A NEW07ORTIIY INCIDENT Ani incident that attràuted more Vian passing intert-st was the re- niarkable cure of Mr. WVilliamn Boyd, a most ,f,& honored resi- ~ 4~. dent of Wolfe Island, Ont. SM r.Boy d's health had suf-. fered from ' ,4 frailty, vhich led to an acutc. attack of rheu- niatism. Throughout the autumn andi iinter of 1897 he suffered mosti -distressingIy from rheumnatic 'i pans. His constitution became; so weakened and the affecteti parts so painful that he was rendereti perfectly helpless. Hi-s appetite. becanie irnpaired and sleep for-i sook him. To move unaideti xasi an impossibility and the help of an attendant wvas constantly necess- ary. A friend whom the treat- mient had benefiteti advised Mr. J3oyd to give Dr. HaIl's Rheumna- tic Cure a trial andi the advice was acted upon, and to Mr. Boyd's great surprise and joy, a cure was ceffeeted after ail other treatmeuts had failed. *II used the contente of tive boffes howrits, andthe pîains lef t very beat of health." S D-, 1-al's Rheumnatie Cure Is put un in ,;0 cent botules. containn ten days' treatnient. 1 For sale by ail drugists and dealers i tiedicirie. The Dr.Bal Medcicne Co.. King- Mton. Ont. 'burch who have started for heaven~ L)id you not laear theln sing to-nighý.? DO You fnot know tiiet there iý orCw oîetkeadseo hey have quadrupled their joy. Tii y Rcv. Dr. Tainiage Tells of the vvork banLound on their way to heaven, thA r bearts glad, th ir Prospects br*ght, G iL heir pýan,,î oLle. WVon t you jo.n They S ould o. ilem in that race? Give the atrength Salvation cf Othýrs the Sign of a Christian--Inci- yo wiII bc bright, active and ready te Bim who waol limse f once a youaig for11 any kind oi work. This bas man, and knows a young Man's oys dent off the Russian Soldier and the Labourer been the experience of others; it and a young man 8stemptallons. --Sor-ne Ilints 10 Those Whîo Are Not Christians culd by ail Miedicine dealers. 25 et&. yourig mari on carth, and Be knows a 'l about You. Oh, ycung mari, trust -I lie Dr. Preacheï An- Intensely l-nter,,-sting ___efinHscman.Ihý ______ __________ yureI ii isconpnyàali 113 S aying Lb that y;Uing IMan: Seri-on. dying p)OPulation of tl'is City. They 'Soli, give me tly heart;' and I hear want biead, tiiey want mediiine, they Bun cal' teoseine Younig woman, ainq 1 -A despatch frn Washington says: bo.dy, a spark <s-! ixmortality wvhich want clotlies, tbey want the RBhiéie, t maiden in the Scîipture " Dam- fLe. D.% T,,Jnage prachad Fre'm uhe %vilà blaze uà i wdi uiituiu aptenaour they want Christ, Lhey want bea ven j Eel1 I ay unte thee, arise. Oh, Laîg .)--ter the sua Lbs died et i o age, 'liiiy have no comfort for this life. that it xight te the crowning cf a fcýl1owing text - "Sa the carpenter en-. ana iLie c,;uuitîess wurlta thA. glittr ThIey have no liapi, for the lUie to come May queen, or the garlandsa of God ecuraged the goïdsmith, and ha tint et E&'ght sli W, 8w sept a f oy tb,, i A- Wade up 1 Wake up 1 Wh.y &ta nd -ye corne dcown uipon the brows of sm3ýotjth wtlî lte hîmnrii h tin ht ni gi y's breatli as te smaü oust a-'hare afi t ltday idieî If you canait 'JFESE DJiXR YOUJNG IEOPLE. smi->te the atil."-Isaiah xli. 7. lta tbreshîag Llocr. That Bout at save a niulýitude of tbem, cari y3u fot. I haard 'ýorne ey: -I amn too nid," i w r~a..eupri ol..death w.11 spe'd quicker tharitop- cave oniee Is there any scul in this A a-1 lcow aid art thon? 1Sevenity? Tbla'xe hid bLe -L-e p-n d -e..gýe, sw..-tue thL.n igritning-, ewifter bouse it cariait ga out, and during Eighty ? That i. fnot too old. If thou try, and its friands gathered ta the tb suii u hI ýor ever anld far ae er uŽ) the winter sa ve one ? Rernember th:it canst do any more, then trembie to- rescue. Thoe carpenter went tawork ward unt I lost in Gad, or pýunge down lie that coriverteLs one sinner from the xvardî the cross. If (hou art icv. and cut out idols ta tîke lte plaes:of Lto enuu'eas nguit. Yuu arc oeciding error of bis ways, shall save a saut weak to-night te hod îii, staff - îf wlia ler il aliji ga upward or down- f romn deatit .1ri bide a multitude cof altysu em ab ondw thise that brd been destroyed., and ward. isiris. Iave ycn not fotnd your fieldi al hy oul sustoa be bore dowri te blicksmith fashioned parts of the Then there in the praying circle. of work yei.? Týar go doivri on yourl .îvth..orro - ju t tnhehyva and put thy wiýhered arias arourd idad on the anvil, and lie goldsmith Every Fr:Iday night yau can go there linees to-nîgàt and refuse ta get Up uf- ta rcadlfadjy i a.dorned what the otber two menha~- ad lckcIa,â - fe r Liry.r own uat il tLe PraYer is answered: " Lopard n n ecar avtnwl souls, and the souls oa- others. lies lnees io-nj'gih and refuse ta gel up proadrne r avtnwl rne had' made: "The carp2ater en- any one ei7er heard yyen pray e la it what wilt lha)u hîve nue doo?" There corne te you. Though your sins geo is curaged te galdamiih, and ha that beoause y.u ara asbain'ed 9- your poor mugt bea field soniawhere. Sea cap-. c,-lt tey'ha 1 be as snoW. Thougi smootheth w ththle hammiýr hlm liat gramm.s, a r asbamed o-. Jeous, kitat tains are flenerally synipathetie,' and -biey Lie red likL crimi-on, they chall Le smala Lthe anvil." Wlian 1 read that y.nn have net bec-a heard, tii-raf la il whten lhey are going over the W.aterj as woi. No, yeti. are netlot 1000d. pasg,1wnoedwyi a htbecause :lliLerate mens semettmea late a'nd sas ra signa o, d 1s ofsed1 Ibadcreaasy: "Give me pasag, îonerd hyitwa tatpart, and your taste la o feed,d? Ob, they bear down apin the slip and laite more tîme te think of th"s," Wih i3 in the kingdom o? God we could nolibe wlien thelngroulio.- judgasent thn-. ler pusengers frein lie wreck,. Bu t tu? W8 wro te compositions uon ýust as Wal banded togther-why. ders enali wae dia deaà, and cm- 'there ,bave beeri caSf3s wberea ivi ey ol; t whatd ist ge? Il f sine hee sresk e a ey liSta .eo-he daparted siail rise f rom these nen have been haa-d--eartdadaveywi itea', andi rs or siac tire s iurit~are~ey thr:tie he dnst, and "camne y blesaed, and "enr a signal of distress, but. pail no1 -ixty times in a minute, and every man ho do, we conuld not al! be encour, dtpart ye curýied," sbalif rend te a-'r, 9. tatition ta if., eaid comae into po'-L. time it t'uîrnsit irl rseiula imte eter- agicg eBach othes-; 1 encous-aging you d.i you ibinit sueh; an excuse as liaI Bow they have beeri exemrated hy the' ity. Oba, wial an uîncez tain thirigt hf8 by tie way 1 deotny wor'i, and yotx me l'u staÀndý? Oh, hive ye'u hean iv- s-lilers aril the peopla3 of the country. ' t" I Whare we rhall be iy tc-morroiv by ltae way in whch yau do yous- worit; Log al these yaara in titis worsid of Wlîat do you thinkiv ill be Èyaid of us! eh 1i4 t ts heur, I know not. truble, anid bis no one ever heas-Jyen, in eternity, If il eia.li he found ont WudIêieu yh~ nCr' and no, in a spiritual and Christian prayy' His-eý ta a map ceLta destîtu- !tliaI we voyiged on threngh L e only tiîlitix o'clork te-morrow morningi' If sense, "lie carpentar enccus-egýng lte tiuâ ins ?r own city. Do'-you know! carefnl abouit our owri comfo-t, w.ile 1 rbould- what if bptween now ara g isamiti. and ha tint amnootheti Wïthi eyihingebeuh il ?IWhoVio jlcnter 1ail arrmnîd us t'iere weres ak ,'cteanlito3 ;teg fedbu w md sinBa cf aixtii ocok MY' Seul shouid be cerried tha haxnmer harn t tn Amoehaiau- Neta warit otscit evugalao_ ars s fte ad, utwe e e t esmby eternitYf WNheîher would I go? Nattioe waaenoas-J ar aaumyo.. il sufeîng nd ereunImov'l y1Life uncertaint Wiy, it i3 more cer-- vi.L ended -witit iad ados-s. Ne thn hie cry cf lie eternaliy, siipcvrecktainwitLy aeWllbeko propose,in thie fisst place, te ad- wltose -workit it l ook afles- a 0, is ltera no worit for Yeu ho do? Join airou ienti , or. a ave Wihl bretak or i dres mysl' t thoe wh proesathee ilied Ltea t lthons wito as-e more Bsreaof thie regiments Belong hoiahecertain wien aur last change ai'I dres mysF luIhoa wi proesa ie eaul c; f huviiog ther patenti artiii"s-y, or ltae cavais-y, or the infan- cme r srn> o I c' failli of Chitil and, in tic naît place, 1eatiers hort hban tiat 1ive hnndrad Ir> of lte Churci. Do Yeu k-w tintcoflen red f e rsansw foaled offvý Le adids-ewimysaif t hoosa Who profesa thousand seuls ',ili dia. I becs- Cod wilhave no Marcy'rupon you hiin ?fen hf-botf eroa ws-erk. aed fer not ho be Christians; las-, my dear clntollUr through ait te streeta ce yonr deatit-hour, andruahirceo fou r ays i a nd fort friands.you al proess ana th'ing or lite iMofty a ns- i eaves nt ue;m-f NO COMPASSION IN EVERNITY, and tien, ths-ougi complete exiaiac-i fhrtad;eofin regard te shnnpreligioofof whule professing tle be aCitristian lion, 'tvouid feu nasleep an-d dreain the tits- n rgar lehh~reigio Ouncleenness t1ilt itnows no wey of s-e- yu asit ldia and' ltltle people perish.1 abcut cool fountrins aend sbady graves Jesu-s Cbs-st. 1 want, be..mrd 1 get ' formation. Bitoid te gambling halls 1 Ton shah not dwelt emang hie Chrîs-. fn'i of ripe at-p!a", and ai-out sittirg tits-ugit, te poLat aitl hase Christian 1 BIiHOLD THE GIaOGSIIOPS I i an workers. Woee tnta them tit as-e deîvnah a inczuriant ban' net, ard men and women ta Borne style 0. werit. Babuld tlie brotheis 1 On, witere ar-e' Mt case ti Zion.1 th'-n waiting fraclie dreim tb find I (tu usa beILave ltaï;a mian cari bej a-a tlhistsian en and womenn in île But now theresl af my ramants arei notiing but the boat, aud tie hungar, eh-I et.God nd ava o anietyabo t rengli fc« !isut te go out an.d iut hoboe wito prafes nettebehaChris-! and thet- tirnh. h, ye who as-a voyag- ch d Gd ndhae n axiîyabutvite tue lest, the atcndenad, and the tiens. f de oet want te sweep thie Gospel ing on in lîfe, dreaming cf heavent of thte redemptiun o1 lie People. f cf-. debazuclied, baci ta lte liens-t Of an ailt. Ibreng t tiis audience ho-rugit, and te fruits of the trees of ]ife, of ten hear p.ople, wi le tey hava Fbiis forid'ng Ged? WLara are the John catch two or tîree seuls, but to catcheIîve-y upi-wîyn'vrgt as-s oled sngngHowards ho cas-sy iighh mb othe don- a ebonaand. I want te ask yon wly' FIt Eerivi i l an>' o u et'c up a .ý 1 ~~ ~~~~gf-ona? Whare are tisse Lhusebetit Ery's it la tint Yeu have not bacome iris- I.asîfomade tfi n- Tsa peint 1 long te know, te ate thae sage cfbhanvan le lte hans ? 'lits a aMan Whto Bayae.!t as ifbftarn kreand la fln d - 0it causes anisuathouglit. -abandone-dY Wheta are lie Bas-tan "Bacanse I waited -for a revival bing burt adaîkneI sudhngcruad Da 1 leva bite Lord or no pages ho prend Chritlah the street fora I1 coma laeit,"rist,"' WVat do tiead weIws ol î 4m 1I(i-s, os- ara 1 not 1" coiners? Oit, Lord Jesns, didsl Thou you eau l tii? During the a psl eni iathe dwri o-nigit hoi adote e WhVyt int eris aster>bav eaayweho lervne tîntan weel woves-dyehiewecitye and shahi wea1 estand yearsy lwa have ailtdiswerpeof ahlcontantvral--lin thecelpwa1y«of iveouriI cotinLor: 1 bvedn ltl> about te salvetion el otiara yon- and iroken hearits? Weep eut, O van ?" Wliy lais ît it silence in 1dieti. Tune ye 1 why wi'h ye di-?' are nat a Ctr'lstian, and you miglil as Churdli of Ged, Weep for tha childran eus- assemflages il'te t seem as'Yon rend in tii Bible tat ttb-< lae- well understand it naw as aven. Maiy nI the I etbarn in the str,%w, nus-- if thse audiences w', 1msýnng for tlieaWisw"re alil urrsounded. Tisera waa rKING QUALITY stands Lr ail that is finert in women'.s shoes. It rzîeans grace, style, comfort and economy, al for $3. It rnight easily be $:-. These are the sort of shoes that please fastidious dressers. Wc are sure they -would please you if you will ailow us to introduce you. King Quality's the name--$3- TRD. Aa 1ýjtic QUALIf! Madei by J. D. KING CO., Linited, Toronlto.