the opscations, býave gone t% ura Prince Albrecht of Prussia, the to aecuperate. Ragent of Brunswick, bas bought a ngod mrt- ~a~eeuityalt mederate rates of îtsest, UGHL.N.INeltor,Bowranvlle,Ont. R 4.PEATEq ThILOR Genlemn'sClothes mnade to Order. T O T 11E DEAF -A rich lady, cured "f ber Deafness and Noises ie the Hlead by D. N, 1 olTo1 , sArlfllial Bar Drame, has sent £1,00P to bisIntitute, 50 that deaf people unable b ocure tEar Drums may have thern free. Appl, )Y to 8,50],',ghth Avenue, New YorkU.S.A. 27 lyr, 0. HÂRNDEN, LD.B3. kraduate of the Royal College of Dental Sui geons, Ontarlo VITALIZED îAIR WiII Cure anyir orta cf Eheuimatism 1 ~ONTS 1IN ITS FAVO R 'QUICKff8T Ta CURE rND-8AFEST TO TAKE Tt~iRO-OSTMIGHLY EI'POlRSED .,na o0~o ~nLins tan days' treatrriet îi~iBIG rOTL ES 6 C LN TS. 55~ 5s SALLMEOiOIN.e G C. Qs~..~Le. kucy - lngton, Ont. A despatch eromi London, Tbnrsday, saya :-General Lord Roberts' advance from Modder river bas begun with couiderable succass. The 'British bave invaded the Orange Free Stata in an attempt te flsuk the lef t of uf Commandant Cronje's force at, Magersfontain. Thay have -gained possession of tour driftts, by wbich the Riet snd Modder rivers were crossed, aud have capturaid fiva Boer laagers wtû, their supplies, tio'ugb there is no official indication of th» eamount of, booty. ý t e difficult to f ollow the move-' ment clearly liere, oinig te the im-- perfect condition of the maps, but it seesus that General Frencb's rapi:d operation not only eut off the Boers' communication with Jacobsdal, but barred thair direct route to Bloem- fontein, while at the samne time expos- ing the enerny to a flank attack on the road to, Beshof., Such, at any rate, is the view of the situation tak-, en here. ýt is aasumed that Gan. Methueni stili holIds a position south cof Msgerrs- foutein, and it ia regarded as prob- able that Gen. Mardoualda expedi- tion to Koodoosberg had for its Imain objet the drsiwing of the Hoara' atten- tien westward from, the cotemplated urova of Gen. Ftrencb. Ths Presence of Gen. Roberts with the Kinaberlay relief clumu bad not beau praviously defini ely knewu, though I[t was guessed he went to Modder river after iesving Cape Towa, but the pre:3ence -f the sixth division undear Gen. Kelly.-Kanny weas a compiate surprise here, as it was last reported at Thebus, betwean Colesberg and Stormisrg. It sdds about 10,000 meeu to Gen. iRoberts' army which la now, ineauding the seventb division, estimated to number some- thing like 50,000 troopa. The uewspapers in thir commenta take a bopeful miew of the situation. In some cases tbey adopt an exultant tona, but moüre sobar opinion is con- tent te await thé; outcome of the oper- ations, haviug learued to avoid dis- couting successes in advauce. Thorte ls a disposition in some quar- tare to doubt that se skilful a comn- mander as Cronje bas hpen caught i niappiug, and it is suggested as not improbable that ha bhas abandoued bis position at- Magergjontein and the1 siege oi Kimberley te concentrata bis fores elsewhera. The recant great increasse in thie strengtb oif the Boars iu tbe Colesbsrg district favors thie view, wbich, however, canuot as yet ba otber than conjectural. A tlespatch fromLondcyon,'Fniday, says-:-Th.e absence of furtheT news tr,m Gen. Lord Roberts le interpreted het-re as an indication tbat important operations are in prugresa. Thpee l practicslly no news of cou- sequeuca froce the Natal side Rhine wine district at th. rate of $16,000 an acre, Babies and children need Iproper food, rarely ever mcedi- cine. If they do not thrive on their food something is wrong. They need a littie help to get their digestive machinery working properly. ÇODLEEROIL WjTMYpPMSPI/TE SLME~O I wiII generally correct this] difficulty. If you wiII put from one- fourth to haif a teaspoonful ibaby's bottie three or four times a day you wiII soon see a marked improvement. For larger children, from haif to a teaspoonful, according to age, dissolved in their milk, if you 50 deslre, wiiI very soon show its great nourish- ing power. If the mother's~ milk does not nourish theJ baby, she needs the emul. sion. It wili show an effect] Iat once both upon mother and child. 5 $x .oo, ail druggists. tSCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Tronto. Leutils axa cbeap anï cook 'soure like split dried peas. They- were cenabinad witb lima. beans in thýe croquettes. Scak oe ucp of lentîls aud tbree- quartera cup of lima beans, ever night. Drain, add two quarts of water, eue- balf onien, oee talk of elery. four slices of crret, and a sprig of pars- ley. Cook until soft, takaeout the ea- seuinga and mub all tbrougb a steve. Add one cup cf dried bread crunsbs, oe, beaten egg and sait and papper te taste. Meit oeeasd. ona-haîf levai ta- blespeonfula cf butter, sud oeeand one-baif levai tablespeenfuls of fleur, aud peur on gradually one-third cup of bet-creacen; add tbis sauce to the first mixture, sud. if it stili seems tee thick add a littie more cold creace. Shape into croquettes, dip in crumba, egg sud crmnih, sud fry in deep fat. Drain sud serve with a tomate sauce made with three levai tablespoonfuls ea(cb of butter sud fleur ceoked te- gether, and oeeasd eue-baU cups stewed aud strained tomatees added with the usuai seasouinge. THE SAFEST IS TUE BEST. It le always wise, td choose fer cern- mon bouseboid use articles which are net unsaf a or peiseneus. Carbelir, acid, vitriol, cepperas sud chioride of limne are ail unsaf e, yet they are used a great deal for household purposes. How often ciidreu arc iuJurad or kill- ed by the chance handling of sucb arti- cles. The cleaueing virtue of borax is aqual te the othars, asud. jenatire- ly innocent sud saïe. As an antisep- tic borax stands pre-aeminent, while lb la the ouly oua known that la eutiraiy saf e. No single article used in a family bas s0 great a variet,_v ,.f uses. is se.! cheap or se effective in cleansing sud purifying as borax. it will banish roaches, ante, sud ail uob peste, sud if poured down bbc kitchben sinli sav- ral times a week, lb w'o d isinfeet sud keep the surrunidî igs ýhealtby. In to) Wnis and in the cou aitry alike, it je the dark corner8. thea negiacted. sud HE ADVISED DESERTION. A 180Cr Sympatiser i~ as adysilh Court- ]Isrtialied ààîti Ceî,ienced. A daspatch from Ladysrnith, Thurs- day, sys :-Mr. H. C. Foss, s resident of Ladysmith, bas beeu court-mar- tialled sud sentenced to s year'a ice- prisoument at bard labor fer circu- latiu!g false reports calculated te dis- courage treops, sud for advising sel- diers to desert.( Mr. Foss, wbe le a native of Natal, rasided for semae timae lu the Free State. Ha, had heen twice wamued for asaarting that the ga-.rrison ivas ou on the ave of atarvatien and capture. OIldren cri for COl-CERNI-NG IVORIES. Silver fer teilet table articles will alwaye hold its ewu, but ivery to-day la the most distinguished material of which bruabes, combs, powder boxes, baud mirrersansd the like can ha miade, lb îg better fer a person who le col- lectiug the furuitura for a dressiug- table te put money gradually inte fine places cf ivory rather than silver. Ivory of the best quality is staadily iucreasing in value. Evary yaar the number of elephauta decreasas. The time la almoet hera wban the ivory bearing alaphants of Central Af rica will ha extinet. Collections of ivory uow fatcýh large pricas. It is net sur- prising, therefora, that ivery bellot ar- ticles sbould ha aagerly sougbt. nI 1CATAeRRI UE is sent direct t h diseasesi parts loy the Improved Blower. -C eals the ucers, clears the aie passages, stops droppings in the throai sud perusanantiy rs V,1 A Catarrhaud Hay Fever, Boe free. Ail deaiers, or Dr. A. W.Chs rdee cine Geo..Toto sud Bifao SHELLED WOIVEN'S LAAGER. lady WIilS4)nandi Mer ilusband Sere IRoth 'Wcunded. A daspatcb frimn London, Thursday, sasys :-Tbe Daily Chrouicle publishes the folleiwing despiatch froce Mafeking1 dated January 29 :-"The Boers shelled the womau's isager for twe heurs ou Saturday, Jauuary 27. Boer womau, kept iubormed hy spies avidently, weut into bbe trences, clapped their banda, sud burrabad uhen the shahls fell uear the Euglish womuen. Lady Sarah Wilson wss sligbuiy '»cuuded. 'Major Gould-Adams sud Captain Wilson received contusions fiecu shahl fragments." CAN HOLD OUT TILL JUNE. A despeitcb te the a Ps Mail Gazette frontm -ýalekiug, via Gaberouaes, says:- The suipiuig of the Boers bas beau lese troubiasome lately, sud tbe shahl fire ils iighaer. Our guns bave caused sariàus basses te the Beers. "The food supply le lastiug well, sud we, cani hold eut tili .Iuue. Tho~ ga r- riison se very confident. "Ibrre wara fewar casualiies in Jan- uary then durirng auy month since the isiege hegan." France intenda te impreve F ranch syn'ax by legisiarien. M. Gaston Paris off the Acadeirile Iraucaiss bas beau made President cf a commissiou te prepare a reform lu synâtax. j Is successfuily used monbhly by ever 10,00Ladies. Satie, effectuai. Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's CellttintUICo- j,5s.Ta keno other as ail Mixtures, pilesud mîý1tattieuns are daugerous. Prie, No. 1, $1 per box; No. 2, 10 dogrmes stronger, $3 per box. No. 1 or 2 malled ou recelpt of pricessud two -eent tas ho Cook Compassy Windsor, Out. and. s od sud recoxumeudad by %1l leapnîbeDrugglots lu Canada. YNs 1 an d 2 solo sn Bowsuiatviil, y M ut soruAM & SeN, Srr & JURv; Ose te by J. GT7, FILA; Newcasile by Da. FAisacomBE, COVERED WITH SORES. B.B.B. cured littie Harvey Dlice aine years aga and ho ha nver had a spot on him $Inco. T le raotlcelly impossible ta heal up I ers or ulers, especially the cliA chronia ekiudl, wiibh ordlinary remadies. No miattar how largo or of how long slandlng they may ha, hoevar, they hoal pread.ihy aud sbay healed permnatintli wlln rdock Blood Bittera i. uaed, HARVEY DELINE. Mrs. E. Doline, Arden, Oui,., proves this in tbe followlng accoun shE;aveof lier little boy's case: "When my ýiltIle sca IHarvey wss ou@ year old ha bioke3 oufin l %ores ail iver hibody. They veauld hosi u p for a treirs break oaui aaip Jnabo)t twice a yesr, tii ha waa psfor; then hie seeemed te gai worss sud iwas eomisely prostratsd. Wheu docters fitlled te) ura him 1 gave hlm Burdcck BodBtea sud besaes batbe - he seras witb Lt.ý 'It le nine yaars ago since this bsjPPsn-'ed anud1 muai say that lu ail thia; timnelie has neyer had a spot on bis hody or P-ily sîiucX the old trouble returning."