lit- T0R0E.é.5)p@pOF TOWN AMD COUNTY FIRST; THE WORLD AF@TECRWAUDS.M.AJMEdio dPrpet. NFýw sFRiEsýBOWMANVJLLE, ONTARJO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRU-ARY,2S 1900.M nitpITCHER' S CAMPAI GN. CouliJolinston &Crydormfan, Bowmanville, 12 educIons é Continuons Vietories 411 A long the Line,Every City, Evex-y Town, Recruits Evidence. Some svstems will figlit faultv acting Kidncys for ycars, backaches, headaclies and other results destrov liaif thec ploas- uires of life.1 There are howevera large proportion of present day people who quickly give way to its inrqads. Mhen Backaclie or any Kidney trouble occurs, pin ý our faith to Dr. Pitclier's Backache1 Kidnev qablets. In every place where they have been tested eau 'be founid lots of )éeople who express themselves like J Saunders, Cutter at, Couchi, Johnston & Crvderman's,,Bowmanville, w ho says; 1'1'ermit me to say that i used the bottlc of Dr. Pitchier's i3ackae-he Kidney Tablets procured from Stotit & Jury, and tliey .did me a great deal of good.' I find that they are uot overtcd, worthv of confidence, and ver 'y gentie thougli sure in action. 1 find they sect finely on the liver' as well as the k.lidney and bowels, and 1 feel safe in recommending them to anvone requining them. Tliey are a good ail round medicine. Mrs E. Francis, Bowmanývill, says;-. -Having been troub'ed for sme tfiie Nvirh severe backaceeand na ha at- iiig iver, I proctired a bottIec-f Dr. Pit- cih, r's BachacheKdnyTav esfrom ý .ott& Jryand us11ed 'but a few doses oî theml; xet I 9am1able to sa,- Ireceived a decided bonefit and can stronxglv rec- mmeud to other.s suffering in a similar way. They caused no0 griping or pain, yet their work well NE CATL.ENNISKILLEN A. O. , W. A (Rceve to at fr as isu.) Mr. Wm. and Miss Tiny Stanton are BowmaniUi1e Lodle, No. oc), A O. Li. Mre oheies -lias orerndro visiting friendas in Simcoe county.... W , leld their annmal At Home l, ftheir a pleasanttrip to En-land, and, en- Mrs.,,(Dr.) Mitchell spent a couple of hall.last Frjiday eý-ening whkh pl roved ja gagd it M. . oles... Hmewoeks in Toronto. ... Messrs C. Branton- tlorough success in every paLrtic .ular, the Dearent fther. undav ms...h olisan, . okin have one into the members andtheir ladies turnng ot to been rganizedfth Mr. '1' lioEllisN alleable Iron Works at Oshawa.... the extent of a ful bouse The chair peent. . . ClredwfhAr.mers arc givin, Mesrs R. Byers and John Stainton are was taken by Mr. W. Trewin, P. X, W., evidneeof he eneits f te metigs elling out th!,; week and purpose leav- w ho proved himself to lie an ideal chair- ltvield by the arerifs' onfttueete, nMr. ,,,for Manitoba in March. Çlie, will tman The following program oas rend- Jaeldsosthe arserou starme who.liasbegreatlv missed in neighborhood.... ered: Chairman .'s address; instrumental, recently corne here to reside,' isss pL.anningad Argue, of Misses Grigg and Cawker; readings, by toerct tis sringa 'Smmol liog-ri Solina Division S. 0, T. have organized Messrs A. W. Foley and Geo E Atay- ing esthishmeintand pt into racs a Division here. Meetings feld fuesdaY nard; two violin selections hy *ýr. \Vm. iee tesabishen t dptife etio s o feedng vningiý May it prove a means of AMorrison; reéitationshy NIr H. Slute, âM. advocated- hy% successful ' o g raisers: Igood.-- W., and dr \W. Painton; Ct W. C. The liuilding will he 130 feet in lengtli The, Patriofie Concert to be lield next King and Miss BJ'eacock1 ýeali ' sang a solo; Whlat a pity we liad not secured the Fnidav nig~h t -hids fair to ho a great two piano selections hy Mr Cecil Os- Pork Factory... Miss Stella 'Mason, suecess. Lieut. Col. Hughes, Newton hornë;-,duet by Misses Beacock and Bowmanvïlle, was recent guest of Miss, ville,will occnp)v the chair There wiIî1 Wright, anid a Oilartette~ by Misses Bea- Leali Hutehinisoi..,. . Mr. J. AI. Cobble- be military tableaux, patriotie songs hy' cock and Pofter~and Messrs R. W. and dick, is hiauiing material, and contem- Capt. King, Bownianville, and others D W. Clarke 11e-v. j j Rae delivered plaesbuldng n ddtin t ls i-Readings by Mr. L. T., Courtice, an addrcss xvlikliwas thoroughly enjoyed reay sacinsbuidin's.. .Te mm-Speeches by Revs. R M Phalen, B. A.: by ail; and Mr. Tý H. Spry. who had us bers of the Roman Cathoie«* denomina- W J Weatlierill,R N Adams. Dialogues returned fro Gad oge gave us somne tion in Newcastle are making prepara- music and song by Western' orchestra, information on the state of the Order, tions to baild a place of ,norqliip, 0, in fact a good cntertailnment for 50 'IThe accompanists were Miisses Grigg, grounds owned by Mr. Thos. Quinlan. wortlv an objeet. We trust as' the Beacock and King' Every nurrber on Reeve T B Lovekin is giving strong -funds are for the National Patriotie tcpormwa ie nfrtcassye aid.~~~~~~ .. A v n f moe t a s a und that the Hall will be packd. ad. nd well mnerited the earty applause enjoymen t was the pleasant'party gluen Ics a nice thing t îo use--flavgard's wMrli asgiv&en them It wasmovli bMisAnnie Douglas to a large num- Yellow 011. The skni, otsanadM a. anesscne y'vLv ber ofMIer ugldyadgnlee h lohn o ot tlimbers Stiff Morris that a vote of thaoks lie tçndered ne, f h r y unglady and genlem n th clthi g w nt sit. It îfall those xux1ho so1indly contributed tu the fricnds Fridav cveiin,.. . .Mr. John, Joints, gives rcllibf from ail pain. evenng's eThtmertin Hill who has been iii for soine time you use it but, once, you iiliuse it evenrt,, nmeno t.The metingin died Feb. 16th over 80 ears of age.... again. 1a ruh oacoeb i ign Miss- Leali Hutcliinsol visîted lier God Save tLe Qen cousin, Miss Clara Barrett, Port Hope,. SOLINA"TE OBSTMN-ebstc- * .. iss Gertie Pearce is snffenîng fromitnmc) a 'thupo ihpi L a G riD n e . W e a e~~~t n m n a e o e e i h p l i la li AL