Takte the Best =301= Gives -prompt relief --in Bronechitis, AsÉ .ýthma, Ooughs ad CIolds, and cures in a re-, markably short timee, Cure. It _wlgiveyou M eiîreif anl rmv-htrudih parillg er cuttîng. Cream off Witeh Hazel for the skin and complexion, prepared by BowmANviLLu, Jl HICCINBOTHAM & SON, Clemists and Druggists. We have several Unes especially n'ceded at this Season and which we are now showing at very low prices includîng: Baby Carnîages and Ga-Carts. * Window Shades and Curtain Poles. «D Spring and Stuffed Mati-resses. Couches, Bed room, Dining room * and Parlor Suites.1 * Cail and see any of these goods and get our *prices Every attention given to Undertaking ~ day or night. Night bell on side of store door. LeMORRS BOWMANVILLEý iFurniture Dealer. Ea London somne yeans age my at. r etïon v.as attnacted iy e. huge sigu on ýthe oppoqîie side off theé street, -ýnd also by the nuamber off people i'ekîng ite the building. The sign id as fe -us Whaloid, Infallible c . zý.x.unption. Dispousary , i"ar., 2 tQ 6 P.m.", fl,(- building I was at a -" . -ake of the rmattor, as 'ses xvas the crowd and a i n t~x he centre ef the noom. - . ws some novonty foot 1,y \ lýet 'wide, aau1s Ileara- '" bout thirty fot deep .îin bc- ) n-strucedc at great ex.. zre 'V'~bewaiting p&tlently for Yl ~-"aIfouud that th.lilquid ý- h ,~ twered or lot eut by )flc i-,ës s'on a smooth black elrdcci.-rsr5te vlew, and as the -vaer ani~u-dtcs nuccde f becamne a . , ptjve uhalo waa on il pY~ rised at not heving aàraî' sanioa tee. I1 waz Ceea dex~re cf the neason. A frarne- '~i .dbee, coostructed on whicb. haa -a ested, and some an ex.. paret mnsik~,2,pi .s engagd la ex- racting whalid, on whale's imilk, which was greedily absorlid at five ehillings per glass. This plan seea te lic identical -with that of the 'nllkmen in Nfaples, xvhe load a cew tn the door and dcelver thse flnid in the presence off the consumer. ce that the latter ceau le satisfieti thoLt no il- legal dilt-cion is indulged In. 1 lad liasdly recovered frein muy surprisé at this unique mnethot off getting na- tuT's ov.a emulsion wlien 1 was te encourter a sax crer shocli. 3olug the throng Who were difting fustIen dewu thie street i went te Seuth- ainptOn .tow. The place off attrac-. tion was a saa'alL'n building, al"- la- belied inm-a mYsteicus mainner: "Cod- -iods uti'orÎzed ageney prot.ected )y Wlt ,rs paie.nt. Supplied te auli- ",'y i' ;ns 1",SIecifie for rhùu=aý tism 2nti consumpr on."' ~. .. - ' ,OU suppose coilolds e. hv.eggs C)f the cod- a~.'. ~-..~'uly lange eues too. 5' " "~" c~l t twc shillings -i nuw wiih a littie "Ii~rn~'-"i' ich Ia plain Rng- à0e t h1ali', 'Tie ey lstthing te promote the - ..-rn dpierent its fallint - - -~ ar Fifth avenue me- e '~ ors are always tilleti tit, n""'ti 4 ashionalile wemen eu;- tew -'~ to îemain beautiful, - Younîg, "is olive 0li. Sf ul, saturate île lain -il on for a wcek, At fi -' ore waslh Itout witli Raiuwaten, says this tle lest ihing to use - .~ - - .î,usîn u l itile soap suda sft boii Do net dry vith a tow- -t, ut ~' ~, ',isarodry itacif. lu lassato - t-. ce says, nul Very i'otiyimove the skie, hefono U -.rn, lo bt aften tlat tle hadpressing. Never ftrd, but always out- I3OWMANVILLE. MAR. 14, 1 900, CAD31US. Reeant visitons: -,Mr. Wm. Failis, nr. John-Jackson, Mn. John Wîddes, Mn. Relit. Joncs and daughten. (AIlways give addness with naines-Rd.).... Mn. Allient Spiaks andi famiiy who anc going te Manitoba in a short lime wcre pros- cutcd with some veri- usefful and vain abe presents by a number off fientis andi acigîliors on Monday eveaiag Marcl 4. Rosy checks, good health andi gooti spinits-Miller's Compound îron Pills. NEWTOliVILLE Mn. Spencer Wood is home from Ton- onte ...., Miss Neilie Watts las licou visiting at Plaville .... Mr. Ponteous, Betlany,is waiting on lis brother, Mnl. Simon Penteons who has Iean very iii - .Col. Jue. Hughes visitcd la Tornto lasi weck .. .. Mn. Aiasbury was banied liore Tlnrsday lasi, tle fanerai beiug largely attendedi .... Mr. Coavcy cnt lis foot lasi week whilechcopping wood, aeeessitatiig severai stitches..,. Mrs. (Col.) Sam Hughes is visiting ai Col. Jue. Hugles' .... Mcnaranc lere sur- veysng tle new G. T. R. raîbway. TE ILLS OF WomEN-Are usualiy tle resuît off au exlausted neyvons system wlicn eau lie fully restoneti by the use off Dr. A. W. Clase's Nerve Food. Women made nervous and irritable liv tle wastiug diseases whicl drain ilicir sysiem flad ncw iffe, new vigen, ncw energy, ia Dr. A. W. Clase's Nenve Food, thc world's greatesi bllod and nerve luilder- COLUMBUS. Mn. R. Glover lad a suceessful sale.. .Mr. S. bolman,- Sr. lad a severe ai- taek off bronchutis..Mn. Plowilt lad a eec dnawing lumber for lis uew lieuse ..,.Our champion weli-digger,Mr S. Huat, ffell and dislocated lis wrist.. Mn. Jue. James is linsv lawling mater- il frein Port Penny foer lis new larna, whiel Mn. R. Ashton wiii buld for hlm . .A meeting effile Womea's Institute was held Mouday, leonganjize a local Institute .... A patniolie concert w-as leld Fiday even ing. Thc Beitl Oncles - tna, Mn. Geo. Holliday, Ashuru: Miss Helliday, Brooklin: Miss Maekie, Osha- wva; Miss Olver, Brookilai. Miss David- son, Ashburna, Major Headerson andi Col, Farewell, WlitLiy, assisted on île program. ______ A FIERY SISI. Dr. Âguew's Oiliment Will Soo11e, Cooi sud iI1' alit. Witl tle skia ffairiy alilaze ffrom itel ing, burning skia discases, such as ecezoma, letton, lls'l, sait rheum, sc'iid heati, anti othen distressing e,'upti.ons, one application off Dr Agnew. s Oint- ment will quenel the fine, give instanti relief and comffort; wili cure andi bas eV île skhldean ahd sof t. Ia tlrec le fiv c aights il wil cure any hind off piles. Soiti bv Stott & Jury.1î G T.R depot. TIensmains were bronglit fi ' inKngston, anti luienreti ini tle cutoa' rs-rv bore. - -.Mr. Dwight Brown, co' gffrnm Oshawa ai nigît, with a ioal f cedlan, get losl ia île l'izzati an" ],-ndeti ut Richard Barrett's h..Carke ffcliows anc knowing chaps. Sec what tle Milibrook Reporter saiti off euejo et bmlait week: Mn. James Me-Milieu, Clarke, spcnl - Sunday on F1,allis Liý nÎ wths li botter hait, Jia aiwa\s s aules eut tg be with us wlets a storn i on lanti. NollrÎsh the Norves and Glonse, the Blood. When This, is Done You Secure Perfect Digestion, Good Appetite, Restful L Sleep and Fulu> ie alth. NtlesSpringIldedIle lYakes People Well anld Strong. Truc, vigenous hlaith îe portion off mca anti wornen who have pare, K'i1 blooti anti weiinounislitedne. Poor heaith anti diseuse înnas-tiseaseti norves anti impoverisheti looti- rplies thce tis off (Àîte ailinýg antirua- tiowa ia spring tune. Ih drives al cloggiîîg mations anti impunities fnom tle liffe stream, making -t course witli freetior anti vit.ality te every p.-rt off the liedy. Palue's Celcry Compoundi liaces tle unstnung and weak îîervcs anti furnish- os a nutriment tisat huiltis up the ecalme nenvous erganizatien. Thc lireti, thlu anti wornoat lbody lakes on1 flesh, pain la tIc baekis lianisheci, île skia becomes dlean, île digestive or-ans do thib work wîth unffailing reglait',anti a feeling off aew eungy anti well lieing tale the plac 'e off nenvousucîs, desponti- ecy, irritation anti melaudhelia. Noanish tl, aerve3 anti cleanse the blootiý witl Paine's Celery Conipint, anti a new, hapJ'y aud lealtîfu lbiffe wili le yoars. LESKARD. Miss Trewin, Haydon, is guestat Mn. Aaron Rolihins' ....Miss Ethel Trahi is homne ffom0shawa.., .Literary meeting off tle League Wcdnesday *nigl ... Miss Loufe'Rolibins is home ffrom a visit iu Daliî,ton.,. .Mýr. Mannel is reporteti dangeroasiy iii ... No mail ne- ceiveti bere ffrer Wedacsday until Satanday,week befone lasi. Saow block- ado.. .. Mn. Wm. Paton's sale off farn stock took- place Tlansday. . .. Capt, Brown anti Mn. John Vaughan have gene te Huron Co. on business.... .The date off oun patrietie concert las net yei licou annoanceti. We anc loyal boee anti "British te the core" thougl. Hur- rah for Uca. Baller anti Col. Sam. Hughes, M. P. WRE N HOPEIS GONE. Lie's rot Worth Living. Souîth Ameniesîs Nervmne Itestores Hope anti Perfect Health. Four years ago Anale Patterson, off Sackville, N. B. hati a veny severe ut- taek off La Grippe, whieh lefft ber witl a-,very açiitQ Çogrnoff stgrnach troule, She lad about given up hope off a per- manent cure whea .South Amenicani Nenvino was recomeudedti tere. SIc procu-ed ht, ant inua, very short lime experionceti wonderffnl relief. Afften taking six liotties she was absolutoiy cureti. SIc says: "I lielieve ilte heb tle most- effective remedy for stomach trouble in tle market."' Solti'by Stot & Tu.ry. _____ EBENEZER, In thc Bnadwortlî', correspendeuce la the Western Times of fePb. 23, occurs ihis paragrapl: I was delighteti te se Miss Courtice fnomn Canada lasi week.' We rememben Ien lasi visit anti some off those cleice articles sIc wrote while sta% ing witl lier frieutis about ('un ledgenows anti beautiful cnuâtny lance, as svell as our home fanins anti labits off the peop le. Sise is tlie guest off Mn. anti Mrs S. J. Ashton, Lake Villa. We are hopîng te sec an article from Ier pen aneat Ien jenmacy freai New York te Englanti anti on te Brudwortly. Miss Courtice linougît over some off tle bride cake that tle daughier effile "'CANADIAN STATIESMAN" lad a slient tino ago wlen she was marnieti, We wisled tle ncwly wedded couple eveny lappiness la ileir 110W fountieti aie, wbere we hope tley nay' long live te enjoy the gooti things off ibis ife. I am Zladti t heur that île Western limes is lighly vuvlueti in Canada andtihîe States. lis pages are eagerly reati by tlose who weui ont frein these parts especially. POISON TuF BLOOD-Footi fermentation means Indigestion Indigestion leatis te Dyspepsia, Dyspcpsia means poor looti poor circulation, lirokenlîcalil, chronie depression, smusleti nerves, p)erpetual invalitism. Dr. Von Stau's Pineuppie 1efore Ate bab blmisespreventeti -by Car'- Cu.ASCF a sure preventive off in- flmainanti ciogging of the Pores. tdho' he -1i ,1. e OTTXR DU N D ~ CE-ni. Cou., 'ras..estu. s-wenievetFace uumors.frec- February report off 5.5, No 8, Clarke: Form YV, F. ilrînter. 1. owe. Sr. IV, J. Waddeil, G., Waddleil, A. Sommer- v illeJ. vr .Jr. 1V, M. Waddell, E oeH.Wde, W. Waddell, I.' llammn, Fred Bnet.Sr., 111, A. Jaynes, 0. Rolfe Jr. 111, F. Rowe, B. Wadd.ellil 1.Hanim. IF 'Jas,Waddeil, E. Poster., Jennle Moffatt, B. Bennett. Willie Bel,N. Darby, I, Pt. II, E. Ilowe, Christina Waddeil. I. Pt. I, Willie Moffatt. Jr , Pt. I, M. Poster, Tho. Bll.Ave rage attend ince 23. M. IIAiSýEs. Teacher. 11ey. J. Eý. 1Meoore, Pet erboro,preached educationi sermon liere Sunday..., Mvore t bmnglas been donc during the pr-eseau sciu hn than vje have ever ereet a h)aî1dsome dwelling on his farm n ext summer . . The death off Mr. Sa m- nei James Allander on Friday nigl.t lias cast a gloom et sorrow over our vil lage. Deceased was au excéptionaily ileaithy iyÔ¶ng man until some few1 weeks ago when an abcess ormed on bis neck, quick2y iollowed by another { about1 ten daUag cuin reat wen-1i niess, when internat troub[1le enasuecd causing death despite the eifforts off med- ical skill, Deceased was a temperate industrieus man and had many friends. "A SINGLE FlACT-Is worth a shipload off argument." What shall be said thea, off thousands of facts? Every cure by llood's Sarsaparilla is a fact, preseating !lie strengeet possible evidence off the menit off this medicine. Thousands off sucli facts prove that Ileod's Sarsapa- rilla cure ail diseaseg caused or promet- cd by impure blood. It is the hestmed- icine money ean bav, HARMOŽ.NY. A verv pretty event toek place at the home off Mrs. -Lewis Drew, Fcbrnary 28th, wvhen her daugliter, Ethel L., was united ina marriage te 11ev, J. H. Lewis by 1ev. J. P. Wilson, B.A., Oshawa. At 5 o'ciock the bride was given away by hier brother, Mr. Wilson Drew. The wedding party, immediate married relatives and friends of the bride and groo)m, sat down te a wellprepared wedding supper, af ter which the toast te the heaith off the bride was given, ffliowed by soins happy cuiogies and best wishes. Thebride was the recipi- cnt of a collection of beautiful presents, and is a highly accomplished and esti- mable yeung lady, whese sparkling- glance and winnig- smile will bce much missed by a large circle off admiring friends and relatives TIc bride looked charming attired ln navy 'bine clth, trimmed with satin and chiffon. Fresh from the Pres s. The Illustrated DIAXvOND DYE RUG BOOK. Shows the Handsomest Designs for Door Mats and Floor Rugs. A copy o! thi5 novel and usefful little book will lie sent free te any address in Canada, It tells yen, how te make pretty andý usefful Door Mats and Floor Rags from cottea or wool nags or from yarns, and gives yen f ull information how teonercure the designs which are on Scotch Ilessian linen, ail ready for, hoeking. Yen con't,be liappy ntil vou sec this book. Wells & Richardson Ce., 200 Mea.ntain Street, Montreal, P. Q. MAPLE GROVE. Mr. James Bellamy has !moved into Mr. W. Cox's lieuse. Giad te have hlm with us again. . .. Messrs. Gco. and Tom. Tnimble, Join (Gay and Wili Wood hav e gene te Oshawa te work ln the malleable shop. Why anc se manv off our boys ieaving Uice farm?... A jl- iy sîcigli party from town spent a most pleasant evening at Mr. Piliip T',ler's fast w..... Two loads off Sons of Tem- , erance from Oshîawa surprised our ivision Tuesday evening. Tlîey breaght lunch with tliem and made tbings verv interesting for ail present ...Miss Ida Souch, . Clark e Union, las heen visiting friends here... . Messrs. Xiil Cox, Solina, and John Cox, Cour- tice, have been visîting with Mr. C. Cox. ...Mr. Jas. Gilfilian, B. A., conducted service la a very acceptable manner lere Sunday affteraoon.... .Our beagne is te visit thc Base Lins on Friday uight. Sclool report for February :-Senl V- Sherwood, Colacutt, Aida Collacutt, Ada Tyler, Wiliie Crawford, Eva Power JrIrTv-malidIWo.,l rnc "The Widow off Nain.", le servinLr off nefreshments for thc excellent qualitv off whicl iNewcastle ladies are deserved- 13' ffsmous, brouglit te a pleasant close a mnost succssfl ex'ening. l'lie ladies aunounce that the financiai aspect slowcd np rcmarklablv a cil aise. One LAXA LIvER PILL oves-y night for thirty daYs iuakeS a eompiete cure, of biiuns ti Constipation. Thit is-jast 2 5 cents to bc ie c-s-tt THE MASON Go., BQWMANVI LLE. NEWCASTLE' Dr. Farncomb las beca ii. Mns. T. M. Gibson las been ill. Mrs. A. Elsworth's fathen is very ill. Indigestion, nausea are cnred by Hood's Pulis- Durham Lodge A. F. & A. MN. meets Tuesday, l8th îast. Mr. Allient Piekard feul heavil,? on the ice injuring his back badly. I. O. F. have leased thc S. O. E. hall for their regnian mectings. Miss Cassie Castieman is home from Toronto at -Mr.--Thos. Gibsoyi 's. Mrs. -J. K.' Galbraith, Bowinat-v.Iile-. visited at Mr. E. Simmoa's recentiy.- JIMr. Frank Rickard cntertaiued his young frieîîds Tnesday ev eniag week.' Messrs. W. Hiekard and. W. H. Chap.i lin shipped two cars off apples te Liver- pool, Eug. Mr. R, Barfett moved te Port Hope last-Weejk to take possession-off Miller & IS on's big store. Mr,. 1kt àrrie drov e down te lis daaghter's and had te return by train, [owing-te csaow blockade. Slyrup te my littfe gfi-lftwo anif a hait vears oid: the result was that she passed 15 round worms lu five days. Mrs. B. Roy, Kilmanag-h, Ont. Dr. H. Dickey, J. P., Trenton, at- tencd the f unerai off his sister,Mrs.Lock- hart, aise Dr. Lockhart and father, off Chicago. AcciDENTs-Wililihappen ln the best negulated home, Scalds, Burns and Cnts are off frequnt occurrence. There is nothing for cases off this kiad equai te Hagyard's Yellow Oul. It takes ont pain aad promotes rapid healing. Died at Chicago, .111., Pcb. 26th, Lenona Dickey, beioved wife off James Lockhart, a former resident off Newton- i ville, where he kept a general store. Deceased was 59 years off a ge. B.ABIES TORTuRED- By flamiag itching eczema, find comfort and permanent cure in Dr. Chase's Oliment a prepan- atien which has a record off cures unparalied in the histony off mc'dicine. Eczemna, sait nhenm, tetter, scald head old people's rash, and ail itching skia diseases, are absolately cnred by Dr. Clase,s Ointment, Mr. S Bonathan lad word that lis brother John, Rat Portage, N. W. T., had met wtl a paluful -accidcnt by whidh le breke lis arm. This makes three la the famiiy 110W laid up with broken limlis,his father at Bowmanville, net being yet able te move about, His LIrE WAS SAVED.- Mr. J. E. Lili.y, a prominent citizen off iannibl, Mo., lateiy lad a wonderffuideiivenance ffromn a frightfui deatl. In tclling off it lie says: "I was takea with Typhoid 1Veven, that rau into Pueumonaa My inngs became lardened. I was se weak I coulda't even sit up lu bed. Nething hclped me. -I expected te soon die off Consumptieni, when I heard off Dr King-'s New Disco veny. One bottie gave great relief. I continned te use it, and aow am weil and strong. I caa't say tee much la its praise," This marveilous mcd icine is thc snnest and qaick est cure la tle world for ail Throat and Lung Trouble. ilegular sizes 50 cents and 1.00. Trial botties free at Stott aîîd Juny's. Drug Store; evcry bottie guar- aateed. Messrs. N, and Mark Allian ecentiy visited at Whîtliy and Sunderland .... Miss Ethel Stapleton) is suffering ffrom la grippe... Mrs. (Rev.) Lowrie wlo hàs been visiting her mnother has ne- turned home te \Winnipeg, Man. . .. Mr. Mnrtlev Clarke lias returneï - te tie farniiy roof. Mr. R. Colwililihas been q aloiie Mr. D. J. Gilison was at Cebourg on the Grand Jury last weck. ...Miss Melulieuglir, Orono, was ne- cent guest off Mrs. L. B. Davidsoa ..., Farmers wore a liroad smile last Wed- nEsday whea Mr. N. Eiliott was pasing them $5 per cwt for legs. Why can't tlîey rua a ce-operative packing estab- lishment and reap some funther profits prolît which 110w go into the already weli fillied pockets off pork packers ?,. .Mr. S. Baskervilic feu on thc ice ai-d is nursing a ipraincd liack, .... Mr. E Keat, G. T. R. Baggagc Master, Belle ville, was called home owing te the serious illuess off lis fathen off whose ne- coverv slight hopes are cntctaincd, ... Mns. M. L. Argali lias gene te lier lus- band wbo is filing a good position as milier near Ottawa. ... Mn. Murray Eil- beck lbaves te-day (Weducsday) for Toronto te- take a two yearW coarse la Stanley Baïracks, as one off thc 'Seld- lers of the Qucea".. Misses Bertie Bamsay and Mary Nett and iMr. W. Bamsay, Wclcome, wenc necent guests at Mn.'Gco. P. Rickard's. . . Mn. J oîn Rincl'is rcported licter ....". Best-yet" is the uni versai opinion expressed by those wlo atteuded tle pleasaut At Home given ly the Ladies' Aid off tle Methodist chancI last Tlnrsday evea- ing. The lecture room gave ample ev- idente off the excellent' antistie taste off s An~ pa tterRo1DiMSS G-oo7ds in This Window for 50C PER YARD, Worth 75 cents and $1.00. There are only about 10 pieces of these and they are the balance of the season's high class Dress pattei ns in Tweed Fancy Stripes and Basket Weaves suitablo for Dresses, Skirts, and Blouses '. It will pay you to examine these as they are in many cases just haîf price but must 'be cleared to make room for new goods. vKi Dd Go ve Speci«al 6"111% per pair. This -week also we seli a uine of Ladies' Lacing Kid Glovés of reliable make, in Tan and Black, 7 hooks, sizes 61, 6, 63, and 7, only 69c per pair. ah0&DAtIES' CORTS 0 0 There are a few Ladies' Coats still in stock, lef t be- hind through no f ault of theirs as'they are models of per- fect fit and high class materials but seeing they have been the cratures of circumstances they must now go at ilf Price. T HMA SO Go. As. some arc To=day. il -p0 1PIied your feet in a'ng shaped shees ; naule you nervous, irritabile ; speil. your temper ; lose your concentration. Y7ou can't exl)ect te go the es-en tenon off yens w'ay ini a shee that cripples. "«Siater Shees' are made te fit feet-to cover every tender joint coulfortabiy -maake yeu fonget yen lave a painy foot. Trhey fit île first time ihey're wenn, and ever aflen, lccanse the streidli andi slrink las leen for aven taken oui off therniw-hile six tisys on the lss Tw'slve shapes, ail sizes, six xidîls, ail ceons, styles andi leatîxers. Goodyear w'eltedl, stamped ou the soles a,%itl name aud price, $350 and $5.00. JOHN HELLYAR, Sole Local Agent. CARtTWRIGHT. The Municipal World for Mardli con- tains a liffe-like portrait off the vener- able clerk off Cartwright, Mn. Wm. Lucas, accompauicd by tlese facts: Mn. Lucas was bora la coantv off Cavani, Irclanti, on August 14t1. 1824. He was edacateti at tle National andi Tullivan Mathexuaticai Sehools, Ho laugît in 1848 anti 1844 and then emigÉatcd te New York in 1815 He came te the township off Cartwright in 1847 and con- tinueti sehool tcaching for 8.veans. Ia 1855 le engaged in muercantile business. Mn. Lucas was appointed clerk off île township off Cartwright lu January, 1861, anti subi retains that office. Tg Pado-.tp Dnoq. A Ca"bîn Passage to Paris7- Register your came at once. The Dunlop Tire Company, Limiteti, wili give froe a steam- ship ticket te Paris and retura te île witer giving tle lest 20e-word description off an ex- penieuce wiîl Dunlop Tires. Ail you have te do is te send a postal card, registening your name for competition, and ask- ing for île "Dunlop Tire Au- nal "-which coritains ail par- ticulars, andi mudli valualle data, about IlDunlop Tires." 4CThe only toIs y'ou'ii neU.." W * UÙ,Ied, CROOIIED CREER The G T. R. surveyers are blusy le- cating tle tmach lu ilis vieinity at iureý off writiag ...,. Miss Almeda Couh, Newcastle, is visiting 1er unle, Mr-. H. E. Milson .... Miss G Hughes andi Miss B. Reid wcre guesis off Miss Agnesý Ferguson recentiy .... Miss E. Philp, spent Suaday ai 1er home in Port Hope We are pleasoti te lean that Mr.W. J. Robinsen is convalescet.. . _Mns. H. E. Milison las returned fre'm uvisiting 1er father, Mn. Thempson, Port Hfope..- . .Mr. T. Smitl,our Township Assessor, gave us a caîl last week .... Miss E- Cowan las retunned home affier visiting' fficnds iu Newtonviiie. .....Mr. Phiip, Pont Hope, visited at Mn.ý R. S. Fer- guson's recently ...,. Miss F. Forsytle is hame ffrom Toronto "iSaffe bini,saffefind." Fortif yyour- self ly taking Hood's Sarsapanibia 110w and lie sure off goed lealil for te cerne, Adve To FarmerS If. yen waat a set off band matie harness, No. 1 stock, ij First Class Mower, and Lk TootL Harnows, a Whe"f'r, row te last youn life-tbime, y es and an u-odtSufe and Binder Twine. ;,lh best in île world, tle Plymiouthi Buy ffrem Joh'n 'à. R unPdi1e. OpposileLulttrell'SBak6ry, Bowmnaivillid A u LAG 1AA NOUAmS8IOD