Takethe Sest Gives prompt relief in Bronchitis, Asthma, Cou ghs and Oolds, and cures in a re- markably short time. 1 on) suffer with corns or eallused skin use fligginbotha m's Corn Cure. b11ii gi vt you immediate relief and remove-tlie trouble without Creaift of Witch fiazel for the skin and-complexion, prepared by' Bowai ~Vii.IE J. HICIIilNBOTHAM & SONe, Chemisîs and Drnggists. ~e aveseveral linos especially n~ud L' this Season ad which x~ar 'nowshowing at very,-low prs :cluding: Baby Carrnages and G4--Carts. W\indow Shades and Curtain Poles. Spring and Stuffed Mýatt -resses. Couches, Beci room, Dining room and Farlor Suites. -Id se,. any of these goods and get our isEvery attention given to Undertaking ý'(,ht« Night bell on side of store door. .ýNVILLE, rurniture Dealer. -Creditors. eEstate of ADELL4 lat J the Town of TeeaSed, .11ven pursuantta vs si ia" 1897, Cap. 129, tisat s lsvi1g leimq ageinte Ï)iETIA A. AILEY, ïe l16th"daycfFb- un or belore tise 16TI-1 . tuSend-by post Pre. ta. ý istey, fluwînutVine, I Adelie A. ttaiey, de- tnd surnamnes,addresses ail antenirsof their 'i their acouaIs, and tise "(if eny) held by thcm. aicat a ater sucis lest i excautr wll proceed of Il' d"ceased amoîîg 'reta, hsvn regard only h hey casthen have ecutdr will net he lhable ay part fhereof. te etty h1ose claim:S notice shahl a by ýhlm t tise lime ut ville, this 27th Febnisry, 3.HM. D., Eecuter 'lia A. nailey, deceased, 9-4w ci on aI lent acte iik'e i anetien cale or who 'tehaugo stock et any snbitm anti doos net 'E, STATESMAN whicb ..'s cf tise people anti is t"lst page This is a eiucs-hatmaltons are o)r iftise etitor le etoit, I, u want te reacis a' ie is tise paper they A.C4bin Paaaage 2 - ln 'si-Tire- - ouupnyý i.iataJ,.i~give fre a stentît- t ars and retumn te'i , giving the beCt *00 woQ ucsCiption of en cx- pt'îthaO u .hDun'lop Tîrea. Ailytn e'r d ito @end4 r fr-petitien, and asr tîc'a] b, hi r u t ýýL ui dasta, about "Dunlop Tiïuce' 'The rnIy tco)1 ftsoin'eI~I 4 B0WM.ANVILLE, MAR. h, 1900. SHAW'S SCHOOL. Report fur February, name.s in order of menit: Sen. III, O.Rickard, R.Bragg, 0. Cobbledick. Jr. III, N.ý Allin, R. Penflound. Sr, 111, R. Riekard, 11, Knight, A. Soper, J. Galbraith, Y1 Lovekia. Jr. III, L, Galbraith,, G, Moses, G. Trewin, N. Trewin. Sr. 11, il , i1.)A. opev, G. AlUnî, E. Knighit. Pi. Il, O. ragg,, B.1Alin, K Trewin, G. Galbraiths. Class 1, M. Ganton, E., Alun. Average attendance 20. E-.Ds FiELDING,, teaciser. YOTJ MUST DIE. Said his, Physicien. South Americanl Kidney Cure tiave the Doctor the Lie. h Geared Bright's Disease. La G'rippe will have its brand on thse wveakened spot. A bright young man lie a Western Ontario city, son. of a WSI1OXntn-hrmaisiyuud-that th(- Thie Blues 111 Spring Tired Peopl e Are Mvade Acotive anld Strong by PAINWIS CELE RY COIVPOUND Rundown and HaIf-dead Men and Women Obtained Heaith and Strength trom the Great Medicine. Tise blues, despoudeucy and melan- cisoiy make tisousande et lives micerable in spring thne. Mon and womon anounti us complain ef tired feelings, nervonenese, seleose- nese, stagnant circulation anti genenal nnndewn condition. Thongis net confineti te bet, tise con- dition efthtie thousande et deepondont, melancholie, eleeplese nenvous anti mn- dowu people le suffiiently alarrning te dernnùd isumediate cane anti attention. Tise symptonîs anti feelings allutied te are tise sure forernuners ef disease anti deatis. Tisis -partîctilar seasisonîti ho b a lime of ronig eceuperating and stnengthoning ton mn doÎiwu and ailing people. Paine's Celer y Cmpounti wili quick- ly hautis tise blues, despondency and melanciselia, and tireti feeling-s will give way te lite, buoyancy ant fial isealtis. It le eicidal f,.,nsickly mon anti wosnen te mopo aneundinl a isaîf-deati condition anti snut tiseir ey os te tise manvelleus bleesinge tisaIare offered by Paine's Celeny Compoundi. Illeis e eue great medicine lu epring lime witis al classes et env population. Try a bottie and s00 bew rapidly yen et id ef evony physicai bunden. P aines Ceierv Compoiutisjetise kindti ta "6makes sick peoplo wel." CARTWRIGHT. Mn. John R. MeLaugihlu le is e new treasuner et tise townsip lu place, cf Mr.Albert SpiukmSremovedt t Manitoba. Saiary $50 .... A motion was passed aI tise last council meeting autisenizing tise Reeve te bonrow $400 le meel cux- rouI expenses .... Clarke Lattimer who was injnýdod ee eans agi attise cnook sentis cf Hampton dieti Fidav week on hie way home [nom Toronto hospital.. .. Mr. Albsert Spinks anti son were pro- soîsteti witis a fur ceaI anti Miss Spinke witis fur gauntiets prier te leaving for Manitoba. TiEIi BusiNtEss BeeniNG .-Pnobably ne eue ting bsas cauceti sncb a general revival cf trade aI Stott anti Jury's Drno Store, as their giving away le their mauy customers et ce many free trial hotties cf Dr.King'sNew Discovery for Concnn pion. Tiseir tenade is impiy enormous lu Ibis vory valuable remedy, fnom tise tact tisaI il always cures anti never disappoints. Congise, Colde, Astis- msa, Brencisitis, Croup, anti al Ibroal anti luug diseasos are qnîckiy cuneti. Yon eau test it bof ove buying by gotting a'tnial bottie free, large size 50c, anti $1,00. Ever-v betîle wannnnted. 'SOLINA Mn. Robent Scott bas pueumona.... Mn. Wm. Ashton was aillng for corne dný,c recently .. .. Mr. John Herrinz anti family have mbved te Mitchell 'c Cornios.Lange altendance at Division-Friday week. ]owmnanville broîbren turnichedth ie pnegram anti 4C lhs. of cenfocticneny wac consumed .... Mies Rose Asiston visiteti tiende at Columbus. . .. Loyal Crusadens bave a j onteel ou-Masters Poney Westlake santi Poney Vice captains. . . .Mr. Silas jWilliims anti bride have meveti mbo theirnenw home on lise hill .... Mr. Wm. Westlake is foeenanu wilh Mn. E. G. Pasco. ...Mn. RebI. Scotisrocovering ...Mn. anti Mns. Gt:o. VauDyke and fainily, Countia e, visitet aI Mn.' A. L. Pnscoe's receetly.. .. M.John Reynoldis was in Toronto on business necently .... EntieltiDivision mayv islt our Division Friday nigis.. ... Mn. Jas. A. Wenry le mnovng bis eff"cts 10 tise tanuanons eof Eýnuisk1lien. ... Mr. Paul Williams liaï ifezaepidleieis ad deveoped lu hlm- tiat meet fatal off oh kidney 'I-RE DOCOI'S WIFE- troubles - Bright's Disease. Local A Ilour Year's Cripple from Acte Rbeiiiotism physiciaus treated, but to ne purposo. True Physician. Hie consulted specialists, oniy to e ho tei Mns. J.H. Hante, cf 223 Cisucis streot, tisaI hie life isung.ou a slondon tbnead, Toronto, wife of- Dr. liante, suffened andnecovon.v was impossible. But, ho sevoeîy troua nbeumatism flve yoane. pinned bis fatis te tise adage, wisile, For tour yeans sho conld niet walk. witis' tisere's lite tisýes hope. Ho boganontieuetacn.Atimsie using Sentis Ameican Kýidnoy C une, pains ware intensçe, andi sie suifened andi in tisnee menthe fnom tise day ho tetures. Ne remedy or treatmnent gave c ommenced using it, the same physician any relief. Sise was inducod te try whe said ho muet de, prnounced hlm Sentis Ameican Riseumatic Cure. Sise cuned. Sold by1 Stott & Jury. useti four bottles auJ te'day le free froir pain, and sise closes her signed testi- HAYDON, uaony by eayiug: "I arn entireiy cured and can move about as blithelyv as over We wone pleased. 10 note lu tise Globe lu My lite.". of Thunsday lasItishe faiiowing item 1 wiih places Haydon Scisool attise héad NESTLETON, ot tise scisools cf West Durham, it being - tise firet frou tisis district te report its Tise centract for tise new church isl let leyality te tise Canadian Patriotie Fnnd. te Mn. Gao. MeLangiîl, Biacksteck. We are Tproud of oun olti Alma Mater- Pîe'..uetnauetudnts "Miss Etta Camphell, Principal cf tiseaupcsoth di'A okple Public Scisool, Hayden, Ont., sonde ausice f iseLadites'hidmeckf place 122 olce- yts ublic scisool Fia eveigatiehoee M.W $12.25collSaaineithe.pA short pregnain was given ciildneu and add s"t t us a pfiv- and intoreet centened lu a curiesity elege ad l easuneb show -'en sin atable turuiliectiby- Pastor --and -Mns. emiii way our smatywitis tiose loadntmaygeossteis wisoqarerdpnclding tise houerscf tise w1 ae 4Tie onihuofetaie: articles..Those wiso attonded tise Bnitiutrbhtos ar:.iPatrlotie concert report a gocdti me..., W. Auniger,' Mrse.\W. AneWillauî Mrs. Bartiett le quite i11 and being an Tnewin and Etta Campbeli!, $1 ecd; eîd lady fears are entontained for ber Ernest Auî'ertaunnv Ïungr,( Mill ncover.,Thmgy iedana- nesela,) J. fuiei,IlA. G, ve' Job y. Tsemn neui c ý atatuces cf tise laIe Charle SYr, et M'au uin icsnuss~od e ittord, late cf Manvers, wero startioti ~aul Curtis, Su' .Ruel' o, tise uows cf bis sutIden deatis by an AungrGor~oCre,~',.,a Cne ~ sýcdent. He went up lu tise barnu t IA. ' -c)-pea X e, rs r tcu tise bayfork ted and ~s "" " 1? Mno 'i causiug fracture of hie skull, necli !u, 1. i leg. Ho was bnonght te tue tarnily R. ,. t 1 top. nean J anetvi 1letdiing thstor m v '-tus'. onut 'k and interre inlutise Presby tenian O' oetenytisene. Tisorrowing widow, Sa . $12 -is pareuts, iers aud breliers have I I bOy.eù1 !,,a ' ,e mpatisy cf a large circeetfne "t l"ltO'It .qitaiatancos Mrs. John Lane, Nestle. wý n fui D.&L. Mnho'uai ,I n, ila asiste.n cf deceasedi.. ..John si .ttulv ackscbeee. tlartlett inteu-ds to make thîngs hum- s'~~ia~h .'-t~en nstisciai- jh-, le pîttiug lu a saw miii on bis Wood r ~ ~"" t.. oy as ceme te tise'homo cof R. r' t. 'k.' ' ..sakson-it's a bey. Conzratulations, MAPLE GROVE. Fnanik Powerlasgn to Oshawa to learn tise iïoutlingý,. . . Division visited NewcastIe Wednuesday evening and isad a good time. .. ., Pastor Wilson is con- dncting speciai services this week,,, Sermon rext Suipdav on thse Boer-Brit. ish W'a-aue onsequence and les- sonis. SMiss Eva Cryderman, Town, Sp ent Sunday with fiends er..-... Miss Etheli Cryderman is home fnom Blackstock.. .Mn. A. Tren)outis is home ftom Ton-t ontoe.... Sundal,,y evening, service was couducted by membens oftise Epwontis1 League,... A joint meeting cf dlegatos et tise S. 0. E., C. 0. H. C.,7 S. cf T. ande I. 0. F. iselo on Saturday evening, it was decidod te hold a patniotic concert Friday evening Mancis 30. COURTICE. Visitons: Bert Gay and 'Bert Wonden, Toronto, at home; Mr. Brooks, Michi- gan, at Msddle,&reeu Villa; Thse Misses1 Williams, town, IletcfMsJ.C Truil ... . Miss 'Elisol Gtay, MiýssEva Countice and Mr.,Clarence Truil at Reeve Clemens', Tyrone; Mns. J. C. Wilson, Brigiston, at tise Pansouage.. .Jobn L. Courtice. Manitou, Mais., bas gonc home, cal ling on Wes Han- ceci' in Winuipeg . .. . John (Goynie as gene te Snewflake. Man-, te live witis bis uncle Mn. R. Miller. i NEW HAVEN. A sieighioad cf yeuug peoDle went te Welcome Wednesday et'ening te visit tise home et Miss SYbil Jeweil by honr kind invitation. Tbey neoet a geod time... . Miss Ethel Tre.bilcoce is again toaching at'No. 2. Miss Irenie Jewell supplied bier place.during honr enfenced1 rest. . .MapleGrove Epworth Loague visited tise Christian EnGeaver bore Friday eveniug and gave au excellent programi. Mr. C. Snowden. president, ln tise chair: at intermission fer rotresis- monts and socal interceunse a very pleasant time was enjered. "Ill weeds grew apa ce." Impurities lu yeun bleod wili aise gnow unlesR yent promptly expel themn by taking Hood's( Sars apanilla.t MOUNT VERNXO, Visitons: Master James Annis at berne; Mn, and Mrs C.Nerris, Brooklyn, at Mn. J. Orcuand's; Mn. Rd. Luke, Kedron, at Mn. J. J. Smith's; Miss Ethel Weodley, Tynon e, at Mn. Jas. Ganfat'e; Mn. and Mns. Jas. Heatlie at Mrs. Jonn Heatiio, Pont iloover; Miss Eva Soucis is homo fromn a pleasant visit at Bowmanvilie, Mn. A. Abnaham is home freinth ie west. ... Mn. H. Abra- bain soid te Mn. S. H. Reynolds a buncis cf lambs necently averaging ever 165 lbs. each and netting ever $9 each, Next ? These unhappy pensons whe suffer fnomn nenveusuos anad dyspepsia sheuld use Carter,È Little Nenve Pills,wiich are -.ade ,expressiy ton leepless, non- voue, dyape -Iptic suferons. Pnice 25 cts., TYRONE. Sotue';Tynonese wone se fortunate as te attend Enniskillen's Patniotie Cen- cext and wene more than pleased.... Mies Florence Praser bas been quite 111 again but'is slowly necovering .... Ty- nene S. eft'T. visited Enniekillen Diyis' ion Tueeday evoning . ... Mns, W. H. Clemens' brotisers Peter and John New- ton visited hien recently, tise eue from t tise frezen nontis and tise otiser frem tise balmy Éouth..-. .By aIl accounts our concert jatrictique will yet bhoer bho fore tise wu s le termiuated. Mns. Samuel and Miss Mary McLaugilin, Oshawa, visitod their uncle, Mn. Win, MeLaughiîl, Clear Gnit HllI, Monday. DISCHARGEL) TO DIE. nut Mrs. Fitzpetrick Vidut Lose Hope Dr. Agne g'e Cure for the Heart Accomplished Whei the Physïiins Cocildni't. If tisethousaîud,,ecf ~poopIce who rush te se wortsy ja ruedy 'as, a laet resort weuild go te it as a fret rosent, bew mucis miseny and suffering ýweuldï be spaned. Mns. John ii ,tzpatrieck, cf ~Gananoque, after being treated by eminentphysicians for heant disease cf f iv v yars standing' was discbanged frem'tise hospital as a hpeles'incun- able-.-'x ld runeiirgnew's- Cure fortise Heant, slhe decianed as a iast reoet. One dose relieved aveny acuto spasm in less tisan liaif, an heur, and thnree bettles cured ber. Soid by Stett &jury. NEWTON VILLE. Report S. S. No. 4, Clarke.' First Ithree lu each lu order of menit. V- B Fred Hughes, Mlangen,,Weod; Sr. IV- 7NoîlMKeze Lillie Quackenbusb, , Bessie -Staples; Jr. IV-Stanley Pont, :i eous, Helen MeKeuzie, Geo. Ceucis; Sr - - 1-Eddie Ricis, Uper Jobuston. 1 Mary McKenzie; Jr. III-Fred Gibbs, rRobbie Ricis, Lillie Edwands; Sr. Il- Edna. Edwands, Hanny Bitton, Jno. Concis; Jr. 1-Stanley Tisompson, Hon- ac'e lihe Egan Whittaker; Sr. J- Harold Sh&rpo, Marien Hancock, AIf- roda Stapilton. Net late dning Feb. tFred Hughes, Tupper Joisnston, Har- vey Tisempeon, Chester Petisick,, L. Milligan. Awfnl Itchin gof Eczenia DreafulScaingof CURED BY CUTICURA Cu'rcupn So ta', to cleanse the skin, CU'nscuRA. Ointment, to, lied the skini, an(! CUTICUstA RESOLVENT, to cool the blood, make the most complete and speedy cure treatnt for torturing, disiguring hu- morsrahe, and irritations, with loss of haîr, , wich have delled the skill oft tiebest phscesand ail othernremedies. TUE P- ET $ 1.25 Or.SOA. ic. 0fT~NT SO.,REeLYE'T, 50C. SOnd Î- ýý , - - ---- 1 1 ý 1 1 NEWCASTLE. Mr. Mark Allun visited in Lindsay. Citizens complain of the sidewalks. Constipation is cured by llood's Pis. Richard Ingramn has moved to Bow- manville, 1Report is that Mrs. John Rull's bouse was broken inte. Ail ailments of children cured by Mii- ler's Worm powders. - Mr. -Wm. Riekard shipped a car of turnips te Montreal. Mr. J. M. Cobbled.ick and famnily vis- ited friends in Kirby recen tly. Rev. G. B3. McLeod's son Wilbur is in thse Sick Ciildren's ilospital, Toronto. 1Mr. Bogue Bnanch has parcbased the hoisse and lot belongin.- to tise Darby estate. Mrs. Vars, Mrs. Ashiton, Miss Vina Wilson, Miss Marjonie Galbraiths and Mr. John Pool have been sick. , Misses Martisa and Vina Wilson have gone to Port Hope to carry on tise mil- linerv business witis Mr. R. Barfett, S mart Weed and Belladona, emrbined with other ingredients used ln tihe best porous plaster, anakeý Carter's S. W: & B. Baekacise Plasters tihe bost in thse market. Price 25 cents. Mrs. Sanford lias bouzht ten feet of ground in width Of land west of ber nos- idence from. Mr Warren f or ber drive way. VXomon with pale, colorless faces, who feel weak and discouraged, witl receivo botis mental and b6dil -y xigor by using Carter's on Piuis' whL(ch oare made for tise blood, nierves and complexiort. ,Mr. John Atkinson will join bis broth. er ln Valleyriver, Assa., wbone Mr. L. Atkinson bas punchased a valuable farm. Af ter a cold drive a teaspoonf ni of Pain-Killer mixed witis a glass' of hot waten and sugar wiil be found a'better stimulant. than-,wbiskey. Avoid suhý stitutes, there, ile but one Pain-Killer, Perry Davis',, 25c. and .50c. At tise Bible Society meeting Sunday ilit Presidont, T. Ellison occupied tise chair Dr. McNaughtoii, Sec'y-Treas., presentod tise report and Revs. Mc- Leod and Edmison gave practical ad- dresses. Music was- rendered by a geod choir. Tise D. & L. Emulsion benefits most those having Lung troubles with tend- ency to homorrisages. A few botties taken regularity make a wonderful im- provement. Made by Davis & L«tw- ronce Co., Lim. Mr. 'JIhos. Keat who bas been very ill for a long time passcd away Wed- nesday aged 67 yoars, and was buried on Saturday in Orono cemetery. le leaves a widow, one daugister and four sons ail of whoma attended tise funeral. Two sons live in Black, River, N. Y., one in Belleville, tise other in Clarke. Sides Sore frora a llacking Ceugh.- Take Pyny-Pectoral, it will dure you e,,ickly, no matter how had tise cold. Endorsed -hv tbousands of Canadians. Sold threughout tise land. Manufa ct- ured by thse proprieters of Perry Davis' Pain Killer. Visitors: Mr. C. Wright, Desenonto; Miss Olive Thorn. Toronto, at home; Miss Mary Thorn, Toronto,' with Mrs. MeNaugiston; Mrs. S. Wiimot, Toron - te, at Mrs. Thorno's; Mr. John Hunten, Georgeto-wn, at home; Mne J. P. Love, .km le home from froua U. S; Mis-q Mary M-ulligan is home frosur Toronto; Mr.. Geo, Bamsay, Welcomo; Miss Edna and ,Mr. Arnold Jackson at Wesloyville, Miss Maud Bickle and Mr. E Symnoni, Hope, at Mn. Jas. Rickand's;Mr A, W. Pickard at Pîcltening. WontKiNG DAy AND isNGsr-Tho busi- est 1,ttle thing tlat ever vas made is Dr. King's New Life Pills.-Evory pili is a.sug4ir coatod globule of bealtis, tisat changes woakness into stnongtislistless- ness into onergy, brain-fag into mental power. Thoy're wonderful in building up tise boaltis. Only 25c, a box, Sold by Stott and Jur-a'. MOTIIER's FAVORITE - Dr. Cisase's Syrup cf Linseed and Turpentine is motheres favorite remedy for croup broncisitis, astisma, scoughs, colds and sore threat. It has by fan the larg-est sale of any nomedv for coughs aned colds It le pleasant te tise taste, prompt in action and le an absolute safeguard against consumaption and pnoumonîa. 25 cents a bottle. Familr size 60 cents. Mn. and Mrs. M. Belgen's home on Miil St. was the. scene of a pleasant g'atbering Wednesday evoning tise 1event boing 1tise manniage of, their daugbter Elizabeth and Mn. Jacob Branch., Ebenezer. At 5 o'clotsktise br-idal- paay.-assemhled- in -the pawle-n- and Rev. Wilson, Courtice, penformed tise cenemeny.. Tise bride, becoming- ly attined, was supponýed by ber sistor, Miss Emma Belgen, whule Mn, Full-.r Gaton witis manly dignity perfonmed a similan office for tise gresm. After tise mementous words wviicis made tisem m an and wife were spoken aud con- gratulations offoned, tise- comupany sat down te wohl laden tables and partook evenig wasspentand n an Mrs I We are satisfied these goods will please you in style and value. They are purchased largely direct from the mauufacturers in the Old Country and are the finest lot of goods and the best value we have ever offered. TFo. AN EAS RPSTO Beanty anc syle th t is'easiiy obtainableý, c >ilfo- wid Vou never saw aun ngly pair of ~."Siter Slsoes, " y,,-. mariy (oÏ thein 4 i Y~,. ifeet. M"ade lu twelve shapes, o-n lests modelleti troin actual feet, al widtbs anti si-zes, keatIsers, styles andi colons. Ei'cry pair Goodyer welted, nlame and prie a.sipcd on thse soie. $.0AND $5ý00.' JOHN HELLYAR, FENiCE FOR. FAII3E.8 TORONTO Tise Clyclone Woven Wire Fonce is takzinuz lte 1p.srwithsfsrmsers. Tise pninciple cf construction cemmende this fonce te evony sensible mmnd. This le T~1 why tise Cyclone sweeps tisem ail. Tise DIAYL ND DYthat ingenuity bas devisedti to ur -Give Ne~w Lite- to- oua --perfect work.__ Tise Cycoue Fonce eau ho stretcheti Garment.s. and coiapleti ed tiste post, even and iegulan on any kiud et grennd' and lu -- Ibis it diff ers matonially f conmauy reatiy- Tisat fadeti and rusty dress, skirt, made woveu fonuce. blouse, cape, jacket, cloak or yenn laces Ts yln ahnswi ev and ribbons tisat y ou are thiuking cf fonce te tise poste airneel as fast as tise censigning'te tiservag bag can ce matie ready made fonce eau ho stnetcised. Il as gooti as new if dve.d with any of thse.bas hieen justiy eaid that lu fnnnishiug feeblonable and soasonable coloretisaItishe steel piceos, crlmped and straigbt- Dianaond Dyes preduce. oued, we have tise fence hait comiuioted Yonr buebande sen's on hnother's cetono it beaves tise tactony, andthie tact diugy anti faded evonceoat or suit cetiho tisaI we enu builc t'wice as mkuaisfonce as rnîewed ton another seasen's woar by bv any otson metisod et constructin- a tise Diamcnd. Dyos at a trifing ceet. 'weven wire fonce in tise fieldi, will Diamoud Dyes wonks wcunders anti boan ont tise above assertion. cave scores et dollars, auîuallv ton J. H. Phare, Tynone, le very fortun- tisousande of-homes ou luis continent. ato lu secnniug tise ight ton D)arlington Ail wvell managed homoes use Diamond tohuildthis excellent fonce, Ho knowsý Dyes and f.xtol their beauty and se-tise business tbercugbly and willi net1 funets. Gar gan t iaiosad lgtanyjob lie undertalees. Farmers, substitutos. Sec tisat Your denier gives1 thioisletise foence yen want, se resenve yentise Diamonti Dyes wion yen ask your trade tilI yensee hlm and learn for tisem. ail tiseparticulars. Sole LocalI Agent. EBENEZE R- Ifuwhen-he cream ofth ent from Bow.manville, Courticej Qshawa unif yon a prozram, tihe pul .get something iworclhpatýrou 'Ne had a grand -patriotie concert, week-a splendidl success both flii cially and as an entertainment. ' vocal renderings bY our old favo Mrs. J. J. Liddy, Oshawa, Miss Biel Miss Littlejohns. Pastor W i Mr. A. Wyburn -w-(eerpuosy preciated, and encorez d~emanded. inimical address by liý,' LJ. J Ra.e a brill,,it patriotie effort, pun.ct-u and called forth loud and freq applause. Mr. L. T. Courtice in pj otic readings was exceedingly -mu eh preciated as usual. Varied 'by Max lin selections by Messrs. Darchi Meath (town) a very pleasant even was spent. Pnoceeds nearly $10, AdIVic If you want a set of miade harness, No. 1 eto Fîrst Class Mower, and F3 Toolli Harrows, W row to lastyc f and Bi,,der Twine in the word, te -lro Buy from Jo-hn S. E Wnd J' s dia en'B ci,"r' art,, il," t~. - nuit f-', as lii" rosi St "'." as ce' t, reuJ The advantages of buying goods ini this. w ay are many.-You get the very newest up-to-date goods ,~ get them in better condition, but the most important of a 'l you get much better value. This week we will only have space to nment ion some of the kinds of goods inclIudeci in this lot. We invite you to cali and see these goods: Floor Oilcloth and Linol- eUI" Carniage, R-ugs. Silks'and Satins. Gloves >and Hosieryý. Black, and Col. Ribbons. Linen Towels and Towel- ,ling. Han.dkerchiefs, ail kinds, Veiiing. Table Linen. Lace Curtains. Linings of ail kinds. Umbrellas. New Dress Goods and- Trimmings,-fine assort- ment. Worsteds, Tweeds, and Serges for Men's Suits. 100 pieces plain spot and fancy Muslils. ]leaps of Laces, ail kinds. Several Handsome pieces of Dress Net. Ail colors Roman Sat~in SLinings. Zephyr -Gingham Wash Goods.. Fancy col. Pongee Wash Goods. Braces. Mercerized Sateens, plain and fancy. - 1 1 1 ý 1 1 - ý ýl ý 1 Ï , 1 1 . le me BOWMOANVI LLE. We have just received and passed into stock another large sh4p- ment of gQods