You can't be healthy if your 4 Sbowels are constîpated and 4 ou ytomi clogged vwith 4 p" oisonouss material. There w#, should bZ a natural move- 4 ment every day, and the best qbway to secure it îs ta take I, Laxa-Liver Pis. The most obstinate cases yield to th eir action. They neither gripe, sicken nor weaken, are easy to talce a.nd prompt to act. Der.W ood',,soolh ith Noray LieLungs and Syrup cures Coughsý and Colds of the worst kind after other remnedies fail. Pleasant to take. Price a5c. A QICK CURE FOR COUGHS and COLDS Te Ca nauRemedy for all THROAT AND LUNO AFFECTIONS Large Botties, 25 cents. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Lim!ted, Prop't. Perry Davis'Pain Sliter. New York Montres! In these days of imitations it la weil for everyone ta b. careful what he buys. Especially is this neceasary when a inatter of health is involved. There are so many imitations of Doan's Jidney Pills on the market-some of thein absolutety worthless-that we ask you to be particular to see that the full naine and the trade mark of the Maple Leaf are on every box you buy. Without this you are not getting the original Kidney Pill, which bas cured so many severe cases of kidney coinlaint in the United States, Australia and Engand, as well as here in Canada. 'the Doan Kidney Pil Co., Toronto. PamioTes &U poisous ta& împarities from the system. Given elrengIh and vlialiy lu Puce 0 weaknesa and iangtior. The moit womderfa blood -puarifier. rectorative and atrengthener knawn te Ur. "u. Hurloi, Bailieboro, Ont., sys: sTwo y«ro &go 1 wus very poorly in the. âprhug. had no appetite, feît weak and *«rvous, not able te work inaci and wus Itred aIl the time. 61 aw Burdoak Biood Bitters highly reoommnded, se gel a botte., * 1 started taklng it, and Imuide or two months 1 was a well s uver I was ie mny 1f,. 111 oheerfudly reoommend B. B. B. ais a iendia blooa purifte ansd opring mae HER NOTICE. The Ju.dge--Why do yau refuse to1 pay the plaintifi for the fimr days ah. worked?1 The Suburbanite--She lait witbùkut, givuug notiee, yfour bionor.2 The. Cook-Will yez tist6n t' th, lotes av bim! Atther me teia him, yaur honar, ji,4ht before Qi packed me valige, thot Di wor gain' I General Lciorng-treet has recentiy celebrRted his 79tÉ bir[hdlay. H1e is now almfflt the on!y survivar in the first renie of south'er.a generats of seutial n!Lx salLesnrethni u meen.- a ci--ijit - Nwur wtichcacempaules-maelibox, beala tan dency li s sli apwa id. «Engutant a sentkl in winte th«n in umm« He elied. the gentelanman b ndcth.ulanti ceiastue crrslagclearae ih staasmemthssagesnoerelt avsur gaid f the pressura which causes headacis, stopseaesaitssfrneiuLhau- I Friand,. myloguae oubntise clecay whlcis causes foui breatit, ant i pe becansa Lthe ouiey iun Southt C hlldren Cry for j et d lnav"ouba absolutely cures catarri anet prevents cou- Afrlas Las gine fan beyand chair earl- Th' r y yeurs," wit seaus' sigi; sumaptian. ,25ac. a box, blowar free *5t ce'- expuafatianms Au expenditure af I An f ieuh. tangît ultysekti ll dealers, or Edzxnuson, Bates & 0o., $200,00,000 or more maysetlue neces- An tenhethugtuly tsedhiToronto. a sary hefore tisa w eais-tnd. WVhat is - ~Most af as think anly oi protecting the St. Peter W&.9 allant, wth head bat Noe adC mm ts animais fruni uta cald; but dis aj down;on N te ad m ets M lINTS FOR la prime fac.,or in thé. animal's winter He, raised biesfintger and scratchad hise _________________ TH-E FARMER. IIfe If we cannot give thue animal crdDnvn, aydsrpinofteBrsu- j. ~ ~~~~~~~te beast there is, howce we expect Then hie eeo&med a thought ta taeka, Mayesrponoftaor p- -----to receive thiu hast tn rature r It le Slotly, lhait cta lia spolie, port to apply ta the whole peo- TREE SCItAPING. a uatter af give andi taire, and nature" Thi rty years wi th that wumc n thera? pie, while the fact le that nuo Oe m'aires few allowances tor ietaires or Nua wondar the man hasn't any hiair l atatement can ba made to fit thora ail. The question je consta.ntly arising as ignorance. Swear-ing ile wicked; sun..c'sno goud. ta wbestfrr trocs shoulJ bc scraped of He smoked andi swore-I should thinir hyaewdl satrdadbv Liair auter bark. Thi~s outer barkile ST. PETER AT THE GATE. hoe wautd 1iIl lved under diffaring conditions which !aediverseiy affce hi ais tk.esue, but it mtsy serve as a pro- "Thirty yaars with that tongua av ietd hirhbis LeCýion to thse treu. The ceature4 ai St. Peter staod guatrd at the golden sharp i ideas sud character. Thus wvila LIi barir are ra chara(acer-. ut othe. gata, Oh 1 Auget Gabriel 1 Give hlm a harp I thair fratareat feeling iae trung and cltu.eeilL auds af crees and ccnu-riiuta Wîth a salemn mien and an air se-' A jawEi1ed harp wîth a goile stringl thay ara claseiy atiied in politicai sen- nu lrnait parc ta. tiair heauty ant in- date, Goat i ar, pase lu whara the angels singiti'ant, tha Boers of variaus parts of Leest. 1 certainty ahoulà never scarpa When up. ta' the top of the golden Gabriel, gîve him a seat-a sent alune-'m thel baik tram crees which are gtt>we stair Oua, with a cushian, Up near the South Africa dffer much from ana an- iar oraauIne, uniesse thare were Sama A mau and a îvcman ascanding there, thrtne 1 other. The oniy ]Boers wh e em fut- j~'r.aur eassuLtr t, rie"Pr- pp.led or admîu.sion.> They came and Oi up somna augets ta ing their bast, 17 ta have maintainad the primitive aaL- .en t r ver e Suriisi i Be oraS. ae, ,Let hlm eujay the mu.afc and rest. simpiicity and narrowuesa oi view af miglaL.. 'jautilpare cuar eresu B St. etrsgrea~t and good, Seletht iafinat ambrasia bhefeedel thair fathars are tii. farmera of the iiu£ur i oulcae insec,. wà'hci 1U( In leho.pea the City oai jeaca ta vin- H' adaot al thehit ha lieneads. Mddeaitite otArcaB- &L haub.'r un4arteah the ba&,or Tao sk eSt. teter ta lt tthemniin. H'-ltiednt ardly tMide Vedthing teuh do-anRe Iva o u)eîaai. of et~i~it'-Mi-ntbrdyte hjL( o a c~.e~t t l ne.cary ar- vuan as ailsudlanr sd 'iaroust bhlmai n arth; ia future tac." public, Theylilve ie the raglan bc- lie bk& i oraer L at heteen -the latitude af Pretoria and the sup î unone a '~ antha tuin, Thay gava hlm a harp vlti golden Troptc ai Capricoru. Thay ara lau- ui'Ià,- ucly ~e are sxca niWith as îcraggiy beardiet upon lier! A stringast.i tisupsaieyrr ases , bwever. 'flic ohmn, Agiteigre adapÀ o ig lai ion hirvast arme, mauy ai grIans e L ena a ava tr e arToail Teman vas short, snd thicir aud And iehasaid, as ha entareti the realan wh c"i embrace 6,000 acres of graziog '4ut; Of day, landis. They saidom se. strangers L1- .L. s>S Liu guotana 5 If.ura.>thtes inl stt-asc.wao it rounded "Watt, this hanta cucumbars. LI nilaetar am nyfu ie re.Y iy t uuon oi cheoarac,ýe£rLtic ta- ontadav hi fri ol ou ie 'y. outway., In ase af archlard, it le ut tee i face vaa pleasant, sud ait the Amd sa the écriptura lts camne to pas, ayea ta visit the neareet markret avsbet tae I thteshan>g h arir whitle "Tint the shait bctiret snd the towe sud attend the "nacht.maal,' or in5 orner ta itestroyuy Ltharouuîng Til smila. fru hh-Ex. riiu etvl Mn iteicn Placias ut canmhand ti chr un- Techii-s lu tha distance the echoas i 1nt read, and those who arernfot illit- ,c'S. e.lin un chat case, I shauld unoiat aFIeY E1$. jrata reat oely the Bable. ¼.ceape duw.n tu te Lugls.c ouoîed or Andi the niain irpt stili whuetavb FOR OVERtFiO VAS inuer bari<, but taire earamerely tha mn aoair. Mrs.Wlnslow's SaotblegSyru h&bas eauuacby rougt, oolýe eteror.Orchardtresnliois ai inotbers for tue r ctldren while The farmars ai the Hitgi Vetldt, be- no, ueing gruwn lor ornautent, o.ceu "Oh1. thGsU 14711 guardest the gate," teethiu.g. If diLsturb--t at igiht and broken o tween Pratoria sud the soutiaru bar- ru. cyor rest by a siek cîjittl ai suffad cryjus prlü,enc a mura kmpc anaticdy p UL h an fetigtehs (tju Syaupder, on the other baud, seaumuch ai rmvd. WervaocUmea hucher bauaching ol fmrs. wjî,siows' oti k. aranca iftie uLt bark rem v I jlveget abtuico tor C3tildreîî'reeuiuiug. ht will ratievaIlle pouer the Outiaudare lentihe miniug towue, 1_ ii tu Lb e ribmerad. chat the udeais LtilflOiUlettasutierer ai once. Pi-pend npon i,iuothard. whiui daet..e ùe aaro oaI ruit crtess To lac uý enter tha heavenly iland there la s isiaka aboutît. lu cura, Duartrea an vsit tha railraad townsansd the may fL o btaîa w.ïh. omamental rees,And play aur harps Wi th chuangel 1 reaeg tasîuaaîoîusclîasd bowets, cures Wnd capital which iu spirit sud appear- h 1 alen ~ka. vuî ne hahdo Uanïd, culle, softa.îs the gumei, raduces iuiiuuusatlon. o is mas'onsed s. tone sd 0f St.dhera naand gïves touea u eîîargy ta te wloia yttei. ance hava beau completaiy transfarun- faori ou mas dos nu l and rauigh O nie, S.Peter, teeis npdoubt, rars. wîîîstows' soothiig Syrup for chilreui o~tn Tler'c ucîn trinbeaentabartethtg u lesant ta the lamte sdI h iad ainluthe past fitean years. They attut.; a disinct oharin ta âiade and lsî'riîtuil ut aona af thea idest sud test an6uate raise sheap sud horses, vila mie out. îîhysit'ianssud nunrses in tue Uiited States armouna.attrocs. On young trees or il've beau ta meeting titres timas a Pe irt5cs botte. S.tIdbyalildrugglstt hro gluh cattia ara the maiustay of thair yeug bi. e uusegeueraly uth.I eak, ot tha wI'd. Besure aud ask for Surs. "' ý iN friands lu thea narth,su taybv Ca eà lâtkaie aiar and ialîîY in ie s ndamostosSet awy 1I ie n pak 8e10EW r Sr Anti aliears Id rise anti spesithe 1I-gaule iargaîy unto markeat gardenuug, tran maoi- vgro by tiliags, anricnh 1-1'Iva tald the. ainners about the day WHF.NCE IT DEIIIVES ITS NAME. inho j nenv utha norti, Thay ingLheUAP£.rïuping, and' Whou they'd repent ai theuar evil way;; The. odd nama aif LadYsuiti. vhici aelandagodda ftewrd uJutor masa. Tskusg ai..tin moasius 1Pve tLadmy nécîg"tos-î've totd arne h amrso h idl ed LiLie more tIssu tae traatment ai a ail, rGn vnshv ruh am arevila t teth fm rs i thu ade ttit aym~om ye che mes e-'Bout Adam anti Ev. sud the. primai incapaiecieucrîî vi-aavxttur ahr aesdlti movelci, for lu remaving uthce tarie ail, Ienaticurioeity.- Journaliste dîscovar-moeTirisagatdirnch- viii beiadua mare rlexiola u ca sow of v loete it .a' aet dsin iaaota h ov aitautaaeattie raisars ai the he expansioûn ai Lie crunir, sud tceie sdownta htte' aet g httetw a we tree-uti it is a fruit cret--wlli havea I te'ope uwt h îse ael orcawf !sfamrTransvaat sud thse Boers ai Cape Col- L-apa a mas s mayIea va aurpaso in a duth ch ear- gov rerofa taeCape; nov a vritar lunaCI.Tise latter hava beau potiticiaus mi atdyp rneàolg. Tii s asoL'm a l tiej hei aho uy l -gv'for tva generationis. Untit tha dif- readiiy ie.lid by a ý,praying wilh lBar- il'id out the plan for thair violea sLandau paper relates tia stary aifcutabtwethTrnasBae diaux mixure, I b'îticve chat part of career. Sir Uarry Smith ansdis vife,,wha wasudteOtadr rs hr a tii3 goaut i ..prayiîng tes in tae a Spanisi nablewoman. uutg aoflt tiare; tis aseundtuubtiaely "I'va tati ud dtaukedte ta'em tond1^SxIartghe i hewonterlsaucat-E ls et- ana vainuaoai'lie aid practicesof, ýcrub_ snd long Sx amentgtervtiîe viuLn earTransvmaaiaigîn ti o- bing trees with saap or t.le. Stunted Fer my lunIgI, axa gooti sud myu voica brochra Thomas aud Chartes, faughtmuiluLeravaielaCtea- cres becaune hdda-ioid andi cannot le struug, thraugh the, eninsalar War. At Lhiany, vhera poliical strifa batwean the svait wih uav growin. Any creat.. Sa, goati St. £acar, yault ctasrlY sec BattIeai fCoas tvaaiftie brothars vareCae utisdthBrubctost men, vhich sottene i-ha bare vili tend Tha gateaifhàyuvnis opeu tamvu lhiem alaitela beau. firce aud bitter. Tii. ta aiteviate, tius conition; but otier But MY aid man, 1 regret ta say, f ir uarry Tostigîcîy, i thei ktni, Cape Boer haà hie newapapers whicii goati treastmnt must ha givan at tbe aHsun't waieeýd exactly la the nsrraw'Ii elchspita enmnsade sa&nie ime.. vay neccsseIctishie bng sent ta. the bas- i rouiseot s atitiasents ieSodma DIS~ASES ff WOOL. Haeauirkse anti ha swaars, sud grava pital, many ailes £rom the front. They aitea], o ie r pitdot W o l iIS i s dIase s ast a si a p A ti a u l e ha 's g o t, ve r . c on v y ad t ii t i ar v ar .a ro u g i lu t e n gi ls s. f Hi e c ran a re r at d u c atat Butltas t iseaes a as tee An 1do't irnow viiethar belti peso countrilua joitiug. epringiess coun- ntEi h lve i iden ron atia lils Bu re isnet. tth feeetry-cart, theiýr vannais untaudati, antid tt nlss i xeiuaa dues aobuthurt tha sheep as to its gan- "Ha neyer vosuitipray vitit su aaru- i a motion",uaeueîug tasia intensede paini oral ieal . RUir sud waal are, pre.. est vim, a vr iavrt isutrtymtehmi Cotey chue sauena lecompoition sud Or gota evvlor iu i ahyn;i The t1o 2ters, ou theïr arrivai, Imauy r.espects unlira his cousins lu generai l caracar, axcept chat bair ils S go rd alove ia, or o thee era pli e - nneigitbariug bleds lu tba the nortiare Transvaal. Sa htitateaa umtesarovtire ameosiu. ud a youug dactor vas smea.i-h sud Wvoo1 ls rougi ta the touac. Whilaý,l 'i th chu ciosan, aunictdi lu ummonai us troaetheir woands, Oneao aiheaillasses oai vool Causes ca prthe wli'vr t riitt odtin A Libestaeput .at iiage tge -1r.H.ata wiat the pantry chose ta ai-;tram negtaec., Reiuctautly approaci- A v as reasanabta ta expect, the tarmieg matter patcueail ovar tite f ,-'I body. Anaîthuer Causes Lathe e ad,. ing tae iret batin lu hich Thomas war in South Afies le caetiug Eug- teirtng patohuas of short, isiry- WuaIu m uuy ang ýte the Lay, -,beseurgaa.u-popiujay ginrly r- landi s great deat mare tise vas looie- tire halls.,*lemci taooen ftram tae d.mnveti the bandage tram Lie suÈfarer's Ieti for atthe oeal.The aruny asti- alu n sd teavia bar. spots, vhich ara Andi l oucumbars woe ail ha goL, shattera-d rnaa, at thd sama ime ieeap- maeI sudi alaetslta ru.ait ant iautîsus il tt esa are iu:ec- It's as chauce it ho meniteti, thaun or iug by him a targe bouquet, whtch lie jmtaes satb ePatsen'awta tibus sud tisa disease vill epreait inaun net. carrinai ta hienos, sudit aiffedat aiev-.tirehas en an increasa lu xpendi- one aiteep ta another, until, i sgiact- 1 enyatier moment. Luncs in tiie pa wle ethao ad. tise skie la bara ovuir isaithe body "But oh, St. Pater, I love huim saol 1Tteinpac tactsaifbiiesutferuug lire-aot600,0,as petmanced i ai te sbieep Sometîmos, A îooirout TaeÉlhs pleasures ai heaven pioas ltLi i ter treatati as au abject oi dieguatabt00,000,aseprtiwt Èiautai be kopt'for thase diseases, anti hlm go. by sucU &a. reature, as tis, vas tauLbh praviaus yaar. At the begituning immeiiate treatmant chucuitilbe ap- , oceouh-asitIv en uhfor Sir EHsrry's camper. Master- Iof te var the.estinsate vas that 050,- pliet. -Tie sa eset remedy is ta Sp- Wntta tnCntYulthr ing all hie s trangti, hae l&tped frnt000,»000 van dcaver ah entire ota plY inctura ai couine a t Lite skie, li?be faîl kicretithe otmai d dcto'for tae coniliot, anti the van isU beau soaking the wuol viseaIL le stitt re- By my grim gospel I know 'is so, nd su kckd . iot lteraam ta&ineai. Tii. tiLeasa le reallyiy he b.TiaLLthe unrepentant muet iry hansud tiavatLe staulrs, bouquet ant il.ah.UXter way Oly about live moths. isoot, anut inL etise skia, but yat Lb. tov; For cis extraordinary breacit of miti- Thesa divergences hetvean astim.ate skiens ha ciefected hy Lie tisesasati Butcnt tisera sema vuuy, yeoqSeo ary discipiluti e vas brouglit baiare sud actualty in computiug var ex- vioat. It ts due La a minute tangue Tiat ha may enter vîa's se dear te Lie Duka ai fWeLllgton anti repru-a viici grave in tIsa fibres af Lie fleeca, met~ marideti; but the" retirimanti vas nuL peanditures are familar ta thea wortd. dustroying Lia substance afith sevare, sIltvas au opau secret Every nation. makes sa- aimilar mis- wool, anda re'ducieg iLtot short It's a uarrow gospel b> vbtch I pnay LIai. the duka regarded <ttua affair as Luka lu iLs forecaste. Of course, Lha piccces, or eviee dueL. 'lheo disesseBut Lie chosen expacl4 ta flet soma a goaljaka, sud tthotughit'noue the less yteehsba ui are virulantli> niactious, ,sud vien ai Liathe igi-spiritea yaunug major for rnaseu iitan hs eu uaw thy ppaxintntacio soii, c f oain 1rW ooin o riin yuh f3rat talciampiousîip. broati gap betwean stimate aud tyaparsatatia hod a0 oxig rialn rbîhu o, Atita segaai atoza littia lat- actuality in itue case le Liat nobody takan. ~~~~Sa thaL til relations eau amblaerS ar iesadn ii i uEgat upsa i a aî C O W S A N D) ST A B L E S . A nd s y , S . et r i ,se m a t , e g ele a l sud 'hie aa f, Wv i n a S p a aish set a n t l g k e h e e g h of t m say, t, Pterlii seme a me counteses, ad hueýr young eater cama ta atigtl.L.tut iLm Oue a noatb. tac caralul inLIepgTitis gate.isnt kepstas IL eugit! te iimplore protectiion. The girl wasez- wviiihaIs passeti since te figitiug tae cowjs sud ftaîbluas u(da tiairy cean, bc. remaly beasutiafuah Sir Harry. assist-.tiret bugan. Tha Englisima viao a"d therefora sanitary lneavery ru- Yen ,ongbt ta stand ight by thaea- ail edtieun pakl rapit snd ardent court peit ls-ctbruta h 6peot. Soea aqwi, hie1pIge, Saem las Liane, Ita Lie Young lady, antd Seaunmati eha retitt atOtbr ut5 i barn wth a lave ton tLth, suai hacir Andt neyer ait dow-n ini that easyI Lady Sitli. She a as deyotad ile firsti. sa ra being fireti, that Pre.. hlave astreai ut dantineýaeilu Lim Chair, laud accampanie<J bar husband through- taris asitti hacaptured by Fabruany wheici ussakas tii-m avwoi tint of ail 1eut aIl bis eucoaaiing campaigus. For ~1 900, vas liengit La la giving au kindis. iles agolsoideslinlutrain- "Anai say, Su. Peteun, my sIg tle dlm-1 bar Services Ia tisa vanedt theureLial og ia t ingu thesalsiry animais ta keepaclean, But ,i BatLle ni Chliauwalta, site roll va nasuhy ln i a ls t le very incittira hriegring achili-i t 1I do't tike tis ay 'your wvie-I uredai mcm t!ii. Goerumeat. scruggle. Even if te van bat eudec up u iteriit abts0.1clanhnes, kers ana trimmat; ajAfltar hie Indien trinntphs Sir Han- a at eh upscivvr Ibacantesa second nature La hum ta TIayro ut tau vida, h a utward! ry vas maite gavarnuor ai tisaCape, sud 1tisa outiay wauît ie f ar' groacanthau prerenr cian cas aIirtplaces ta fie toise, 1hIL"andaIbitis fi thratuit ewiaransnov aouu- fgee1a ia ur daca .u u.A LI tacare axercsed te Thuyd lookr bttar earrow, eut etraigit mamaucaled by chi, naines oft tira, At- vas 192rda!ta ie APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPERa" -n 0.. TAURCOGMPAIV, 1TTVMURRAY STPREZ. HCW YORK ITY17. We have sold piles of Boots the Iast five or six weeks and have lots ta dispose of yet, and very cheap-first-elass goods at very small Dicles. Oui carry a.good assortmnent of Ladies' Oxford,colored and black at $1.00. Men's Caif and Cordovan Blma, sewed and rivitted, from $1.40 ta $2.50, worth $2.00 to $3.50. (Jhildren's Button and Blima 25c, 50e, 75c, wortb 50c, 75c, and $1.00. Misses', Boys' and Youths' ta correspond in priceb. We will tell you what the stock is in each -and every pair. The reason wc do that la because we know. Latcst Spring styles now in stock in every Une. The publie is invited to inspeet our stock; no trouble, ta show goods-we do it with pleasure. Trunks, Bags, Satchels; , Shawl Straps, fane-y and plain : Dresming, the very best that ean bought. Cheap trash dressing la dear, it wil ruin the boots it is applZ cd ta. Repairing done in ail Its branches ln first-class style. inne work made to order, sure fit or no. sale. Thanking mny customera for past favors and hopmng for a continuance of tue Lame. Beaver Block. Bowmanville. DfeAV1S Hampton General Store, We "Raild a vaster stock than has beeu," and are as usual prepared to give bargains iu Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries and Hardware. Gents- Clothing. Good Tweed Suits ta order 88.00. Good Serge Sits tai arder $8.00, We have a very large and well assorted stocK ta select from, iu Sergca, Worsteds and Tweeds, bath, Foreign and Domestie manufacture. We are bound ta SUITý y ou.. Groceries and Hardware. In aur Grocery and Hardware Departmcnts yau will find aur stc7i weli assortud, bought in the best markets at thô closest prices, and wi be sold at the right prîce. Some people want quantity others quality-, we can please bath. Ulighest prie. pald in cash for produce. Give us a eaul. "One grade only and that the Best." Having been appcinted sole representative for above eompany for Bowmanville we, bcg ta inforin the public that we have bought thus ear]y aur supply of Cutters and Sleighs for the coming sleighing seasan. As the MveLaughlin Co. have sold over 2»,20 of 2,600 hundrcd cutters they arc making ta meet their' ever inereasing demand that exista for their goods, we took 'time by the forelock and made our selections early and aur, firet consignmeng will arrive this week. A fcw special features of their Cutters: WOODWORK.-Panels are glued and cli oped on and carefully acraeca and plugged; Bent Second Growth Hickory Knees; Second Growth Hickory Beams: bent fenders mortised on ta beains and llraced-the sirongest job; patent hinged dasb braced; shafts extra XXX Hickory. IRONWORK.-Alt braces. T'a, etc., of steel and forged in our own factory;î li ln, projectin- steel shoca; shilting shafts (rig-ht or le! t) or centre draft with or without bar. PAINTING.-Rich warm colora, or dark, with gearinif ta match, band.- sauuely striped and flnished; carvings on aides are aolid-not transfers; insidù paaiýü o! ýDasurt wainut or rosewood. TIMMING.- -Crinison olive or gold Mohair pluali or green or bine e,(, extra high and easy sprlng 'bck, spring cushion, deepquarterâ, carpet lu bott8àW and ail round panais inside. toe rail; fandsom e nickel plated arm rals,~ extra heavy; screen, soiid brasa fuît plated; sas ta fuit lcathred and silvcr ti Épedl, stîver euds on wkiffletreea. We have decided bargains ln 2nd -Iland Carts and Buggiesý. Cali and inspeet, and also niake your selections JOHN PFERCY. BoWsescsVILLB, TheD.&L. EMULSION The D. & 1- EMULSION I the hautand most palat lupreparotenof Ced Liuer 01, agrengiwluuthe mo==elt.i Tii. D. & L. EMULSION le presodenbd bY ih ladiag phiylelaaOf Thse D. & L. EMULSION la a marveiteus ileai producer andS wil give yaa au appeuie. 50c. &à 41 par Rtule, 'Be sure yen gsi 1 DAVIS & LÂWRENCS 1he ge uusI Coý., Llmled. Moxtreal Castorla la for Infants and, Chlldren. Castorla la a harmiass substitute for Castor 011, Paregorle, Drops and Soothlùng Syrups. It contains neither Opium, Morphine uer other Narcotic, substance. It la Pleasant. Its guarantee la thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria. destroys Worms and allays Feverish- ness. Castorla cures Dinrrhcea and 'Wind Colle. Castoria relieves Taethiug Troubles, cures Constipation and. Flattulency. Castoria. assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Chilairen, givlng' healthy and natural sleep, Castoria. la the Clldren',- ]Panacea-The Mother's Friend. Castoria. Castoria, 4#Castorla is au exceltent mnedfiine for "eastoin asso watt adapiad ta eidrea chitdreu. Mathuers have repeatedty totti me that 1 recomineud it as supertor toa sus pre of is goat effieat upan their chittiren." acription known te mne."1 DR. G. C. Osusoan, Loieell, Maus. 1. A. ARCHER, M. D. Broklyn. A,1. Y THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE 0F L .