Laiaf rT' er t is flot necessary for a man to oeeet yith an accident to becâme lamte or otherwise physically im-. paired. Friends of Mr. Samuel Postmaster at SD ufferin, Ont., Postoffice, have wonderedfor some time what i could be the matter with. MR. S. DONALDSON. him, and when told that his crippled condition zaas due to rheumnatism, could Lardly b-elieve it. But such was the case, however. Mr. Donald- son was lame with rheumnatism for two years, and during that time suffered internai pain and ex- perienced the greatest difficulty in egetting out of a rig. Mr.- Don- ESCRIPIOFO JES'USi Rev _ Dr. Talmage Speaks of the Flowers of the Bible. [he Vineyard s of En-gedi==The Sweetness of Christ's Pardon==Men Do Not Carry Their Religion With Them-=Lack of Religion Makes'You Gloomy=- Christ's Comf6rt Makes a Man, Mightv. Ai deepat6oh frou Washiugten says: liev. Dr. TaImige preaohed from the foilowiag text. 'My bslovOelLa nuto u;e as a cltbter of camiphire in the vineyar s of En-gedi.'e-.SoIo>moiïs Sang4Li.14. tSolomon'às ong lias been considered by. many as f ît only for mocin ýtruielu ,santmental'sts; writfen by a volup- fuary-thae, eory of a man crazed by afaÉr mniden-f if neither' for faiiy prayers nor for cburchas. Indeed, we ýn", t admit that there were, years Righteousuesa ,aetting everything m-am peplemia thnk hitthL laablaze with light, or theB Bridegroom Maiy people m:4ay tbink tbtet comicg with lanternis and torches. Tc this 's merely sIckly seiltl- tru, it bas been a very quiet and un- ervntLan.Jonaýýhan, Edwards was a demonstrative experience. t bas bee. cool mani; h wae harsh in soma of his somaîhing very aweet, but very still. opinions; be wns neyer afflicite.d witb How shel 1 de6cribe itdI1bave it nny sentimental ardeur; and yet, now: "I-iMy beloved is unto me asa wh.en the naine of Christ was men-. cluster of camphre froni the vineyard, tioned, it of En-gedi." ; THIiEW IIIM INTO A TRANSPORT.1 But, 1 remark furtber. this cam- Paul was a cool logician, with' nerves phire-plant of the text was a symbl unshe.ken in the Mediterranean sbip- of Christ in the faict that it gives col- wrec.k, a granitie nature, co.mfortable ouring. From the Mediterranean to tbE with the whola worli. agai.nst im, sbak- Ganges, the people of the'Bast gath- ing Lki3 fist in tha faGe of the gov- ered. if, dried the leaves, pulverizeè ernniens of! earth, and the forces of them, and 'then used fbem as a dyE la often a warning that the iîver torpid or Inactive. More serions troubles may 10110w. For a prompt, effcient cure of Headache and aU1 liver troubles, take While they rouse the liver, restora full, regular action of the bowels, they do nlot grcipe or pain, do not irritate or inflarne the Internai organe, but bave a positive toie effect. 25c. at ail drugglsti or by mail of C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Maso. f c! There îs no fairer offer than that Of the King Quality Shoe for $3. We have squeezed into this shoe actually more than $3, worth of -style, dura- bility and ease. Nowhere else that we know of can you buy the' sanw amount of shoe stisfaction for $3. Yt are a judge-every woman îs--so.please corne , and j udge for yourself. tress. Nero tarried. and put pitceh eP- on the Christians of bis day, and then set thora on fire, that they might illu-~ mine the niglit around about the palace; but while they were burning and the crowd beneath were jeering, louder thani ait the noise wentý up the song of praiso and triumph from the dyinig martyrs, John Bradford came out in the presence of the instrument of torture that was- to put hini to death and said: "I arn a Christian now. I have neyer been before." And so again and again the Lion of Judah's tribe bas torn to pieces the wild beasts of ma rtyrdom.1 Tbis grace is also a restorative for the backsliders. Who do you mean hy tthati you Say. I meau you Who used to frequent the bouse of Goil, but seldom go there now; you Who once usad 10 a9 pray, but neNier pray now; you Wlho 2once sat at the boly communion, but .take not the Lords cup now; 1 mean in you Who once rejoiced in Christian s0- ciety, but now sit amid scoffers. iBacksliders I Oh! what a suggestive aword!1 Backslider I From what bave ao â ak ouhv ldbc yrou soudbaer's You hve sud back eariy good habits. You bave beau a- sliding back from Christ, from the Dcross- e SLIDING 'BAC(K FROM LIBAVEN i-J W'ben a man begins to slide, ho 3d knows not w'here aie wiIl go, You e have been sliding back toward an un- Made by J. D. KING CO., Lîmited,,Toronto, Your! -2Fonce Sàgs We are not afraidl to have CuI do so. Remember-KinZQuality. TRADE. "~ MARU Rjiio QUAL;]j