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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Feb 1900, p. 7

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TRIPLES 8ÂVED, ÂRXIE&8 8011E MOST EXTRAORDINARY FOR- WARNINGS. mrurValuable , Than U Ildltern. Oas of teuest remarkabbe tes-1 ttVals in the Wcx-rld je4 that held annua- AýllY et mïa ~ur nttc cfity of san tehiugo fin the West Izuies, wlien everY labitanlt deeMe it inGuimtent upcon hrm to decorate hie bouse wtt the shells-often rlehby glt and gar- lan]ded-of the -i ; LARGE LAND-CRARS, l9 éýinàdant in the neiglitourhood. The wumen-folIk aise ttrong the streets, attired in item beut ocothes, and wear- ing ks jeweljlery gold and si Iver repro- ducitio>ns of the ungainby oreatures; while, to crown aIl, a huge specîmen used, untcil quite3 recently, to t. led captive thrloug-,thui prineIpal thior- ouglifares, the inhabitants saluting it as iL paseed iitit respetful and rever- GIRLS' POS1-TIO~N IN KOREA. Wheu a girl Le bora la Kcren she in not even dignified by a nme. SOIF- oral kiaues are wnitteui on slips of pa- pet an l pued ini anutra befors njomÀ Lavurite dieity, anid vwhexi k La nece- ýsexY ki3r gïgoafatht seets une with- oýut seiuug it. and ste je knojwn by Lt until ste ree.chea womanhioud amn- uing the memnkars of lier own famtly. straugers dsignatf lier as t'ha wtfe, motther, sltar or daugliter of .sucli A. an. Titis L3 not merelIy the resuit of a customn. The boives are strict fin tbis matter, and liold a wornan of lit- tle more conusequence titan a domestie animal. ln, the liiglieïr classes of sa- ciety the girls are separated froM~ the boys of the famnily at the age of .7 yearrs. They accupy the apnrtmente of wiomen, and. are fortiddento com- mutnicate witli anyone outside.- NEW USE FOR SMOKE SIE LLS. Thie greatboss of liE e incurred by the English troupe la mai nly. attnibutable to the charges tliey have liad to make acrose open eprices in order to dis.. lodge, the enemy f romt the slieltéring I i I .trrrrmfl n. * t, I ' - Thia lu as age or imprevemeat. What waa beet yesterday le omi SEN1T B! BULLE~T POSTS FROM ENVELOPES AND GUNPOWDER STAMPS. A Ui" ew WiVlue eitaP erii Aba 4myouenm ai Timeâ, Tbe giao.fueing a tombehel "a letter-b.Ox la ne nDew one, obiliugl- probaobly owving ta the vastly increas- cd rneu moderr gurts,-lie deviceo Beeme ta haQve been mo>re o!ten resort- ebi to duiing the present w»ar than ivas ever the caze previously. The teeieged Iiadysmtt garrîsoui, it wlbte remembered, esent the Boers ia Christmas-card, enogoeed- in a fifty- pounder, on tlie morning of December 25th. Sot te b. outdonel in polite- nse, the enemy, on thi~ee5ning of the luest day oif the old year, fired two plugged j>ulfer selbs into the Britisht camp. On one, was inecrlbe*I the complimente of the season. Tte cother, on teing-opened, wues foni to oontain a reaI English Christmas ttbum HIAVE YOIJ TASTED CEYLON GIRPJN TEA? W.f el oiudouthan Jpo.SoIdoU W Fookot,. When one of the enemY je sent with 'a flag of truos, teie f blindfolded and taken to the officer oommanding thie outposts. If ie trlnge a letter, lil given a receipt, and immediately con- ducted outide the lunes. He ligethere-, fore net mach Cpportunity ef earrying awaty valuable information. A SISTER SAVEDI WONDERFUL LAKE. sor~sBnse-eihPsoe Getlme,-r.Ward's Bodand Mfied WiIII Bolilsg Acids ýthat Lat Coats Nerve Pilla bave dons my sister su t, Plece. much good that ini grateful apprecia.. A strane lake exijgts in the centre tion I told Mr, Tully, the druggist, 1 of Suiphur Island, off New Zealan(1 ýwould gladly' give *a testimeniaLun.. solicited, as to their menits. My le, 13 50 aQres in extent, about 12 feet sister, 15 years of age, caugbt a vio- in depth and 15 lfest above the level of lent cold-since then ste has been in thie sea. The mnoit remarkable eclia, very poor health, Iost ail colour ivas acteristia of tliis lake, ils that te wa- anemnic, ler blood ha4 no vitality, and skie had no phyàical strength, she be.. ter contains vast quantities of hydro-- came extremnely nervous. so muclh 80 chlorie and sulpiiuric acide hissing and 'tlat skia cüuld flot stand any exertion bu bbling at 'a temperature of 110 ëe- or exitement, and it was impossible gebFahrenheit., Te dark green- for ber to get restftl leop. she bast gooe lie oic atclal n er appetite, ber liaart becatue very coloed aterlooa patîclanl unwek, palpitatiflg so vlolently that inviting. Dense cloude of' suiphuric 1ste oould liardly treatte at tlie sligh-. fuescostntv olnff ths ohnzn test exertion. Wlien she ceinmenced a poor second to-day. CEYL~O TEA e P. product nt today. #SERM.I~ ~QMYIA~MU8CULAft, MIctlnqraî. Writa t once. Boekitand Proof on rque t. a~ a u heswISS-AMERIOAM IG, Windsor, Ont., Cmada ÀNGoER' S PETIROLEUH fIIULSIC

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