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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Feb 1900, p. 6

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Sworn Testimoniy 1eionc Cnda ln the mattereof e0r I1, PATRICK JAMRB ai eods, u ho ',ta 01 Wentworth, ahea- usaker, d 2Yd- lar11,and swAar tIsit th@ itmet I ba've made th im day l8 trac and cer- P. J, WILLIAMS Not anid Sb c Manulae- itrer. Agc62 yarai 1 bave ben toubied wlth kidsîey &y d bladder Spoîgworae, medi. ~, u.fullng Wto rellove me, givin g up hne.ocire- lief. Au ut 15th asam- reêEl rEectne ilduey Placeof bu4ness. 1 took thaîn. Tiie braln ,soliný1g ensation which ,was se painf l1 a, made vater b gan te bc rlelevedallhc'uth b1Ibad uffered In that Way f1cr a ysar, and t e pan ln muy ba,-k that 1I aý«1d nt trnes soarealy tmm ver lu 4&d.1Ib 'tt f- iu-boxe* o e lie syBeans frcm the Dun- dan Druc onmpsny, mu. uuw fAel that I arn *îred-no isukaohe, n e lwhen 1 urinate. 1 1cerfully rceînînnd El.tine lCduey Bens t» a.lsu, es fkldaey and biaddsr dsease wblch prevails among men çI my age. Tour remedy ie a sure, a r' and greut cure. I»elared b efore meat ibe Towil of Dâl d"i tu tisa Centy cf etwrth, Ii 6îlà day 0i Nov., À D. 18». À . M. ÂRDELL. ElctneKdnay B-.aus for tale ut Il dru.'- I lts, !14. p(ar box. If y-eIîlrdru,ýIet bas eut gt z1em lu tock, taire ni et hem, nd oau 1direct, 6e.pror iliv boxeseu o ll r TuaElctneMadicine Company j 8 Adlalda Street Wasi. Teseto. Toecure a cold îlu tbres b' as use Eleetine 5no neBronche Table te.AhDsgsorb 55F e. ab.£.. Electine Kidnev Ieans sold by STO PT & JURY, druggists, Bowman- ville. Du. L'. POTTER. O86oe and residence,Chureh St. ,oppoiteTr 1 ity Congregationul ohurcb, Bowmunville. 25, Sm' MISS EVA LUTTRELIL la prepared te give leesons on organ and piano aitber reeldence, Kng 9L-, 7 . MISS ETHEL MORRIS, ARITr. Instructions given lu PAINTING ln 011, Water Cler and China. Shetchlng and palnting frorn nature. KILIi on premises, tir- iga sual priees. lm MI19S REGINA PErtCY, rupil cf Prof. A. S. Vogt, Toronto, le preýîabred teive lessons on -Plane or Ogn .etbratler evu residence, Sllver StA Rowmunville, or at the beome of ber pupils. 50-3m* NEW AIXIDIONEER. 4 mmESBsmop lice,îed auctioucer, wyul cen- uct suies in West Durham this season atiowest pites. Apply for terme dutes, etc., t JougN IRTUî]LLa's HarnesSbep, icing ASt. E.,'Bovuan- ville DR. J. C. MITCHELL, ËM EMBER OF COLTEGE OF PRYSICIANS I aukd Surgeons, Oiario,Ceroner, etc, Reiec.Enniskillen. 74 A. B. MoLAUESHLÏK, 94rrister, Sclettr and Conve 'aucer.- Offce:- uleakley Block, Kng strea, Bowmanvllle. Meuey telean t reasenuble rates. 48-lyr, D. BURKE SIMPSON, 13 ARISERSOLICITOR, etc. MORRIS' -"B LOK, up-saire, King'Street, lllwman ville. Slilor for the Ontario Bank. Pr.ivate nmoneva loaned at lowest rates. ROBERT YOUJNG,>V,..B FN1CE IN WEST DURHAM NEWS e.Jleck, where bimself or bis asistant viii >be feund from Sa, m.to9p . un. Nigh làt aliu reskidence, dlreetly opposl e Prill Sbed. Galle by telegrapli or telephene viii reûceve promptat tention. 1-r IJ AIR WORK.-Ladiles wishin- hair dene ever, cal t MRs DrcKasso;e s, lng Ruai andï Cor cf Ontane st Bovmanville. MjARRIAGE LICENSÈS,-M. A. £.JAMES, Issuer of Marriage Lieunses. Ktesldence: Centre treet. $50.00.O TO LEIND $50.OO.O ou good mort- sge seuurity ai moderato rates of tuterest, 16 -61n, LioietrBOm;viln Gertlemnen's Oletc)hes made te Order mP TU11E DEAF---A ricb Lady, cured -t-of ler Deafuess and Nois(es uiie Ra1-rad by Dr. Nicbolsun's Arlificial h'sr Diums, pas sent £1,Mo ta hie Inistitate, se thtudaf people unable t1,eprcr the Earumms may hae atlîam frai, Apply ,te r7., igti A ven ue Ne w Y ork, US, A, C. HARNDEN, L.D.S3. (traduate cf the Royal Collage of Dental sui geous, Ontario OFF IC.-Opposite Express Offie, VITAIZED AIR WOQULD YOD LIKE TO FEE. PERFECTLY VWELL? -WILL MAKE YOU<30 once yoea have feit the gre at Ibs.- Lng of god health you will neyer bc without TENY TABLET$* SVERYBODY5S FRIEND RETIER TRAN A TRIP TO EUNéOE At trugglsts. By mail irem or. HOP@ e Mdcine Coly, Uffited, Turont 9 600. Fait PAON.AGI DESPERATEFIGHTIN G.- The, Boers Are Contesting Everýy Foot of Lord Roberts' Advance. A. deepatoh fr=exiLoîsdon, Thursdaky, Sunduy, lu w'ieh 119 Canadians we1ee isayîsý -The Idea- thut' the B ers ere iJlcEd and 61 wounded, but ii, is reason- demoralized ad u à Iino aua 0 te aouppuse 1tluat Commandant ç(-ýnitirlofCronýje lihas 10W been reinforcead by ten panir R3ae been di8pel'1.d by the pu- thosan1d men "f rom the soxut I. It la iicatien cet a serious casualty list lmoabethat the Boers who were frein, Gen. Lord Roberts withcut any 1Whlhd.rdw nfrorn. Natal can have yet reiached either him or Bloemtfontein, ,expWenatidn of! ho'w or wliere tbe 1085.- The news frotm Gen. I3uller'a cam- es were incurred. Gen. Rc'berts' Prev-. paign îs fuvoôurablea ufart s goca, iQuis' despatch, se far-as it was pub-' but the persistant report thaï; Lady- li6b.hby the War Office, gave th, smit]: hasb eau relieved proves te bave impessontha te Ber wee n filbeeu premature. The TugA4rivcr waS im-re6iontha th Bors erein ulicrosscd for the fourth time by the Brit- retre8t, gnaking hardly. any resist.- its:lbyesterday, but the ratirementcof ance, aud arouséd the expectation-1tbe Boers frem thig point beforee the tb5at the next tidinge woiiýd announce lBrtis-b advance may possihly not in- the isurrander of Commnrandant Cron-i dca'Ua an Intention te abandon thre siege of Ladysxnmitb and the possession je',s ariy. of territory in Natal. Iu otber words, Nruw cornes the news that nearly 50 the crisis îs net yet passed accordiug enuL gereralc., have beau killed or te the information ut prear'nt received, and ail depeuds, ncùt on Gen. iBuller's Brîîsh eflees, nchdin tw prmîn camrpaigu, which is now a 6ide issue, wuunded, while the losses ef the rank bu nGn eat' ra uba h and file are flot ntenticned. Tlhere can iFreea SLate capital. ba no doubL thiat tbhe British invasion! The War Office at midnigbt au- of t he Orange Free State is being 1noUnced that it had received nothing slaarply coutested, sud that the Fed- floX publication, and neo etai1s bave eral forces are stili in vigoreus fight- corne from. any of the EngILish corra- ing frira. spondents of the operatiens lu thse There has beaune definite Informa.. Free State later than yesterday tLjn poncee.ring the progreSa cf the jmeornîng>s descriptions, whicb brougbt Roberst-Kitchener canapaigu sînce the news up te 1Saturday nigbt. RIVALLEDTHAI 0F PAIS The Siegre of . Kimberley Was Very T-ryi'lng to the Inhabitants. A delpatcdbtroam London, Wednee.- personally rendered invaluable belp. day, àaye .-Accounte cf tlie priva- Indecd, but for bis encouragenment ties cf to.e wo wrebeseg « and infectious goed spirite it is deubt- tion ofthoe wo wee bsieed inful wbether the towu would have beld Kimberley ara beginniag to arrive. out se long. Numbers of people frutu Kimberleyi A DEtLIRIIUM OF' JOY. are now flockiug te tbe Modder riveri A truly r.emarkible achîevemc'nt Nvas camp. Thae wo'meu and chldran are'the manufacture of the 28-puunder gun iveak froïm tirir isgfferings during knojwn Us "Long Cecil." Its maker was tir sigewhih, ccordig t tena Amerioan uamaed George Labram, the ieie, vhih, ccowingto h R wasraeutly kiiled by a shah tfrotu Daily tlXrnicle's correspondent, riy- the Boers' big gun, which burst lu bis alled that of Paris., For sixty days reom, in tba Grand hotel. 'Leng Ceci" berseflesh was the daily diet of the was ritied, and it llred ither shrapnel ixibbituts t te twn. il eator commn shielîs. IL usas simply in- inhaitans ofthe own. All eatvaluable lu helping te keep the Boers bad been consumed and the herses at a distance. were starving. Those whioh died Ilt î easy te realize that Ltbe corre- from a tarvatie'n were seized'aud de- upondents do net. exuggerate wheu vourd bytheRaffna.thay aay that Gen. Frenich'4 arrivai vourd bytheKaffrs.drew forth wild demonstrations and ~thr waa attiner ttthe est boght '-bem rejeîding.- froua the inhabitants, and tireir 100-peunder that the seeh-ta hy sang and danced -inea de.- came worst. This gun had a range cfliîrium eta joy fer hait an hbour before 8 mile3, and it was plaoed at Kam- Gar;. Freuch entaned the town nteat fersdana, four miles distant,.it pound- the Premier mine. The suvcoun waS met expected, the people net bhavîng ed wth îsegment and sbri.pn8 el olI aveux laard ef the JBritish advance. dRily. A. signaller sew the columA onx the WOMEiýN AND CHILDREN ztiove and retognizudil a s being Brit- were killed in tbis ugly borbardîment isir. The enemy's fou-cýes wene meltiug away, and Gen. Franche cavalny, were even thoea living lu excavations.'Those 1ceoîing up axtended along a front cof burrows afforded seburity ugaiust or- 1tan milesl. Mr. Rhoes rode eut of t1ha dinary artillery, butnot against th,,e town, but want te. the wrong flank, 100-pundr. î thas anîssiug Gen. 1Frenas ~hé enter- Ccnsequeutiy nuosi of the womnen FEC' OSSMAL ED and cblîdren, by CecilERhodes' ordar, FÉCP OSSNAL ED were sent down into tire mines and dis- On Frîda.y the Britùi hohrses ware trib'uted leug the varions levais. nearly dead fein Uictheaffëcts et thein lMfany saw the sun Friday for the tiret terrible march bat notwithstading. tume iu weeks. They came te the sur;- Ibis, Cen. French marched nortb ia the face pale -and weird, looking likea'in- direction of Drcutield, bcping fo cap- habitants cf anctber world. ture the big Bue gun that had se Navertbalass, it was this resideuce bernsased Kimberley, but he, did net lu the mina wo.îrkiugs that pravantad îlncceed in gcttung it. a beavy loss et lite. The De Beere The engineer rep aired the railway, Company did everything lu it's Power and the first train f rom thte South en- fer the uon-combutauts. Mr. Rhbes tered the town Monday evcning. Of, WVhom 2,100 Are Dead, Nearly 600 Lied Fromn Disease and 1,700 Werp Invalided Home. 'l à aapatoi trornLendon oaye:- ITie folicwiag reom, giviug tisa Brut- ilsi lcsses in Sentis Atnia fronttise ce-mmxxîemcn o et tisaanup te Pcb, 17, Iras beaon issuad'by tise War Office: KILLED-1,677. O'lcers----------165 DlED POMDISEASE-76i Offi oar.,. >.,. 1U MIen.............u3 ACCIDENTALLY KILBIDý-13. Ottricers. ,.,. 1 Mon------------------12 WOUNDEID-5,401. Off.ars. . . . 4367 j MI'S1NG-2,61T Offiers,. .. 171 MIen. - . - 2,446 INVALIDEJ HOtIE-1.682. O 'i acrc. . .. . 5 maen. ,,-,1,628 'rotaI hoe. .- .11,964 Ti" IFusiliers Who Mvare o' pîret) at or mLisiag ntel- tisa battle of Nîchel- scn'e n"k are not iucludcd in tise ibeve figure, nr, of course, tlhose sustained in b a.tane on Bliemnfontcin. The) Wax Oliasc anuoulsc,-sli addli ion. te th s Previon, Iy pablihd stu'em'aet ciCie [bsses at P-aardebcrg oan Fe;b. 18, tint a captain sundtbi-ea lideutean ts wveokille4. DR. A. W. CHASE'S j ATAREHCUIRES j N ès sent direct ta the diqeaed X perte luy theé Imptoued Biovae. îîcase lncers, dean uc "ait psages, stops droppinge inuthe throat aîîd permnantly curcs - ~tCatarrh sud 1Iiuy Fever. nlowee: f1rac. All de.lers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Mýedlilue Co., Toronto and Bflufail, CANADA'S SPLEINDII SPIRIT- Shoult) Serve te Impel liritain te Greater Exetions. A despatcisftrgnl Lonadon, Fniday, says --Tic xusruîng papare ullude te! tise thcugîitnlness ot Lord Roeate Mitito, tise Caîiadian Goerner-Getier..i Thmilitai-y ont tic of bis Timesi urg-es tiecucntinusucaetofefforts te sand mor-a troops te Soa i Atricjs1 se as ICo ha readly ton tienuuiy difficul- tics Chat mustt lue Sa'Mo)nbt), escu atter Lord Roberts buhs succeedet) agaluet Garerai Crouje. fie ndds: "Tise splendid spirit showu lu Can- ada, svhici bas just neccivet) 'tisa tiret neye of lusses iuîcunret) lu tie service of tise Empire, situait serve te impei us te greater exanticus." l DISTIRESS BEING RELIE VEB, Supplies and Forage Being Pushet) an te Kimberley. A daspatois tîom London, saye:-- Ftiday, Pcb. 23, 1.30 uua-Tbe, j War Office bas issuat)bbth owugfnor Lord Robantýs:- î "P~dehrgFeb. 22-Methtan re- ports freinKimbrley biiat supplies ot foot) aud forage are beixig puishat) ou as fas-t as possible. "Tiseýra wlîl huaanc-algis coal te stanrt tise De fiacre mines lu tan t)ays., By this iensnegreat misery vili healaheviatat). "Hospital ,arrangainants tisera va- pcnied perfect.« "Haeisopas Prieka and tise ad eiu- ing country will scen bel settled."ý cuisuseelvicorinctsedîseaoet)Heevet) ilsyaîalitary bnaiuiugnutlS body ;ansd a medîcîse, b' - sieau svicelu rti aning Ho ne- affections Of thse cond it orrc smed John'sllitany Scisool ut)an Maer T O T or UN coliditlons. ~ ~W. Edmore. T R A orL N S j SCOTT & BOWNE, Clismisis, Toroto. Belles 111 e Pb. 22. - ChareA. DAVIS &-LAWRENCEI CO., Lluitcd $1Gibsou and F. Brudehasi, whu ee 'ps.o FryDavis'Pi,-ltilr W ' von let in Suuday's figist, volun- ?RAI1~ OR IIR TRO PS. MOURNING FOR SONS. teerel frITem the l5th iattalion, GiIs- Sorrw Eigaâ A May Twnaandente live Ibers. He aerved lu the U. Gen. Roberts Says the Canadian cltl,& of itthepa , S. voitutecns inii ewa lt pin Bracltebof came har it.h pictn. Soldiers Displayed Great Baer.the e <w@et sanî.- H. lea woli'ten maneir iAdespatedu frnim Ottawa say - Teonte, Job. s.-Ne e.. t e laest,,ie-a itte Ralty Hi xelny the Governor-Genoral Nerthiwfst raboîlion Of 1885,: bas London, Ont., Pcb. 22. - The blt- bas necelved tise tellcwiiig telegrein sucis e blow fallan u1pon tise Domin- -texr reality oet war vas borne lu upoen tram Fild MrilLerd Robat:- IÏon a'- that wiilwaisad roin Souith1 Loudoners, yaaterday morniug, ve FePDand 2 r2,O kre (reaSia, Attlp eerday. e T1ais 111td 1 ethse first hlack-list was postod, show.- Fe. 2,190-cliadiux t mnba hpped eCadian me rha l ng the ainses ef thoea rio lhad giv- done admirable siervice since arrivai enexiY in battla, and did esit escapa o! n their lii as for Englaid. Tl'ise newa- lu Soutis Africa. IL daaly regret haavy 15c5tblese. An Empira's victoraeoPaper ciliCces vralsiegad nl ýday log itsufend in, the fightiuig en,-18t1 dearlyPurc-haed. The aws, tsouýgis w ia ienst1isog, whichs block- atand bag yotu, wiassure the i nicollfirmled, ot tbe relief etfLedy aid;theerawatn e bleis people how 4xiaish we ail bore admire emibh, lcYOus 5as it -Was, palad into rom public buildings filgs wara fly-. conspilctus ga 11,lantry displayed by eut insaiguifiCanëa betore the gnin tidings iflngsily te celabrata the rapcrtad re- Cnadianu ona ýdean t his occasion. biset anada'assons weme an _g lai tLdnitbtntherot Signed, "RJEtT s lain in Snnday's engagement, The te air wgs onaet gloem. 'Two of neave was received lu thei City with bbc three 'B- Companymain Wbe OhidrnOry for nvsa expressions ot sympatiy. wera kîlled were wall-know i London- chidre May fagswer flwn t baîf-masi,, ers, and anxg thosa repertad wdnnd- à andir otherwise tiare was ovidence ed ami xîsssixîg wara boys kuowu and i --R IAp at the sympathies of Torentoniaus likad by everybody. UWwerea t tbe front. John A. Donagan, killed, bad lîvad HO O AE ET. -Mens Prom Toronito. ini Londoni ton yeare and was wahI HOW T TAREREST.The kîlled la "C", Company vare: ptes. kswulengnsaaie sforeman dfcutJ. H. Finidlay, S3thBatt. and W, TMa- cf Iba . .R. eceme ftie Dpa The art cf tdsttnig is more - fc l to, lOrb Royal Grenadiers. o h ...Lcmtv thun meet peuple suppose it to ha, for TiDeîddl C'Cmuyvr:mn.Jstbirl o epionel tisra re o anyway ci sailngPtas. rm" M, Stewart, Q. O. R.; 3. '.1, and ft le feaned tiat the xiaws et Usaler, Q.0.114 James Kennedy,.OR isen'dais ayhtnheeu. the resuit. J. -1-1.Sutten,iti Battalion; TIL.Me-ison dahmyatelisn. Upnth rncpethat lita Lu mude ' IVQ.O.R~ . WWard, -Q.o.R -; E iMrs.T)onegan le prostratcd. Upen tise rinciple.-MeLaughluR..RLand M. Vuar..'l Rolattmtklews2 ar np ot littia thinge, adept the heliet vater, Q.O.R. j br mtklews2 er BasidPs thPse rmen, Torontons ae ld, ant) a usmbex- ofthteafirtu ef tisat little tiredxiasses siseuld net ho usoumuiftlly Interested lu tbbcdearis of Pt, 1mt ro. auatueae l allowed te multiply. Chas. E, *Jackson ef Nex-qvw'ayove as 'paîŽems snd nevelties. There are symipteme tisst indicate memroh c f "D" COnîpany, aduthe faet The hast kuown nurne on the list th('apt. James C. Me,,,on f tbc Royalfwuîc a hte eg.Go the need et test. Tisera e bbhe'over- Grenadieýrs, Servlni saetnn t f B. oppied a 0f Londof'Smeet p Gou crowded" feeling lu the boud, wben B" Comupany, vas vonnded. BSpi n fLno' otpiu ouxtt,,oughtsrefuse te flo; the're, 'lalar sud hast known young mati, a son ourthogbe rfus t f ow;thraiLe Ottaîwa, Pcb., 22. - Tic Ottawa of Dr. Sippi, buteur et the asylutu, tise heavinase ot the bande, thse acb- quota 01thbe firet contingent bas lest and possessing a goot) position, hoe ing of wists; thse peculiar- stiffuea twenmen isy death ansd severalî gave lup ail te figit for hie country. iu bise hack eft be necli; tise unneces- weundcd. There learnournîng lu at 1Choster McLaren, ail-round atisiete, leant twe iosen, andt) uvidcspread i5l anetier- mambar oethte 7tb, whc -saybopaiesenasa, the hunden lcf de- S5VVIIpt l- is e xpreeeed for tic bareav-i wae ve'ndeýd. McLaren uvue eie of pression, thee distaste tom seci8eY Who edeu. Pte. Zaciuriah Lewis, kili- i the clcvcrast amateur basebali play- bas net suftexed troua oua or, unotier ad,wa2. For tirea ycars ha was aireliOntario. ot thase terme of ttte4.ness i a xioutnted policeman. Ha was a IPrivate A, H. Wbcabcroft, jeinat) the To test tram mental tatigue we muet ncpiew et the Archblsiop et On-'ý 7tis Fusiliers iii erder te saeursae exocis th bdy n suleLeilhui ù-tarie. Oliver Blurus, killcd, wvqS for- place lu bhe centingent. He was 23 exocis Uc bclytusem leitini0(5iterly a manier et tic 48rd flattal- years ot age.- cupatien. Soe will dartre, mosi isane- tonend 'vas a noed siet. He was Tiare ara t-we Grecuies en bise mus- fit troni a bicycle cpmn, othersi frein a ".grusd" ut seime machanical ddut cn.ty t23 tam roll et "B" Company. Onaeto ina-fsanffrtý -pit-, -or- n fouIs 118tiofllOwing -comprise tbc wound- tiioni 15a Londoner, --a brother -ea nal pnabotrinthePluga ronua lone d ' Pte, AueCunMar-alley ivus the Policemlan Hlîry Grcen. The obîser lis madetinallaertuia ane , acson-etsoet Of ev. E. A. Màcauley. Pte -a nîcisber et the 25th Battalien. padet.minis, a ante acees onu- .*G. Rit e a son et ticlate î~ i0l, î~, trg at' gle h ntt rameofteleto Jî C ustRt chig23yarfe heSupremle Wrn. G. Adams, repertat) mlssing, la gainegt tenusÉ l or gl. ý r yfrChes-t. Halark23 yasreetaga, Pte..iea on ef, Scrgb,-Major Adams cf the a tired heild, mental wenk is not hans- rias P. Clarkle a ofe John ý city police torce. He wns jîxet 21 ticlul te a tired body. lI soe cases 1 Clarke ef the Dominion Police D- yeane ot aiga, and eueet tisa ballast of ovarexertien, when tise limbe are! parbrnant. Pte. Colemne, a printar men in btse company, standing oer aching, tise intellect las lahnmsslyuac- 1 hy trade, le a fermer niemiar oethtie six feet. tive and capable of wotk supanior te i 48r ata n. Pte, Laird baleuget)i W. J.Banne et London, la another tisat whieh it usnally pairtos, but1 te bhe R.C., IKingston, eut) wae te- of tise 26tb Battalion, if we Lake advantage et its excitall- 1 crulted tiare, Pte. Bradeiuw came Corbeit) h s adtehvebe ity wa shah have te psy' tun it. j frthe tia 6th Bflatlien, Prince Pt) I wb, a etis sait)ote.hv be The, spirit with w iicb est is takeas w att) Co snty. Pte. Gib on le, a for c-u ad a n t ku w ao iliecsits value. I've got te lie merIii lnmber ef the iSth Argygle W Sn i in,l, .2 Ge at xcite- clnutecae ret g, i aspchLihtInfsutry. Pte. R' N. ThOmp- Wmenjîwg" cb. 22. - reat excte- toc citen made. snws n lh eia suetCity yesert)ay hy receipt cf bbc ucws A willitigties to test le enta te case f roein DublinfUiversity. Ho waa item Modder River that the Cana- tireduess, wsetisen et body on cf mind, 1 eounectad witi Dt. Jarneson ilubis'da otnet i naggmn a determined pnttixigacide etfmalan- fumons- raid:! ne e.Clilhdse h choly and et effort. Pte, . . .Wood, wiselle capturet), id . an ovllid seuts Uls eadmire enervatlicu cf chai- le a foruser mexaber of F Company, ticîkesb t o bisa figlit, and tiat the acter, witis its trattuineass, suepiclous- 43rd Battalioxi. Ha je a nephew of tise ktiet) aud w ten wda eiousdn nasse,jealeusy, ennui and lack oet syxu iex-Aid. R. Stewart. Ha was ae-meul- whlnwloca a ti, Tndielact c patisy, wva muet admit tisat te Lt ber o et isCapital Lactoseteam e Majo ArTno clg mondhepact)o auffiientreet e eu et tse caut c;av. D ï jtirougisônt tise City liko wil'dflra, and) obltgatiose, and tnit it is ne maan Pet ori lrP h.equeA-,te fhs kuawlcdge te undexstaudthetiaart o!F. rh1xtPc.2.-Pag r i ustion as, te bc xtnhfl Pert, Ot.,!-',b» 2.,- Faggarcinjux'ies was asked a 'iuust)Irad bines. resting. fiug at baîf-mlat trous tic Towni Durlng tic wioie day thi neuvspapea' - ~~~~~~~Hall, 'fine stations and the côuuty o csbv endeua)wt aa A Baisabe pouey viii arry a 170 pouna buildings hare, ou accouit tes pihone messages, wiilecrcowds al ways mrin Witi'b is ace-utrausauts . These deabhîs of Joiuny Donegan and W11fsrouetli ulti-orsat poules mnn pick thiai way among tise hemn Ma.ilou, killed la Sutiday'slilgit eageriy diseussed tie naines. With saones of a koje, do net wsnt shsce- a t Modder River, bhe fermer beng aithtie exception ef Major Arnold, Sargt. Itig, sud, l shrtara axacbly viser native et Partis and the latter e ct tVcoiPe oezac cnt oanet)iufatrywau. IBathurst, adjeinitg tic towu. Porntage la P'rairie, Pte. Duuicalfe aud A dector with, ciavalty axpenience bus s Sr,-lis 1ii,,,ti'et. t.A. atirlfevetcosr inveutet) a patent gallopiug hispital, Moutroal, Pcb. 22. - it goes vitis.. are kueno bli-, al bhe others bey-' dra,wn by bye horses, and) capable otf syxgba i ev fSnia'sis on nmBiji euuba accmuodain sibwuudd.j at Modde r Risver, aund tie lees Gloan ili Victoria, of fsl many (anadians bas createt) Victoria, ,B.C., Pcb. 22. --News p ~~-1 p errow lu bue commnercial metropolis, ofIeticlises et 40 par cent. of Victor- AmOug tic Moutreal cusualties, par- Ii' oatcel i rtSni t j hue tse an eS kuownameîîg rican contingent cuet a glooni ever j rilitary umon was Corpoeral Rober tis lyysady i elltr Go c alow f "E Gopen. ~ adjourned opb to respect for bic deat) MILacndt rîi i I) fuibad tiage were ail-masted bireugi- j nilxtary tami ly, and) was brougit u n i iyeeie is oeib _________________in Kingston, Ont, lia marnaes Miss ofthbise nîtet) States. Loden, daugiber of tornier Quarter- M-astar-Sangceant Loden cf ths e3oal Military Collage, Kinge;ten, new' liv- i ng lu Toronto, Ira. ,Goodfellosv le àîcet present reeidlug ut Beausansois * i ti her only daugbtcî. Pxivute C. Lester ef "E" Company, 2usd Batt, 1 1RC.T, as -a former For Infants and Chidren. j noîber ef tie 2ad Lit c Guards. Tiare Do yOU take cold wbth la le uc utn o et bnaine, et Barrie lu The lac- Éile in every change bn t he i E-" Company.Tic naine is euh- rigrutuirs v weather ? Does yôeur threat pesedto te Pca axis taka, forPris uta et1 * i ('~~~~~~cci] 11- Barrie, son of Mr-. George __________________ fee rw? An d sir Barrie, marchant. Puivute Barrie pains dart through your navet lselonged te ans' soiuîfteer Tant vends m'ske ne friands; a spoon- chest ?.1 corps beforae siilîtiuîg in the tontis fui cf bo'sey wîll catcis maes embars Don't you know these are ArCî iilîvi.tian a ga~llon of vinegar. 14 danger signais which point rise oui; Qtîebcc-1 cnir cf, bite Coýntributions are baing gatheredinl 1 ceatinlgens tio se uei-, anup, lite for the galleriesud, pue tsftheatras iti te neuuonabrochiisor is cîtry is Corporul Alexander helmets wbich bave sean service in At- consumption Ibseit?i McQ ceeu, aged 222. Ha svaa the sou rictin cAmpaigns, If yen ia ealling and have 1 f Mr. Hector MeQiteeîs. Doly-Could snyone ha wense tIssu lest flesh iately, they are Tise llbwirg aie tic dataile ot a Mat Wisho viii hae pIoeuy lu pite cf anudsatteyed nerves. Te 2sých mw lIelyrecommend Milburn'sE HeUrt m Mere ille, sud lu doing Sc, ve 3are LP poried by thse teetiniauy eof ru.BaUiîlr Colborne Street, Cbýtayt, it na Qie folle-wing -aemu:- "lebr' Heuart, and Nerve Pille are, beyouîd geltn the best remnedy for nervauansa aaxýývtdaiT ehuedConditions cf the syste -inkuw of. My dauglîter, as a resait i veia1ey anid close application te ber duHiesas aàoqp teacher, becume mach rmn idovu md Y0. Ibiliiated aud vus vcry nerous muouths age ehe begau taking Xibrs Reurt and Nerve Filis.Teyatdqiy snd eflectally iu ber csnaigba etroug and building up ber entire .'yoteto." Milbnrn's IHeurt und NcePil ure Palpitation, Nervousuesefý,, Sleeplosnems, Aruemia, Female Tro)uble, AterBf4t of Grippe, Dahility, or uxsy condiinansn froni Disordered Nerves, Weuk Hert or Watory Bleod. Price SO c, a ,boxý. A Freneh att ce'-bas invened iýa- army bicycle, whîcn ct bti) x twoù n'nd sluug over the shonidà,v., Loird Wolseley, Lord*Rbrs~u Sir Evolyn Wood bave MIi%-, wrtterà (-oe siderable for the prees. -i I3Lîv aî Buller bas naver writter n-uhîng b4ý daE.spatchea te the WanOti Že shows hie ,averrsion te any ftb zYÏe noe of publiait.. Iick Neaache aDm ,relieve ail!the tkoubiam fth& dent te a bilious etua the e ystûm, baucliaW Dizz-lnes'e' Naufea', Drwoee2 Deti m'neee after tating. Pain ini the id, o. Whîle their ma.t nfmlzkablusiuccese bas ben ahown lu curai ~edlehe y tCar'er"' ti îvrPll t hefingtllann cYingcomplaînt,-Ilie l ty> liver and regulate theo .welg. EVen ifL , eured p ibetbey weuMboaimstprceleeeto tbea.¶ewh Whio once trytem0iifndteeittie pilislu. la0thebaneof aoranyllves tilbee evea %vemak00eou reat boast. Our pi*lýiiacrlLwhll .thers d e t Carter's Little Iàver Pilla are verv samail an4 very easy totahLe. Oa or two pillse rnake adolse. ¶They are trictiy vegetabie andd(o flot giipe è8 purge but by their gentlp action pieuse aR whe~ us te. uvialsat 25 cents, iafr$ jw draggiste cevhere. or tient by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., NewYrf Plater WlU relievçre pain quucer thait any I~1ENTIIOL 25î- tini boxe>s andv$~ yard Zo11a. T1,-laaar allows yoau toru h 1I~D L aEvoy f ='l shouid hav* rone ready for au onmcr- ~J gency. DAVIS & LAwRENGg m, LIMITEIl, THK BOOK 0F THE 1EAlb, "1The Bow-legged Ghost and Other 8torlolh4 With an Intro- duction by comb Rlley. Au illusttrated v Umne of originai sketches, verse thsapt the no rea dî>,,ail t entera % nov and heretofore une xp"raù field cfphur A book, te be read aloud aud enjoyed ameng yonr frieude. Centatins "The Bow-le .-;,i(4hot, "When Ezra SauF First Bass, "The i W Couldn't augih,' IlPossible Tilles a 'Of tup; Books,". 'Selling Locks of Hair,"l "No WomnN tiad "SacietyActresseii," etc., etc. Tithfs edition bound lo lth, printed on~.xra11 p~and ab,,-eL- T-ie'txest bincm pu~ Worth $2.30 muiled potpald foY L Ordler ait once. Ilndforcour lnov speclul Iltiti- trated catalogne muiledl free. Gives cou to v est praces on ail good books.Adrsal rx 1 - THE WERNER COMPIANY, PubSubhers and Manufactterers. àkroD, 01110. [The Wereier Cempa.ny is theroughly ale-hi. Bow Tc*chers , Nay ?reye,,ý1 the Breakdown of the NerVOUsS ystemU which often Threatens. The- worry and work, the strln ai f anxîety cf a teacher'a 111e are suli 15st-0 teU severuly on the nervons EJstelm. Tiîane agatu teachors have had b give ugcdQ positions on acono n onh&tâ

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