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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Mar 1900, p. 4

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- W hvereceived a large sipmeïncnt of Spring2 Papers anid 1have plaeed thein in stock. They in clude al the rtewesi shades and designs. WV( -will be pleased to- show you what we. have, Requlring Stamping c an find a good assortment patterns at the,'Big 20". W. T. Allen. ]many You'1l find tham ail throttgh my stock. Windfall pricas. Ail Fancy Goods marked down. A beautiful fierai Photo Album $1. Special v alue in fine Writing '-Papýr and Envalopas. Good paper at 5c. per qttire and Envalopes at 5 ets. par buncli. It will seen ba time te thmnk off Wall Paper and Window Shades. Wa are ahead of you. Stock is hare and prices riglit. BOWMAN VILLE. DENTISTS. -Wil ho a:t qlacksteIý on the first 'Monday off accli montli, ai Orone ffrern 10 a. m te 2 p. m. and at Nawcastle from 2.30 te 5 p. m. on the second Monday et each montb. Oprîo-Temparance street, Bow- nianvilla, rear off Higginbotham's drug store,. BOWMANVILLE. MAR. 21, 1900. TH-E PICKLE FACTORY. Mr. Flauders represeutin.- the H. J. H-oinz Ce., Pittsburg, Pa , the well kuown pickle manuffacturers, address- ed a very large gathering off farmers lu the Town Hall yosterday affternoou ou the nature and requiremeuts off their preposed salting bouse in Bowinanville, MVr. Rich Osborue lîeaded the. list off suh 'scribe-'s, gaaranteeing to grow 5 acres. cucurnibers, ,Se rai others agread te grow from oil-acre upwards. Very great intereýt was shown. Mayor Les comi be presid'éd. Particulars ýî week. JUYEMILE JOLLIFIC ITION. On Wedn*esdav e vening Juvenila lranch Pride off Durham, No. 15, A. 0. F., lield its aunual oyster supper. The beys have had many a good time in fermer years but this avant surpassed ail past fuuctions. At 8 o'clock the chair was taken by Bro. Chas. Cox, C. R., who had before Iiim 50 off the Ounest looking boys that this or any orlier town could produce in one seeiety. Ha gave a short address thon introduced this programme- H. Hughes,mouth organ solo; E.Jotinston, reading; E. Hughes, recitation; C. Os- borue. selection on organ; C. Painton, readiug; R. Hughes, recitation; W. Shaw, selection; H. Varcea, readin--; E. Johnston, recîtatien; Massrs. Osborne and Snaw, selaction; dialogue by L. Heeper and H. Creapar; address by Bro. Jas. Saunders; H. Hooper, raading; N. Allun, racitation;, E. Maynard, mouth ergan'selo; Ruban Cox, reading; J. N. McDougall, violin sole; C. Maynard, reading; Osborne and Shaw, selection; addrass ou the Ordar, Bro. Geo, E. Ma3uard; G. Richards, reading; L. Mason, reading; God save the Quaen. Now for part Il whieh was by ne means the iaast attractiva-oystars, cakes off every description, pies and coffee were soi ved in abundance, until through thora loss off appetite the boys had te quit, rarnarked what a good tima thay had liad and would h ave anothar naxt vear. M other's Remedy ' For Croup, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Sors Throat and Asthma h ODr. Chase'& Syrup of Linseed and Turpenine.. A rfght remedy, rigbt at baud, ta the &Îglit way to prevent serions ilîness. That Dr. Ctsase's Syrup of Ltnsoed and Turpentine is the right remedy for al dlseases of the throat and lungs la attested by the prudent mothera of Canada who have cured thelr dear ones trne and again by ustng tEis famous famlly medicine, Pneurnonia and ConsomptIon are akvays the reanît of a neglected or uncontrollalile cold, andi can always be prevented and cured by thé timely use of Dr. Chase'a Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine. Craoup and bronchitis cannai rob the1 home of is little ones when mother ha% thls ber favorite remedy at baud. Deligbîfully bealilg and~ soothing lu action, p1.ýtnt a îuite sta and prompt in affording relief, Dr. Chase's Ayrnp of Lin-s seed and Turpentîne la thre standard rernedy for couglis, colda, hoarseness, tlarQn Irritation and soreness, tlghtnesin the Cbest, cold on the. mugi, and aU n~ds of colds in the throat, broncbial tubes ki lungs.t 25C. a large bouettl*a alal "çu. cx F-DUANSOi<, BArE & Co., Toronto. 3% $end for FriendS in Europe. If any reeders or friands off THEs STÂTESMAN-wish te send te England, Scotiand or Ireland ,fer relatives or friands, M. A. JAMES, stamsliip ticket agent, Bowrnanvilla, cen halp -Von. He has an agent at Liverpool who looks affter ail passangers, geing or coming, meets thean and seos them. off and takes tliem te a coniforteble tampearrce bouse if they want te stay (Sea Miss Ceurttce's latter.) Ha eau book by the fast steain ors off the White Star Lina, New York te Liverpool or vice verse; Alleni, Dom- inion or Beaver Linos froni Portland,- Haliffax and. St. John., Wa bave lowest rates and cen book freai or^ te any point lu Canada or UJnited States. lui- quire f or particulars. We know the boats and eau saye passengers money ani trouble. Local and Otherwise. Miss Nettie Sherin lies re turned te Napanee. Mr. Rebt. A. Trelevan bas reovered frein la grippe. Mr. Chantae Miller, Toronto, spent Suuday with fiieruds in town. Mr.ichou las Saurîders, Stre tten Eng. ýs dead Ho was Mr, R A. Treleveu', lest -urvix-ing unele Mr, S. Hl. Ravnolds shipped 518 bogs te Peterbore Tnesday rocýeiving e eheck for $5,000. Next Tuosday lie will ship as mauv more. Messrs. John aud Anthony Mitchel were summoued bastily te Toronto lest week owing te the serions iliness off their father, White Star Lina SS. Oceanie wîth 1360 passeîîgers, reaehed New York Wednesday ffrom Liverpool lu 5 days 22 lirsý M A. James, agent, The local Committee off theo Canadien Patrietie Fuud are holding 'the list fer a short tilue lengr (et Mr. Trabilcock's store) for ffurther contributions and te give subseribers tirne te pay up. Miss Nl.Ta-%Isli anneunces te the ladies off llwmanxville and vieiîîity that hie is selling off hier entiro stock off Ex-or'e, at greetly reduced riees. Evrýth iîîg must be seld xvithin the next tlîîrty days, se ait rnay depoud ou gettin.- bargalus. 1-2 4w. We bave higli bopes for tlîe Presbv terian Review under its new manage. ment. Roy, D. C. Uossoek, whose boy- bod lome wes ln Cobourg, lias becoine Presideut off thîe new eempauv and wilI be Managiiîg Editer. With ample capital ed a strong editorialstaff telis popular et:urelî paper is sure te become sti11 moi-e popular, in i'resbyterieu homnes, Further notice will be given 2when we sea the result of ftlic change. The number off liees issued la West Durham 9; Enst Durham 18. Amount receeved from these, iueludiîig costs off tr--nsffers, fluas, etc., West Dur' hemn, $1,820; East Durham, :84,650. l'le proportion of these cîtieunts peid back te West Durhami $1,085.20; East Durhîam $2,474,83. Ameunts imposad by the municipalities lu ex-cass off tha statue, by bylaw, was, for Wast Dur- h, 17701;East, Duî-hem, $28330. Finesipesed-West Drei$0 East Durham, noue, -Teaperance BaIly Bay. 1Annuel relly off the Suuday sebools under auspices off W. C.- T. U., will ha hald. in.the Methodist churcli, Bewrnan- ville, Sunday Mardi 25th et 8 o'ciock. A very fine pregram. Rev, D. N. Me- Caeus, Cobourg, sud ettuer ministers wîll spérK- -,)Ir.,, J. Kuiglit will laad tho singing. 'Parants and visitons will kiudly take seats iri the galleny. Ail are watcome. Collection. A CARD. Wa, the undersigned, do liereby agree te reffund the money on a twanty-fOve cent bottie off Dr. Wills' Enzlish Pilîs, if afften using thrce-ffourths off contents off bettta, iliay do net, relieve constipa- tion andhead ache. We aise guarantea four bettias will parmauently cure the most obstinate casa off constipation.> Sat- isfaction or ne pay when Wills' Pilîs ara used. Stott & Jury, chemiat, Bowrnanville. J. lligginbo tam,& Son, cliemist, Boîw- manvilte. 2-4 ENNISKILLEN. Mrs. Giheon and Mre. Rerring, Midland, are g ests of Mr. J. J. Gibsoii. ..-Mr. and Mile. raes, Columnbus, were guests of Miss Arnot. .Mr. L. B. Wîlli aras, Trînity Mediqal College, 15 horna.. - .Messrs. R. Byers aud John Stajuton aud familles left Tuesday for the North-west. Many neigihore assisted to pack thatr cars.... Repo3rt of Patriotie Concert ncxt week. The Wall Papaninz seeson is again neen et baud, and wa wish te, inforni tbo Potorbore Review, and ýne deubt other Tory papors, sont eut enclosed in the wockly a campaign shoot publishod by the-Mentreal Star attacking Sir Wilfrid Laurier and his. cabinet-a most vile pro- duction it was tee.. No respect for the postal law was ebserved, but it was a clear violation for party pur. poses. Mr. Tlies. Vinson was in Toronto racantly. Mr. J. . Odaîl,' Cobourg, was home recontly. Mr. A. . Leigh lest his veluabie miileli cow recently. Mr. A. Pellard'si farmn was net sold on Saturday waak.- Mr. \Ves. Thoruiton loadad hegs at Pontvpeot last waek. Mr. aud Mrs.A. J. Leigh iwerag-uasts off Mr.Rebert Gillias, Port Hope. Mr. Ed. Piuder wbo rau a 'pitclifferk through bis foot is rapidiy iînproving. Mrs John Foster and daugliter, Bow- mauville, wera receut gucats at Mr. R. Beer's Mý iss Fostar and niacot, are visiting lier brother Mr. Steplian Foster, Juger soll. Mr. W. MeGuiro lias moved from Manvers, te the farin south off the vil- lage. Miss Editli Chapmau succeeds Mr. E. Souci as beekkeeper at C.'- G. Arm- streug 's. Mr. Elmo Pattersen la learuing the butchering with Warmington &,Jeoli Newcastle. Mr. Colin Steples is sbortly te beceme a resi ,dent haviag loased the residence recently purchesed by Mr AIfL Chap man.' Lieut. Angus Staîker lias returncd homoeffrem air John A. Galbraith's, Darhungton, wheree h as been sick. \Ve are much pleased -te sea that Sir Aug-us is binioeltagainu "Ai Lump Like Lead"-How"offlen one bears, the dyspept ic complein off this sensation lu the stomaeb. Tbreughi nogiect or ovorwork the digestive or- gens are weakened aud this symptoin la the cemmon sensation after eutitîx. The pineapplo ceutaius a largo percent- ae off vegetable pepsin, and is a potent aid te digestion. This discovery lias given te the world nature's delightful anîd positive cura, Dr. Von Stau's Pine- apple Tablets-60 lu a box, 35 cents. Friday avoning Marci 8 a fiua audi- once listeued with great iuterest for oe hour te a lecture ou "Britailn and Ber" by the Rev. M. E. Wilson, M. A off New torilue. The causes the war were reviewed lu a masterly mnannor, and the lecture w as delivered in bis varY able and fluient stvla. Ha tbinks that Great Britain weuld liave been recerat te duty,liad she îlot gîx ou the Beerfs hattle, bas uothing te sa ' lui justification off the Boer cause. Fedleration off the Em- pire is regardait as a ffact ajready ne eemplished, but tlîe federatien off Angle Saxeudem will be greatly prometed by the war. The Boor country rnust ho. coeeBri.tîsh soit. Duirinig the rendition off Rule Brittania by tihe choir, the eilîdren waved thair bUnion Jacks. The patrietie feeling rau bigli and a mesi enjoyeble time wes speut. BRAVE MKra FAu-Vîcrtims te stomecli liver aud kidney i"troutbles as well as woen. aud ail feel Ibe results in loss off appetite, poisons in the bloed, back- acheur'ns, headeebe and tired, listless, run-dewn feeling. But there's ne îîeed te,, like thet. Listen te J. W Gardneo, idaville, mnd. Ho says: 'EleetîliBkers are just the tbîng for a mgan mwieu lie ;s ait run-dowu, and deu't care wiîetber hae lives or dies. It did more te give-ý me new strougth and gond appetica, than anytbing 1 could take 1 eau now aat auytbing and bave a new bease ou liffe." Oitly 50 ts. et Stott & Jury's Drug Store. Evary bottle guarenteed. NÉWTON VILLE Nawton Lodge S. off E. B. S. lield their annuel supper on Tuesday niglit Mardi 6th. A splendid supper was sarved bv the ladies. The Lodge-roorn was fillaci to overflowing. Old ffriendships -were renewed social chat anjoyad among the ai mbars, wivas familles and visiters whie wora inviteri, Presidont S. Kniglit teook the-,hiqir and ealled the meeting te ordar. Bro. Jue. Pethick, Past District Doputy for West Durbani, and Bre. S. Kitiglit spoke off the benefits off the Order, Bro. Wrn, Hidi, Vice President, and Bro. John W Bradley spoka off the social alornent in thie Order then ffellowed a recitation by Bro. Brooking, readings by Mrs. W. Hidi, Bro. Bradley and eothersand songs liv Bros.Law and Hoîrnan lu their usuel hiappy style- The National A.ýthern closad this hia py functien ... . Rev. J. El. Moore, Ph., W., off Peterboro lectured liera Mondav avaning on Liffa and Timnes off John Wesley. For 50minutas the lacturer lunlîls vivid and pleasing way carriad bis beerers ever the history off a xnost woîderful liffe. Soeaoff the inceidents off tha great foundar's life wara teld witli a vividness wbicli proved at once iuteresting and antartaining. The lecture waa much ar'praciated by with Water TIIat>s Past/ Thlis iç wliat a fagged out, tearfut little woman saij In telling fier cares and weak- nesses. Her friendencouraged by telling of a relative 'who Ildjstsu/itroubles andwas curedby Iood>s Sarsaparilla. The littie woman now has tea'rs of joy, for 8he. took llood's, whieh put ber blood in -prime order, and sire lives on the strength off the present instead of worrying about that off thre past. Humr-" When I need a blood purifier I taire Hood's Sarsaparilla. It cured my humer and it Is excellent as a nerve tonte.» JOSIE EATON, Stafford Springs, Colin., Erysipelas gores-,,After scarlet féver a running more was left on my nose. TooIc Hlood's Sarsaparilla and it cured me. MY brother wes also relleved by it or erysipelas in hie face." ELLA Couaru, Burden, N.B. Mood'm PiMla cur liyer ille; the non-frialn n Nrhy cat-brtlute tak itb ÏÏ eraarIa One LAXA LPVER PILL every night for thîrty days 1-lakes a complett, cure of billouanessaiid constipation. That la-J uAt 25 oeatsto b, cured. BY-LAW N.5730' 0F THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON. A4 By-laie te prohi bitthei S'ale of L *quor by .lltail in thce Tottnship of Dar- lingten, under t/te provision.sof _R S.0O., 1897, Cap. 2-15, Section 141. Tic Mu'nicip)al Counicil of the Tow-nship off Darluîigton ieneby cuxets as follows:_ 1. That tihestle liy îîtailiof sii)irituons, fer- meoîed, or otien mainn'actured lasons, is aud shah hai prohi4ited in any taveru, inni, or ocher bouse or place of poblie cutertaiument w[thin the Munncipality of tcLiTowî istiîiiof Dstiîîgtiin, sud the sale thereof is prolibitcd. cxcepc i wliolcsala lu siopesud places, otîsar tbau bouses of pu ilie eauetanimaî. fI. That the' vote ofuS l lators'uf tliesaiti Municipalicy 'of tihe Towunship of Darlinton will ha takeîî, on cils By-law ou Saturday, lii sevel Iday of April, A. D. 1900, commaîîciug at ut t ' in liie foiaon u cuîn until tivi o'clock i the aftanîoon ai tic dîffar- eut places benainaftan mentioned:- inaoli The votesof tic elactors autitiedti t vote lupoig sub-division No. l in saidMumlicinality Wiîibh taken aitie school b)oufse iu ichool sec - tion No. Inl sait Munîiipaiîy, aud Thoumas Smnala wîll ha the depuiy returniug9 oficer to taka the votas of tha said elactors.' (b) The votas of tIse,,lectors autitled to vota lu poiliug suib-divis3in o. i in said Municipal- itY Will ha taken;(t tlie Sou!ns Hall in the village of Tyrone in Bab! 3,1uieipality, sud Richard Itawkcy wilht h icdepuiy e toraiug officar te take tnc votes of the si îI electons. (c) The votas of the aleetais autit led ta vota in poilLug sub-division No. 3 in saîi Munie] pality wiil ha taken at the Sous of Tampeaasial aa Mapla Grova lu siO Municipality, and Chiarles Axford ivill ha the dcpucy natunning olilcer to take the votes of tie saîd electons. (d) The votas of.tha elactors entitlad to vota Hampton, in 4isaid Mupliy ndiHenriy Ellioti, Jr., will ha tie deputy returning oillcar to laka tic votas of lie saiti electors. (a) jýTic votes of theealactons antitled to vota i n plig subdivision No. 5 iu saiti Muicipality will i taken at the Hall knowu as Kennedly's Hall lu tic village of Enniskillen in eaid Muni- cipality, aud Fradarick Rogers wlll ha the daputy returuiug officer to take the voies of tic said electors. (1) Th vte o[heelctr enititîcdte bvote i oln ulivh aa i tha Sns of inaMuuIipality wil bctaen t te onsofTamperance Hait, ou lot No. Sinlutic second concession of thie satd Municipality, sud W. R. Countice wlll ha the daputy retunning officer t0 lake tic votes of tia saiti electors. (g) The votes of tic eleetors antitleS to vote in poiliug suh division No. 7 lu saiti Muni- cipality will hae taken at tic sebool bouse in echool section No. 14 iu said Miiiicipality, sud Samuel Souci wlll bcieti depnty returu. ing officen to taka tic votes of tie sali electors. III. That on ticettmrty-first day of Mari-e A. D. 1900 at tIa Town Hall lu the village oi Hampton lu said Municipalit ai tic bourinof thirty minutes pasi two o'clock lu thc afiernoon Mn. Albert R. Clemens, Reeve of tic said Muni- cipality, siail appoint lu writiug signed hy hlmsalf two pansons t10 attend ai tic fiai sum- Ming uplof tie votes iv the- Clark and eole panson to attend at caci poling place ahove des- cnibad .on haîf -of the persons intarasted inl aud desirons of promotiug the passing of ibis Izy-law, sud a lîke numier on bhbaîf of tic pensons interestieiluand dasirous of opposiug tie passing of ibis ny-law. IV. That Mn. lHenry Elloit, Jr., tic Clark of tic Municipal Council of tic sald the Munidi- pality of tic Townsbip of Darlinzion, shall attend ai utls office in tic village of Hampton lu safid Muicpality et tic hour of eleven o'cloclr lu tic foranoon on Wednasday, tic elaventi day of Aprîl, A. D. 1900 10 soin up tic nummber of votas gîvan for and against ttus ny-law.. V. Tiat ibis By-law shall corna into opera- titou sud haof fuit fonce on and afian tic, Cnet day of May A. D. 1900, heiur the firs1 day of May niext afier tic Sunaipassiug thareof. N0%TI1CGfE. Take notice that the aboya la a trcme eopy of a pnýoosed By-law which lias been taken into consiceration bd theMuic-ipal Couiscil of tie rownship of Drliugtou aud wbtch will ha Cî ally passed by the, ald Counil (lu the eveut of the asnt of the chactons biîg ohtainad obtined thereto) alter Oua moiti frorn tic irît puosîcatlon In tlc-ia mý .a'.. snjLsîÀN ews papan. Tic Cirst publiat! i said proposeci By-lew wae matie on ;,n. ~y the fourteenti Cas of Mai-eh A. n. 1900 in said inewspaper. Ai the hour, day and plac S i aid propEoseti y- law fixed for takiug lia votes of the eiectons the polis wih be lt. HIampton, Marchtht, 19W0. H. ELLIOTT, Jr. Clark 0of tW4 Cenneit] of the Muutcipsltty of the Township of Darltug. bon West EndHouse BOWMANVI LLE. Our new brother off the Port Perry Standard scores a point thusly; "Soa individuals jeg through life with littie or no care as to the political. social, religions, educational, or other con- ditions which make or anar the po ssibility off a respectable existence in anY com- munit ' . Somne newspapers we are sorry to say, jog aloug in the samne way." But lie must flot look for them within 100 miles off Port.- We're ail up to-date, genuine hustiers and ne mistake. THE DÜEATH KNELL 01 Nobhing tliat was ever offfered to the sufferer for Kidnev or l-adder trouble ever reachied the top rtng of the, ladder off success se rapidlv as 1). Pitcher's Backacebe Kiduey Tables, and as evi- douce off tbat fact, we do net refer 3 ou te someone uuknowiu te xýou, iu some eut off the way place, but someone la your owu tewn, whose writteu testimo- niai you eau easily prove yourself, was given willingl ' aod without reward. This sort off testimony is a radical de- Darture from ail previ6us methods, and rîotu-rally bears the stamp oelionest% If the simple ýreading off the ffollowiog testimonial, offa r-sident of your town deoes net convince,.N ougo and ask them. This is but oee in the hundreds on file, tîtat bear convineing exidonce off the sterling worthi and eficiencY off Dr. Pitcher's Bachache Kidney 'Tabiots. F. H. Vance, Bowmanville, savs:-,l have grent î leasure lu being able te ,state that 1 have iused Dr. Pitchier's Backache Kidney Tablets for Back- ache with very satistactory results, andI 1 strongly recemmend anv eue sufferirg ffrom this disease te give them a trial. 1 ami sure tbev will find beneficiai and lasting rosuits. Price 50 cents per bottie. A FREE SAMPLE off Dr. lichrsBackache Kidnev T ablets mailced te every uppli cant. If yîou doubt the testimna of yeur neiglibors you cal, prove for vour sof-get a sample ahsolutel ' ' free. Send stamp te Tho Pitcher 'Fablet Ce, Torouto, Ont. The Needs, - Our new Cloth- s ~ ing is- nearly,.al11 in andwe promàise you some, verV, choice Suits at close prices. we make a specialty of our $6.50 Suits. Our ie8 Suits are very strong and good fitters. If you want a choice suit look at our new $ 10. 00 and $1 2. 00 Suits. Boots and Shoes. ,hd os Men's Long Boots for Spring, lleavy ohdTps hand pegged soles, worth $2.50 for $.5 Men's Cowhide Grangers, pegged sole-4, sôlid leather counters, 'water tight tongue, for $1.25. M4en's Two Buckle, Bellôws Tongue, grain' leather, plow boots, heavy pegged soles, for $.5 Boys' Strong Granger Boots, pegged soles, good strong boots for boys spring wear, for $,5 Girls' Glove Grain Lace Boots, strong pezged soles solid leather insole and counteî-, for $1.00. I.-Wo will sell y ou a 4 pound bar of Laundry Soap and a Wash Dish for 20C. II,-We will sell you 3 caiî,s of Tomatoes, Corn, or Peas, ail first-class goods, for 25c. 111-For 19c, we will sell you a -set of 4 Rockingham i3owls, the same as advertised by our competitors for 25c. We have just opened up some very fine Marmalade and Sweet Oranges, Lemons, Prunes, Dates, Figs, &c.9 &c.9 &ce We pay the highest prcà. tp all Farm Produce. Jhn McMUrtry i Do You Want A Nice New Spring Dress ? We bave just what- you wuant in New Dress Goods in leading shades of Grey, Brown, Blue, Plum, Castor, 'and Black. New Plai'ds for Waists and Shirts. New Tweeds and Homespuns for skirts and suits.ý New Prints and Dress Gin ghams. New Lawns, Muslins, and Ema- broideries. New Skirtingrs and Table Linens. I7e hamve nobby new styles in Hats, Caps, Shirts andi Neckwear. We will be pleased to show you Our stock.

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