocli & Cols Mortreal wholesale braneri. Mliss Wiggýins is a young vioman off raroe ability, and beld the close attention off lier audiences. Wingbam World. Bowunanville Fob. '21 Port Hope fitting-ly bonoredth re old veterans of 1806 by turîîing ont en mssse to wituess thie presetîtation off Feiiian Raid Medals in trie opera hoeuse Fridax' îîî,ht The Minister off Azîlculture bias re- ceivetl a report frora Southi Africa sa - îung hie hav off trie fsî'st cnrgo ffromn Canada, senl on tise SS.Montauk vias inosl exoolleit. A ladies gîcýe club bas heen formefi in F'ort iiope xitlî Mrs. J H R-enwck president. Mrs. MeCarlb «y. secretary. and Mliss Irwvin, treasurer. About 30- lady xocaists joiliet. Missonar.v sermons wyul be preaebed on Sunday lu thie Metliodist chur"ýh bv the uastor, 1-ev. J. J. Rao. Subscri- tiouîs for \lissioius -viiielaliùon Iliat diy andtir.i, foilowjm,,saobath, Mr. %A", .. Joues, eldest son off Mr. Uir'Joues, dieti at Winnipe. Man, Thio duty eollected at this part for janluary wý'as $1,348.31.... .Rev. A. E. Irwin has returned to Beamsville.... The butildting fund of the Presb3 Verian church amounts to $9,152.39.... Miss Halley and Miss HaywoAi, Orillia, were guests of Mrs. E. MeDowel.... . M. Smith, Esq , barrister, Vancouver, vîsited relatives here last* week...Mr. John Morris. Dakota, is visiting rela- tives here .... There were 90J birtris. 40 marriages and 58 deaulis in Oshawa during 1899.... .Mrs. S. Snyder and Vwo eilidren. H-untsville, are guests off Mrs. S. Thorne.,. ..Mr. Van Woodruff has sold the Commercial hotel to Mr. Smith, Toronto.. ,.Miss J ames,Port Perry,and Miss Mabel Reynolds, Toronto, have been vigitingz their mother, Mrs. Jos. Reynolds... -Fîre destrox ed thie stable of Mr. 11. ScotV, pumpmaker. two horses perishing in trie fiames. Los. $1000. insured for $700 ..Mrs. Wm Butland was seriously injuîed in a runaway accident on Wednosday. THE DOCTOR'S CONSOLATION. l'old Mr. HililiHe Was a Dying Main, But South Amorican Nervirie Cured Wbhen Hope Waa Abandoned. Mr. W. J. lli, a well knnwn man ini Bracebridge, Ont., suffered for years lrom liver trouble, d.%spepsia and lier- vous weakness. H1e says ho tried near- ly every remedy liq the mnarket wlîiclî claimed to meqt bis case without s'îccess- Hie was told by a pleysician thal t ecîvas a dyîng muan. He began takiug Southi American Nervine, ansd found almost immediate benefit froin ils use. He continued using it, anud Vo-day sa ' s lie would take bis life on this great remedy as a cure for' ah like suff erei s Vo bim- self. Sold by Stott & Jury. NESTLEf ON". Tihe, annual literarv entertainînent iu conneclion with trie Meihodist church took place Frida ' Feri 9 and a gooelly' numiber turned out to beau. a good pîro- g-ram off rîcîtatîoîis b ' Miss A unie Mot- fatt, Valentia, wbo only lias Vo be heard Vo be appreciated, and Miss Broad, Port Perrv, who rendered ber uelectiouîs n a pieasing stîle Trie musical part was ffurnished 0v thte choir and trie Misses Su-ain off Valentia as vocalisîs, Miss WVashington off Oakwood as instrument ai and accomparîlst. Nor must vie for- gel little Miss Madeline Eînîuerson of Nestletun who made bar debut as a vocalist and we hope to bear ber again mauy times. Others viere expected to Varie part lu trie program'ý but ffailed Vo appear. I'roceedswill be applied-Vo tbe fund of thq :ý : n u a.. 1eV.E. E, -110-F, ufilled trie chair la bis usual pleasing macuer.. -. We vielcome Vo cur comnîtity trie bride of Mi'. Eti Armstrong, nec Miss Fors trio of Ops.. ..Mr. anîd Mrs. George Marlowe have îîtreîd thie dutiexs off hnusileeepinz .. "&'Vécess1ty Knows No Lawv." But a law of Nature bows to the necessity of keeping the btood pure so that the entire system shait be strong, ,healthy'and' vigorous. To take Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood puIrifier, is therefore a law of health .nd it is a necessitv in nearly every household. Il a e er disappoints. Erysipelas-"H1ad a severe attack of erysipelas, suffering from dizziness and nervousness so that I ouldnsot rest at night. Tried Hood's Sarsaparilla w ith good resuits, and now recommend iV Vo others." M. CHATJMLNiRs, Toronto, Ont. Tiredi Feeling-,, Was al mn down and bad no appetite. 'Vas tiredE ail the time. 1-ood's Sarsaparifla vvas suggested, and a trial benetited me so much that now I would not be withont the medicine."1 MRs. G. D. BuRIN RIT, Central Norton, N. B. HaOdo Pilla Cure lTer fils; tienon-!rtaig n only catharie t cke c iih iood 'sSîrsaparila Notice to Creditounrs. In the 3Malte,' o Uthelstate of JAMLES GRANT IIEATLIEb iite of the ITownvshzp of Darlinglon Zn t/e Countq of Durlîarn, yeomnan, (le- ceaned, Notice is bercby gix on porsuaint to l'be Reviscd Statu teof Oi tarlo" 181j7, Cap 129, that ail ci editoî s and othors baving ch.in1sa against the cstaleoof the said JAMES GRANT HEAT- LIE, who died on or about the 9th day of Jarîn- ary,' 1900, aie rcquired ou or before tie T VNTII DAY 0FMARDII, 1900, Il send by post pro- paid or deliX or to Mr. D. B. Siy flQ5Oî . of Ilow- miioiville, soliior for W illiai Davis ofte Towiiship of nast Wbithy ihi the C' uity of Oîtario, y e oman, anîd Janirs Heatlie of th1e said Towa)sbip of Darliiîî'T'ou, y eomnan, thoe contors of the last willh and testamnent of tire saîd tic- coased, tlîeir Choîstian anîd sornarnes,addrosses anti de8crîî fions, flie fini pai ticatlars of iheir c1ahis, thec stîtînent of Ilîcir accons, and tire nature ot tho securitics (if sjy)iîeid l'y thenu. And further take notico that ater sncb lat mentioned date thie sasiC xe îaw iii ;oeeed to dis[ 'lbu"tGtihe assola of the doceased amnog the parties entitled thereto, b vingop regard oly to the elaunrs of whiclî cbcy shali lhen have notice, and that the executei s wii siot be fiable for thie said assels, or an y partt hîcreof. 10 auY perso.j or p-2i-s.Q ut-f vLx hï9,.ciaais uitîeshah îlot naveboqni recetved by tl'em at tie 11100 of auciî distributionî. DateS et BowmaNille, ibis t h Febuary, 1900. D. B. SIMPSON, Soiitor. For M'Wia Davis and James Icatlit, exocu- lors of tise biH wil of James Gralîr 1-batit, deceased. 6-3w West EdU ousle BOWMANVI LLE. Great Dtzess Goods Sale 0 0 *: O3ra Stn4ew Sptiing Goods. 1000 yards New Spring Dress Goods at 15o per yard. 25 pieces Dress Goodsil new bright patterns, have just arrived. These goods were made to -sell at 25c, 30c, and 35e a yard. We cleared the lot and'are selling- them at 15e per yard. 4 pieces New Fancy Black Dress Goods, special this sale 25c. AHl Our Ladies' Jackets, "i -'e.. -~ s - c , i Deparment îll con beceif-us ~ifà 7'I uU uI jî'"'u, i 0110. InLt IM L>i,fUt f 0 tit 1of thesec ~rities (if any)hhi Dyafilera. taining, no doubt. guaranîee ist for tha piano recital to cridle uiec ihhr-ak-_ teresting addresses andi discussions mentioned date trio saiS exectuoor yl