Don'tCiethe r Don't scold the liftie child's fault. It is sufer- ing from a. weakness of the kidneys, and bladder, aud weak kidneys- need strength- pri og-that's ail. You can't afford to risk delay. lqeglrct =%aY entô il a ulftime 02 Biuffïemug asud xfisery. A'S KIDNEY PILLS strengthien the kiducys and bladder, thon ail trouble is at anueend. Mtrs. E. iCdner, a London, Ont., mother, living at 499 Grey St., sys:, ', My littie daughter, six years old, bas had weak kidneys since birth. Last Feb- mrtity 1 gA a box of Doan's Kidney Puis et btrong's drug store.tSiice taling tbem slie bias KàA no mo-o kidney trouble of any kn.I gladly make this statement bo- cause of the benefit my child haî rereiïecd [rmthis miedicine." wtýÊ-tmAi@ A n.r will spenld tisa oarly morning in chew- iing tho end, and wbeu thcy are ready Sta go tu ýeeà tisasua may bh o 0Eyy :hoL that they weilpre-or Iying in tise 3 HI I -111U sbade tu sjiort pastures A e Sgrain rtion in Lime morutng would not ~AAAPA&IAW~'~AAW1» tave uh.ýs e fect. PROTEJ'TIN\G TREES FROM EORER-,. Mucb labo-r and thougbt bave been expeâded by the oxPer.rnent station,- THE MOTHER'S HOUR. Tbene are two means wbch can be tu d.scover crops mat will be good Little figures robed iu white, sm-Pliyod in controlling the insects subt4Lut s ar pund sod f-aed stu-fs t MallOw glow af raudle-ligbt. Wb.'Chs bore mbt the trunks o' treos. r. ch ini proýteia. Linaer avorabla con- Little bauds upraised lunurayer, These are cla utr and time us diLionsseamembingoiea be saved by, rais.1 Ros faces sweetand fir. ing vetches, peas and claver. Clover a- sucim measures as wilI disposa of Ishull alvays be ssvn xii h grass seed Ail the wonk andl Pla- an'l fun, eggs upon thse troos. t is hardly o a dairy arm and wimre iL dues For the -happy day redoe probable that tise trees can ho saved met. may b,3 jr.,IuLab.y nai.ýeu fer gr-,enyardos attr tbey have once heomme infested f&dder or ensilage. h et o-Ail the lttle fonîuts oîasd ICows sýh-uld always b etcm Ail tise troubles set at rest. vibthe borens. The anly thing ta j Crtable and happy. The hast cows L d eu imnlata eut tiset o f and burnihave a, tine-strung, nervuus organiza- ( hîlldhOO. Sweet as daw'n and flowers by time iirst &f kMay before the ad-uIt iu- t ion. and are mauch more suceptible ta Drifts tbrougb many changeful bours. jseUts emorge. bad inluences thin stolid heef or Maily applications of mixtures tai vrk anm, li. lima energies of sucb Put oe, bour the motber's owvf, the trunks o- tre3s have himon used cows may b2 eongig-d in milk produc- Must belong ta ber alane. mi h vaiyihg sucueoss. A îuiýiure O'Lt ton,,and iow oao1iimhta allow the o Wta~ heu she seos sacb sunny bond, hydriuLio ueiu. an ad skirmm1k Luta ua Ibe iu prt e-tp-uded in long tramnps in aesu oyinishd cooassency o- paint hsb ee an found searcb of foad or dr nk, Ln resisting aendcsint b ; valuable agains. the paýach tree bGrer. Ictl, lunxarmiug ire 'waioer, in work- ýTimn the wc nld may do its wonst, Apply ahi prevout.ves o. chis chirac- I ing up au extra amoaunt o, poor or, un- GaJ aud sima bave bad themn first; ten ta, treis just be ore the beeties ýs-1bilanced laod, lu r-ouuoeracLing th-- cf- sua, wb.hid[saine c,ýs ýs iias' eaily~ as fots cf fr'gbt, abuse or discomfort of And lier bairns are folded bain th-, latter days o- May. Ais sa)o as! aay k.nd. 'Thme moment a good cow Iu the tender Sbepberd's cane. tima danger ý s remocved, L h3 cernent and 15 ut c ýni ortable or utis îppy tram any A esbn oLliser appLcations sisauld be taken a fi cause ber pràduct b2gins ta dirninisis ngl bn boys the rooma the tnee, as tise r proenetce is (jable tai in quau iiy and qualuty. Wh heb dimpled darliugs hloum. Liue ere vith grùwth. Wr1..pi thlme T su'coeel oats a da*ryanu in this day utsilaoynocce truaks wiLi ppar or very Lia seneten..,riial consiknors a man must bel n Va wi re orî _ iaabs boom usel 'succoas- el3rt, indusriLus, piinataking, and a migeer vlbus fL. A, 1measron f ULmost value isstudent. He must lave b, s cowvs aud FEranitise liati. anes Whon dwell nk, Opingte trees rrm fungi,, bs business. Dairying sh,,nId ho dig- Wiser£e tise ssibrnuau hm e "Why, dying isu't se bcd after ail 11" And tison added: *'ft is rea men te treat Jesus so, when Ho is sa gaod."1 She dled in bier y-oul b, and we have often wondened if these mors pleasant impressions siayed by lier and com- forted her at time last. We tisink they did- Parents, tnlk ,te the cblîdren about tisee matters lu sunb a manner tbat Ibey wi I feel as aur litle friend did-that "dying is not sa dreadful aiter ahl." M. B. S. SERVING CANNED VEGETABLES. On cpeniug vegotables cauued lu tin they should ho immediately po.ured iu- ta an eartmen disim. And whether can- nedinl glass or tin, tbo ilavor xill be ranch improved' by leaving exposed ta the air oee our ar more. Nover choose vegetables in n tiu cen witb a-level or bulg-ing top. lf airtîglit, the top .will ho sunken. Crsam aifTomato Soup-Teeue pnt aan ai tornatoas cdd one slice af oulan dnd aone rsprig of parsley, stew l4alf an heur, press tbrougb a soup strain- or aud returu ta the lire. Dring oe quart of milk ta the scalding point; rub two teaspoanfuls ai butter and two ofl fleur tugethor untîl smonîh; add n ittle oifttte bot milk and stir until the lumps are smootm, thon suir this mixture into 'the milk and ooak stinring- constantly untîl it thickens, te a crenm. Add (:ne teaspoonfui eacm ( L- BE THAT TH1?, FAC-SIMILE AVeg able Prep aration for As - slmilatîng thefood andRegula- iigthe stomachs andBOL3 or i Proinotes DigestiouCheert'ul- ness andRest.Contains neittier 0 lu . Morphine nor limeral. 1OT NAncOTIC. SI GNATURE -0F- IS ON THIE WRAPPER 0F EVEI?~Y BOTTLE 0P mot.Tise-ewho sel -are 1 tt o! se-,1-lheirhast. lishe Cow tha es I4lilurn'sHeartand .ven tise nilkpail, gores tise peaceableý jaiembers af tiseisard, jumps tise paa- Nerve Pilis, Iturç tance, bas bcd an attaok ai gar-- ________get, bas a si gist ceugm or saie athen Mifr. 3, D. Robinson, a resideul of Dun. nko ma cco aawy a dak., Cn1t., bsas iound these pilîs ta do ail sl.Saiago rdrsoî sv that, la claimed for tbem and made thse cGurage to try tise markets or tows K(ý,o-ngsatnin bifhs case. itisat w.1 pay a pre-it. Iii fact tisat. follwiugataemeu ailis tise omly sourceeo. immeciate relief. "Soins turne ago I ahtained a box of 1itemnemarïg tisat tiika iegets Millur's liansd Nerva Pilîs, and I ike,' h. ta wtsdcmm ta perpetuate tise eau no iht heitatiou say tisat they îquaiities or Lie satisfa..týy caw îy avbeu eefcial lun lieving me ai an 'raisiug ber iemale pn.ýgeny. Wih otntasd long, standing omplainib hLu la d tise dairym n shuî h a-ffecting mny ihert and 'serves. Imuat cnîtical i îtis-e Ofice ot a huil. "I astnobid wtbsîspissuse diai. Olya thcrougihnred aisoulI ho cou- ,i3ess, pîliî' ýttioun sd neunalgia for suris a aieed nd ane, rom an aaices.ry timat leo/ire hatI hd eslly givan up hope bas tise m.lking quafities destred ta oiacr.Now, that ethere rnay loaru ai peepe uate. l'o -neCde wbetben e, - ~ v.,sno tit ,eeus m~imtOuy~ s 5ive toc Ited, iv n My Ihanoatopii'nsathat-thenýe-is no- w) gooýd for -ment(u nerve troubles as Mliua.lisant ihnd Nerve Pilla." Mibuu' eant sud Nerva Pille are 5Ue i% b* o obr f.25, at al druggigts. ALITTLE COLD LET "RIJN. But *wery haýckuae rZE"sAis n tise K;eysem'., zairains tise u n l dprpratise1 way for TmaIre s 4 rion r >bl. 'wudb. w;"se 1er',Ol t take D Pr lugbcamepemaeulyalIred 401,plnoCougis Mrs. Gea. X'. W or ascoye,B. eucld wl [h ettleon LmY una ha Alil tisL ruedesItnied saî m eniàt fone ,Yie1 s uh ha eptmsogstise t aiaed. Tise 3ahrook test tumnibhes as-mple, ie-apensîve and reliabte aie tbtntýon teîLt.g tise 4uaîity of m.Ur, lise nasing oe caLm sgues natunni- Iy wlis buterdarytng. ns akirnmilk lis n waste producLtbthntau be pro- Iliitably utiidihn l eang youngui- mal. ,WtIs Laisepces 4,uatgooti anas Iccamnaud, tcis.sincidena l itu btter dairying May becorne a large actan ou tise credet aide. A regulaIr cystoni witis careui attemntion toatntadâ May lisSi- sly rviai cows, nino ie lenthaet Slo pot de ,aneerl incte tramtia vantage wiil cum rneoum tise oppatuni- t'y ta setaimi tise est in tise iswe bond. ltxpeniê.mce isas praved tisat skimmîîk, wish suitable adIditions aI ilaxsecit, jed tier ln thaiserr-xa afseoit or mean, Iwiseat midatingsansd bran, ont sud aonmaiif Oîwli arow calves cnoitably adpraduce btter cows ion dainy pur- po>Se.s Li-au newv m'ik Luused itram the IMomison cow, 1tiogb tue myoîerg bei-ens i w.ll net be u ai in hov animais. ï ouemg oowa miusaitou tise £ janm o c;ýpo tiseeoxetewneuit, erou ,orau su d oaltier avi eîfects that crewtb cbaiîmgeio wuor sud home su tisa - r puasure l an ani ru ae Cnhi'es tasetiinl ta sw-ayariilana artticial conciti au sduut have ,LIe hast o£ cama and i coseut ate 1in.L su'eceed l inLs, as iu auy aLler hua-i- uisas, oaneumust isîve n baste àtan t. Il~ 5 o an gemneplasc Ion li work 'e, vl aot he ikeytoa mokaa m kotsuocesa. whLid iieheholove-i biS womrk tisasiy, canea nuitattent.n na will heaLow upon, iL will-insuie aum v-!s. Paading thse ds.iny c m;t ttna mucl dep&eeitematncacre ud waleul- ýJS s supon CIe ysempursued. Laý pO'arisut part o- Uoeaudarî. clous oxýpeodicuie. A limeabt ju- dicausaytemOtf~daguu ;tLhofol- le ftit.hnacial ucs a eh t taîiW-;c. Mostdayen egstie appatuntîei tnt ta tnnasîlidi- tîUN'-ïGTNU HUTI A Uituter'ç N rew tEstape froua Beill ~ L 29Y afly thîliekre,'s. The rbiuocerous is a singularly ob- tuse. uuwary brute, but whou it per- ceives Lie buutsn, sud its blood la up it la high tuae for tiseisunter ta ho taking decisive mensures. An Englism sportsman, F. V. Kirby, recouints an expoieuce [n Eat Afies, with one af these beasta. au adveutune sucb as a Mau seldom lives ta tell of. Mn. Kir- by was huntiug at dusk lun arough patois af grauud, and altisougzh bis firat shot killed n bull rhiuoenos, bis sec- ond only wauuded tise caw, sud thme buge heast rasa straigst et him. I iseld, scys Mn. Kirmy. au empty ni- île, wich 1 eould nualoaitandt was standing n right lu tise hnute's ýway. 13y tise timo ber -ugly Imrueit snuutp- poýaneitat tise edgeofi tise grass I was mc;ving., lb was ratiser dnrk, but as pnobahîy iamoulîsittise emoke oai-MY rifle, fon wheu, haping ta dadgs hon, î turuomi short ta tise loift up tise bal- low. sud made bun tise nearoat treu, about -a suudrod yards distant, she wbe*ed witis marvoilaus celemity, and witb a louit sant, gava chasoe. I xas bane-Iegged and lu good trîlm, sud aitor getting id of my rifle, 1 did noÉ laiton, But altisougis I had t tienty yards tisa stant co« rmn twa foot ta my one, sud 1 boit tisat I must ho cnugist, Already, iu Imagination, 1 fuît ber hemr ass-istiug me lu tise tsar, r sensation wi.cb,ý togetiser wÎth thme hute's vicions anarts.closetbeiind, spurrem- me au todo any best. Tireo sPtrnidan lfron't of me I B5Y oiin. of thoe , anin! nàz nd-r.nnrfqsO commen ltss d cocuntry; sud i l 0w sIglancAd axven my sinuldtr ana measured tise distance bebweou my -pursie>r- andiuyaoM,-tâat afety Iay~ betwee.n ils crumbliug ides. Wisat migît b. ias deptis I uitiser ianew nn eanod. I1iad seau those cracks aunly bisroe foot deep sud atb- ers twer.ty lest, some a foot acroas and otisens twel-ve. This one batppen- ait ta ho about savon foot deap lsud tismas foot wider, sud wbou I say bisat I is isnceo was new harely bwo leugissbehndtiseagity Idiisplsyed lu rîmiigavnthA edge ai this isav- an ,i rfue n ho .irnuagined. Tsnîtmoment I wns hal amatis- ered l iu riad migravai, sud tiesanme Btl I.was slefo4r an king My isead 'Jaenib ed stw ntylabo punsuen dîaruppeanlug undr tise gloomaits bria ise hai chasin e juat aixty yards,udnit I hait Louai tisdistance matsc sxýty 1yarda ton 1a t ho; -pîes- TRE- GnEN'AJR TRW .0 Li. ltwas titane mat kieaoon-,ep--- son declnred lun a higim,-oxcitemi tane, that "mDeatis was nlready on aur track and would soon avertake use' Tise tans as well as tise wards, wrougbu aur nerves up tg) such a piLais tIat wisen clans nt dusk Ive fbt like turniug aur bonds ta see if the "gritu mnouster" wvas reaoiîg aut iis "hony bands" ta clutcmlus; sud once wvien a businossa meeting was beiag held at thme same srboal-isouse, wo sp-ont the abtarnoon witm a cousin ucar by and antîcipated a speu i tie, but our visit wns spoiled hu-mksiîng a picture ai Satan aaid anrtem ognrdiug time world's camiug ta au ieud(1; for xv f an- cied tisat maysterious gtmnn at the sabool-isouse lad Solme connocýtian xviti lbasa newspaper artics. And wheu we were net urning borne ",acrass lots" uow we outuei ui uu LIter by aur terriid sereacies because a man "al samo- direc ioni. Ilow couida we knaw thaat Ilis haste a-)nd somber clathing had nothing. ta do withà bis 'Satanic Majesty" or'time world's cùming ta an ona ? If we liad only told our mother of the horrid fancies we had conjured up aime could bave soctbed us by ex- plaiuing wisat mysteriaus ta US. But, like many athers, we "pdndered t.hem lu' our hearta" in- steade ý,n those days woe uld easily rea- lize [t wa3 God wha sent death ta take aur friends from us; it was Gad w.ho eaused the tbunder and the dreadfu] storms; but as- we gatbered buge bandfuis af May_ blossoms the thought nover came ta us that t ho saine God also made the flowers whioh wo prized so bighly and îioecy elouds which we doighted ta watcb. if we cauld, only bave romemberedI, it then, how much mental suffering wemgh bave esoýeapd I But vprogre-ssive as is thi age-great as its-Advancement 'nyiivebe egarigie' eîgiouas-and eductioal atVrswe doubi nat that many eidren of religiou& par- ents man yet be fund wbIo bave wcoe- fÙtvtew. f4obereaitXer. NV fe ecal the teýjrifi expires- sionfa a little friend wLose achool mats had recently died- With dis- teuded- oyke s aoe ' edy oxelaii-. ed: «'Why, the very tholit of dy- ing seareu me."' Wheuii we t old ber atI that beautiful country oalled 'Hea- Von," where doath, sickness and trou- ble nover came, and ithat Jesns seem- ed to like rather thi; hast, for wbeu His desciples were inclinsd te keep back, He taok- tbem on bis lap and blessed tbem-when w- o tld the rhild how quiclrly ta ihtonedlak van- isbedï, and -e aulyeiamd WornOutNerves Drin EedaoesEaekehe, Pinslu L1ibaý' ed tomatoess.-Repent. Seaiou seaab-lay- er with butter, peppen sud sait. Bako 'arleiuily. Macaroni with Tomate Sauee.-Stew a pint of tomatoes twouty minutes; strain thneugis s fine sieve. Boil oe quarter ai a pound ai macaroni until tendon, drain lu a coae der, aud pour cold waten aven it. Melt a teaspoon- fuliai butter aud mix amootbly with oue beapiug tablespoonful of fleur. Add tise tamnatocs, popper sud salt, lin- al> thme macaroni, a ir constantly un- tii it bols. Stuifed Tcmatoes-.---Cut a sm¶tll air- cie inom time stem end ai the tomatoos, sud carefully remeve tise sesds,'FuIl time tomatoes with tisis preparation * Ohop very fine ans cuplul of eold hoppait almoucia, sud a tabiespoon- fui.c ai-opdpra.Place le-a-1hakcý- iug dsm adit a tablespoo>nlul ai but- ter sud oe-hall cuplul af wuten, "bake th[nty minutes, basting alten."1 Take Up. tise tomnatoes sud tbicken tise sauce witbh a litile fleur, adit a ouplul ai bailing water, twa tablespeoninîs of lexicon juic4e, ýpeppern ait sant., Pour. sauce aven tise tomatees. Tamat'o Omelet.-Stew a cupful ai tomnatbas; tiiken witb broadorumbs. Mako a plain omelet. Spread tise ta- mataes ightly aven hall ai tise ame- 1lt Fold sud serve et eues, 1Temato Toasb.-Stsw a piut ai bama- tSs ~ tisorou.gisly, strain, season higis- ly with peppor, sait ani butter, Pour aven slîleas afhot butterait toast. THIE 3EST PAD. The--hast, lad a eau taIre [s isousekeoiug, wbieb ou.ght to ho, if asee isa bartunate wxaa, ber real business ti Îlea. isi b ief aima eau n u tis e stiusiasm aI the- f adisit, sud th.e stnyi;ug pawessoaitise deed biat perfect woauaofa whom poets have droassdansd suug. Tisnugh the wards iad cuit reform- er are DI necent orîgin, yet n combina- tion ai bath must have been in tise 1 nid aiutisthai aenIt writr ai tht- book wiso described a pe onct haouse- keeper, sud tison declaroit "her price la Ian ahoîve nubies." 'I Ohildren ýýà .îýCry f korX Ouly eepol u!aaltî a. ~li BeverBlock- Sale We have 801d piles of Boots the Iast five or sIx weeks and have lots to dispose of yet, and very cheap-flrb-tclass goods at very smail 'wlces, Oui carry a good assortmnent of Ladies' Oxford,colored and black at $1 00. Mlen's Caif and Cordovan Bîms, sewed and rivitted, from $1.40 to $2.50, Worth $2.00 ta $3 '50. Children's Buttan and Blins 25c, 50c, 75e, worth, 50c, 75c, and $1.00. Misses', Boys' and Youths' to correspond In prIceb. . We will tell, yon what the stock la in each and every pair. The reason we do that'is beu-anse we know. Latest Sprîng styles now lu stock, in eve'Iy une. Thie publie is invited. to inspeet ouy to;iu lo trouble ta show goods-we do it witb ufleasure. Trunks. Baoe. Suichelu: Shawl Straps, fancxý and plain, Dresbing, the very best that eau be boug.t.Chcp t&sl drssig l der, t wll in the boots ft i-3 appWL ed ta. .Repa-iring done in ail its branches9 in firat-class style,. 'irne rork made ta order, sure fit or no sale. Tbanking my customerrs fur p"a Javors and haping for ta inuance of the Lame. SBeaver Block. Bowmanville. D. D'AVISe Hampton General Store, We "bllld a vaster stock than has becen," jiid are as pr.pre4 to give bargains li CIothing, Dry Gooýds, Crceisand llardware, Good Tweed Suaits to order $8.00. Go eg ust ro rWe have a very largeý and WeIl assorýte:d stocx to select4 fromln Sorgee. Worsteds and Tweed sbath Foreign and Domestic manofaeture.W are boound ta SUIT ý on. Groceries and iHardware. In aur Grocery and -lardl wareDprte you wIJill not s5ak well assortzd, bought in the best marketS at the c;losest prices, Pnd will be sold at the riglit price. Some people want qnantity atersÈility, we can please both. RIghest price paid in cabh for produce, Give us a caîl. - HAMPTON. ai n tnu de à hât -hû èPiest ' Tiu e anviiitek sola nouse~~~urmngsmeevmaer-~~c ,i; i ..t ttii iI u, t u paum -'e - do wdin eloberaid n ( at . gb o tisve awood sb, uit ail isaL £or te ~3sbelr. If matniman>' were, saa a tirst faw d.aya bisey are lu the pasture. iktisane would ho no sucis a paw- C->ws ssaulit kavai a delîj leei in the wzi reae ven a couple tisat hlave !stable, langer or sms.ller, an tis ip- tsa - ged ta endure eacis other fon a ply >! p)agturo food varies. SOrUetiMeS a feu dore ad dau't yau barget lt, amati teait ai grain la aIl tisat lre noes- - sary, but ahunitaut provisian far greon AN EX7'TREME MEASUJRE. jfoeod shoulit ha mnade. Il tisa pastune Blebb~Hep cike bas baught i boei [ luzuniaut a.iay surplus of green fi hat.feed ea edrisit or enailageit fan win- S tO1ed me li t iomgh 1 Oîise Te green ieed shoÜld be oaly wýý bA Sh, fed atnigisi setitte-3a;iyg te»th Pasture 4lungrj z a)tbrwse iey o tu Grnadirs.The badogne the iir gift[ tf e.dgeaesat iwar lui& ogsneb~. aes ChitrenCry for ENCtLANDlS ORIENTAL RESOURCES It Es estlmated tbat If tIhe laws of Germaii couscriptian were applied ta ber East Indianposessions Grsmit Bni- tain would have a standing army cf 2,6W0,000 soldiers, and about 800,000 i-e- Cruita' - coening up for ouralluient every manie inotanous nuniovran vaed enliepue el ta uin Iagain.ialit ad Little wand2r tisai lix. mvet waesât i Prua blacninit1iea ted t ise syntamu rudoovn, aod ts ed oe ts on i' vliubo"f rakdypains and acise%. UfLho cder !aadatl are rnpired antheelleteogaI t ay arcafa tati, wlset-up race, ver>' and tise bha-,>'thin, wsak nitwrnet Ta corect ieeaUimet-s a"ssïtutreeew ilhe ,iltaithe bi> areail e ucesaay sdheel ne gre2ter aoiiknowo les amiss tu" aDr. Cbaw; sNerrve 1ýooD. il lsa s sm woftden af*zaed4il Siene. I bt4 M ais"".wot. lh. fosmmdatlo ni bnild eg'asealybut urol> untillthe whole ssouI eialetsduas beoaies as iîg unlîmmxyn Dr. Clhsse% Ne"v ï5odinpuit opl in P banne. sudiflbtalion regalany ccrdngta directions wiIl positiveîy aud pnnaeii ure the mati serious nervous disedor inaen!, worien suit cblidren. 5Oa a hm e ial dealers, or àdin- son, Dates & a, . rl a p Laokfree,. 'a ina nsners t bey eare veny coorteous, sud lu hearnugdiguifiait. Eveny fui bloodeit Marata. la b>' hirtknîgisb s king, eud takes Me place in -tise aria- bacýacy aietishe empire. la f set, as every aosa is kiug tisere a [no isead rat- en. Tis& hare tact riant ha 19 a Manabse intures thae respect ai tise subservient bribes, su 'd as ho graws ta mauhoit s ftses ofaiisa aupanionit>'ususîl>l i- plants in tbe, atiave bise digniby aI self, rer'pect. AU bise labalis ons hy slaves, waahove beau captured tbroma sae4igins gtnibea, tac oreoc uanamaue aur selectaans- early ana auui rsa aat ue wUll arrive this week. A few spacial featurofai heir Cutte s: WOODWRR,-Panols are g ani sd clampaitq andi ca»vefuîly scee Be 1 ehat- adeamotiot uta bea-ýnîs andt hmcd-tise strpigeit -lob; pt0 hinoi dah racd;sims ta etra XXX Hiickorly. JRNWRK-I bae.T'ae.1 aï iùea l ud argd in aur e4wXà eteryl I!!naît'l liftlliiisaior cenmnm -rl--,' Iwithet withaut ban. PAIN TING.-Rleh warm colora, or dari, wlbh gearng to mach, ,E#k some[y stripoid and fîiîsimed, carvings on aitea ara slid-uaLt, IraLeorm, isde panel of dash bunl waýIuut or raaewood. TRIMMING.- -Crirman, olive anrg aid Mohair pluala or green yai' % extra isigis sud o,'ixnu a ck, apr ng cushion, deep uart'srb, carpet iD>Otii4 and ail round pa inql ita: tas rail; bandsanme nickel pIsat aria raf1ý, extr' heavy; acreen, sel ful l pfateit; sisalta full leatherait aud mïve lv ii- 4îp We have deci 'ýýed bargains in 2nd Hand Carts and Buggk3es. CaU and inapect, and aisa make your selections JO1HN P FES CY' 1Civ" Hl' - Honest --OpInioù- t 1 43 ý -L -L -L ý 1 -t -t -1- -ý-i -L- -n