Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1900, p. 6

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1 le andu ,,'jestperso'3s Mta reproeiiî U.-as Managers il, ihis and close by couîtesq. Salary *îoO a yegr and expî'nsgs. 'Straight, bona fide 7o1îOîe. olé" slî'.Position peirnawneiit, Oui iofreuies a'?bank lu aîy town. 1Si tý ailoeewo k ,c-iîducted ai bomrneifer. enceEncls slf Addreasd stamîîed envelope Tes laiîcio Corasa flpis, Clcago. WANTED - E >od boss: es ffehlà avery localiky. local ortravefl. hïg, lein oAcand ad.erdaa tOur goods ackin 0ti abo.çsrdQ os kacesaiaong public roadsRar t CnPicUioss Places. l4oexpei'lece seedful. Salar> 4r c aIsio, 60pet nonh and expenfs S 82.0 p«t day'. WIî i ne efor full atuag "Y E IMPIRE MEDICINE CO.. Londea. Ot. B t ase... f100 GLOBE OCPTIîGÂlàL 0.9 0-3 Yone Streaet. Teronto.- ý11Uug ýit,-and -WU'S L L -1 aw, 1 l - UL -CI: -.. t ' ", J'.ou 5i4l. ÂLmore, ea -11 1ÎL ha were tntant Ui-tlaùs clisadvg ntag1. o teutYou r ofwith YOcn r lýroM Sweep bac], the tenaldeiLnies. Tbe, shsad'owSo o himwor aet uà poplae so.i1Lthigi 1t I .U.fnrges thau yoîcouid drive backthie y- hie eterrnal worm. lilt over thia assem- imioînt Tepepe to.Thy THE FATHER'S EYEýIGHT. jeaea.In ùofy.ur unforgiven tranLg-fsi blege. l{nrkli 1bear Uie sCoýgs of oae from. '"'bey Woader WlhOre lhe"Hea w*-lhm a great way off." 1He os. Wataewe tu dol Arq w'e t asvd ertahwîgn i iooat hlrm, Mywonder where he'bas -8ee aJI pour frailýies, ail yeurx, h t~iît~~~damned. Henraen and hall seem to ,havanags H abenlng ,Uwîineo ne te aid us, and. no rock te! Jimlgle, and eterniLy poises onthie' is go0ing -to. You ha eheard of a son or ycgur comiing. Ha Lbas fnot been ajle sndn or;e noua--IÇiv&t of _ tho hur. Tby hestiny 15 who went off to Ban and neyer return- 1 s.etruad'owTio norg-ibeai g deafded, Tby doom ta be îng fix- ed. 'Ali the people in thse neighbor- --- ment te aheer us. Glory be ta; God, we, mTedo o ory o ieoin hod Ithought the son would neyer re- 9.4have in tha text tha anncuncensent. i bad.nsT o or e. trembleonit tura,, but tha pnrenti4 came te no .A. , 'bnh a yet a great way off, ngsnn¶sowlibshtThe 13uuh conclusion., They would go by bsftarrp" We h ~nrg nolte n i eli the heur, anti dayanti ait uç.on tne~starts ter God, God staris for theatite aebguihîar t beac, lokig of u~n he wnîer, ex- Uiin.Gt o {fo oaotwt pectxnig. te e tLse sailtt wud w i t h a a slow and hsîtn pace. 1 he evn niioehv omneit brngno& heLog.le-t--boy. thnhed mieOpcs ibenetî H1Irg-faet, andi Chose have beguute osink. Halielujahl Bo 1 thliilk Ibis father of My teat S"t un'ea ho takes würids athea teunti. "Ihe Woe , WetIt em L p HallelujabI aeemsnto unde tin iselookng tward theof hair i sr ate sn. Ch% wonderful meeting~m ei h 'd~etwr ui 1ia ro(don ci h his son had del. rti;P egetfbh jdmet ee rst J but the4 faLtherbschne eynic m revhen Goi and 1tise seul corne b gtoeh a as, tiagni-t-tai "The Fterrn. You -tart for 11M' sentences bc enaedd h sic e a lmls. i ai a an. But GdeGý)ý11L",od starts for yauý, ai~d bs~îes -etrntt~w el rie b 1cie 't, Lis cheeks are f ur- he mrin ndtishus e i tm a lu bis wîckedn'ess.Shut.aI -e t h b ig aýnd t heý place Wha'n Yeu meet; and, gaieýs of heantait. There are no more fI HiAT s OKN ald spot whJile t1123arangels rejoîýe over: the te corne in. Boit aillie.gates 6'f dnrk- What l, ai his bountiful table ta ü, ýis flot the meetinig, your 1log njured -F Iller nes,.--no more ta be allowed: Id corne hùu wbe iî ison may be lacking t alla iapon your xîefkewith attestitons eu n tlark!-thp-etaid al av~e ba- bred~ batlaail the spiendor 0f!kfka mark. miost of umpiýsio aipado. o gnttbrun8ndng trampi ranp Hie ardrhobe a f tt homesteniwe rJmnlike. powanderitng, iiiinful, poliluei thse con may nothave -0st i aî~coul, and islovnts taelFt Wataeail tiseee o the 'hîli- ioo many men --i ehvie. A~0VL'SSBIUT side, tI a ale hnh~ptlm thc rtenis r Imak u1lon the fWtbe'a it "F, olne aden-Powell earnd tram' .GROWTH 0F BUJLBS. 1 1 [f you are growing bulbs la potsl' ao-w-a-days, do not tergal ta 'alarý iiberally. See tint. the drainage is' perfect, than do Dot spare the water. Remembar that wben bulbs biossom eut of doors lie earrîn l water-soak- .eid and' ibat there is a beavy muici on the bcds which nids la kecping the1 soul cool anti wet. Tuice a day is not tee eflen ta waler, esp'aially if tbe ai-- o- eroom-i btat--r.Gv the bulis the aeolest situation you jana tint. Failure te- obtain sais- tactory rosuits la growiag buibs in the bouse is nenrly aiwnys due ta boa grent warmthi and an insufflsient wa- ter sitpplj' The paper wbite naraissu s l, lie daintiest and prettiesi et o theý famnily. Bots cup and prat are pureiy white, ltee niy boutel ef yellow bcing given by the few golden stamens la tlhe tIrent 0f the toe.Il is a poclynsthus o lse-iwrdvarie- ty, and oettenthere will hba ArGim six leegtanti ten, oýr evea mare, flosv- arupon a sîngle qsuiem. Asingle ni niappînes. miay a vom-an 0(f ltbsR d istressing type-bega,'n ber mariîýed Afi a cerulb-hredgirl. oe taies ic bas baen physîi ,ufferini that bas rebbed. br uû ber courage, 'and, omtmeOisýasfer and rev' Ment whîcëh were al1s1te mch le be bornie. Bu reme' ble oite lpeîi is noi- eaeed, the caiamity varethq joss matie. goot by rapîning at mur-. zbüring; Some of tle anî~îand mest beroia souls have beau those wbvvo bave leen racketi witbtotoe ronm wlieb there was o; rlief-beidde inva lidq anti cripploescofet thr -wheefed-ebîueira-- WIVES SHIOILD STTJDY*, HOw ofi-en a Young wifa atnd mnetherË bewailsthe- fart that aie bas rtmfsea ber opportunittes of an ebîL Thera e ed a bxo nucb tbotuîbt orber She biebr lite befora bar, anti [t lies wiîh fber wheîber iisbal bte ao anýi- tereaetibapp prôrebs or i ai- Isgîviîng way te:0 tsh em tihe iti. Nu c itilathoe worae for ta-rnolbtl pakirs 'U theantsOa ber lime afod, tngthusIi Indy. No lu, 'bnnad 'a lacs bapythat bis witsia nehçiirfl **i,,-e,,' ,vl a bxas flot been troubled with rheu- 01h, 'do-'you- ot recognize tbat fath- er ? Who waa t! t waGod 1 1 piatism i snce, bave fia aywpathy with that cant-iron Mr. U&Ul'a lheuatîcC -ula 60 tou theoiogy wLicb represents Gad as httile@ cootaing ton daja' uaatment. Fe slebybard, eevere, andi vindictive. ï11 dniggierâ and dealers ilu medîoîne. Te réIUU w iaiGD1) 18A FATHIER ludlcine Ce, isàaea, uOut -kinti, lov-ng, leuient, gentle. long- en, R woiuld tlrow bath arma around Ir exes, Mental Worry, esr use of To-.,large tfi~oofi Islidfor j T maî~ oubelovot~bt ac,>, Opiuim or Stimulaýnt. lied on receiP5 ftour eggs, wi-dtes and ynlks beaten e laves yocu, l seo ,d.amng,-,,andi afflUScura Pmple*eeosFdres.'iarataly, oea easpoonfull of b1'king croseý, and -.0udbW l althe Me .WcQd Vmp~ , Wndser,i" pore er, anti oaa chake nf jait. Pour pisisis a, Hie holy mnature rouiset, Î11e 7ooôPîosphudic nýid in Boim,' mai ville;1,y int5abutteed bake-disi antibake stands before y en- to-d y, antli wld- )i stott& jury, H iîah o ;Orati n lytbirty m inu ts. Serve, i m diately

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