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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1900, p. 2

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'Sworn Testîmony Dýni>min of Caniada. Ii tI.ematar f ur "d'5 LOT N E rovme o (fOC)tarie, K ~EY 8EAl TO WITè: ) îam.nîund.'t. * cf eMtwuth, sue- maie, do s lemily de- lare anid swear Itlith 8tatemeit iý arSmale Ll ii'I ay la traie and cor- Bout ;und 5h eMau2 tr r. Àge 6ý2 yeai I bve bp(n tro ubled wit>' kîdiiey a:i d blaidi-r d s'iLs aafor ire l cars, e rwîl w mee, meii- * ë ci ne.5fz4IliDg to icli ere It niegvvle uzih,,pe cf re- / liaf. Ai & $51i am- p L o Bi.tnî K dney Ceîns i afu at r' them. Thebrtnaaîtage'aanwhI[c1I Wai3o0pi fui 1 m, uadc a watr b gan t-? b. nXcvaaIta s1 hhad saîff.-red i tilai woy for ayeran te pain iny ba k thpt I'eund ai i55S'SInOIytm,,ra(,,, in lu 4iI bait faar bxas0fKhaIf d arts na royanthé Dun,- das Dug C~Payan I m w foel tuaI I arn oured-nc jackae ieý , 1) ï s when 1 or nite. te Ils'ffree f kdnya:ad tladdcr ds aSe ,wbl. ic îvasIa nki mn f Myaga. Tour D8r.akayebforeeme it tii, T-i, ,D uOs, lu liaasenty at (4 wot i3 6,11 'ivy ofI lier.. A D. ieMs. AÀ. M. WARDY-Ll. Eloetine Kidiêy B ais for aafb aI ail drog- 25ît.,2 enbx. Il 1 Àsrtagt ' tsu tg t sin & oek, take aeolar e.o j îdirect, 15.per b x, r ire Nie a on@'0llar. S185 Adelalait stret West, Toronto. ¶'o curp a cld ln three h a use-8 letiq. Electine Kidrev Beans soicd bý STO PT & JURY, drug'gists, Bowmavi ville. DR. L. POTTIrH. 8 fficeanad restcance,ClurchSL,oppogîîeTr nît) ongregational church, Bowmaaiville. 256mnl MISS liTA LUTTH14LL la Lrepared to give lessons on urgan anad piano ai ber residence, .King 81. 7 MISS ETHEL MORRIS, AHIST. Instructions giveanin PAINTING luOlI, Water Color and China. Sketching anai Catntlng fromn nature. IfILN on pramises, fir- ig atusual priees, 5.m MISS REGINA PEROT, Pupil Of Prof. A. S. Vogt, Torono, je prepared lao gîve lessons on Piano or Organ, ait l'er ai bar ovu1 residence, Silva.r St., Bowmanvlile, or at the hume of ber pulpite. NEW AàUrT1ONEER., lAME.BasaOr, ican e utione er, wlll Con. dàu(, 'el al l et urham thls season atlnost raes. AppflY for termaiý, dates, etc., I JOHN r9axj' Harna11esa ShoPRing St. EK, om - ville. DR. J. V ICEL EMBEROF OL GE1'PRYSICIANS M andO Surgeons, Otarlo,Corcn«r, etc, Remidence. Enuisklllen. 74 A. ., OLA UG ]FILIN, 8s&rrister, Solioitor and Conveyanoer. OMue:- Blaiaklay Bloek, King Stre, Bowmanvllc Mcney to ban at aeaonable ratés. 48 -lyr, D. BURKB SIMPSON, Ir- RRISTIE, SOLICITOR, etc. MORRIS' n >BLOCiK, np-stairs, King.Street, Bowmau ville. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank, Private monea loined at lowest rattes. ]ROBERT YOUJNG, V.S. O 'FFlCE IN WEST DURHAM NEW4 VBlock, where imssaitor hi, assistant willl bse toun from 8 a. m. to 9.f. m. Night eal, ai rasidenee, dJrectly opposi eo Drill Shed. Calis bi telerapta or téléphone wîIl receiveEompt at SCNE4-IN TH1E BOUR CAMP!- bï Pound Ii a Frightf ul Condition Afre ter the Su A depah11 romPardeberg says:- Geni. Cronjai, comlmanider ofthlie Orauigai Fraie Sî;ie arnty, bas,- surrendered un- conditionally lu the B:ritisb forces under Lord Roberas, and le now e prisonair in t-hi, camip41 Cronj3 sent an otie i trougli the British lunes et dawn on Tuesday inorniug vit-b a tlag ut tracei. The officier said bai bcd a message from thte Bri-is gainerai cuntmanuing. Rai was laikan ho Lord Kitcheiner, to wbom bi saiti Cronje was Willing to sur- rentier, liaving tound bis position un- tenable, anti only defeat and capture~ in prospect oet continued tigbting. Rai wisl.e-J ru avid useless sbedding ut blood,, and teu save, bis women andi rhildrain. He requaistait that thaiy be given safe conaucî. Lord Kituaienair grautedth 1e request as far as thse womain andi chL-dreu ware coaie, but crequaisted thes surraint- air ut a'1 troupe cuti arma. To iais e)fonjai agraict. Th isaoler contuandeýr at once laitt bis ýaagair, ascorti y hait a, duzenaff i- ýýceasand enteret thie fBritishi Unes. Rai "vasmet by Lord Kitchuener, wbc ut- mediateiy brouglat hlm lu the hecti- quarters ot Lord Roberts, r 11e graieîiimgs hetweeu the rivaigain- era., were kiutily, axtraintly sympa- tlaatio on Ibis part ut Lord Robairbs, wliq~bsuriJ~dar infi i captive, anti braveainad dignified oun tise part utf Cronje., lia condidum ut aftaira in 1the camp o; b-a Boers was somethiug trlghIfuJ. Thiay lied rua entireiy out ut footi, ex-, cep' this--r nattia, and tIbes3e were caten as rapitly as thay wera ikllad by Bin- lbsh sh ls. Thcir amimuni ion bs-I given o0ut, andi muait oftiir arbillery wa badly wrocked by thea fitib rire. MasI tthii r vaguns were burnet. Tha Laagar vwas strewn wit1h curpses oit the dead, lying lui ithe broad light, unburied, and-ita-iterinîg liTaew-unded were lu an axvfu ni'gh,. Ilie h,,31pital corps wa-.rainlsut, icient ta attend lu rhum, anti they lay about th1e lauger la hcaps, some -,rying pitaously, thers, shbrieking wiil pain, white imany sil- ently endurati ther agouy. -Thse British troopa, immua(îj-aily ou taking posslession ofthIbis aageri were orderaid by Lord Roberts lu daivotai al thear ettention lu euccouring the LAIiYS IJ11 Glorjeous Vie' 5 55~5~ £1 £~54 ' uuing etf dtunl uedauz! nigbt, and recon- at igbt. %Wedmnesday )ortecht 11d e (ould IL1, and the Naltal Car- Lite Fus;ilier's and Lan- everal othair comn.llies, Lar i. biscommand. la difficully in maIking ngh thaiý ravines and .~ ~ arouinda ue ulsato tai oUî11V,-est of the city, andi ast evening cru>ssaidà the weounded ,ind burying Ib,is ed, as waiul plain foliowVing tbie raiiroad lrack and nsi caýrng 1-or the woinen and eblîdren, cntered theai ity. wvb, peuani-straickain nd liiie.xpectatiota RAILED WITUR JOY. utof m wulunisbe oliard- Their arrivWai 7waa iaadwith Iran- ly bai inducaid uo accaipt kindnes8 or aid tic JoY y byIbi besiegaiti. At tirst it was f rom, thear cunquerors, The Brîtush thoughlt Lýey were theai dvanca i c commissariat was taxed lu the utmost Bulair't mju- force, but ibis was not te gavai immediaie reui?,f t thei sutuer- ý. ara, but cverything possiblei as being Buller, atccording te 1the reliaiving dune to alleviaîa thei condition ut thei force, Ls ra iÀ 1îy movln.g north aiong captives. the railroad trom Piatar'. Station, and Th1e Caisadian contingent1 and tbhe expeotst,31o 6cupy Neithurpe, four Gordlon R ghlandairs took a promnent'mile,. outb c-1hire, by lo-n igblt. It i. part ln thei opaýration immediatealy pre-,axpected Euller's main colinun -wxill thea suarrendair, Th-y seu hd bai reaclahire to-niglat or to-morrow. Th1e treauchea of1the ainemy, atter whîcb a Boers haave nul made any demoustra- whate flag apparaid, and thery bagan tion from B>ulwayana Ibis. mnorning, thei negotaataoaas which raisultainl the! andi it i. obhu if they tare aware ut uncoudatioual aurrender of the floers. the antranice uof undonald int Lady-, SCENE IN CRIONJEIS CAMP. smi l.Tiiy uastuesliouably bave rai- tirati in greïat numbera froan the coun- In a daspaiiob frram Pcardeberg,-dat- try su rrouniding Ladysmitb, for, ac- aid Tuesday, a staff currespondaiat li curding lu L.undonald's reports, the says :- buils Ihatliead beau octupîed by tbe 1On nty first visit bo Gain. Cronje's anemy leo 11le souîbwest waire bare ot camp, I was admitted insidai, aien1ba- Boer.s yaslerday. forei ltaieBritish guard, At ivary tain_ LAT)YVt IT11IN DIRE STRAITS. paces 1 damai upn 1the swoliain car-i1DidýiÀcmejs ntm.W casses dt burses or mutas, taimting tbe Dnoial aa utl iti e air. It seems impossible tbat the, wair an 1d,,parate straits for water thousauds coui havai endureti sncb a bo drinknt and feversof varions kinds frightful stainch, were matking sati bavue ýamhong Ibhe -Thei river banlis were hucneycomb-metesutbibregaion ced witit trenebhes, sncb as neyer bcd 4een sean bai ore in wair. Thisai werai c idreî o reaily 1underground dwehin . - C mbitý 111e upeniný w0ould not reach C A Ibiinarir Fiat trajectory proec-S T O R ti lais wound i- bounal tuf£ail to touch tno sîîig MTEIR COAÙUCT SPLEINBIB. tha grounti, thair tiace3 baggard ,and wan. 1liy sel-cl a bre was mot a drop 'fîmes orsodent Deoie of spirits in Ibis Isger. Every counten- Cndas ok anesb.xuwetl joy at tibe end cof a draiad- A tul t--Le. Somneouthiem lauglied, and A ipatcb 10 the London Times s-ailtah--y h :ped tbey woulâ soon gai froaln Paeriteberb, dateti Tuesday, wb.i kýýy. NLaat!y aLI the Fraie Stalere scys:- sp,,ke EoglLsib but there wîtts not a "Tihe pertorssirnce ut thei Canadiens word abcut fighting for liberty, theý only expressions beisig those ut joy ender au absolutely widbairing 'fixra. over the promuetdailverauce. whicb, caused 111cm lu, retire 50 yards "Oaa man, -liekiaag h s fiat in hau natal the, - ingineers had dug tranches, dar'ec ion ut Gainerai Cronje, exclantm- was slni.Thc dinimoounlightanti aid, 'liat man doserves lu bai shot.' Nul a woman or chilt in a mp had been cloudy sky alune re'ndairaid aise enemy s burt, -excapt une girl, who sboweti an point blank fusillade cuaffectuve. injuret i lîger-a.ip. Thora were heart- - The (Caaaadîa-aas beld ithe position rending grie inga betwe-en severai iin utal dawn. Thse g reatest admiration anti theli wives. Saivaral yonths ut Ls expraissoti lotforchair valour, and, id front 16 to 18i y-acrs were in camp. Lasfait a new cra, bas beau-upancdti l "The Trasvalers appecrei lu bave the Empiraý now iliat Canadians bave lost tIhei former trucniemcy." 11 avenged iàajuba," t British- Arna Afr] Lo ry for the- ris in South ica. - i rowde through whLch they waire pas.- AN EilJILES8 PROCESSION. Th1e procession hecame continuoua, ArTEMPT TO RUSH MJAFEKING.- Maafek3g, an uncng tibact 1e fluer. macde asuvrf atiprlaîeassaltt oaa Febaary11h, but were drî:ven off aI ailP in ElTletruce wbicl ias usuaily ubaervei Suasdcys was brok- enan u 1e ISîli by anoîber tierce et- tacýýk, but atter terminediy figbl- tmg lihai f0lô r -wre repulse-aith a lss of forty kiied anti aoundeti, The detainder-s ,howere able ho takai ad- vantaga ut lite eheltair ut earlbworks, loat ocly tw,-o hilied and tbreej wound- BOERS CONCENIRATINGIq NEW OP-ERATiONS. Rerington's Scouts Rave Alreaciy Corne la Toueh With the Enemy. A despa'ýtch frc'm Paardaiberg says. -Raimigtun'sscouts are stated t o haIve cone initolich wit jiae Rer, wbo are e.stimiatI,,d tu aiready niumber 7,000 with artillery, and the ronceii- traiocn is continiuing.i There is also a report that Ruer. are to the ýiuLth-.west uf Gain. RIoberta1, whicb apparaintly indicates an attaimpt to harass. hi. communications. A despatch from Kimberley, dated Feh. 28, states that parties of Bouers are raiding in that neigblacurlaood. It i. stated that tbey are 1,ooting Klips dam and othair places. Reinforcementa have been sent to Barîkiy Weist, whaire an attack isexpected. The Buers are sajid to number 400, wit.h tuvo fIl guns, and two maxims. Thai D3xily 'Ielagraph's correspondent etMuddar river, in a dl'spacadti Feb. 28, doscribes thie arriialte u Commandant Cronja. Ru say.s thait the KatLrsà raisad ciseers, but the. troo6pa muadai nu demonstration. Commandant CronjE5 andi bis wlfe took lunch at the litte], and laftintl the aïternoon un a ,spectial train for Capa Tjown, the Brit- a aqh troops presanting orais ,andth de bugIas scaanting a ganra'. sainte as Crcnje buarded thxe trin.' Tthe captives Leoket profouudlly rntis- -THE~ NI(iHT 15 PS. Comments of Lonidon EvenIng Papors on the Nýews. A despatch from London says :-The atternoon newspprsvoice the exul-. tation of the nation. The Globe says: "The night is past; sînoe fRaveLock and Outrainfought their way, inch by inch, tbrough thei crooked straiets and alicys ut Lucknow, nu such tlarili ut ezcilement hbas gone through the na.- tiona. Th,-a credit for our suce>s. rests with Lord Robarts, as fully as if hae bimsailt badl riddain into Ladysmithý . The sufferings and privations arai-over, l and thei Empire tenders a tri-bute ut gratitude and admiration tu Gainerai White, and h b iimortaf garrisn." Ttha Pall Mail Gazette says il be- haEývies il is imiiissible to torecast thei rault outth(e relief of Ladysmith on the duratieon oft tha war, "which may y.eL culauina.te, ia protracted. struggle before Proitoria,." Thei Westmùinster Gazette says- "Th& -_news ibis morning ublite&retes for rixe moment fall i memory of the long andrtiiisly and, wa tear we minet aidd, wastaiful operaLtion that bas gone b r. Thainks to the a4irable sraeyu ofîcbarîs aad Kt chenaýIr, the For Iuflaita anfl COlron THE BOER PRISONERS. Roberts' Plan to Round Up the Enemy in Cape Clony. Adespatch trom London, Thursday, says -Lord Roberts yesterday che t!ie War Offi-e as tlos:"es berg waera-onetupid yesterday by Gel). CleLQntns." Beyund tbis briaif umention notbing officiai bas beun rcivd but a-report comaiïs f rom Cerpt Town that Gain. Kitobeie r i. now at Arundel, and that thei Buers are raitreatiaxg toWard Nor- val'. pont. If this is su, thei movaiment, would scea to bai a vo]uutary witb- drawal in aceurdancai witb the Boer plan of dafeuce. Lord Robairts' objeet i s probabiy to force tbem north, cul off their ratreat, and surround thent asý bai did Croujai's arnty on thai Mud- deir.1 An officiailtiespatcb from Sterk- struom, dated Tuesday, says that Im- portant operations are devalopîng in Gain. Gatacrai's district. Ris intelli- gencei dapar maint reports thal 40 Buer. werai killed during a reconnais- sance on Faib. 23. CORK FLOOR. Au Olhw-FaslaloitealArticele itsadlia Ncw- iiasIloued WVa3s. Cork, as every oeaknowe, is une uof the, beýsi non-conductors of lbeat or sounid. That it ha. not baien more wdlyused in bu1_ildingý is due chiaitly to Ita it, cutofutobtelining it in an taa.ulerte traA 1prod .uct calleti un thei market wbich is oadaiut wat i. known to th-- tradea as "virgin cork-2 ground, compro-ssod and oilherwise treateýd by a patainted process, and which is freei îrünm he cernent and glue usually usýad tu hold the particlais ho- gel ber. <Wai are informaid that tiles made of this pure, compressad cork f orm an ad- mirable fsoring. wbîcb, basideis being noiselqass, wateirproof, warrii and gairnt prouf, is capable oi iwitbstantiing bard t1sage. By varying the degreai uto compression and modifying tbe manu- facuriag procass-sligbhily, shaiets ut cork, difierena. in color and dainsîty are obtained, which, when sawed and fin- ishadtini the form o_ panels, can bai us- aid tor waaanscuLang alone, or in connec- tion witb cork tale fluors. BIB LES tut Ifp andl the Leaves fitsed for Packiiaz G Id Leuf. Bibles are'otten made use of li th gold-leaf Irade; tbe, gold-laa beiug pacekecl ua bok. aada of pa)ýpai eava nut tro tLeBbl. Therai is znu in- tention oninepait u thedea1iir of ibis Bfibie, but it ibas' becomil 'a uni- versai practice lui Uis tr [adj. Mutfu thc gold-Ieaf goùos ta shups w»hare arita ateriaLa rs ,a t i(LIt is plucoket betwaien printed sheels bc- causei theeslight indentations in'1the paper made by tbe printing' serve to bold the delicala film ut gole in, place. Th1e reason for using.the Bible shaiaius ia Ibat Ibis Bible is usuaiiy. printed in smnall typai and i. alwaya vairy evenly set, and tbai impression ut the type on tbe paper ià very siight, but quilai ainougb to hold th1e goid-laiaf in place without injuring 11. Sm-.all type aidi- lions ut thai Prayer book are uscd for si.milar reasons. »Marab, i>Â 5ceslias been suaown tula ut4D equ.aly vlaz bo ucon1stip'at ion, curt 'a. venting ibis annoyiingcomnplaint,w lie theyaise torrec t ail d iaurù ersof tho s to inacb,stimuilate th@ lier sudeguaetooes.Be teOl affer frum L î isîtresaa 1ing coûmp1i1a 1nt; b at ortu- smatoly their g uodnes. duoes n o t cndàihex,,an d thco < Who once try themni yl1 fin d these 11 ttle pllI2s'va- abi. in 50many ways ilaI thcy will flotbu wil!. NHE tte ibane of 5s iany i;veq îtiÈaIboroel whAe .tharsdo nt Carter's Littho Liver PIilE; ara e ery emall and Very easytlutk ono or two jplle iteke a dose. They are strictly v ntal nd do nul fripe ou purg'e. buit Iy thir gentbe action ple:s88 fl Who tise themi. Ini0al.at25cents; lire for $L bU. Ij druggiosa overywhvierr, or s3ent by mnail CARTER MEDICINE CO, New Yrk THEi!18 ý KrÇ?D 0F PAIN OR ACHE, INTERNaL OR £>CTERNAL, INA? PAIN-KILLER WILL MOT RE- UREVE. LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND ' U13- STITUTES. THEI GENUINIE BOTTLE -B3EARS-TI4E NAME, PERRY DAVID h ON. TUE BOOK 0F TUE 1EARa "1The Bow-Iegged Gbost and Othor 8tories.11 Wlh an intro- duction by ï conb Rilý1ey..t An. f anie of origineol facetious para- e rapbs and col- lules. Âboo£ disappdoint liais r ead der, 2e8i th entera a, new and' herelofore une Xloroid fieid Kflumor, A book te be raid aloud and enjoyed among yoUr friends. Çontnin "The Bow.iegged Clhoet, "Whin BEzra'Sang'First Basa, "ITle ManWh Couldn't Laugb," "PossibLle Tilles of Fu.ture Books," "Selling Loeks of lai'l"o o aNa ad" "oce yAedresses" , etc. This firs4 Weiton bouai in clotis printed un extra fuSq {rand bsutely bbc beet husorous hok pb Order ait once. Send foreour nevi specia1lus st praces on a il good books. Addres alilorderi te THE WERNER COMPANY, Pablishers aed Ma,ütuaers. AUron, 0Chio. CThe Werner Company la tharoaghly rlal.-dar ?*~ TRRH CURE.. L U 'j am~ed-ii IJ~ri u ie sent direct t te disaaac~ GROBLER'SS KLOOIi' 2AANDONED.U parts by thec Itproved Blower.11 Heale lhe olcars, cleara the ait Groblers Kiaut -eas aban-tiuned, atnti passages, stopa droppinga in the as Gain. Lyt tletoai puateti Iîforward 'tas ibroat and peruuananaly cures meLh oleimt .u heentre free. ÀAil dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase ler àIfediWceCg., Toronto andi Buffalo. l)una'lit, wtbh-as troý oi, ut o, bisani uiai Scrgerlas Gld-: oertii4Wnpnbiiio, hs.fiIle.tle -asn4 patau s oveedw' n nes. ovir 1the good uews froan Lady- 11bnLnntn.araiaannta.~Jpaeu1 oeeiwtsaln Iiii~auaboatey aSaE ORGEiaBROWNa. ,der grass, wlaich, undair IboeHfiai Itlaanabolh.y, elaberameur ror Spy i ote -adr 'sN lTae Romei corýre9pondent outh11e Daily Sjill,Carbg, i»igbanas, eta. Reino-re9 he bunh i ca uttain avdr atiatier. In- says Iha wheu th Pope wa lu- : laves no acar. - S'ira,$l; six fio' $5. As aalaRimeunt e lv ua al rae u -~~~~~~~ ~ tund-g-t1e-r-tat o-adpi 1-la gfrEEing Iti ~ u~1a~ ~a hleaves a dsert. t lýýaimeti, "a hi thei began- [iDR..J. KENDALL. Cl., ENOS8URO FPALLS VT 1 1 S al'auutilize '-ial Strate, aing outhIbis nti,.ueA., wbiel tbey aire fumons.

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