- 4 i ~, nefS flamance, xrnih, ,till a raw satîlver- i *ity atad~at. 'taa~-ntaftû« Ltr..thcoz i tt~nt,4r r'-g<î'r, çtf t~e ¶'yr.d ~&~' I lQaerPa Ire uta t- te uer it is W*ig, anti ire i st ttav in Tyr ol. aet e ' pie peasantfokob 1 7-Mary Heekridge. 75, diabetes,I 1 lo-Urace tOsbornîe- 8q entie dca 14--MarylWoods, es, hearyt faiure. L, ~4¶*d4I~fr~=- Maue infant etrÂfldrw i hompson, WJWM tMI~ 1?& 2, 190 17-Ewaidlleibeit Hawkej1 2S kîi j t~ 'r- '-r;- - '-'- t: JNFLUENCEI_ I16-Adeline 'hite, 40, heart failuire.j 8EjghManuell, 8,old ae -12 11 c iPra e a Lt i'e91ld r'-1 By ortage an ohorSoerRis.............. Offce romse............ .......... tUtti~%~0t Il JOS 1 ý ............o.r...... ........... 2576 Debentures.......... ....................... ....... 24,3,600 -. 9~&À~4 IÀî ~i i iîtpuucc i amntcture. Lvery aime bnul9 UiscePibie toen pe cn mn ti shoe thiat started -1owrd1te "Sa ter-rgo al 4 t, s' e 4' a b ~rr a... t e W-.'ici_ W 'zearet e a nS fs-' y5~~~~"zi a-.~izz.rm: -r.;sra~hz-tîIa t rr h tien net oamy tard, but thý spa1 on _-av mc great refit-!, i-d 18 -'fdes. Stadle, 85, ont age. wordls, the seuad ocf me bar-tan voice, conepetely cured me I t n mi-,- 19-Sarnuel Vanstone, 78, aid age. van -:h'r.d au-i thAt at greant dis- two p)ounds inr, [jee 'wi -.ni no'22-Elizabethi Mutton, 69, cansumption. tarn' lh ci IIý001auis ' O~-sîrang and beathiý. 1 w' nid ta e22-Jas. H.ILed, 77, cystites ' j- o el 'i îe.-îtii onta grve a -suffering everyi-where ta girn i jt 525-,lyrtle Bedford, 5Sm inflammation, iPisr. ai-iduostain, Celery a trial. 25,--Rebeea Saxon, 78, heari failaire. ple tricol e xperts»' ana sweerest -forcouact, oat, antiiirs Dry, anint freely aifli CUTICcRA Ojalmeýnt,- tine great skia cure andpareit of entoliionts. 'Warold glus as dnring night. F'Or sarbade ttchtng, baraing patte and pafail finga ende, this eon e iglî7t trcotoeelf lanedrful Ssii thoeghôfl theSa o,41. ParsE D. ' sCC' oi r, Peo., Boston. ,SLOw te tiare neautiret ifisido" frc. ing bis season'slic.. . . -Ms.Waillace Stapies and ohldren are xisitîng' berl parents in Michigan .. .. A Patiice concert under the combine et the' several arders of T3rone and EL. C.E l in the near future.1 Ver Infants tai Jh?32roŽî, ta fat. t'alla rr"'"~0 S '»Z.4jY. if - ~i~Cc'Ct'ï&t< W'~9Di~ -- sons, iranry, t ci.'O SAgent a i tgaiîI t nality. 1,,- ti , preu t1s1oru w rk . W r i te fo r t r , i i nas. Sbscrtîrt iytc e tîchnding a Ft" anta AddresoHs McALC 138 ta l146 Wl41 S. e LA n sait taC