Takthe Éest.~ 0oI PITCIIER'S RESTE isENSTLN MisEdna H-osken and Mr. Albert - Goo dwin, Bownianville, wr guests of It is the common talk of every com - Mr. J. W. Virtue,. .. Daurig the storrn munity, and so says Jno. S. hifundie, last week the, roadls la al directions dealer in cartiages and harnes, Bow- here were blocked for n'early two days. manville. 'II have been bothered for thiE .... The Patriotic concert hias been ~ psttwetyyears more or Iess, with postpone ni Fia achlt.i liver and kidney trcuble, together wîth addition to the program adlvertised las t ~~natiia l 1 r1v hrna-~y~Mr W C. ,iduit cw ORONO. The non-irritating eathartic-Hood's PUIS. Miss Morgan visited Miss Lillie Mc- Comb. Mr. L. Patton, T.oronto, was ln town recently. Mr. A. Odeli, Ooboug, was ini town THEMASON G"on BOWMANVILLE. J M 7S ---- - ----___ _ - ~ti , s ý - -l _________11 ~rbalÂ.iî ppers a ..r. J oe n ~ T uest of Miss Jessie Waddellri-ectlv ently à.is5i LoftcjCobbIedick, cured..SoldJu Drugost.th eek;MrsJas ockart hica-, laaapasIke _Msr., -ndMr. 1.aT.9 Mks,.)as. . anp f~ onvrtd hinaman, however,. tin is stili very seriously iii ... ,Traffic b aereoer_... Miss Annie Wad- welcome M1r. and Ms Edgar Osborne Clarke township fifty years ago. and ld rqenl oe rm the li ver here On Wednesday stoNecsl to é, eu~.afamous autrologer. week, Roads are open now. visited Antioch school recently. oeatrl0t0G NP . eerabmSt aiv',Ge aTeSTNrgei.bsneM. Pwhicb can onl be cured bv using the wt h ean..,.TeS .Eh Lt, i~ îakinga tour f the njted ffice..., Mr. H. R. Pearce has been in l GnEa bs ben ne of v RP ra dul tet er intrCaey Mrasuccesfîat omeTe aynih a tour of the Utùte disposed. . .. Mr. Frank and Miss !n'a Olivia,o!Barcelona, Spain, spends bis 25 cents a box , lage . . Another initito at e S 'J .ýmQ mothagtd Hro iSnNW AENDeadyMy LTH ease HTAVERiM IN. Rickrd gwinters- at Aiken een -.sC. -WMeak_-nerves ______ ~ .~ay' ~iosl over a century thiepid.guin tiPar la Di&amond Dye, severest l t<of pîg ýst in.millions, of bornes, a ud( have won L us1S7alle Il-, i 'a Rne anCd populajý-rity that has made Inh8S)mr-,t' rd ta ni 10 dypQ '"OVof ns'c 0: - "PueJ hi 'mi t -Acuj a driv en out. W ~ eetrùI li1h 'wartnest part of the b,.xe, ti, . ~De the cavities atnd the gr o - een- pit-just the Baie tu *hA t "a.ter,, plague .1It attL 'jioi- e-. C r ermans prep- .' 4yC ihl OIvs boe-a thu s o 1-lhi pers , to f101,<fla Or o O l ~i1W. , .4V1Ut51' T. Baker, S. Northcott, K.- Milison &nd S. J. Williamsq arc subpofrned to appear at Cobourg-this week at the Assizes on the. flarling-ton vs. Law suit,.1Tifs case was thrown out b,,7Judge Meredith- ED ]. ... Losers in recent Division con- test treat Friday night to confectionerv. ... Mrs. R. Scott and Mr. W. Baker are sick .... Snow shovelling is brisk, in con- sequence of'recent storm. itoads badlY , ___ -i.~.The, reniain-s ft t helate~ Mirs. D. M. Arnot were laid to rest ilu Union Cemeterv. Wednesday last. De- '~~~~~~iil andIcae a u fteods etir n vrtecuty yism u Satîg rA S~Irn ' ~ii ~ ~""waslu bher 81st year- She was igily oh ote 1,nad esteemed bv ail who knew er aswa sbown by the large cortege that. folio w- I.( fI rfitabluv cd ber to bur last resting olace.... Visi t - .impd" age ors:-Mr. and Mrs M. A, James, Bow- snSeo manville, and Mr. and Mrs. S. Bray En.field, a t Mr. Jno. Van Nest's. Eruptions -of th- Skin and '5calp witlx Loss oi liain CURED BY! CUTICURA. The t-'atm'-nt is simple, diret, agrecable, anci vo mï2ai, and is adapted to the youing- est i-, . at well as aduits of' every age. BatletG- of'ccî,ed parts wi Ilyr W vLt anCd4- CLT oA 0kto leansete skin o crusta iàcd scles, anti cohlen itht, Thuken'4 cu ice. Dry, without hprd rubbUrg, and ai'y CIYrieLCUA 0ntnment freeiy, to aliay ~oote ad halanla rlyt 11aketOc Ci Ianla RESOýLVENTt o ýol ýani cleanse the blood. Till ir îatmovnt forsinstant relief, o ermîits rei ani s'p, Cintsto a speedy. perma- aiet, nC conmicl ci~ewhen %Il other rein- e3- e ueflmr. 64-page book, fris. freshrnents were served, and a veryI were appropriate, up-to date and well enjoyable hour ws pa[.rendered; the -essaya. ý-recitations- and AN ENTERPRISiNG Fîi.-There1 are dialogues were exceptionallv good and F* j few mtn more wide awake and enter- 'ei good sttyle; the tableaux were r e ' prising than Stott and Jury wh sar orthy of specia! mention and would,,i~yuw no ais o scue he es"o "Percnghave delizhted any city audience. IThe W no ai f o creter au cst oers.n last night's program was alowed toTbe made barrie in fo their linousomrs the best ever given on any occasion in FistCas Tbev now hiave the agency for Dr. Soiina Hll. Tooth Harr King's New Discover- , which surely o itIa -cures Con sumpttiïïn,_Coughbs-aiiàCokIs- -o _ o-1a This i the wonderful remedy that is Mysadii 110W producing so inuceh excitemient al ( A CZ cures. It absolutelv cures Asthma,Bron- chitis, Nausea, aiÏd ail affections of the Throat, Chest and Lungs. You can test it before bu ying, by calling at the above Drug Stcre and get a trial.Bottie Free, or regular size for 5.0c. and $1.09. Guar ced to cure, or price refunded.. For Infants "nd 'hÎ'tiren- Milo àIl rnt a set of bai ,ss, No. 1 stock, Mower, and S" ,rows, a Wheeý ,t your life-tîdi tap-to-da>teScoit Buy from JohnS. Rundie. OppositeLuttrell'eBaki7eryv,Bommativille. ±t j in the world. the Plý jýol 1 1 n P 7-T -r-- ---j- ý-: lfflý -