Iu th hangeah:e, treacherous spring iveather, when the blood 15 thifl and watery, when the nerves are unstrung, and the air swarms with germns of disease, Nature needs something to brace and strenigthen the woýn- out-. run down forces. ~For ail weak people, for those whose blood b, weak and impure, for rLumnatIcs, for sufferers from grippe, Dr Arnold's En.-lish Toxin Pis are the one and only safe, reliable and effective remed v. These world- famed pls have cured cases of rheumatism, in which other niedicines utterlv failed. Ovei 500 cases of rheumatism have been cured perman- ently and perfectly by Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pis. Thero is posi- tivelv no case of rheuÏmatism that thoy will nlot cure. It is easy and costs noting to test them. All who desire to do so should take advantage of the offer made by Tho Arnold Chomical Co., LimitedL Sigu the coupon printed below, and present it on Saturday, March 21-, at Stott & Jury's drg tore, Bowmanville, and yeu will receive, absolutoly free, a sample of hs famous pis. c 0LiU1-n0ON. 1 desiro to. test the efficacy of Dr. Arnold's English Toxin PIPS, --- and hereby (Nane of disease.) apply for a free sample. S,*gned Mr. (or Mrs.)---- Residence, No., Two Gu arant0e0d 6Herne d le s. W rîtten Gla rantees wihEvery Box. Blood a~d Nerve Builder, .... Street, Bowmanville. Sewing tmachine supplies atllickard's.-1 Ail werk guaranteed hy Jas. Goard. Major Shoot lectures lu Port Hope April 0. .Nut Taff y at Tod's-1Oc per lb.-Sat- urday only. McLaughlii Carniages and cuttersý at~ John Percv 's. Great neductieus in fiue Dentistry for 30 days. Seo advt. Get yeur seh ool supplies at JasGeard, Statiener and Jeweller. Ilay, eat straw. seed grain, stock,oetc., are advertised lu this issue. Mr. S Gilbas gene te Hillhttrst,Que. te fit herses for To ronte show. iAbout five columus et mattor lu this issue wvero crowded eut last week. .First arrivai in Sprîng Hla ts at M. Mayer. llighest prices paid for rare turs. Thei Britishî colonies have furnished 29,000 soldiers te the war force in South Af rica.' Mr. Neil MeCrimmon, Q. C., Toronto, bas beeu appointed senior iudge et the RLings made over at Rickard's INut Taffy-Saturday only-l0c per lb. at Tod's. Sewing machine needies of ail kinds at Rickard's. Mr. Walter Baker, Cobourg, spent Sunday in tewn. Miss Annie Berry, Toronto, spent Sunday at home. Send vour work to Jas.Goard,Watch maker and Jeweller. M. A. ,James is Government issuer of Marriage Licenses. Dentistry-80 davs offer-Mar. 19 to April 21-See Dr. llarnden's advt. Mr. Arthur Runnalls, Welcome, was guest at Mr. M. A. James' Sunday. Millinery opouing Tuesday and Wed- nesday April 3 and 4 Miss Medland. Mr. Thornas Bradley, Dandas, spent Sunday here with bis wif e who bas been quite ill. The Central Millinei'y Parlors are preparing for their grand opening on Tuesday April Brd. Miss Daiss' Jewell, Welcome, visited ber sister, Miss Sybil Jewell, teacher, New Haven, Sunday. The latest sengs. 10c. Send for cat- alogue. Instrumental and vocal music alwavs ln scock-Ja.Goard. 11ev, Alex Laird,' Port Hope, will be inducted in Cooke's Presbyterian church, Kingston, March 27th. Tho G. T. R., management have decided te increase the pay of their section foremen and track laborers loc per dey on April ls;t. Freelaud uow mnakes Midget photos every day at 217e. per doz., hey are neat and durabl,1 a t nice size and the same finish as our best photos. A Pound Social will ho held at the Homne f1r the Aged and Inflrma on Frn- day March 23rd. Publiecôcrdiaily imvi- ted toassist in this4 good work.. Fourthr Oshawa Company, Boys Býrig- ade, Luke Kîrby, secretary, sent $2.00 to Canadian Brauch of Rod Cross Fnnd for thre patients iu South Af rica. Engiish papers are wanting Miss Courtice te write for themn, se we see by the labt Exeter Times. Theywant te heur more about Canada we suppose. I am selling off mv entire stock et Furs, Underwear, Gloves and Mitts, at a lo-w fig ure, cati and sec, ne trouble te show guods, M. Max or, Practical Fur- rier. Miss E. Beacock entertained the yeunig ladies of ber Sunday Sehool class 1te a birthday part.y Wednesday ovening i-Sho was made the recipient et a nice book 11ev. J. P. Wilson,1 B. A., Oshawa, was at Ceiborne last week assisting lu Teas, Ofes Gocoas,an Try one of Tod's Minice Pies-they Mr. J. J. Jones, Toronto.visited his are geed. I daughter, Miss Wirnuie Jones, recently, Highest trade price paid for1 old geld at O_0rchi ard F ar m. at Rickard's. Heme-spun suitings fer ladies' wear Mr. J. Il. Alexander, Toronto, -was lu ail the best shades in Plain and home recentîy. checks at Ceuch Johusten and Cryder- Miss Winni e Joues visited O(Shawa man's. frieds ecenlyMerdhant: Did yeu notice mty fine ad- frieds eceuly.vertisement on the fonce as you came te Ask M. A. James for his price fer auy tewn? paper or magazine you want. Custemer: Noe. If von send the fonce Mrs. A. A. Thempsen bas gene te reund te my bouse P'i read it. I'm hier husband lu Rochester, NS. Y. reading THE STATESMAN and Daily Miss Nellie Williams, Ontario Ladies' Globe these days and have ne time fer College, Whitby, spent Sundav at home. tenceelegy, 11ev. J. E. Moore, Ph., B Peterbero, Did yen ever stop te think that it cests was guest et Mr. N. E. Geuld last ne more to wear a geed fitting and well- woek. made suit than it doos te ivear au ilîfit- Mn. W. L Merden and daughter, ting and sloveuly made oue. Leave Mduriel, Deveerento, are guests at Cherry your order fer a spring suit at Coudh Cottage. Joluusten & Cryrlerman's and you will Miss Belle Metealfe, Ontario Ladies' be sure te get satisfaction. Coliege, Whitby, spent Suuday witb Mr. Freelanul bas stili semething new friends here. te show you-photo breaches-phote MissKati Dusan uteraino a atpn-pboto cuf links, etc., etc. Thoy nMissr et hor yuutriendsen Wied aare the sweliest things ont. We bave nethem in nickld, geld plate or rolled goid uesda eveing.and at price3 te suit evoryene. We Our assortmient of china, glassware, either tako theo photos direct for them and creckery, beats anytinig in town or copv f rom other photos. Cail in and Cawker & Tait, see them. Chic photos made at t & Co's gai- lery overy day; they areý fine, try them Notices of Births, mfarriages and Deaths at 25c. a dozen. 50 cents; when imarriage lienses are obtained or faner'ai notices printedl at Briclela3ors wanted at McLaughlin this office. insertion free. Carniage works, Oshiawa. See ad._________________ Yen get a nOxv set of teeth very cheup BORN. at Dr. Harnden"s forS30days. See advt. Kzaat-In Bownmanville, Match 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Dingmau's Miliinery epeuilig on Mils. Xeslev Kerr, a sou. ririda'y and Saturdav March 30 and 31. The Willing Wiorkers et St. J ohn's MARRIED. cburh wil gie tein nnua conert JORDuNa- EARD.-lu Oshawa, March il9i by churh wil gie thir anualconcrt 1ev. J. P. Wilson, B. A., Mr. William J ordan Tuesday April 24, and Mis s Elizabeth lteard, bothuof Bowman-il1e "'Wiîy, hew choap Furnituro bas got" iAYiTE GRAiam-At Port ilope, Ontario, is tecmo akatrsen u Mardi 14, by Rev. P. K, Dayfoot, Mir. Iteuben Paynue and. Miss Maud Grahamn, both or Clarkue geoods. L. Morris. Towuiship. See t'lieuew "Contingýent" shape lu BRAçciI-BELGER-At the residence of the young men's stiff bats, brown and black brides parents, Newcastle, by Rev. Ivisoii at te Maon Cyýs.Wilson, B. D., on'March 14, Mur. Jacob Branch at te Maon Cys.of Courtice, Darllvuston, aud Miss Elizabeth, Abig stock of whi'te an_ d groy ce ttens second danighter of Marfin Beiger, Esq., of and sheetings ef al l knds aud at oid Newcastle. prcsat Coucb, Jehnst,,on & Cryder-DI. Tait & Co. make large Chic photos at bnSaed 83 yIu arke a.. racsSis 25c. every day the Gallery is open; aise CLAEKE-III Penfield, N. -Y., Marcb il, Luchla ail other kiunds, inluding Crayon por- Kemp. beioved wufe of W. G. Clarke, aged 27 traits at loW pnices. years. Interred ai Coîborue. pairet old immd ~ TREMEER-111 Port Ferry, Mar. 8, lRachel, LOT,-Aparo 1drmesec beloVed wife of Win. Tremeer, aged 36 years tacles between Bowmianville and Osh and 9 mouuuhs. awa. Finder will olg by leaving HESKE11-Iu Bowmauville, Mardi 14, Hlenry at THEESTATESMAN 0offce. Ilesketh, aged 83 years. KEEiEY-Tu Bowmaniville, March 16, William Mr. A. L. Nlcluoils isl un Toronto this h.eeiey, aged 67 years. week representing Bowmýanville Home PATTE-Inu Osh ,Maru. 13,. William Patte, Circie No. 3d ut the '.4th aiinal meeting aged 44 years. et the Supreme Grand Circie. F ERRY-At 104 Wood St.,1 Toronto, March 16, Subserihers eau, do us a kindness at v~errae62ersturedtlo- this season by speakingý te neighbors Inn and friends aouh e 2 -hod ncinualities orf .- -. - -.. .- - We can supply you with the best at prices that will save you rnOney. Phone 65. The Popular C-rocers. ~ Lades' And, - % m aà ~fuL~tc' ~V\UffL~ N i a Ladies' Spring Cas ROM US..... 4jilu