c- .i*i-.--fl.,r.m.n-Ç,fl----- -..~ ~ f------------------- - - t - . - -, r - - - ~ .,-. - .~. .- -----------------------------------c,~---------- -- a.r..~rrcr..~- - ~ ucui~-~t'-- 'ailS titO c5>. 0St î~ccîit cer-- -ç~ rc.i,-r j ~ - -- t-c' -- - aii<- a.rk,~ ~ ~ - ~. - -~ - - ~, c--~c~.'-~ ~&sicc,~ca- _ ___- ~te ~- i ~ re- au~eeGae~Lutndted a-rnkc-fiLm. bs-rraLs_ V - -La~.e,,-,-r ît~-r~tci~.,-rc~-- - ~ t.~ Il~. ~ 14 ____ ------"- ~ ~ as~---- aI - s~z;~ - i~ ..c--,.-. - - - ------- -* -, ------r -- -- -- - -- ~ - - -- --------- - - - - c - - ----. -.--.~--- ci,,, ,-.,~ - t 4.i' - -i - r tir-i Tlîad. aL setic-rIt~ascicd ~ypi-i'at..s - - - ~ ~.'-~M'~" - "~'~ 'r, - - - - - - -.......... - - S2~ 1------ ~ ..,.------~- - - . -- - - Faintly defined eyebrows, placed AN ATLANTIC LINER. bgnred or allalded, bu.t such cases are high abovea the naése, art signaetf i- - are. PRciPosara isiretchbe4 acrGés ilu FEF IFiMALTDI Dlmeulites orc Cnlectlug au hirmree iThexafront of-t c range ,ant ivhen tht p Imgetan î.nteA doena n wakesth ie kitellase la Tri lac lo Turu Dine Thr- Ls pîugflgbîdl1y tha ook-,3 bold hese LLOYwT OO»,TorenîeNE1Ll E3fg.. Very hLack eyebre'ws gilve the face i amsa i lie Poe* angeFassx Arp, îînnez rsrpas whilo work:ng over the lire.-For-,--11 an intense arii saarc!Mng expreston; tisa Cn-cai-Lqea Cook% en Iehant tuauiy tor the worËers in the galley ;flat-ee maýriaga3 a w-ornitwerrtes atrie unieol c,-n.~~-r'.--- I clIsa WïRatve cla ,e . <.Il- , wh-en tha weather is verv m ha c.ýc.e h .ot ,0re et irmer. -le-uc- It ls extremely hard, grews wih -igr and rapidity, stands well. and adapte Itself le ahosi any soi. Grain very black, ai ge mnd plump. Our ted î growu frem lImprted stock, M'vice par baîh.. 70c.; 5 bush. lots, 65c. per bush.; 10 b"sh lots and over, 60c, per bush.; baga, 2e, çacli cytra. SfTOCKS e ad mroe oats arelicnîtedî; order early and svold Ton cap get Steele, Briqgs' Famoirs Gardon and Flowpr Seads fro. yur fnisdànl -- --- Il a~0 UËs L wu, in ti ,he on st rongiy intellectua ae, i iddy;but avennow.it presants though thcler oe the eyebrow is net aRcep-ed sbngly as deneting l'ack of lu- iproblaems amd situlations 'that wuld tehigenca; thi forma givas the ley to!driv6eLaadasmiin ehef te deespair, It la tisa ~ ~ ~ h aOOoSsana nt.hs atuF OR OVFR F-IPvY HlARS sets ofthtme fod.tî-iy ats peî-MIS. NgCWSSOOTHISÏO STIIO bau bue' ation ut t.a feti.ueed t> mtter, for Ibair children teething. Itsenthen I la aeparated erom the rest of tht boat thUic obus.uteme l.aune, aasie i, cures riait bv , t4c , . ni anS in the beat remer fer icer nia 25e, a bOl- The 8teele, B-n ge See Co., * theyrntay signiIyeter na or a t r afaw t C tazer ;uD, jý tay, WC d±dn tave eveai jt ieu-no- !rci . ,t -,u --- -aeitn&rm . -- V -Th -W~MEIA OO Widsr Rm~ od Diy Vigcür. ad whean they. ar )lt oniyrýg we0.thtr, be qafii Ie cern rl eA -t1 e-1fýw aaý Iiçae ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i tbeaed.sgeab n the gialley arud wat o e ef ie storma were Oxtra bath,, t ThG "Blmra1 erlBs~ reild raa the l- tbaLnd in thia lmowcu1âO~rch 1yP.. EYSAIOSFR~L- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __nd a i 4 ý q t a t L h e t d i t h e g a l a r prki e g r it o n . acc mp ny --I euL re1w d .,ru 4a ~ P~, ecc ,îadwî t. cmcX k Co., Aana oaa.year-ol0 oola y.; hg e anad tefid Pd(3mpn amnpu out th,1 es and then there aJ1Leehabc rfu~-f~irakhe ~ ro u~a .I ryng nat ure. anchaierian ences i gfal r re a,.i T We Pthe de i r es, y 1 rzn m e nOLOl à ý - U 0, Roln vole agn foJh oiin ei ajs ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fe tfr aei tacy eume .JL~O,.t~.Go(â aâ, t on tlý mucoc nr 'l'i th perfe-ct TfHE EuIMNs lNcu$AO-etaneoa39 race- u1hur]Lu .Q Greeks ha theý perfect feminine eye- fumes and he.at t the gaileywould re- wxable 'ta be up sat aroun,d thte AV N EK UI e pi Jeri»ih en ýd ri teutnln ilà recuriag Clamp for oatale. 73 et. Paul eemt, Mnré 1e LvJAIULAa. er weri weut i.aml M"- ratereh 41A citat-l Y Ibrow là long, neurly straighIt, arch, duce hlm te a etate of oeasickme.a salc:on witlh their feet tucked no under iie da? ýr<lUCT . Z'rohiu., T*ieoO 0. ahloPayrBcs eaieCu ui 4sss adndeicatelc penclled.IBut ike w.cButuid rh hlmaf ai t61ul3trobem ad theofeaiads haded aound b. JAand theL,.st e amiJPll* ae thebeal.j B RialocsPictuua, Satuar, audChu4c Ornaant.,and WLLIAMBIJCKSTOV Toi, UVIod thie rosebud mouth it does net indicate bi plttr ful oi roe bdurf. Wy-oe ilvyudntIC erka liai] erdara recci,. p!rnmp citez.D OT. the highest order ut intelligence, and inbaigo nssr ui Lecudte julatts futhae beef. d Jvei £aflle.Uz Mrt.caccee t..t~ tien. 0. & . 8ARUE!Bà W., làrntel the arch le 6xpressiire always ef great- wa4. L ng enQugh to, re0eive a few men- a ~~~an bccewiba h odc M ghtabtl b el e a ila1x 1R eharacter. ther fifflrs There wasa't any use Smith, faIrly weli1 lad out. The: town Ujuli.e in teania] The totiet of the eyebrows la simple. Datysar abeadcnrt rîgt mallage disas; and 1 tell hall c4mte 5,1101. to buiid .n vrte hudr e thoe cy bo end Yomr *,,k le the H M S The h.ar of the eyebrows cari ha train-. traveiler; and, in future, wiuid Ss .yeu getting thut beef cooked wt~my ie l e Tat AluIA DYon, tonrCOa ir. *il te lie clese and emooth te the skin, "P leaaýe' te the-101 steLa rd, beg tham lot, greatest triumph. Mlay a time I've! 11. P. C. i1016 O-- ---- NUTRITaetInoU%ý. r n dfctt thus resembling the pencillad huaes ta burry about 11111iý hie orders. and ý A, frtounpasgr HA R I LE/J), lP~R BRýMeraoono w ,~e c pite read of se, often by, thei aid ef a îiugl ate gt ,a ý- i of Irish. stc .1W e~bjc~cay 1og» %oTiaefl AET AT tiny littia brush ainufactured,,tor tht ep faafttna a faL d soine brad and utter, but ne Crbil Pllfetn, am Oint- WILLIAMk ST., TOOiO sswme We purpose and for sale at al op demi.. wrought, in hi-! behaif. if thera Lan't a. menu, ais iongt, as Yo etTeh cura t. be a We Vmý C.nd B11LIkfiLI. thEPDemie GRATEFL-0FRIG Ing ln articles fo.r the itQllet, ON THh, MODE " STEAMERaS arm and everytlsing ookoti t0 par- awardcd i00 mc. und fipofr Eluperle PO ULTRY, BUTTER, Eci APPLES, ceil nue stockc foriaroet Iis steck ournec inciind toha buhy thy shold I o bteea he Ofd thet ifanc eediae.Aieordaarteba nSe>PaDOeearebircutcolgond god ividende vaja1e if jearlî ,or adine-ta in, - CidVhcere te eybujar tee broad galleearragemets have meni- e~cteea ad oio r.the h e elc . Thirgirueeobata aiicin e ec acW be aiiy raied y rusing ad wîîproved te a degree. t1iat wuuld ma pwcsibLEý, but the p msangers hiaven't c4pyLiaeh f lrae on 1)1<ain F ~Tb8Dwe iCmmsinC. Lirffited, meni&8 te %«u'"i80@4A»icIy, in a Éshort time, sbow an immense lm-' an Oid t"m6 be* cookL apeî hL* eYeo tri ainY ides Of thte di'ificulLy ot doig ~ F.C. CALVERT &C., To~tO î,t,, ~ Su aI~ n onCrnto. BR proveutant, ~ ~ aaz-ment, hu LoTan under Fuch oondijj. sltip'5 cooking In baxl weather. anid are MAOHSEI EILJAiD ihgnLn or$l. ______________ - W 'iere th e eyere.ws are healthy, a t »en a hit c okig la difîiui t work. In Tnr he kon e s a tmra. 000se £0558' 00011es IA M N NO Â r itlO __ 1ittieý g1yeerinae aend rose water wiîî Tht- tiret anace aýo marhan veese mis nOoaesd rawterd Centa.Fterr ulve the deliate lino emphasia and thiis~ae au areesarily un., as saine et the opian tlat vax On Loaete,ere Mý, Aekoo ited asdeeyic fIpace iuust;b ho L-iul et the bhef on a pase, ia a.ialeae tpensÈnioLo 2l madie te ouwitet a large number ot b-ut ,t hp hbas trnuba ef hiao àu~.shvl.ce.aSvl aedno GLS OS ooks tat assistants are Ompye.d. One tation aj a cook by 011 simng FLny ý ?. M. ÈrîEItc "FIet ct, Bj 1 i If glasis building atones beceme po ot the larg.,e tejners will haveý thirty vboe drsaait, Rt. Ha m-ast t vr oncn aeaBn c ..oa1.Whtenc Il prilar people Max, yot -live in glass mnit W .vrk in its &a lay mnid tirty weUil-h few thin-gq thatýý moap smli- Lwi rec~ a.Fn sanuit 90ouses."1 Th atones were iveited n . 0ev omattrath rawf mdi- e M 0l rMsca tuS S T150 aae bottw aire bols- anad-qartt.Ynwe' bet ett àntrance ef dayiight, 't the san u.rLiglswhl hpsad Y only tha first nsix te la a tc fer IION Bate c Se togb iJ-O tntio difusing the sunlight. Thay are o t'bsmndlasiht rng When a Le L> drunk or craizy win gnat dit f.orax loet transparent, however, and oe on _________________________a___ Tslatednec-Dr Dui the entaide cannet ses what la going te-re toi tbe taxes ut a lever ot a quiet Pkeriu ce, C l, ,akia blon------- en within. -The- waIIs utay -b. readi- Lite, -la- t1h nqrrow quàrtërscîoek- gtàëe wkM e@ ahlu c, a WýQK14> l'- S siitc WCb ly waahed. The experiment bas Lng la doma on a momie larger, titan the reim" ei acicMil à" S1-84 es been triait wlth auVcce i tamn oerat- WiQeae f..)e" warnet îersa L n o o m a h E i a b t e s i a l < f o rd i n aIry a lo o a p a s e n g e r r e a liz s . 1pillat e / 4 a a m c the Sisters of Mercy, in Cassai, Ger-. Tise crevwl niSst ha, ted In port anid eut, e rinie ceairaane ~ian.Bo the ooaks haire f rom 5w0 to 600 men 1ea eti eac euai ly salai~ i or ým ovlt »dr peilenm on theit 'bonds3 every day et tht year. TH 11.DETNU W«& Iua adIo>wl Igaone'rMOt0îw EVRYCNTNNTRPESNTDTbn,daring th voyage, the teerage,Eteu E R CNIETErE NTDseoond cabin and firet cahin mnuet hie __________ omiaesal ia OseDela -sot only have. Australia and Canada proided fer. The sieeraga passen- -W___________For____Sa_ avade genurous offara et assistance but gers do Inot have mu elabarate bill el 10 mon andl tour Maximi. mga every dlay, and that, Lni iteeLflu i4- -i <I )