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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1900, p. 1

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rER A~NN4UM. OURI TOWN AND (JOUNTY FIRST; THE WORLD AJ'TERWÂRDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor arnd Pronnrip.tQiý BOUWM~AN VILLE, ONIARiIO, WUEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1900.ý Vor.TTMP YT.VT NT~ 14 Loucli, Job-inston, Have Been Busy the Past Week Opening & Cryderifian, YOIJU ARE jSOW Il4VITElD To insr lnPrints, Also a 1 G anadian. SFor Men an( ilundre( A big ra Sand from a( A BigyS and value is pect our New Dress Goods, Blouse Silks, Organdy Mus- Sateens and Silver Silks, Parasols and JJTmbrellas. bi g range of Worsteds, and Tweeds, -both Imported andl ýeady-Made lohig At Boys, made up in the very latest styles. ýds- of pairs of Lace Curtains in all the qualities. - fro a C rpets, ange frm aCheap Tapestry up to the Finest Brussels Clieap Union up to the best 3 pliy Wool., toek of all kinds of Staple Dry Go ods which, for quality snot beaten by any bouse in the trade. oucl, Juusto & Cyderflaa FAMlIION'S FA1NCIES;. With (lbe first approaeh ~fSrn h thoughts of the ladie, are aetoneluirn- ed to the new headgc'ar thiat wýiIi be woru this season and our mnill'iners an- oifptigtetstsothresoms hae pureha sed an exeellentlyiassorted sokftheimot st, isi hand 1up te date goods. The first miillner Il opening announced was at Mrs. Dingmlan's on Friday and Saturday les-ýtan grt numbers of ladies aind ise visited hier parlors te examiue an7d selecýt their new hat or bonnet, Veivel. ts andlaces ni clv draped around the room ith iila pretty bunch of flowers canight lbore and tergave an artistic and rtt effect wiethe bright colored tirnnson the hats lent to the parler,,s ani enticiug aspect. The trimmings thiis year in- elude colinette, cashmere gan7e ift- an, straw galoons, al over- nets, mal- ines, musiin de soie, horsehair and sequin, with ribbons, spey ad flo ers in ail the . pre.vailing clr-rss pappies, grapes and beautifuilcoris lu the pastel shades and autumui tinits in feliag-e. Hats as a rule tisseason are more compact, toques and turbans being greativ On evidenwc. NManv boautiful black pictare batcs were mueli adrinired by the ladies. A dajintyba-t suited to a pretty face is the idýV eer made of violets and lace dra;pes. A Spanish turban made of Mrih~rad sequinswi.h a protty bow of taffota sillk and fringe and colînotto rosettes will bo very popular. Another hýat which eau-glt the eyo of tihe ladiles wa s a l arge white leghorn witb net tnckod drap1)ing- and lacO scarf s over it anid cabbageP roses undernoatb. llho Hobsat lad a tncked rim, flower andfoag crown with osproys and sequin, The Ladyv smith bat mnade of embroideredl straw tied in kuots, crown of chiffon and, blaek buekie, turned off the face with rapboel rosesand blaek angel wings is a beautv and like many others whieh waut of room forbids us to descri)e m il have numerous admirors. This is only a sligbt glimpse o! the many beautiful tbings which we saw and wiceh wll under the skilful fingers of Miss Dingman and hier artis tic assistanits be made to suit anv lady Ount n ad1 country. If you want a plain hat, you may have it; there are salors galore.' There are charming bonnets for the older ladies and dainty biats for the chiidren, Any and eveoo t 1ay have their wants supplied at Mrs. Dingrnn's milhinery store, ~wavle IJÂCK Fit-Qd i, àEr UNI. *Mr. W. Hartibng who went oB England, lest Deenber to visit bi .A .;en 1..V Messrs. J. J. Virtue and F. Rogers attended the Grand Council C. 0. C F. at Toronto. Afr. Virtue was our repre- sentat:ve. Initiations new oacb lidge nigbt and more te foilow. The new Division bore Os pros pering and there ore sevor&l initiations each week, TuesdayiOs the regular meeting night. (Who are the offcers?) ..Dr. J. Mont- gomorv, Oshawa, was guest of Dr. Mitchell last wieh . These two doctors attondod the fiînorai o! the la'e Dr. King, Petorboro, lest Friday. NEW HAVE. Report for Mardi of S. S. No. 3, Dar - lington, namnes lu order'of menit:V. Berthe Vanecamp, Edith Jeunings. IV -Irene Lanigmaid,,Elsie Grills, Ida Jenniuigs, Howard Fole 'v. Sr.III-Roy VanCamp, Noble- Meteaif, Wilbr Britton, Ethel Rundie, Samuel Clarke, Loftus Britton. Sr. I [-Frank Rnd le Ella Eritten. Jr, Il-Ne lie Tewns. Pt. Il-Clara Nichols, John Curtis, Sr. Il-Bruce Meteaif, Kennoth Clarke, Geýorg-e Hait. Je. I-Ruby Rundie, llerbert Nichols S L. JEWELL,teacher. MT. VE.NO. Visitors :Mr-. and Mrs. Neel, Mau- vers. Mr. L, Annis and sou Walter, Ebenezer,' et Mr. E. Annis'; Miss Joeffery Por Ferry, at Mr. D. Hoeddon's; Mr. W.ý Lindsav, Tyrone. at Mr. James Gerfat's; Miss Floss H-edden at home.. . . At a match game o! foot bail Friday bietween Bradley's and Bakers sebools, the latter won-one to, none.... Mr. Ed. llodden ýhes gone to Dekota for the summer. ..-. Mr. C. W. Souch is prepar- in tormodel bis dwelling ... . Miss Katrina rArgue bas returned !rom a pleasant visit at Mr. LI, Bradley's, En- field.____ SPR1NG WEDDING. BRocK,-CLARKE. The residence of Mr. E. John Clarke, Haempton, was the scone af a verv bappy event on Wednesday Marcb 28th when their eidost deugbter, Clara Aun, was united in marriage with Mr. John Brock, an entorprising yeung fariner of East Wbitby. During the rendition of the Weddinz March by Mrs. Dickin- son of Port HIope, the bridai party ar- rengod themeîves benoath the beauti- fui arch erected for the occasion lu tise drawing reom Tise bride who looked very attractive in lher bocoming cost- unie was escorted te the marriage altar by ber father. She was assisted very gracofuily during tic ,cereiiieuv by Os111-r sitrMiss Maud Cir . .Thna Brc p blV slpo e is Dr. Charles 14amrden PromU MARCII l9th to APRIL 2lst. Bes &ýtifcia Teth n Rbbe Pltes$8,regularly $11.50, wt.0 Platesatnv$,Ainalg'am Fllns5c regular price 75e. Gold Fil fings $1.OO'an!l UpWards, regular price $1.50. Crewns at One a c Pic. Itilized Air always in use. Teeth extracted f ree beif plates are te be inserted. Iwili be in the ole myseif and personally attend to ail patients SAil work rendered painless by a new process. OFFICE OPPOSITE L MORRIS' FURNITURE STORIE. NOUS5 PROM 8 A. M. TO 5 P. M. VISITS BLiICKSIOIGK FIRSIT HIIRSDAY, AND 05080 FIR51 MONOAY EACH MOINTS. CHAS. ,HARNDEN, L. D.S. BO0WMAN VILLE. This is the stron.-est ail mietai gate ever bul, and Osv guarantaed te "giver entire satisfaction. There Os ne- possible chance for it te sa-, and witis ordinary caîe it WILL LAST OVER 50 YEARS.1 These gates are made a! I inch eand 114 inch steel tubrnZ, braced whenever needed witb oue or twa nprîgbt steel tubes three-quqrters of an inch in diamneter, and well braeod diagonelv The Frost Wedge Loch Spring Wire Fonce, mcde entirelY of higs carbonîzed4 spring.t steel wire, Os gua.!anteed ta have- a stroug-tn of from TDOte 2200 lbs. for c3aci strand, E S T IN -1Ti EVW0 RL D. 'Ele wiole secret 0;fsucces,,s lies in ts Frost Wedptgo Lock hifi tbid oupe gtand lateral wIre together SSideboar, I'y tetlise ser ,at W e -wen w hile Our Pleasing --Article. 6I*., .4~**ê*ê a groat deal o! pleasule in tixe possession o! one o! these sweli ds. We have them in many styles but eall attention ospeclal- G old en Fi nîsned, Rubbed and'Polished Oak. Large enougis ýnvenience-On your dining raom.. but not se large te be a, ix ou your purso. Diuing Suites compiata as iow e $15.00 ývou te sec tisem, we are selliag es erything et aid pricas ir proseut stock lests. 1Agents:- 'Femaus Mou and Greant Events o! the Nineteentis Century. " Al tise greatest batties axa des- cribed ; tthe greatast men of tise ivorid, Ou various waiks o! life are intreduced ; evory grec! avent wiih has changed the maps and sheped tise destinies of nations. is deteiled in glowiug languege; tisa pro grass o! nations, the rse and feu of kings; ail the greetest invan tiens and diseavaries lu tise mervel- Ions panoramca o! the century arc hero presonted. It s e wouderfulý review o! the mes! rermarkebie ana isundred years Ou cli the annals o! tise world. Exceptional induce- monts for ag-ents, E ý?AILEY-UrABRETSO.N CO., Limited, BRAN~TFORD.' Agcents :-Peopie ai-e ciamoring for an an ýtheutie bistory of tise Beer-Britisis Wî_ar. We have e big, cisecp book, by twa of tbe bas! historical war writers o! tise worid, sumptuoiusly iliustreted from photographie v:em's taken on tisa spot. Tise enly Britîis Canadien book. Experience or capital unocessary. THE L1NSCOTT PUI3LlSHINU CO., Tarante. IWanted:-Three yaung mon for special wark. Teechers or educated mnen preferred. THlE LINSCOTT PUBLISIUNG CO., Toronto. Agents :-A riels aed golden hervest for yau, Tisa war lu Souths Africa i the blondies! o! tise century.W bave tise oîly Canadien bok; bye Castel Hopkins ced Muret Ha 1 steed, the recognîzod bîstorical wer writers. Our represontatives in Sauth Af rice and Landau suppI7 Cleiomenco like ane of iefas 1 parenits wished hlmta a n nEg land but he said bemuciefeieCan-i ada as ho iked tho c1lmate ve-ýryî- much botter and could makze mr an Mr. Ilarding came eut ou, th>ýe Allen Lino SS. Parisien. tisa ocean bq( ii .,cin1am as a dock pond cli the way-v ss and tise passage was macdo On Sdas. H wes gseatly pleased with lîtietreatmient ou the Parisien. Tisoy lbed pleaty cf good wisaiesome food aU iho bcdonly ta ask ta receive wbat ma-s wanted. Ho bas only goed words teLav a! aur agent in Liverpool wbookedaftor aur passengers very kindly,met them ei t the train and escarted ti emta otise steamer and wished tbemi a seife voy- age. Mr. Hardiag-'s liche! was, obtein- ed from NI. A. James, îAllei Ln Agent, and forwarded-te nin We clip this paragraph fo ieHal- ifax Diij Ecisoo! Saturday lest:. The Allen Lino steamer Perisian came up tise harbor just before% sun- down lest eveniag with over 700 pas- seugers crowding tise docks !rom o nd ta end; 538 passengers wr landed bore tise remeinder were, for Port]end. Tise immigrants were tise best which have corne lu for someý time, e large num ber o! them being Egii people aoigout te star! a ne7w home On tise Can ain Nerth-west, the mcajerity geing ta Manitoba- Amrongl-st themi were a large number of stalwart Young mou ansd beaitbiv ookingyoung vomn aceompanying tise eider mleaers of tise familles. They were tise clasa o! immigrants which are mes! desireble, icalculated te do sametbing towiard tise development ef tise resources o! tise country. _______ emu aU ipresîvawers wiieh açi done encing ata iower iatessuhuo f r the cantreeting parties busheaud cnematndig u (uig e t~e .w wife ore porouc-ed y Rev,~ ~Euniskilien or ta C. W. Mcrlo-w. B1ackstec,,k; las. Aitn Wilson, Bpr. eourticby e Aft.r on- \.Janetvilie; Mr. Campbsell, Port Perrv, aither o!w4isom Vwill gratulations the eompeny repairei ta callou vou and givo prices and full parti(nas tisa diiuîng room*xhere a mast tempting 0_ T__ ]B--:isrrr' ENNISCIL.LEN P. O and teetissome weddinz dejeuger' was______ served, the menureflecting groat credîtHA PO."fL Y"F ES On culinary prof.ieiency o! tbense who ire-H MTN 'II Y FCS pared it. Ameng the guests me ueticed Mr. W. R. Greenaway and daughter, Mrs, F J. Groat is soriously iii witis Mbat la Bine-But Dr. Agnew's Ointment is a- Mr. and Mrs Clerke 'Greenawcyv, Mr. erysipelas ..Mr. Wm. Allu bcd a bcdS-rCue and Mrs. B.Diekinssou and Mr. W illiam feu on the Oceacentiuing him -ta the Chas. H. Liliy, 412 Luzerne ave., W. Clarke, Port Hope; Miss M1ary Luxton, bouse for ovor e week ..Miss. M. J. Pitt'ston, Pa,, writes: "I arn a barber Columbus-, Mr. Ingram, Bowmanville.' Katersen bas returned from Toronto.. and meet many people traubled witb Mr. Chester Brech,. Oshawa: and Mr' At the petriotie concert FriIay e vers' pOmpies. I have tried înany prepara- and Mrs. Wm. Beer, Mr. and Mrs, Interosting progrem xvas furnisbeil by etions cieiming te cure such, and with- Isaac Carke and Mr. and Mrs. Tiss Messrs. L. T. Courticpo, W. C. 'Polo, A. eut succoss.. until I usod Dr. Aguew's Rewe, Hampton. The brida was tise E. Mcl augilin and Dr. MeLaughiil, Oiutment Within tise lest few weeks recepnt o! an unusuaîîy large num- Bewmenvilie; McLaugýhlin Bros., Eu 1 have used it on very stuisoru cases,, b,ei o! iseful and costly presents includ- niskiiier- MINaster Frank Brown, Mr C. and On eech case it bas madoea cure; bas ng a hadsome f ur cape and gauntlots E. Brown, Hev. H. Thoemas, Hampton. eleaued off ail tise pOmpies an biotches from tise groom. Tise happy couple Mrs. J. Robisins and Miss M. J. Elliott and le!! the skia clear and soft. It's too-k the east bound train et 1Bowmaa- acted as acceopenists. The speeches, tise greatest skia remady 1've heard af, v:ille tise sae eveuing for tiseir honev- songs and racheations, aise the singing and a boon, ta 'pimpiy' faces." muoon trOp. TheY Wili in. future resiie o! -The Mapie Leef" by the maie choir ______ neer Taunton. . were ail muci approeciated. ý COTJRTIOE. A man who bas been -runring a race with steam and lecticty oryears finds himself suddenlystopped. It seemis as if a coldl hand clutched hie beart. His brain whirls; he can hardly see, "What is it?" he ask5 himseif as the attack passes., If hie question meets a riht an- swer, he'illb toid tbat bis seizure is a warning to pay mocre attention to bis stoniach, whicbi is already derand by irregular ieàl, TWO YEARs ABED. Eight lears of Rheumctic Tormnent-South Amnericien Rheumatic Cnre Drives Out the Torment ln a DIay. Mrs. John Cook, of 287 Chanton street Toronto, scys: i4For 'Bigis! years 1 suffered as ne enae ever did with riseu- matism. For twe years I lay on my bed and could net se mucis as feed my- sof--I was se belpless. -Tise torture wes indescribable. I doctered and tried every remedy I ceuld bear of but received ne lasting benefit. I arm grateful for tise day wisan a !rieud recommeuded Souths America n Riseumatie Cura. After threo dosas I wes able te sit up in bed. 1 cautinued its use ced tû day-loek et me-I cm as strong and active as ever la my if e.'I Visitors: NIr.HEvrb, Prî,Toronto, cnd MisA,'.iio pascoeSaint àMrs. LittIejohiss'; Nji. 7 1. Perkin,, Dr. towitis friends haýro) M ftbel Hall, Town, eD' t M.S. Broos.... S.ert Gay bas beau given a po-sition on tise mail delivers' staff' ,Toron-to. ..Mr.v- erett Walter bas raturaed from vislitciig- fricnds ln Keone.. . Mr. Johnt A. Cap>e- 'laud g-aveaepatriotie temperance, eddr'ess. Monday aveaiug sara. . ..Hunt club entertained tiseir wivas and swaetbearts et au osster supper On- the hall eca-ntIy - bt SERIES. ýl KA Pýý --VI d VOLUME XLVT Na 14. 1, ut, ,,w "Y' 'x, lýw -,%W làw lwl_ j

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