He .s dead 1 When Sisera came int o a tu.ebouse of Jailse gave huu some- CNTA IO B NK D ILidungi drinik, and ýgoL nim asleep un When a womnan buys King Aaeea akng Business at tnaa h h sd rtn g Quality Shoes she saves $2. DEPOSITS ~~~~~~~~~~troubles miay îolw o rmt ' and d ro/e thz: peg t brough th yCs 3adhv the e.l0etcueofHadcean ll bai f ajio filour. so ile appearance of $5-that is seeeiveýd in Savings Banik Departmrent and Th rei D ner torh h rc r moubles, take orid re-a man raaLrsa how sie savesc2 hterlestallowed at current rates. Notceeof man, ad w-s a h sh sun aee 11,hdra 1 not necessary. Ailldeposits payable a nkesn s cesc are rre g? EX HA GER ckless Drivers. Wie they rouse the Ilesdivr ioore .Li Wi niji roachahlinímatral, strie, A EXCHANGE ~~~~~~~full, regular action of the I bowe oiLe tlmn g!ft and finish. d3onghit and sold and Drafts issued lapon Europe, they do not gýripe or pa in, do not t e & ",I e te rcniack'ýugaund sl""The Rev. Dr. Talmage Discourses on Chrch Meherae a"po5'Liv a lee c .1à3 "'"e2 ";°g 1thscÉ ae h es hosfr°te "ie nt Point COLLECTIONSCalling for a Wider-Spread and More Continuous atu . s n ofaas cae dn^ nord n wgiplaan P'romtly! made at current rates uÏpon all parts c'i ineul bodiy tot iseasj 10i ea Cean- guage could not tell the tacts plainer f reat li inthe United States and thre Do-- iý ioie man k 1 a r IlaS c Oýj1i 0o Lcuir amas roiting off; tfiÀrý ht Telegiraph Trailsfers AK despatch from Washington, says: reckless commercial drivers, who stop ri.s e t to a eni, y.s iquen-i ýiade forlargeor sman sumls on all parts of --The Rev. Dr. Talmage prea-ched frotn not for the right of other.s, and who e,,; unia hLaaitý1 ib", e ulý etf ia etemberTRAEMRt aad.Thisilsslieriany adva' aent e the following text' "The drivi.ng s dash on to make their fortunes over When I see a young mani, notcon-hueh Qmainuecosmnality - SI ,S 1living in Manitoba or the North WestIt !t he heads of banocence, virtue and re- t ent gradua l t o- comes to a com e - $o3 e-us aob s . asa makste fus available at once at the place lke the drivinig of, Johu, the Son of ligion-no chastisements.. .DoUy n1ho!Ihybd ""f 1 et tency, careless as to how often he goes, Sy .Nimshi; for lhe drive1h furiously^_ - Somu, time ago, in the city of New 1am ,a.u coedite p bie .n onee ... ou Fror other narticulars call at{the banik. 1 a yn m a grers u.llacredit , sding in onngt s omn, iL y w otaei I a ïÎI i v gG eifu Z igs ix. 2(). cYorouaal anon mansi. a arv taking i n A. J. MCCLFLLAN, GEO. McGILL, store, stood behmid the couniter, of-, '- i they clu buy but w i/ heur arýlam e AccoutantManager JPoram, wounded in battle, 'lies in eiggl ig oacsoe.H few hundred doilars g.ven him f .,() rlle, iluemr r hobcital at Jezreel. 'Thewthasi."hs rnsaefute a-for starting in the purchase d h brok r I.he (eu - hwher,ýth tv.ri Made by J. D. KING CO., Limited, Torono intading in he owel, loks o-f and sais.' The rlady redited"Iwntca-regal wardrobe. abamed to wGrk i - a . stndng n hetwerlùký f fndas. Telay elid," .wntaan.-Iious only for disphav. regard!e-s of- H dl ees against t:he sky, ho-rse.man' and ring of sixteen carats;" and not get- his father's counsel arnd the examp e o ony a 10. bat fuls ro la t1:.r- al S c.htiog wha.t she want ed, went aw ay.of..h., uus pir w. W¿inà¿y hom wings, or hi% legs inlkæ srpd a.ios Amesngr sset tt oThe he:ul man of thq fir m came and a..etosns h nato on.an bfore you mouit the ly as does his little oadse'o find Who itscobin¿c zbut doe.s inot re- mdMtecek Wyddyuntwhile, have wre(k t a nd mnn, carm of , ngo ni-Peth o*quickly he will becomexutd.Ti tu-rn. Anlother messenger is sent. but lel hler ihat these rrine were six- ande y n fhemng dea 1to r .grsirvcu.l'h ym e- hdwll onvncehimof hetoll ofat- with' the samie fate. ý he watchman, teen carats ?" Hie replied, "l cannoi. my , lie h e-mes, the son oNuina ,ir a -ek as yi>n, i as s outtmtn omk i ev rf tandig n beTow !Mk f i nyri edmrf shi, driving furicusly" he àr . hyttpp-1 se y graa-NR N# N mehorses step withe aidtLo h up- th frm seerly reri an edh 1 w":uld -at on the de.,k of every ar1 .y a! ia ý1 1ý,y rcua -re. nln e. ,pony or fast totr h i f a Puur elea 1 ulmal :n the advancing troops. and gets'andsi,,.You rever can get along in'1 counaog-hou ,e, and on the Lench cfTh y lockin a b5 dl p"ctu e . 'hey TO FILL AN ICE..IIOUSE PHQUERLY. tureis that healvyboismvsow more and more exciled, wondering is way. It is lawful in business t,; every ortizano, there were a ;wain-eo ota.m.l . t-g a o, i tons. Frplkn 'y n iritigm - Mrs. X.--I sa, John, I am going to Who are coming. But hafore the mke these lit tle misrepresent ations?, nda t yî _ o ur .jy h u u3 t se or sm.ig Itwlpe n stop baking altog4ether. Wleiacd oe pti atri e h a h on a2Ahr.they would sethat godliness lis r-' .Th y crc <au ýh a s. mrî a a the pas:mge of heat throug itse is LITIERARY OT S can get at LUTTRELL'S, o ed. -Tle watchman cannot d.eecry Who firmthA denconmen ra rookting i.aifr the Éie tLai' .as ntsa eaLy pur d tegrmen 1h ac.h Y. re<limredi. -Ilis should >e placed on the BoWuan ville,such good Bread the, features of the approaching man, church. for t:t wh[ is to come and thatIbac.ýIij o ý,i hope of retu.n! floor, up the side.ý and beiween the Scribner's MaginefrFbur and liuts, and Pies, and but. exclaums, "I have founil out who Meanwhile this elasa of defrauders.nes disha ur is a sliiual Pedis-awl tnhe cake-s. Dry sawdiust ýhavings may bie hsfrisfotsic otato C k d' ' ~It, s; the driving, is liker the driving increasesmore during the war than ePs:n ui a e e erhap3 there are som 3here w b - , hsol nvrb e.if ice 'hmi, ecen,1 draw Cakes, ad'fJh tesuo isi o i eeei;mr o han nwr eader of a N!eLbodisi class, Ort;e t y e fromGd 1 rifile by i AbA IsbKeller Th'is isdryweahe Mr. ' X.-Ail right, Sarah, don't tell tof Jehu, the son of Nfmlhi;efornheLrustee Of,,a Baptist churchi, or an p 1-uc T 1 o;b isbroenfinlyincol dy waterprinted in mndiasrkngik. mean or. twil1( driveth furiously. tais ndenvl-in i hegid le" in a tuaker rmeetingw and p cked uigmly be-ween the cakes,i ness of the venerabl uhr fte. dobDetebs a o y the flash of that one sentence, mnonke-,and su ttlerships. in theaimy, hue or a vest.yman in an E Vscoï- ,L .1h vtý b e s di " 'Lwlipven' them fromn thawing. A eries of a Beenr."I copn dout b te bstpla o we discover Jehu's eharacter. He multitudes Of mengotso i the æ itor an, e der in a T-res Se-bu_ 1try t a ,in in my ,wift upp ciurabic fiGar may le made of cobble ied with an aricleon.hMsr f the Winter anyway. soplnjralchurch, and yet go teo ridamn EgEwood. by Arthu ed ubd clnme with suc soe, mbeaue d eatJ.mg tht teycannot donÂin smyet they w ilnotheed?. 1 tellor brokcn stone, 12 in. deep, covered wowia ntag:iu n e Alex.-Luttrell1. e lnidau""rraito do, but hecause t""" " "s l"' ugh ave " sl~ 1hae e nched o et eand 1c i-týhýa h-e sa ligt nii en' course gra-el or sa"d- The top sonal side of Mr. M l' on tr hdid ho use and their roan span, cand w i:h ceanpu.1 b,,ck h- e und racers. tbee htemia alr hc de inFLu e ordwtnLls tn6furycited WMohp s Bakierand Confectioner,Bowmnanville lie was urged on by a headlong disposi- fonned acguatiniance: ,hip with di he s a knon raon sme NA de. 1 t who e [eck he siars asser, tnd nu ecvrd ih o esta no6ayc rwibt oitt i Telephane 97. tion, which had won him tha name of Ihigh fSmile e n the bestsqar: n no e Î,ery emsahm. rsou wh oéem re e he -harios of "nThfdresowdpe.ifsawusgisno a reekless driver, even ainong the mean mut smehow he obtained to h ýavüin come and go, Is inore th Ln a at rend., a layer or. dry surav, chaff War", isrlintydscie y.J watchmlen. The chaniot plinges un- con=tnuein the sane style. for keep ima rfust*am L,,..f s. P or hay 18 in. thick before thie ice is Whigham, who made euaina ~~~~til you almost expect the wheels to hnever he ogh, ned'riewhen1 es u sitacu nin gi.lepacked may. be used. Thefor orespondent in leSaihWr revnr panl1heyiwf andwwankI siti m a n. ,h couiseis, gm eJesus .-h is ti M ini;,nyn Cra.sh under it, or some- of the pineely bew i h w r pne ih h urc ,A eý he prteah-r s rks the rein ! Migh.y tu save unto the shoul i prevent any current of air in-n nve ïlparty to, be throývn out, or the horses Asters they munst. Clear the track"os m uulro1wrto u.ad e emtraytop rmCrTw ote rn to become utterly unmarnageable. But for ihes reekkl:ss drivers on o m o a Nw ou H er : top now Saime years tgo drain.gi-e. couantered by the tros.Ftuiå hua avays goes so; and he becomes a as noiworLàa dollr ,dazzling amnmpll afist ariic: lieyur neon, were ha ing , a pes For tis filing of the ice-1-ouse a iswill folow ti xiigcm type Of th-at cJlass of persons to a n eo n a am I nlot rigl when 1I y hat ýal arouad n *'air-hol-,,' a he ice ca- 1 alle of ýtrGng planks may be made, elooei-is be fun i al hecomuites wo ptu. ndinveiLas btheng in cag hs h repedgt-vrivate 'n-gari u obras ino.smeof them Ltop- and a rope pasýing through a pulley adGieM.Hri' ra eil inwrdyan nrlgou Uisma .eun s ei etdae!tt y wih noul pre araticn- a igw; h pïà; u a YOung 1f ..aid. "I aun(t jns:idehe ¡ee-hou-a can Ue used for has been received w n uisi inwoldyan i rlginsafàrsma Dû. eid.tdl1.-o he years, and the months. and lhe afriil ve u-- ne round more!" He Tt1 T k But don't forget that J. S. Rundle te styled reckless drivers. per, y sui reptitiusly put out of one's wekpn edy.ad wn æl omwe ei ulling upp the blocks of ice. I i liraise. Th carefulwrmnsii lends both in price and quality in - o hisedss elng llthoe hosn emer ofou rae egi- mand no, unil tbe ne:t'd v waportant t tthe ice shoul be park- aet wbih <ares o ayoua Single fHarness, home-made, rubber e.onduct their worldly affairs in atureward antunaierable de n h a y ou t. o o d as lrely aasl.Any si,,shpe'i ea cd or nickel trinined. Also Tearnheutulong way, wii-hout any regard to poipa Threerurths of the count rv netiii, t hysýeýO nIlsn hý-rae rne ]'bybtee.n le LbLioks simul bc packed 1tcng charmir of thi husrapa Unarness, Horse Blankets, wool, ker. Prud1-e COr righteousness. in < a ot he offher fourth. Fortune ý 'ýhi ieu-soerund inore"t w some of the amusing incidents isev o017jute, lined or unlincd; Re,' ï-iou have no right sto shut the door macle in 3weeks. iones men deriaed:'x si rko hors and t eas r nuitta wu er . krrou rd.lommy'sreturnit river Robes, rubber inter iea o ofyour office or store against !he niýi, a-is L, o, ii v.b is o edark- LUL dmy s perr m. D" u y hen packpd 1allbrilliant essay nCopna wtotand last b- , not least urprincipes of our holy religion. That ".iaet %eeimn cln eeler-an- farnyarn nr.apn sycogs m otb ae .c anelimien, with ne salaries gelt oinace, dashing a ýfull run tover brid:es -: nå usfroi oçdn ramess of cle one nae od nuýtr iik sHuneker, an art ar Pame ,onCers -sýecond, to none minister of Chirist dues net do bisrich!A i :he rities falling into the anda a on - by dangerous pecifice.s? found morel (ifrouninmhield, and a u trate for e ed«¡naitywuole uuty Who does not plainly and am n e Ail our res a:leysa, SumwH cib.xGo nIhowanlu you u u u h u y oelby ier Hr rdoan un1 tka11rigt11opl aet and courts filhed with the thundering One who. aHof N tims 1light, andt been permitted tua number. verboy elcome at face with every style of business tran_ wheels of reekh-ss dirivers! hashes on an,, unkomen ete riswn he h ,rtad, and whic e . ,oce-ce h.ýw ro dOHN .RUNDLE'.suctom Many a man sim in his pew """ien 1 "c "rit '""""ait, enty "t n" Theer le oeý l.rsn r4i. euouietae nlO 9--'sssisecondaprmat teehe-apr Rosv on Sundnay night, and sings Rock of ge r.ge intmes est ladger- r nd Ste h arfgud cho efrysleslP n- o thesauuuteandiün deo n the Luge-ae rm weldai H rnssEmorium, One door East of ge, nig int o w9dstud fbrnuiut ro esWe h og -raen n te L. Mîurris F1urniture Store, Bowman Aeadrlsu i ys eypiu-mig hi okt fle ith ,inqery o o, hiy ouit ouln A rma h eme pon a, hay-or riv iL th o ugiydrWad a.er. 1contis O oeRos.el' ville. l~~~y, wba ooncoming. out at the close circulars about goh! in Canada, and o nq r o'as b r o-vou :e k s drvers' fne. ,eauean.rs fteerybtlso of the'service, shuts t.he 13ew-door, and lead in Miýsouri, and- foriunes1 every- Come to the forks of a roaiu. no. A seriou rsi nithe use of, the Civil Wa.r, the, eaiyo h says, "Good-bye religion; I wili be where,lhuinching out in e>bendanre, leads LOheaven and1he other to h0ìyn ta hyta o-Ïop h mo hoktcis h PPS acknex Suday A eliion that tbhe net by the thousands they ex- hihrodLaloo Sk? herad911 1 ar clsof i rsoviprice ofevaryandih .al pect to make, with deriso» dash:ng to :jbcrin i o rat ue nsesarbiv iuneo h ukte dloes not work all the week as Weil as acrno te ahofsbe n depend- you may find ir, very rough. T has, ym hlTir:re saka!am iniesngemr- GAEUCOFRNGon Sunday, is no religion at all. ing uprn their industr.v and bonour of 1 hei nmuch cnup ni whhthe 'hoof- 0 Sl m&%vt nil, e, sun a mike sonbetwcenthe n G1nW GRATWe hve rigt, i a hrisiansuccess, 1 say, "Here hbc Omes, the rnarks of the cavalry of temptation. For Infants gand Childen h hle fLe Ding n trail afnd the Amnerican CvlWr h l Ditngihd vrwhraeao pitoutnhoseChosyeanson of Nimshi, driving furiously.' There are a gret many steeI-; ils:1o p. o thite ,eit rey desroy lustratian is on thesm lbrt Ditnuîhdeerwee anr t ontotbos h, e -ou ui i see wh Ere torrents of tiu h u fiinha..| Cealeas fthat of tL Jnu;yinIl fordeiccyofflvo sp- y year, are .ieopardizing inot only oh W uasi h ro wav.IM For the vurerentsortheebesp wfrk of ero qait ndn- theiar welf are. but the interests Of oth- Th.e1 honesleof alaher martyrs a1 re sthians -emour Luca ý, hnShpes, erir uait ad u- ers in reckless driving. -As a ha:ckmanr, g tero" . illnot de eunciisturb.-il.Wle * Tsbla ob Frank Craig, andPext. tritive properties. Spec- having lost Control of a flying span, u -.............. ovhefe eLa 1ally grateful and comifor- is apt to crash into other vebicles, un- n g i ha it îisthe ri u HEIEFFORBRIISHSHO-GIL ifoinnofte o usuamr Thwis NgtelaPa. hog tiyg to the nervous and til the property and lives of a whole ec.u, e ih n hr it h is a o h e erpouno swu -élying near the the Slums with Mrs.fiigtnBoh street are endangered, soa man driv- 1il eVery Cough there sa grat mum oe ut h n fi h et o lo sitnsate tionseneoe mix ed wot b e H..rWht tanstm eaLirrab dy2speptic. 'Sold only In ing his worldly calling with such loose l lurks, like a CrouChingrhuilt for you. as you came up, you tesa o hpAssnsate rinudm e1uiakcoeHretiunm irra fcn ½l.tnlabelled JA MES ,reins, that, after a while, it will not tiger, the probabilities " i "seeC"" ""1 (y ta reety" m it frcLadgw aitwehoe oth e e ; te eamal hi melt- grss, tind The ow adteMni t answer bis voice or band, Puts in peril the gate, you wili findt enough of the tne amelioration of much suffering. -oEm e ie atpnless ihus1 by In MacJlaren, areaogtent EPP& C., td, Hm- he omercal ntees ofscoes0r f Corsimption- aeso teJri t ahr amn etanls f oe.W ausedm kes the layer of undust able features of the erayLdis mopthi, CemitsLo- Cunded. Terear today-nourhhethoatandase aronyor cwk an uf ro. ay amlioatinmbeaue te ei xtet gstoyeitsHoe Jurnt.An merca Mohe midst many of our best citizens who DSbcoe igfrom your bruo , and . . ulaang ProPemtes. È i threfor ianswers cncndusiv w oe don, Egland.have come fromaaffluenceto tt 1uncsfrm yur eo. ikabo tcsi . !a bhas been wrou'rtb>y compelling|desirable to u-e a bayer of long dry1 Robbed Men of 'IerReionad ened circumstances, because there was of marbu and granite ! This one ¡s nomen to stand all thiy long in shops i sntro ou et.T k bu cslsaw or Ly. 2 feet hCk, as a cov. theTe is an interesit atcl nMl their banik, or an agent representing Coughing a Il(jd' and pearl. Talkz of bnueuing ! The Stijl take timie before it can he eradi- o heorsýft1 o eoe ru a part pinsAohrar1l ecie EP tei hus, r n o tei lrgstce- th; emsf spo ,of the-uiversï a re ga hered ut . o mi am o e , n'n -iig ta- Frank Siockton's NvHn nWs dier orse,ooe Jebuthe rlaso of4 Nim- geriof ihsM Men i cated altogether. It'is with parti- en out, l mamy bc ut banagaini rgn Thopigchtesfte 2ýý ' 1sýwas a furious driver. COsmtio Il kings and queen,ïs. cular Ileasure filat we announice the hub wa ste of eldau nils ro' u&rl e rd b Agans al his i i hgh imtht ÌndâneBy ut notwuhtl.,aaong the brilliant -coming it ;er, Lin of this ar t. of thienm-coïm uc Lng qualLieS 01 the Mrs.Charies Terry olnaeas the Chureb of God w.akes up. Who eilfranCe. Take terminus of the road, yenouia at t he beiue-e hav for years pointed Whr p s oee rt ae C£æwmn'sed. Mo l oa icse else will expose the wrongs ? Not the DoC nCs forks because. the lfthand roa! is out the, evilsofon sadignsadre lerfwnu'rghsihM.Doeyad t law ! Almost any man can escape that, a great deal smnoother; and some of .atoprsrv Eih nd1in rsmIorBsruex if bhelhas money enough. Sheriffs, al- ihtedn you will drive in ihlct ny. 1 e mui- sos oeepci eadt rt a .po o ulb eine n eAtborpyo deren an p-lie ffcerhaefr,,gou! me.aiuds ofpor vuhendonoievntraeryesablshenr.thenewmatoor.ntlTohoerthaopTie irGrl.ccHnun wthinueainginer their work to see that no defrauderFr6yes stop at the forks tu make inquirv.1 act, which is oractic ,a part of thIoer ae r "ag' t come heated 'est.he Pic.t«-rialfaurn or1 of means gets too badly hurt. Once b rehasbenapr The coursers behind which they go arc1Shop Hours act, is wiiue in its appii- ohw" enr fte- eto L aetnb lc kre Fromn Portland Fr Hali in a while, a swindler is arrested, and pantiug with the speed, nostrils dis_ Cation, as will be seen from the foh. On tb roof Of 'the ice.house and there Stenbaýns, will recalsoehpyh- Non .. i-f fthe caselhe t oo notoriously f lagrant,- ect cure- W hat -a-reC- -tended, foam -dropping--from the- bit-jowing clause: , a -not sufiieient ventila ïon in -the g edas.By--The C -tsP bih Par ian...n. .an .M7 th; eulpit i codemed ;huitheof- Ord 1 SiXty years of cures. and whitening ihe fhæksh lu ! Inal rooms of a.shop or o; her pre..'ab nd r on the O1ýf to allow the copny.'Phildeilha.O dlra dian....... 1 t Livrpol diect ficials having him in charge must take urged on witit îiýh and shout and . mses " ' e g'o-ds are actually re- . aeiarioecpihi atbcms yea:r ; tein centsacoy L.,iian t t.Lvrpo....teex res2ranan gt o ig au htr;te , nsunr wn ,bee - I tailecito, the Public, and w here female iractically a uid templiered oren for an wa....n..3 e.r e o the tracks of a woan who ha to n - thMý. Iih pr -i and seizeteris-n a lyrcryn n bsns nsuh P u lO E SiO S L N Sl tH d'kt tf It needs t o be soraibbed. The 'tlne NT4m uwnsDk calledô and ye refused, and srthdoecsMna or.hcsienefo tain decrease of rapidity of action pro six women, a 1 moretan0yaso ebýr."-i .ï..... . . nust soon(come when the C1hurch will_ _ rte poIetar. If yo "Uve7aout my hands and no man regarded,8 u . on rec cured to each horse, a nd if he.isrss.. ae. Thîqiisprogrswihaen GEO E O UCA. G ., nirdovwn the streetdshsh-des " "et! . . . od'à Pho thodime sold in Bowmianym b nrneispssbe ru illustrate ui le, Juung ul uld, w oild Tyla.ong, ad runsudown lchild, theWhen this world gets'full power stott &Jury. I gginbotham & Son; Orono bj the point, lob a man attempt to move desecrate the sacre monanb 93 Yonote Street. Toronto. authorities catch him ; but for theoe ahe might as weilhe dead. L Gilfilan; Newcastle bv Dr. Farneombe his arms as rapidly as a bird does his1 treading on it.